Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Return of Sunagakure and the Rise of the 13th [Event: Shadow Steward]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Standing braziers among the bazaar remained lit throughout all of the night to provide small warmth against the desert night. An ordinance placed into act by the 11th Kazekage to help not only fight the night’s icy claws from digging into the shoppers; but also the homeless who were ever near by in the alleyways. Their warmth was a familiar promise of the sun’s rise and a reminder to hold hope against the long night. As Michino walked by the blazing flames bursting from iron baskets, his right hand gently glided over the flames. They licked at his palms, but no heat created by man could harm him, so it was akin to a faithful dog’s mindful lick. Reminding him. Steeling him. Encouraging the hard thump in the warrior’s chest to still.

At the end of his path was a raised podium surrounded by a little more than fifty different shinobi; the core of the Rebellion. All of them were unique in their own ways, only a handful of them sharing bloodlines as the Toraono’s elite came to aid their wayward lord in his coup. The rest were trusted advisers, capable fighters, and powerful public figures who had been waiting for this day for some time. His foot reached the first step, and began to ascend the stairs to the speaking place in the center.

In the time span of one year, Sunagakure lost their Kazekage and found themselves at the hands of a tyrannical beast of the Chikimatsu clan. Without hesitation, Wei sold out the services of Suna to the highest bidder - two oil barons in Soon who wanted to control the desert and, eventually, the world. A war against the local nomadic tribes of the desert who were holding major oil wells started soon after. Without the aid of Ryuu Tama, ANBU, the Sennin, and Sousuke’s Old Council - the current Steward probably would have easily rolled over the Nomads. Yet through the machinations of the old guard and those with a heart for their desert home refused to allow themselves to be just another mercenary force, Wei’s hand had finally been shown…and not a moment too soon.

There was a leak in their ranks, and without hesitation the tyrant jailed a number of royal families, locked down the Toraono Dojo, and halted all Academy classes. The moment he began to make such flagrant power grabs the entire public raised a collective eyebrow. Sousuke, untouchable in his position of fame, continued to stoke the public’s ire with a subtle fan from the sidelines. He didn’t need to be public, he had people who could do that for him that were far more relatable than some old leader. Before the week was out the rebellion which had been but a handful of shinobi now included a majority of the village. Those that had come today, came to watch the rise of the next Kazekage, the man they would be following into the maws of hell to take back their home.

Michino’s foot raised to the next step. He was wearing very casual clothing. Jeans, sneakers with special soles for desert movement, and a gray muscle-shirt. Covering his arms was a sand-colored bomber jacket with white dunestrider feathers for the collar. His hair was bushy, his face unshaven with a small beard grown in. His fists were clenched in both righteous fury and sheer nerves. After all - this was entirely out of the man’s way of doing things. His purple eyes were ever wreathed in the same-colored flames that looked off to the horizon between taking glances at each recognizable face in the crowd.

To go through such subterfuge was against his own self-imposed laws; Toraono Michino was an honest man, after all. Hated subterfuge, always played a the ‘straight man’, especially when it came to things as important as replacing the leader of a village. Had Suna come to ask him to be next in line because Wei had to step down, then he would have accepted without hesitation. Instead, She came asking he throw down the current government, and take over with an internal coup built up by the local shinobi looking to return to an older time of stability and independence. Wei’s crime were many, and by all means did the idiot deserve the beatin’ that was coming…but the way he was asked to do it sat ill with him. So though he was “stepping up”, Michino had a plan, a goal in mind to change the village entirely and keep another Wei from happening.

That final step did his foot take as he raised up to the center platform and look down at everyone. His softly glowing eyes in the darkness gazed around through the faces in the crowed, recognizing many of his fellow servicemen, friends, and family. His brother was mysteriously missing, but Tama was ever a cat that did his own thing. There was no doubt in his mind that the scientist was helping in his own way before absconding back to the desert to plan some new foil. Uzu was also missing from the crowd, but that was probably for the best…no doubt an ANBU Captain had better things to worry about with a live coup about to start…

The Toraono leader raised a hand to still the murmuring of the people gathered. His eyes closed to regain composure before opening again to speak with an echoing baritone,

Children of Sunagkaure, my brothers and sisters, and all creatures that call this place home. We stand in a time not seen since before we broke beneath the ground and raised ourselves to the surface. A time of strife. Grief, terror, and an unknown future have placed a heavy burden on our shoulders. Together, we have carried that burden so that a single man could relax and be at peace.
While our blood muddies the dunes, he dines on the finest foods. While we hold our comrades dying in our arms, he holds beautiful women and lounges in his golden ball atop the Kazekage tower.” His voice began to raise. There was something about recounting the Steward’s crimes aloud that gave strength to his purpose.
We have been forced to imprison children of our friends, the Nomadic tribes that have ever been a boon to us in this hostile environment. Forced to strike down their parents, raze their homes, and all for what? Greed. Control. Power. It is time that we remind Chikimatsu Wei and his leeches the consequences of such hubris!

The raised podium Michino stood within the center of ignited in a purple flame, the same color that burned in his eyes. It lit up the night with haunting colors that painted the village in hues that could only normally be seen in the desert’s dusk.

It has been asked of me to take on a great task. To lift the burden on Suna’s Children so that they may be free once more. Free to decide, free to fight, and free to run! And so I shall take upon my shoulders that weight from you!


His voice shouted, strong as ever, echoing off the walls of the old buildings. Something rose within him that he had never felt before, something like a strength unknown to anyone but those who made that promise to lead. In his heart he would throw away his own life, gladly, to take on the very things that sought to destroy their world and life. That had never been a question he had to ask. From the very first time he nearly died tried to save that old couple from a maniac, to returning to shinobi life at an advanced age to save his home…Michino would always give his all to Sunakagure.

…and now, the first task.” The flames around Michino died back down until the podium was returned to its original form with a slight char. He stepped back down as the crowd parted before their next leader,
We go now in the night to tear Wei from his bed, and make him answer for the terror he has placed upon our heads. Do your best to still your blades against those that still guard him. Capture and arrests, so that we might sort out those who are loyal and those who can still be saved. We go now, into the dawn!

As if planned, the dawn of the next morning cracked upon the Eastern horizon and bathed their world in shades of red. A battle was about to commence. A fight that would hopefully result in little of their fellow man’s blood spilt as they reclaim what the Chikimatsu’s Steward had taken from them. Michino removed his jacket and tossed it onto the ground before the purple flames erupted from every pour on his skin, turning him into a walking elemental wreathed in flame that darted forward towards the Kazekage Tower with alarming speeds.

The trail he blazed ahead was left for others to follow.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
…Lord Chikamatsu…I think the Bazaar is on fire.

The words came from a crack in the door far away from Wei who was far too distracted by a pleasurable sight before him. A woman dancing, wearing barely a cloth to cover herself with and a mask to hide her disgust. His big eyes watched her with greed and ill-intent, a fat tongue licking across his dried lips as he pulled another hit from the hookah next to him. Sweet delectible cactus fruit mixed with the lands tobaccoo rolled across his tongue and inhaled into his lungs.
Lord Chik-
WHAT?!” the Steward screamed, finally unable to ignore the instance of the man too afraid to show himself fully.
Th-the Bazaar…is…on fire.
And?! Send out some idiots to put it out! No doubt its those damn “homeless heaters” the 11th put up everywhere…
Well, sir actually…the fire is…purple? Maybe someone from the Torao-
Shut-up. What color did you say was the…fire?
Purple, m’lord. Yes.

Wei rolled up onto his feet from his mountain of women and pillows, dragging the hookah cord with him and puffing it casually while moving towards one of the hidden windows in his golden dome. One of the women quickly stood up to follow, grabbing the smoking device to carry it closely behind him. He leaned into the window and peered to see the purple flame in a distance with curiosity. That inqusitive thought was quickly dashed when the fire just, vanished. With an angry yell, Wei turned and pushed the woman holding the hookah out of his way. It sent her and hot embers all around to start small fires she quickly began to put out before attending the ones that burned into her skin.

Throwing open the door he kicked the man who reported back into the darkness and shouted,
We’re under attack! All soldiers to their battle sta-

The sentence was drowned by the sound of roaring flame. An amethyst colored inferno cascaded up the ivory tower to encase the golden ball on top that Wei attempted to hole himself up in. Screams of fury and fear from up to echoed into the night as the Kazekage Tower’s guards began to exit out of the different floors to do combat with the rebellious shinobi who had come to wrest the power back from the Oil Barons.

Some thirty guards poured out of the bottom floor to meet with the main force, many more residing within that were heading up into Michino’s position as the purple fire that marked his presence burned through the golden orb and slipped into an exposed window. Shortly following his entrance, another cry erupted into the air followed by another fire, hued in reds and oranges, exploded out of that window to push Michino back out…followed by the 12th’s assassin as they locked into physical combat mid-air.

The dyes had been cast, and the battle started. Who would turn out as the victor in this coup for control of Sunagakure?

[Welcome to the Finale of the Shadow Steward Arc! All participants will be in an RP battle vs the guards of Chikamatsu Wei while Michino does battle with the 12th’s assassin. There are no rules in the chaos of war, but keep in mind that the 13th Kazekage has asked that there be no death between brothers; meaning holding back punches on our side. War is war, and that cannot always be achieved, so write what you feel comfortable with! The battle will be decided by Mod Discretion (Council) and a D20 Roll! Anyone, and everyone is allowed to participate no matter what circumstances you might find yourself in outside of this thread (time is a concept anyways). Good luck, and for the future of Suna!]
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Ryota had woken up early, and you could see that the sleep was still clinging to the male as if it were a lingering shadow. A big yawn left him as he scratched his side. His bright red hair stood out against the colors on the sky. He ran a hand through it, trying to tame back the few loose strands. He fastened the single golden globe earring which carried a faint light. Besides that, he decided to wear something warm and yet sturdy to see things through. He didn’t have an exact idea how tonight would go… Heck he got a little roped in without knowing everything for a solid 100% but he wanted to be there, not only for his brother. But also for those who helped him call this place home.

Ryota found himself near the podium and still had half bed hair from waking up. ’ This isn’t just a rising against the tyranny of the hidden sands… it’s more than that. Maybe it’s a good thing for this big change too… and I don’t like that man… Hmm.. ah brother…’ That MIchino walked past, made him look up. Ryota had his hoodie on so that the cold would be less in his neck… And because he was a little known inside the clan, he wore a facemask. But he still had that one tiger paw printed on it, so that his big brother could always know it was him. He mainly did this after meeting his ghostly contract, who was watching too.

’ You still look like I can beat you…’ He grumbled, but he knew better by now. He was no match for his brother, and secretly, that made him proud. With hands in his pocket, he looked to what the man would do and say… His brother probably wasn’t the only one nervous, he had to do stuff too today. He couldn’t and wouldn’t be lazy here for him. His fingers started to fidget with each other as he started to listen to what others were saying around him.

’ Not a single person that I recognize here… Ah… but that is my aunt… Okay.. there are a couple of the family here… Somehow, that did calm a little bit of the nerves for the teen. “Children of Sunagkaure, my brothers and sisters, and all creatures that call this place home. We stand in a time not seen since before we broke beneath the ground and raised ourselves to the surface. A time of strife. Grief, terror, and an unknown future have placed a heavy burden on our shoulders. Together, we have carried that burden so that a single man could relax and be at peace. While our blood muddies the dunes, he dines on the finest foods. While we hold our comrades dying in our arms, he holds beautiful women and lounges in his golden ball atop the Kazekage tower…”
’ He rambles… he rambles… can’t we skip to the action? Or go somewhere else till he is done rambling?’ He tried his hardest to stand firm, to keep composure… but if a person knew Ryota better, they could see he struggled with this. Despite this being a fair and harder part of the talk and everything. HE COULD NOT STAND STILL AND LISTEN. The flames made him look back and a little caught to his brother. I did not listen… fudge.’

’ First task.. Let’s go..’
he thought and would look through the crowd. He was one to often hold his guard up in places like these. After all there were so many people now. Who could backstab? Who would backstab? Was there going to be one?

The moment he saw his brother throw the jacket off… He knew it was go time. He saw many people starting too… And taking a deep breath, he remembered his training and could already feel the purring inside of him, his spirit was ready too. A lightning crackle came from the teen as he got into his JInchuriki form, one that many made fun off. Tiger ears, a tail, and the chakra shimmered around him. It was yellow with red-black outlining, for those who knew it… Cursed lightning. With that, he started to walk after the flames. He would fight those who came on his path. Which… was soon, he wanted to make sure that Micchino was uninterrupted… So he soon took a guard by his own. Lightning Torrent Ryota spoke soft as he blocked off a path for a guard. “You are with me now..” he would then attempt to try to zap him further with Shoryuken.

[Topic entered; haiii plz dm me if I am late // needs things edited and such.]

[edit; colors]
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Yo, ho, all hands
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die

I, MICHINO OF THE TORAONO CLAN, ACCEPT THE TASK AS THE THIRTEENTH KAZEKAGE! WE STAND STRONG AS THE MAELSTROM BLOWS!” Listening to the broadcast, Sora sat in the seat designated for the Captain of the ship. His forces at the ready, all were keenly listening to the broadcast as Toraono Michino declared himself the thirteenth Kazekage. The latest of recent historical updates, though he would have chosen things a different way, Sora fell in line like a good soldier. Knowing full well that ever twitch and expression that he made was closely being watched by those around him, he made sure to keep his face unchanged and unknowing as he didn't want to give any indication of his true feelings concerning the matter. "Hmph." Even over the sound of the engines of the airship that they were on, Sora's first utterance after such a time was enough to turn heads. Certainly some might have believed that he would have been a far more worthy candidate, he was after all, actually a serving Sennin whereas Michino had not been. More so to the point, the Fourth Order was still the most intact fighting force left of the Sunagakure that formally was. They hadn't been sullied by Wei, and yet, in their prudence to protect themselves, they had become something far more mysterious and distinct among all the Orders, they had become truly free.

…and now, the first task.” Freedom was a funny fickle thing. For it, many were born with it, but for others, it was something especially yearned for. In fact, this current affair was being fought over such a thing. Having taken away the freedom of an informed choice, Wei had made the grave mistake of believing that many would simply go along with the flow. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for him, he had been wrong. “We go now in the night to tear Wei from his bed, and make him answer for the terror he has placed upon our heads. Do your best to still your blades against those that still guard him. Capture and arrests, so that we might sort out those who are loyal and those who can still be saved. We go now, into the dawn!” Finally allowing a smirk, Sora leaned up from his chair, his newly provided Fourth Order uniform crisp against his form. "Well then, I guess that's our cue." Having been flying through the night, the dawn of the next day peaked over the horizon as if on Michino's command. Moving to stand up from his seated position, the men and women around Sora snapped to attention as they awaited his orders. A dual broadcast, Sora could be sure that the other airships in the fleet were also waiting for his orders. Not wishing to hold them up for too much longer, he merely pointed ahead towards their destination and gave his most eagerly awaited command. "Engage!" Without further delay, his people went into action with officers of varying levels issue further prepared commands. Sora had been asked to make an entrance, and an entrance he would make.

OOC: The Fourth Order is reporting for duty. :)

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
Moriko was not on the stage anywhere and did not expect to be. She fully expected she would need to claw her way into a position of notoreity from where she was; the Sennin Games were, in some senses, another world and time away. She was, however, in the crowd; this was an opportunity for violence that she did not have to hide.

The Tsurara were spread out around the crowd, those who had been doing espionage and information work. Most were in clusters, with a few limited exceptions: her mother, off to one side and near the front, if not quite on the stage, expression even and serious. Hanae, standing with a couple of non-Tsurara friends, light from the purple fires glinting off the red streaks in her hair oddly.

And Moriko herself, front and center as could be, arms folded and ice bow strapped across her back, knowing the firelight and the prospect of battle combined to make her similarly-shaded eyes glint. Next to her, Tsukiya, fully kitted-out himself with his tactical jacket and knives, a razor-edged smile on and a similarly bright expression.

There were of course murmurs and glances at her, but save family no one had spoken directly to her--and even then, only in a limited fashion. Moriko didn't know exactly what it all was about. She supposed they'd heard of her 'illness' that had turned out to be poisoning. The Tsurara spies and information gatherers for this resistance hadn't seen any reason not to let people know it had been poisoning and the culprit, of course.

In some ways, the speech itself was irrelevant. Moriko did not know Michino; they had not, to her recollection, ever met. But he was a Toraono--in most cases, that was good enough in Sand. Toraonos led, often and habitually, and so regardless of anything else that alone made him a good choice. And he had the fire, figuratively speaking, to manage this much, at least.

To her, the moral aspects of this were...less relevant, themselves. The Shadow Kazekage had done her a personal wrong. A severe one. Moreover, his goals and his actions were not good for either the village or anyone living in it long-term. They were shallow, ill-conceived. Worse than worthless--actively detrimental.

And yet, there was no point lying to herself. The main reason she was here, other than reaching for power of her own and enjoying violence, was because of genuine, simple, revenge. She wanted to destroy Chikamatsu Wei for what he had done to her.

To most, she would pretend otherwise, of course. For now.

(And what a stupid, thoughtless way to use the power of the Kage seat--personal indulgence! Personal vendettas! That would only ever see this type of reaction. Why would you be such a slovenly, lazy hedonist when you had, with some clever finagling, the power of a loyal nation? Idiot.)

"He is loyal to the village," Tsukiya murmured, watching the resistance's anointed heir. "Unswervingly. But he is hiding something, too. I don't think he takes up the mantle of the revolutionary lightly, but I do think he likes it more than he perhaps knows."

More of Tsukiya's uncanny insight, there. Moriko made a noncommittal noise; she could work with that, most likely.

"Call it," she murmured back, after the instruction to kill as little as possible, and he tilted his head lightly.

"Genuine compassion and mercy," Tsukiya said, still lowly. She sighed. "Yes. Mistakes would be forgiven. Deliberate intent would need justified."

"Shame," she said under her breath.

Some of the crowd were already running, including some Tsurara--those who would be involved in the forces preventing civilians from getting anywhere near a hot zone. But a few others converged on her.

"Moriko," Hanae said, halting in front of her with the others. Yuri, who was coordinating the civilian protection, spared them only a glance and nod before moving. "Your orders?"

Moriko regarded them all, concealing any surprise. She was the heir, after all. And not a child anymore, really.

Strange, it should be now--she was the one who had been awake and present for the least of this. She had been both out of town and out period, while the family worked their usual background (mousy) activities.

(There was also a different kind of weight here. Moriko was a Chuunin; Hanae was a Jounin and the other cousins here more senior Chuunin, largely. So they were turning to her despite that, acknowledging that this was also, for them, a family affair.)

Every single one of them had bows, of course, and Moriko felt herself smile--not nicely.

"Up," she said, and tapped her foot on the ground.

The ice roads she'd first made out of a modification of Ice Transmutation were now just raw Ice element chakra. The fire, she had been told, and the heat--these would not bother them. Instead, they shot out from her foot, and arced upward, perfect for any Tsurara to run up, arcing high into perfect snipers' nests. Hanae stared at her in shock, and the other cousins were actively gaping.

"Snipe," Moriko said simply. "Take your positions, and move around on them if you have to. Ice Transmutation yourselves a safe path down, if you need to at any point--or catch yourself otherwise, if you need to."

Hanae took a deep breath and stepped onto one of the ice roads, and the other half-dozen followed her lead onto the other ones. Moriko watched briefly, and then nodded; the ice did not need to be rooted on the ground, so it crumbled some feet behind them as they went up. The positions would let them snipe helpfully and were not too high for that, but also high enough they shouldn't be sitting ducks.

"And us?" Tsukiya lilted. "I leave it to your excellent tactical brain, my dear."

She turned to him, a crooked smile on her lips, and felt the resonance between their chakra hum. There was a practically feral expression on his face, almost half-mad. This part, for them, would be more difficult in the preventing themselves from killing.

Tactically, though. Yes. Both of them were capable of--and truthfully, by some preference for her especially--ranged fighters. The ice roads, though she would also have to control them for both of them, would be viable. And he did not have terrain issues anywhere, so they would be no harder for him to manage than a Tsurara. It was one option.

Although, they could also use that height in a different way. Any guards inside the tower moving up to intercept both the visible aerial force and the Kazekage-presumptive would not necessarily expect a more direct vector.

Finally, they could approach with the rest of the ground forces and mix into what everyone else was doing. It would be a little harder to stand out, and that might draw them into a melee range that neither of them were especially suited for, by preference, but it would also let them concentrate force with others.

Splitting up was also technically an option, she supposed, but it didn't appeal immediately. In a mess like this, it was better to concentrate force.

And she wanted Wei's head. Whenever the fight against him happened, she wanted to be there, to make sure he did not walk away.

"Up and forward," she decided. She tapped up another ice road and slid onto it, Tsukiya following, and on her next exhale passed him enough control to make his own in case of emergency, if it was touching one of hers.

They'd discussed the link, a bit, and while it wasn't something they were going to bandy about, sharing jutsu or even non-jutsu chakra techniques like this was neither difficult nor obvious. Between that and the other roads, it still wasn't too much pressure for her to manage as well as gearing for active combat.

(Of course, Moriko was unaware--and would be until someone told her--that her eyes were glowing when she used the roads, the skates, or any of the other heart of ice tricks she had available now, and this was one of the reasons her cousins had been staring earlier.)

The road the two of them were using wasn't going as high by far as the sniper towers. No, instead she was aiming toward the upper middle of the tower itself, where Shadow troops would be climbing to. Michino had already proved this current, gaudy version of the Tower was not anywhere near impervious to strong attack. The obvious thing to do was take advantage of that.

Of course...

"Which floor are they on?" she asked Tsukiya, who was still right behind her. He would be able to see and peg through the windows better than her; he had a better sense than she did for that type of timing.

"Floor right below the explosion," Tsukiya said. "Do you want me to call it?"

Moriko lifted one hand, ready to seal. "Yes. Give me a ten."

A pause, and then, after a moment, Tsukiya started counting down from ten. At 'three,' Moriko started her handseals. When she finished, a gigantic ice dragon leapt into the air from nowhere, in the next instant crashing into the exact location Tsukiya had tracked. Shouts of alarm sounded, and she leaned sideways to perfectly coordinate with Tsukiya, whose blades came up next to sing in the air and send impossibly-distanced slashes directly after, aiming for any of the guards that showed their faces.

It was hard not to laugh, though Moriko knew she was grinning as she moved to the side, expanding the ice path just a touch so they could be side-by side and not obstruct each other. It ended significantly before the tower, and she could turn it on a pin-point anyway in case anyone tried to jump for it.

She had, after all, been aiming directly for any running guards--not merely to smash a hole in the Tower.

Certainly, Michino could say 'try not to kill them,' but if one could make it just look like a brilliant sneak attack--well.

Who could blame them?

[Topic Entered]

Note that both Moriko and Tsukiya have their Shinobi 101 as Slashing Taijutsu at Ranged Accuracy; this is that in practice. Since they're paired through chakra resonance, Tsukiya's Zantetsuken is coming off Moriko's Yuki-iced Water Dragon Bullet directly via the Cascade effect on the latter.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
[This will be modderated much like DnD. For those who don’t play: just use what you have on your character, and RP them as normal. I will be taking those actions and applying them to the arcing story I have already laid out in my head. With the roll of a d20, we determine how effective your strategy is against the “Defending” roll of an enemy’s d20. From there I will write out your next challenge, victory, or potential injury! For Suna!]

Fighting in the sky was a weird sensation. Normally a man used to planting his feet on solid ground to throw a punch, Michino felt a little out of sync when his flame wreathed form swung a right; not that he needed to actually make contact with his physical fist. Each swing brought forth the gigantic paw of his god from the flames, and though the Ancient managed to dodge each attack, the air pressure following those swings forced the assassin to keep his defenses up.

The Flame Court Ancient standing before him was covered in flames themselves. Bright orange and reds to make a stark contracts against the Toraono’s purple and blue hues. The being who fought for Wei, wore his flames like an armor, solidifying into red heated metal platemail the closer the flames were to his flesh, whereas Michino’s purple fire hung around him like a wreath save the raw chakra pouring from his eyes and mouth; which looked like fumes threatening to ignite. The big difference between the two fire users duking it out? The source of their flame, and how they handled it.

Ancients were beings of raw elemental power that gained sentience. They were created, formed naturally, and birthed by other Ancients. They breathed, fed upon, and slept in the elements that cradled them. The only reason Michino’s power stood a chance against the fire of the Old World was that it was sourced not from himself, but from the realms of the Youkai - a Primal Source of Creation. Yet, unlike his opponent, Michino’s use of the fires of hell constantly burned him. He could feel it already, the purple fire that was his alone to control, eating away at his chakra and reducing his coil to cinders. In a prolonged fight, he wasn’t likely to stand long - which made fighting a Flame Ancient exceptionally challenging.

Stretching his hand out, the assassin gripped the air to instantly form a broadsword made of fire, raise it above his head, and swing it down in speeds no average mortal could match. The boxer threw his left shoulder back to sidestep the heated vortex cut his way, wincing at the sounds of a building being cut in half behind him and worrying not for the structure itself, but for the people within that might not have evacuated yet. His eyes hardened as he tried once more to shift his body into a stance that would allow him to box in the sky. All the 13th needed was a simple opening. A single solid blow in the right spot could allow him to inject the Ancient with a fire he could not consume and that would be that. Yet every time he tried to make a stance and swing, the giant paw of Hyou swatted air as the Ancient deftly saw the attack. The Kazekage’s eyes glanced away for a moment to peer at the battlefield…
[Ryota rolled a 20/The Guard rolled a 12]

Wei’s group of thirty rolled out into the streets looking for blood. Their eyes seemed almost hazy too, as if their whipped frenzy wasn’t due to an unrepentant loyalty, but due to some outside force. A drug? A Genjutsu? Many of the Sunan Rebellion who dove into the bottom set of guards no doubt missed the simple actions they made in their frenzied attacks, but the young Toraono did not. Strings of electrical whipped from Ryota’s fingers as they intercepted one such guard before knocking them out cold them with a clean uppercut. The attack was solid, the chakra technique giving them a zap enough to clean up an opening that landed the other shinobi flat on their back; knocked out. Guess those lessons with Michino were paying off.

Yet as his fist landed against the guard’s chin, Ryota would quickly recognize the strange “give,” in the way their opponent flopped out like a fish on land. The haze in their eyes, a certain smell wafting in the rising air amongst the flames, and the frenzied actions of a militia trained to work in harmony tipped the teenager off that these people were influenced by something unsuspectingly familiar.

The same concoction that had forced Ryota to see the worse of their days, was now influencing these soldiers. It was clearly changed up, altered down to awaken a beast within and, made easier to control. To the teen’s left and right other guards came simply rushing in like beasts, only to do themselves in as the lingering electrical torrents of the Lightning Ninjutsu zapped them into unconsciousness. It was clearer now than ever that the people “fighting” to protect Wei was only doing so because they had no choice.

How would Ryota handle this information? Would it be wise to reinforce the Kazekage’s warning of pulling punches against a frenzied force? Or would it be better to let others come to their own conclusions while doing their best to punch with kid gloves…

Not giving the Toraono too much time to think, another six guards rushed to the position of the fallen four before Ryota with a myriad of weapons swinging wildly through the air in an attempt to catch them with any attack, a mix of fear of the Demonbeast Clan and the drug doping their systems.
[Sora rolled a 4/The Ancient rolled a 17]

Ah, I see the missing Order has been found,” a grated voice from behind a metal helmet echoed into the night after dodging yet another of Michino’s attacks, “I see they believe that the sky will protect them from the retribution of bucking the System…” his hand glowed and ominous black color before throwing a line of fire covered in the same hue across one of the airships before it ever had a chance to begin firing munitions.

It is not so.” Michino reached out his hand to stop the flames, willing to take on the pain and burden of the black fire himself to protect those who aided him from above, but alas, the great paw of Hyou could not stretch that far.

Being that the Order were no fools, having collected information from the world ‘round, the thing keeping the airships aloft was nothing that could be ignited from heat. What kind of idiot would fill their flying contraption with a combustive fuel, in the desert?. Especially one well known to cook things left on the dunes to a crisp on the worse of days already. That did not, however, mean that the ship itself, could not catch fire. Heat-proof, sure, and perhaps flame retardant to keep any fires the sun could cause easy to catch and contain…but the black fires that landed upon one of the decks was no normal fire.

Those with ties to the Uchiha would quickly recognize the unquenchable black fire of their clan. It was a primal flame, born of from a time the world was new, and raised questions once more to the significance of Ancients, the world, and how their mighty elemental hands might have shaped human history beyond the Wind Country…but of course those were questions for another time. Instead. Sora's Order would need to find way to remove the black flames before it removed them from the sky.
[Moriko rolled an 8/The Surprised Guards rolled a 2]

The sniper towers gave the Tsurara clan an advantage more than what could be expected. Well defended by large sheets of ice to hide behind, and clear openings to shoot from, they had everything needed to rain down a frozen hell from above…only to find that the opponent below paid them no attention. No matter how many arrows shot out to incapacitate or kill the guards below, not a single one pointed up at the two towers as a source of their fallen comrades. They all seemed to be simply…wild. They attacked like beasts on the ground forces, showing not a single moment of mercy that was being showed to them. Members of the rebellion caught trying to pull punches were starting to become more and more wounded; some critically. The horrors of war against the order of their Kazekage turned an ugly face to the Tsurara, who had an eagle eye view of the battlegrounds.

Moriko and her companion, however, wasted no breath in holding back. They were the horrors of war, unleashed, as the two exploded into the side of the building and met the opposition with blade and bow. Immediately three guards were cut down, their limbs flying with a spray of crimson. The frozen ground that covered their entrance into the tower made it impossible for forces down the stairs to turn back towards the assault half-way up the tower, and those coming down were forced into a bottle neck of impossible blade techniques and Ice Ninjutsu. A simple ten seconds after breaking in, the duo had notched out a staging ground. A simple path out towards the towers and Moriko could call her clan within to begin setting a pincer attack on the main force below.

Yet that wasn’t the only option. Wei’s screams, clearly far more shrill than most, with a deep commanding voice that would spike in panic randomly came from above. Then an even further distracting cry for help came from below the stairs. What was between the entrance and the top of Wei’s terrible tower of debauchery? A slave stash? His unfortunate harem? Could Moriko ignore the pleas for help to satisfy her well deserved vengeance? How much of the 13th’s order for pacifism would the duo follow?
[Michino rolled a 9/The Flame Ancient rolled an 11]

A burning, heavy, blow struck the Toraono like a truck. He felt the impossibly hot fire dig into his ribs and shatter two of them. It sent him sailing back into the building previously cleaved in 'twain, a purple streak of fire through the sky that ended with a crash of debris from the sheer force. The mysterious fiery assassin dove into the dust plume after the boxer, causing clashes of red and purple to explode from various parts of the building before the new Kazekage was thrown back out of the building and into the fray below. The man was already bruising up, and blood was seeping into his white shirt where his ribs had been shattered with a few of them poking through. Yet it wasn’t a face of pain, shame, or weakness that shined upon the Toraono’s face…it was one of resentment.

His eyes were being opened.

Through the beat down from within the building, top floor to bottom, there was bodies everywhere. Some cut clean in half by the sword attack thrown earlier. Others crushed by the rubble. As the two fire-attuned warriors struck and parried their way through the dilapidated building the Kazekage heard small pleas for help being snuffed out by the heat the two combatants brought as bodies became ignited by both of their flames. A solid blow from the Ancient’s sword blocked by Hyou’s paw sent Michino out of the building and into the battleground where doped guards hacked into the warriors of the Rebellion trying their hardest to follow his orders and take down their fellow shinobi without ending lives. They were suffering terrible injuries, some already on the ground dead from their crimson life spilled around them.
…as you can see, young Toraono, in a war there can be no mercy. Instead of dragging this fight outside of Suna, as a good leader would, you planned a surprise attack with the intent of sparing as many as you could. Noble, if not foolish.” Came the rattling voice of scratching metal and mockery. The Flame Ancient walked out of the building’s hole slowly before snapping his fingers, causing the entire thing to ignite in a red inferno to crush any hope Michino had of saving the survivors of their battle.
Far too green…” he murmured before lifting his broadsword even to his shoulders, and lunged forward with a thrust aided by the flames bursting from his soles. Those caught on either side of the attack were burned and pushed away.

The speed the elemental pursued his opponent with should have been impossible to stop for all but the most seasoned of warriors. The Ancient so consumed with the thought that the Rebellion had elected a novice to lead them, he changed the thrust suddenly into another swing, to slash out a giant wave of fire at the last second. It would burn down those around him, behind him, and sever his pride ever further.

The Toraono lord spit a glob of blood into the sandy stone at his feet, took a deep breath, and shouted before punching with a straight right. There was no giant cat’s paw to deflect the wave of flame this time, just simply the right fist covered in a sheen of purple heat. When the two forces collided another burst of air and heat rocketed either side of the attacks, for a split second, before it was all redirected back towards the Flame Ancient. The warrior quickly raised his blade and deflected the air force back upwards, missing one of the airships by mere few feet.
Oh? Planning to actually fig-” his words were cut off by the Toraono Lord’s sudden entrance into his personal space; it happened in less time than it took to snap a finger. A look of fury, famous to his clan, roiled within his purple iris with a rage that made even the Ancient take a single step back. He swung the long blade at the target well within his murder-circle, but it missed as Michino ducked under it as if to spite his broken ribs, followed by a single swing that turned into five more. All of them were seemingly instant, as if he had summoned clones, but the Ancient knew that this was raw speed. The boxer wasted no words in combat, but the swordsman knew that now that they touched ground, he was in the Kazekage’s natural fighting state. There was something more there too, something angry, with each blow.

The Ancient didn’t try to dodge them, instead he foolishly raised his blade and took on all five hits; each one felt like being struck with by a mountain from the pits of hell. The elemental found himself regretting allowing those blows to land...yet…behind the red metal of his armor, the Ancient smiled…
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Ryota gritted his teeth as soon as he noticed it. His fists clenched and his nails dug into the gloves. “These people…” He whispered under his breath, he knew exactly what this curse was. After all, he was having the same. He was trying so hard to escape this, but it seemed like these people weren’t. “Isamu.” The voice of the teen sounded cold as he said that name. The shimmer reduced out of his earring and he looked side-eyed to the contract. “Isa… I want you to relay something for me.” He spoke and would eye the people in front of him. It was hard to say that the teen was calm in this aspect… And he knew that there were only two ways to deal with this. He wasn’t going to kill these people off. “Tell Micchi… That I am going to use that, as widely as I can in this area without faltering myself. They have enhanced that drug and made it worse.” And with that, he knocked another set-out. He had no other choice… There may be a way for them too to come clean of it… Although it wasn’t easy, definitely not the way that most people would do.

’You orders?
’ Tell micchi… That they enhanced ‘the drug’ and that it is a lot more harmful. You can see it in their eyes, their movements are like fish on dry land. Sluggish and they are fed so far, that they are fully in control of their minds... I am going to subdue them, not kill them, in the hope we can help them…’

’ You understand Isa?’
’ Yes. I will find a way to pass on this message to your brother Micchino.

and with that, the contractor incorporated himself and started to search for Micchino. Ryota on the other hand, just barely managed to dodge the oncoming parade of weapons. “Sheesh.. Guys, let’s just talk it out?” He was saving up time for the beast's fangs to activate, large enough where he remained in control, but also not too small that attacks could rise all of a sudden and leave him defenseless.

Out of nowhere, spikes from almost pure chakra formed from the ground, static discharge coming from them, and a gravity force pushing down on people. “Beasts fangs…” It was a jutsu that he created to hold a larger group of people in place, yet sadly he wasn’t always 100% in control and was often reluctant to use it. As it required a lot of chakra at the same time. A sweat drop went from his jaw as he looked at how he managed to keep this under control. “Bring it…” he muttered to the people around, this would for sure make it a lot harder… Not only that, he would try to bind them or make them unconscious by any means possible… Even if he needed to use an old-fashioned chokehold. The problem was, that he wasn’t really in a position to do much else besides this one for now. He could feel his body heat up already, so time was a little bit of the essence. “Don’t fight it too hard… Gravity is a bish and you may break something…” He tried to sound innocent, but the fact that he couldn’t really hide his anger was a fact.

The contract in the meanwhile, started to get closer as to where the leader was supposed to be. This brother Micchino. Isamu struggled to get through to the place, but once he finally noticed. He called out, thinking he could get closer in time. “Micchino Sir! Message!!” He called but was soon blocked off and was now facing something himself…

[ooc; using CRPJ Beasts fangs, since CRPJs are normally not used, I treat this as an 8AP action with 3AP maintenance. Just so I limited myself from the 10 I have. =) ]
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Stretching like an arc of lightning only from the ground instead of the sky, black flames erupted towards the ships like guided missiles. With the speed and admittedly beautiful grace that the black flames had danced upon the skies, the cry to call for evasive maneuvers came too slow and far too late. Of the five largest ships, three had been hit, including his own, and of the handful of smaller ancillary ships, he reports were coming in that most of them had taken on some form of hit, whether it was direct hit or not didn't matter. The recognizable black flames consumed all that they touched whether it were an ember or an infernal maw. "Sir, what are your commands? Should issue the command to abandon ship and..." "Not yet!" Rising from his seat, Sora played back the trajectory of the glowing black flames from before. If such an attack was coming from one gifted with the abilities of the Uchiha then they were all just simply too large a target to fully evade them. In much the proverbial way, they were sitting ducks and those from the ground could take potshots at them from all angles.

"Sir, we're taking on damage on multiple floors and the s-" Holding up a hand Sora shook his head. "A moment, all I need is a moment." Turning to another order member a few steps away with a clipboard, he motioned for them to approach. "Lieutenant, are all ships outfitted with sand clippers?" Nodding, the officer looked at their clipboard. "Yes sir! All of the battleships were outfitted with them." Nodding appreciatively, Sora continued on. "And our C-Class ships?" Pausing a bit, the officer flipped through a few pages on the clipboard. "Well sir, they're basically larger sand clippers themselves." Shrugging in agreement, Sora had received the answers that he needed. Turning back to the original officer that had asked for his orders, Sora begin to give further instructions. "I guess that we're going with your plan after all. Let the other ships know that I'm issuing a T.S.O.:R, and open a private line to the Murasame for me." Snapping to attention, the officer gave a salute and rushed off.

From the ground those looking above might have seen a shimmering reflective wave pass between the airships before the black flames that plagued them seemingly disappeared. Not trying to repeat the same mistakes that had been made by so many leaders before, instead of being xenophobic, the Fourth Order was xenophilic in its practices, and in doing so they had opened themselves up to the best that the country had to offer. Much like Sora, there were others who could in many ways manipulate the flow of time and much like any great power, when gathered together, the impossible was made possible. Though he hated to use what he considered to be their secret weapon so early, getting a second chance at making an entrance allowed the second part of his plan to come into effect. While not a kamikaze order in the truest sense, Sora surmised that by grounding the Murasame, that they could at least make it easier to protect their very precious underbelly from attack. He hated to lose even a single ship in the sky but if sacrificing one meant that more could make it to the through then that was a sacrifice worth making.

OOC: There's a noted irony to rolling a 4. XD

OOC #2: Sora issued a command to rewind time for most ships, removing the black flames from them and then purposefully grounded the Murasame (one of the larger ships) in order to unleash a small contingent of small scale "Sand Clippers" (think school bus/public transportation bus sized air ships that are meant to effectively float a meter or two off of the ground) to try and take out the anti-air forces on the ground.

T.S.O:.R = Temporal Strider Order: Rewind or, a large scale use of the Rewind - Independent Special Action This is a maneuver that takes many multiples of Temporal Striders to pull off and is not something that can be used rapid fire. Large scale feats like this effectively burn out a number Temporal Striders and is a last resort to protect as many as possible.

Tsurara Moriko

New Member
May 6, 2021
OOC Rank
"Pause," Hanae said. She didn't want to outright contradict Moriko, but something was off. "Something's wrong down there."

Her varying cousins all did as she said and looked more closely at the movement. It was easier than one would think to differentiate friend from foe--largely because the friendlies were moving with purpose and being cautious, and the foes were not. They looked...deranged. Berserk.

A moment was too long in battle, though, and Hanae rapidly strung and fired again when she spied a flailing guard charging an unaware resistance fighter.

"Never mind," Hanae said, expression tight. "Prioritize protecting friendlies, keep open fire. Unless Moriko radios us with a change in plan, or Yuri-san overrides her."

That didn't seem likely, though.

With swiftness and careful view of the battle to prioritize covering allies, the Tsurara cousins resumed fire.


Moriko had, of course, no such moral qualms. If someone had told her outright that the guards here were being controlled, and were not doing this of their own will in a more literal sense than simple blackmail or blind loyalty, she would not have changed her approach one jot.

In fact, she was largely of the opinion that morals were for other people. It could be helpful to feign having them, but in present company she didn't need to do that and any supposed excess brutality was simply and easily lied about. If anyone even brought it up at all. The incoming Kazekage could be as high-minded an idealist as he liked, but that didn't mean his people agreed with him on that one.

Though some of even them might balk a bit at the wild, high laughter Moriko allowed herself for a few moments upon seeing the bloody mess she and Tsukiya made of the tower guards.

This is living!

It had been a good tactical consideration, too, Moriko noted as she tamped down her outward expression. They had a lot of options from here that the people on the ground simply did not. Air was always a good idea with the option, after all. A lot of people simply didn't consider the third dimension when planning.

But what was the best way to move? She'd effectively cut off the tower guards from joining the melee below unless they wished to start hurling themselves out windows. Those lower down also would have a significant barrier to coming up after them. So she and Tsukiya could climb and plow through guards relatively unimpleded by anyone potentially coming up behind them. That way, they could get to Wei more quickly. And decapitating him--literally or figuratively--would also end or put a severe damper on the enemy side of the fight below. From one projection, going up as quickly as possible was the correct thing to do.

If it had been possible to simply rip the top off the tower somehow, that might have been best--but the airships were probably geared to do that, which meant that was handled. (If they weren't, she'd be a little disappointed.) A breakline through was the next best thing. Either way, it was unlikely the tower would remain standing by the time the resistance was done here.

There was also--

"What?" she asked. Tsukiya was frowning. His hearing was sharper than hers; had he picked up on something?

"Cry for help," he said. "Down below. Given the mental state of these soldiers, whoever it is is not there by choice."

"All right," she said, and mulled it over briefly before mental shrugging. "Tactically they don't offer much, probably. I can radio my mother. To get to anything or anyone under the stairs we'd be letting the guards currently blocked off from climbing back to us, but she's already taking some of the spies around to clear civilians, so I can just let her know. Her people can probably get there more easily."

For a given value thereof, granted. But still, Moriko cued up her headset and relayed the information to her mother. Yuri accepted the information with her usual terse responses and said she'd get people on it--apparently at somewhat of a priority, as since Michino and Moriko's attacks and the approach of the airships, there was a growing cognizance the tower would not last the night and anyone going in for such things should get in and out as fast as possible.

She flicked her headset off and with a thought stabilized the wall behind them, blocking the troops from coming back up more thoroughly and deliberately. This was heart of ice, not mere normal chakra ice; they would have a hard time with fire or blade.

"We go for the head," she said. Tsukiya's crooked smile mirrored hers.

Though--how? Both of them were better at range, and narrow hallways negated that. One option was blasting directly up and through...a few big hits might do that, and it would be better than fighting their way through. For them, at least. However, they also did not have protection from those between their current position and the top coming up behind them should Wei have more than one competent guard. So perhaps a 'shortcut' was not a good idea in the medium term. Additionally, if they aimed for Wei and reached him alongside Michino when he was done, that would likely be better. Extra force.

Not a lot to be done about that fight, mind; Michino was now down on the ground and who knew when he'd fix that. Moriko could maybe provide a path up...

...but the guards still had to be cleared.

Which meant she should fix the terrain. Exterior walls were load-bearing, so eliminating them now might be a bit premature. Unfortunately, neither of them had any explosives they could use to remote detonate, so that would have to be accomplished later. Collapsing part of the tower by blowing outer walls would have similar issues to a shortcut right now, but later it might be a viable backup surprise.

"You're fine on sliding ice," Moriko said to Tsukiya. Not asking; she knew he was.

"Of course," he said, so she nodded and stepped forward, heading up, pushing ice chakra out ahead of her to freeze the ground. The frost pooled out from her feet, reaching ten feet ahead of her no matter which way she went, and Tsukiya trailed, footsteps sure and knives out. The hallways were just wide enough for both of them once they cleared the bodies, so he stepped up to her side, both of them with senses primed.

Their joined chakra sung between them, and Moriko nudged him without words; in response, he spared a fragment of attention to collapse the path they'd taken up via her ice, since she was focusing hers on the hall in front.

But should they run into more guards, the destablizing ice would suddenly creep the walls and turn into large, deadly spikes. And Tsukiya would be ready to follow up with ranged slashes to anyone who escaped the ice.

Moriko is using Ice Transmutation to turn the floors to ice to give terrain advantage. Ice Transmutation is described as spikes, so when necessary (if anyone shows up this round) she can turn it more lethal. Tsukiya is poised to Kill Driver anyone who tries to attack.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
