Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Prisoner Treatment [Private]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi walked Kiri down the dark corridors of the Hospital. Out of sight and out of the way of people, watching him like a hawk he allowed himself to turn a corner and open the door to a room that was dark, cold and nothing like the warm rooms upstairs. Pushing Kiri slightly into the room he gestured to the table. Though it probably wasn’t the warm welcome the Cloud man had expected it was the truth of what had happened at the gates. Turning the lights on he allowed one woman to walk past as she headed straight to get someone to help Kiri.

“While she is off seeking help please take a seat. Myself and the people who need to know have been informed you are here. They will be coming shortly. Until they come sit down and stay silent.”

His voice cold as he spoke almost like the metal bed, of this dark corridor. Down under the main hospital. That is when it probably would have sunk into Kiri that he was in the Morgue of the village. Not a pleasant aspect to be sure but this would be the truth and he wouldn’t keep it hidden. Standing in the dark corner almost out of sight bar the white mask and white hood of the Captain he waited for people to arrive. His eyes never leaving Kiri for a second.

[Yuuto and Umashi summoned from previous post]
[Kiri still detained]
As he was led into the village, discretely into a building, Kiri could smell that familiar sterile scent before it disappeared as they went down along a dark corridor. At this point, he realized another familiar scent, one of death. He was not so eager to be in a morgue but it did leave an impression on him. Not one of dread but of nostalgia. His mentor was, after all, no other than Osuteno and morgues were something to get used to.

Inside a small dark room, he would be led to a table and a chair. A female nurse would quickly leave to do her assigned role leaving him and the ANBU captain in that place. Following the instructions, Kiri would take a seat on the chair. Despite the pain that was wracking his body, he managed to steel himself and he calm- his breathing coming to a better peace.

Taking another look around the place, Kiri couldn't help but remember his time with Osu, and in effect, remember his promise to his mentor. Only then did he remembered another important thing. "Ah... My bag...," He glanced up to the ANBU captain, "I hope you don't mind securing my backpack. I placed it on the ground by the gates before we fought. It has something really important to me." If people could say how dense Kiri could be, his current demeanor was a testament to it, seemingly not minding the position he was in for he was more concerned about the precious journal that Osu have him before he left the gates. And another thing, "I remembered that my..." Father? No, he didn't want to stain Junko's reputation with this. "My teacher gave me some herbal cigarettes to help calm my demon. If it's alright, can I please have some from it?"

[Topic Entered]
Yuuto entered the room first, the Hokage was bound to follow in shortly. In truth Yuuto started dashing to the hospital hopling rooftop to rooftop not breaking stride. When he found out a Kumogakurian lost control at the Gates. For one thing he was curious about this Anbu who sent a creature that reeked of death. It spoke like a man, walked liked a man, sassed like a woman but ultimately delivered a message.

The corpse like person announced that a stupid kid fought one of the Anbu Captains. There were two things he noted about this kid, one thing was that he claimed to be from Kumogakure. Flag on the play already. Two he seemed to have a demon inside of him and could control shadows without so much as a hand-seal.

Now had Yuuto not met Kiri previously and looked into his crimes so far he may have had no where to start. Yet his mind immediately narrowed down the people in Cloud that he knew could control shadows. First up was his kinsmen but he was positive none of them existed in Cloud any longer. The only other person even in relation with demons and shadows that he knew was Kiri. Although the last time he met Kiri the young troubled boy was headed to Sunagakure with Junko. Now this development was becoming far more messy, if this turned out to be him.

The newly named Anbu Sennin arrived at the hospital and would immediately pop in through the front door. A receptionist was awaiting him, "You're the new Sennin right? Brown skin, three eyes. If you're Yuuto, an Anbu Captain and a young man are waiting for you down below in the morgue."

Yuuto would nod, but he was taken back. A freaking morgue was our interrogation space? He was more than right for discussing the creation of a detainment center now. That and Anbu was going to need a secure HQ in the village. Regardless Yuuto would make his way through yhe warm corridors until he hit a flight of stairs. The atmosphere began to change, the further he descended the colder it got. Yuuto would skip walking and jump over the rails using his affinity for Gravity to float down to the bottom. Without any more wasted time he was finally here.

Yuuto slid through the double doors going into the morgue. He saw the Anbu Captain standing off to the side, while none other than Kiri sat down in a seat bloodied a little. Yuuto entered just when Kiri was asking for an herbal cigarette. "No I think I'm going to need all your focus in tact here.", he'd say to the medical Shinobi without so much as a hint of happiness. The Anbu Sennin was stale faced to the young man. Yuuto turned to the captain, "Hello, I'm Masaru Yuuto. Starting today I am the official Anbu Sennin, thank you for your diligent work with this case. Not killing him was the smartest move possible. Good work" he would give his Anbu Captain a thumbs up. Then he would turn back to Kiri.

"Kiri, Kiri, Kiri where do I even begin. How on earth did you end up in Fire Country, without identification, without the Medical Sennin whom you were supposed to be with. Does Kumogakure even know you're here? No probably not."

He'd give pause allowing himself a break. He needed to articulate this next part very carefully. "Kiri do you know what the job of Anbu are? It's not something as simple as protecting the village EVERY Shinobi's task is that. Anbu are the soldiers you send in to do tasks beyond the Main Branch's grasp. If the Main Branch were a crossbow, then the Anbu would be the arrow within that bow. The fact you are still breathing is nothing short of an act of kindness. However what you say from here on out will determine if it stays that way."

Yuuto's eyes flickered for a moment with a deep violet energy. Kiri would start to feel his (Yuuto) Demonic Aura fill the room. It would feel like something was scratching at his mind, attempting to impose on him. This Aura was for those Yuuto viewed as a "Enemy".

He would open his mouth once more only now with a more cold tone. "I want the whole truth now. I want you to tell me how and why did you come to Fire Country. Under what circumstances did you decide to fight this Anbu Captain, why was fighting your choice. I'm sure you understand how utterly foolish it is to fight a foreign ninja, especially an Anbu, at their gates using a power you don't have control over. Now I hope I dont have to explain what I will do if you lie to me." Yuuto pulled up his own chair, and sat down cross legged with his hands open motioning for Kiri to speak.

During whatever point Umashi walked in Yuuto would wave with two fingers, but continue his talk with Kiri.
Takeshi leaned against the wall looking at the two of them. His eyes blinked slightly at the appearance of Yuuto a small snort came from his lips without him realizing. It wasn’t anything personal but since his meeting with the Hokage he really didn’t expect the arrival of an ANBU Sennin so quickly. It hadn’t been too long ago that the men had talked together on the rock, spoken words of friendship and experience and now that same man was his boss. Something like that didn’t happen every day, but he had no doubt that Yuuto was more than qualified for this role.

“If I was a betting man, I could believe the little distraction and getting lost. Fair enough on that one has happened to all of us. But after giving him three options, walk away, find you or fight. He picked the stupid one”

His voice cold and harsh, probably not as friendly as Yuuto remembered it but right now he didn’t care at all about this. It was an issue of principle the man tried to fight at the gates. Takeshi was slightly annoyed his new robes caked in mud and issues.

“Let alone releasing your beast, you were losing control, something I don’t appreciate at the gates of this village.”

Takeshi didn’t want to push it any further with the presence of Yuuto here now he knew that the man would get his answers. The Captain would stay and watch feeling exhaustion stirring in the back of his mind from the fight he didn’t budge of waver it was his duty he had carried out and he felt nothing but annoyance for how close this man had come to losing his own self-control.
Walking into the morgue, Umashi gave a long slow whistle. Looking at the gathered part before him and the rather pitiful way that Kiri was looking, Umashi shook his head and quickly walked over to assist with the situation and get to the bottom of what had happened. "Tsk, tsk, tsk . . . why did you have to choose the stupid option." he asked as he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to do some medical work. Still in his medical gear, Umashi began to harness healing chakra in his hand as a soft green light began to surround his hands. Making a waving motion over the body of the boy. There were indeed many tell tale signs of trauma within his body but Umashi could only fix what he could find. As if to answer Yuuto's rhetoric from earlier, Umashi gave an answer to a question that had been asked before. "About that prison, yes, we could probably use a more obvious one but then our crematorium wouldn't get as much use . . . now would it?"

Moving to place a hand on the boys chin, Umashi would bark out commands. "Chin up, tongue out . . . do you believe that any of your ribs are hurt? How many people are in the room with you? Are you able to feel all of your extremities?" For a fact, for all the trouble the kid had caused, Umashi wasn't going to be the most tender. That and he was a battle medic, not a family practice doctor. Being soft and kind and generally having good bedside manners would only waste precious time on the battlefield. Upon going through the basic checks, whether Kiri gave favorable answers or not, Umashi would quickly leave the boy with only the most basic of pain alleviating medical wards before going back to lean against one of the stainless counters. "Somebody give me a positive upswing to this because right now all I'm seeing is trouble." Umashi was cross and it was written all over his face.
It was no secret that he was having a hard time not getting bothered by his injuries, but he would not outright complain by instead. Instead, he would take a few chances to raise his hand touch the side of his head. Ah but he had forgotten how this cuffs were in the way and he would not be able to make a proper hand seal to use medical jutsu on himself.

When Yuuto had entered the room, Kiri felt like the pit of his stomach churned. He did not want to be in a position to compromise anyone, but with Yuuto’s appearance, he knew he was in deep shit. So he took a long deep breath, held it in as the other would ease his way to sit across him, stone cold and reprimanding. Partly because he was getting slightly edgy once more, his request for the herbal cigarette turned down, which meant that he’ll have to fight back the urge on his own. And partly because despite the fact Yuuto had once mentored him, albeit rather impromptu in manner, they were still strangers in essence. And already, he could tell (for one did not need to be a genius to differentiate that particular tone) that the other was far from seeing this scenario as anything funny.

Just then, he would see Yuuto’s eyes flicker in a demonic aura, immediately sending him on alert. He would leaned back at the chair, eyes all focused on Yuuto as if he was ready to pounce at any moment. He knew of this aura all too well, for at the beginning, the beast that he carried in him had always poured out its chakra in that same manner. And of course, because of that said beast still stirring inside his soul that he was more than ever cautious because it might want to retaliate, and that was the last thing he’d want to do in this predicament.

With the scolding underway (an understatement really of what seemed more like an ultimatum), Kiri would lower his head, trying his best to focus. But really, it was rather hard, especially when the ANBU captain added to the fray, and all of a sudden, another man walked in and jabbed at him for such a stupid choice he had made.

This man, however, was unlike the other two, and Kiri could feel it resonate along his voice. He was dangerous, thought Kiri, but as the man moved closer and began to gather than familiar healing chakra on the palm of his hand, Kiri was rather surprised. The touch against his bruised skin stung at first, but more of a surprise rather than real pain, and Kiri watched carefully as the other would continue to examine him, trying not to mind the conversation about prisons and crematoriums and such. Though he was surprised when the man suddenly lifted his chin and began commanding, to which he blinked a few times in mild surprise before the words processed themselves in his head and he followed to the letter. And when he was asked, it would be the first time he uttered a word since Yuuto entered.

“Three,” he answered briefly before pausing to think, “Yes, I can,” and when the other applied some sort of medical ward on him, feeling that thrumming energy on him, he added, “Thanks.”

Nevertheless, when the man walked away and things returned to how it was, Kiri straightened his sit and looked back at Yuuto. It wasn’t necessarily the eyes of defiance, but it wasn’t the eyes of regret either. It was just something in the middle, as if he was still on alert, cautious. And with a breathe, he would answer.

“I got separated from Junko-sensei,” he began, “It’s stupid, really, but it was part of the training, to figure out how to get from one point to another without relying on the map, and surveying the lands alone. At first, it was a shorter distance before we’d meet up again. Something along the lines of basic survival. But the last one was farther and beyond the border of Lightning Country.” He paused for a moment again. “I tried to go about the outer villages, but I couldn’t trust the courier services there and thought that coming to the main village was the only way to find a more reliable one.” He then lowered his eyes on his hands, “Honestly, I did not want to. I’d rather not be here, I first thought. But then, I also got a bit curious about this place I never once saw when I was young. I was born in this country, after all.”

He then raised his eyes back to Yuuto and slightly leaned forward on his hands on the table. “But that isn’t really a good enough excuse. At that time, there were three options. With what I had already told him, going away would simply raise more suspicions because someone tried to enter and then leave at the point when he was about to get caught. The second option was something I’d rather avoid because I do not want to burden the Raikage, though perhaps the current situation is far worse than should be. And the last option… well, I thought that if I could prove that I was definitely saying the truth with my strength that it would be alright.” He sighs and leans away, “But I may have gotten overconfident there. Though I trust my brother’s soul, I still have ways to go. But I didn’t mean any harm to anyone. I made sure to think, and keep it in my head, that I was simply to prove myself to one person.”
Umashi came in and began to immediately take care of Kiri with his usual sass. Yuuto furrowed his brow as he caught bits and pieces of Kiri's attitude, while he may seem "calm" Yuuto still had the capacity to fly off the handle, and he wouldn't let this kid rile him up, but he truly thought that Kiri didn't understand his predicament. Especially answering Umashi's obviously sarcastic questions, or at least he got the feeling that the Hokage wasn't one to care for those who made foolish moves against the village, or their ally Kumogakure. Kiri could have ruined the entire treaty in one fell swoop if the Anbu Captain would have had to kill him or if even worse he had killed the Captain. To be honest, Kiri was looking to be more trouble than he was worth, he couldn't even understand why Junko took this kid and allowed him so much free reign.

So finally with Takeshi and Umashi's remarks out of the way the idiotic boy began to speak up. He started his tale with:

“I got separated from Junko-sensei,” he began, “It’s stupid, really, but it was part of the training, to figure out how to get from one point to another without relying on the map, and surveying the lands alone. At first, it was a shorter distance before we’d meet up again. Something along the lines of basic survival. But the last one was farther and beyond the border of Lightning Country.”

“I tried to go about the outer villages, but I couldn’t trust the courier services there and thought that coming to the main village was the only way to find a more reliable one.” He then lowered his eyes on his hands, “Honestly, I did not want to. I’d rather not be here, I first thought. But then, I also got a bit curious about this place I never once saw when I was young. I was born in this country, after all.”

Yuuto already called bullshit when Kiri started speaking. He remembered that Junko and Kiri were training, but also it was reported to the Medical Division that Junko was going to the Wind Country. So why would they take the random time to train about knowing the terrain when they were going to be leaving the country? It would make sense if they didn't know their way back but considering Kiri was supposed to be under Junko this made no sense. On top of that, when Yuuto first met Kiri he wasn't with the Medical Sennin as he probably should have been. So all in all, this was a disturbing way to start this conversation. He felt that Kiri was just trying to play up the "I'm Lost Story", but he would hear the boy out none the less.

He then explained that he thought finding a courier service in the shinobi village was the best option. He also said he really didn't want to come here but he just so happened to want to find the shinobi village because he was born in Fire Country? Well it was true that Kiri was not originally from Kumogakure but that was now the banner he flew and he had been trampling on it constantly with this loss of control and his demon who seemed to be his brother. How this even happened to him was still foreign to Yuuto, but he was going to just sit quietly and listen.

“But that isn’t really a good enough excuse. At that time, there were three options. With what I had already told him, going away would simply raise more suspicions because someone tried to enter and then leave at the point when he was about to get caught. The second option was something I’d rather avoid because I do not want to burden the Raikage, though perhaps the current situation is far worse than should be. And the last option… well, I thought that if I could prove that I was definitely saying the truth with my strength that it would be alright.”

“But I may have gotten overconfident there. Though I trust my brother’s soul, I still have ways to go. But I didn’t mean any harm to anyone. I made sure to think, and keep it in my head, that I was simply to prove myself to one person.”

He was glad Kiri knew it was nothing more than a reason, not a good excuse. He explained that Takeshi gave him three choices, one was to leave. He didn't understand how that registered as a bad idea to Kiri considering he didn't have identification, he could have even asked for directions back to Lightning Country. Oh yeah but that wasn't his intention in the first place probably. Kiri didn't seem to think things through which was awkwardly sad for someone of the Nara Lineage. The second option was something he'd rather avoid because it would burden the Raikage? What the actual hell? Kiri wasn't even being forthcoming about the options the Anbu Captain laid out for him. Yuuto would sigh and grasp the bridge of his nose listening to the last option but it not being fully explained.

Pretty much the rest of Kiri's bit was so unimportant that he almost tuned him out, but he continued to listen hearing that the boy got over-confident and even so why was he proving himself? Yuuto would raise his hand for Kiri to stop speaking, he had enough of this for the moment. Every tale had two sides.

"Alright now that I've heard your story let's start with my first question, are you sure you're telling the truth? I'm going to give you some things I know to be fact. Fact you caused trouble for yourself in Kumogakure that landed you in hot water. Fact when I met you,
I attempted to help you control your inner demon who turned out to be the soul of your brother. Fact when I met you, you claimed to be traveling with the Medical Sennin but even then he was no where in sight. Fact Junko was officially reported to traveling to Wind Country.
Now you tell me you got separated from him, but I have to question if you were even with him the entire time. You claim that you two were training, to survey the land yet you were going to a country with a completely different geography, trust me I've spent two years there. So here is my biggest question, why would Junko train you / travel with no map? Furthermore why would he even let you out of his sight knowing the mountain of trouble you were in? Didn't you want to protect your family? Causing trouble at Konoha says the exact opposite to me. On top of that if you had not been here in so long how did you find your way to Fire Country? If you had not seen Konoha how did you come to these village gates? If you got directions here, why couldn't you get directions back? Do you see where I'm going with this?"
Yuuto shrugged his shoulders as if to say "Whatever you say" in a way. He'd then tackle the next part he had a huge problem with.

"So let's fast forward to you being at the gates. Now for this one Kiri I am baffled because it is quite obvious you're leaving out information. You state option one as you leaving, but that would be weirder than staying and causing a fight where you lose control of your demon? That doesn't fly with me, point blank. You could have just as easily asked our Anbu for a map of the country so you could figure out how to get back to Lightning. Or before even coming here you could have done that exactly. You didn't even explain option two or three in full detail, so now that tells me you're not a trustworthy person. Or maybe my captain hit your head a bit too hard. Regardless, my verdict so far is that you cannot be trusted. You are to be held accoutable for your actions, and the only saving grace is that I can assume you gave up on the fight because you weren't unconscious and mangled much more than this. However I'd like my Anbu Captain to list out the other options for me, so I can see what we're really working with. What did you think we had all the details before we got here? Oh that's right you may not know, Kiri the man tending to your wounds is the Hokage. Guess what you did? Interrupt a very important Sennin Meeting for the future of Konoha. Not so good for starting off the treaty between Kumogakure and Konoha huh?"

He'd turn to Takeshi and motion for him to move closer and give his side, while he was sure Umashi would have a lot to say about all the reasons why Yuuto listed he felt Kiri was being full of it right now. He didn't doubt there was some truth, but he doubted that Kiri ever intended to go back to Lightning or he truly wanted to see Konoha and that's why he came. Regardless this situation was an utter mess.
Takeshi heard himself being summoned, a small cough came from under the mask, in this room alone was his new boss and the guy that ran the village. Feeling uncomfortable was one thing but what he felt right now was above that. But summoned by the new Sennin he would respond as requested. The Captain was nothing not in the mood to play games around the two men that now had entered the room. Allowing himself to straighten up the white hood remaining perfectly still over his face as he glanced to the two men before addressing them.

“Sir, the man was given three options. One that you already know the other two I will recite back to you as complete as I can and word for word. The request was as follows. Option one, we fight here and now, I see the truth behind your words in combat and you may see your life forfeit at the gates. Option two, I take you to our ambassador to your village if he is available and he will sort this mess out. These are the two that you were missing and exactly worded sir”

His voice calm and collected as he allowed himself to look at both men as he gave them the instructions. He smiled to himself for a few seconds Allowing time to pass by he looked to the two men, he didn’t want to over stretch right now and it seemed the little words that were spoken was the better. Something tugged at him slightly but it wasn’t important. What he had said was the truth and he could maintain the eye contact with the two men. Now beside the bed his mud caked robes shown to the Hokage and Sennin. He had been in a fight though no wear and tear could be seen on his part he glanced to his former opponent checking the actions of the Hokage before remaining like a silent pillar.
Shaking his head, Umashi would listen to things both as Kiri responded and as Yuuto and the ANBU Guard responded. This was bad, real bad, and any sort of leniency that Umashi might have wanted to grant the guy was soon flying out the window. Umashi too also knew that Junko was supposed to be away on a trip and the fact that one of his own was to be found wandering without him . . . the whole idea of it all seemed sketchy. For a certain fact this did quite literally threaten to break the relationship that Umashi and Ayumu had built. To put it bluntly, Umashi wasn't about to let that happen.

Rubbing at his temple area, Umashi let out an audible sigh as he leaned off of his perch and finally spoke again.
"Normally I try to be a nice guy. Well, I have been for the past few decades. However, unlike my former colleagues, Inu Endo and Hayata Shin, I cannot allow . . . inconsistencies to slide. I've too much built up and I've too much to lose in regards my people." Closing his eyes and making a waving motion with his hand, Umashi quickly leveled his verdict." "Unfortunately with the way in which you have shown a lack of logical reasoning, I'm going to have to immediately issue a travel ban against you."

Umashi gave the verdict in much the same way as one might passingly mention the weather. There was no malice or anger in his voice but only a cool, calm and collected tone that showed that he was hopeful that Kiri would hear him out. "I'll have Yuuto reach directly out to Ayumu, Yuii and Junko concerning this and unless I hear back from at least Ayumu, the ban will stay in effect. You will be imprisoned in a prison of Yuuto's choosing and once you are escorted out of the village, you will not be let back in.

Once you are escorted out of the country, then you will not be knowingly allowed past any check points. If at any point you are found to have doubled back then you will find that there is a 'Kill on sight' directive towards you. The only way around what I've stated is if you are escorted by Ayumu, Yuii or Junko. Please do not put me to the test because you will find that the steel of my blade is cold,dark and uncaring like the deepest depths of the ocean."
At this point Umashi was more trying to scare Kiri because he really didn't want anybody to die today. but he really needed to get through to this guy just how foolish what he'd done really was.

Nodding his head, Umashi motioned with an open hand and continued speaking in the calm manner that he had been.
"Really, what you have done is akin to what I expect from Rogues and Nuke-nin with no honor and while my punishment may seem harsh . . . look at it as a protection for you. Now, If the aforementioned people sign off for you then all of this will simply go down as a note to file on how you bumped your head on the way to Konoha and had to get reminded about how we run things over here. No hard feelings, right? In any event, I strongly suggest that you use this time to appeal to your higher ups and beg them for a chance to make things right. I highly anticipate their responses.

Please do not make a scene in the meantime though, because then I'll have to explain to Ayumu how some poor sap didn't identify himself and started attacking my gates without provocation and how we didn't stop our return fire until we were sure that the threat had been neutralized"
Umashi definitely threw the last part in as a warning but then turned his head to Yuuto and gave him the floor. "Unless you have anything else to add then I'll draft up a letter to Ayumu and we can have it in the couriers hands in the next few minutes. I'll personally alert all of the other Sennin to this travel ban and make sure that they're on high alert concerning this incident." Meaning nothing but business, Umashi didn't see any need to carry on unnecessarily and he was more than sure that Kiri understood exactly every word that he'd said.
He held his breath as he listened to Yuuto speak. One thing he noted, and wanted to rebut, was that he didn’t know how to answer those questions about Junko’s decisions. Kiri was stirring, perhaps not physically, but inside his soul, he was. In fact, his brother was now calmer and was trying to delve into his soulscape to ease the shinobi’s growing agitation.

In that white void in his soulscape, Kiri would be seen standing in the middle, his aura converging all around like a wild breeze. And behind him stood his brother’s figure. Only in the soulscape could they communicate like this, and lately, even his brother could see the changes in Kiri, including the corruption of his chakra because of the curse of the beast.

“How am I supposed to know why Junko would do this or do that? I’m not Junko!” barked Kiri, fists clenched. “Can’t it be because he trusted me? Why doesn’t anyone believe anything I say?!”

“Calm down, Kiri. This won’t do you any good,” said his brother, worry in his eyes.

“How can I be calm? I try so hard to be better so that I can prove myself, and still no one believes me. I thought that if I could prove with my strength, that they would believe my words. Don’t they say that a warrior’s strength represents their worth? Their principle? Are they saying that because I have this beast in me that I can’t ever be trusted?!”

A sudden surge of the converging chakra and the gathered wind would erupt, creating cracks along the white void that was the world of his soul. The cracks turning into chips and crumbling slowly.

“I said to calm down!” commanded his brother, and a swirl of shadowy mist blew around the world and seemingly tried to restrain Kiri. “Have you forgotten about Osuteno? Or Junko? Have you forgotten about your promise to the Raikage?”

Panting, Kiri would slowly calm down, the raging chakra seemingly dying down, before it erupted anew. However, this time, he seemed still though it was obvious even to his brother that the corrupting chakra was taking its roots inside Kiri’s soul.

“That’s right… I can’t be silent anymore…”

“No, stop it.”

The crack broke across the white void and Kiri would shut himself away from his brother’s grasp.

At that point, in the real world, Kiri’s eyes would change its color, the corrupting chakra making itself known as it would permanently tint a vibrant red. It was probably the maturing of his curse, but it sure picked a wrong timing. Still, the chakra would not carry any malice in the air, simply a defiant feel against the pouring demonic aura from Yuuto. But deep inside, Kiri swelling with emotions and it wasn’t long before he would act upon it.

“Wait!” he would say, coming to a sudden stand as he looked straight into Umashi’s eyes. He had once stared at a Kage’s eyes, but this was different. How? He couldn’t say. Perhaps it was because he felt he was robbed of anything. The scenario with the Raikage, Junko and Osu was different, even if the threat for his life was there. It was different because the latter three were people whom he was concerned with.

“I may have acted in foolishness, but that was my action. So deal with me properly and not bother anyone else,” continued Kiri. “If you think of me as a threat, then just get it with. Kill me, if you will. I’d prefer that than to make my failure known to my Raikage. He had already given me a chance, and if this has stained that, then I wasn’t fit at all, and he may as well have wasted it. But I don’t want him to feel that, nor do I want to be done-in by just an accident.”

If there was one thing to know about Kiri, it was that he knew and he accepted that he was morally gray. The world did not revolve between the good and evil. All things are subjected to the judgment of man. And by that train of thought, he now knew that these people would never deem him of anything else but another spec of dust in their spectrum between good and evil. Perhaps, he was already located in the far evil end, but that was for them to decide. What he can’t ever accept is to make others suffer because of him. “Don’t run away,” he added with a tensed body. “Because I won’t run away from this as easily as being thrown out. And I won’t let you shame my Raikage by such a half-assed decision like that. I was not raised by my clan, so I owe Kumogakure this much, and Kumogakure would rather have my head than a love letter.”
Takeshi listened to the words spoken by the Hokage, for a split second he was taken back buy how the Hoakge dealt with the situation. But understand the village and how to keep it safe was another thing he allowed himself to understand so these reactions were understandable. AS he looked back to the man he had brought here he heard the man’s frustration as he told the group to just end it if they considered him a threat. Though the words may have been said in anger for this split second though his voice now getting agitated the Captain stood to one side.

“If that is your wish then I shall fulfil it for you”

The cold voice sounded behind his mask as he allowed his left hand to grip his right wrist. Lightning began sparking around the open palm that he had prepared as he slowly stepped towards Kiri. If he figured his life was forfeit then this would be seen threw he opened the door. Of course, Takeshi allowed himself to glance down to the Anbu Sennin it was his call it always had been, the Captain was just ready to fulfil it on the words of Yuuto. Crackling lightning travelled around his hand as he glanced back to Kiri.

“Your word Sennin, my will”

Waiting for the response no emotion came from the ANBU Captain. He wasn’t one to take things lightly but right now the boy was losing himself in the moment, potential was there he was strong and able that much was sure. Control was lacking, maybe if he had come to leaf under a different situation they would have been friends. It was down to Yuuto to give the man a chance. If he was allowed to plea to stay maybe it would fall on kind ears. Though his current situation was now life and death. He hated to undo the work of the Hokage but the healed boy wanted his own death. It was down to his Sennin now to decide the fate.
Kiri decided to speak up again and Yuuto literally hit his own face with his palm. Like could Kiri just not key in when to shut up. As the young boy spoke, Yuuto only became increasingly annoyed. This was just becoming far too pathetic for his taste. Before he could respond, the Anbu Captain began to release lightning energy in his hand to which Yuuto only sighed. He would raise his hand to stop Takeshi's approach "Put that away, we already have enough people jumping the gun today."

He would refocus on Kiri, his three eyes sharpening on the boy before him. "Foolish is what you continue to be, I had high hopes for you when we met and sparred in the ravines and then when we later focused on you creating a union with your brother. I told you that was the way to coming to terms with your power, but you will never have full control when you dig as deeply as you did at the gates. But then instead of taking responsibility you try to take the easy way out. No Leaf Shinobi in this room will kill at this moment. The Hokage just said what he wishes to do, ban your ability to freely travel into Konoha. No matter if you survive or die, we will still notify Ayumu, what he chooses to do with you is his choice. We will not make your penance easy on youby killing you. If you think this is a half assed decision, then I suppose you know how we feel when we look at you after your incident today. If you're in such a rush to die, bite your own tongue off , lay in the corner and choke on it. We're not doing your dirty work for you." Yuuto would turn to Takeshi, " I want a 4-Man cell on Kiri, we are going to transport him to somewhere with a bed and give him some water he looks dehydrated. He is not to be fed anything that will require utensils, he is not to keep any of his belongings, I want him disarmed from top to bottom, and his belongings will be coming with me to my business." Yuuto would start to eall towards the door before turning to Kiri once more.

"You know Kiri, I went to prison Shin exiled me and had me travel to Iwagakure to be a diplomat and find my cousin. My cousin was slain but I maintained relations, I helped the Tsuchikage at that time fend off an assassin and then when I returned home I served a 5 Year sentence. I was granted a new lease on life, I am here in Konoha thriving, my life is exciting again and I have yet to squander it. What have you done lately?" He'd leave it at that, leaving Kiri to his own thoughts.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

-Kiri's belongings are coming with me

-Kiri is going to remain at the hospital albeit he will be moved to patient room that has some basic Shinobi books.

-Kiri is not allowed to RP anywhere else, Kiri will be guarded by 4 Anbu at all times.

-Junko will be brought to a topic with Kiri between today and tomorrow.
Takeshi stopped himself in his tracks as he nodded in respect to the ANBU Sennin. He was probably right and killing like this was no fun in his eyes. But sometimes you had to do what was needed and not what you wanted, this was one of those situations. Allowing the lightning energy to disappear from his hands he allowed himself a few seconds before watching the Sennin. As he requested a new area for the prisoner so be it. Under his supervision at least he would make sure that things went smoothly as he was instructed. No harm would come to the man, he was ordered and would obey. Looking to Umashi he stepped forward before allowing a small nod of respect to the Hokage.

“Sorry Sir, I must take the prisoner off to some better quarters. You may follow if you wish, but right now I am going to move him and would like to do so quickly”

The ANBU Captain voice showed respect to the man as he moved past the Hokage. Though he allowed himself time to send for the escort noting down the appearance of four ANBU at the door way he turned to them and nodded his respect.

“Strip him of his belongings, the Sennin wants them. When you are done here bring him to his new holding room. I will meet you there as well do it quickly and make sure that he is secured. If that is all I will see you there Kiri”

Turning his body he walked out of the door, though the corridors were guarded and the entrance was under lock and key he wanted the move of the Prisoner to be swift. He would go the room and check it out before Kiri arrived.

[Topic Left]
[Kiri is escorted to his new holding room by the 4 ANBU]
Kiri was left speechless, to say the least. He did not expect for this outcome. Again, he would rather be killed than to bring humiliation. But at this point, there was nothing much he could do, and these people were hell-bent to remind him of his powerlessness. Makes him desire true power all the more.

As the directions were given, four men clad in ANBU great appeared by the door. Though he glanced upon them, his kept his gaze on the Hokage. Even as they approached him and began to strip him of whatever equipment he had on his person, a few kunais and some pills, and empty vials he had already consumed, he would not avert his gaze. And of course, inside her was holding back the urge to resist, gritting his teeth.

The rest of his belongings were in the backpack, and his swords were very much placed at one end of the room, tired together as if drawing them apart was dangerous enough. Had this been who he was months earlier, he may have considered Yuuto's suggestion and quickly aim for his life. Again, Osu's voice would echo in his head, reminding him to live on. It really felt the same and he couldn't help but wonder if it would continue to keep happening. Even still, the pride in him would never allow himself to surrender his connected soul to his brother, nor allow him to betray his Kumogakure.

When the inspection was over and he was about to be led outside, he would simply say, "Can I ask one thing? Is the Hasegawa Clan still here?" But regardless if he was answered or not, it seemed like the ANBU was keen to deliver him to this new place.

[Topic Left as escorted]
For a second Umashi's eyes got big at the way in which Yuuto spat his truth at Kiri. Giving a low whistle, Umashi would shake his head. Kids these days never seemed to learn their lessons the easy way and always preferred the hard way. As Kiri was being ushered out, he asked about the Hasegawa, a name that Umashi hadn't heard in a long time. Answering the boys question with the simplest of answers though, Umashi gave him a dry, "No." before going back to his own thinking. He simply didn't have the time to go through the ins and outs of the loss of certain clans and the gaining of others within Konoha at the moment. As everyone started to file out towards their respective destinations, Umashi hung back for a moment before finally looking around at the morgue that he now was Co-Sennin over and sighed. There would be much work to do to get the medical branch back in order but Umashi was determined to make sure that he gave it his best shot no matter what the obstacle was.

OOC: Topic left.

Current Ninpocho Time:
