The many peaks of the Spine rose up around the two men after their short journey. Throughout they met exactly as many perils as one would expect. Their cloud banners made commoners flee at the sight and bandits think twice before robbing them, but nature holds no such qualms against biting into cloud shinobi. Wild animals could have gotten to them at any point, and the snow was a constant harbinger of a coming storm. Though, this did not matter, the two shinobi would persist and arrive at the Spine in a timely fashion, and just as the plantmon had explained, there was a barely hidden castle nestled within two of the farther peaks. Though it was clouded in some clouds, snow, and was the same color of the terrain, the shinobis’ eyes would be able to pick it out. However, it did not seem to have much in the way of entrances, at least from the faraway vantage point the men held.
How would they approach? How would they get in? There must be a way, they just have to find it.
How would they approach? How would they get in? There must be a way, they just have to find it.