It was no secret that he was having a hard time not getting bothered by his injuries, but he would not outright complain by instead. Instead, he would take a few chances to raise his hand touch the side of his head. Ah but he had forgotten how this cuffs were in the way and he would not be able to make a proper hand seal to use medical jutsu on himself.
When Yuuto had entered the room, Kiri felt like the pit of his stomach churned. He did not want to be in a position to compromise anyone, but with Yuuto’s appearance, he knew he was in deep shit. So he took a long deep breath, held it in as the other would ease his way to sit across him, stone cold and reprimanding. Partly because he was getting slightly edgy once more, his request for the herbal cigarette turned down, which meant that he’ll have to fight back the urge on his own. And partly because despite the fact Yuuto had once mentored him, albeit rather impromptu in manner, they were still strangers in essence. And already, he could tell (for one did not need to be a genius to differentiate that particular tone) that the other was far from seeing this scenario as anything funny.
Just then, he would see Yuuto’s eyes flicker in a demonic aura, immediately sending him on alert. He would leaned back at the chair, eyes all focused on Yuuto as if he was ready to pounce at any moment. He knew of this aura all too well, for at the beginning, the beast that he carried in him had always poured out its chakra in that same manner. And of course, because of that said beast still stirring inside his soul that he was more than ever cautious because it might want to retaliate, and that was the last thing he’d want to do in this predicament.
With the scolding underway (an understatement really of what seemed more like an ultimatum), Kiri would lower his head, trying his best to focus. But really, it was rather hard, especially when the ANBU captain added to the fray, and all of a sudden, another man walked in and jabbed at him for such a stupid choice he had made.
This man, however, was unlike the other two, and Kiri could feel it resonate along his voice. He was dangerous, thought Kiri, but as the man moved closer and began to gather than familiar healing chakra on the palm of his hand, Kiri was rather surprised. The touch against his bruised skin stung at first, but more of a surprise rather than real pain, and Kiri watched carefully as the other would continue to examine him, trying not to mind the conversation about prisons and crematoriums and such. Though he was surprised when the man suddenly lifted his chin and began commanding, to which he blinked a few times in mild surprise before the words processed themselves in his head and he followed to the letter. And when he was asked, it would be the first time he uttered a word since Yuuto entered.
“Three,” he answered briefly before pausing to think,
“Yes, I can,” and when the other applied some sort of medical ward on him, feeling that thrumming energy on him, he added,
Nevertheless, when the man walked away and things returned to how it was, Kiri straightened his sit and looked back at Yuuto. It wasn’t necessarily the eyes of defiance, but it wasn’t the eyes of regret either. It was just something in the middle, as if he was still on alert, cautious. And with a breathe, he would answer.
“I got separated from Junko-sensei,” he began,
“It’s stupid, really, but it was part of the training, to figure out how to get from one point to another without relying on the map, and surveying the lands alone. At first, it was a shorter distance before we’d meet up again. Something along the lines of basic survival. But the last one was farther and beyond the border of Lightning Country.” He paused for a moment again.
“I tried to go about the outer villages, but I couldn’t trust the courier services there and thought that coming to the main village was the only way to find a more reliable one.” He then lowered his eyes on his hands,
“Honestly, I did not want to. I’d rather not be here, I first thought. But then, I also got a bit curious about this place I never once saw when I was young. I was born in this country, after all.”
He then raised his eyes back to Yuuto and slightly leaned forward on his hands on the table.
“But that isn’t really a good enough excuse. At that time, there were three options. With what I had already told him, going away would simply raise more suspicions because someone tried to enter and then leave at the point when he was about to get caught. The second option was something I’d rather avoid because I do not want to burden the Raikage, though perhaps the current situation is far worse than should be. And the last option… well, I thought that if I could prove that I was definitely saying the truth with my strength that it would be alright.” He sighs and leans away,
“But I may have gotten overconfident there. Though I trust my brother’s soul, I still have ways to go. But I didn’t mean any harm to anyone. I made sure to think, and keep it in my head, that I was simply to prove myself to one person.”