Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Sleepover Shenanigans [Osuteno/Open to Students]

Oct 22, 2012

Kirei Zoro & FuwaFuwa-sama

Zoro placed his hands on his hips and nodded. "Awesome, this will be perfect." Located upon the nightstand were three figurines, one of Zoro, one of FuwaFuwa-sama, and the last of Osuteno. The weird guy who made them certainly didn't make it easy to acquire the fancy figures though. Something about people wanting Osuteno nude. Why would anyone wanna see Osu nude? It really baffled his mind. But regardless, this would be the perfect display for tonight. It had been a long time since the two had seen each other. Osuteno's work at the hospital kept him busy, and Zoro's attempts at graduating the academy were taking up a bit of his time as well.

Zoro kept his door open so his super best friend could simply enter without knocking, though the boy knew that Osuteno would knock regardless. The room hadn't changed much in the past three or so years. It had the essentials, spotless and perfect in Zoro's eyes. The blonde lad looked in the mirror to make sure he himself was in perfect order. Having not hit puberty yet, Zoro still looked the same as he did before, only a bit taller. But that didn't bother him too much, as his clean appearance was perfection to him as is. Zoro went to his refrigerator to check on the jello he'd obtained from a weird lady. This stuff would be perfect for his sleepover. Now all that was left was to wait for his guest.

[Topic Started with NPC]
OoC said:
Any students who would like to jump in, feel free! This is the student dorms, so you can be visiting a different friend, or live there, etc.
[OOC: that jello better be what i think it be : D]

Snowfall landed gently on Osuteno's parasol on this peaceful winter afternoon. With practically tall geta, Osu's feet and kimono were kept above the wet snow as the purple-haired youth went to meet with a long missed friend. With eyes that held the appearance of bloody orbs waiting to poor from the sockets, the 11-year old gazed wistfully towards the academy grounds along the way, but kept walking and passed it with the student dorms coming into view soon after.

Osu had never lived in the student dorms personally, having been offered a cheap room above a tea house after leaving the orphanage and before the formal adoption by the clan, but had been there a couple times to visit. It had been about three years since the last visit to the dorms but Osu knew the layout as well as ever. The child's graceful form stepped lightly into the building , the geta were replaced with visitor's shoes, and quiet thoughtful steps were made towards Zoro's room.

Despite the open door Osu stopped right outside and knocked firmly yet politely and waited for an invitation to enter. Zoro and FuwaFuwa-Sama would likely notice three things about Osu. One being that a small present bag with grooming and cleaning products ribboned on them. Another being the various scents. That of a variety of freshly cooked food coming from a bento and the light scent of sakura blossoms (despite the season) coming directly from Osu that would have been nearly impossible to notice from more than a foot away if it were not for the fact they were Inuzuka. The final thing being that Osu was taller, thinner and far prettier than before.

Upon being invited in a gentle and polite smile would bloom and Osu would walk across the room to Zoro and FuwaFuwa, putting the bento and the bag on the table, and giving FuwaFuwa a soft pet and Zoro a quick hug. "It has been far too long since I have seen you two. Not since the ball I believe and we didn't really get to speak much then." Of course FuwaFuwa was the only one who had been aware that it was Osu at the ball but Osu was unaware of that fact.

Osu then removed a backpack that held toiletries and personal effects and put it to the side. "I might have made more dinner than necessary but I wasn't sure how much you two could eat and thought it would be better to leave you with leftovers than not have enough." In this case Osu was demonstrating an increasingly famous ability to make understatements. The bento was seven stacks high and contained enough food to feed 2 full grown Akimichi, that is to say if only the three of them ate, Zoro and FuwaFuwa would be hard pressed to eat it all over the next few days. This habit of making grand meals came from both having a sensei who did so every time she made food and from the army of maids at Osu's home giving the child bridal "self-sufficiency" training.

As the food was uncovered it became quickly obvious that this feast was of a quality usually reserved for high budget anime that had people hallucinate fantastic and usually inappropriate background images with a single bite. The cornucopia of enticing scents flowed out of the room's open door conjuring feelings of warmth and kindness in all who smelled it. In other words, it was the legendary Osu bento. "Oh no, it is getting cold faster than i thought it would, Osu said immune to the scent of personal labor while placing plates and chopsticks. "I'll go ahead and make you both plates, just tell me if there is anything you don't like and then you can tell me how you both have been."
OOC Topic entered MFT WC: 639
Zoro and FuwaFuwa-sama smelled Osu before he entered the room. The boy turned and waved a hand over his nose. "Whew. What's up with the flowery smell buddy? Are you trying to compensate for something?" He gave Osu a grin to show he was joking, kind of. They hugged each other, which Zoro thought was a hint weird, but he rolled with it since he knew his super best friend was the cleanly sort. He tilted his head and scratched his nose. "The ball? Huh, I don't really recall." He shrugged. "But whatever, doesn't matter. We're here now, so it's party time with some good, clean fun." While Osuteno unloading his bag of goodies, Zoro grabbed some games from his closet, the most notable one going by the name Jumanji. It had just randomly showed up in his room one day, but he wasn't one to question. He placed them on the bed for later picking and took a seat at the table. He licked his lips and slurped loudly. "I don't like messy things, so nothing saucy. But if the sauce has been fully absorbed by rice or the like, then it's okay. Sheesh, you made a lot. It all looks and smells great too. Are you sure you want to become a shinobi? Maybe you should just live here and cook for me the rest of your life. Right FuwaFuwa-sama?" *bark* "Yeah."

Zoro grabbed the table and rocked back and forth in his chair as he thought on what he would tell his friend. He didn't want to admit he had failed four exams over the past year or two, especially since he was older than Osuteno. But he also had little to talk about. He stopped his fidgeting when an event came to mind. "Oh yeah, there was this one kid that said something about trying to kill me the other day. It was kinda ridiculous really. I didn't stick around to see how Baby Blue handled it...huh... Maybe I should have reported that..." He stroked his chin before shaking his head. "Nah. I'm sure it's fine. What about you Osu? You entered into the medical branch, right? That's gotta be interesting."

Zoro still hadn't closed the door, as he had forgotten to do such. Thus the delicious aroma of Osu's food wafted out of the room and through the halls. It seeped under doors into the rooms of the other students. It traveled through the lobby and even made its way outside, urging passersby to enter the dorms to get a bite.
OoC said:
This will remain open and should be very easy to jump into, so if anyone feels inspired, hop on in anytime.
Osu sniffed himself when Zoro commented on the scent and awkwardly remembered not every household hand scented baths and perfumed clothes. After the introductions were complete and the food was laid out he did take the time to note the game collection. Zoro had all the standards: NinjaTrap, Bureaucracy, The Game of Death, Go, Shogi, Hint, etc. Osu had never heard of Jumanji though. The child decided to take a look over the rules at some point tonight.

Osu nodded at Zoro's meal preferences and set some rice aside in a sauce mixture to absorb for a bit while preparing the rest of his plate and setting it in front of him. Osu raised an eyebrow at Zoro's comment. "The maids say something similar rather often. That I shouldn't be a shinobi and be more domestic. I'm not really sure what they mean by that though."

Osu listened to Zoro speak about receiving a death threat. With much sighing and shaking of the head Osu said, "People don't take death seriously enough. One should never throw the word kill around too lightly." Not wanting to admit to having killed a few dozen people to Zoro, Osu continued on glad for Zoro's quick topic changer, "Yes things have certainly become busy at the hospital especially after my recent promotion exam. My work is pretty split up between Bloodline research, assisting Kitsune-Sensei down in R&D, or attending to the mor..." The sentence cut off when Osu reconsidered telling the cleanliness focus Zoro about handling cadavers all day. "Attending to the morning rounds. I mostly work nights and leave in the morning hours or around noon. After I train, I often find it difficult to find a bit more time to study as well but I manage to somehow." Osu spoke a bit more quietly and leaned in towards Zoro. "Probably some of the most fascinating things I have had the opportunity to work on in R&D have to deal with kinjutsu. Like one of my coworkers is a completely artificial human puppet. She was never a person before then. And a couple months ago... I met an actual vampire." Osu got goosebumps thinking back on it. For as nerve wracking and terrifying some parts of the hospital life was, Osu couldn't have been happier anywhere else.
OOC: JOIN USSSSSS. Come students! Come and join us soon! The time of playing is nigh!
Having an apartment was nice since you can have your own room and you won’t have to worry about other students or such would be the case if you lived in a dorm. But the rent wasn’t as cheap as one would think and Nanashi was worried he’d be burdening his old man from Port Cirrus who was keen to pay for it. He can’t really refuse since he’d only get a fist to the head. The old man was more stubborn than he was and once he made up his mind, he would never go back on it. That said, the very instance that he was there in Kumogakure was because of him, forcing Nanashi to try and discover his own life for himself.

“Nothing wrong with just being a fisherman,” he pouted as he locked the apartment door as he left, “But if I could find a cheaper way to live, it’ll be better. Don’t want to burden that Old Coot.”

So, with that in mind, he left his small apartment, a small studio-type room above a flowershop where the landowner had his business. He started on his way towards the dorms as he was once suggested to check out, perhaps he’ll be able to asses if he could handle the noise of the students that lived there but offered a cheaper rent as opposed to this lonesome little room. To be honest, it felt more like an attic than a room, and perhaps the landowner just decided to earn a little extra by having it rented out. In fact, he still needed to go to the public bathhouse, though thankfully there was a toilet and a kitchenette.

As soon as he would reach the student dorms, however, instead of the noise and frolicking of students, he was greeting by something unexpected – the aroma of really good food. His stomach easily discerned it was good food when it spoke in low tremors underneath his shirt. Perhaps eating on take-outs lately hadn’t been good for him. How he missed his Old Man’s cooking! How he missed jumping into the sea and catching his own dinner! But nowadays, he had to keep counting his money just to make sure he could survive for the week.

And because of that, he missed the building manager’s office on the ground floor and went to look for the source of this wonderful aroma, turning a corner, down the hall, and finally stepping into what seemed like a wide-open door that display the inhabitants inside, but most importantly the food. But he also heard the last word spoken as he repeated it in surprise, “Vampire?” while wiping a drool.
OOC: Topic Entered. Word Count: 454
Zoro blushed when Osuteno mentioned his promotion. Here the blonde boy was, thirteen years old and still a student, while his younger friend was already two ranks above him. Heck, Zoro technically didn't even have a rank. He pouted a bit, turning his head away as he puckered his lips. He still listened though, and when Osu leaned in to speak, Zoro too leaned in to listen. His baffled expression was easy to read. At the same time as his newest guest, Zoro spoke. "Vampire?"

Hearing the strange echo, Zoro's head whipped to his open door and gave a frown. "Woah, hey, who invited you bub?" The boy hopped out of his seat and scanned the lad as his door. He gave a light sniff, catching the scent of flora that must have lingered from his lower living area. "What's up with all you guys smelling like flowers? Shouldn't we smell like spices or something?" *bark* Zoro looked to FuwaFuwa-sama. "I smell clean. And yeah, I guess smelling like flowers is clean-ish." He motioned to Nanashi. "Come on in I guess. Make sure to take off those shoes. If they are muddy, leave them outside. If you're worried about them being stolen, FuwaFuwa-sama over there will be able to find them later." Zoro pulled out the remaining empty chair, as his dog was sitting in the other seat, and returned to his own chair. "I'm Kirei Zoro. That is FuwaFuwa-sama, and this is my friend Osuteno." Zoro couldn't remember Osuteno's last name, so he figured Osu could give it if he desired. "Have some food before you drool on my floor. By the way, if you do drool on my floor, you have to clean it up." The blonde boy wasn't sure what there was to eat exactly, so he decided to let Osuteno handle that part before chowing down. He also looked at the two boys expectantly, awaiting more interesting conversation.
Osu turned around to look at the new heart beating in the room. He appeared to be a couple years older, about Zoro's age, and apparently also smelled like flowers to the Inuzuka. The bloody orbs that filled Osu's eye sockets looked the newcomer up and down though it would simply look like the liquid that encased his eyes was swirling around. Zoro quickly judged and invited the newcomer in. As he went through the introductions Osu smiled and gave a small polite bow. "Most people simply call me Osu," he added. Osu mover some of the containers around and made space at the table as Zoro invited the other boy to seat and eat with them.

"Well these two have white, brown and fried rice for the basics as well as some miso I made because it is a bit chillier today. I have cabbage salad with celery and aburaage here. Most of this stack is tempura. This container has edamame, mochi, takoyaki, dango, yuba and the one with the lid has natto if you are up for it. Here we have okonomiyaki, gyoza, tonkatsu, senbei, ikayaki and yaki imo. I would recommend starting with this container as it is mostly sashimi including hotate, ikura, amaebi, uni, basashi and otoro though I do have vinegared rice and nori if you prefer to eat your fish that way as well as ginger and wasabi. This last stack is mostly for show. It has a few scrolls worth of food containers to split up leftovers as well as the scroll for my tea set." Osu put the soy sauce in the middle of the table and assisted in making plates and bowls for the others. His own plate had samples of the various cuts of fish. This was mostly a formality to him as he had sampled each for freshness when he had prepared them right before he came over... well technically it was his clones that prepared the sushi. He had personally been finishing up the presentation and making sure the hot dishes stayed hot, the warm stayed warm and the cold stayed cold... He had forgotten to make dessert...

More than likely he had made far too much food but it was better to have too much than too little. Though it did in part contribute to why he pushed for the others to fill up on the sashimi while it was at its freshest, apart from it being overpowered by the other tastes, if this was all who would be eating. Most of this could be kept for leftovers or even taken back home where the maids said they would surely help him finish any extras. He might have to knock on a few doors to see if he could give some of it away if needed. Oh that was right.

"Ah, I was talking about the vampire wasn't I?" He was in the middle of making a plate for FuwaFuwa when he suddenly remembered the topic he had been on before. "A while back we were working on a new... enhancement in the R&D labs and Sensei brought in a vampire who volunteered to be the test subject as her genes were a bit more... sturdy and accepting of change." He took a bite of the fatty tuna and if one had their anime goggles on they would see little happy cartoonish sharks wearing bunny ears pop up above Osu's head with rainbows and sunshine in the background as he savored the bite. Without anime glasses Osu simply looked even more feminine as he smiled and closed his eyes to enjoy the flavor. Remembering himself and the conversation Osu swallowed the bite and opened his eyes. Nervously he continued while pointing at his eyes for emphasis, "Apparently I look a lot like a walking lifetime supply of blood to a vampire which happens to be a rather unnerving thing to learn from one within arm's reach. Aside from looking at me rather hungrily and the fangs and all, she seemed rather nice, though I might have been more comfortable with still believing vampires didn't exist to be perfectly honest. The tea is ready if anyone would enjoy a cup while we get to know one another a bit better."

Being the youngest and smallest person at the table, it might be considered odd that Osu was the one trying to chaperone the conversation forward. Still, while looking all the world like a little princess, the ever manly Osu did sometimes take it upon himself to take the lead if he felt the need, whether that meant wrestling tigers, scolding giant monsters on their manners or investigating murders. No dinner he made would be eaten without a side of pleasant conversation if he could help it.
Nanashi quickly composed himself, wiped the drool off his face and straightened his stance. It was rather rude to walk in on people who were having a meal together, even if the door was very much open for anyone to just step in. And as he contemplated to apologise and leave, the other had quickly spoke and he was invited to enter. To which, he complied as if all thoughts had jumped out the window, and probably because of the enticing aroma of the food. You can’t get wrong with that.

He took off his boots and left it outside as he carefully entered the room with a bow, and spoke, “I’m Yoru Nanashi. I’ve only recently moved to Kumogakure to join the academy though I don’t really live in the dorms.” He then thought for a moment about the comment of smelling like flowers. “I suppose… it’s because I leave on top of a flower shop and had been helping around for a bit.” After which, he proceeded towards the other empty chair, though feeling a bit nervous about intruding but now that he thought about it, he can’t remember why he was there in the first place. Perhaps if he would eventually remember it, then he’ll excuse himself.

Now that he was seated with them, he was amazed in how much food there was. Listening to Osu recite the contents of each container made him hungrier by the second. There was just too much food. Not to mention that they were prepared rather beautifully– plating and all that– which made him feel a bit uneasy, thinking the other may have thought of eating with his friend in a more intimate way and that his sudden appearance have caused nothing more than an unwanted interruption. He wondered if it was truly alright to be there.

But the chance was left. He must not be rude to his hosts and so, when he was motioned to part take in some, he accepted, though tried his best to be particular and only take from ones that the others were taking, not wanting to spoil the food or the decoration. And then, the conversation returned to the “vampire” and Nanashi couldn’t help but to be quite interested, carefully and attentively listening. He could only nod in response to Osu’s testament to the entire ordeal.

“I’m glad you weren’t hurt. I didn’t know Kumogakure experimented on vampires,” he then said, wondering if the other was truly alright. Of course, the origin of such worries was the fact that Osu looked like the perfect little sister one would want to take care of and protect against all of the world’s cruelties.

“Yes, please,” he then said at the call for tea. And as he waited, he would speak a little about himself, “Well, seeing how I’m the outsider here, I suppose it’s only fair to introduce myself more. I’m from Port Cirrus before coming here. I live with my father and his crew, and we often take weeks out in the open sea to fish. In fact, I must say that these selection you have are quite the finest. It makes me remember of home.” To which he then took another bite of the tuna and had a peaceful expression on his face.
Zoro listened quietly for a time, as his attention was focused on eating his food delicately. Nothing was more embarrassing to him than sullying his clothes while eating. He nodded a few times to show he was paying attention, and once there was a lull in the conversation, he took it to mean it was his turn. "I don't believe in that vampire mumbo jumbo. Ma..." Zoro coughed lightly as he caught himself referring to the woman he disowned as his mother. "There was an Inuzuka lady who told me that they really are just youkai...or half-breeds, and that they just use that whole 'need to suck blood to sustain my existence' excuse so they can do demon things without consequences." Zoro closed his eyes and furrowed his brows. "Seriously, the Raikage just needs to wipe them out already so they can't start another war or anything." Remembering the past goal of his best friend, the blonde boy looked to Osu. "You might want to consider that when you become the Kage. It would be best for everyone really, especially you."

Turning his attention to his new acquaintance, Zoro scrunched his nose. " you're a fisherman? That sounds both clean and dirty at the same time." The boy always did have mixed feelings about the ocean. It was water, so it should be considered clean. However, the thought of all those fish emptying their waste into it caused Zoro to question. Shaking his head, he dropped the thought for now. "So are you here to sell fish or something and you just waltzed right into the student dorms? Or maybe you are an academy student too? " Zoro's face brightened a bit in hopes that it was the latter. This kid looked around his age, which would make him feel better about still being a student. Just barely though. Zoro dabbed his mouth lightly with a handkerchief. "Let me know when you guys are done eating, because if you want, we can play a game for something."
As Osu continued enjoying fishy goodness, he listened to the Academy student introduce himself and his background and smiled brightly as his sushi was complemented. It meant more when a fisherman gave their approval to seafood dishes in the same way it meant more when a farmer complimented your salads and pickles. Those who deal with the source normally are more particular critics, "Well thank you, please have as much as you want. And being a fisherman's son certainly has a positive effect on your bloodflow and has contributed to your strong heart... though it seems as if you haven't eaten as well as of late," Osu commented unconsciously brushing his hair back away from his ear as if it would help him hear a bit clearer. You could learn a lot about a person from listening to their heartbeat and blood flow.

Osu wasn't entirely sure how to address Nanashi's and Zoro's comments. "Well it isn't like we have a bunch of vampires sitting around waiting to be tested on. One just happened to be a suitable test subject and volunteered. And half-demon Zoro, not Youkai, from what i have heard you don't want to make that mix up in front of either... and could you not mention the... kage thing?" Osu barely held back a sudden impulse to start slamming his head into the table out of embarrasment. "Anyway, we could as likely "wipe out" all the demons as easily as we could pick up the village by it foundations and move it to the plains. Besides, if we started wiping out everyone who there were rumors of having some relation to demons and vampires and such without just cause we wouldn't be any different from the Tenouzan Church. That and considering my clan's history and some common misinterpretations about us being the vampires, it wouldn't be too long before I found myself at the stake."

Something dawned on Osu, "Ah I am not sure if I have given a full introduction yet. I am Chigokai Osuteno, 11 years old, I specialize in henomancy... er blood magic, as well as medical ninjutsu. If you ever need medical assistance feel free to come find me at the hospital... most of the time honestly. I sometimes even sleep in the morg..." Again, best not to mention the morgue in front of Zoro. "Ahem, I sometimes sleep in the mornings at the hospital due to my usually late shifts." It was an alright save. Osu had moved on to other containers at this point but had filled up quickly with the sushi for the most part. After washing everything down with some tea he nodded at Zoro. "It seems I forgot to make a proper dessert anyway so I am ready when Nanashi-San is. I have to admit that one game's name really stuck out. I have never heard of it before."
OOC WC 481
“Ah, no, I’m a student,” he first said, answering Zoro. “It’s just that at the moment I live outside, in an apartment at Susukino District.”

Nanashi listened intently as the two would speak. He then nodded and reached over to the offered tea cup and took soothing sips. He had a delighted smile upon his face as soon as he gulped the first one. It would seem as though he hadn’t had something like this for a very long time. In fact, as he would try to recall, his adoptive father had only tried making piping hot tea for him for a few times, and mostly only during the cold storms. Otherwise, the other crew preferred a chilled bottle of tea.

“Well, I wouldn’t really mind meeting one of those special vampires,” said Nanashi.

In any case, they were about to wrap up with eating as Zoro suggested they should try and liven things up, perhaps a game. Since Nanashi had just dropped in on them earlier, he didn’t know about it, though he did catch a few items here and there, and so he wondered if he did had intruded on them.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Was this supposed to be a private affair?” he quickly placed down the empty tea cup, a little awkward as he watched the two. Then again, he remembered how they both invited him to join anyway, so it should be alright.

But as Osu would reply about a particular game that seemed to have caught his attention, Nanashi leaned over to the side and saw the box-like object with the exact same word that the other had spoken about. And of course, this would be his first time to even hear of games. “What exactly do you play with?”
Zoro seemed to be still gorging himself on the meal, which made Osu happy as a chef, so he turned more of his attention to the newcomer. "Private affair?" Osu repeated with a head tilt and a puzzled expression. "I suppose I did only plan for playing with Zoro and FuwaFuwa, but meeting new people and sharing little kindnesses the spice of life?" As he said this Osu produced a small crimson fan from seemingly nowhere and began waving the scent of the food towards the open hall door without an explanation why as he set up another place at the table with his other hand, also without explanation.

"As for what I play with... I can't speak for everyone but back at the orphanage I played shinobi, board games like shogi and go, and... a lot of the other kids often teased me by forcing me to play the mom when we played house or the princess that needed rescuing in a lot of other pretend events. No one would listen to me when I said I didn't want to be either of those." A small laugh escaped Osu as he thought back on how those games would often devolve into another game of shinobi war when no one could agree who would get to be the dad or hero. "Since I was taken in by the clan though... well they are a rather... I mean to say they don't believe such games are beneficial for the most part. I can still get a game of shogi or go here and there and sometimes the maids will sneak some playing cards up and play with me, but otherwise free time can be spent training or studying."

He began waving the fan a little harder and guiding more of the scent into the hall, wondering when the person out there was going to join them. While sneaking around was a good skill for shinobi, it was important to be on the lookout for particular sensor type bloodlines among your targets, such as the Inuzukas like Zoro and FuwaFuwa with their sensitive noses and the Chigokai like Osu who could hear the sound of blood flow and heartbeats, and plan accordingly. Perhaps the person needed a little invitation.

With his world class terrible acting skills (as well as accidentally falling back into his old monotone and blank expression) Osu said, "Goodness it was a bad idea to make so much food, if only we had another person to help us eat all this food. If anyone standing out in the hall walked through that open door and greeted us, I would gladly feed them until they were full. Oh what a shame that so much of the food I made will go to waste at this rate, particularly since most of it is still fresh and at proper serving temperatures." There that should do the trick he thought to himself not even aware of how obvious all of that would be for just about everyone.

Current Ninpocho Time:
