INpc: Sude Raiu</COLOR><i></i> DNpc: Sude Sairasu
The day started a lot different than normal. For the first time in two months, Sude Raiu found himself face to face with someone who could possibly be a threat toward his position over the clan. Sude Sairasu had forced himself onto the grounds, pushed past the servants, and disturbed Raiu’s lunch. He hadn’t hurt anyone in the process and as a member of the clan, the home was as much his as it was Raiu; this meant he wasn't exactly trespassing. As such, he hadn't broken any of the villages laws at the moment, but it was surely a heated exchange of words between the two at this point. Oh yeah, Eizou was also there with him the entire time; although, Eizou wasn't in the room with him. He was standing outside the door far enough away to not hear what would happen, but close enough to be within the immediate area.
"Raiu, why!? This clan has always been so kind and loving toward you and now, you give them nothing fear, outrageous taxes, and threats against their lives . You're treating them all like they're slaves." Yelled Sairasu as his hands slammed against a dining table, causing it to shake and nearly fall apart in the process. <COLOR color="#ff8000">"I don't know what makes you think you can barge in here and talk to me like that. Get the fuck out." Said Raiu, in a stern and angry tone of voice. ”No. You need to stop what you’re doing to them. You’re causing them to suffer; you’re taking food from their mouths and stirring up hatred, and anger, among our clansmen. You’re asking for a rebellion”. Sairasu was trying reason, while somehow trying to push back his own emotions. He was sweating, and nervous, for the first time in his entire life because of someone who stood before him.
"I don’t care. Let them be angry and let them rebel. I will strike each and everyone one of them done when they do." Gritting his teeth, he looked down and shook his head. ”Are you fucking crazy? We are Demons. When our emotions run amuck we don’t just fight and argue; we destroy everything in our fucking path. Cloud will become a victim of our anger and our clan will be prosecuted by the village once again. Raiu, we’re just now being accepted by the population. We swore to protect them and what you’re doing is igniting the fuel with your outrageous declarations and decisions.” He said once again. Finally, as the demonic energy flew through his veins in reaction to his raw emotions, the table beneath his hands finally gave way and collapsed. ”You need to stop this. Everything was fine before you imposed the taxes and made all those demands.” Glancing up, he noticed something flying toward him. A knife that was previously in Raiu’s hand was coated with electricity, flying toward his head. Barely dodging it, a cut appeared upon his cheek and a small amount of blood dripped out.
The next thing he knew, Raiu had disappeared and then reappeared, only to strike him in the gut with a devastating punch packed with lighting as the knife stuck into a wooden banister behind them. Instantly, Sairasu fell to his knees and began to cough blood. Raiu felt as if he was being threatened in his own home, by an unwelcome visitor, so defending himself was necessary. ”You’re a shell of what you use to be. Now, you’re nothing but a worthless old man who sacrificed what glory he had to raise his weak and pathetic children. You see, I don’t care what position you once held, or how you’re perceived by our clansmen, I am the new head of this clan. What I say goes.” With that, he kicked Sairasu while he was done; putting him flat on his back, only before stepping onto his chest. The room they were in hand no windows, and there was no one else in the room with them, so no one would be able to see what had just happened between the two. Anyone on the grounds, let alone within the house unless they were a member of the clan, would be trespassing "Clean up this mess and leave immediately. This is the last time I want to hear a single word from you about what we've discussed here. Also, in return for being forgiven for the damages you've done here today, send your daughter my way. I'm in need of her abilities and if she doesn't show up, I'll get Genshu and Bankotsu involved. It'd be a shame for the public to see the most influential member of our clan arrested for a petite crime. I wonder how much the public would love to see that."
With that, he pushed down on Sairasu’s chest with his boot one final time, and then stepped off only to leave thereafter. Sairasu laid there, embarrassed and angry more than he had ever been before in his life. He knew that if the public knew about what happened here, it would only serve to burden the clan. He just didn't know what to do anymore. He knew what kind of power he held, but never in his life was he taken down and disabled by a single punch. Raiu was monstrously strong, even compared to a full blooded demon, and that wasn't a good thing, at least not for the clan. Once everything was said and done, Sairasu did as he was told and sent Kyoko to go visit Raiu.
[Sude Sairasu Topic left]
[Sude Eizou Topic left]
[Sude Kyoko Topic enter]

Name: Sude Kyoko
After arriving at the clan’s mansion and being escorted by the servants, she was now face to face with Raiu. Before she even came here, Sairasu told her what had happened and warned her to be on her guard. He also told her to do whatever he wanted, unless it was something that would ultimately hurt her in the end. She was worried though. What did the head of the clan want with her? She was just a chuunin and honesty; she had next to no strength in terms of combat. About the only thing she was good for was outnumbering an enemy, abusing seals, and healing her allies. ”Kyoko. Let’s get to the point. Earlier today your father damaged some of my property and as of yet, I’ve not reported it. In return for keeping my mouth shut on the matter, I’m gonna have to request you use your Juinjutsu on me. Right now, it’s your choice. Either do it or don’t, and have your father arrested for destruction of property.” He cut straight to the point. Rolling up his sleeve, he approached her and extended his arm to her. ”Through my knowledge, I’m aware that there are seals out there that’ll increase the strength of my Ninjutsu and as such, that’s the one I want.”
Lowering he head, she thought to herself. ”Hm. Maybe it would have been smarter for me to keep my abilities a secret.” She thought before she pulled her hands up and began forming seals. Before long, her hand began to glow with a dark aura. Instantly, she reached out and took hold of his forearm. Glancing into his eyes, she exchanged an emotionless glare with him as her dark chakra poured into his body. As she let go, she watched the dark chakra swirl upon his skin and meet at a single point, forming the shape of a moon. She had given him the lunar seal. ”If that’s all, I’ll take my leave. Have a good night, Raiu-Sama.” She was quick about it. She was getting the hell out of here and getting ready to spread the word. She had just made the strongest most dangerous man in the clan even stronger and more dangerous. Raiu only seemed to grin as he felt the dark energies serge through his veins. If he had known thing feeling beforehand, he’d have had her done it sooner.
[Topic left - Sude Raiu]
[Topic Left - Sude Kyoko]
[Lunar Cursed Seal subscribed upon Raiu]
[Wc: 1200+]
[Marked for Training]