Clan Details
Situated within the Seki District is an area of buildings and shops belonging to members of the Raitoningu Clan. This area is known as the Raitoningu Community and is the only place where members of the clan live. While there is no official boundary to show the Clan's acquired land, one would know when they have entered this area because the style of buildings become increasingly feudal. Also the clan's seal is generally crested upon all their buildings in one way or another. Because the clan's population ranges in the low hundreds, they occupy a relatively decent amount of land although even this would be nothing compared to the overall land area the Seki District encompasses in general. Unique to their living style, many Raitoningu Clan members live in two to three story buildings with merchant shops on the lower level and it is not uncommon for multiple families to inhabit a single building. The atmosphere in this area is eccentric and filled with the laughs of children and the ongoing gossip/conversations of adults. Visitors who pass by are frequently enticed by the friendly energy that fills the area, a testament to how well mannered the clan's members are.
Located within the Clan's District would be the most sacred building known to the Raitoningu. It is a Ujigami Shrine which has been in the possession of the clan since before anyone can remember, as it has always been there even in the clan's long history. The shrine is sacred to the Raitoningu as it supposedly houses the clan's most sacred keepsake which is the blade of Raiju. Resting within the shrine, surrounding by memorial tablets inscribed with the names of every member of the clan who had died in service to Kumogakure, is a sheathed blade rumored to be imparted with the soul of Raiju itself. This shrine is well protected by the clan and at a given time numerous members of the clan are present either within or around it.
The single largest building within the district, the clan's records and documents are kept within this building. It is here that members can find scroll upon scroll of their lineage, something the clan takes great pride in keeping as every member of the Raitoningu clan is capable of tracing their roots. It is here that the clan also stores various scrolls dedicated to other uses such as merchant records, monetary transaction records and even copies of all registration forms for the clan's shinobi. Attached to the building also lies the clan's training area which has been constructed into the foundation. It is here that members of the clan, both young and old come to practice their clan's special art. Within the foundation lies a secured room which houses scrolls specifically dedicated to the arts of kenjutsu and various lightning techniques. What makes the training level so uniquely designed is that the room is insulated with rubber panels throughout the inner walls and supports. This means that clan members can practice their NinTaijutsu arts within the area without harming the building itself or others in the area.
This thread will be reused for various topics and is open to anyone who wants to roleplay interacting with the clan itself.
Clan Details
<B>Name of clan
"Give your blood in service to the land which nurtured your life"
The Raitoningu Clan is a minor clan within Kumogakure that has been present for numerous generations. Despite their long standing ties with the hidden village, their clan has never become prestigious and their numbers have never become inflated to the point where they have the needed influence to transcend into a Major Clan. As a clan that holds it core beliefs to heart, the most well-known trait of their clan would be the fact that they are all innately loyal to the village. The clan does not possess bloodline traits which is something that is hard to come by but they do hold hidden techniques and abilities that create shinobi attuned to the lightning element. While a good majority of the clan either are active members of the shinobi force or have spent time as shinobi within the village an equally good amount are craftsmen by trade. The clan brings in supplemental income by engaging in merchandising, usually selling bladed weapons which they personally forge.
None, the Raitoningu Clan does not have branches but operates as a single entity.
None as of yet.
Membership requirements
* A shinobi born into the Clan
* Kenjutsu User
* Lightning Jutsu User
PC - Raitoningu Ejji
* The clan's symbol represents their sacred teachings, also known as the Absolute Trinity. In this clan members from childhood are taught the cycle of importance. Family comes before the Village, the Village comes before the Country, and the Country comes before the Family. It is because of this instilled teaching that the clan's members have a bred sense of loyalty.
* Clan members all possess three traits, one genetically linked and two artificially created. The first would be that all members of the clan possess darker toned skin, from olive hue to dark brown in color. They also all possess the marking 雷 (meaning "Lightning") over their hearts, a symbol inscribed upon them at birth. It is a constant reminder that the country of Lightning is forever in their heart and cannot be forgotten.
* Shinobi which hail from the clan specialize in the art of kenjutsu, particularly the art of using the katana. They are particularly skilled in combining their natural lightning chakra with their kenjutsu skills. A key style used by all members would be the channeling of lightning through their weapons.
* Each member of the clan possesses a uniquely designed katana that is made of three metals: Copper, Silver, Titanium. While the blades are made out of titanium (a metal that is both immensely strong/durable yet light), within the blade itself is forged a rod of pure silver that extends into the handle while copper fibers branch out into the weapon's length. Because of the combination of Silver and Copper, Raitoningu Clan blades are highly conductive to electricity and chakra.

Situated within the Seki District is an area of buildings and shops belonging to members of the Raitoningu Clan. This area is known as the Raitoningu Community and is the only place where members of the clan live. While there is no official boundary to show the Clan's acquired land, one would know when they have entered this area because the style of buildings become increasingly feudal. Also the clan's seal is generally crested upon all their buildings in one way or another. Because the clan's population ranges in the low hundreds, they occupy a relatively decent amount of land although even this would be nothing compared to the overall land area the Seki District encompasses in general. Unique to their living style, many Raitoningu Clan members live in two to three story buildings with merchant shops on the lower level and it is not uncommon for multiple families to inhabit a single building. The atmosphere in this area is eccentric and filled with the laughs of children and the ongoing gossip/conversations of adults. Visitors who pass by are frequently enticed by the friendly energy that fills the area, a testament to how well mannered the clan's members are.

Located within the Clan's District would be the most sacred building known to the Raitoningu. It is a Ujigami Shrine which has been in the possession of the clan since before anyone can remember, as it has always been there even in the clan's long history. The shrine is sacred to the Raitoningu as it supposedly houses the clan's most sacred keepsake which is the blade of Raiju. Resting within the shrine, surrounding by memorial tablets inscribed with the names of every member of the clan who had died in service to Kumogakure, is a sheathed blade rumored to be imparted with the soul of Raiju itself. This shrine is well protected by the clan and at a given time numerous members of the clan are present either within or around it.
Raiju's Soul said:![]()
The legend of the blade coined "Raiju's Soul" transcends the written history of the Raitoningu Clan as it has been in possession of the clan since any verbal or written history could recall. The tale goes that in unison with the birth of the first Raitoningu a powerful storm was raging overhead. The storm itself was unfathomed in strength and power, a storm that could be said to have been produced by a battle of the gods overhead. In this battle one of the revered god Raiden's companion beast known as Raiju was severely injured and fell from the precipice of battle to the earth below. In a brilliant flash of lightning, the beast's soul struck the ground below in the same location where the baby was sleeping, completely destroying the structure. When those around finally were able to remove the debris in an effort to recover the body of the child considering it was understood that noone could have survived such a strike of nature, they instead found the child to still be sleeping peacefully. The child's body had a surge of electricity visibly flowing along it's body while resting just beside him would be a blade embedded into the ground. This blade would go on to be known as Raiju's Soul and for the Raitoningu Clan it is known as the blade which gave birth to their clan's lightning affinity.
It is for this purpose that the blade is kept in such high regard to the clan, so much that it is housed in the same shrine that is meant to commemorate the passing on of deceased clan members. In a ritual dating back generations, the clan imparts the remaining chakra within their deceased member's bodies into the blade as a sign of respect to the blade that caused their clan's birth. As such the blade is also known as the "Thousand Soul Blade" because within it also lies the life energy of countless Raitoningu Clan members.
It is said that if one were to weild the blade, the power of both the Raiju and the chakra funneled into the blade by the clan members would all be at the wielders fingertips. Be they clan members or not...

The single largest building within the district, the clan's records and documents are kept within this building. It is here that members can find scroll upon scroll of their lineage, something the clan takes great pride in keeping as every member of the Raitoningu clan is capable of tracing their roots. It is here that the clan also stores various scrolls dedicated to other uses such as merchant records, monetary transaction records and even copies of all registration forms for the clan's shinobi. Attached to the building also lies the clan's training area which has been constructed into the foundation. It is here that members of the clan, both young and old come to practice their clan's special art. Within the foundation lies a secured room which houses scrolls specifically dedicated to the arts of kenjutsu and various lightning techniques. What makes the training level so uniquely designed is that the room is insulated with rubber panels throughout the inner walls and supports. This means that clan members can practice their NinTaijutsu arts within the area without harming the building itself or others in the area.