Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Sorry for interrupting your retirement (private)

“Osuteno! Stop! Barging! In! Here! With! People!” A voice called out angrily and a young lady with same facial features similar to Osu’s came storming over with a book raised up high as if she wanted to beat the young man in question with it. In fact, she did take a swing when she got into range.

Osu sidestepped with an annoyed expression, “I told you that I would be bringing her in here if things proceeded as intended, why are you acting like this is a surprise?”

“Because I told you no!” This time the young lady threw the book and Osu raised his arms to block his face and after deflecting the attack he began rubbing his forearms due to the pain. Normally such little force couldn’t really phase him, but in here… his constitution was an entirely different matter.

“Do me a favor and just let this pass, I need to show her Mistigris,” Osu tried to put on a civil tone but unlike any other occasion most people would have seen him, there was open distaste in his voice.

“You and your plan are going to get US killed. Remember that I share this with you! Don’t involve me with your insanity!”

“Enough!” Osu was annoyed and embarrassed to be having this spat in front of a guest.

“Kiyo-Sama, I must regretfully introduce you to my sister, Uso. Yes, she has a terrible name and she can only blame herself. I suppose I should welcome you to our mind, or the library. It is a long story for another time, for now I invite you up to the third floor.”

“Wait a damn minute you punk, there was a lot of shit in what you just said, but most importantly you are brushing me aside here when I am telling you I am not comfortable with her being in here.” Uso has a firm grip on Osu’s shoulder and an extremely unfriendly gaze leveled at him.

“Well what more do you want here? I am not backing down on my end so what do you want in exchange?” Osu flatly replied, his tone far ruder than most have ever heard him use.

“The same deal as with the last immortal redhead, if they come in here to read they need to donate generously to the library.”

“You do realize it is because of her cooperation that we can even read a number of these books now?”

“That and this are different matters. Hey, anti-aging formula, after this moron is done with you, you need to come speak with me if you want to touch even the spine of a book on these walls.”

With that Uso walked away to her table in the corner of the first floor where she had various stacks of books that notably had Classical Kumogakuran titles on their spines.

Osu glared at his sister for a moment before shaking his head in exasperation and heading up the stairs.

Up on the third floor it could be noted that while the number of book spines were less than that on the lower two floors, a majority of them had Vulgar or Classical on their spines. Some titles were vague while others were extremely specific, but they all seemed to be equally thick.

Osu of course was perfectly used to this as someone walking around their own room. If anything he was more distracted by noting which shelves seemed to have books missing. He gestured to a table as he went to the side and started pulling out something that only started appearing once they opened up the third floor, a box of scrolls. Below they had only been able to use the same hardcover book design for everything but now they had some information in scroll form and used it themselves on occasion. The first scroll Osu unrolled on the table and weighed down the corners with books was a map of Lightning country with various markings and a rather extensive icon list.

He held another two scrolls in hand but didn’t yet reveal them. “Honestly when I asked myself what the most straightforward solution to preventing all this trouble was to look at the root of the issue. Chakra sensitives are a minority in this country and a scary one at that to a growing majority of people. So I said, ‘well we just need to make everyone either hair’s sensitive or not. Either way, it will force people to adapt to a new reality.’ Naturally that is impossible. Well. You can’t make a non chakra sensitive suddenly grow a complete chakra system that not only doesn’t kill them, but functions. And if you completely shut down the chakra production centers of a chakra sensitive they quickly become a soulless husk of their former selves. So then we just move to the next step of, ‘well how about making more new children chakra sensitives?’ This is more plausible but still grossly unreasonable… Not only that, but that doesn’t solve the immediate issue of this country probably turning on its head within the next decade.

But… well… there was a bit of a mad scientist in the branch who was arrested and most of his notes confiscated by the shogunate or destroyed but I happened to have been a rather curious child at the time and had access to the Med Sennin’s keycode as well, she honestly didn’t go out of her way to hide it from me. Anyway I happened to read a number of those notes before they were transported. Even though the kidnapping people and experimenting on them was terrible, his notes did show significant headway in identifying the entire suite of genes responsible for chakra sensitivity… and thoughts on solving the recessive gene issue though he still had a long way to go.”

Osu unrolled the next sheet onto the table that noted a list of likely gene targets. “Honestly I have made a little progress with one of my teams but it would probably be best to kidnap the former medical researcher from prison and lock him in the lab I have hidden away for this purpose to finish this particular line of work. But I am sure you remember I just said that won’t solve the immediate issue. After all it isn’t like we can convince the entire country to sit down at a doctor’s office to have an injection to create a bias for a particular copy of genes. So… we need a more effective measure of distribution. For this I have gathered a number of samples for the purpose of study for my teams. From the blood of a rather infectious jinchuriki who has made some rather troubling monsters by accident, a sample of the former Hokage Umashi who has some rather wonky genetics taken by a subordinate of mine using their mosquitos at that big fighting tournament, various diseases, viruses, plagues, sexually transmitted infections/diseases, etc.

Basically we have determined that when we do figure out precisely how to create a bias in the desired genes, a properly constructed virus can act as a distributor. There was another method that seemed plausible and safer, but the technology for it is decades away, if not further. They were trying to come up with an acronym for it like crispy or such, but that is a different matter. What is important is that…”

Osu rolled out the final sheet. To most it would simply be a confusing pattern and structure of letters, numbers, and complicated words, but the more informed an individual was the more horrific what was on the page would appear. Simply saying evil wouldn’t suffice after a point. “Naturally this is NOT the final design. We have mostly been piggybacking on other viruses and such and this design is one my sister and I made while simply trying to theoretically maximize the distributor's infectivity and ability to alter dna. If we tried to use it as what is mostly finished on here, the only thing we would succeed in doing is ensuring a pandemic of stillborn children.” This was obviously not what they were intending and would never put it into practice but honestly the fact they had designed such a thing was worrisome. “What this mostly shows us is that we need more time. Time to make a viral distribution method that won’t simply end in a mountain of corpses or genetic monstrosities... Though we will be aiming for there to be a recurring period of months of illness, ideally active during the non harvesting season, summer being best, but that might be an unrealistic goal. If the nation is too busy trying to manage a mysterious plague that puts a significant portion of the population out of work for weeks at a time there is no way they can seriously consider mass movements of troops nor sieging us unless they have morons for generals, otherwise the manpower they would be required to park down at the base of our mountain would be a breeding haven for the virus. The more people, the harder it will be to treat them all. Before that point even we can make them reliant on us for medical care, at least in the cities where it will get around more easily, with the clinics I have been establishing as both the points of distribution of the virus as well as where the people will flock for aide. Yes people will die, and not just a few, mostly from the inability to work and lacking aide from others though those with weaker constitutions will also be at risk of death. But the nation will have to come together to manage it, and going by our estimations, far greater numbers would die if we had a war. The number of our own village to die will most likely be due to people simply not asking for medical help and a few unlucky souls, but I am willing to accept responsibility for that as compared to the alternative. I will have to step forward after the distribution has already started of course to admit my deeds and share the containment and management plans we develop and after making sure those take off properly I won’t mind if I am to be executed or such for mass murder, though I may ask for just a few years locked up on death row first to make sure the virus doesn’t get out of hand. If we can keep it going for about 9 years the children that were conceived after their parents experience the virus will be about 12% or shy of 1/8 chakra sensitives based on regional dna samples though the numbers will be heavier in the south near the border than in the north. Note that the current rate is less than 1 in 800.”

This all might seem to be the ravings of a madman, but if one had a firm enough knowledge in medicine they could see what was laid in front of them made it plausible. If given enough time, resources, and a bit of luck the person who laid out the documents had the capability to do as he said. As gentle as his appearance, voice, and demeanor, Osu was capable, willing, and able to do as he described.

“So Kiyo-Sama, tell me why this isn’t a far less destructive and controlled hell than the alternatives, how you possess a better solution that won’t end with many deaths from our comrades and families, one that won’t leave this country torn apart by selfish powers trying to take as much as they can for themselves. I am very open to suggestions if you happen to have anything that doesn’t sound like the plot of a morally gray villain from a subpar novel.”

While the grown ups were holding hands with their eyes closed, the girls were having their own thing.

“You want the blue one? Alright.” Yukiko said while giving it to Umeko. The twins didn’t really care much about the colors they used.

She then held her arms up with the backs of her wrists against her head with her hands mimicking rabbit ears. “Are you ready to learn how to dig like a bunny Meko-chan?”

Karasuko made the same sort of motion and asked, “is every bunny ready to garden? Show us you rabbit ears if you are ready bunny cadet Meko-Chan.” It was rather an odd display with how flat their expressions were, but they were things they remember their parents doing when they were little and carried around their plush bunnies everywhere. (Which are currently put up at home in an extra safe place.)

““Come here bunny cadet Meko-Chan,”” the Twins said while each taking one of Umeko’s hands. ““Make big hops like a bunny towards the dirt.””

When the little girl hopped the twins would lift her up a bit and move forward to give the illusion of making huge hops. They then sat her down next to the dirt.

“Now bunny cadet Meko-Chan to dig like a bunny, you move the shovel like this to keep the dirt from getting in your fur and bunny ears.” Karasuko said while leaning over behind Umeko and guiding how she moved her arm and the shovel.

“Good job Meko-Chan, you look just like a bunny now.” Yukiko said while she was working a bit more fluidly to their side.

Current Ninpocho Time:
