Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

[Private] A Hopefull Alliance Between Clansmen.

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank

Inpc: Sude Raiu.

Under his new reign, members of The Sude Clan were starting to become upset and troubled by his dictatorship. It was obvious that trouble would eventually happen; he could even feel the animosity within the air, and the fact that the clan was full of demons didn't ease his paranoia. But, there were many different ways to insure a healthy future for himself and right now was a golden opportunity to seize one. For once in his life he would request the aid of one of his clansmen. It was time for a secret alliance to be formed. But who? When he asked himself that very question, he couldn't recall a single name of anyone who might be willing to help him. This only angered him. He got to the top of the clan without the help of any of his clansmen, pushing their needs aside in the process, and now he ruled them with his fist. He couldn't simple force someone to help him. No, that would light a fire under someone’s ass and cause them to aid in a mutiny down the road, or help create one.

Sitting alone in The Sude Clan’s Mansion, his new home since beginning the clan head, he went reading through a journal written by Ranshi. Now this journal didn't have any specific information on any of the clan’s members, just a list of their names. By reading this list he was hoping that he’d come across a name of someone he knew personally, or someone he thought might be willing to help him in exchange for a deal. “Takai, Eizou, Tatsu, Ousatsu, Satsu, Gishi, Genshu, Oumono, Oushou, Kinkaku, Daimyou, Shukun, Manami….” Finally he stopped. ”Manami, maybe she'll help.” He thought, while trying to recollect anything he knew about Manami. He, perhaps, had one or two meetings with her in the past. None of their past meetings were personal, just business. Once at his coronation and again when he visited a farm.

”I could waive the taxes on her, her parents, and any siblings she may have. Not only that, I can lower her mission expectations, and allot her a small amount of money for her services. Hopefully that’ll work.” He thought before picking up his head set and radioing a member of his clan. ”~Please contact Sude Manami, of the clans farmlands, and have her come to me as soon as she possibly can. Tell her it's an urgent matter that could be very beneficial to her.~” He said over his headset. Putting it down after hearing confirmation from someone on the other end, he got up and went over to a nearby fire place. Grabbing some wood, he tossed it in the fireplace and struck it with a jolt of lightning from two of his fingers.

Quickly he grabbed two more logs of wood and tossed them into the fire, only before turning around and going back to his chair. Leaning back, he grabbed a book he had been reading off the end table titled “The Roaring Might Of Thunder”. This book spoke of the power, strength, and the finesse of lighting. The author of this book was rumored to be a dedicated follower of Raiden, and an experienced lighting Ninjutsu user from the olden days back when lighting jutsu used to be in their purest, most concentrated state, so the book claims. It was fascinating to say the least.

Today was like any other day. Manami was working out in the rice field on her father’s farm collecting some of the crops. But that didn't last much longer than a few hours before a messenger from the main house came down to her and informed her that she was being summoned by the head of her clan. “What have I gotten myself into?” She asked herself before she stepped out of the rice fields. Handing her basket to the other woman there with her, she went walking back to her house. By the time she stepped on her front porch her feet had already dried, leaving streak marks from mud all over them. Heading straight up to her bedroom, she grabbed cloths and immediately got into the shower. Grabbing some soap she began to wash her body and then, her hair. From there she got out, dried off, and began putting on her red, silky, kimono. Tied into a bow at the hips, she grabbed a short sword and tied it to her thigh.

When it came to her clan, she was very cautious. She never knew what one of them would have up their sleeves - let alone what the head could be planning. She wasn't really afraid of him, but she knew he wasn't to be taken lightly. Wrapping her upper body up in bandages, she grabbed a light blue top, with faded golden dragons all over it. Putting it on and tying it tightly, she grabbed a small pouch full of smoke bombs and inhaled poisons. Calmly she grabbed her prayer beads, each with one of the seven deadly sins written on them, alongside chaos, bloodshed, and mayhem written upon them. Wrapping them around her wrist and middle finger, she said a quick prayer. “Jashin, forgive me for not making a sacrifice this week, but you may just have one very soon”. She said before tilting her head down and walking out of her room and then out of her house toward the Sude Clan's Mansion.

“If he tries to harm me my lord, you will taste his blood and consume his soul before the day’s end.” She said to herself as she quickly made her way there. Once she arrived she knocked on the door only to be greeted by a servant of the clan. The servant then escorted her up into the room where Raiu was and left them be. She stood there staring at him, while he sat within a chair reading a book. Suddenly the sound of the wood burning and collapsing caught her attention, but only briefly.

Good evening Raiu-Sama. May I ask why you've requested me to come see you?

She pretty much had no clue why. She thought he wanted something to do with her that might be inappropriate, after all he was probably the worst person she could imagine. Even the sadistic members of her faith who couldn't control themselves seemed to be much more enjoyable company.

I don't mean to sound rude, but whatever it may be.... please make it quick. The more time I spend here, the less time I spend working and the less money I have to pay towards your taxes.

Blunt and somewhat rude, but very much the truth. If It were any other person she wouldn't be so hasty and conservative with her words. While she waited, she rested while holding her hands together and her sleeves meet, hiding her hands as she prepared to pull the inhaled poison if she had to.

[Word count: 591] [Marked For Training]


Inpc: Sude Raiu.

As she entered the room, he held his gaze and waited just a brief moment before speaking. But maybe he shouldn't have waited? Before he knew it she was practically complaining about being there and not being able to work. While it didn't bother him too much, it still caused him to grit his teeth. "Well, wither you mean to or not, you do.” Just like the ass he was, he called her on her tone of voice. Closing the book with one hand, he placed it down, and leaned to the side with his palm resting on the side of his chin. Crossing his legs, he quickly entered a relaxed state just before attempting to make eye contact with her. ”Hold your horses and have some patience. I've called you here today to request a favor from you.” He said, before pulling his head back and resting it against the back of the chair, while simultaneously resting her arm on the arm of the chair.

"This favor is rather important to me and because of that, I won’t ask you to do it for free." Clinching his teeth and somewhat licking the backside of them with his tongue, he hesitated before saying anything else. While waiting, his index finger lifted up and began lightly tapping on the wooden handle of the chair’s arm rest. "So would you be willing to help, yes or no? He wasn't being direct about this favor for a reason. He was hoping that she’d just agree to help him and that way he could hide some of his intentions, but time would tell if he would be able to do so.

Do I really have a choice? I expect that even if I said no, you’d try to force me.

She was being honest. Manami didn’t know much about Raiu personally, but she did know how he treated the clan. He wasn't a good man from rumors alone and from personal experience, so far he’s proven that he was a dick just like she had been told. Though, she did wonder what kind of favor he wanted from her. At this point, her hands dropped to her side while she waited.

If I have any choice in the matter, I would like to know what this favor may be before I say yes or no.

Whatever it was, he better not be trying to double cross her or have her do something inappropriate. She hadn’t made a sacrifice to lord Jashin in a while and if it was something inappropriate, Raiu may be her next lamb.


Inpc: Sude Raiu.

Regardless of what he said, she still kept giving him an attitude. Really it only made him mad, but for the time being he had to deal with it and hide behind the displeased look upon his face. Closing his eyes and tilting his head down for a moment, he then tilted it back up and sighed. ”You must has a terrible opinion of me.” He said a moment before he leaned forward, reached down, and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a single glass. Pouring the whiskey until the glass was half full, his hands rested upon the top sides of the glass. ”Honestly, while it’s interesting that you feel the need to be rude with me, I'm only gonna ask you once more to stop.” He said in a stern voice only before sipping from the glass. ”I’m not idiot. I know that the clan will eventually revolt against me for the things I've done or the things I may do in the future.” He told her.

”So, I’m asking you to aid me. Relay any information back to me and keep a close tab on everyone within the clan. When the time comes, I’d like it if you stood by my side.” After saying that, he sat the glass down and stood up from his seat. Glancing at a bookcase, he grabbed his book and walked over to it. Placing it back on the shelf, he continued. ”In return, I will waive not only your taxes, but your immediate family’s as well. Also, you’ll be required to perform fewer missions than others in the clan and will receive a gracious biweekly payment for your helping hand.” He told her. He was waiting for her answer at this point. Right now, his back was still turned to her and he was still facing the book case. He was tired of reading about techniques for the day. Now he wanted something to relax to.

He was trying to scold her for his attitude and impose his will upon her, but it wasn’t working. Then again maybe she should clam it down for the moment and see where things go. Waiting, she listened as he explained what the favor was and what he was willing to do for her helping him. Right now was the perfect moment for her to make a move, yet she was holding herself back. For a second there she was letting another side of her control her actions, but now she wasn't. Biting her tongue, she sighed and waited before she said anything else.

I’ll help you and accept your offer, but in return I want a sample of your blood.

It was an odd request but she was serious about it. If he ever crossed her all she would have to do is ingest his blood and stab herself until he died. That was her price and if he couldn't pay that then she wanted nothing to do with him. Actually she really wanted nothing to do with him at all, but an opportunity like this only comes up once in a life time. If she didn't take it now when it was possible she might regret it later. After all no matter how kind she was and how nice she treated anyone, she was still a follower of Lord Jashin. Because of that no matter how much she tried to subdue it evil thoughts like this popped into her mind every so often.

[Word count: 255][Marked for Training]

Current Ninpocho Time:
