Inpc: Sude Raiu.
Under his new reign, members of The Sude Clan were starting to become upset and troubled by his dictatorship. It was obvious that trouble would eventually happen; he could even feel the animosity within the air, and the fact that the clan was full of demons didn't ease his paranoia. But, there were many different ways to insure a healthy future for himself and right now was a golden opportunity to seize one. For once in his life he would request the aid of one of his clansmen. It was time for a secret alliance to be formed. But who? When he asked himself that very question, he couldn't recall a single name of anyone who might be willing to help him. This only angered him. He got to the top of the clan without the help of any of his clansmen, pushing their needs aside in the process, and now he ruled them with his fist. He couldn't simple force someone to help him. No, that would light a fire under someone’s ass and cause them to aid in a mutiny down the road, or help create one.
Sitting alone in The Sude Clan’s Mansion, his new home since beginning the clan head, he went reading through a journal written by Ranshi. Now this journal didn't have any specific information on any of the clan’s members, just a list of their names. By reading this list he was hoping that he’d come across a name of someone he knew personally, or someone he thought might be willing to help him in exchange for a deal. “Takai, Eizou, Tatsu, Ousatsu, Satsu, Gishi, Genshu, Oumono, Oushou, Kinkaku, Daimyou, Shukun, Manami….” Finally he stopped. ”Manami, maybe she'll help.” He thought, while trying to recollect anything he knew about Manami. He, perhaps, had one or two meetings with her in the past. None of their past meetings were personal, just business. Once at his coronation and again when he visited a farm.
”I could waive the taxes on her, her parents, and any siblings she may have. Not only that, I can lower her mission expectations, and allot her a small amount of money for her services. Hopefully that’ll work.” He thought before picking up his head set and radioing a member of his clan. ”~Please contact Sude Manami, of the clans farmlands, and have her come to me as soon as she possibly can. Tell her it's an urgent matter that could be very beneficial to her.~” He said over his headset. Putting it down after hearing confirmation from someone on the other end, he got up and went over to a nearby fire place. Grabbing some wood, he tossed it in the fireplace and struck it with a jolt of lightning from two of his fingers.
Quickly he grabbed two more logs of wood and tossed them into the fire, only before turning around and going back to his chair. Leaning back, he grabbed a book he had been reading off the end table titled “The Roaring Might Of Thunder”. This book spoke of the power, strength, and the finesse of lighting. The author of this book was rumored to be a dedicated follower of Raiden, and an experienced lighting Ninjutsu user from the olden days back when lighting jutsu used to be in their purest, most concentrated state, so the book claims. It was fascinating to say the least.