Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Shop 'til You Drop [Solo, Mission]

Shinomiya Masaru

New Ninja
May 5, 2014
“Hey would you get a move on? You're moving so slow all the special items are going to be gone by the time we get there!” The high pitched voice was loud and without any note of modesty despite the abundance of people meandering about. The object of her irritated rebuke was...well for one all anyone could see of him was his legs and feet, the rest was concealed by what appeared to be a mountain of boxes and bags that looked on the verge of tipping and spilling. Despite the threat of dropping all of his luggage the boy managed to up his pace to that of a quick walk making his cargo teeter dangerously, of course this went unnoticed by the uncouth girl as she whipped around and continued onward in an unyielding stride.

Masaru proceeded to maneuver his upper body in a way where he could get a peek at her around the bundle in his arms. Long, wavy brown hair was loose down her back swaying to and fro with each step she took, her heels clicked loudly even on the unpaved walkway and her dangerously short red skirt threatened to catch the wind at just the wrong moment, though thankfully the girl managed to drop her arm in just the right way as to catch it before anything showed. While others would have been left feeling as if they'd lost, Masaru merely continued to keep an eye on the object of his mission who had suddenly stopped in front of an expensive looking shop in the higher end of the district.

While he took the time to rest he made sure to observe her and the surroundings again. The girl had narrow, green eyes and a small nose that was now wrinkled as she smirked at the shop entrance, and to top it off she had bangs only covering the left side of her face while the hair on the right side was pushed back behind her ear revealing a beauty mark below her right eye and a mole on her ear where an earring could have been. She was a character that would be easy to keep track of, or so Masaru thought when they had first met that morning.

“Ah yes, greetings! You are the shinobi we hired to escort my daughter yes? You seem awfully young for such a job, are you sure you will be able to handle it, son?”

Masaru bowed respectfully to the rather large man, putting up his usual business smile before speaking. “Good day, Shishio-sama, I am Shinomiya Masaru, the shinobi you requested.” Straightening his back Masaru let his gaze roam around the unique welcoming room, making note of the expensive décor and wide space. It wasn't an uncomfortable room, as he had been staying at the Shima Estate for more than enough time to get used to the excessive luxuries of the wealthy. Of course there were minor differences between the home of a respected shinobi Clan and that of a wealthy merchant and businessman, and in Masaru's opinion he found the room tasteless and tacky. As if he's compensating...or showing off. His analysis shifted to the woman at his side. She was taller than him and had brown hair in the cut of a trendy bob, if anything he would have considered her a normal housewife but the thought was thrown away when he noticed her gaudy jewelry and smile of contempt. Whereas the man took the appearance of your typical well to do businessman, nothing too excessive except for his waist line, she was more the type to show off her husbands success in regards to personal appearance. After that he looked to the girl at the man's other side. That was when they had first met, he and the girl of sixteen. She held him with just the same look of contempt as her mother, but whereas she had given a standard business smile the girl frowned at him and looked away.

He didn't let his pleasant smile falter, instead opting to address the man's earlier question. “While I am young I can assure you that I will be more than enough to handle whatever you ask of me, Shishio-sama. If it helps I will inform you that I am of Genin rank and come from the Shima household,” Masaru noticed the wife's eyes narrow at the mention of such a respected Clan, “You can put your trust in me. I will make sure to carry out the mission without fail and without incident.” He bowed once more before looking directly at the girl this time. “I assume this is who I am to escort?”

“Ah..yes! Yes! This is my daughter, Kimiko. As I asked, I would like for you to escort her while she goes out and plays today-”

“Dad! I'm not a kid anymore! I don't play, I'm going shopping,” the girl finally turned her gaze back in their direction as she corrected her father.

“Of course, of course dear. Anyway Shinomiya-san, I would like for you to do whatever she says and watch out for her well being for the day, okay? Should anything happen I trust you will take care of my one and only daughter,” the man broadly smiled at Masaru, but he noticed that it didn't reach his eyes. The mission wasn't as simple as that, he had be briefed prior to this meeting after receiving the request, but there was a reason he was avoiding the true focus. He stared at the man for a long moment, then to his wife who was glancing at their daughter with a forced smile, and immediately he knew why.

“You have my word,” Masaru said.

That was how their meeting went, but as usual things don't go quite as expected. Masaru assumed that by shopping the girl wanted to hit up a few stores like his mother usually did, picking out one or two things before heading back home, but he was dreadfully wrong. In the span between morning and midday they had managed to visit at least a dozen shops, Kimiko had found more than just a few things she liked from each, and without any regard she spent more money than Masaru would earn on this mission. The result? Masaru walking behind her with a tower of purchases in his arms while she continued to shop.

“Hey kid, don't you dare drop any of that. I spent a lot of time trying to find just the right things and because of your slow pace I was lucky enough to get the limited style dress at that last shop,” her voice was a lot louder now, probably because he was next to her instead of behind her with the wall of purchases to muffle her nagging.

“Yes, Kimiko-sama.” Masaru answered without delay, stretching his fingers one by one to ready himself for yet another addition to the great wall of purchases; however, he felt an intense gaze in their direction and let his gaze travel over the multitude of people walking around. He continued to stretch his fingers while doing so, so as to not alert whoever was watching them that he had noticed, but so far he wasn't able to find anyone in the crowd looking in their direction. At first he thought it might be because of the huge haul in his hands, but even then when others noticed they didn't stare for too long. Or this intently, Masaru thought while directing his attention to the more hidden areas around them. The gaps between shops, alley ways, rooftops, Masaru made sure to scan all of them with a quick glance. That's when he noticed the dark figure crouching by some boxes in an alleyway next to a shop across the street. He didn't seem that abnormal at first, as though he was a squatter buying time before moving to his next home, but Masaru knew that his type wasn't that comfortable with this high price area and often they avoided it unless they wanted something. Theft was a common occurrence. Those down on their luck looked to the wealthy to get more, but with the extra security in the district it wasn't so easy to get out as in.

Masaru watched the man out of the corner of his eye. He shifted occasionally, moving a hand up to his face and moving his head back and forth to see if anyone was paying special attention to him. Masaru had to admit he was concealing himself well, to the untrained eye of course. His clothing wasn't too baggy to be noticeable, but it wasn't too dark to stand out in the dim alley. Even if someone noticed him they would most likely give him a disgusted look before moving on without a second thought, after all he wasn't close enough to try and steal, and if he did try it wasn't likely that he would get far. For now the man was leaning against the wooden wall of a specialty book shop without drawing any attention to himself.

His mistake was thinking a look like that would go unnoticed. Although he could be unaware that I'm a shinobi. That or he's lacking a brain, Masaru thought as he looked away from the man and to the girl he was guarding, 'After all her father needed my assurance before being somewhat comfortable with me.' He watched as Kimiko paced up and down the front of the shop, looking at the various jewelry and accessories on display in the window. While it looked like his attention was on her he was still focused on the movement of the man in the alley, waiting to see what he would do.

So it wasn't just some paranoid delusion of an overly concerned noble. She is being stalked. While he hasn't done anything yet he's clearly a threat, so how should I proceed...?

It was well into the afternoon when Kimiko decided that she had finished shopping. Masaru was starting to wonder if pack mules felt like this as they made their way back to the Shishio household. While he wasn't particularly strained or sore, Masaru did think that any normal guy tasked with such a job wouldn't have been able to last this long. As was before he traveled behind her at a set pace so as to not drop any of the merchandise for fear of being yelled at. While part of his concentration was on that Masaru was still focused on the man who was tailing them. As he had guessed the guy in the alley was keeping close tabs on the girl, and even though Masaru had decided how to handle the situation to any other onlooker it appeared as though the Genin was completely oblivious to the man who had been a reasonable distance away from them all day.

In truth Masaru was wondering what was driving the man to such a thing. He hadn't made any advances since Masaru had noticed him, and his task seemed rather useless as he just kept distance to watch them. From the briefing Masaru had assumed the guy was more deranged than that, as it was disclosed that he had left multiple dead animals near the front gate of the house for a week now. He had also sent a letter or two talking about his love for Kimiko and that when the time was right they would finally be able to be together. While Masaru knew these details the girl in front of him did not. Her parents had been very careful to not let it slip that she was being stalked, which made Masaru more curious. The stalker should have noticed that she wasn't acting any differently, so did he attribute it to an acceptance of the man's delusions or did he really not notice that his offerings weren't getting to her?

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sounds of a scuffle. There was a flash of fur and feathers as a crow tried to escape a cat from the concrete fence of the house they were next to. The scene happened in front of Kimiko, and it startled the girl so much that she lost her center of balance. Masaru fought back a sigh, but rolled his eyes as he quickly put the boxes and bags down on the ground and stepped up behind the her to catch her. He just didn't want her knocking over the stuff in his hands, as she would have ran straight into him if he hadn't stopped her, which would have resulted in her yelling at him for his incompetence. To an onlooker though it was as if he were doing it out of favor to her. His hand was settled on her lower back, his body turned sideways as he caught her hand in his free one to keep her somewhat upright. It happened in a flash but he was sure the guy tagging along saw everything clear as day.

Before Masaru could completely right her he heard a deranged scream, and turned to see the man charging them from a block away. He groaned this time. So much for the plan. He wanted to settle the stalker business after dropping her off at home so as to let her continue on in ignorant bliss, but the guy didn't want to make things any easier on him.

Masaru made sure Kimiko was standing before stepping in front of her, ignoring her questions and the firm grip she had on his shoulder while the guy rushed them. Masaru considered letting him get close and settling it with a few punches and a kick for good measure, but he caught the glint of a blade in the dying sunlight and clicked his tongue between his teeth. If he let the guy get close with a weapon like that then there was a very slim chance that he could manage to cut Kimiko, although that would be more due to Kimiko's state of mind and acting without Masaru's commands. He'd rather not have to face that chance though, and took out a few blunt shuriken he had on hand just for today. He didn't want to kill the guy, but the guy left him no other choice when it came to hurting him. If only he wasn't running around with a knife.

Without a second thought Masaru threw a volley of blunted shuriken at the man. One or two grazed his cheek while the others landed at his feet making him fall out of rhythm with his run. Masaru used that moment to unlatch Kimiko's hand from his should and jump toward the stumbling stalker landing in front of him he whipped out a kunai to parry the downward stroke of the man's knife, and with a loud clang the man's weapon was sent twirling into the sky. He had a shocked expression looking up at his empty hand, and when he made to look down at Masaru he received a knee to the face. There was a sickening crack as the man's nose broke and he reeled backwards gripping at his face before falling on his back. Masaru looked down at the man's blood stained face, holstering his kunai and letting out a sigh he turned to look at Kimiko. She was on her knees where he had left her, looking confused and frightened but not injured. As far as he was concerned he had completed the mission with the apprehension of the stalker, but there was no telling what would happen if he didn't make sure the girl got back home. I don't want my pay to get cut, Masaru thought, grabbing at something in his pocket before walking over to the unconscious man bleeding in the middle of the street. He gripped the guy by his collar and dragged him to the concrete fence, tying his thumbs together behind his back, “I'll just come get him after I've dropped her off.”

When the two arrived home Kimiko's mother went from her usual look to worried in a matter of seconds when she saw her daughter wasn't her usual self. Masaru had to assure her many times that she was actually fine just shocked at what had happened. Her father was concerned of course, though not fretting as his wife to which Masaru was thankful. He gave the man his report of the days events all the way till they arrived, even going so far as to take out a photograph he had snapped of the unconscious man before resuming the walk home. He had Kimiko's father confirm that this was the man his wife had seen near the gate before finding an animal corpse before bidding goodbye. He was thanked several times by Kimiko's father to which he responded politely, unable to say that it was merely his job and that it was just for the money rather than true interest in her safety.

While making his way out he felt a tug on his shirt and turned to see Kimiko frowning but not looking at him. He just wanted to leave and finish his mission, what could she possibly want to say to him? Something like 'You didn't get blood on my things did you?!' or maybe 'Why did you let him get that close?' He was beginning to wonder why anyone would take the time to stalk such a girl.

“Thank you.”

Masaru's eyes widened slightly at the thanks, but as usual he responded respectfully with a brief “no need' before making his way out and back to the unconscious man he had left in the street.

Current Ninpocho Time:
