Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Revisiting What You Left Behind [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
Standing on the outer perimeter of Grand Halls of Learning at this point he appeared to be a stranger looking into an unfamiliar place. The part time instructor at the academy has been reclusive for what seemed to close to seven months. While still very passionate about teaching and imparting his knowledge to others there seemed to be an obstacle standing in his way. Was it that there weren't as many students entering the academy during such a peaceful time? When the demand shinobi started to dwindle there was less pressure on the village to banner together under a patriotic banner to help support the collective. Could it be the personal hurdles that he faced for being such a young teacher? Despite the sharp mind he possessed considering that he was not all that much older than most of the oldest academy students and was much younger in comparison to most other teachers he found himself being not taken as seriously. Had he not held himself back for so long from becoming a jounin they may have more respect for him with displaying initiative and climbing up the ranks at such a young age. Then again the reasoning for his lacking career in teaching would have been from his own faults of constantly being distracted by his research. His passions lay in his busywork more often than that of ventures into becoming a better shinobi. Was his biggest obstacle himself all along? Or was his problem a collective mesh of all these thoughts scrambling through his mind?

An assortment of sounds would draw him from the world of his thoughts. His interest piqued by the sounds of what he could tell immediately were that of a class. From afar Bruinetto would stand back and watch over the class merely as an observer. There was a group of nine children sitting there on the lawn legs crossed and gazing up towards the man that towered over them. A sense of eagerness and wonder filled their eyes to the brim as they seethed with an earnest for learning. It was certainly a priceless age for children when they were in a prime state for learning. Absorbing information like a sponge takes in water but seemingly having no end for the capacity to take it all in. The cycle of learning continuing to be constant as they fiend like addicts for new knowledge and question every single thing around them. To some these questions felt like endless pestering but to a teacher it was a beautiful symphony with variable tones of eloquence. The purity and abstract thinking of these questions could even incite new questions and ideas for an instructor to ponder upon later. The learning experience was more than just imparting new knowledge to a younger generation because at times even the teacher ended up learning something of value. Going unnoticed by the class all the while he observed his attention from it wavered. Pulling himself away from being an observer he just continued on.

To be honest Bruinetto seemed to have no actual reason for coming here. It wasn't like he defined a purpose for revising the Grand Hall of Learning after being recluse for so long. The students he had been teaching before were rounding off the end of their years at the academy before heading off to becoming genin so he couldn't use them as an excuse for visiting. For a moment his thoughts veered pondering what became of them. Many of them showed excellent prowess so he hoped that his lessons stuck with them and were helping them further their careers. Why did it seem at this point a single question in his mind was spiraling into something existential. “Why am I here?” After taking a walk through the grounds he was just short of the outer perimeter of the halls of learning. No closer to answer that single question that plagued the back of his mind.

WC: 660


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Why Am I Here...?

Oh yeah...


Nah, just kidding, not today.

It was something much less insane. The woman, dressed in scantily clad and skin tight black leather walked down the darkened hallway of the mostly abandoned classrooms. Most teachers preferred to teach outside on such lovely days. Her waist had two belts crossed in an 'X' over her hips with gadgets and gizmos a plenty. On her right arm was a black leather gauntlet with a hidden weapon, and her black wavy locks filtered down her back to her waist, and her cyan eyes glowed brightly in the dim hallway.

"Scrolls...scrolls...scrolls..." Her sultry voice murmured as she looked into each classroom, finally stopping and turning sharply to face one. "Oooooooo~" Her voice murmured as the Seikon's body flickered and appeared inside, moving through the door easily as she looked around the large and dark lecture hall.

"Money money money~" She greedily sang as she walked over to one of the larger and locked doors, her body shuttered through it as she did to get in. It was black inside, dirtily dark and dust filled her nose. Her body lingered for a moment before she slid forward, her hand grabbing a scroll and strapping it to her back as she flickered out of the building--but perhaps in a dangerous spot.

The Seikon's body warped back in front of a young blue haired man, her eyes widening in a moment of shock as she stared forward. "O-oh!" She stumbled back for a moment, gripping her hands together as she looked at him, "Hello. Um... Your...uh..." She didn't know what to say. She was an extroverted, wild, flirty, and charismatic character...but she was literally standing with a stolen scroll before an unknown face. Running was suspicious...

She had to play it cool.
Oct 23, 2012
While steadily walking the young man was lost in his own thoughts he lost focus on what was going on around him. Toning out all other sounds his vision was concentrated to the ground almost as if he was focusing on every step he would be taking. The appearance of the woman before him would be unnoticed by him. You would think that a shinobi would be better prepared for something so unexpected to happen and have their senses heightened in case a surprise situation like this would materialize itself. However, Bruinetto wasn't like most other shinobi and it was very much like him to not take this career path so serious. After all this “career” was merely a means to an end to help propel him towards his future goals so why would he assume the role of a die hard shinobi? He'd rather allow his mind to explore the intricacies of his thoughts instead of dwell on the paranoia associated with constantly looking out for the visage of death around each corner or the suspicion of foul activity that could put village security in danger.

Needless to say despite the protests of the leather clad fem fatale she went unnoticed as the first thing he would notice just barely was the presence of her foot wear barring the path he was traversing now. They had appeared instantaneously and being caught unaware and lost in thought he was beyond the point of reacting reflexively to the situation. Eyes darting up from the ground he would find himself carelessly running into this woman. Bruinetto was not traveling at a very brisk pace so the force behind this collision wouldn't be overwhelming but because of the surprise itself he nearly lost his balance as a result. Stumbling back and regaining his footing Bruinetto instantly snapped back to reality. Barely even bothering to assess the situation with his meticulous eye for detail he was more concerned for the person he collided with. “My apologies! I must have faded out of reality there for a moment during my aimless meandering. Are you okay?” Had the result of their collision resulted in pushing the girl down onto the ground he would instinctively lower himself and offer a hand to help bring the lady back to her feet. Bruinetto could be terribly careless at times but what a way to leave a bad impression by literally running into a sultry vixen. It did not happen often, but there was lurking sense of embarrassment making its way to the fore front of his mind.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The man didn't stop walking. He kept moving forward, his head down, almost like he didn't see her. In a way, it was tastefully offensive to her, as with her attire, she wasn't used to a lack of eyes on her. She frowned for a minute as he walked towards her, his head down, and she expected him to stop and look up at her with some cunning grin that spilled her guilty pleasures--but he didn't.

No, in fact, he ran her over.

She fell backwards onto her ass as he ran right into her, her cyan eyes scowled as she shot a look upwards at him and he stared down at her, his glossy eyes slowly focusing as though he had been in a trace. "Well, Raiden, that was rude!" Her family was from Kumogakure, as it was clear from her belief in a God other than the Mother Suna.

He stuttered out an apology as he crouched to her level, offering her a hand as she look at it for a moment, wondering if he'd slap her with it if he so felt the need to. And yet, she grabbed it, and allowed him to pull her up, her body toned and flexing with each movement under her tight wet-suit-like leather outfit. "Dazing out, you say? You should really watch where your going--unless, of course, you were planning on running into a woman today," She teased him, giving him a cocky smile as she brushed herself off, considering the pun she had made and it's ability at a crack at humor.
Oct 23, 2012
Thankfully, the beauty before him did not turn out to be too upset with the fact that he just got done plowing right through her. Certainly not in the type of way that he would have enjoyed though. Wait, what was this? It wasn't like Bruinetto to have a thought like this manage to intrude it's way through his thought process. Certainly the way that this woman was dressed did not help the cause in this instance. The form fitting leather certainly was flattering to her figure. His eyes felt like iron being attracted to the intense and varying magnetism of her form. Deeming it inappropriate to be doing field research and carefully analyzing all the fine details laying before him he would help her up off the ground and keep his eyes focused on her maintaining strong eye contact. “Truth be told, I don't think I have come back to reality just yet.”

Those words after being said were accompanied by a sly smile after chuckling at her comment. “However, what stands before me is far more exquisite than the world my mind had withdrawn itself into.” Generally after being drawn out from his thoughts he was far more agitated by the distraction which caused it. For once however this force of habit didn't materialize itself. Perhaps one part of him no longer wanted to continue to lament on the dark and abysmal thoughts he was focusing on and it was a relief to be freed from them. Or just maybe, in a moment such as this he was willing to let it slide and not let it bother to him. In his social interactions at times he treated people who forced his attention away as a burden. As opposed to just being happy at the simple fact that there was somebody willing to even draw his attention in the first place.

“I don't think I have ever seen you around here before. You certainly don't give me the impression that you are a student, nor does it seem like you are a teacher. So tell me why you have such a dangerous and dark aura about you?” Bruinetto was not trying to read into her because he suspected she was suspicious of some wrong doing or foul play. It was just in his nature to learn more about anything that caught his interest.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The young man was nothing less than a flirt, just like any other man that bumped into her when she was working. Sure, she had a sense of sultry fashion outside of work, but the leather clad suit was certainly a huge hit. It was form fitting and cupped around her curves with enough boldness that it made women drool. Perhaps she should open a clothing store! Something about creating sexy vanity, or something along the line. Lingere and pleanty of advice for the shy women. Perhaps she'd bring in a shocking amount of seemingly modest kimono-wearing civilians! Then there'd be a huge scandle about the sex-kitten clothing they were buying from none other than Ijimeru Kitanai!

Kita listened to him compliment her, his eyes taking in her somewhat intimidating presence. It was hard to be flattered when she heard a million of these lines--being a prostitute of the slums, afterall. She had even heard some that caused her eyebrows to go up in shock. People will really say anything now a days.

"Dangers and dark aura?" She laughed, shaking out her raven locks, "I'm a woman, young man!" It was clear she was very serious in her statement, her body turning to face him more directly, "I have a kid here," She smiled softly. It was a little bit of a lie, but not really. "I'm babysitting him for a little." Yes, she was babysitting. Yes, he did go to the academy. The catch, however, was that he wasn't there. In fact, he was locked inside her house. The young man, in fact, was actually a hostage for a violent drug deal. She was like his... witness protection program.

"But, of course, I've never seen you here, either. What are you doing? Wandering so suspiciously around, may I add."
Oct 23, 2012
His words weren't mean to be a joke, but merely an observation based on her appearance. The way she dressed was not like a shinobi, or at least any shinobi he had ever seen. Now that he thought about it, her method of appearance and just happening to be in his way wasn't normal. The way she was facing prior to falling, the woman should have noticed him and the ensuing train wreck much sooner than she did. All of these facets of information coming together started to make the cogs of Bruinetto's brain begin to click as they began to gain momentum. Listening to her voice carefully he started to pick up on things that on the surface seemed very little but given a different context there was something more that could be implied. She started off on a defensive note, but at the same time it was intermingled with pride. Like in that instance he was onto something but did not want to outright telecast it to him. More and more she added onto her defense to defend the reasoning why she was even there. There was something hollow to her words and subtle movements of her face revealed these facts. A keen eye for detail was what he excelled in and the more he paid attention the easier these things could be seen. It was a curse for her in this instance that she was a beautiful woman, otherwise he may not have been paying such close attention from the start.

It was with her last bit of words that she switched to on the offensive. Generally somebody who isn't guilty of something will spend more time on the offensive than they do on the defensive. She needed to find a way to shift such accusations from her person to him. So just what was it that she was trying to hide is what he wondered now. He would play along with her game playing off like he was unaware of anything more as he would simply answer her question. “You may not have seen me around here recently because I have been on academic leave for the past seven months. Enrollment has been slow because of these peaceful times. I am only a part time instructor here so during that time they had me delve into some research and put my mind to good use. I don't mind being tucked away in my studies and getting paid for it most certainly. However, seems I have neglected social interaction that i've actually missed it a bit.”

Another strange thing would catch his eye as the woman had something slung over her shoulder. Something about it seemed very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. “I take it what you have there is for the kid you're babysitting right? I didn't know you volunteer here up at the academy. It is very nice to seeing a parent get involved in the education of their child. Or in your case, the one you are being a guardian over.”


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The man continued to watch her with his accusing eyes, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. Though, despite the emotion, she kept her posture and face unmoved by it as she listened to his story about his academic leave. Her eyebrow raised for a moment as she listened, confused by his appearance in contrast to his words, "Aren't you a bit...young?" She asked. Kitanai was certain the boy was younger than her, and most of the professors at the academy were even older than she was. "So am I the first person you've talked to in awhile?" She laughed, folding her hands behind her as she smiled sweetly, "I guess you'll just have to invite me out to lunch sometime, then, huh?" Her eyes flickered to his hands before quickly back up to his face--but his eyes had shifted as well.

He noticed the strap across her body that held the scroll to her back. Her body shifted, clearly she was getting bored, "I don't volunteer out here--you'd know me if I did." She knew which lies wouldn't work, especially know that she knew his position here. "I'm taking this home for him to practice with--it's a façade scroll." She didn't care to explain more about the less-powerful scrolls they used for training, as she assumed he knew what they were.

"So, if you're on academic leave are you out here in hopes in rekindling relationships?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, "Because if your searching for someone to talk to, your in the back of the academy. You won't find anyone but people walking home out here--and no one wants to stop and talk if they're on their way out." She had turned the topic back around to him, giving a sultry smile, "Unless, of course, you knock them to the ground, I suppose." The tone of her voice had taken a turn from casual to suggestive for a moment before she composed herself and turned her body to begin back on the path she was headed, "But even then, they won't be willing to stay for long without an invitation of sorts." She was teasing him again, beginning to walk away, without clear intentions of actually leaving, but rather testing the waters of his curiosity and interest.
Oct 23, 2012
He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her words of noting how young he was. Bringing up his left hand it went behind his head as he started to scratch the back of his head. “I actually started teaching classes here when I was sixteen. I was very young when I graduated from the academy. In order to avoid greater responsibilities for the village I have purposely held myself back from becoming a jounin at the dismay of my father.” Bruinetto had wished to have more time so that he may spend it improving the power of his mind and further progressing in the development of his ideas, creations, and theories. He knew full well that the higher up in rank he would become the more time that he would spend devoted to the village as opposed to his more selfish whims. Well, these whims are not entirely selfish. The young man aspired to make great things for the benefit of the people of not only the village, but the world!

The girl was appearing to be forward, at least that is what she was putting out there. These flirtatious mannerisms were flattering to the young man who seldom peered outside his logical view of the world to be personal with other people. His approach was always business first and pleasure could come later. However he had a knack of procrastination for pleasure so it would always be out of reach. He knew better to keep somewhat guarded though. Deception is the number one tool of shinobi and language is a tool that can do far more damage than any weapon when used carefully. Despite his weariness and suspicion at the same time though he could not help but be intrigued. “I am not that much of a recluse that I have not spoken to anybody. Primarily I've spoken to family members, and reluctantly at times my twin sister.”

It was now where she would finally track back to his questioning after deviating from his query. He was quick to reply to her mentioning that he would know her if she volunteered here. “You'd be surprised at the things I tend to miss. After all, you were right in front of me and I didn't even notice you.”</B><i></i>While his attention for detail was meticulous that was only when he was focusing and paying attention. Otherwise his focus deviated from source to source and was constantly scattered jumping from one tangent thought to another. <B>“A facade scroll? I don't think I am familiar with that kind of scroll. What type of training is that used for?”He was sincerely curious to know more about the type of scroll she mentioned. Honestly he was not the most well versed in all shinobi tools and training methods as he often crafted tools for the use in his lessons. It may be something that he could implement later on for the future.

Once again she was quick to not stay on topic and force the topic on one that wasn't about her. Was she simply trying to be mysterious and not be an open book that was easily read? One that you had to pry open to find out the more interesting content? Or was it that the less questions asked about her, the less likely he would be to find out something he wasn't suppose to? As her body turned she proceeded to take a few steps away from him. He was now clearly able to see the scroll she was carrying. Externally this scroll seemed quite intricate covered with markings and designs. The aesthetic appeal of the scroll gave it a look of value and one thought popped up. That items crafted for practice by a young learner were often plain and tended to be made of less valuable materials. After all these items received much more wear and tear and if a student would make a mistake which damaged the item it was not a set back to the academy funds. His questions would continue to swell up as he would be quick to follow her.

Nonchalantly he would take a few large steps so that he found himself walking right beside her. “To be honest, I am not exactly sure why I am out here today. I was looking to get away from my studies so that I could clear my head. Even though my wandering was aimless, I ended up here. It was almost if I was unknowingly drawn back here. As I found myself taking a tour of the grounds I wasn't looking to find anything. It just seemed like I was revisiting what I had left behind..” The tone in his voice had shifted. It conveyed the notion of uncertainly and confusion when it came to how he was suppose to feel about the subject. “Even if I came here not looking for anything in particular. Sometimes you get pleasantly surprised at what you can find when you aren't looking.” His head slightly turning to her as his eyes moved to peer over to her as half a grin manifested itself on the side of his face that she could see.

WC: 859


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The seductress had caught his eye. The line had hooked and sunk him, and he was ready to follow right back into her hands--or so she thought. Little did she know, he wasn't quite that easy to crack, though she was starting to wear and tear at him, which was good enough for her at the moment. The idea that her current deviation had succeeded made the next few steps hopeful with quite a bit of promise. If only he would cooperate similarly.

"Revisiting what you left behind?" She repeated, considering the statement. "Yes, I suppose that is a good way of putting it." Kitanai herself was revisiting what she had left behind too--this damn scroll. But she wasn't going to get out of here so easily. The young man was on to her, and it was obvious. She had to thrown him off her trail somehow...

Money. Bribe. Items. Children. Slaves. Sex.

What was this guy's weakness? Other than her outfit, obviously. There had to be something that would distract him so much that he'd be far too excited to care about what she was doing. He was a boy genius, and seemingly intelligent beyond his years, but not exactly great Shinobi material. A bit geeky perhaps. What did she know about that?


Perfect. The boy scientist she knew! He owed her a lot for her body guard services, and it was about time he started to pay up. "You know," Kitanai started, "If you're interested in science at all, I know a rather world reknown scientist myself. He was actually trying to find someone to help him, as of late." Probably not, but oh well. "Would you like to meet him?"
Oct 23, 2012
When he had pressed on the idea of what a facade scroll was, the woman did not seem to have an answer. This brought a number of conclusions to this situation; That she was got caught up in the conversation and forgot to answer or that she was avoiding the question and she did not have an answer. In one part of his mind thinking that she was taking a genuine interest in his words and taking on their weight based on the inflections and tone of his voice. The skeptic in him however was not yet convinced. While this woman steadily tried to keep the focus on their chatting away from where he was trying to steer it there was one thing she did not realize about him.

There was such an odd coincidence about his talents as a shinobi which couples with his blood heritage and his skills. A man who excelled at long range combat he was an excellent marksman more than capable of hitting the most difficult of targets. While he was not one to stare at himself in the mirror he has never actually gotten to see what the pinnacle of his Uchiha heritage looks like. The Mangekyou Sharingan taking on a form unlike the typical spinning wheel. His took the likeness of what resembled a target reticule. When those eyes materialized themselves there was nothing that helped you escape from being locked on as a target. Try as she must, this woman was not going to escape from his sights so easily. The only thing that may make his aim less true is the problem he was having with the urges of his flesh conflicting with his methodical thought process.

It was here that she brought up something that was relevant to his interests. She spoke of a man that she knew that was considered a scientist of world renown. Due to the nature of their village being underground there was a need to develop new ideas to help better their living conditions. Bruinetto was familiar with some of the scientific minds of the village but now all of them. “Would you be referring to Sousuke-sama? If so, I figured him more of the type to work alone and share his research later. I went to lecture of his a long time ago. His theories were interesting however my mind had trouble wrapping around the metaphysical.” In a world where many believed in deities that looked down on them and shaped the progress of their world he was an outsider that could not place his faith into things he could not see.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
"No," Kita said curtly as he explained that he knew a friend of hers, Sousuke, "His name is Ryuu Tama." She said simply, her mind asking about Sousuke's lectures. She wondered if, perchance, one day she should attend one. She was, by no means interested in science what-so-ever, but to see him get up in front of a crowd and teach his passion would surely be an interesting sight. "He's invented a few life changing things that are about to be made public very soon here. I'm sure you'll hear his name many more times in the future."
. . . A Few Minutes Later . . .

"So how about a visit?" She asked, not really giving him a choice as she made her way down the street, already making her way to the door of a house (why, surely a scientist lived close to a library!), her knuckles rapping a few violent times on the door, "Aye! Tama!" She called, leaning her head close to the door, "I bought a pupil!" Her voice, even when yelling, carried a sultry sound to it, "He's harmless, I swear."

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh this world of wondrous delusions and activity checks, what can we do for you?

Tama was “off” today, not tinkering on anything for a change as he lounged on a distressed looking couch with books piling around it like a castle’s walls. In the scientist’s left hand was a book on advanced metaphysical forms of the chakra coil and their uses, and in his left was an old worn out quill with half the feather frayed from use. Dipping it in ink and jotting notes lazily into an empty leather bound tome, the young man copied everything he read and retraced it perfectly onto new paper – jutsu calligraphy as well. In fact only a man who was intensely studied into the chakra coil would even be able to tell the difference between the two books and that was the applied theory in Tama’s as opposed to the ideological theory in the original book.
The scientist was very much the person who enjoyed his experimenting and testing, even if it came down using it on himself as he had done with the ancient and forbidden Chakurakoiru tensō gijutsu. There were just some techniques one had to try out for themselves in order to know their full potential.

He lounged today wearing a pair of baggy loose pants that kept the heat from the un-air conditioned and crowded apartment he had been placed in from bothering him. His hair was left down and wild as per-usual and not a mark marred his perfectly pale skin, which was odd given his dual professions. His bi-colored eyes (right blue, left green), stared up from his book for a second to view the mess his library of self written books had caused and sighed at the state of the small apartment. This was all done by the assassin who was his new bodyguard to keep him away from the dangers of a certain other assassin that had come very close to killing him. Tama was just happy to have some place to live as his lab was now little more than ruins after his last experiment and he could ill-afford a new place to live and pay this woman the outstanding fee she was trying to extract from him. Performing the Chakurankoiru tenso required an obscene amount of elemental energy, and the crystals he had to buy in lieu of having a sacrificial person attuned to that element had nearly cost him the small fortune he had accumulated. This of course forced him to develop new ideas such as an actual feasible chakra coil replacement surgery that was advancement on his original theory and now he was just about at the point where he was putting on the final touches. If the theory could be put to actual practice it could save the lives of millions affected by deadly chakra coil destroying techniques and diseases and possibly lead to the augmentation and strengthening against these malignant problems.

A rapid knock on the door interrupted the scientist’s thought flow as his head jerked back up from his book and towards the door. A mild sense of panic entered the man’s heart as the tickling of voices began to touch the back of his mind. An assassin? The assassin? A bill collector? A force of ANBU coming to take him away for practice of forbidden material? Perhaps another rival scientist trying to upset his train of thought cause they knew he was a paranoid little creep?
Either way Tama knew that whoever was at that door, he didn’t want to see them. Slowly he began to move the books out of his way and place his tome in a safe place on the couch before rushing his actions a little as a response to another pounding at his door. It was right as he had cleared a major stack of books when he heard her voice; a chill went down his spine. Didn’t she demand that this apartment remain clean for his duration here? Crap, crap, crap…

The Ryuu leaped in the attempt to clear his book stacks but only succeeded in stumbling and crashing into the kitchen where a lot of his beakers and chemicals still remained from last night’s tests. His clumsy flailing lead to the glass beaker holding a certain viscous looking green liquid to spill everywhere and instantly start eating away at everything it touched. A mild panic turned full blast when Tama saw the calamity and the destruction in store as part of that liquid landed on another glass tube filled some even deadlier looking chemicals.
The only response Kit got at first was a minor explosion, a string of swears, and the door’s “murder hole” being opened so the scientist could make sure who was outside and let some of the red colored smog out.
What’s that you want? Spreading the word of Jashinasim? No thanks, I’m set on cults.” The hole in the door was immediately shut back to keep anyone from peering in…not that they really could.

Now what the hell was he going to do about this mess in the few seconds it was going to take Kitanai to kick down that door?


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The raven haired assassin was just about to turn to the young man she brought with her when a crash came from inside the house. Her raspberry lips already parted and a finger up as the crash echoed through her sensitive ears. Her finger slowly curled, her eyes seeming to glaze over as she took a moment to give a face and somewhat annoyed smile to Bruinetto.

Kitanai's body tuned slowly to face the door, her knock rapping on the door, and the sound of glass shattering coming in response. "Tama! Tama! What are you doing in there?!" She yelled to him, his feet shuffling towards the door as his voice crackled something about cults before he scurried away.

"What?" She responded, clearly baffled by his response. "Tama! Open this damn door right now!" She called again, her fish pounding against the door as she shook the knob a few times. "You've got three seconds!" Her body leaned in for a minute, "Three!" She took a step back, "Two!" Another step back. "One!" Her heeled boot crashed into the door, unsuccessfully the first time, three times before the door broke inwards.

"Tama! What is wrong with you?! Why did you--" Her voice cut off as she stood in the middle of the entrance room, her eyes looking around, wide as she stared. "Oh my Raiden...what did you do..." She whispered quietly, her head turning towards the chemical spills, then the books, then slowly to him, locking eyes as hers flashed violently.
Oct 23, 2012
[OOC: Thank you folks for your patience. My internet has been down recently and I just got it fixed along with working a nice assortment of hours being thrown at me to my dismay. I shall be posting at my earliest convenience! I promise not to keep you all waiting long]
Oct 23, 2012
For some reason with her mentioning of the name “Ryuu Tama” there was something familiar about that name. Perhaps he was just imagining that he may have known the name as he generally had a very good memory. Although his memory for the visual was much more spectacular having essentially a photographic memory for the most part. That may have just been one part of how his mind works and another part how he processed information through visual stimuli. Even before the woman opted him a chance to respond on whether he wanted to meet this person she eagerly began to guide him farther and farther away from the academy grounds. This girl was certainly crafty, he had to give her that. He was almost certain now that she was desperately attempting to draw his attention away. One way or another he figured that she was not going to give him any information on the scroll itself, so he was going to need to pull off something rather sneaky in a small amount of time. He had to think fast, but it was good that he thought fast under pressure.

When they reached the residence of Ryuu Tama the woman would make her way towards the house so that she would knock on the door. Allowing her to take the lead and standing behind her he quickly placed his hands together to form a single hand seal. Channeling his chakra he would create a non-elemental clone who would appear in an alleyway adjacent to the house. The consciousness of the clone would understand what it's task would entail from the start as it would lay low in the shadows keeping its presence undetected. In the end if this woman managed to successfully distract him there was a back-up plan in case she managed to pull off an escape and slip away as a result. Thankfully while he had been pulling off this little stunt before the vixen turned back to view him she was preoccupied for a moment longer. “A second later and I would have had to play off that hand seal.. I am not the best at lying so that may have been troublesome.”

“He doesn't seem exactly thrilled to have visitors, perhaps we should come back at a later..”
His words were cut off by his new lady friend kicking in the door. An inquisitive look was now drawn on Bruinetto's face as the girl would barge he way into this mans house. “..Or you can force your way in.” Despite how soft and fragile this girl portrayed herself as a sultry and seductive female there was a much stronger side to her being displayed here. The more he tried to understand this girl and try to piece her together there would be no answers only more questions. Was this woman bipolar going from one extreme to another or was she merely good at playing a role when the situation called for it? After meeting this Tama since he happens to know her he will have to be sure to listen to the kind of things he says about her. From those words he might be able to learn something that she would not willingly admit. That is unless he is an accomplice of hers, then this was going to get all the more complicated. Instead of continuing to muse on about it internally he decided to follow her lead and proceed into the house.

What he saw immediately was quite chaotic as it looked like a small disaster had unfolded in this living quarters. Noting what his own cluttered work space looked like his would have been considered in pristine condition compared to this. To think that his twin sister would often tell him that his living conditions in his laboratory was a pig sty. Had she seen such a site like this she would take back anything she would have ever said. His space was often cluttered but nothing like this. “Is everything okay in here? Looks like there was a bit of an... accident.”

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh what a pathetic sight this was.

It was one thing to come alone, even though he dreaded her company and the results probably would have been the same, but to bring along a guest to this god forsaken mess? Rude; bad enough she kicked the damn door in.
Yes!” Tama replied immediately to the Uchiha to answer his question in the dangerous attempt to dodge Kitanai’s angrier query, “I…have been researching! Heavily, in fact, and have come very close to cracking the bottom code! However…most of the mess is just…mess really. All the books are my hand written collection of our library that I accomplished shortly before graduating the Academy last year…

Sensing that it was best not to stand within immediate striking range of the assassin he decided to take the company towards the back room, which in retrospect shouldn’t even exist in a studio apartment; but it was Tama. Paranoia aside the man enjoyed his privacy and it was simply bad luck on his part that he happened to be lounging in the upper room when the wench decided to come visit.
In the very back of the apartment where the clutter got less and less was a cleared section right outside of the bathroom. Forming a basic tiger seal and tapping the floor with his foot a trap door revealed itself by popping up from the floorboards ever so slightly. Bending down the scientist flipped open the door to reveal a staircase in what seemed to be a recently hollowed out basement. It didn’t take the man and his super chakra coil to learn how to manipulate earth enough to reorder itself.
Inside the walls were still obviously dirt but packed fine and smooth so as to not dust up the wooden floorboards that looked to have been installed by hand because the work was terrible; Tama was a shinobi scientist, not a carpenter. The room was about half the size of the messy lodging upstairs and inside was a simple card table in the center of the room, a stack of chairs off to the side, diagrams of the chakra coils and the different effects certain chakras have on it hung on the walls, and to a whole wall to itself was a very clean operating table. On the side directly across from the operating table was a long counter filled with more beakers, tubes, and chemicals than what could be seen even with a quick glance upstairs. Unlike the rest of the house this one remained pristine as this was where the scientist was conduction his major research. That explosion of red mess upstairs? Side project.

I apologize for the terrible destruction up there, I’ve been…far too engrossed in what I do to give time to reorganize my things. It is with perhaps foolish hope that these lodgings be temporary but for the moment Kitanai encourages their use. Now, can I offer anyone coffee?

Before either of the duo could reply he nervously hopped over to the end of the counter where a pot of strong coffee was always brewing. Looking off to the side he grabbed three realtivly clean cups and filled them up before transferring two back to the card table in the middle.
I’m Ryuu Tama, by the way,” he said looking at the remotely familiar fellow. His addled brain recalled perhaps a classmate of some sort but he was far too old to have actually been in his required curriculum. It must have been one of the many extra classes he picked up, but he couldn’t remember anything special about the man.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
And so they were in. But, not for long. As Kita stood with her mouth agape, Tama took quick note and began to usher them out of the clutter and down into the safe room, kind of like a bunker really. Walking down, her head still turned up for a moment as she thought about the mess, she slowly lowered herself down into a seat, Tama jumping up to serve them beverages.

"No thanks. I'm not drinking anything that was near those things," She muttered as he got her a cup anyways. She set it before her, totally untouched as her eyes raised to him, "Sorry to foil your plan. You won't be poisoning me today."

The men did a brief introduction as she leaned black, placing her left calf onto her right knee as she bounced her leg for a moment in anxiety, "I see you've been busy," She took the moment of silence to attack him, just as he had been avoiding. "Are you trying to attract attention? Or were you simply hoping I'd only check every third wednesday?" Kitanai made it routine to check on him before she left to meet with the assassin who was hunting him. That way she wouldn't be paying him money he didn't deserve anymore. "Well, surprise, my love, I'm here to introduce you to fellow scientist."

Now that they were downstairs, it would be more difficult for her to leave...
Oct 23, 2012
It was rather curious that this man had set up a secretive location for where he carried out his studies and experiments. Most minds who delved into studies had their own quirks when it came to thing sort of thing. Bruinetto himself had a room off in the basement of his own that was decided as his work shop. While he did have a solid iron door which could be locked in a multitude of ways to keep people out generally as he worked in there he kept it wide open. He was not afraid of having visitors while he was working as it from time to time took his mind off of the monotony of what he was working on and sometimes even sparked new ideas from tangent conversations that he was having.

Heading down the stairs the first thing Bruinetto would have his attention gravitate towards was a poster put up on the walls that had intricate drawings concerning the chakra circulatory system. On this poster was not only a diagram of the roots of this sytem but along with the tenketsu. Tilting his head he began reading through some of the hastily scribbled notes that laid over the diagram. Looking towards the head portion of the diagram he would notice some aspects of it appeared to not be fully diagrammed or there was more to be desired in its explanations. Then again there was only one part of the chakra circulatory system that Bruinetto has examined thoroughly. That being the system which runs through the head and more specifically the brain. This study was done so he could be more familiar with his the inner workings of the mind and be better capable of utilizing his genjutsu. It was the same way that a medical shinobi would study the body to better their specialty medical ninjutsu.

His ears perked up for a moment with the drop of a name from Tama, which was the girl who he has been travelling with the whole time. The two of them never bothered to exchange names from the start. While he was slightly worried that the girl wouldn't even give him her real name in case she managed to run off with the suspicious scroll that she was carrying. With knowledge of her name even if she were to escape he had a means of following her later on if necessary. Turning his head over towards Tama after his introduction he would face over to him. “It is a pleasure to meet you Tama-kun. You have some interesting notes covering your walls. Quite visual with your representation of your work. My memory is photographic so that helps with notes.” This was undoubtedly because he did spend a great deal of his time utilizing his Sharingan while working to help memorize the material. A blessinng for his studies no doubt.

“If you only have coffee I will take a cup..”
He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as the host provided regardless. “...Thank you. Thank you for playing host to uninvited guests who broke the door down to get in.” He chuckled softly after speaking those words as he still felt quite strange that was how this whole situation started up. Looking over towards Kitania he couldn't help but ask. “So how do you know Tama-kun here? You two seem to have a rather interesting relationship.” Interesting was putting it lightly considering the shuddering and almost fearful demeanor the man had when dealing with her. It seems he was right on the money on his first impression of “dark and dangerous.”

OOC: as a fun note this whole time Kitania and Bruinetto have not actually introduced themselves. So how she knows his name is beyond me, lol. But who cares really?

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh why thank you,” Tama replied with sincere gratitude as it wasn’t too often that his work got any compliments.

It’s the intense study of the chakra coil and all of its incarnations, strengths, weaknesses, and secrets all towards the goal of trying to create a perfect procedure that can transplant a chakra coil into the body of one that has a coil that is destroyed, or maimed, or poisoned by some disease. About a year or two, I forget how long, of non-stop work has been put into a leather tome I have out there in the living room. It is nearing completion, as I have only but maybe one or two last theories to test before I put them to pen, and when it has been finished I will be submitting it to the Medical Branch. If it gets picked up I’ll be shot straight back up to the top of the scientific community again, after my recent…loss,” Tama finished his statement eyeing the killer among them.

The genius didn’t bother to even acknowledge the hateful woman and made a point of ignoring her remark about the coffee as he sat it down before her. The addition of an extra mind of higher thought was apparently giving the scientist a set of balls as he continued to ignore her and focus on the matter at hand, a question posed by the Uchiha,

Ahh…that. Yes, well, you could say she is something of my…bodyguard,” Tama pulled up a chair to the table and sat down with his back turned away from Kitanai, “As I said before I had a recent loss of my abilities and status when a rather…unfortunate side of my past life came into the light over an attempted assassination. I came out of it barely alive and with one of my inventions replacing my chakra coil. So I hired this…how should I say…’strong woman’, to protect me from any further attempts on my life while I returned to my research on the ‘coil. Last month I managed to fix my problem via some good old fashioned forbidden knowledge and a massive amount of money spent on chakra crystals. The result of that emergency self surgery of sorts has given me all kinds of new insights on the chakra system which might allow me to perfect the surgery for people beyond ones of master healing chakras to perform.
The two of the last three theories I have ready to perform, but one of them is going to be impossible without somehow getting my hands on the chakra of an Uchiha. For all my study on the clan’s techniques via theory I still can’t manipulate my chakra to imitate that dojutsu, it comes down to the blood. Short of slaughtering one of their clan, which to hell with that, I’m up a creek on the theory of their eyes assisting in the vision of the coil during surgery.

After his short ramble Tama sat back in his chair and sipped thoughtfully at his bitter brew while his mind went over the project again while attempting to stay focused on his guests. His first two theories, as mentioned before, were ready to go – all he needed was to go into market to get the supplies. One was the attempt to use chakra crystals to mimic advanced elemental techniques during the surgery procedures and the second was the removal of a chakra coil from a dead body and seeing if it was able to be reanimated. While getting the materials for his second theory would be a further pain than his first, it was still pie easy when compared to trying to get his hands on that dojutsu technique if even for a second. His memory would be able to work off the knowledge gained from that few seconds of being able to see as the Uchiha saw the world; in HD.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
