Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [pvt. Hikaru] Discussions.

From one end to the other, that was something that Nao had been doing on repeat for a while now. Once more he picked up some documents and his eyes read the page a few times over. "Will I really do right on this..?" He muttered under his breath as he would place the file down once more on his desk. Crossing his arms he would think once more. " I think I will do right on this..." He said as he would go through the requirements once more. "Excuse me.." He would peek his head outside of his office to catch a nurse passing by. "Have you seen Hikaru-chan anywhere near?" He asked and got a shrug from the nurse. He would scratch the back of his head.

'That is true... they have been rather busy with their own patients and service rounds. Hmm... Plan B...' His hands would wave a few handsigns before in a puff of cloud a contract emerged. "Sai, good to see you again." The calm in Nao's voice spoke so much for Excursai who had been him multiple lives. "Glad to see you are doing better, still troubles?"
" That is just from time to time... Luckily nothing to severe anymore. I hope it will go, I honestly feel a lot better." He would smile soft and warm and even Sai could see how it was going.

With a small bow Sai would take off towards the place where Hikaru would be. Once upon arrival Sai would make a bow with his wings including. "Hikaru-chan." Sai would start to get her attention even further. "Nao-san is asking if you could meet him in the office once you have the time." Nao would never make it an urgent thing when it wasn't even needed, he would let his staff get to him in the time of day that they had a open spot ni their agenda. "He will be in and around his office, so either in his office or in the back having a sigarrete break." He would comment before waiting on an answer of HIkaru and flying off back to Nao to give word.

ooc said:
This is a topic for when Nao has been almost cured of his illness, so this is after the storyline with Keiji.
Topic for Hikaru.

This has been typed from a work PC, sorry for the problems in grammar. Please poke me if anything is odd.
Hikaru was holed up in her office that morning, poking through a report of intervillage medical team propositions. It was a fascinating paper that she would have loved to pore over the minutiae of; the problem was, she was so exhausted from training with Ukabu the previous night that what little assisted vision the two of them could manage was stuck flickering on and off like a broken lamp. Every day she marvelled at the progress she was making with life as a Jinchuuriki, but even so, times like these were reminders that they were far from perfectly synchronized. The Medical Chief leaned over her desk, rubbing her forehead against the smooth wood surface- the job couldn’t be all high points, after all.

Speaking of her job, a familiar presence happened to turn up in her room in that moment, and she looked up with her now grayed eyes, sightless once more, to greet the arrival. “Ah, hello. How can I help you…?” She recognised the youkai’s voice quickly. “Oh, Sai! It’s been a little while, how are you? How’s Nao?”

Her last question was answered soon after, giving Hikaru a small jolt of surprise, “Yes, of course! Please tell him I’m on my way.” She supposed it wasn’t very sudden for a Sennin to want to speak with those next in command of his branch, although she was aware that Nao had been slowly dealing with some form of illness, especially recently. Sending his contract summon to invite her for him was an indicator of neither good nor bad news, specifically; he had done that plenty of times in the past. She was just curious how his physical condition was faring, and, she supposed, his mental condition as well.

A handful of minutes later, Hikaru turned down the hallway leading to her Sensei’s office, having donned a white lab coat for the most official look she could manage. She stopped outside the door and knocked briefly as she usually did. Just looking at the outside of this specific room brought back memories- she had been here when she first joined the Medical branch, right after she had been recommended for the position of Medical Chief by the Fourth Hokage, before numerous meetings in their general work weeks. She pinched herself: she was getting philosophical again. Maybe she’d never be able to stop doing that.
Sai was quite happy to hear that Hikaru was doing well, or at least seemed to be doing well. At the question about how his master and long-life friend was doing, Sai could only smile at that. "You might not recognize him anymore... He has changed... somewhat." he would leave it half a mystery for the young Medchief as to who what or where. On the note that she would be there as soon as she could; he would nod and hop off again.

"Come in!" The once bit dulled voice was now a full awake one, cheery and with a warm tune mixed in. Once Hikaru would one-up the door there would basically be a different person standing there. The only thing that was the same; was the color of his eyes, the height and he was a bit muscular than that he was before.
He was standing tall, his hairs were full of live and had slight wave to them as he turned ti bounced a little bit before they would fall to their place again. And the color wasn't exactly to tell, because it seemed to change with every light direction he had.

"Mornin' Hikaru-chan." He spoke and smiled warm yet bright as he would then place the file on his desk. The once sleep couch was moved out and placed a regular one that you could sit comfy in. "Sorry for bringing you in this hastily." He would, moments later, ask through his hand motion if she wanted anything to drink. It was in his nature to look after others after all.

After she would reply, he would either grab something or just sit down on the couch after grabbing the file on his desk. "Curiosity kills the cat... why do you think you have been called in today?" He hummed a little, in his mind it was just to learn more of her thought process."
Hikaru raised an eyebrow at Sai’s answer. She hadn’t heard of any big changes to the Sennin’s appearance or mannerisms since she had last seen him, although that was probably what the point of this meeting was. Since he didn’t elaborate, she assumed it wasn’t a bad change, or at least not one bad enough to require some introduction. She rallied her tired body and the equally disgruntled sound spirit inside of it, alerting the latter that there would be something she wanted to see; now she was curious.

The voice that came from the other side of Nao’s door was enough of a surprise to raise both eyebrows at. It definitely belonged to the Sennin, she could tell, but it was as if his long-lost twin brother had returned- a twin brother that was a good deal more exuberant than she had known Nao to be. She slid open the door and stepped inside with a shocked smile. Signaling Ukabu, she squinted the slightest bit as the visual world came into focus… and was immediately speechless at what she saw.

Sai’s comment was an enormous understatement: if his voice was any indication, it was like a completely different person had suddenly become Sennin overnight. His eyes were the same, but overall he looked in better condition and more solidly-built. She watched his hair catch the light as he turned, practically glowing, and when he spoke again it came out cheerful and warm. The Medical Chief replied amazedly, “Good morning! You look much healthier, Nao… what happened, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Taking a seat on the new couch, Hikaru politely declined a drink with a nod of her head, answering, “No problem, this seems… important, I suppose.” She could tell that Ukabu was running out of energy to maintain her temporary eyesight- wishing they could figure out how to share chakra for longer, she blinked several times as the soft glow faded from her eyes. “I’m not quite sure why you wanted to see me, aside from witnessing your transformation. Has there been a change in the branch, or is there something specific that needs my attention?”
Hearing that question; something that he could have known would happen. Made him have a rather awkward smile. "Well... I have been trying to avoid people for a few days... Keiji found a way." He simply said as he would take a seat on the couch too with his own cup of tea. "So... After a lot of searching in my basement and lots of tests..." At that idea, that memory, you could see that he got a shudder running over his spine. He hated needles that were being used on him, mostly because of his past and you could notible see that. "I erm." He would scratch his cheek, trying to find a way to explain it as basic as possible.

"After a lot of studies, puncture my muscles and organs, we found that somehow the illness I have attacked the organs that should protect me. Yet they were failing to do so. Keiji found a way that the organs no longer fight the body but now live in harmony basically. I have had this ever since I was young... I always have been in and out of hospitals, beds, and whatnot more. So it's... quite different to not be tired or the likes anymore and also spend lot more time with the kids in the clanhouse." Nao would nod a few times as he would explain a bit more in detail regards his body.

As he noticed Hikaru's eyes. He would cough a little to end that subject about his illness. "The reason why I called you here, is I want to train you to become a sennin. I cannot guarantee you will be the next one chosen by the Hokage, but at least you will be a lot better candidate for it." Nao would explain his reasoning after. "You use your head, are always around new students, and treat them like a family. I hope you will accept my offer. It will be... quite different, as so far I haven't seen any other branch of Sennin do this. So we will both be going new into this."
Hikaru listened intently as the Sennin started describing his transformation- though she might have known at some level about his disease, she would have never expected such an incredible change to come from curing it. He seemed to shiver a bit at a certain recollection, one that made him pause for a moment. The Medical Chief began to wonder how much of this had been going on without her real knowledge. Not that it was her business to poke around her Sensei’s personal life, of course, but she was curious, especially if it was justifiable in that it affected the branch. She nodded, waiting fixedly for him to continue.

From Nao’s explanation, his illness sounded terrifying: such a simple concept of the body turning against itself likely didn’t do justice to the hours upon hours it must have taken to research and reverse. The fields of battlefield medicine and hospital care Hikaru was familiar with typically dealt with external sources of damage to patients, like physical wounds or poisons. She could scarcely imagine how Keiji had been able to correct the Sennin’s entire body like rewiring a circuit… she supposed that was his job, practically the Medical Branch’s resident miracle worker. “That’s great to hear!” she beamed as he took a pause. “I’m glad you’re okay- please do let me know if you need my help with anything related to the disease.”

The reason why she had been called to his office, however, ended up being very different from what she had truthfully expected. Upon Nao’s mention of the words ‘train to become a Sennin,’ Hikaru involuntarily leaned back in surprise- her? Sennin? Was Nao stepping down…? Again, the more logical half of her brain caught up and pointed out that that probably wasn’t the case, that this was probably a normal thing for Chiefs and Captains since they were generally next in line for the Sennin position (depending on the Hokage’s final word). It was still shocking, and yet she realized she had been a part of the branch for several years now… time sure flew by.

Hikaru smiled as the surprise subsided a bit, appreciative of Nao’s compliments. “O-of course. I guess I am one of the two best qualified people for the job, aside from you,” she thought through the revelation as she said it aloud. “I’d be more than willing to learn whatever you’d like to teach me!”
Nao was glad about the fact that she wanted to get going on this subject. He would smile and nod a few times. "as for my disease, please don't worry too much about it." He would wave that subject away. "It will come forward that I will call you to my side more often, as there are things to learn and study from this. But I am never sure when this is. I might send a clone that can either relay what is going on or take over the job you currently have. So rest assured, when it is a clone that is following you up it's a medical one... Not a plain one." He would comment after and nod a few times. "For now, it's just basic and standard paperwork, you may look over them a time when you want, but first I wish to let this decision sink in before you make a final one. Before you ask; Nah, I am not stepping down. I just want a person that will be suited up for the job instead of being thrown in blindly. Let's sort out a date where you can ask many things and we don't have anything interrupting us." With that, he would look to the door where you could see people walking past already.

One of his ticks was already returning which was the habit of smoking. He would rub his knuckle over his nail and look towards the window. Now that he thought about it... it had been a while.. His eyes would return towards Hikaru and smile softly. "Just let it all sink today, I will call you again next time, or just visit me when you have a bunch of questions."

[OOC- I know this took me so god damn long, I am soooo sorry about that. If you wish to you can leave it as is, I just wanted to give a reply.)

Current Ninpocho Time:
