Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:58:35

Private Responding on the Roof [Tutor]

Apr 26, 2020
OOC Rank
A warm rain licked at the doorstep as Hikaru and her cousin Teru stepped inside the Byoin’s main entrance, the Medical Chief deciding to arrive early out of habit. Today thankfully wasn’t her first day back to work after her hospitalization and subsequent… changes. It was, however, the first day that Teru wouldn’t be helping her navigate and meet with patients- and coincidentally, Masami was supposed to show up for a tutoring session.

Hikaru blinked her newly-sightless eyes. The task of finding her way around the facility felt more doable each morning, aided by her familiarity with its clean structured hallways. She had gotten more experience with slightly disturbing the air in front of her to check for anything she might bump into. Even so, her cousin accompanied her once more to her office, greeting the staff they passed aloud so the younger woman could nod as well. Adjusting to blindness was much easier with help, but they both knew she’d have to stand on her own sooner or later. She had a duty to the branch and the village to fulfill.

Settled in her office, she waved her cousin away with a smile. The room fell into a natural quiet as she made her way over to the faintly gurgling fish tank, and she could pick out the muffled footfalls of those outside the room as she sprinkled a pinch of food into the water. It was tough knowing that her tiny guppies might have vanished for all she could tell, especially since she probably would have been able to tell if she could communicate with Ukabu again. Last night’s dream had been the same- the spirit remained asleep, or whatever it was doing, throughout Hikaru’s mental coaxing.

The Medical Chief returned to her chair, pushing the fish out of her mind. She still had a tutor to organize, and her grasp of the Hashigaki bloodline’s sensory capabilities wasn’t enough to perform surgery or anything of the kind. Hikaru sifted through her memory for techniques that she could demonstrate with her ears trained on the hallway beyond.

[TD][WC: 348]
TWC: 348 / 1500
PC: 1 / 5[/TD]

OOC said:
Tutor thread for Uchiha Masami! Adopting the normal 5 day wait limit for posts; I'll let you know if I need more time, and you can do the same. :D
A parasol steeped in red, its edges trimmed in yellow, provided canopy above Masami’s head to ward away the descending rain. Completely evading all of the droplets was impossible with the direction the wind guided them, but it still served as a respectable buffer. Rain was a type of weather many spurned, but she found herself enjoying throughout her life. A chaotic dissonance, but at the same time perpetuating a monotonous calm; the boons rain provided for the local endemic life aside, it always mesmerized her when she watched it.

Dark eyes regarding the Byoin as she arrived before its entrance, she devised a mental note to paint a picture of the scene when she had time to herself. Often making an effort not to dally, Masami closed the parasol, tucked it between her arm, and proceeded into the hospital. Today differed slightly from her usual routine as a new member of the branch—this time she found herself under the direct tutelage of Hikaru, rather than supervision while engaging one of her newfound duties.

A small plume of smoke and its subsequent disappearance later, and she sealed the umbrella into a scroll. After stowing it inside of a satchel, she made her way for Hikaru’s office. She wondered what she had been up to; for awhile she hadn’t seen her, and she was relieved at the brief glimpses she received of her resurgence. Not being privy to the finer details, Masami did her best to focus on her various assignments and invested the bulk of her time into all-nighters with medical books.

“Hikaru-sensei, I’m here,” she started as she reached the door. Should it be open, she would proceed within—but if it was closed, she would await permission to enter before opening it and sauntering forth. Masami was still uncertain where Hikaru stood when it came to being called sensei; Nao took his own stance on it, but she wasn’t sure if herself and the Medical Chief being the same age made it odd for her. Either way, seeing her always served as a quick reminder of how serene she appeared—or at least, she did to her. An undeniable calming presence, in Masami’s opinion, undeniably befitting for a saviour of others. Briefly redirecting her gaze to her side, she glanced back at her with a small smile. “It’s nice to see you again. I hope you’ve been well?”

[WC: 395]
[TWC: 395/1500]
[PC: 1/5]

[OOC: Understood and will do! :) ]
The footsteps she was listening for arrived after a short while, stopping neatly outside the Medical Chief’s door. She responded with a simple, “Come in!” rising from her seat to meet her student, and instinctually creating a faint current of wind in the room to perceive her movements. Hikaru caught herself, explaining, “Sorry for the breeze, it’s just an accommodation. My eyesight is… imperfect, for the time being.” That was an understatement: although she had been able to see very vividly when her Jinchuuriki spirit cooperated, right now she was relying on hearing, simple Wind-style sensory jutsu, and other people to go about her life.

Despite that, however, when Masami asked she grinned, “It’s very nice to see you again too, figuratively. There has been a lot of change recently, but I have been doing well, with some help!” She regarded the young woman’s movements through the wind (as one of the only things she could regard). Sitting in her office and talking with someone was perhaps one of the most normal things she had done recently, and it brought a sense of calm optimism to the gradually receding uncertainty. Masami was a promising Medical-ninja and devoted person- she could trust her with a few more details about what had happened. It would make for a good opening discussion, too!

“Due to a… complicated heritage, I’ve become the Jinchuuriki of a dormant Wind spirit. The Hashigaki DNA required to control it is the reason I’m blind. That’s just what’s going on with me right now, but I figured we could have a bit of a theoretical discussion before we get into the hands-on part of today’s lesson.” Hikaru closed her eyes, shifting her weight on the seat. “Put most simply, the role of a Medical Ninja in the field is to protect their allies and village from harm, essentially the same as those in the Main and ANBU branches. This manifests in many cases as direct healing, which is certainly the most important skill of this branch. I’m sure you’re familiar with the rules dictating that no Mednin should fight on the front lines or be anything but the last of their squad to perish.”

“However, there have been exceptions written into those rules for certain situations and individuals. The Combat division, for example, was established to provide aid on the front lines and to defend platoons from the Research and general Medical divisions. Of course, many of the shinobi in those areas are perfectly capable of defending themselves,”
she laughed. “But the point is, there is equal merit to protecting your allies by preventing harm to them as by healing that harm afterwards. Unique abilities can be assets to the branch, even if they appear strictly combat-oriented at first. I bring this up because, well…” The Medical Chief held up her hand. The familiar green of Medical chakra began to glow around it, before spoiling to a pale blue and finally appearing a vivid purple, emitting a warm, melodic tone. She cut off the jutsu, ceasing the chakra flow and the hum, and continued, “It seems like a new form of Medical technique unique to me, but I haven’t wanted to test it on anyone yet…”

“Your homework, if I can give it this early, is to hypothesize some method to apply Medical techniques in a unique way that works with your abilities. I’d love to hear if you have ideas now, but don’t feel pressured- you have a week to think of something. It can be anything, as long as you can explain how it’s useful to you or the branch!”

[TD][WC: 604]
TWC: 952 / 1500
PC: 2 / 5[/TD]

Used Mystical Hand, converted to a Sound jutsu through Aura Strike.
Stepping inside of the room after Hikaru’s beckoning, Masami felt the breeze sifting past her. Eyes of coal widening marginally in surprise, she listened. Before her thoughts could consider the cause, the Medical Chief’s words attributed it to herself. News of imperfect eyesight and the wind improvised as a crutch reached her ears, and concern sank into her own expression. It put the Uchiha in an odd predicament; she wanted to be privy to the specifics, but felt uncertain if it was her place to ask about it. For the time being, she simply kept her piece through her greeting unimpeded.

In contrast to the other young woman’s grin, her eyes became increasingly somber. “Wait, what?” While the initial words upon entering were indicative of deteriorated sight, the subsequent phrasing Hikaru used implicated significantly greater loss than what Masami imagined. As she prepared to listen, the Uchiha meandered her way to the wall nearest to her teacher, leaning against it. Hands clasped and fingers intertwined behind her back, she took inventory of the words spoken.

Of course, they were a lot to take in. Not only did she reveal herself to be a newfound Jinchuuriki, but the very lineage fate bestowed her with robbed her of her sight. A relatable quality, no doubt, as the continuous activation of the greatest form of her own eyes would eventually lead to the same destination. Admittedly, the initial explanation thieved much of the Uchiha’s attention, but she continued to focus on the subsequent words spoken. In retrospect, she thought, much of what she heard could be directly associated with her previous concerns about herself when she first requested transfer into the branch.

Masami’s black irises flooded with colour—a familiar, bold crimson overtaking the natural hue. The remnants of her original eye colour took the form of three tomoe. Gazing at the Medical Chief’s hand, the Sharingan allowed her to scrutinize the most minute of details, leading to a greater interpretation and understanding of anything within her field of vision. However, perhaps even more fascinating than the periodic distorting of the technique’s natural colour was the melodic hum associated with it. As an artist, the spectacle hogged her attention. “I mean, you could test it on me?”

From the intrinsic function their branch lived to serve, to the specific exceptions to it—she supposed the nature of her arsenal catered to preventative measures. Her studies and training seeped into trying to master healing arts, both with or without chakra, but the notoriety of her own bloodline and their highly offensive, misery-fueled eyes stood in direct contrast to specializing in holistic approaches. To devise a means of supporting her branch and others, while weaving the threads of her repertoire together, it was hard to promote anything selfless.

A light nod followed, before she looked to the ground. “How are you so calm? I don’t want to insinuate that you shouldn’t be, or dampen the mood, I just—I’m really sorry this happened to you, Hikaru…” Gloom overtook her expression, and she found it difficult to devise what to say in that situation. “I am capable of using the Mangekyou Sharingan. Similarly, my own lineage, with repeated use, will rob me of my own sight one day. Yet, the very prospect terrifies me,” she continued, chewing on her bottom lip, one hand tightening its grasp on the other behind her back. A wry, self-derisive laugh escaped her. “If you can still smile on like that in spite of the blindness—you might be the strongest person I’ve met.”

Taking a momentary breath, she tried to clear her mind and think objectively on the homework she had been assigned. “Speaking of which, that’s the initial idea I can think of when it comes to my own application of Mystical Hand, in unison with other abilities in my arsenal. I want it to be something supportive of the Branch and not just myself, but it’s all I have right now. Maybe it won’t address the eyesight deterioration, but I think I can abate the pain and damage caused by most of the eyestrain that stems from maintaining the Mangekyou Sharingan.”

A momentary pause followed, her now scarlet eyes fixated on Hikaru. “I have a trained smattering of medical techniques, but the rest of my repertoire consists of a lot of fire, hell fire, illusions, lightning… When we first met, that’s why I was so uncertain how I could combine my lineage and techniques with medical techniques.”

[WC: 738]
[TWC: 1133/1500]
[PC: 2/5]

Activated the Sharingan.
Hikaru listened as her pupil leaned against the wall, likely processing what she was saying. It had struck her that the full story was on the more private side, especially considering the actions of her father and the full history of the Amari that she and her cousin had been unraveling. Even so, the simplified version she had shared was probably alarming, to say the least, and she felt that perhaps she owed her friend and fellow Mednin a bit more of the story.

She ended the altered Mystical Hand technique, a little surprised at Masami’s willingness to help. “Are you sure…? We should finish the lesson first, but afterwards, if you’re still ok with it… it shouldn’t be dangerous theoretically, I’m just worried that it seems… potent. I suppose we’re in the right place if anything does go wrong, though…” She clenched and unclenched the hand that had performed the jutsu, shaking off the vibrations that its noise generated.

The Medical Chief fell silent as the other kunoichi continued. A few moments after she had paused, Hikaru began, “That’s a very good question. I feel calm for a lot of reasons; I guess one of them is that I’m tired of being stressed. I’ve dealt with a lot of uncertainty about my future in the past week, and at some point I realized that learning to live like this will help much more than worrying about it.” She gave a half-smile in Masami’s direction. “Sorry if that’s not a great explanation… I don’t know. It’s different, not less, if that makes sense. I’ve been able to modify a simple sensory technique of my aunt’s to perceive space around myself with enough accuracy to walk around close to normally- that’s the wind. Not being able to read irritates me, but others are often happy to read to you; contract summons probably would be, too, if you don’t want to ask another person.”

“I think that’s a great idea,”
she replied. “And we’re pretty smart here: if it’s a healing technique, we can probably find a use for it. Something Uchiha-specific like that would be a welcome treatment for everyone who ends up here to recover from overusing their Mangekyo. And actually… that reminds me. There’s information out there about how the Hashigaki clan lived with their blindness- if you know any Uchiha who’ve lost their vision, they could likely answer your questions a bit better than I can. A lot of this you'll discover for yourself- that's true of being an Uchiha, but it applies to a lot more as well.”

The Medical Chief stood. “Now, if you’re ready, let’s get into the hands-on portion of the lesson. We’ll start with a technique you’re going to need, a variation of the clone jutsu that produces ‘Medical Assistants’. If you aren’t already familiar with it…” She formed a seal with both hands, and an identical Hikaru appeared in a puff of smoke beside her. The clone (also blind, unfortunately) held up her arm, coating it in the green chakra of a low-rank medical jutsu. Strangely, no humming sound came, nor would the technique change colors; both original and copy frowned for a moment, then Hikaru observed, “That’s interesting. Apparently, in my case, the state of the user is copied over like normal, but the clone doesn’t house any of Ukabu’s chakra. That’s the name of my Jinchuuriki spirit, by the way, he's been asleep for a while now but I don't think that has anything to do with...”

She blinked. “Sorry, I got sidetracked. Have you performed this clone jutsu before?”

[TD][WC: 595]
TWC: 1547
PC: 3 / 5[/TD]

In the wake of her teacher’s question, she nodded in response. Perhaps it was reckless of her to make the proposition that quickly, but the Uchiha truly didn’t mind; that could remain other people’s definition of unfounded bravado, not her own. It sounded like it could be education, interesting, and help Hikaru in refining a sophisticated approach to medicine.

In her eyes, the benefits outweighed the potential consequence, and as she said—perhaps an omen in itself—they were in the right place in case she needed medical attention thereafter. In fact, she had one of the most qualified individuals for administering medical attention right next to her; she was certain nothing bad would happen. Right?

“Of course, I’m absolutely sure. Honestly, you’ve really piqued my curiosity with it, and I’d be glad to help out with its development. I’m up for sticking around after the lesson,” Masami declared, officially extending her invitation to allow her to volunteer. The talk of the potentially high potency didn’t discourage her; in fact, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it made it sound even more interesting. She wondered what was going to happen...

Masami listened to her friend reply to the question she posed. Taking inventory of what she revealed to her, she nodded with expanded understanding, and reciprocated the small smile. “That’s a lot to take in, but I think I understand. You’re right about that—you could stress, you could deliberate, but ultimately, the best course of action, in my opinion, is learning to adapt. Again, it takes a lot of strength to come to that conclusion, and follow through,” she started, impressed by the overall maturity the other young woman exuded. Indeed, it was the best action she could take—but had it been anyone without the mental fortitude required to carry through, the Uchiha was sure such a person would have faltered. “Please, if you need my help in adapting to these circumstances, feel free to ask.”

Hearing that her idea wasn’t a bad one, she was surprised. It was a bit on the self-contained side, but she was relieved when Hikaru presented her with the proposition to employ such an application to other Uchiha who may sustain damage to their eyes as well.

When the Medical Chief spoke on the subject of speaking to other Uchiha to garner more information on the subject of adaptation, her lips curled into a self-derisive smile. Thus far, she never spoke to a fellow clansman who endured such a plight. However, when she was still in the academy, she did recall being told about a specific “bandage” for the problem; a method that made her stomach turn. “Y-yeah. You’re right. It’s a sad subject to bring up, but I’ll try to poke around; see who might’ve experienced that in the past and how they dealt. I’ve always been especially interested in optometry besides.”

With the hands-on segment introduced, she resumed listening intently to Hikaru’s words. Watching closely, too- her Sharingan allowed her to examine minute details, and eerily follow along to the point where the predictive ability bordered on precognition. Slowly, she formed an identical seal with her own hands. Taking in the details of the technique, both what she was told verbally and what her transfigured eyes managed to discern, she watched the identical Hikaru—and noted the discrepancies. Although she was saddened that it technically discredited her own mind, the Sharingan had a reputation for unraveling the secrets of what it perceived along with its chakra vision; obviously making it easier to learn techniques perceived.

“I haven’t, but I think I have a general understanding of it now, after the explanation and seeing it first hand. If you’d like me to, I can have a go at replicating it—don’t think it’ll be quite as strong, though. I’ll need to train it for that,” Masami added in response. “Ukabu, huh? Honestly, sensei, I like to talk and help, too; the subject is intriguing to say the least. I have a lot of time on my hands, so, if you’d like to talk and theorize about that stuff, I don’t mind.”

[WC: 677]
[TWC: 1810/1500]
[PC: 3/5]
Hikaru was glad to hear her student’s enthusiasm, and was equally glad she could make some sense out of her explanation. It was odd- in the past, Jinchuuriki had been shunned for the evil act of harboring a spirit, according to what she had read about before actually becoming one. Her father had certainly made it seem like something monstrous. He had also claimed that her mother was killed by her own spirit, however, which she and her cousin had come to doubt with evidence from their research.

The kunoichi nodded towards Masami, smiling, “Thank you. I really appreciate your willingness to help- maybe you can look into the documentation of the Hashigaki clan with us sometime.” She felt a flash of guilt as she regarded the Uchiha; though her words of resilience were true, she didn’t want to include the fact that Ukabu was able to lend her full vision for short periods of time. It felt like cheating her blindness, and now especially it felt like cheating her student out of the inspiration she could be for her… Hikaru didn’t want to rely on some magic solution.

Nor did she want to encourage Masami to do so without a good reason or advice from others, knowing what she did about the Uchiha’s specific brand of ‘blindness solution’. “I trust you’ll be able to figure it out! I know your clan’s affairs can be complex, but I’ll always be around to talk if you need.”

Both Hikaru and clone nodded. “Not a problem if you haven’t. This technique can be an asset in any medical scenario, including the one we’re going to be simulating today! If you’d like the practice or think you can make it work, go for it, and if not, that’s fine. The point of this exercise will be to see where you’re at and test what you’ve learned- treat it like a real mission. C’mon, we’re going to need some space for this.”

The kunoichi led the way out the door and up the closest stairwell, her clone following closely behind. A light wind blew as they emerged onto the rooftop of the Byoin- she confirmed that nobody else happened to be there.

A second clone appeared in another puff of white smoke. Two Hikarus knelt, then laid on their backs on the rooftop, the third standing off to the side and strengthening the sensory breeze. Each of the duplicates formed the handseal for transformation as they found their position- after a moment, the MiT and Chief faced a pair of seemingly wounded kunoichi in uniform for combat, several meters apart. The left Hikaru bore several bright red gashes on her arm; the right was unresponsive but breathing.

“Whenever you’re ready,” she instructed, “you can start. You have just arrived to the scene of a battle with a team of Mednin, and you’re tasked with performing an initial analysis of these two to determine the next steps of medical care they require. You may use any supplies you have on-hand as well as any jutsu or technique, as long as it won’t disperse my clones.”

There's no time limit for this exercise- you can complete it in one post or four.
The Left clone's cuts don't appear to be very deep, nor do they seem to be showing symptoms of poison or other adverse effects.
The Right clone has a normal pulse and isn't showing any outward negative effects either, although they are unconscious and unable to be woken.
Good luck! And sorry for the wait, again :)

[TD][WC: 520]
TWC: 2067
PC: 4 / 5[/TD]
Masami felt a wave of enthusiasm over the concept of helping her mentor with her research into the Hashigaki clan. Albeit others might deem her eccentric for a portion of her participation’s nature, she found herself fully trusting the Medical Chief; she did not believe she would put her in any danger if she chose to test out the effects of a new means of medical application on her. Additionally, with how studied the Uchiha was becoming over the last while, she was positive she could provide some modicum of help with future discoveries at least, should she be permitted to investigate the proper documentation.

“Of course- just say the word and I’ll start looking into it on a moment’s notice,” Masami answered, her lips curled into a smile of her own devise. She supposed that, with what happened to herself to awaken the dormant powers of the notorious final stage of her clan’s inherent eye technique, she was slow to trust. Despite that, Hikaru managed to wrest her trust in its entirety duly. Had it been another individual, she might have harboured pangs of hesitation about the entire ordeal; at least when it pertained to potential experiments.

“Thank you, it’s honestly reassuring to hear your confidence in me,” Masami replied, a small laugh escaping her lips. With Hikaru’s station in mind, she reckoned she might be privy to one of the predominant popular methods; she couldn’t help but feel like the words might have been an unspoken vouch for localizing a different approach than the blatantly insidious and tragic. “I’ll do my best.”

The Medical Chief walked her through what the intended exercise would revolve around, and Masami was glad she was quick on the uptake when it came to assimilating new techniques demonstrated to her within reason. “Hehe, alright. I’ll follow your lead wherever, then.” With the promise of more space on the horizon, she wondered what her teacher intended on the way there. In terms of replicating a real situation, it must have been on a larger scale than what she was accustomed to.

Gentle breeze sifting through her lengthy auburn locks, she neglected the associated chill that it heralded. She took inventory of her surroundings, before her attention gravitated towards what Hikaru performed. Two clones in total, her transformed eyes took note of the situation. Laid prone, one sported numerous lacerations on the arm, while the other appeared unresponsive. A nod in response, she began to speak.

“Okay, I understand. I imagine since this is an active battlefield, there comes a certain sense of urgency. Unlike past trials, a combination of techniques and medical application would be more prudent than the usual diagnostics in a hospital,” she said, partially phrased as a question, partially phrased rhetorically. On a live battlefield, time was of the essence, so she needed to be quick an efficient with her efforts; but not sloppy with application.

Performing a string of handseals, a white puff of smoke enveloped the space next to her. As demonstrated by Hikaru prior, it was a clone of herself capable of employing medical techniques—although weaker than the one her teacher devised due to her being green to the use of the feat. Handing the clone some of the equipment she had on her person, she instinctively sent the clone over to the Miyazaki whose arm was compromised, while she herself made her way over to the unresponsive one.

The clone approached the girl on the left, kneeling to her position. The survey and subsequent triage would be like what the Medical Chief witnessed her perform before, at her acceptance into the Branch, as she procured disinfectant and applied pressure and elevation. Breathing, pulse and temperature seemed ideal, and she couldn’t discern signs of poisoning even if the detail-hungry Sharingan activated. The one significant difference, however, was she used Mystical Hand while running through this survey and treatment—which she reckoned would be sufficient in quickly treating a wound such as this on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, minus the wound-related triage, her real self ran through a similar list of diagnostics. “Are you okay?” A customary check for verbal recognition, but no response. A rudimentary hands-on assessment revealed no err with blood circulation, external injuries, or obvious signs of poisoning. After the initial primary and secondary survey, there was still no mechanism in sight.

Unable to naturally rouse the right-side Hikaru through any of the traditional means, her mind slowly gravitated towards what was most likely the ideal approach. Thus far, she made sure that this clone was properly laid prone to avoid obstruction. “So, ideally, I think the general course of action would be recovery position, or another stable position to carry the casualty to a place with more equipment, but…”

The Uchiha gulped, a momentary, sheepish glance offered to the real Hikaru before her gaze shifted back to her quarry. “There’s no external signs of head or spinal trauma, if circumstance devises that I have to quickly resuscitate the subject, there’s only one method I can really think of.”

Mid battle, and devoid of a higher-ranking technique that could be employed as a substitute, it struck her as the lone option. One other method was shocking them back, but their pulse was already stable and it would probably destroy the clone. Therefore, she steeled her mettle, performed a quick airway swab if needed, and started on the sequential series of chest compressions with her hands. Subsequently, she tilted her patient’s head back, and placed her mouth over the clone’s to provide two gentle breaths.

[WC: 912]
[TWC: 2722/1500]
[PC: 4/5]

Used Medical Assistant, and used the clone to use Mystical Hand on the clone with the gashes,

OOC said:
That's okay! Take all the time you need with it! :D This one's a bit lengthy, hope that's alright!
Once she had finished relaying the first set of instructions, Hikaru fell silent, focusing her efforts on observing her student’s response. Thankfully, she began by explaining her understanding of the conditions, which saved her the trouble of assuming them. Immediately, Masami had gotten the first thing right: time was absolutely critical. Though it never took precedence over the quality of one’s assessment, it very often took lives of the inexperienced’s charges. The Medical Chief said none of what she had discerned- not wanting to disrupt the exercise- and continued to watch through the wind. In this case, she simply nodded.

The MiT promptly attempted the Medical Assistant technique to prodigious result, judging by the sudden appearance of another body. In a display of good initial judgement, she sent the clone to tend to the simpler, superficial injury while she approached the unconscious victim.

Left Hikaru’s treatment went without issue; from the clone’s mental report, Masami healed the external wounds with a jutsu while finding no internal ones. She worked methodically, tending to her charge as she had to Nao during her entrance exam. This was familiar territory for her (which was why it was smart to relegate the duty to a clone), and she received full marks for it. The purpose of this rooftop test wasn’t to surprise the student with outlandish or scary injuries to puzzle through, though she would run into her fair share eventually. It was to test her knowledge of Medical procedure on the field, from start to finish, and to assess the depth of her mistakes. Healers made mistakes at every level of skill- the mark of one truly qualified was the ability to recognize them and minimize the impact they caused.

The right began much the same as the left, confirming Hikaru’s introductory descriptions of the patient with a verbal test for responsiveness. No internal problems were present, either- unfortunately, the similarities ended there. She moved closer as the girl explained her thought process aloud. Recovery position and transportation was an excellent option for no-discernible-wound victims, especially with the possibility of prolonged genjutsu effects or other maladies more suited for experienced Medical Ninja.

She could tell her friend wasn’t as comfortable as her clone with the ‘solution’ to the right patient, however. Masami continued, citing the importance of time as a reason to attempt to revive the victim. Hikaru felt her begin CPR. Though an incredible life-saving technique that didn’t even require chakra, it was reserved strictly for situations where the patient’s heart had stopped: the right’s scenario was that they had been rendered unconscious by a jutsu effect, and merely required rest to recover fully. Making a mental note, the Medical Chief again didn’t comment on her performance just yet.

“Both patients should now be moved to the Medical Tent for their safety and any necessary continued care. This is the next and final part of the exercise!” Hikaru announced, once both sides had progressed. She added, “That would just be over here, next to me.”

[WC: 503]
PC: 5
TWC: 2570

Posted from my phone, sorry if it looks weird.
When pertaining to her overall comfort with the associated gesture itself, Masami admittedly lacked reservations. It primarily concerned her uncertainty with the usage of that means of resuscitation; as elaborated, she was aware of its specific uses, but was unsure of the feigned battlefield’s severity when selecting her list of options. She lacked confidence when it came to the validity of the choice she made.

Administering it outside of a mock dummy, however, was new to her, resulting in the slight abashed look on her face. Somehow, despite lacking eyesight, she felt Hikaru’s learned nature would permit her to read her like an open book; in her opinion, perhaps even more acute than the bolstered perception granted to her by way of her lineage’s cursed eyes. Before her thoughts could seize much of her mind, the Medical Chief provided more instruction regarding her next course of action.

“I understand. I don’t have a stretcher, though,” Masami replied, citing what tended to be the most ideal means of transport for unresponsive, or heavily injured, patients. Therefore, the best means would be a method of carry that best resembled the recovery position, and didn’t allow for any blocked airways. If she needed to run back to the medical tent, then carrying on the back would result in too much locomotion; potentially risking damage to the spinal column.

Meanwhile, since the opposite Hikaru was in a significantly better condition, especially following the prior treatment applied by Masami’s own clone, she needed to only lend a supportive shoulder before leading her back to the Medical Tent.

The real Masami tucked one arm under the other clone’s knees, and draped one around her back. Physical parameters proving to be significantly more conditioned than her slighter build implied, she scooped her up and carried her without issue if unimpeded. “I think I could’ve done better when it came to this one…” The Uchiha said, luminescent crimson eyes peering at the clone as she crouched. Gently setting her in the recovery position this time in the area Hikaru designated as the Medical Tent, she prepared to stand back up; a sheepish smile the real Hikaru’s way. “I promise I’ll do better next time, though.”

[WC: 367]
[TWC: 3089/1500]
[PC: 5/5]

OOC said:
Not at all, I enjoyed it a lot!
Masami affirmed her understanding quickly, noting aloud that she didn’t have a stretcher. The Medical Chief raised her eyebrows- that was true, in their hypothetical scenario any ‘team of Mednin’ as she had mentioned would have at least one stretcher when arriving on-scene. Whoops, another thing she forgot to mention... she said nothing still, figuring the test was as much about adaptation as it was about by-the-book knowledge, but in the back of her mind Hikaru wondered sheepishly how unprofessional an instructor could be before her student would notice.

Fortunately, neither patients’ injuries absolutely required a stretcher; in fact, Left Hikaru was perfectly conscious and able to walk to the safety zone, with some support. The kunoichi allowed herself to smile in affirmation when the duo of clones stopped beside her, and her duplicate disappeared with a thumbs-up. The second carry went as well as the first, as luck would have it, and the ‘unconscious’ clone sat up after a moment, slightly ruffled.

“This concludes the exercise! I had two reasons for running you through this today- to evaluate how ready you are for work as a full-fledged Medical Ninja, and to evaluate how well I can evaluate you. I’m happy to say that I passed my own test,” she grinned. “As far as I could tell, you did very well overall- you skillfully took stock of the situation and acted with time and patient safety as your priorities. I mainly wanted to see how you fared in a scenario as close as we can get to a real battlefield, whether or not you could keep calm and apply what you’ve been learning without losing your head.”

She had never quite gotten used to highlighting people’s mistakes, since she instinctively hated reliving her own failures. It was constructive feedback though, she reminded herself, and the Sennin would likely not be as nice as her (nor would the terrors of war). She traded a glance with her remaining clone. “Your largest error was performing CPR on the patient; they were unresponsive, but they were already breathing and had a steady pulse. Resuscitating a victim that doesn’t need it can waste time, and chest compressions often result in broken ribs even if successful.”

“In that area, yes, you could’ve done better. On the bright side,”
Hikaru smiled, “this is practice. You’re encouraged to make mistakes, better here than when it’s important. That especially comes down to familiarity- staying calm and not panicking while you’re dealing with the situation, which was the point of the test. It looks to me like you’re already well on your way to mastering it.”

Her other clone vanished with a nod and a puff of white smoke. “And now, we have a bit of time to try out that new technique,” she concluded, a strain of uncertainty coloring her tone as the Medical Chief descended from the roof. Once they were back in her office, she fetched a notepad and sat down in her chair again, holding out a hand as she had done before. She felt the green glow, then the purple and its soft hum. “Whenever you’re ready... if it hurts or does anything unexpected, tell me right away.”

[WC: 523]
PC: 6
TWC: 3093

Congratulations, you passed the tutor! Sticking around for another post or two to test Hikaru's new technique: Mystical Force, converted to a Sound Jutsu with Jinchuuriki. It should function the same as a regular medical jutsu, just with longer reach (Ninjutsu accuracy)!
Hearing that she passed the test filled Masami with excitement. That meant she was well on her way to becoming a full-fledged Medical Ninja. It helped her confidence; she always felt that she had a knack for it ever since the display before Hikaru and the Medical Sennin. In fact, she was certain she did the wrapping perfectly, exactly how it was supposed to be. There was no instruction given beforehand, despite being a new trainee simply interested in being introduced to the branch, but she’s always been adept. Like activating the Mangekyou Sharingan back when she was an academy student. The Sharingan literally imbues a meticulous eye for detail, to the point where it can not only copy movements, but minute moulding of imperceptible molecular structures in the air known as chakra, and therein forth mimic what should be impossible to the point of paradox, yet she was provided with an unsurprising, unfounded claim with no verbal backing or explanation that she “did it wrong.” Masami was positive the same was successfully applied to the simple act of reading a manual and perfectly emulating what the previous Sennin would have inscribed in the book, as per how her clan’s eye technique worked.

Honestly, it didn’t really weigh much on her since. She was ecstatic over her newfound source of guidance. One who did not inexplicably open severe gashes on a thin layer of skin covering some of the most delicate bones in the body and nerve bundles—casually, within the first two and a half minutes of not only meeting, but without prior instruction and or notification. Her sampling of the ANBU branch was less impromptu and severe. They also refrained from, or forgot to use a healing technique on said hand to close the wound, probably further injuring it afterward judging from the oopsie she heard in their office when she left, thus reinforcing the unorthodox lack of medical technique practice in the Medical Branch on the instructor’s part; on a wound they would just use that on, to perpetuate a lesson she already learned, and already said she learned, back in the academy from Nagisa. To be instructed on their actual practice was an inspiring ray of light, and hope.

Masami’s thoughts might not have been as private as she imagined, however.

Masami felt that she did very well, and she was glad to hear it from Hikaru as well. Not only did she study a lot beforehand, with her head buried in the books, but her own hands-on work paid off in the form of validation from an individual she thought extremely highly of. Returning the grin with a playful smile, she listened to the rest of her teacher’s words. The Uchiha took pride in her ability to keep cool and collected in trying times—panic could lead to lapses in judgment and disaster, especially when she was responsible for the health of others. “Thanks. I’m glad that I got some experience as close to the field as possible.”

The CPR was ill-advised as she thought it might be. Although, she had a suspicion she might not have been as opaque as she thought she had been before when it came to the intent behind it. Hikaru, being extremely smart, she felt could deduce it, hence the lack of qualms. The playful smile remained as she pursed and smacked her own lips occasionally throughout the explanation. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll do better next time for sure,” she said, running her tongue behind a canine as a single lid flickered over her left eye; the gesture undoubtedly honed in on Hikaru. “You can count on that.”

Performing a seal with one hand, she dispersed her own clones after Hikaru dismissed her own. Masami was eager to see the sophisticated technique her instructor came up with. Judging from what was displayed, it seemed to pertain to sound, and she wanted to learn more about that and its various uses. “I’m in,” Masami replied, making her way back to the office alongside Hikaru. Taking a seat in another chair, flecks of curiosity manifested in her eyes as she witnessed her perform the technique again. Brushing her sidelocks aside, she maintained the playful smile from before as she rested her elbow on her thigh. “Such beauty,” she purred, tomoe-speckled eyes focused on Hikaru, and then the technique itself. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

[WC: 735]
[TWC: 3821/1500]
[PC: 6]

OOC said:
Yay! I'm happy to continue on for longer with you, even over the next 2 posts if you'd like. Could even be a separate continuation thread after that point. And thank you! :)
Hikaru extended her arm calmly, closing her eyes and allowing the familiar focus of medical work to wash over her senses. She trusted that Masami would speak up if anything went wrong, as instructed, so she slowly swept her hand across the skin, testing for any inconsistencies. Considering that this new technique essentially replaced the normal version for her, apparently permanently, the Medical Chief was hopeful that it would function similarly. If not, well, she didn’t think it was possible to just ‘turn off’ one’s Jinchuuriki connection like flicking a light switch.

She stopped after about a minute, halting the flow of chakra and observing the time it took for the jutsu to fade. It was a bit less… refined overall, she supposed, than the less unique variants- not a problem, just something to keep in mind for the future. “How was that?” she asked her student. If she had any remarks about the technique, now was the time to voice them, before Hikaru disappeared into her office for several days to give it some solo testing.

She glanced in the direction of the wall clock out of habit, letting out a breath the next moment as she poked Ukabu and he didn’t respond. Asleep, probably- she might have drained him with the new jutsu alone. The Medical Chief reached for the smaller analog timepiece on her desk instead, feeling the hands to figure out what time it was. They still had a few minutes; she raised her eyebrows, asking Masami, “I think that’s all I had for today. Is there anything else you’d like to get to?”

[WC: 268]
PC: 7
TWC: 3361

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:58:35
