Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Show This Old Dog Somethin' New [Tutor]


Nov 3, 2017

Unexpectedly buzzing and crowded, the foreign district brought her own village’s to memory—with cooler temperatures, of course. The traveler’s nostrils inhaled wafts of exotic cuisine, spices, and produce from prosperous bazaar stalls. Enthusiastic as she’d been to sample it all to heart’s content, the Kumogakurian reminded herself the funds weren’t unlimited. Of no shortage of wealth at home—a traveler’s purse could only hold so many coins: And, without work—wouldn’t find itself magically refilled.

Should prob find somethin’ temporary, the kunoichi reminded herself, drawing another drag of the local cigarette into her lungs. Its contents proved stronger than what she’d typically purchase from home—whether legally or not, she wouldn’t know. As the trader selling them hadn’t appeared associated with any official franchise: simply a middle-aged male running a stall. Nonetheless—cigarettes were cigarettes. He’d made a sale, and she’d received her money’s worth—both trader and customer satisfied. Couldn’t find the harm in that. There proved graver matters in this depraved world, after all, than scrutiny into nicotine content. Her latest venture clearly reminded of that. Siu was just glad to find somewhere to replenish stock afore her final smoke. The withdrawal experience for someone as dependent as her, inhaling smoke like fish breathed water—she’d not want to imagine.
Almond hues observed native residents carry on about daily activities. Whilst something few might regard amazing, somehow, happenings in places unfamiliar seemed to arouse greater intrigue; where even sensations of nature’s breeze felt new: the variation of its taste compared to home’s—a fresh experience.
A hand reached for her back pocket, rummaging a moment; the silver timepiece withdrawing. ‘Timepiece’ proved an accurate descriptor; given the object now hardly resembled its original identity as a watch: Devoid of a strap, with both hands miraculously maintaining function behind terribly cracked glass.

“Little late, ain’t they?” Less that timepiece did, in fact, finally prove dysfunctional.

Unprofessional, but Siu figured much couldn’t be expected from, well—unprofessionals. Still, if she’d paid her money, there should’ve been regarded some degree of punctuality. Others might say the yen could’ve been better spent elsewhere—like a fine restaurant or night in fancy accommodation. Yet, the traveler understood natives would always bear greater knowledge of home than any foreign eyes could ever presume by sight or gather through books.
The ones to lead this supposed ‘Sunagakure Tour’, she’d hold not a clue. As arrangements had been made by some teen distributing flyers; which in truth, in itself proved sketchy. It wouldn’t have been the first time Siu’s intrigue got the best of her—nor her coin purse. Yet, her only answer proved to continue waiting . . . And waiting . . . And waiting.

WC: 440
Post: 1/5
Total WC: 440
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Sora should have been used to the sights and smells of village but compared to where he'd come from, the whole mess of it was still an affront to his senses. A spice here, a dank smell there, sweating people hustling and bustling beside and all around him, the cacophony of sounds threatened him with a near constant sensory overload. Calming his nerves, he took one breath and then a second before he set off for where he was supposed to meet his supposed guide for the day. Receiving a basic description, the irony wasn't lost on him that even despite needing to be ninja that oftentimes the apparel of said ninja was loud, obnoxious and totally anything but stealthy. Quieting the dissettling thoughts, onward he walked through the stalls and down the streets.

Losing himself in the comfort of his overly done, somewhat rather large black and yellow hoodie and shinobi garb ensemble, he ignored the stares that he'd draw as the outfit was anything but warm, even in the direct sunlight. When at last he had found his teacher for the day he was surprised to find her smoking, something that he figured that shinobi just didn't do. Then again, there was the whole thing about them not actually being the sort of stealthy folks that they were supposed to be. Perhaps the woman was relying on chakra to keep her young or her lungs were continually healed via medical prowess. Whatever the case, Sora made himself known when he finally approached her. "You know, those aren't supposed to be good for you, but to each their own." Probably a tactless introduction but Sora was trying to help the woman out.

OOC: Appearance is that of my avatar.
WC = 283
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New Member
May 1, 2021
"My job is to give a tour today with a few other Sunans, ay? I'm all for it."

These days, Ringo kept himself extremely busy as he pursued shinobihood. When he wasn't training, he was often seen running odd jobs around the village assigned to him by the academy. They were E-rank missions and, while they didn't necessarily contribute to any true advancement, the extra side cash really helped fill the gap caused by his parents' disappearance. Fortunately, the Mugen Clan possessed reserve funds in their bank account that steadily sustained the taxes on their estate and other common living costs. It wasn't enough to afford Ringo anything extra, so he was always working the grind.

Today's mission was relatively simple. Apparently, there was a type of operation ran by village children to act as tour guides for foreign visitors. After time, some lesser village officials took wind of this operation and began to loosely moderate it through low-ranked missions. It still kept true to its disorganized core, but the village received a lot less complaints since they added their supervision over these student-ran tours.

"Hm, it seems I'm almost at our meeting point." Staring at a small, opened scroll with coordinates and a meet time, Ringo strolled down the busy streets of Sunagakure's Residential District. The day was like any other usual day; super hot weather, lively people, and sand literally everywhere. The young Mugen was well acclimated to the desert terrain, so he casually clothed himself in light layers. He wore a white t-shirt with a loose blue sweater which was tied around the waist of his black pants. His goggles were strapped firmly on to his forehead, which further stood out due to the bright, cross-like shine in his eyes below it. This was Ringo adorned in his most comfortable aesthetic.

"Okay, I think I'm here now."

Surveying around him, he soon spotted a young woman whose appearance fit the charge he was given. She appeared a smoker, which was met with cautionary words by a dark-haired youth. With a bright smile now painting his face, Ringo entered into customer service mode and approached the duo. "Hello, I'm Mugen Ringo. Were you expecting a tour?" he questioned the woman. The boy pulled out his scroll with information about today's assignment. "I and a few other Sunans are going to show you around our village and answer any questions you may have. I believe the tour doesn't officially start until a few more minutes. Also, according to this scroll, I think we're expecting one more." As the student was about to ask the shinobi their names, he was interrupted by the ringing of bells and the creaking of wheels. An older man with a white, enclosed cart passed by them. His cart was captioned in bright blue 'Flavors Hidden in the Ice Cream'. Ringo's eyes widened excitedly as he perked up a bit.

"Ooooh, before we get started, I highly recommend some ice cream from that vendor's cart. His soft serves are the absolute best and it'll keep you cool." He motioned at the man as he soon approached the trio. "There's plenty of flavors to choose from. My treat! Take it as a Sunan welcome gift. What suits your fancy, uhh..." the boy scratched his chin, "pardon, what are both of your names? I haven't caught them yet."

Post: 1/5
WC: 553
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Sabaku Hifumi

New Member
Jul 1, 2021
OOC Rank
Hifumi runs through the busy streets of Sunagakure’s Residential District. Her morning training session had run late and now so was she. At least she had just enough time to clean up and make herself presentable for the mission at hand. As she rounded the corner on her way to the meetup location, Hifumi collided with an older man leaving a store. Damn. Now I'm really going to be late! She yelled in her head before apologizing profusely and quickly helping the man pick up his bags. "I'm sorry. Here you go, let me help you." Handing over the bags, Hifumi quickly makes her exit without giving the older man time to offer either a scolding or gratitude, whichever he seemed ready to deliver. Entering the main thoroughfare, Hifumi pauses to catch her breath as she surveys the bazaar looking for anyone who matches the description of the client or her fellow tour guides. A few younger citizens running around could possibly be her partners for this job, but the smoking woman definitely seemed to be foreign and Hifumi was pretty sure that one of the kids she was talking to was a fellow academy student. After quickly dusting herself off, Hifumi walks up to the group as Ringo points out the ice cream vendor. Hifumi would wait nearby as she heard Ringo ask for the other two's names. After they gave their answers, she would step up to the group and offer a greeting and apologetic bow.

"Hello, I'm Sabaku Hifumi. I'm supposed to be assisting with the tour. Sorry for my tardiness."

[Post 1 of 5]
[WC: 264]
Total WC: 264]
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Nov 3, 2017
There exists a number of methods to make good impressions upon an individual - courtesy, wit, extensions of kindness. A simple bow goes a long way. Well-timed jokes, another. And spare change for an individual just short a few coins might just eclipse these.
Such was why when an unidentified youth, likely not even half her age, arrived with neither a bow nor courteous introduction, following a headturn and expression of perceptible surprise—the slightest drawing of her left eyelids, if only just for the moment, evidenced the most minuscule of slight.
Similar criticism - with sharper edge, in fact - proved no few times condoned. Agreed upon, even. However, an additional factor came into play here...

Kids . . .

And a lot of ‘em.

With a mildly pointed look up and down the boy, a final plume exhaled afore the cigarette was pinched from her lips and flicked to the ground in consideration of newcomers.

“Neither your fashion choice in this weather,” she’d retort back, a boot crushing against and rubbing the cigarette into the dirt. “‘But to each their own‘.”

There arrived another. Appearing just as young—but at least with better manners seemingly.
“Indeed I was,” words affirmed, a side of her lips curling to show hospitality: Partly genuine, mostly perfunctory. Almond hues couldn’t help but find themselves also drawn to the distinguishable ring and brown-haired’s interest midst the busy bazaar. As if following a predetermined cue, upon the mention of ice cream—which, to be fair, Siu couldn’t have blamed—the sole girl of the youth-batch emerged, forthwith appearing the most courteous: given she’d proved the only one actually practicing a bow, even if only apologetically. Siu’s own head nodded in acknowledgment.

“Hifumi, Ringo . . .” Eyes remet to the first arrival, lingering. ”Jacket boy.”
“Name’s Siu, from Kumogakure. Be a lie to say I wasn’t expectin’ guides a bit... older. Some kinda extra credit you batch got goin’ on?”
Regard returned to the ice cream cart.
“Though, the kindness is appreciated nonetheless. Guessin’ can scratch one off the list then.”

A single hand reached for her back pocket, soon producing the notesheet and pencil. Unfolding with a rustle, a sole scratch from the writing utensil marked something against paper. Afore the trio, she’d present its contents: Written with surprising elegance, outer bearings considered.

“List made accordin’ to organizer’s suggestion.”

- Taste two Suna desserts: [✓] [ ]

- Discover Suna History: [ ]

- Learn about the Academy: [ ]

- Buy cigarettes

Siu’s Tour Impression:■■■■ Neutral :confused:

WC: 416
Post: 2/5
Total WC: 856
Last edited:
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Sucking on his teeth, Sora couldn't help but to roll his eyes as he shook his head in response to the woman known as Siu. "It's a hoodie but hey, I get that Kumogakure can be a bit backwards. The West side is the best side!" Winking, Sora made two air gun symbols with his fingers and fired them off at the woman with a bit more a smile than he had before. Introducing himself to the other newcomers and by all respects Siu as well, he replied with a nod and his name. "My name is Shingetsu Sora, pleasure to meet you all." Wanting to go on a bit more about the whole guide thing, Sora was stopped short when Siu pulled out a list and showed it to them. Not one to be overly dramatic but just as equally wanting point out the truth to the woman, Sora pointed, quite boldly in fact, at the last line and stated a rather obvious truth. "Considering the general lack of air quality in a desert and the fact that cigarettes naturally shorten your life, you should consider it a plus that you can't get cigarettes here. I probably added like a couple of weeks onto your lifespan with just one reminder!"

Teenagers could be naturally coy or snarky but Sora was aiming straight towards the middle. Smirking, he motioned towards the ice cream stand and started off towards. "Health consciousness aside, about that ice cream? Do you happen to know what flavors are carried? I could really go for a cookies and cream scoop myse- . . ." Not really paying attention, as he was walking forward and looking back, his hand brushed up against something and as he turned around to grasp it, he moved far more quickly than he expected to and extended both hands, catching it between the both of them. When he did so, for the briefest of moments he was staring not at residential district around him but instead a fantastical city that seemed to be completely submerged under water. Opening his mouth to question just what he saw, he quickly was transported back to the where he was standing with an aquamarine necklace that wasn't his own danglingly from his fingers. Embarrassed beyond belief, his cool guy energy was all but extinguished as he quickly tried not to appear like a pickpocket of some sort and quickly put the trinket back. "Nobody saw that!"

OOC: WC = 400+ Using this for ability training as well.
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New Member
May 1, 2021
"Uhh, I'll take sea salt cream, please!"

The cheery vendor nodded his head as he expertly drew a waffle cone and swiftly plopped a generous scoop of ice cream inside it. As Ringo excitedly held his hand out to receive his frozen dessert, his attention was momentarily drawn away by the arrival of a young, blonde girl by the name of Subaku Hifumi. She apologized for being tardy, but, according to their assigned touring schedule, she was just on time. Ringo smiled and motioned a wave at his fellow guide. "Sup, Hifumi, I'm Ringo," the boy turned toward the vendor and accepted his now melting ice cream. "Want a cone? We're just about to get this tour started."

The other boy, whom Ringo assumed was another Sunan tour guide, introduced himself as Shingetsu Sora. He seemed a bit sassy, which the student based solely on his response to their foreign visitor. Hopefully, his bold and brash approach wouldn't leave them with a bad review; Ringo wouldn't hold it against him, but he really needed this mission to go smoothly so that he could cash-in on its reward. Times were tough and all that.

The woman introduced herself as Siu from Kumogakure. Despite her reluctance with this tour due to their age, she appeared open-minded enough, which was a good sign for the miniature Sand representatives. As she checked off her list and as Sora lectured her about the harms of tobacco use, the boy mentally strategized about where they should take her next. There was so much to explore, but what would a person from Kumogakure find most interesting? "I mean, when we traveled to visit our cousin's out in the country, my mom always made it a point to go shopping..." The wheels in his mind continued to turn. Ringo paid the ice cream man and, as he was about to suggest a few touring options to the group, Sora momentarily vanished. The student blinked in confusion. Where did he go? Lacking another moment to process this occurrence, the disappearing youth suddenly reappeared wielding some type of unknown, blue trinket. Sora grew visibly flustered, but Ringo's better instincts told him to play it off now and maybe ask questions later.

"Hm, notice what?" the boy replied as he feigned confusion. Pointing over the group and down the district, he announced his suggested plan-of-action. "How about we explore some of our unique shops at our Gold Crystal District? It'll be fun to show off some Sunagakure exclusive souvenirs to your friends and family back home." Ringo then paused and glanced at the other two. He'd give them room to either accept, deny, or expand on his idea. "We can then tour the Academy after, if you all are down. It'd be nice to score that extra credit you talked about, Siu." He winked playfully. He didn't shop too often, so, hopefully, Hifumi would have some ideas that Siu would be open to.

Post: 2/5
WC: 492
TWC: 1,045

Sabaku Hifumi

New Member
Jul 1, 2021
OOC Rank
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Siu. I’m sorry if we aren’t exactly what you expected, but I promise you that we are more than capable at handling the items on this list!”

Hifumi puts on her best customer service attitude. This was her first official assignment with someone from outside Sunagakure and she was determined to leave Siu with a positive experience. She makes her promise as she scans the list that Siu presented to them. Hifumi took note of what Siu wanted to learn. Most seemed fairly normal for a tourist, although she was hesitant to see mention of the Academy. The curiosity itself wasn’t surprising, but to be open about it as a ninja from a foreign land definitely seemed odd. Hifumi would be allowing one of the two older kids to handle that one so that she didn’t slip up and share too much. A scowl spreads across the young girl’s face as Sora continues to push Siu’s buttons like he was determined to ruin this job for them.

“Sora, it’s not our place to lecture customers of Suna about their choices, especially ones that paid for our services already.” After scolding Sora, Hifumi turns back towards Siu and puts the almost sickeningly sweet service attitude back on. “If you would like, I’m sure we could help you find a merchant here in the market. I’m sure one of them will have what you are looking for. After we start off with the treat that Ringo is generously treating us too.”

Hifumi places her order for a cone with caramel ice cream inside. She enjoys her treat as Ringo makes his suggestion. “That sounds like a good plan. Lead the way Ringo! While we walk, are there any specific questions you had or particular interests you had about Suna’s history?” It’s a good thing the older boys were here, Hifumi would be lost if she had to lead Siu around the shops of the Golden Crystal District. It’s not like she had the money or opportunity to do much shopping, especially in districts that cater to the wealthier citizens or tourists passing through Suna. With Ringo seeming to take the lead, she glances over to him and gives him a big smile, sure that the two were on the same page.

[Post 2 of 5]
[WC: 386]
[TWC: 650]


Nov 3, 2017
Initially subtle, now fair annoyance manifested in the form of furrowed brows; left lids just narrower than her right. Though just met, the two personalities already seemed to possess inherent clash. The degree of which, time would surely tell. The kid had a mouth—and not the kind deemed charming.
Still, as the literal adult and foreigner to boot, whilst actual words wouldn’t depart, a substituted twist of her lips spoke enough volume. Back-and-forthing with a youngster wasn’t where she’d desired to expend the day’s energy; especially in a nation unfamiliar, where consequence was uncertain. Chuunin or not, it’d not been her country, and reasonable to expect natives to naturally hold favor in any potential case.
The younger girl’s intervention was like a breath of fresh, cleansing much of the edge provoked, easing the woman’s features. With a prolonged inhale, then exhale to calm her nerves, a hand moved to rest upon her hip.

“Given some prove clearly more mature than their peers, s’pose some benefit of the doubt ought be allowed.”

Returning attention to the cart of her first Sunagakure dessert, and those already headed, the Chuunin’s expression exhibited perceptible surprise upon witnessing a phenomenon most unexpected, if only for the briefest of moments. Whilst the boy frantically collected bearings, trained eyes of an Academy Instructor slightly narrowed, instinctually analyzing the little capable of being gleaned.

"Nobody saw that!" He’d say. Yet, indeed the traveling Chuunin had.... And, something else.

~Wasn’t aware magic became part of Academy curriculum these days, roused the familiar voice in her mind regarding a clear absence of handsigns.
Invisibility’s one trick, completely disappearin’—another.
~Boys that age don’t just vanish from surroundings without unique circumstance.

Detached by following ice cream orders, a sole, ruminative hum uttered afore the kunoichi proceeded way; browsing a few frozen colors—grossed out by the very sound of anything tasting ‘sea-salt’.
“Strawberry,” she’d settle for simply. Certain more exotic, flavorsome varieties existed - but unsure she’d been willing to risk sampling something possibly regretted and left uneaten; doubtful this country shared many unique flavors available in Kumogakure. When in doubt, tastes globally recognized generally proved safest. A single lick of her dessert revealed satisfaction, affirming this.
“Sounds interestin’, though gold and crystals might be a little outta budget to be bringin’ home.” Something like a dry smile rose on a side of her face after delay, as if suddenly remembering it to be common procedure of joke telling; even if she’d personally felt its humor without.
“Bland as may sound, honestly know little to nothin’ about Suna. Rarely hear a thing about it in Academy—largely why I registered for this. “They say lotta Kumo’s mountains are actually the giant carcass of a beast Raiden slew... Though, guess that sounds weird for non-natives now that I mention . . . Suna have such legends?”

Siu’s Tour Impression:■■■■ Neutral :confused:

WC: 471
Post: 3/5
Total WC: 1327
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Admittedly, Sora could agree that perhaps it wasn't the best move to advise someone else about their health habits but equally so, with his background, looking out for others and the overall community was a way of life. Not the most wise but certainly a child who could see the fallacies in the world around him, Sora spoke up just as much to reply to Hifumi as he also did to simply point out the truth as he saw it. "You ever think that maybe we ought to? I mean, in a world where people can terraform whole countries and create new celestial bodies with just a few fingers pointed in a given direction, you would think that we'd have solved that whole global peace thing or that a universal standard of health would be established." Taking a moment to pick out a flavor of ice cream that he liked, they were unfortunately out of cookies and cream and he had to go with a basic vanilla but all the same at first lick he was hooked.

"Here we exist in a society where questions that morally should be asked prior to accepting a mission, aren't and the cycle perpetuates itself because everybody is too afraid to ask the big man . . . or woman with the fashionable hat to double check if we're doing the right thing versus the lucrative thing. I digress though, maybe I'm just a dreamer." Taking another lick out of his ice cream, Sora listened to Siu talk about fantastical things that Kumo was made of, most literally and while he couldn't think of any such things easily within reach within Suna, he could however suggest one notable place. "I'm not sure that we've got any kaiju carcasses just lying around but there's one cool place that certainly comes with its own air of mystery."

Using one hand to point behind him towards the other side of the village, Sora suggested the sort of place that usually got spelled doom and gloom for those with weak stomachs. That and those who weren't at least Chunnin but ranks aside, Sora had been slippery enough to go exploring the place when he had free time, he just never told his mom about those excursions. "We're all competent enough with a kunai, right? Why don't we take her to the Ruins of Old Suna? It's spooky, it's history and you'll never find anything like it anywhere else. Just, uhhhhh, make sure you aren't wearing anything easily identifiable as Kumogakurian. You won't want the extra attention, believe me." Sora may have been brave enough to call a spade a spade but he certainly didn't want the criminals hiding out in Old Suna to see them as easy pickings. Unfortunately he hadn't actually mastered any high ranking ninjutsu to be able to truly be a threat to most.

OOC: Ruins of Old Suna I guess that the next person can determine if we actually go there/how we get there.


New Member
May 1, 2021
As each person selected their preferred ice cream flavor, both Ringo and the ice cream vendor glanced back-and-forth at the exchange between Hifumi and Sora. The girl, although soft in appearance, was not shy to assertively speak her truth. Ringo appreciated that; she seemed focused on the mission at hand, which should have been easy enough for them to accomplish. The other boy bit back as he introduced a rather philosophical topic. Globally-minded systemic issues? Questioning the (wo)man? This was a rather intriguing discussion, but even Ringo knew that it was misplaced.

“Then why even accept a headband, Sora?” he blurted out without thinking too much. Woops. The young Mugen’s hands got a little clammy as he thought of ways to mitigate this mini digression. Their patron, after all, was here to explore Sunagakure, not hear kids their age squabble. Hifumi’s go-lucky and focused attitude aided Ringo as he attempted to steer this tour back on its intended course. “I know a place that is full of exotic finds. It’s a hole-in-the-wall shop that’s hard to spot in the District, but it’s owned by a forager and explorer. My brother and cousin often frequent his shop and always leave satisfied with the cool things they buy.” The memory brought him back to simpler times before Muu became a shinobi and before his parents’ disappearance. Ringo grinned slightly, but was then almost rushed with an intense sadness. He shook it off and ignored it.

Despite his suggestion, Sora had another idea. Ruins of Old Suna? It was then that Ringo had another flashback about a talk he had with his father.

Everything the light touches is Sunagakure (1).jpg

“Nah, I think we’ll pass. But that’s a cool suggestion for those who crave a bit of danger. Maybe that can be a post-tour activity?” Ringo smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. “I’ll gladly skip out on that one if you guys do explore. That’s not my scene.”

“I suggest we continue to the forager’s shop,” he asserted as he searched for non-verbal cues of approval from Hifumi. If he received the go-ahead from her, he’d press forward and do his best to answer Siu’s questions. “Kaiju carcass, eh? That sounds pretty cool,” he acknowledged with a twinkle of intrigue in his eye. He wasn’t one for adventure as much as the other members within his family, but it did sound like quite the sight to behold. “I don’t think we have giant monsters here. Unless, you know, tower-sized sand worms count?” As the boy led the charge, he kept an eye out to see if his words caught the woman’s attention. “You’ve ever heard of them?”

If all went according to Ringo’s plan (assuming Hifumi wanted to go with it), they’d end up at a small shop full of unique plant-life, dusty knick-knacks, and supposed ‘ancient’ artifacts. They’d be greeted by a short, round man adorning goggles too big for his small face. His mannerisms were eccentric, but he was passionate as marketed the items in his shop.

Post: 3/5
WC: 505
TWC: 1,550
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Sabaku Hifumi

New Member
Jul 1, 2021
OOC Rank
Hifumi was about to comment on general disregard for both the shinobi system and personal life choices, but Ringo redirected the conversation back to the job at hand before she could. So she held her words and instead enjoyed her ice cream. The delicious ice cream helped remove the scowl that had been forming on her face. Sora’s suggestion of visiting the Ruins of Old Suna seemed like an odd choice for a tour of Sunagakure. “That place is a haven for criminals and lowlifes from what I’ve heard. And the areas that aren’t are teeming with monsters. Why would we want to go there? It’s not exactly the place that a tourist would probably want to see. I think the store might be a better starting place. At the very least, we can look around while we decide where to go next.” Hifumi followed Ringo as he led the way. She was interested to see what type of forager they would meet. Her tribe had been foragers too, but they rarely set up shop in any one location and instead chose to trade with merchants, often outside the gates. They had also met plenty of fellow foragers out in the desert that they traded with when they crossed paths. Hifumi doubted it, but she couldn’t help but wonder if she would recognize this one.

In between licks of her ice cream, she listened to Siu and Ringo trade stories of large monsters. Giant kaiju and sandworms seemed interesting. She knew stories about the latter, but the former were new to her. “What kinda creatures could be mistaken for mountains? They would have to be huge!” She added her own two cents about the local beasts. “The sandworms are massive, but members of my tribe used to talk about giant lizards hundreds of feet tall that rivaled even the sandworms. I’ve never seen one, but they would talk about chance encounters where they stumbled across a sleeping one or another appeared out of nowhere while the hunters watched with held breath. Anytime they claimed to see one, we would move locations. They said the giant reptiles called… umm… the Sunan Carnasaur… I think… would scare off the sandworms which would make finding Carmot even harder than it already was." Hifumi paused as she seemed to get lost in her thoughts about the stories she had heard before she came to reside in Suna. A small smile spread across her face briefly before she shook it off and remembered that she was supposed to be a tour guide. “But I think they were just myths. Everyone who claims to see one can never provide any physical evidence or explain how something so large remains so hidden. The older kids would tell us that if we ever wandered away from the camp, then a carnasaur would come by and gobble us up.” Hifumi laughed off the last line as she thought about how ridiculous the stories were. “Anyways, how much farther is this shop Ringo?”

[WC: 503]
[Post 3 of 5]
[TWC: 1153]


Nov 3, 2017
Without words, almond hues carefully observed facial expressions and verbal responses; particularly, those of the girl and brown-haired youth, afore eventually shifting back to the very lips of controversy.

“Ringo has a point, you know.... In the wrong profession to be spoutin’ ideals like that, kid.”

The Chuunin’s expression held neutral, without a smirk indicating sarcasm, or frown portraying disapproval. Deliberate, that her stance remain indiscernible. A basic skill in most shinobi’s repertoire—deception. A briefness followed, as if intended to add weight to the woman’s agreement. Though, it also served further purpose—opportunity for thought. For, clearly not every child shared ideals.

“If you were caught in desperate circumstance, where your kunai’s performance determined survival or death, but the moment you withdrew to strike the enemy, it suddenly turned dull, askin’, ‘Are you sure you wanna kill this man?’ refusin’ to sharpen unless answered; double-checkin’ every urgent swing... Even if somehow managin’ to survive—what would you do with such a rebellious weapon? Keep it in your pouch—or toss it away, never to be used again?
“One don’t become grafted into a system in place hundreds of years, then suddenly expect to make changes as another kunai in the Master’s pouch.” After all, continued the kunoichi in thought, Where one fails to perform, another will. And if not that one, then another—It’s what they’ve been crafted to do...
~And neither tool wants to be destroyed, completed the Youkai.
Neither tool wants to be destroyed...
“But before spoutin’ about morality questionin’ and world peace—think you oughta first start practicin’ courtesy in how you speak to others. Those the basics—and you’ve not even that. Nobody’ll listen to a thing you say otherwise; make more enemies than allies.”
The woman’s gaze lingered a while after; perhaps to study the boy’s facial responses, perhaps to emphasize a point - perhaps to nonverbally convey another. Maybe all of it. It’d sharply depart, adding no further words to the subject. A vague fatigue seemed to whelm her bearing, as if having utilized far too much mental energy for the lecture, forgetting the necessary required to maintain proper function for the day. Truly, it may’ve proved her longest series of sentences spoken all day. Moments like these, Siu’d been reminded just how badly Marshland battered her communication capabilities. A heavy breath exhaled.

Moving on, something named the “Ruins of Old Suna” alone certainly held enough allure to arouse interest. Much guesswork regarding what’d actually been referred to wouldn’t seem needed, combining Sora’s and Hifumi’s further detailed descriptions. Enough became understood to presume it not the wisest venture to currently partake—More for the children’s sake than her own, really.
“Guard lettin’ me in warned about an ‘underground’ and criminals. Didn’t sound to be a place for wanderin’... ‘specially with kids.” Though, that “monster” bit he’d certainly left unmentioned.
Tower-sized sandworms, though?” The mention, indeed, caught attention. More than ruins, even. Regard shifted, giving ear to the girl’s further elaboration. Gradually, a hand rose to rub the woman’s chin.
“To be honest, ‘giant beast’s best description we’ve got. Some variants say a demon, another Raiden’s sibling . . . Maybe it’s the same; Demon Beast Sibling of Raiden By Accident or somethin’—who knows with gods.” Shoulders shrugged. “But giant sandworms and lizards hundreds of feet tall, still round today? Even if just rumor, what a tale. Where might one find these things? .... Parts sell for a good price?” She could’ve used extra funds, after all.



Quirky encounters came and went in this world, and this owner proved no exception—nor his wares. In the dim, Siu’s finger tapped against a jar of green liquid, submerging some body part unidentified, yet certainly inhuman. If she’d had to guess, it’d appeared some preserved octopus tentacle. Though, doubtful that’d been much close to the reality. A slight flinch accompanied her witness of the member’s sudden twitch—well disturbed.

“Mmm,” hummed the rumination, a finger scratching the woman’s cheek. “Exotic was accurate.” Straightening back upright, her feet set to venture another portion of the store. Its wares certainly proved... interesting—to say the least. Even if Siu had no idea what most of them even were—or whether they’d actually been alive. Limited lighting accentuated the mysterious atmosphere, the Chuunin pondering just what might prove most valuable for actual purchase . . . That tentacle in the jar somehow didn’t feel it.

Update: Discover Suna History: [✓]

Siu’s Tour Impression:■■■■ Good :)

WC: 724
Post: 4/5
Total WC: 2051
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Sighing, Sora shook his head as he added Ringo and Hifumi to list within his head. Ringo . . . just didn't get it and Hifumi was a scaredy-cat. Continuing to walk, Sora wasn't going to spend his time arguing his point until the foreigner Siu jumped in and then he was forced to speak his mind. "My mom always says that I need to be the change that I want to see in others so yeah, I'll wear the headband because somebody has to. Heck, it isn't like we even have a choice in the matter really. Nobody listens to you unless you can back up your words with action." About to say more, whether it was due to his adrenaline pumping due to his fight-or-flight instinct kicking in or if it was due to some aftershock from what had happened when he'd touched the trinket earlier, Sora momentarily felt like his lungs were on fire, almost as if he was underwater.

Having never been remotely close to drowning to know what the sensation felt like, how the idea of it came into his head was a mystery but as soon as the sensation had began, it stopped and he was standing in the middle of what his brain told him was a throne room of some sort. It was alien to him in every way imaginable and as he began to turn his head, his legs began to wobble as if he was learning to walk for the first time. A voice behind him called out to him but try as he might, he couldn't place it or the words that were said. The voice sounded vaguely familiar but still one that he was unfamiliar with all the same. His vision began to go in and out and as it did, he saw that he was far from alone, but that he was surrounded by those that he felt like he should know, felt like he should be angry at. Try as he might, he couldn't place the figures cloaked in shadows and before he could cry out, the room began to spin as his wobbly legs started to give way and he began to fall. His brain was connected enough with the experience that he knew that hitting the ground would hurt and he mentally braced himself for the impact but it didn't come.

Blinking, for a second his brain didn't connect that he was still walking and that he'd left his previous sentence hanging. Questions about what he'd just experienced and why the dream felt so real were questions that he couldn't answer in the moment and like a dream that he'd been rushed out of due to an alarm, the memory of the specifics quickly became lost to him. Chatty Sora had re-entered the building, and unlike the last time, he wasn't going to ask if anybody had noticed his temporary lapse in consciousness. ". . . Nobody’ll listen to a thing you say otherwise; make more enemies than allies." Despite whatever was going on with his mind, Sora was still able to play back Siu's words verbatim.

Siu had a point but even still, Sora wasn't ready to admit that he might have the world pegged all wrong. "While that may be true, you wouldn't use a steak knife to spread butter on bread and you wouldn't use a butter knife to cut a steak yet both still end up occupying the same dinner table all the same. I want to be at that dinner table, whether I'm a steak knife or a butter knife." As they continued to walk towards the foragers shop, Sora added one last thing before letting the subject go. "Besides, a dull kunai has an unknown potential. You can sharpen it, re-forge it, and make it like new. Meanwhile a sharp kunai when used once, shows all that it has to offer. It's painfully predictable and I . . . I'm not sure that I want to be that." Looking Siu in the eyes, Sora meant for the gesture to prove that he was true about his beliefs, possibly intimidating in the way that a teenage boy might attempt to be to prove their point. Not malicious but certainly with conviction.

What he didn't know was that at that very moment, his eyes were blue instead of their normal brown and just as briefly as they were brightly another color, they suddenly flashed back to their normal one as if the universe itself had caught the momentary glitch in nature. As they neared their destination, Sora motion towards the shop and tried to reestablish some sort of connection with his fellow sand dwellers in Ringo and Hifumi. "So you all swear by this shop, huh? I've been meaning to shop for some gear for the upcoming Chunnin exams. We've got to be ready for whatever the proctors throw at us, right? Hopefully they have something good." Having not actually discussed ranks and the like with the two, Sora made a quick assumption that probably would have been better left unsaid or simply asked. Despite his normal middle of the road approach to life, it seemed like today of all days was one where he auspiciously was revealing a jaded, more direct personality beneath the surface.


New Member
May 1, 2021
As Siu and Sora exchanged philosophies, the brown-haired youth silently listened. They discussed rather large concepts, so much so that they had lost him at points. "Something something about butter knives and kunai..." he reflected as they made their way to the forager's shop. Regardless, he felt sure he captured the gist of it. It was apparent that the other boy had undergone experiences that made him feel like he needed to spark some type of reform. Ringo discerned it was best not to ask him, especially considering their company, but he was curious as to why. The young Mugen grew up within a shinobi family in Sunagakure, so this way of life was all he knew. He never really possessed the ambition to become a ninja like his brother or cousin, but he at least understood shinobihood as a necessary part of the village's function. They were sort of like guardians; soldiers trained to protect the common people. It was an arduous life, but quite admirable.

Catching the tourist's intrigue with the mention of sandworms shifted Ringo's expression into an amused smirk. "Yup," he affirmed cheekily, "they're a thing." Fortunately, Hifumi was loaded with information and tales about other fearsome beasts that were fabled to lurk the Sunan deserts. Upon mention of giant lizards, the boy shuddered as chills ran down his spine. "Oi, lizards," he ruminated. It wasn't too long ago that he had combatted against some fearsome reptillian alongside Tengoku, his monkey summon, at Godsfall; however, the thought of one that was sand worm-sized struck a special type of fear in him. "Mm, no thanks."

Eventually, the group entered into the forager's shop. Upon entry, they were immediately greeted by a stout, eccentric shopkeeper with no sense of respecting people's personal bubbles. "CUSTOMERS!" he exclaimed. "ADVENTURERS?! I CAN SMELL IT." He proceeded to sniff around the group, but contorted his face when he caught a whiff of Siu. He then grinned. "You don't smell like you're from around these parts. I got the perfect relics for you." He then showcased an assortment of odd artifacts. Some appeared worn and beaten, as if trash, and others literally looked like they were dug from the garbage. As he engaged in his show-and-tell, Ringo turned his head toward Sora as his fellow guide explained his upcoming Chuunin exam.

"Chuunin, eh? Man, you must be strong, Sora. Kudos," he complimented in a matter-of-fact fashion. Although juvenile in attitude and appearing near his age, this guy was about to ascend to his parents' ranks. He probably boasted some killer skills, too, which was admirable. Turning his attention back to Siu and the forager, he inserted a quick check-in. "Spot anything that's caught your eye?" The shopkeeper, during the time that Ringo took to acknowledge Sora's strength, showcased some very peculiar trinkets to Siu. The first artifact was a triangular piece of stone with a clear center. Glass, perhaps? It felt tougher. It appeared like an ancient spectacle of sorts, but its use was unknown as nothing would happen if one peeked through its lens. The next item was a dusty, lusterless gemstone. While it was visibly unremarkable, it would glow if a chakra-user touched it. The color of its glimmer varied on who touched, it, too, but there was no clear indicator as to what those colors meant. Lastly, he presented an old, dusty war fan. The weapon was moderately sized, but its edges were dulled. Across the fan were runic symbols that, maybe, belonged to a lost culture of the past.

"Hmm? Do I smell intrigue?" tempted the forager. He exhibited more of his rare collection, too, seeming more passionate about displaying his findings over procuring a sale.

Post: 4/5
WC: 615
TWC: 2165
Last edited:

Sabaku Hifumi

New Member
Jul 1, 2021
OOC Rank
The young girl listened to the back and forth of Siu and Sora. She could feel the tension rising and decided to keep her thoughts to herself. While she had her own opinions on serving in the shinobi system, she had never really been challenged on them and therefore did not know how to articulate them. As the conversation carried on, she began to get lost in her own thoughts as her world view was truly challenged for the first time. As the conversation lightened up and Sora asked more about the shop, Hifumi was abruptly pulled back out of the inner thoughts she had been retreating into. "Oh, no. I don't swear by anything. I've never been to this shop before. But I have dealt with similar traders before and sometimes you can find a gem hidden among the rocks. Maybe he will have something that you can use for your exam. I'll probably just be window shopping though. Not like I'll be participating in it. I still need to earn my headband first."

Hifumi's thoughts of finding some familiarity in the shop were quickly dismissed once they stepped inside. Even with her personal knowledge that desert foragers could be eccentric, Hifumi had no way of predicting this one's quirkiness, let alone the wares he offered. As Siu held the tentacle jar up, Hifumi wondered just where the shopkeep had found such a thing, surely it wasn't from the desert. As the weird man began sniffing around the group and passed by Hifumi, she took a step back instinctively to try and regain some of her personal space which led to her backing into Ringo. "Sorry" she mattered as the shopkeeper continued on to Siu. The girl was relieved when he seemed to be done sizing them up and moved on to showing off what she assumed to be his prized finds and what she thought was most likely junk. As he passed around the items, she was drawn to the gemstone that glowed a light brown like the desert sand when it rested in her hand. "So, what even are these things and where did you even find them? This one is interesting. Any idea what causes it to glow?"

[WC: 372]

[TWC: 1525]

[Post 4 of 5]


Nov 3, 2017
A dreamer? Idealist? ...Or, simply a teen? All of it, perhaps. Crafting an ideal mental label to attach upon the boy proved complex. Instead, Siu opted to imagine hot coffee furling from a large café mug, comprised of various additions; from milk, cinnamon, to hazelnut, and so forth. Not every addition suited her taste, yet certain ones did succeed to enrichen.
His manners, for one, resembled low quality milk—an ingredient most despicable for any coffee, one might add. Yet, certain elements of his ideals also resembled something appealing, like cinnamon. A mind jumbled with unconventional values and beliefs, yet to reach the age of maturity to properly sort them all out.
Brows slightly arched in response to unexpectedly returned analogies— particularly, regarding the first. While one could say all tailored analogies were unusual by their very nature, the first in particular surpassed a familiar degree: That was to say, it was strange to the ears; though managed to get its point across decent enough.

“Chuunin...” The rank repeated unconsciously. Managed to progress that far already, hm? The new knowledge prompted Siu to wonder just how long he’d adhere to that second analogy as his career progressed; further lives slain through the expertise of his own hands. A profession of blood.
Unspoken curiosity followed the kunoichi’s brief witness of new colors; as if representing some special moment in time regarding their controversial discussion. Whilst shifting eye colors hardly proved something exceedingly abnormal in the world of chakra and elements, the instructor still found herself pondering the source of his particular case; given workings of the notorious Sharingan hadn’t appeared an obvious answer for this one...


Personal space was something highly valued by the Kumogakurian—hence why, upon its overt intrusion by the paunchy man, the left portion of her face fairly contorted. Unconsciously so, though without guilt.
Moreover, whilst having encountered a few especially keen-nosed individuals throughout her career, what being “from around these parts” smelled like was a concept difficult to conceive. What had being from Sunagakure even smelled like? .... Profuse sweat and sharp spices? A thought not at all appealing the deeper delved.
Furthermore, no animalistic features were to be seen: Neither fox, cat, nor dog ears apparent underneath that cap of his. And, in truth—Siu was certain she’d not desired to even visualize him with such. Indeed, the forager himself introduced mystery preceding his very wares.

"Spot anything that's caught your eye?" the brown-haired youth would ask.

“Mmmm,” hummed something without actual words, the kunoichi’s hand rubbing her chin. Though Siu was usually one open to myths, superstition, and the like—no few wares presented quite literally looked like something possibly squashed underneath her boots amidst street roaming. Discerning their actual value proved a task difficult.
Can’t tell much of one from another...
~Certainly diverse variety.
Spot anythin’ useful?
~Depends what you define useful.
Dunno. Like, not useless.
~How so very descriptive.
Not a piece of junk, I guess.
~The fan.
Regard returned to the referred object, granting it second appraise. This old thing? . . . Suna’s hot and all, but—
~I may have known its owner, if memory serves.
Oh? Almond hues settled upon the symbols—inable to decipher a thing. Hold some kinda special magic or powers?


After lengthy deliberation, the woman’s coin purse eventually withdrew.
“War fan,” she’d declare with gravity; awkwardly reminiscent of how a child might repeat a word newly heard. Without an article for clarity, hearers were left to decipher whether she’d just been stating the item’s name, or actually announcing decision.
“For it, how much?” arrived elaboration.
Following presumed negotiations and eventual purchase, the fan’s partial unwieldiness made Siu hope it’d prove money’s worth. Though, Valistus wasn’t one to show interest in the invaluable—the morally agreeable, however, was another story.

And where would this journey continue? That too, would be another story, for another time . . .

Siu’s Tour Impression:■■■■ Good :)

WC: 648
Post: 5/5
Total WC: 2699

[Tutor Complete]
[Thread Exited]
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Perhaps Sora had Ringo pegged all wrong. With the mood more relaxed, Sora felt like he could joke around with his peers more. "Me, strong? Heh, I know how to dodge when somebody takes a swing at me." Smirking and stopping to inspect a pouch that matched his current outfit, he tested the weight of it before holding it close to his person. "The rest as they say, is nothing but smoke and mirrors." As if to emphasize his point, he spread his arms out wide and used a rather elementary shinobi trick as he made the recently picked up pouch disappear from one hand and reappear in the next.

Spying Hifumi deep in thought about something, he walked towards her and point between the various options before her. He wasn't exactly sure which something or another she might have been looking at but as far as he was concerned, she was quiet in a way that he could only but imagine belied a tempestuous storm of a personality if he really got her going. "Go with that one . . . or maybe . . . that one? I don't know. It's like they say, study too long and you'll end up studying wrong. Sometimes there's nothing to it but to do it. You got this!" Smiling and giving her a thumbs up, Sora glanced over to Siu was thoroughly confused at what she was mulling over. There certainly was an abundance of things to procure and only so many hours left in the day. Even after they all went their separate ways at the end of the day, he'd certainly met some pretty interesting characters.

OOC: Thanks for the topic folks! TLUS~
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