Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

[Pvt. Tutor] Keiji, the herbal garden.

A week had passed since their meeting in Nao’s office. He finally had some time to learn Keiji and figure out how this herbal gardening worked. It was a day before that the two would schedule a meeting. A proper time was needed as to not pull away from their work.

Nao would stand outside waiting, dressed in rather casual clothing that could dirty up if needed. Basically simple long jeans with side pockets, a long black shirt that did sit tight over his upper body, a bit displaying the muscles he had. The sleeves were rolled up as he had already been doing some work in and around the garden. His sennin coat was hanging inside on a hanger. He started to lean against the glass building he would reach into his pocket, slowly pulling out a pack of smokes. The outside definitely had seen better days, as the package had been looking like it had been soaking up water, been laying somewhere with food stains... But Nao didn't smoke high brands, just the cheapest version there was really. As he took a smoke out he would place them between his lips. First trying to light lucifer outside. The first one quickly died out, the second one didn't even want to light up... It annoyed Nao, to say the least, so in the end, he made a single jutsu seal for a flame in the palm of his hand. He hated using unnecessary chakra... but at this point, he wanted a smoke and now, without lighting it inside to walk outside.
He took a breath and exhaled the smoke again, the nicotine was something he sometimes could miss, but at times it gave him a moment to distress and clear out his head again. Anticipating now more than ever to teach the secrets of the herbal remedies he wished to pass on to someone. Inhaling again, eyes searching the road for his quarry to come.

OOC said:
WC: 326
TWC: 326 / 1500
Please post in less than 7 days after my post.
Tutor for Keiji.
The research had gone well, no conclusive results though, merely a solid indicator. The theory was still up in the air. Evidence of the abnormal chakra chain within certain patients was true. But in order to make preliminary examinations would require more test subjects and more time. Only time would tell what this abnormality can do in truth.
Wiping his brow he took a deep breath as he straightened his back. Hitomi would jump up from her seat and walk softly over to pull the curtains, forcing him to squint his eyes in reaction "It's time, we gotta head over to Nao, he wanted us to assist him with his herbology garden-thing" "Oh right!" Keiji had to be quite frank, entirely forgotten all about his arrangement with Nao, Hitomi had marked the date and told Keiji about it, but during his research had sweat it out fully.

Sighing deeply he stood up and took a stretch across his whole body. He was wearing his usual off-white gi and pants, his full height straightened up to reach the ceiling of his office and forced him to push back against the roof almost like he was trying to push the building upwards. But such is the curse of a tall man, stretching upwards in a room not made for his size.

Ending his little ritual he took another sigh and walk to the door leading out of his office and began his stride towards his destination. Hitomi following briskly behind at a slightly heightened pace in order keep up with Keiji. You could clearly see her with a slight smile across her lips, as if she was expecting something exciting to happen within the near future.

He walked outside to the hospital section and arrived to seeing Nao standing outside of the gardens enjoying a smoke.
Keiji calmly walked up and greeted him, assessing his mannerisms and outfit. Nao seemed relaxed, but filled with a certain aspect of stress, otherwise that smoke wouldn't have been such a relief as it clearly seemed to him.
He himself didn't exactly feel like smoking at the given time, so left Nao to to his devices, and just greeted him passively and stood by him reaching out for a handshake, and assuming Nao would take it, give a firm one. Nao would feel Keiji's callused and rough hands, those of someone who has gone through decades of working on his hand and finger muscles strengthening them and pushing them to extreme limits "You feeling alright there buddy?" He would ask nonchalantly and with a slight smirk to his lips. "You seem stressed. Ready to divulge some of these green secrets of yours?" He said as he nodded towards the greenhouse and releasing his grip in Nao's hands.

The small statured assistant Hitomi would walk up slowly behind, having dropped pace a few times and finally standing ready and giving a slight courteous nod to Nao as she pulled forth her clipboard and pen, ready to assist, her wild red curly hair swayed in the winds and her almost glowy red eyes would settle on the piece of paper on the board and try to write some final notes before moving onto writing whatever Nao would go through with Keiji.

OOC said:
[Ready and willing]
WC: 326
He started to greet the other back as he got closer, even took the hand on which he could feel the texture on the hands of the other... His own were softer to the touch, yet still bare marks. "You feeling alright there buddy?" "Hmm hmm. There have been better days, that to say the least." He had seen that smirk and wouldn't say much more on that matter. "You seem stressed. Ready to divulge some of these green secrets of yours?" "Of course I look stressed... so far I have been cleaning the mess that was left for me... I finally got the things where i can just do a bit on a day and get a hang of it all..." He would sigh heavily as he took one more from his smoke before putting it out and place it in a tin mug that stood there to be used as an ashtray. It was half-filled with water and there were just two besides the newly put in one. "Hmm hmm... I see that someone is already eager to get started too.." And without much to mind, he would inch into pet the other on the had. If she let it happen of course. He would do it in a warm matter and soft one, instead of a harsh one that some elderly man would give kids. "Glad to see you back around again, don't work yourself out either. I don't want either of you overworked..." He would eye them both as he meant those words. "After you." He would let Keiji get in first before closing the door of the herbal. "If you wish to, there are always gloves to use." He would mention and point towards them. He tried to keep it as casual as possible instead of a real class lesson or something. "In case you forget, there are routine papers laying around somewhere... will dig them up later." He would display the herbal as a two-story place... even multi-layered and as he stood there on the bottom of the stairs. he would start to explain.

"So we are using aqueducts to make sure that the entire garden is irrigated. There is a side branch from one of these Aquaducts towards the more toxic plants.. don't mix them up, we have plants here that could kill all of the others..." He would sigh as it was a bitter memory as what had happened before a time. "In section 1. We have the regular herbal plants, those who are often made for small pain relief salves, anti-inflammatory, and even herbs for the common cold. Section 2. we have roughly the same treatment herbs but in a higher dose. They are only to be used inside the medical wards as they might leave an effect... You will learn all the plants later on you start to work with them...." He would explain a few more sections before getting towards the part where Keiji might be interested the most in. "This is section 5 till 7... Now, these are all toxic plants, either toxic for other flowers, humans and or animals. The toxic to other flowers are in the lower basin of this section, while the others remain at the top. Handle the black and red flower with care, always use gloves as the liquid of that flower eats away skin... now on the same level, there is section 8 till 11... These are antibiotics plants to treat either poisons, toxins or high-end antibiotics. The sections might neer rechanging... but who knows. There is still 12 till 15... those are plants that haven't gotten a priority into one of the other sections. Basically, these are herbs I am still working on." Now all the sections weren't as big as one would think, most of it was even half empty. Yet there already had been so much time and each of these wouldn't be a regular item on the market. "Did you get all this so far...?"

OOC said:
WC: 667 (MFT)
TWC: 993 / 1500
Post 2/5

Please post in less than 7 days after my post.

Hitomi would pout, as Nao was petting her, her bright red fluffy hair bounced as curls often do when pressed down on as he released his hand from her head. Whilst her face read as slight annoyance, her eyes was secretly screaming for more pets. She was still in theory a dog. Even if it is a Demon dog of sorts..

Following and leaning forward to both hear Nao properly and being courteous for eye contact level he could feel his back ache slightly after the first couple of minutes. And instinctively took a few breaks to straighten his back and stretch slightly. It was lot of information Nao was able to relay. Dutifully Hitomi would be following along, and take notes steadily as Nao kept going, Keiji took note of some particulars but generally let his dear assistant take in the majority of the information to review it later. Their mental link had been improved to the extent that, like a weird sensation he could almost hear Nao's words through Hitomi's writing, like he felt the scribbles forming words in his mind and her swift hand almost affixed to Nao's every syllable.
It was trippy to say the say the least.

When they finally came to the toxins, his eyes would examine each of the plants and take mental notes on the spikes, almost dart-like coverage across the leaves which reminded him of the forests around the mountain he once called home, there were plants here that normally could only exist in that biome, and some fragrances in the air had a faint but distinct smell of his home country.
He was at ease in here, he thought to himself, weirdly enough the smells, and the listening to Nao was oddly soothing, like an out-of-body experience and caused a slight prickle he had to silently shake off to stay focused and attentive. He did listen, it was just not everything that settled in him equally, which is to be expected as someone that has sort of ignored the herbal remedies and properties and instead only focused on the result of the work those herbalists had done to be used for his work in creating anesthesia or things similar to it.

"Did you get all this so far...?" his eyes darted to Nao as those words escaped his lips. And Keiji was for a split second dumdfounded. "Yeeaah, I think so. It's a lot to take in." He replied as he found himself scratching the back of his neck nervously almost like he just listened to a lover's confession, all that was needing was him blushing and looking aside. Which he promptly realized, and lowered his arm again "It's just, there's a lot of plants, and the diversity alone is to be commended. I hadn't expected there'd be so many different plants from such a variety of biomes here, it must've taken generations to gather all the necessary material from the different known countries we have associated with each other."
He absentmindedly settled his eyes on one plant and stared at it as he continued. "I'm sure I'll get the hang of helping out up here and getting an overview of everything, I've got a lot of people to assist me in such things, we'll make good use of it and make improvements where we can." As the last word escaped his mouth he was unsure if Nao was even aware of his Harvesters traversing the hospital, and how they were usually always in places where they often than not shouldn't be, or listening in on conversations that weren't necessarily their business, not saying they were doing any specifically illegal, they were just very.. Proactive. They were definitely listed as personnel and staff. But they definitely weren't listed with any direct affiliation with Keiji except for them also being foreigners.

His eyes darted to Hitomi and their eyes connected for a second, and then Keiji turned again to Nao. "Of course, with your permission. I do enjoy it up here, admittedly so I wouldn't mind doing what I can to help out. Out of curiosity though, Is there any plants in here you'd say is your favorite? He'd catch himself smile instinctively as he found the question mundane in it's own right, but he still felt himself curious to the answer, as it might give some tell, or insight into the mind of his newly appointed Sennin.

Wordcount: 790
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He had noticed how the other was reacting... and even he looked away for a moment placing his hands in his pockets. 'Did he almost...' was a quick thought running through his mind as he looked back towards him as he started to talk further.. "You find this a lot huh..." He would mutter softly as he looked over the railing towards the other side. "Pretty sure there are still tons out there that we have no idea of..." He would embark and raise his shoulders to let them down in a shrugging motion. "I'm sure I'll get the hang of helping out up here and getting an overview of everything, I've got a lot of people to assist me in such things, we'll make good use of it and make improvements where we can." A grimace... was all he could do at this point, he looked towards the other, smiled rather innocent but in his mind, he could kill him over. "Just let them know... if I do find them something doing illegally in front of my nose or wreck the place... that they will pay the price for that... Depending on how bad it is, you might have a new body to work on." He really treasured this place as you could easily understand from his words. "I mean... You are somewhat known of a harvester... yet luckily no one seems to know me as a doctor of death..." He spoke a bit more relaxed as he was talking to Keiji in this matter because he was also quite sure that the other had no idea about his past or anything. "I mean... It's only natural for us doctors to get nicknames... ANBU have them all the time for us too." He would huff a bit at his own words.

Nao looked the other in the eyes and tilted his head a bit, wondering what the other wanted to ask. "My favorite..." He would look around the place, looking to see if he could spot it in a few seconds. Once he saw it he would walk towards it and lean a bit down. "I would say it is this one..." He would point towards it before grabbing one. "It's a versatile herb this one... Can be used as a medicine, for in an antidote... or poison. Depending on the preparation and when you harvest it... People often confuse it for a mint plant because of the smell it gives... Since I plucked it in day time there isn't a problem with them, pluck them at night and they are poisonous... Probably a defense mechanism of this one..." Nao would hand over a leaf of the blue-green plant. "The tricky part though.. the more poisonous they are, the more bitter they taste and have a rotting smell of them..." He would stick out his tongue as he had a rather.. personal experience with these plants. "They look innocent on the outside... Yet they have secrets even I may not know it all." He would say and finally, stand up to look towards the other.
A small shock appeared on Keiji's face as Nao was insinuating Keiji's Harvesters committing to any atrocities or illegalitets with the garden. "Illegal? I only ever did one thing illegal in my entire life. And that was stealing a loaf of bread due to my family living in poverty, and that action became the instrument my Master used to mold me into what I am today. I would never disgrace my position, abilities, and my friendships by allowing any sort of illegal activities within my jurisdiction. The only aim we have is always to strive for bettering ourselves and others for the betterment of all. Illegal activities or attempts at interrupting such beauty and knowledge as this garden contains would be immensely immoral, and against everything we stand for. So you have nothing to worry about in that department." Keiji's teeth were almost clacking in a clear frustrated tone. Keiji and his Harvesters would never be a force for bad, in his own mind. Their goals would never be to control, or destroy. Their goal was always maintenance and improve. Be it themselves or others, whatever or whoever they were affiliated with, something in Nao's words struck Keiji's self righteousness and his honor as a Harvester.

"Now, in regards to me as a 'Harvester' that was merely the title bestowed to me by my Master and the unit of which I am the master of. We are simply experts in field and theater surgeries, if something here is discovered to benefit our skills and abilities furthering the overall surgical abilities within Konoha, I wouldn't want to prevent them from utilizing it, and perhaps it would beneficial overall to grow more of that in particular if needed. But that is just my opinion. I would regardless of whatever I, or my associates do up here deter to your judgment on the matter. Don't think I'll start just doing my own thing without your knowledge beyond general maintenance. These kinds of places are treasure troves within the medical and scientific communities, and needs to be treated as such. I hope that is suffice to how you want this collaboration to work Sazuki-san..."

As the first words, escaped his mouth, Hitomi would glare at Nao with intense eyes, a slight glow might be visible within them, but steadily as Keiji went on her eyes would relax and lastly returning back to her paper and notes, although not writing anything, as she obviously believed this little topic unnecessary to document. If Nao was attentive, he may notice a handful of shapes silhouetted men, dark, but shapes nonetheless on nearby roofs just standing, quietly observing. Anbu, or something else might be the line of thinking, but as soon as Nao would blink, the shapes would be gone, as if they were never there. Nao may conclude they could be Harvesters, but there'd be no evidence and nothing conclusive. Were they listening? Or perhaps they were in fact ANBU watching Keiji, trying to discover if he was in fact a threat to Konoha and therefor reacting to his aggressive tone.

Now, with that said, Keiji took a quick, but deep breath and then assessed the flower and remembered Nao's words on it. "With that said though, I do agree with the flower you favor. It is immensely fascinated how different it's abilities differ depending on the time of day. Could it be the roots that somehow transfer the change in it's effects up as the temperature changes? Perhaps by heating it up further by boiling or placing it within a hotbox might further alter it's effects? Maybe..." At this point Keiji was just mumbling to himself, only switching his attention back to Nao if he were to say any more words to Keiji, his mind was building theories and ideas based on what Nao had told him about the plant.

Keiji was like this, easily distracted, easily forgiving, and easily just getting focused entirely on some idea. This time it was the flower. At the same time as this was transpiring Hitomi was standing and eagerly listening to Keiji's words and mumbles, writing notes on her paper as quickly as is possible, and not missing a single beat.

It was Harvesters, standing up for a second, just in case their master would commit to an action, but upon Keiji shifting his tone, opted to just go back down.
word count: 734
He saw how the other reacted once he had started regards illegal things from his people. But that was mainly because he only knew people that were defined that did such odd things. It often happened in the secret part he was often attending to. Yet it seemed he had it totally wrong this time. At first, his face was a bit shocked by his reaction, but slowly his facial expression calmed down till he was looking serious towards the other but listening towards every and single word. He would nod slowly as he helps his chin between his fingers listening further. 'He used my last name instead of the first name... Guess I did piss him off..' He would look towards the little girl who didn't seem so cute anymore. ' Note: Pissed THEM off...' It was only a moment later that he looked up for a second to see silhouetted men... "oi..." He would say but once he blinked they were already gone.

For a moment he wasn't paying attention to his Medical chief as he was a little puzzled by what he just saw. 'Who were they...' He used his temporal strider ability to check that one more moment back in time, but he didn't have much with that, since he only saw that part.. He could only reply to that part. 'Tsk... cannot see if they had masks or not... they were wearing capes I believe... This isn't the time to play tricks mind...' His eyes glanced towards the other two for a second. 'Are they watching him because he is from somewhere else.... Or is it someone else...? Are they here for his work or worse... to end him because of his work..?' Thinking about multiple matters he would be shaken out now that the other started to speak again.

"Hm hmm.. Perhaps so..." he wasn't really into the game with his head anymore, as he already had been going back and forth in that little moment of time. He moved towards the railing and looked down towards the other flowers. "A dirt will hit the waters in a minute..." He muttered as he moved towards the spot and had prepared a simple fishnet on which he cathed the little dirt. "Need to check that oo again huh..." It was then that he noticed he was dozing off and looked a bit dazzled. "A-ah sorry... Habits.. habits.." He would attempt to laugh it off and look towards them. "Sorry about first, I thought those Harvesters were one of the other groups I knew, sorry for my haste assumption you both were the same group." he would bow as an apology too as he didn't want that to happen. "The way you explained your group would actually make me feel proud that there are a lot more people wishing to work in that line of the field. Not many would do that.
He wasn't exactly explaining what just happened for him, how he knew the dirt was coming there that time... and he certainly hoped he didn't had to.

WC: 513 (MFT)
TWC: 2.022 / 1500
Post 4/5

Please post in less than 7 days after my post.
The muttering uttered by Nao felt like he was entirely ignoring Keiji's emotions giving him pause, but the acknowledgement proceeding it made him sigh and give a soft nod towards Nao. Following his gaze Keiji tried to follow his thinking of checking the oxygen amount in the dirt to optimize it's living conditions perhaps oxygenating the soil might help. But one would have to do a few tests to measure it with a living plant in it already growing.

Smiling Keiji took a step back as he had unkowingly, and catching himself having gotten a little too close to Nao's personal space, examining the plant Nao was assessing and talking to himself about. Nao's swift and rather abrupt change in subject and demeanor prompted Keiji to start considering what kind of abilities Nao possessed, as this quick change might signify he used a skill that drained his chakra to a strong degree without proper training.

Taking a quick breath the veins around his eyes began to bulge, the intensity of his bright white eyes increased, and the faint hue of his iris greyed slightly, enabling him to read the chakra veins within Nao, he instantly recognized the pattern, and the way his chakra flowed within him, Keiji concluded he had definitely used up a lot of his reserves, causing his drowsiness, and the way it flowed signified abilities he wasn't used to seeing often. He released his Hyuuga dojotsu, calming his gaze.
It lasted only a split second, but it gave him a lot of information to work from in future interactions. His mind snapped to Hitomi who had changed paper as she was writing down notes from Keiji's observations, showcasing their truly frightening mental connection, nothing being held hidden or secret unless intending to do so.

"Nao-san. You seem drained all of a sudden.. I can understand you might have other things to do other than continue showing me around here. I appreciate the tour, I am sure, despite our differences we can figure something out and work together. There truly is a lot here to do, and I am still amazed you've been able to maintain this place mostly on your own all this time. I am more than happy to assist where I can."

He took a few steps towards the door exiting the greenhouse with the surrounding sections of gardens, then turning his head with his best attempt at a comforting smile. "But please, do take care of yourself my friend, perhaps take a nap or something, I'd offer you a couch, but I'm sure you have places you can relax." Turning his head again back to the exit, "We'll catch up later. Let me know if you need me, I'll check back up here at least once a day. Maybe we'll meet each other up here again." As he said the last sentence he lifted one hand in a wave and walked through the door and heading back to the stairs leading down into the building properly.
Hitomi stopped her writing, and gave a curt bow towards Nao, and followed along with Keiji in quick pace, due to the long stride of Keiji's long legs.

Word: count: 559
Full WC: 2409
[Left thread?]
As he heard the other suddenly talking, he was a bit startled by it. "Huh..." He was wondering how it was possible that someone else could easily spot it when others wouldn't even notice his presence at all. "Uh..." He would mutter as he looks towards him. "Yea-... Please." He would say and saw him attempt to leave the building. "You don't have to go yet... I mean... we have couches here too... That being said... we got them after I passed out a few times in here." With that, he raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck as he started to chuckle a little bit awkward. It was odd, but he didn't mind the presence of the other with him in this garden. Which he usually did have. "Thank you in advance for listening towards my explanation on these herbal gardens, the plants, and everything. And thank you for writing everything down Hitomi-chan." he would attempt to pet her once more on the head as he would smile soft towards her and look them both. "If you need me for a few hours... I will be on the couch further in the back. Where you can still work on the administration of the whole place and take a good cup of tea or coffee. "Just keep in mind, no smoking inside. I do that too and if you ever were to find me sleep drunk... Or rather sleep-deprived, just do what the others do. Toss me on the couch and I will soon be snoozing..." He would look to the side and start to move towards the couch. It looked rather inviting all of a sudden.

Topic left stopped by Nao
WC: 250+ (MFT)
TWC: 2.022 / 1500
Post 5/5
Now you may leave x'D
Stopping mid-walking out he listened to Nao again, he seemed, sincere, honest in a way he wasn't entirely used to hearing from others, usually there's always something behind someone's speech, words carefully chosen and monitored, always gauging the others, like a fight was constantly happening, just with words, expressions, gestures, insinuations and emphasis applied.
In this instance, Nao seemed, genuine, tiredness might be a reason, but maybe there was something else.

As Nao attempted to pet Hitomi, she accepted, relented her posture and curled up slightly without making it too difficult for him to pet a little longer, her massive red curls almost coiling around Nao's hands, she didn't say anything, she just let it happen. Upon Nao releasing his grip she took a single step away and closer to the exit. She only glanced slightly back to Nao.

"I understand Nao-san. We can talk later, we'll have plenty of time later on. I'll keep in mind napping is a possibility up here as well, for now though, I need to be close to my own work. I'll see you around." Keiji said as he turned back to the exit and made his way back to his study.
"Bye!" Hitomi almost spoke automatically as she turned on her heel with Keiji. No word has previously escaped her mouth, but she felt it necessary for some reason. This may have been the first or second time Nao would have heard her voice, a petite, light voice, with a semi serious tone behind, almost like she was constantly on guard, as if she was constantly assuming she and maybe also Keiji was under thread. Yet sweet and with a hint of understanding. Whether Nao would be able to catch on that much from her single word is unsure. But it was the truth of it.

[Thread Left!]
WC: 313
TWC: 2722

Current Ninpocho Time:
