Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private So close, yet so far away.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
While Ryota was patrolling for the main branch, an incident had happened. A thief had been pickpocketing a lot of tourists and some of the locals. It had been brought to their attention y a few victims and eventually, they caught the man red-handed on attempting it. Golden hues were watching the man who stood now frozen. He was almost caught and apprehended by his team, and that was when the man launched a surprise attack. Throwing a few daggers around, two out of the three genin were hurt. Ryota was one of the hurt ones, but that was by shielding a small child before getting more harm. For Ryota, it was just a small cut on his arm, but for his teammate, it was a wound in the leg. "And you are our medical too..." Ryota said in a complaining tune.. But that was when the one that didn't get hurt took the reigns.

"Alright... Let's go after them..." Ryota said, not too happy that this was a lot more work. The third member was sort of their leader as he had the most experience in hand-to-hand combat, and when the man finally had been apprehended... It felt like a major workout for the genin. Huffing they stood there while the man was in ropes on the ground. "Fudge this workout man..." He complained further and lay down on the ground, the girls around were fawning over the two that had done their 'sacred duty' and did not mind how they were looking. "It is true that this thief gave us the hassle... My clone does say our teammate is doing alright. "
"Glad to hear that... He was going to show us around the ruins later." He would comment and just wait for simple backup, whoever that may be. The wound on Ryota's arm had finally stopped bleeding and when the man just got handed off, they got relieved from work. "So... tonight still on?"
"Yup, I will meet you at that bar."

A good while later the young male was walking around the commercial district, searching for that small girl to see if she was alright. His arm had a bandage around and eventually, he got into a pub and ordered a coffee. "I wonder what to do now..." He spoke stretching out.

MFT: 386
[pvt. for tama~with whoever you wish to join in :D ]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
When you’re a member of the shinobi society that has lived more than thirty years of life, it’s the little things that start to go really unnoticed. Lounging on his perch from the gates as ever, Michino and the diminutive Youkai that was his sister, Owari, kept a steady eye on the land below while playing a game of Go-Fish. This had been their life for the last few months, and while it wasn’t the Beast’s cup of tea, his sister was at least grateful to get out of the Hells for a little while. Apparently it’s chaotic nature, while fun at first, gets to be a bit annoying when you know that the other Realms are way more zen.

Kage,” she quipped in a raspy, high-pitched voice.
Field the Sea,” he replied. The ruby-skinned demoness threw up her tiny arms with a high-pitched sound of annoyance.
Ichi, Diamond,” Michino said with a knowing smirk. Owari threw her cards at the giant across from her and exploded into a cloud of sulfur-scented chakra smoke as she willingly returned to Hell. Coughing with a chuckle, the Toraono Lord waved his hand to cause a small gust of wind to push away the smelly clouds. His elongated ears twitched at the sound of combat, coming from the Commercial District. Like a panther, the man scooped up the cards into a pocket in the furs he wore and stepped onto the wind. He flew, amazingly, a giant in the air that used a masterful control of the Wind Release to guide him around as if he controlled the sky itself.

It didn’t take long to find the thief. His sharp eyes catching the moving prey as it darted from merchant-to-merchant, knocking things around and trying to make it harder for the group of Genin behind him. Michino crossed his large arms across his chest and smiled proudly to see the next generation still hard at work. A wave of his hand and the air shifted so that he landed on the roof of a four-story building to watch on. He started to move to help when injuries came up, but they managed to recover; he had no want to step on their pride. Yet this criminal they chased seemed to be a bit more talented than the trio had hoped for, keeping up with a 2v1 for a full minute before the Toraono Lord proudly watched them finally overwhelm the villain. His ears twitched to hear they would be meeting up later, and the Jounin nodded to himself.

He made a clone. It was a simple one, but sturdy, and left it to roam the Commercial District while the main body continued his duty of keeping a dutiful eye on the gates. It didn’t take long for the Prophet of Hyou to locate his clansman. The Toraono gave off a certain scent and chakra that certain member of their clan could easily track. A pub. The seven-foot tall man looked on for a moment, remembering what it was like to go to pubs. Vivid memories of his time past as an Underground boxer came flooding back. The cheers, the liquor, and the thrill of constantly avoiding hitmen sent by his girlfiend’s father.

Good times.

The Beast ducked under the entrance and stepped in, his presence immediatly noticed by the bartender who threw up his arms,
The Underground Champion!” he shouted, “Ladies and Gentlemen we are graced by a legend today! What brings you in, champ?!
To celebrate another hero!” the giant called out as he crossed over to the bar and banged the counter in a rapid form to catch the attention of everyone.
While the war rages on outside, and we remained trapped within to be sullen by the injustice of thieves and black-market merchandise, there still remains a glimmering light of hope within the next generation!” his hand waved over to his clansman, Ryota, putting them right on the spot suddenly.
This young man and his team managed to take down an incredibly successful thief who had been pillaging us blind, for days, myself unable to even lift a finger due to the trappings of my own duty! Raise a glass in toast! Celebrate the coming of another age! We stand strong, as the Maelstrom blows!

We stand strong!” the pub repeated before everyone downed whatever coffee, water, or beverage they held onto. The jounin looked over at where his young clansman sat and flashed a smile. In a moment of good intention to give Ryota a little bit of that Suna Fame, he no doubt just embarrassed the hell out of a teenager just trying to mind their own business waiting on some friends.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The teen was just casually waiting for his friends to show up.. he was curious about what exactly his friends were so keen on showing him, but he had friends and that was what mattered. When the doors flung open he looked to the entrance just... to see his clan's head. 'Underground champion..?' That thought trailed through his mind as he eyed his clan's head another time... But soon he regretted being in this very building! "Another hero..?" He muttered under his breath as he was watching his brother. uncle... guardian... What was he? He was mulling that bit over until there were suddenly many, many eyes focused on him. His own eyes were going towards everyone and slowly you could see him turn red on his cheeks, the blush flushing to his ears too as to the tips of his ears turning red as well.

'AHOKA!' he scolded in his mind, feeling like how he could go through the floor right now from embarrassment. “This young man and his team managed to take down an incredibly successful thief who had been pillaging us blind, for days, myself unable to even lift a finger due to the trappings of my own duty! Raise a glass in toast! Celebrate the coming of another age! We stand strong, as the Maelstrom blows!” The young teen gritted his teeth as he was bright red to the face, everyone was happy and downing whatever they had but this teen could easily hit his senior right now to try to make him stop in embarrassment.

He would walk up to Michino and if able, drag him to the table here he had been sitting earlier. Beet red and his canine-like traits showing... He didn't always 100% control the animalistic features of the spirit he was a vessel of... So there were now a set of ears, a tail angrily and annoyed flicking away and his fangs were showing just a little. "Didcha have?!" he cursed under his breath as he sat down again, trying to pull up the hoodie to hide the canine ears. There was a tiny bit of static charge coming from them as the elemental he housed was electricity. "You sure know how to make an entrance you know?!" Being honorific... that was out the window right now with him as he never really was raised that way, but then he noticed... He did not have it just against the clan head... but the kage too. That realization kicked in rather slow as he muttered the sir a few moments after and a cola and Michios drink were served. "What you doing here" He asked before he took a sip of his cola.

[mft: 441]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino took a seat opposite the youth with something of a flop; the whole pub shook a little. Despite his title and position it was clear the man had a very relaxed attitude about him that was far from matching his station. In the military itself, he was nothing more than a citizen after retiring nearly ten years ago. Yet, not a single member of the Toraono Clan ever once challenged him physically, and even more so now there where whispered rumors of his actual prowess. Then there was the open fact that despite not treating to the military itself, he happily guarded the gates as a proud member of their clan; as that had ever been their duty.

His hand raised up, without a sound, a single finger. The hand tilted to the side, open and ready to grab in the next second; it quickly found itself full of crystal clear water. Draining half of the glass in what appeared to be a single gulp, Michino considered the words his lesser had uttered in clear embarrassment.

To lift your reputation a little, of course,” he replied humbly, “The man you took down was no easy criminal. I wouldn’t be surprised to find reports stating them as a life-long thief that just finally got desperate after the 12th cracked down on the Underground earlier this year. A lot of professional criminals lost a lot in those short few months Shin ruled.
More to the fact though, how goes your training? They may have held their own, but you’re still a Toraono. Aren’t you shamed even a little that you couldn’t simply slap such a fly with a single paw?” he teased, like an older brother.

With smile still plastered to his face, the shinobi himbo took a stark measure of the youth seated across from him. The boy’s history, faint on the edges of his mind, reminded him somewhat of his own. With the massacre of their young at the gates a few months back, Michino was trying really hard to ensure the remaining of that generation could continue to carry on the weight of their ancestors…rough as it would be with their lacking numbers…

Once Ryota was done with their outburst for Michino’s little poke at their pride, or even if they didn’t, he still placed down an offer,
Well, what would you say to a personal lesson? I think your technique is really well rounded, but could be honed and I have experience in every form of combat. Not now, of course, but perhaps tomorrow after your night of celebration? Think it over. I’m always at the gates. Oh! Also, here, on me. You’ve earned it.

Michino reached into a pocket and placed a 1000¥ coin on the table before having his clone disperse. It would give Ryota some time to think on his offer.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"But why mine?!" And that was when he got the explanation that what he did was nothing too easy. "Ehh... He was such a big shot..?" His voice sounded a little bored. 'Then why did you not beat him instead of me...' he slightly grumbled and leaned on the table with his elbow, going with a hand through his hair to get them out of his eyes and that was when Michino remarked about what he did.

Michino would never know how he truly felt, as Ryota had gotten used to the fact that he had to hide his emotions more and more. Yet he still couldn't help but flick his tongue and looked annoyed, but from the inside. He was tormenting himself, all his life, people told him to do more, to try more, to be better. He rarely got a compliment as he was always looked down on. ' But why... why does everyone keep telling me 'try harder' As if I haven't given my all... But still... I did my best. I've done everything I could. What else am I supposed to do?' For the other it was a tease, but for him, it was a tormenting game to prove that no matter what he would do, it would never be enough. Not to his adopted family, not to his clanhead... Not to anyone. The gaze of the teen got to an annoyed frown and he would have a gaze that just screamed annoyance.
"Well sorry that I was being lazy on handing him in, or even swatting the fly around."
He was being sarcastic, being annoyed and he was grumbling. Before hearing what the other was saying about training. Just another thing to show that what he was training on his own, wasn't enough. Personal lesson, what would it mean in his books? The boy did get a flashback to when he was still with his adopted parents... Despite them never laying a hand on him, he still got personal lessons where he had to keep a boulder up and keep in a pose with arms above his head for an unknown time.

"O-oi! I don't need your ye---" And the clone was already gone, gone as soon as it had poofed. He was soon found reflecting on what the teen's head was going through. Probably not the best that in his teen years the thoughts were all majorly affected by hormones too. 'Is it wrong... that I am not doing well? If I'm not perfect, can I not be accepted? Can I not be loved? But why... Why is it so difficult? Even though I'm doing my best to avoid failure. It's useless... Sometimes I wonder, where did I go wrong?' He would drink up his drink and then see his friends come in. Ryota wasn't in the best of moods, but played it off like he was happy to see them and soon they would leave the place for the ruins.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It’s startling what can happen in the time frame of a single month. A simple thirty days apart since their last meeting, and the worlds of both Toraono males had been shaken down completely. Michino, a humbling. Ryota, a reality check of humanity’s cruelty. Both struck down in ways that would destroy the pride of any normal man, both were trudging on for better or worse because the demonic feline blood that ran through them refused to do otherwise. For the former, he had a twin sister who was willing to put their lives on the line to help correct his course. He had returned from a two-week journey into the desert without telling a soul; a man emancipated and yet, hardened like steel. The look of unbeatable pride had been replaced with tempered resolve. In many ways, standing next to him no longer felt like standing next to a Toraono patriarch; instead it was like being with any other ol’ Joe. Michino had stepped out of his situation a changed, but better, man.

Did Ryota have anyone like that?

Knowing the ins-and-outs of the Toraono and their family members no matter how secretive a mission was a blessing and a curse. It had taken no small measure of iron will to not find the man responsible and punch until naught was left but a unrecognizable pile of wet meat. Instead, Michino took his frustrations out on a solid iron training dummy. Meant to take blows of chakra to dampen the damage done to the person training, the dull thuds of the boxer’s fists signaled he had forgone the protection. Bits of blood where his knuckles and fingers had split against the metal doll spattered all over it, particularity the head. Each blow was dealt with a frustrated grunt, and a shake of that part of the dojo. Even without the aid of chakra, Michino’s fists landing made the entire room shake with his helpless fury. Useless as it was, he blamed himself for not somehow miraculously being there for Ryota when they needed aid. A final blow timed with a shout of frustration broke the iron training dummy in half, as the blows had finally cracked enough of the middle to separate that which was grounded to the dojo away from its base. His eyes shook in fury at the jagged metal that stood before him before closing them and breathing in deeply. His fingers uncurled, the split skin quickly mending itself as he allowed the energy of chakra to flow through his body naturally once more. With an exhale he turned away from his spent anger to grab a jacket hanging on the far wall and stepping outside.

The cool desert night greeted him. Hands shoved in his pockets he took another deep breath through his nose to catch the myraid of scents rolling through the breeze. Picking one up he began to follow it, searching for Ryota to offer at least something of a helping hand where he could. The reports had been grim, but the youth had shown a promising strength not seen in the Toraono in some time. The elemental fury that had ravished the mad scientist who had kidnapped Ryota showed Michino that if the boy’s mind was in the right place, he could master it quickly and become a strong defender of the next generation; something of great importance to the Prophet.

His body suddenly flickered after a foot step, with no extra leap, to land on a rooftop, then flickered to another, and another…

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
A grumble left the now awake teen. He thought to get an early shut eye as he was laying low for now… The aftertaste was still lingering in his mouth. ’ I knew that the old man was remaining too quiet!! For so long that quiet and peace and all that.’ He tossed in his bed until he was lying down on his other side. Another echoing sound was going through the place. in the past, Ryota never had a problem with sleeping through, yet after that mission somehow his body always remained prepared for anything.
Another toss was made in his bed and another echo of a sound went through the place. “aaarg, suck on some catgrass if you are like that!” He scolded annoyed and grabbed the pillow from under his head, laying it on the side of his head to try to drown those sounds out… It was quiet for a moment… really– nope too soon. ’ It was so quiet for a while too..!’ The teen thought to himself that it had been too quiet…

He dragged himself out of his bed, past the pile of undone laundry, and through the living room to the toilet… He was wide awake at this point and just tried to figure out what the best thing to do now was. Since mister, I need to knock in the evening was still punching that bloody thing. After he was done at the toilet he flushed and washed his hands… Something that he was proud of that he did, unlike some of his friends in the field.. How can one not wash his hands?

He went to the kitchen after and started to pour himself a cup of tea, before he went outside, to the roof himself. “It’s cold…” he spoke as he went back inside to grab his hoodie. “did I make tea..?” He went to the kitchen and then made another one for himself before going back up. When he saw the already-made cup he scolded to himself. “Like hell…” he said out loud and would just sit down, the roof was flat… But it would easily hold his weight as the structure was even hardened. Per his request when he made the house. It was small, but not cramped. which he was enjoying a lot.

A bit lost in thought he would stare to the night sky, unable to sleep… that was until a figure came close and he tossed the tea forward, away from both of them and then a clashing sound, sounded on the ground. “M-my tea….” he sounded sad as he stared at the broken cup. “Oi… ossan… you owe a mug now!” The tune was annoyed, but soon you could see him flinch as he noticed who he had spoken to. ‘A-ah… uncle… brother.. uhm. Mister clan head sir.” He was a bit… panicked at the moment. “Do you want some tea…?” He offered the one whole mug right now as he was at a loss. Why was this guy here? Was he here to beat him up? That would make sense. Would it make sense? he did a goof and thus should be punished.. did he notice of the drugs? He had been careful that no one noticed it, no one should know. If he had a tail and set of ears right now they would be going all over the place. Overthinking… a curse of many.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Cold desert nights weren’t uncommon for their lifestyles, but even the firebrand could feel the chill cutting through his jacket. Moving through the village the Toraono gave soft pings of his chakra to pinpoint people he knew. It would feel like a warm wave of air despite the chilly night. Suspicious, but not unfelt depending on where the person who felt it was standing. It was only those outside, shinobi trained individuals, that stopped and looked around to see who was giving off radiant heat. Michino stood there to be seen, and nodded when their eyes met.

The irony wasn’t lost on him. The 12th Kazekage was taken out by a Hybrid of the Flame Court, according to the survivors reports. Those with fire attuned chakra cores were seeing more scrutiny lately than most because of that unfortunate incident. To have discovered his own natural element was also fire immediately brought the thought of how ridiculous life could be. Especially considering his own talent for Wind Chakra already due to half of his heritage gave him a raw strength with that tuned element that could easily rival a Hybrid.

The lord’s search ended without finding his mark after a good ten minutes. Moving from the village back to the dojo the shinobi felt his mood drifting down. To say he was worried about Ryota would put it mildly, considering what he had gone through, and while he valued the privacy he no doubt needed, Michino just wasn’t smart enough to leave well enough alone.

Nearing the dojo’s entrance the scent wafted past his nose. Tea, desert, and the Toraono he was looking for.

With a burst of chakra his image flickered. It reappeared suddenly on the same roof the boy was trying to enjoy his tea on; tossed out to the front from the jump. It wasn’t surprising to him to have the youth react in such a flabbergasted manner either; the Toraono lord looked rough. Unshaven, hair unkempt and bushy once more, bags under his eyes from a clear lack of rest but with sharp pupils that would beg to differ. He had shrank a few inches, his frame - from triangular to stick - made him look almost weak when compared to how he had been before his defeat at the gates.

However in a moment too uncanny, Michino began to profusely apologize for causing the spill. He even dropped down to begin cleaning the spill with his shirt, before standing back up to quickly push past the awkwardness as fast as he could,
Tea. Yes, that would be nice, uhmm…you got jade?

Only the finest, apparently. He couldn’t helped what he liked and only knew of that specific tea’s flavor profile because his fiancée, Chiyoko, adored tea. It was one of the few places she managed to break grounds with the other “royalty” of Toraono women after they kept challenging her for Michino’s hand.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
After his original outburst, Ryota started to calm down a bit. Yet at the same time, he was caught off guard by the other man's actions. ‘Wait…’ he studied the man in front of him, heavy bags under the eyes, untamed hairs, and a bushy face… That reminded him how much women would dislike that, he remembered his past female caregiver chasing her mate with pincers… She was going to pluck every single one out until he would learn to shave. Ryota furrowed his eyebrows a the next scene. Not only did the man apologize, but started to clean up the spilled tea.

“Jade…” he muttered as he heard the request for the type of tea. He could have known that not his own tea would be enjoyable for the likes of him. Ryota dropped down from the roof and went inside. ”Coming right up.” He spoke right before he entered his home. He didn’t close the door, leaving it for the man's own actions to follow him or not.
As soon as he went inside, he first made his way to the teas that he had. “Ahh–” He muttered as he went towards the old male. “It’s just a week old… But they are fresh leaves, sorry I don’t have anything fresher. I just never knew you would pop in today, I always get them in the market on Tuesday, that's when they are freshly plucked i believe. They aren’t that bad… I will just make it, see if it suits your taste after brewings.” He would go back to the kitchen, placing the small tealeaves bag on the counter before turning on the kettle.
As the water was turned on, he would rummage through his house. “Old geezer lost his spark huh…” He muttered as he went through his closet in his bedroom. He could have sworn he did wash and fold that oversized shirt… And luckily that was the case, holding it in front of him… “Yea… should fit…” He spoke as he would then grab the reserved pillow and blanket from the top of his closet. “No dust bunnies on them… Well.. He has to deal with it then.” He would speak and as he went to the living room just casually dunk it on the couch.

The whistle of the water was going in the kitchen, alarming Ryota that the tea water was ready. He first turned that off before making his way to the old man. “Here….. With you looking like a straw, I can’t have you catching a cold because you cleaned up spilled tea with your shirt… I don’t care that you are a high and mighty person, we are all human.” he would just throw the shirt towards the man and turn his back. It was annoying. Why was he like this, he was supposed to lead them all…

After he carefully made the tea he would ask where the other wanted to sit, if it was on the rooftop again or inside on the table. Somewhere in his mind, he was questioning heavily as to why this man was standing here now. Once the man decided where to sit down, he too would place down some alcohol, because boy… this man looked like he needed it. He almost was acting the same way that guy did. Throughout all of this, he always made sure that there was a small space between them, not letting him closer… He couldn’t let anyone get closer yet.

After he sat down… He would just keep looking to the man, letting the silence speak a little for themselves. ’ Sheesh… Was is this man's problem..?’
’ He seems lonely..?’
’ Lonely my ass, have you seen what he has?!’
’ Even the high and mighty, can be lonely… before I met you, I was lonely, but you made the place living again.

’ Stupid spirit…’
’ brat..’

With that short communication between his spirit and himself, he decided he wanted to try and push buttons a bit. “So… geezer…” He spoke and Michino could notice that his demeanor was calm now, because the ears and the tail were gone.
“You’re tired, aren’t you… You‘re so tired of thinking, you don’t even wanna listen anymore. You did your best, and did the right thing… It’s fine... it’s alright, even if I explain it. You won’t even understand it anyway… I’m sorry.. that must have sounded cruel to me… It’s just, it’s not like I want to be understood. You know geezer… Right now… it looks like you gave up… just look at you… you look pathetic… Someone who gave it all, for someone else’s happiness, you’re tired, you want some time off, but the responsibilities won’t let you. So… you’ve been giving your best for others without thinking of yourself, thinking only of someone else’s happiness. Is that enough for you? You know damn well, that, that isn’t happiness, right? Or… furfillment. All that you do… is survival.” His words were calmly said, almost cold in a way. Yet a hint of worry could be heard.

Due to the side effects of those drugs… He started to shake lightly as if he was having it cold, yet his body would feel normal temperature. “Someone used to tell me… no matter what time it is, when you wake up, grab something to drink. Afterward, take a long and deep breath, even if you can’t do things like others, even if you feel like… you’re pathetic or something even if you feel like you hate yourself. even so… just by being alive, you’re doing great, you’re trying your best too, and for that, once in a while. I think it’s fine to praise yourself.” He would pause there, not sure if this old man was even listening to him at this point.

Why was he even telling this man all that… “Don’t even think of going outside with a body like that… You will get sick and don’t worry… I will headbutt you… Just grab the couch. If it’s too small, pull the cord on the bottom… The bucket is to the side if you do drink yourself shizzless.” He would comment, not even sure why he was here, why was he doing this. Was it surveillance..? Was it punishment time? What was this man thinking? Turning up like this, even he could take over the clan right now. This wasn’t the man he had been looking up to, wanting genuine love from… Love like a family, this man was hallowed. And... why was he running, he ranted to that man without almost letting him butt in, why... Was he running now, he was scared to be mirrored, maybe that was it.

wc: 1110 mFT

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino smiled. It was a warm smile so strong it could light up a room, and the moment he did, there was a radiant heat that emanated from the shinobi that felt like standing in a pleasant patch of sun. It made his heart soar to see his clan continuing to look out for one another - even if Ryota had it a bit off.

Not that it wasn’t a surprise, really. His body must have looked sickly when compared to the bloated form he had created while relying entirely on Hyou’s power. Coming out of retirement, Michino had been fat. Like, not just chunky, but fat-fat. Beer, as it turned out, had quickly become one of his favorite go-to’s for alcohol and everyone else in the clan really enjoyed the local brews; which was nothing to say of their love of mescal too. Lots of meat, bread, and liquid bread gets ya…well, a bonafide Dad Bod. He still had strength underneath all that weight, and could stand on his own in training for the youth…but, the power he had? The raw strength of his time as a boxer, before Hyou had blessed him? That, was his prime, and it was gone. It was something he was always reaching for when he started to work out again, hunt the insane fauna of Wind, and guard the gates. The loss he had suffered at the hands of a Merc really set him back. As ever, Owari refused to let him stay set back though, and pulled him through Hell-in-Wind to find that primal spark of his true power. His hand snaked out with a speed that was blink and miss it, with the bottle all but appearing in his hand otherwise. He pondered over the beverage before untwisting the cap to take a swing; didn't want to be rude.

Mm,” he noted before smacking his lips a little, “Not bad. Cheap, but the good cheap stuff.
Yo, over here!” came a raspy voice from behind Ryota as the Toraono Lord tossed the bottle past his host’s head to be caught by a ruby-fleshed imp who landed on her feet and held the bottle up, nearly half her size, and began to chug.
I appreciate the promise of a good headbutt Ryota, I really do,” Michino said with a warm voice, “but my sister already picked me up outta my own rut. It’s you, that I, am worried about. Reports of your last mission…” his eyes caught that shiver despite the lord’s radiating heat, “…went off the rails. My older brother is a mad-scientist, and I know full well how depraved they can be.

Michino opened his hand and the bottle Owari was chugging down popped out of her lips. Little clawed hands grabbed after it as she voice a small, already drunk, complaint before tripping and falling over with a giggle. With a small bit of chakra aligned to the power of Gravity, he manipulated the space between the bottle and his hand to increase, causing it to land in his hand with a gentle tap before his fingers closed around it. Taking the tea offered, he downed the hot beverage as if his mouth was fireproof before setting the cup back down and filling it with the liquor being shared. With the back of his other hand, the lord nudged the beverage back to Ryota with a knowing look in his eyes,
Is there something you, want to talk about?” the Lord then leaned back on the couch and pulled another swig before continuing, “I know that not everyone has a tiny Yokai that shares a soul with them willing to go to bat for the worst of our days.

Ah, what a history. Michino’s purple irises broke away to look down at the imp who was already snoring, knocked out from high-proof grain alcohol. To think that at one point they shared the same body and she was constantly trying to eat his half of their soul to fully take control of their mortal shell. Turbulent youth! His eyes moved back up to Ryota, understanding and patience echoing on his face as he waited for the youth to speak up. Michino was fully aware that not everyone in the Toraono clan had a family, especially being one that had been born to a member of the mysterious Hyou clan. No one claimed him, and as such he was raised by everyone. The young man across reminded Michino of his harsh early youth, and he wished to spare Ryota that same pain and discomfort of their not being an immediate family to lean on.

He would happily be this kid’s big brother, if he wanted it.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
His ears perked up a sound coming from behind him, his eyes were quicker than his body already. Since this was his own home, he did not have his guard up, something he was scolding himself over right now. He should have known better. His whole body had tensed up in that split second and in his mind, he was already focussing on an attack to create distance from the person behind. Yet the bottle that flew past him, caught him off guard the most. He turned fully around when he finally grasped a bit again. His body felt sluggish in a way, and he was now looking at the yokai. “So tiny…” He muttered those thoughts. From all the stories about this thing, he thought she would be a lot bigger. This wasn’t the case at all. She looked even human in a way, except the additional teeth and the horns… Then again the ears weren’t normal either. He kept watching as that thing chugged the bottle more and more down.

The tune that the other spoke with, the warmth that was coming with it. Was something that felt almost attacking to Ryota, his mind already trying to find the snake in the bushes. In his mind, that tune was often used when they needed something from him. The eyes of Ryota would show signs that he was weary, while his facial expression tried to remain as neutral as anything. “d about. Reports of your last mission…” The last mission… That was right. Ryota halted in his walking away as he saw a flash coming forth again. His skin was already reacting with chicken skin and without Ryota’s wanting, almost a cold sweat started to break out. My older brother is a mad scientist, and I know full well how depraved they can be.” So the other knew what a person could do… Then again, he probably did not know what this person did.
Absentminded he kept watching the imp, his body was in a state of survival almost. Ready to react to anything, his eyes were scanning the imp that was in front of him. How could it attack, how would it attack, would it attack? the pop of the bottle made him watch its behavior, something that he chuckled at for a split second and coughed to get out of his system. The bottle floated over to the lord's hand, on which their eyes could meet for a split second. Right now his eyes were more like a scared cat if anything, weary, and scary, and if you would get closer a kitty would always try to hiss or run away. Not that Ryota could do anything like that, his feet felt like they were glued to the floor. ’ Why… don’t I just get away.? He can’t do anything… right?’ “Is there something you, want to talk about?” The young teen stood there, nailed to the ground. His breathing had already shifted from relaxed stomach to chest breathing, sometimes it would look like he was breathing while thinking of it. His mind was blank. His golden eyes darted again to the man as he spoke once more. “I know that not everyone has a tiny Yokai that shares a soul with them willing to go to bat for the worst of our days.” As the man looked away, so did the teen. Struggling with his mind on what to do.

’ Can I trust him..?’
’ How well do you know him?’
’ Not much… He is the head of the clan, a kage too… He said he would personally train me… ‘
’ Maybe not everything is something bad? ‘
’ How do you know?’
’ Something tells me… This man isn’t out for your hide this time Ryota. Maybe next time when you do something… But not this time. He sounds like he cares.’
’ What if he ‘cares’ too, and in the end betrays me again? ‘
’ So that is a gamble you have to take… He is now here wanting to listen… The question then is, how much do you want to let go of… How much do you want to burden this man with it all?’
’ I don’t want to burden anyone with this… I don’t want anyone to suffer like I had. ‘
’ if it helps… that man that did all of that to you, is still locked up, he hasn’t been released yet.’

‘hnnng, my mind is a mess’.

Not knowing the eyes had already returned to him, Ryota slowly started to sit down on the ground, legs pulled up and just his forehead resting on his knees. What to do… what to say… this silence was getting more and more pressuring. “What makes it… that I can trust you..?” He sounded muffled as he spoke into his little space right now, if Michino asked what he said he would look to the wall while repeating it. This time more clearer to speak. His eyes held a glimpse of emptiness with sadness mixed in. A part of him wanted to trust this man, but a part of him was just too scared off.
Once he heard a reply about it, he would slowly stand back up again. His stomach churning as if he was able to throw up from anxiety right now. Not knowing where to start… He would simply grab the small bag of leaves and drop it in front of Michino on the table. Not speaking about it, yet showing it.

He kept playing with his hands, his eyes looking empty or rather staring at the stuff as he sat down on the ground once more. A habit from the past that he had yet to beat. He wasn’t sure that he was able to tell everything. For a while, he kept a bandage over his upper arm, as he was ashamed of the mark that was left on his body, one of the few that the man had left. His hand was shivering as he removed it. “There… is a lot…” He tried to start the story, yet he wasn’t even sure where to start. What to start, he did feel almost suffocation right now. Someone was willing to listen, but how can he trust someone after all these years..?-

He started to explain still in such detail that a normal person would start to walk away. About that man, the smell that he had, the sound of his voice. The thoughts he had at that point… He explained what he knew really about those herbs, some new information perhaps for the man. “The leaf would make anyone more docile and you would be more likely to follow commands more easily. To make sure that people would keep on taking it, they made the withdrawal symptom that you would get it very cold. Despite the weather outside, or your body temperature. You would get cravings and lose all focus so that wouldn’t think clearly… Yet if you took it regularly, then you would want more and more until you would be a slave. A slave that would listen to every command, and stop thinking altogether.” He spoke about those leaves and just took a moment to breathe. High voice already had been a pitch higher the further they got into the conversation. After he caught his breath again, he would start again.
“He tried to find the essence… the essence of our clan inside of me. He carved, he went inside of me with his hands… I can still feel it day and night. I tried to fight and do everything I could… But he never stopped, he would make me mine, he would…” He swallowed thickly as the tears started to form, his breathing shallowed out and under a thick crackling voice he got the next part out…. “Get offspring… with… me as host.” He tried to get it out, yet the throat was feeling like a hand was squeezing it shut. The words that had been spoken got softer at the end till one would barely be able to get a hearing out of it. The bucket that was near… Was now right for Ryota to use, and without really realizing it… His body and mind started to react with the ultimate defense mechanism.
The atmosphere around the place got heavier, not as heavy as with the mission… but any regular person could start to cough to clear their airways before they got a little winded. An aura-like light was coming from the teen, his eyes were shimmering a little. Tiny buds of chakra with small spikes were getting out of the ground. His costum jutsu, beasts fangs.

After the emptying of his stomach, you could easily notice he didn’t eat that much throughout the day and a leaf would be in there. Trying to get it together again, the boy felt like he was only further falling apart. He started to ramble slowly about the past, about what they had done. Till the day he had run away.


The thoughts that he had back then… He had them right now again, and this time… he had to know. His voice shaking, barely there as his throat was burning up. “‘Am I an orphan… With no memories? A lucky adoptee? A son of a foolish woman who ran off with her lover? I received so much hospitality and my cold heart has warmed up to the kindness of the people here. But I still cannot escape the insecure fact, that nothing was ever ‘mine’. The words; you should be more aware of your position just like that Jashin said…”

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
“What makes it…that I can trust you..?”

The older Toraono’s eyes never left Ryota. They watched in concern how the boy tensed and changed their entire protective attitude for something far more meek. A sorrowful wound exposed itself before the clan’s lord as he watched the youth sit down, on the floor, and curl themselves into a protective fetal position. The sentence rang in his ears, despite how muffled and quite it was - he heard it. ‘Twas hard to get anything past those long bastards that were his ears, though sometime the interpretation by the lump between them was left for wanting. He started to reach a hand out, open his mouth to say something, but a small red hand stopped him. His sister’s eyes, slurred with drunk, still noted caution.

Because…we’re family,” was his only simple reply. Owari nodded accepting the answer, before flopping back down with the bottle to watch Ryota with the same concern Michino did. The boy, having accepted the lord’s answer, finally stood back up to shuffle over and drop a bag of leaves on the table. To Michino, they looked like a bag of bay leaves with no extra importance except in cooking. A mark of confusion stretched across his face for a moment via a quirked eyebrow until the boy began to explain - and in his story came understanding from the twins. They had been forced hooked on “Warm Herb,” as it was colloquially known. Stella Folium Caelum, or Heavenly Star Leaf as Michino knew it, could be used for pain caused by frostbite in small doses; in larger, it became an additive opiate. It was known to grow on cacti as an invasive foliage from the Earth Country that tended to absorb the original plant’s “buttons”, and all the chemicals that resided within. On its own, in the native environment it came from, it was barely a problem if even that. The amount needed for it to become addictive was such a ridiculous amount that it often disregarded as anything but a cure for being cold. Grown off of cacti, however, changed the compounds within so extremely that it legit had become a problem among the Nomadic - Sunagakure had even outlawed the plant all together under the 10th Kazekage with strong support from the Takahashi to do so. It was only since the 12th was the plant allowed to grow again in Suna’s gardens, and even then was kept in a specialized greenhouse on its own to prevent cross-pollination with the local cacti and under strict lock ‘n key.

It had been ages since Michino last heard of it. Tama spent a number of years experimenting on it, under the influence of it, and on others under the influence - though nothing as harrowing as the man who had experimented on Ryota. Unlike the aforementioned mad scientist, the man that had tormented the young Toraono seemed more like a man looking to please his own twisted desires than to peruse questions without morals; more a sadist than an academic. Though, Michino passively thought as he lifted the bag of leaves, his brother had been known to subject others to his whims before as well…just never like this. His core was hardened into steel with fury, and his shoulders tightly bound enough in a furious need to punch something. Yet, his face was as calm and understanding as he could make it. After his harrowing story, followed by vomiting, the twins both could see that Ryota had an addiction forced upon him. The next words stung Michino in a way he could not express with his own vocabulary.

Ryota was suffering the same he had.

Michino stood up suddenly, his face turned up to hide his emotions as tears began to freely flow from the corners of his eyes. Painful memories of his own father’s sadistic nature that had forced him into the same box the teenager was in right now flowed through his subconscious. Stepping around the table, the bucket, and Ryota to move behind him, Michino crouched down until he was beside the kid and did the only thing he could think of that would help.

He hugged Ryota. Tightly, and with a strength that would no doubt surprise the kid. If he wanted to get out, it would be a struggle.
You’re not alone kid,” Michino choked out through a throat closing with repressed tears, “I was the same. I have never known my mother - she died in childbirth. My father sought my existence only to breed a “perfect weapon,” and for many years I had nowhere to belong, despite having an entire clan providing for me...” He finally released the hug.
I didn’t even know I belonged to the Hyou bloodline until I met the panther god Himself…and that little fuck,” he pointed at Owari who suddenly turned her eyes away in shame with the bottle upright and chugging, “was constantly, trying to kill me. You have a family Ryota…it’s not conventional, but you can see us…see, me, however you need to make it through this…
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He had sat there, rumbling on about how his past was. How he was raised, a sort of gentle mother who looked the most saint-like person when surrounded by people. Yet a lot more cold when you met her in real life. The father who didn’t even bat an eye to him, only when people were coming over… Despite that, they had known his lineage and still treated him like that. The harsh treatments he had gotten as training… The training was all he knew as to being punished. There were never whippings, but always tormenting trainings. Once his training from his dad left him almost immobile for two days. Every muscle in his body had been aching as he had to make sure to keep a rock above a certain height, for a lot of hours. After those hours he had to keep two of those rocks around his ankles and run laps. He told all kinds of tormenting trainings, which were never good for a child. He told him how he was raised outside, only inside when he got discipline lessons or bookwork.

The rambling that he had been stuck in, got halted when he felt the embrace. “A-a..a…” His body froze in fear, he was so close… His beast fang only enhanced his fear. Those little nubs in the ground, started to spike up, increasing in volume and amount of them. The density of gravity around the place got a whole lot heavier. People around the place got a lot harder to breathe. Where the aura around Ryota was giving off small electrical sparks… His eyes seemed to shimmer a lot more too now. The spikes were made out of pure chakra, a crystalized kind. He tried to struggle against the hug, but not with too much power. He listened to the man and at the same time let his head hang. The spikes were surrounding them, and the building at this point. It still was a lot smaller than when the mission had happened. But any regular person would be suffocating now.

At the hearing that he did have them as a family, he started to sob a lot more. Was it true, was he finally not alone? Was it honestly true? He didn’t have the power to even look at the darn imp right now even if he wanted. His body was feeling a bit numb. Probably also from the amount of chakra that beasts' fangs were costing in these volumes. His lips were trembling and he eventually tried to squirm his way around that he was facing Michino. He tried to look the man in the eyes, but all he could see was a blur. He shook his head, unable to even get a word out, and hid his face against the man's chest. Despite being a teen right now, he felt so small…

After a small while he finally found a voice again. Yet he was unsure of what to say exactly anymore. He had been rambling, in that panicked ramble he had told the man everything… Basically from the first memory till the last bits. Would he be looking any different on him now? “I… I think I can…” were the words eventually, a bit mixed up, but those words were there. The night alone had taken a bit of a toll on him, and despite him finally having no more tears to cry. His eyes were still puffy and red. If Ryota had to make up an excuse right now, it would be that he lost a fight. Which would be hard for anyone to believe. His cheeks would be getting a bit red and his temperature seemed to rise a bit. A slim side effect of the Beast's fangs if they had been left unchecked, which at the spike of it was. He wasn’t in control when he encased the both of them, some almost making it’s way to pierce them.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino’s eyes wandered around the room as the teen in his arms began to exhibit power. Crystalized spikes of chakra surrounded them, and with their presence came a sense of…heavy? Like the weight of gravity had been multiplied. The Toraono lord’s eyes shot out to Owari, who looked back with a shrug, floating in the air absently with the strength of her own chakra.

When the twins had separated with help from the Youkai, his sister had taken a large amount of Michino’s power with her. Part of it was naturally hers anyways; part of it was sheer greed and to help get a foothold in the Youkai’s Realm. Due to this, she always had something of an upper hand when it came to simple raw chakra and techniques. So disrupting enough of the Beast Fang to keep it from influencing her ‘space’ was a nothingburger for the minute demoness. She flashed her brother a peace-sign before exploding in a cloud of Chakra Steam to return back to the Underworld.

As usual Owari, came and went as she wanted.

The excessive weight felt like nothing more than a weighted blanket for Michino, and his own circulation of chakra was strong enough to simple ward off the side-effects of being in the presence of such a technqiue…but he had doubts the surrounding members of the clan were the same. Heat in the palm of his hand, he pressed it against Ryota’s back once he turned around. It was his take on a simple technique used in the medical field. Except, that he used it with a burst of Fire Chakra that made it a warming sensation to help calm down someone’s emotions the way a heating pad calmed a cramp. Hopefully, it would help.

Of course you can. You’re Toraono Ryota, the only person capable of really stopping you, is you, lil’ brother.

Ancient words, from a time gone long ago. When Michino himself was a self-made pariah and didn’t know his place, Sousuke had said something similar but called him ‘son,’ instead. The Robokage was like a father to Michino, though he often referred to him as an Uncle as not to insult the ex-Steward. The lord’s actual father, as well as Tama’s, was not a man who’s name was allowed within either company.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Ryota never noticed, that what he did was extra, that what he had been saying, rambling or even yelling. He didn't quite understand the emotions he had, he felt so many at the same time.

Slowly that jutsu took its effect. The breathing of the young teen started to calm down a bit again, and so did his tremors. There were no more audible tears, just a few silent ones. Slowly the costume jutsu started to break down, some of them already forming a glistering that vanished into thin air. Back into the regulations of where chakra originally came from.
Eventually, the young teen just kept hugging Michino, and you could notice his whole demeanor changed. He was now more calm and a lot more silent. His ramblings had stopped.

“Of course you can. You’re Toraono Ryota, the only person capable of really stopping you, is you, lil’ brother.”
A small chuckle left the teen as he wiped away a few tears, finally letting go of the man. Not sure what damage the tears would have done to him. Slowly he started to look around and noticed the few traces left of the jutsu. "A-... Is... everyone okay?" he asked softly, almost in a whisper. He knew exactly what that did, what it could do. But it was never his intention to express it that badly again.

Altho it was now late, some of the insects started to die down in noise too as the sun was slowly coming back up. The teen sat there on the ground with probably his brother. "Do you mind.... If I call you brother or uncle?" he would ask soft as he wasn't entirely sure what to address him. "You are the clan head.. and the kage after all. I don't want to damage the reputation of everything..." That is what he said now.


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Woah, woah. Woah,” Michino chuckled nervously with an equally nervous laugh, “I ain’t really either of those things yet. Chikamatsu Wei, the Lord Steward, is our leader…and ol’ Kuro still has the reigns though, I haven’t seen him in a minute. It’s not unusual for him to vanish for a few years though, and while I have been leading our clan I’m just a highly respected lord! …but thanks for the compliment.

Michino gently peeled the teen away from him and stood up, holding a hand out to help Ryota back to his feet.
I’m sure they’re fine. While your power would have been a problem in the general public, we’ll be fine. Worse case someone got a bout of asthma or, fell over somewhere. As for what to call me...I’d rather be a Brother than an Uncle; it feels closer. But just, Michino, is my preference. Everyone has been seeing me as this big thing and, honestly I’m still a small part of a larger system when compared to the super-humans I grew up with…

Michino’s eyes seemed to wander. Memories of the past were strong in there with the things he had been witness to. Sousuke ascendancy into fullmetal, Tama’s multiple transformations, the fall of Mother Suna, the fall of the Byakko Clan’s head, the fall…of everything. He was even witness to The Uzu’s original death and the fight that had triggered his cancer back into full force after having nearly cured it. Even his fiancee, Chiyoko, was once a monster of different proportions when her father was the Underground King, and they both did…whatever the hell they wanted. He was past the age most shinobi had already retired, and in fact had actually done so himself before dragging his body back into service for the village. It hadn’t been much, but it was honest work.

His gaze snapped back into place as he picked up a weary smile.

Either way, I want you to just worry about yourself for now. You’ve been through some shit that would totally break most shinobi and here you stand with just some trauma. The strength of your blood runs strong, even if you don’t fully know where that blood comes from - just remember whenever you doubt it, that it’s Toraono…and we never stop stubbornly trudging on. Get some rest little brother, and if you want, tomorrow I’ll help you run some training drills to get that power in control.” Michino gripped his left hand into a fist, causing a small burst of purple flame to explode from it, “It’s not too far from my own power, after all.

A pat on the shoulder, the Toraono leader moved past Ryota to exit his home and back into the Dojo. A weary smile was still there, happy knowing someone like the youth beyond the door existed.

The young were their future, after all.

[Topic Exited]
Last edited:
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
He was sad to admit, that he had never heard of that name before. "CHikamatsu... wei..?" he would repeat that name to engrave it a little bit better into his mind. "Kuro..?" He would have to make sure later to keep checking the books about the who, what, and or where of his clan with this. Maybe hit the books tomorrow to keep it easy, skip the class you know? The little things. "Super... humans..?" He got a lot more questions but knew this wasn't the time to ask them anymore. He would accept the hand and get up, seeing how the time was already flying past.

Ryota observed the man as he started to wander with his thoughts. ' He too... must have gone through a lot...'
'Ooooh and how did you figure out that?'
'I know I can be slow... but you are giving me too much credit now.
'I cannot help it, Oh slow one.'
'I will choke you later!'
'The slowest death in history, how fitting...'

A visible sigh would be seen from the teen as his eyes started to soften, look a bit tired too. He then noticed the small smile. Yet those words after made him look up, he was still willing, after all that he had told, had said? "A0ah... right!" He was taken a bit aback by the purple flame, but at the same time, he relaxed his shoulders. This man wasn't here to hurt him, not now.. maybe not ever. Yet only time could say that for the second bit.

"You keep everything to yourself.. because it's difficult to find people who understand.." He muttered, then looked back around to his brother. "Oi... I will make sure to understand, so also tell me stuff. Family... needs to be there for each other." He would say before letting him fully walk out the door.

After the man was gone... he could feel the wash of tiredness going over him. he tried to consult the man, but it happened to be the other way around... at first he would wash that bucket, almost throwing up a second time at looking at it. THe one weakness, puke... Seeing puke almost made him puke again. After that... he would clean himself up with a small towel before moving to his bed. He did not care if his leader would stand there tomorrow morning early. He would attempt to snooze that person or alarm regardless.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
