Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Say Something [Private]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'Welp, That happened...' Tamashii would think as he shook his head a bit at Takeshi and then at Umashi, somethings never made sense. And Tamashii would just sit in his chair sucking in copious amounts of air until he would simply nod, this wasnt a situation he wanted to be affiliated with, he would play ball for now, but the dissension with the branches were at an all time high. This would lead to anarchy and it would be the petty one to have to pick up the pieces of a broken order at this point. To think, he might've had a chance to be Hokage at one point... maybe the village would be in better hands? Going from a Hokage that was prone to dramatic scenes... to a bi-polar man that flipped one eighty on a dime. Maybe they put too much pressure on Takeshi... Maybe Tama should have pulled back? Maybe... He needed a drink, but he couldnt drink anything for the next month. He was full of medication but nothing that altered his mind, just things that helped him resist urges.

"Right... Then its settled... but Umashi, if you wanted to declare the boy a Mercenary... I think you should have done it with a bit more tact. It does sound like you're hiding something...", shaking his head as he brought his hands to the wheels of his chair before moving himself back and then forward to begin leaving, "There will be no congratulatory statements from me... Not until I see more than just words and threats. A man is as good as his word... and Takeshi, you're already starting out in the proverbial dog house with your Sennin. Remember, these words...", he'd roll passed everyone to the door which he would begin out of..

"Dont be the reason for your own demise, if it comes your way. No one is immune to hatred. So, do what you will... Kick whom you want out and what not... but the perception of your leadership has already been set with all of us..", chuckling to himself for a moment, he'd roll out of the room into the hallway, but his voice could be heard for all remaining, "Its already a bad perception..." and then Tamashii would be gone...

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Oct 28, 2012
"Oh a promise then? Duly noted." Yomi pushed away from the table and sighed while eyeing Takeshi. She shook her head and smoothed out her clothing before rounding out the group that were leaving. She couldn't recall the last time she was threatened. Probably her father, but, she recalled how that ended. This was turning out to be a complete shit show and she was starting to wonder if she cared enough. Perhaps it was time for her to bow out of the affairs of mortals and go back to minding her people.

She trotted up behind Tamashii as he was wheeling himself out, placing her hands on the handles and pushing him along. He didn't need help nor did he ask, but, she felt that it was something that she needed to do. Maybe it was for him, or maybe it was for her, but she hoped that they didn't have to talk about the motives for him pushing him and just be silent about it.

[Topic Left]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
~100 days ago~​

Sitting at the head of the operating table, a graying man had on a peculiar looking pair of glasses and was intensely focused whatever it was that only he could see. Staring intently at the forehead of the man lying under his surgeon like appearance, he muttered away to himself about something or another. Though there was only a bright light shining intently on him, the greater portion of the individual who's head he was staring at was covered up but what was for certain was that it was at least male in form. As beads of sweat dropped down from the mans forehead, the loud footsteps of someone approaching shook him from his concentration. Looking up with beady eyes and wiping the sweat from his pale brow, the man spoke to his guest before he could actually see her. "Lady Kushina . . . to what do I owe the surprise?" Notably sporting pink hair and a missing arm, the womans skin was flush with annoyance despite the regal aura of the kimono that she wore. "You know, when you had your goons nab me out of prison and get that Uchiha kid from Konoha to deliver me to you, I was thankful. When you managed to get the vote manipulated concerning the Hokage, again, I thought you were a mastermind . . . yet lately you're something as stupid as kidnap the Hokage on the night before his wedding day and then you go and reactivate Agent Ranna without telling me? What kind of partnership is this?"

Looking down at the person under his strange surgical tools, he put them to the side and took off his glasses as he blinked a few times before responding to the woman. While she was a marvelous specimen, she was most assuredly annoying him. Chewing on his own lip he sighed before responding with an exasperated tone. "Lady Kushina . . . I do enjoy our partnership as it is profitable to both of us but I'll have to ask that you refrain from barging into my lab while I'm working. I could have made a mistake and that wouldn't have been good for anybody involved, now would it?" Turning his head to the side, the man gave her a coy toothy smile as he dared her to respond back. Rolling her eyes, the woman walked closer to the surgeons table that the man was working at and pulled back the cover covering the face of the man that he was working on. Her face softening as she looked down at the face that greeted her with open eyes, she sighed and shook her head. "My dearest son . . ." Raising a hand to cup the mans face, she looked into his brightly colored eyes and shook her head. "Do you ever think that he's consciously observing all of this, all of the pain that you're putting him through?" Shaking his head, the man put back on his glasses and grab his tools.

"Lady Kushina, your son died a long time ago . . . this . . . is nothing but a clever genetic duplicate. Besides, I should be asking you the same, you've been under my scalpel many a time, no? He's living out some dream, believing that he got whisked away on an adventure!" Locked in a mothers gaze, the woman shook her head yes as she closed her eyes and seemed to relive a certain moment between herself and the man laying under her grasp. "He still looks like him, acts like him, my little Akira . . ." Once again putting down his tools, the man loudly exhaled and point first at the man beneath him and then at the woman. "This . . . is not your son. This is a fake, a copy, a doll given life. Your son died in a cold, damp prison cell and was replaced with what the world knows as Umashiashikabihikoji . . . the pirate turned Hokage with the ridiculously long and especially asinine name. I'd advise you against growing attached, our brightly colored friend won't like you going against your programming . . . Now if you'll excuse me, I've upgrades to finish and again, one mistake could turn him . . . it, into a vegetable."

Shooing the woman away he once again tried to get back to work but she spoke up again, only this time he didn't bother to look up from his work. "The reason I came to speak to you is because there's activity at the Konoha village gates and it's likely to involve the ANBU Sennin's wife . . . if she dies, he gets pissed, does Uchiha stuff and possibly commandeer the Hokage position while . . . Umashi . . . is missing. We need to release him early or everything will be derailed." Putting her hand on her hips, she straightened her back and look at the man as if implying that he'd be in trouble if he didn't make the right move. Without looking up, he once again shooed her off and gave her her answer. "Just send one of the other copies, it's not like they'll notice the difference anyway." Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, the woman stormed off as she went off to avoid a crisis.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~7 days ago~​

<COLOR color="grey">Sitting at his desk, Umashi was taking just a few minutes breather before heading out to the Tea Country. With all of the things needing to be done before he officially let the other Sennin know about the appointment of Takeshi to Hokage, he was surely looking forward to more relaxed days going forward. It was right when he was about to doze off for a recklessly short snap when his secretary rushed into his room and startled him. <B>"Uhhh . . . hello? Is everything ok?" Refraining from completely putting her on blast like he might anyone else, he noticed the file in her hand and the flushed look on her face as she quickly closed the door behind herself and quickly made her way to his desk and threw the file on it. Looking around and making a few handseals, she created a noise canceling bubble around the two of them that extended just far enough to only cover enough room for them to talk. "We've got a major . . . major problem and you're going to need to act quickly before my informant is forced to report on his findings to the ANBU Sennin." Not waiting for an answer, the woman opened the file and began to pull out reports and pictures of a man that Umashi recognized as the father of Ranna Tatsuo. Reading the files as the woman spoke in a hurry, she skipped past all the boring parts and went straight to the meat of it.

"You were watching the elder Dr. Ranna because of his close ties to the scientific division of the former Daimyo's army. Well, he nuked last night and it wasn't without casualties. He apparently killed co-conspirators who were also under surveillance and it wasn't pretty. There was a fight and he attempted to burn the evidence away but he had to run because the ANBU were given direct orders to act." Nodding and turning pages, Umashi read quick but he wasn't following her exactly. "Ooook, big deal. The ANBU capture nukes, pew pew, bang bang . . . so why don't they just go and find him?" It seemed like a simple response but the woman reached down and turned a few pages to the back where it showed the full file on Dr. Ranna and his son Tatsuo. "Because they found something . . . something major. The guy that fought Dr. Ranna didn't go down without a fight and there was enough blood on the scene outside of the office to be uploaded to the data files to find a match. The match came up positive for you, Umashi and only you." His eyes bulging, he shook his head as he continued to read further down the file and then he turned a few more pages to the final conclusion of the file and then he dropped it clear on the floor, stunned. "This is fake, this clearly has to be fake."

Suddenly angry, Umashi stood up and started to raise his voice but instead closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "How . . ." The only word that he could muster was the only one that mattered. "We don't know, and my informant is willing to make the information go away if with can figure something out. Whatever Dr. Ranna was working on before the Daimyo's reign ended, he experimented on himself and despite all evidence to the contrary, the science is sound. We need to find Dr. Ranna now but we can't do it with this information or your legacy will be ruined. The ANBU are going to investigate and their going to have to follow the law as written no matter what we know to be true." His mind racing, he tried to piece together just how and exactly why all of this was happening now. His mind a mess, he looked at the clock and shook his head. "How do we fix this? I'm due for the Tea Country and I can't handle a scandal like this, not right now. I'm married for crying out loud and I certainly don't know what kinda freaky stuff the Daimyo was into or Dr. Ranna for that matter."

Nodding her head, the secretary agreed and put a hand on Umashi's shoulder to reassure him. "We'll need to activate the Winter Soldier protocol, destroy the original files in both Dr. Ranna's and his sons file and give the ANBU a new target." Stern faced, the woman didn't blink as she spoke but her words and her lack of pity or care for anyone other than Umashi was admirable, even if it involved a double-double crossing. "But he's innocent . . . he's . . . he's my son . . . ?" Nodding her head, the woman didn't flinch as she shook her head to the contrary. "Only genetically so far as we can prove and honestly, your legacy is far more important than this. Either you take the blame for a murder and treasonous behavior or you send a kid you barely know to his death. Seems pretty simple to me, I'll go fix this for you now. We'll need to change the dates and a few other things for sure. I'll make sure that the new file reaches you in the Tea Country. I feel really sorry for the kid, I really do, but sometimes . . . sacrifices must be made for the common good." Motioning for Umashi to hand her the file that he dropped, when he slowly handed it to her, she nodded towards him and wished him well on his journey. She had much work to do.

OOC: Intro to Project K

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to sit there and ponder for a few minutes, it seemed that everyone had managed to leave now, and it was just him empty in the room, he knew full well that the situation was not going well. It was clear that he had a lot to think on, everyone had their own say or what was needed, and everyone had an opinion. It was something that he had to expect, not everyone was going to be supportive and people would always have objections that was the nature of the beast, it was the nature of anything everyone still has an opinion.

Takeshi allowed a deep sigh to come to his lips in those few seconds. He knew full well that he would have to consider all of this. Takeshi allowed himself to lean back in the chair as his hands came up and he dragged them across his face, it seemed that the conversation and the whole event sat on Takeshi’s shoulders. But now alone the weight was lifted, it seemed that for better or worse the situation had become what it was. There was nothing that he would be able to do to change that, the only thing he could do was move forward from this point and make sure that he strived to achieve the best for the Village.

“Well it looks like I have my work cut out for me in the future, but I have to admit I did not expect any less. I have time, I have a chance to change the outlook that people have. I guess its not a complete win or a complete loss. It seems that there is still work to do but at least stepping from this room, I have made sure that I have stepped out of this room and I will be soon assuming the mantle of Hokage, so lets take the new challenge with what it brings and strive to better the village that is my only promise that I can make”

Takeshi allowed himself to come from the chair, standing at his full height he allowed himself to look around the room before walking out. Takeshi walked a little taller than normal with his mind having been firmly focused on what was expected of him, this time he would make sure that he met the challenge that was coming his way and he would not let anyone feel disappointed during that time. It seemed that he had a lot of expectation on his shoulders.

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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
