Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Stickin'it'to'da'man' [Group Mod Mission - S Rank]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

The distant sounds of thunder echoed around the normally peaceful island amidst the land of Moon. A foreboding of future events perhaps, or just a rather strange coincidence? A concert had been planned, organised, and constructed, but who was to tell how it would play out?

The stage itself was a marvel in construction, far from the wooden box it had been earlier in the week. Resembling the insides of a gothic cathedral, intricate wooden palisades and coulombs would rise into the darkness above, framing magnificent stained glass windows. A strange, almost ethereal purple glow resonated from behind the glass, casting strange and fearsome shadows into the audience below. Where the altar would be in a standard church, the main stage stood in magnificent glory, framed by strange purple flames. The drum kit, its bass drum funnily enough looking like someone had stretched the skin of a person over a barrel, stood slightly raised, awaiting the hired drummer Migoya had organised to round out the band. Microphones and other marvels of technology awaited the artists touch to bring them to life.

A closer look at the stained glass, made all the more difficult by the sheer size of the creation, showed various Gods and Goddesses, Kami and Yukai, both well-known and obscure, staring down in judgement at the pathetic mortals in front of them. How Migoya had created such a work and managed to get the Shrine to permit it would be a story for another time.

In any event, tickets were sold out. Obviously the Shrine were going to take their cut of the profits, and the right palms had been greased expertly to enable such an event from happening in the first place. The ever-present gaze of heavily robed and masked shinobi watched the proceedings, looking desperately as for any reason to enforce their own brand of divine justice. Dark purple robes framing white featureless ANBU masks indicated that the shinobi of Tsukigakure, more specifically agents of the Shrine - a religious police force if you will - would not tolerate any dissent from the crowd. A measure of fear could be easily felt amongst the growing audience, as if there were an undercurrent of eternal damnation resting on their actions this night. The oppressive regime, controlling the masses through religious dogma, had done its job well.

It was standing room only, except for a side area that seemingly had been designated for any VIP guests. Several ‘priests’ of middling rank sat there, clearly only present to cast judgement on any wrongdoers and to appeal to the masses. Who had invited them? They were heavily guarded by shinobi wearing the symbol of Tsukigakure on their forehead protectors, their expert gaze watching out for any problems.

And the bigger question - why were there so many shinobi present for what would be a simple concert?

The band would be shepherded into a backstage area and treated to any vices they desired so long as it would not affect their upcoming performance. As they entered, they would notice that Migoya, dressed very differently from the last time they saw him as he wore a black kimono, speaking with one of the supposed moon ANBU.

“Respectfully, the confetti cannons are a necessary part of the show…”

“They are aimed towards those who would not appreciate it. Remove them. That is not a request.”

Migoya sighed, acting somewhat annoyed at the situation.

“Very well. Ill direct them over the crowd then. Any other ‘requests’?”, he added with a heavy amount of sarcasm.

“Watch yourself Myakashi. Anything goes wrong, we will gladly wipe your heathen kind out.” The words were definitely a threat, and as the ANBU turned to leave, the band would catch an almost imperceivable smirk grace Migoya’s face before he turned to face them, the smirk turning into a smile.

“Ah welcome bandmates! Ive arranged, well, whatever you might need to get you in the mood for your performance tonight. I trust the stage is to your liking? Ill have to move the cannons - we had a complaint - but apart from that the running list is as we organised.”

Reading over to a nearby table, he pulled out several sheets of paper, handing them over to the trio.

“Oh… and one thing. What is your band’s name and how do you want us to introduce you individually?”


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Revolutionist? Master Migoya wanted to let you know the stage is set and everything is ready." It was one of the Myakashi operatives. He decided to ditch the whole hiding his true self and going for being in his original form.

"Nah man. Think the guy you're looking for is on the other side of the island. I'm Kota." He would wave off the operative. He could go immediately, but the sun was still out and he has yet to incite a bar fight and then leaving so that nothing can get pinned on him.

But alas! All the bars were just filled with old wrinkly people and Shrine folk. Migoya had told them not to have any interactions with anyone from the Shrine. Kureji took it as just a recommendation. But even so, he isn't willing to put his real face on wanted posters just yet. There are so many fun things to do! Unfortunately, the sun would start to set and he would have to make his way back to the meeting spot to give one hell of a show.

By the time he got there, it was now dark outside and he would overhear Migoya talking to some Moon Anbu about the confetti canons. There was a safety concern that they didn't want it pointed at the crowds. He held in his laughter, thinking that Monika must have pointed them in the direction of the crowd just to see if she can get away with it. As the Anbu would leave Migoya Kureji would merely use chakra strings to move the confetti canons back in their original positions, pointing to the skies. Even though tickets have sold out, what he's got planned will attract even more people to watch what they got going on.

Walking over to the head of the Myakashi clan, Kureji grabbed a large bottle of alcohol, poured some into his flamethower compartment, then handed Migoya the rest. "Can you believe that guy? He didn't even ask how your day was." This form, Kureji's true self, would be the most laid back, but also the most devious of all the puppets, excluding his Oro puppet. He looked around the concert, "Gotta say man. This is all pretty dope. But I can't really imagine this place being here for too long, just won't hit right with all the seasons." He would turn to his bandmates and Migoya, "What do you all think?"

He would wait for them to answer before the topic went on to band name and stage names. He rubbed the back of his neck trying to think of a name. Nothing really came to mind except for Devil's Advocates. Sounds badass and it'd be a great story to tell his father once he introduces the band to them. "Well, I got an idea. The Devil's Advocates. As for my stage name..." He had to put some thought into it. Something that won't give him away if people want to hunt him down... Nothing really comes to mind without totally making him a dead giveaway. That is, until he remembered earlier in the day when he had called himself Kota. The pre-ninja him. He knows the case revolving around his psyche breaking made him repeat "Kureji" over and over again. "Crazy". There was no doubt in his mind that any medical files along with anything connected to his career as a Sand ninja would only refer to him as Kureji. "Kota. The audience will gravitate more to the band especially if one of them has a normal name. And that isn't even my real name." Cap, it was. It was just never referred to as him for all of his ninja and nuke life.

While they had discussed band antics, the real Kureji was out in the field. His part of the mission was to protect the band from the Shrine and any other
threats. Whilst his clone swung its guitar around and was having the time of its life talking and being merry with the group, the real him was hidden among the mass of people waiting for the concert to start. He also needed to be in his Revolutionist form so that he can set off the 'confetti' cannons properly to attract the masses.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As thunder clapped and lightning ripped through the skies, Monika was in her inn drinking a gallon of beer thinking 'chug, chug, chug' to herself as a knock came on her door. A muffled who is that came from someone in the room as Monika put her gallon down and turned the T.V down that was playing goregrind. Monika fixed her pompadour before opening the door to see one of Migoya's operatives who seemingly wasn't phased at the sight of Monika in a spiked leather bikini and some big burly dude in a rubber suit restrained up to a cross in the room.

"The stage is ready, the show begins soon. Be there."

Monika smacked her gums then looked back at the guy in the rubber suit. "Welp guess we gotta end it early." she pouted walking over to get her purple one piece and her spiked crown. Setting the key for the restraints on the bed so the poor man could free himself eventually before getting dressed in her normal attire but before leaving the room she grabbed the man's mirror shades and cigarettes before making her way to the show. Monika lit the cigarette up, then followed the operative to where the show was about to happen. By the time she got there she noticed that there were a lot of people who came to see them. A sense of pride boiled even as she was escorted to the backstage looking around at people moving left and right. All to give them whatever they needed.

As Monika went to find her bandmates she could overhear a conversation Migoya was having with some Moon Anbu. The warden's no doubt. Monika chuckled hearing the big bad warden complain about where the confetti cannons were placed. Aimed at the people who wish not to participate he said. Monika found it weird that they would even show up if they didn't want to participate but Monika guessed that Migoya went through the proper channels and actually got a permit or something. Along with Monika who overheard the conversation was Kureji who kinda poked fun at Anbu for not even asking Migoya how his day was and Monika laughed. "Bruh I can't believe those fascist are scared of confetti! Fucking confetti!" Monika laughed again.

"But no lie, this place is sick as hell. Really went all out for this." Monika nodded looking around. Then Migoya asked what their band name was and on that one Monika was stumped. She was prepared for everything… songs, riffs, themes and everything but a simple name for their band she was clueless. While Monika's brain short circuited for a bit, Kureji chimed in with saying that their name was The Devil's Advocates and Monika instantly slapped Kureji on his back. "Hell yeah! We are The Devil's Advocates! Pretty fitting too since that's what we do, give the people a different perspective." Monika wiped sweat from her brow then looked before something came to mind.

Now that everything was set up, Monika still wondered what was the Anbu doing at their event and how much heat these anarchs drew with this little anti-government show. "So Migoya, what's up? What's with the Anbu chimp coming to us and complaining about the confetti cannons. Who the hell is out there that doesn't wanna participate in this party." Monika smirked, wanting to know who was out there so she could point them out. Because if they came to silence them she might as well piss them off by roasting them like chestnuts on an open fire. They don't wanna have fun, Monika will make sure this whole experience will be unfun for them.

WC: 607

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The time leading up from building the concert stage to the actual night they were gonna play was entirely one big blur for Shinjo. He had no idea how long it had been since he went off to go find some company after the band officially got together for that first practice. Days? Weeks? A month or two? He was completely unsure as he went on through it in a drunken haze. Turned out that Moon Country had a certain talent in crafting rum; both spiced and not. Having been from a land famous for its vodka, a drink known for being almost flavorless save that hint of rubbing alcohol, he wasn’t prepared for a liqour that came with its own flavor. He enjoyed it straight, mixed, chased with the local beer - however it could be consumed.

Now someone was banging on the door to his inn room. It woke the ex-shinobi up from a pitch-black dreamless sleep with a snort and a start. His hands were slightly numb and looking down he could see why; two women were laying on each limb. In one hand was the feeling of glass, and in the other…his gun? When did that come out into play? Shinjo shrugged off one of the women; darkly tanned with a green mohawk shaped similar to his own hairstyle. He brought the weapon up to his nose and gave it a good sniff, not smelling anything weird or any gunpowder so…he didn’t use it for anything weird, or to kill someone. When the knock came again, harder this time, his finger squeeze the trigger and fired off a couple of rounds into the ceiling as he yelled,
Screw off! I’m up! By Raiden’s testicles…” the rocker swore in casual blasphemy. The two females he had for company were now completely awake with one looked terrified and the other way too excited. Something fuzzy in his head told him this one had asked to see his gun, and that got misconstrued into something else. Shinjo winked at her before slipping up out of the end of the bed and hunting around for his pants; which were playfully thrown at him after a minute of pointless hunting.

Gonna be around after the show?” he asked with a side-glance and a knowing glean in his iris. They were groupies, of course they’d be around.
Only if I get to hold your gun again,” one all but purred at the assassin. He laughed, “Yeeeaah. Lookin’ forward to it…” before crossing the room to open up the bedside table draw and pulling out a handle of spiced rum. “Have fun!” both called out as he began to walk to the door. Shinjo looked back over his shoulder one more time as he pulled an open button up shirt over his naked shoulders,
Yeah, you too,” he replied with a knowing grin. Tonight was going to be a concert to remember. To shake up the pent up aggression and debauchery the Shrine enjoyed stamping out. He picked up the zombie guitar gifted to him and slung it over his back before making his way out to the venue with everyone else.

As everyone was at the end of the all discussing the band name, Shinjo literally just popped into existence next to them. Not a sound denoted his coming presence, only that weird feeling people experienced when someone got screwy with time; well, for those sensitive to those kind of things, anyways. Slinging the guitar back around he picked up the convo about Moon ANBU hating on their cannons. The idea that any ANBU were out there to start with clearly triggered something inside of the guy’s eyes, but it was a flame quickly tamed back down as he pulled the last drops of rum out and smashed the bottle against a far wall with a toss.
Figures,” was his only response to the cannons. He knew they were gonna go off either way and it didn’t matter where they were pointed - if the group wanted, they could aim them right at the Shrine suckers before they could do jack. Shinjo began to tune the guitar, plucking the strings and turning the pegs on the head until the guitar gave a guttural bass growl. He gave the body a pat and the instrument seemed to almost…wiggle. Happily. Then the band name came up, and right before Shinjo could blurt out something completely off the wall, Kureji said The Devil’s Advocates and instantly he liked that way better.
About to be poking them with pitchforks anyways, that rocks dude! Man…” he was a little jealous he didn’t think of it first, to be honest.
Well, my choom-obis, we ready to blow out speakers and burst some eardrums?

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya would greet each member of the band with a formal bow. For some reason, he knew who ‘Kota’ was before he introduced himself. Perhaps his operatives had some method of silent communication. In any event, Migoya would make them welcome, passing each of them a cold beer - sourced from Tea country for some reason - as they entered, even if some of them looked like they had already hit the good stuff before coming... Artists.

“Yes. Politeness is not exactly Ryo’s expertise.” The words were in answer to ‘Kota’s’ statement, but were aimed at the ANBUs back. Whether he heard them or not, Ryo gave no indication as he left the backstage area. Migoya seemed to wait for a second or two, looking over at some of the 'groupies' and other techies, a seemingly silent conversation happening between them before Migoya turned once more to the trio, giving them a disarming smile. They were alone.

“That would be vice-cannon Ryo, one of the members of the anti-heretical task force. Essentially a religious police officer ensuring that nothing occurs that would break their monopoly over the population.” The smirk grew as he took a seat on what appeared to be a very comfortable couch, answering Monica's question. He motioned for the others to join him.

“In other words, exactly what we intend to do. He is a particular thorn in my side, who unfortunately is rather intelligent and powerful. I’ve managed to line the right purses to ensure that tonight could happen legitimately - unlike some previous performances you may have been a part of - much to his disgust. As far as the Shrine are concerned you are ‘alternate artists’ that are demonstrating how ‘corrupt’ a lifestyle is if one does not abide by the requirements of the Shrine. They will be… ahem… doing a speech at the end of your performance… if they get there.” Migoya gave an ever so slight wink at that statement.

“You are artists, so they will expect a certain level of theatrics. They do not have any particular love of the main villages - so feel free to insult them. Do not be surprised however if they wish to make a statement or two in the middle of your set. Don’t interrupt them. They will probably try to make you look bad, or insult your character in an effort to demonstrate ‘evil’ lifestyle choices - an perhaps trying to bait you into attacking them. Stupid really, but do not insult the Shrine directly. In addition several members may be present on the stage - do not interact with them. I understand that you may wish to make a spectacle - and I assure you that you will be able to - but remember this. They are highly skilled shinobi who do not have a sense of humour. They might not be able to hurt us directly… but there are civilians who do not have that benefit”. Migoya was being quite clear about that subject - hurting civilians was a big no-no.

“You are going to be watched very carefully. Any hint of anything untoward will cause the concert to be stopped. If you continue with your set list, and don’t give me any surprises, the happy ending we wish to achieve will come to pass. Divert from the course too much and there will be… consequences". Probably for the first time around the band, Migoya’s voice took on a certain edge. He was not bluffing - clearly he had planned things to go a certain way and if rogue shinobi went and did something silly, like attack the audience, it would ruin his plan and that would not be… good.

“My advice is simple - perform. Put your message across. Do what you do best and inflame the passions of the masses. Should anything… different happen, I assume you are intelligent enough to adapt to the circumstances. You may wish to actually lash out at the powers that be - I understand - but there is a time and a place for everything and hopefully that situation will occur… but you must play your part.”

Migoya put his hands on his knees, rocking back before gracefully standing up from the couch.

“I have been asked to sit in the VIP section - I’m guessing because they presume that if anything was going to happen to the priests, that I would be involved and that way I am in the line of fire. So yes, I’d appreciate it if no fireballs or lightning bolts were aimed my way". He added a small chuckle. "Its does mean that I have to trust you. So - these are my terms.”

“So - in summary:

  1. Do NOT engage with Shrine agents directly.
  2. Do not harm any civilians.
  3. Do not insult the Shrine directly.
"If you are happy with that - and feel free to ask questions - Ill get the proverbial ball rolling for the first performance of the Devil’s Advocates!”

Migoya chuckled to himself. A rather fitting name indeed.

With this he would look at the motley crue before him, before randomly changing his attire through the use of a jutsu [CRPJ: Quick change) into a formal black hakama, his white hair slicked back, and what appeared to be the Myakashi clan symbol (a black kunai/pen nib over a white circle) prominently displayed on his back.

“Any questions before we begin?”


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kureji's clone in original form was truly being an odd ball, but that was the name of the game. His original form was the second most devious because all while he acts like a total goofball, he has learned to watch, to plan, to adapt. "Bro! Vice-cannon Ryo doesn't like our confetti cannons?! I think he's jealous. As for monopoly, haha. That's a crazy thing. Almost sounds like that sort of thing can be made into a game." His eyes widened at his own comment, "Guys! How has that not been thought of yet! It's GENIUS!"

He was even more happy for the fact that both Monika and Shinjo liked his idea of a band name. Despite how little time they have been together, the puppet sure does feel a little bit close to them. And now their band has a name too! One that will eventually captivate the world and bring in an age of Rock and Roll! Migoya laid out the rules of the do's and don'ts to do, stressing it that everything needs to be done perfectly to avoid total lashback.

The puppet clone shrugged and then said to his bandmates, "Monika, You got it easy girl, go and open the masses eyes. Shinjo. The real me is over in the crowd waiting in case... things go for a turn." He said, indicating if a fight were to happen, If that happens, real me will steal the show for the eyes of the Shrine while the band keeps playing,, but I'll need some incognito backup from you if possible, with that Zoomie thing you do. Miggy-boy" He pointed at Migoya and clicked his cheeks, "Remember mah dude, once the thing happens, I'mma need your friendos to help move the civvies if things get hairy as a rat."

Appearance was everything, and if it showed that the Myakashi clan had helped civilians in a time of need where the Shrine failed, that would help further make a rift between the Moon government and its people.

"I got no questions, but if nobody is gonna stop me, I'mma take this mic and give our audience a heads up about our fireworks so that they don't have some conniption or whatever it is to be crazy angry over nothing." Yes, his bandmates and Migoya did hear him right. Fireworks. They would be able to put two and two together about the confetti cannons that the puppet has worked over the past week, tweaking, perfecting. It's all thank to his Toujikou puppet, Revolutionist, that made it possible.

Speaking of which, the real Kureji, in the Revolutionist puppet was still amongst the crowd. He was well aware of the not hurting civilians rule. He followed it before even meeting Migoya only because he only seen it lame for people to randomly start attacking civilians. In reality, if a fight were to break out right now, he is at disadvantage. That is why he hopes that the Myakashi leader will hold his end of the Puppet's plans and move the crowd away from any danger if or when he starts fighting.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
When Shinjo finally joined up with the rest of the band, they all shared a little moment of just joking around, talking about how excited they were for the show and overall just messing around right now until they had a moment to themselves. Migoya even offered some beer to them in which Monika cracked open, gulped down and then gave a loud belch before laughing again. Of course, when the coast seemed clear Migoya began to break down why the shrine dog was sniffing and growling around their show. Apparently not everyone was here to have a good time, apparently there are some of the Shrine fascist here to make sure the party didn't get too wild; more or less what she expected.

But what Monika didn't know was that the shrine assholes were going to be talking in their set, moreover they would be villainizing them and insulting them ON STAGE. "Yeah that's that fuck-shit right there." Monika said in the middle of Migoya's explanation. Then he proceeded to tell us certain guidelines that they should follow like they were free to insult the other villages but not the Shrine. That several of the warden's would be on stage that they can't interact with. To be quite honest it just seemed like the shrine was having too much control over their show and Monika wasn't liking it. It would've been better to just have some random gorilla performance somewhere because this kinda stuff felt like selling out to the man! A thick anger boiling down when Migoya mentioned that they would even be willing to harm some of the civilians if they got out of hand which sucked. Monika pinched the bridge of her nose, thinking this would just be a simple gig where she could just scream and break stuff with the occasional arson alongside cheering fans. Apparently this show would be a lot harder than she thought it would be since one wrong thing would get their show stopped which obviously would result in violence because she won't allow her set to be messed over by some pigs.

Now this means war.

Monika let Migoya go on to explain, at the very least he said that he would be in the VIP section to be an easy target for the Shrine assholes. Of course, she assumed he could handle his own if it comes down to it but it at least showed that he was really putting his neck on the line for a bunch of rag-tag punks. As angry as she was at Migoya for agreeing to this arrangement, if it was the only way for them to get a legitimate show, then it was the only way. Brute force alone isn't going to take down the government, they needed an army and this was going to be the best way to prove who were the good guys here. Taking a moment to calm down, when Migoya opened the floor for any questions Monika was the first to say something. "Yanno what.. I was about to ask if we can insult them indirectly or some shit but screw it. I'll do whatever and if they don't like it tough. If it's not about them then it's all good." Monika scoffed, looking at Shinjo and shrugged. "Guess this is the cost of playing in the Major League's Choombi. Looks like we are playing a tit-for-tat game of who can gaslight the other person."

Monika looked over at Kureji who was already planning things if things go south. "Yeah, and if anything does go wrong… well… let's just say my music can do just a little more than be entertaining. But for Migoya I'll make sure we play nice since the guy is taking one for the team being in everyone's crosshairs." She sneered. "But anyway if there is anything I would ask would be what I can break on stage without scaring our unwanted guess because I've been wanting to throw something at those weird purple windows. Thought about tossing the mic stand at it in the opening." Monika giggled belching again and hitting her chest.


Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The strength in which Shinjo rolled his eyes could be felt. He hated rules. One of the biggest misconceptions of his life was being in ANBU training and believing the hype of his sensei’s tutelage that members of her branch weren’t scrutinized. Yet everything he did was heavily monitored, and punished; only making the punk further hate the arbitrarity of law. His hands pushed palms into his eyes to dull the suddenly growing headache at the thought of having to, once again, restrain himself. It was a gut punch to the freedom he had been feeling for awhile now and it took a lot to keep from acting out. The bassist slung the instrument back on his back and grabbed another beer to help reclaim some of the buzz he just lost to those lame-ass rules. It was their stage. Their music. Their show…and yet, if he really wanted to watch those same idiots in the Shrine burn he had to play nice. Snapping the bottle cap off with a short burst of chakra out of his thumb the rocker began to pound. Once it was finished he actually simply set the bottle down on the ground, a measure of control back in his eyes.

Screw it, fine,” he said after giving it another second’s thought, “but if even a single one of them messes with me we’re going to have a problem. There’s a reason I sucked at being a ninja, and that’s something to do with my temper. Take after my old man a bit too much, unfortunately,” Shin declared. The bitter truth sat on his tongue and burned worst than Lightning’s cheapest vodka. He hated his old man. Had outright killed him when Shin was a kid, even, but the older he got the more and more he began to noticed how close to the family tree his apple fell. At the very least, Shinjo’s outlet for anger was better than his father’s habit of beating women.
Also, I might not be able to help myself if they line themselves up for mockery. I mean, you just going to tell us to let it go when they say something that’s so obviously stupid? I’ll try man, but like…that’s going to be hard,” he looked at Monika, “You know what I mean, right?

Shin didn’t really need an answer, he knew Monika well enough that she probably had the same feelings. Being a singer she could no doubt ad-lib lyrics on the spot and that would be a prime temptation for punk-rock artists trying to being the natural anarchists they were. Kureji also laid out his parts of the plan and honestly, that felt more like Shinjo’s speed. It was far easier imagining things going left and just adhering to the grove than trying to follow some rules and not piss off sponsors. The freaking industry man…but, grabbing yet another beer, Shinjo nodded at their lead guitarist’s plans and made an excited sound of agreement when their lead singer mentioned breaking the glass. Half-way coughing from excitement he pulled back the bottle and said,

Yo! You should just scream till it shatters! That’d be so metal!
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya nodded as each person spoke, outlining their intentions clearly. He picked up on some of the descriptions of what they could do… zoomy… doing more with her music… placing each of those bits of information into the vast corridors of knowledge he had inside his head. He had, naturally, chosen well and the Shrine had no idea what was going to happen to them.

He smiled widely.

“Very good. I will let the production manager know of your intentions Kuro-san. Monica-kun, if you could give Mikki a rundown of the drum part, he will join the band, albeit in a larger form.”

Hellllll yeeeesss! Lets rock and shit! Well, not literally shit - I cant do that. What I can do is…

“Learn the parts Monica has for you. You have 15 minutes before show time, so go get ready. Kuro you can do your cannon warning, and then the rest of you, tune up and join him on stage. Go ahead and get started, and break a leg, or an arm, or a face… or many many more.” he added with a sly smirk. "If they are stupid enough to insult you without cause, Im sure you could justify a bit of retribution, but remember young Shinjo - anger is like a weapon... if you wield it without control, your blade will get blunt... but if you sharpen it and focus... the cut will be deeper and is oh so much more sweet." For a moment red eyes would lock onto the young man, seemingly understanding his plight. It seemed they shared similar backgrounds, with Migoya's own father being a violent grunt who had worked for the Yakuza.

Migo-kun… that moron is coming back. Migoya nodded towards the puppet, who quickly managed to form some rather strange hand signs before a more human-sized version of himself appeared, wearing a bright blood-red bow tie. He placed a wooden arm around Kuro’s shoulder somewhat creepily, fully expecting him to push him away. You got a lady puppet in your bag of tricks? I have a couple, but I wear them out if you know what I mean…

Migoya gave a small cough. “Remember what I’ve asked you to do, and this should be a memorable experience for all of us. Enjoy yourselves most of all…and..”

The purple robed ANBU rounded the corner, looking over the band before turning towards Migoya, interrupting his last sentence.

“Myakashi. The Rector has requested you wear a peace-bind during the performance. Allow me to assist you with it, and then I will accompany you to your seat.”

Migoya looked up, somewhat annoyed and rolled his eyes towards the band members.

“Is that really necessary? I would be incredibly stupid to harm any members of the clergy.”

“It is. Your hands please”.

Migoya snorted as he raised his pale hands which were quickly engulfed by some sort of strange wrappings, binding the fingers together. This would probably make it extremely difficult to weave any sort of hand signs - a simple but effective method to prevent high-powered jutsu from being formed.

It would seem the band was alone in whatever performance they wanted to do. Although his pallid face did not show it, inwardly Migoya was beaming. Putting individuals who he knew would never appreciate being told what to do, and then telling them what to do, amidst a powderkeg situation. Chaos. Pure, blissful chaos.

The stage was set, a single spotlight now shone down on the lead singers microphone waiting for Kuro’s message, Monica’s tones, and Shino’s… performance.

Migoya looked over to the band, the wry smirk never leaving his face as he turned to follow the ANBU.

“Go break a leg…”

[OOC: Ok lady and gentlemen - go ahead and do whatever you wish to do! I will be reacting to your choices, and putting some 'events' within the performance, but please feel free to perform however you want etc.

Things of note:

- There is a large crowd, upward of 2500+, which is highly unusual for an up-and-coming band. They are all (apart from the VIP section) standing on what is a large field that is open to the sky. The weather is clear but the rumbling of thunder was heard in the distance.
- Your stage is darkened to start off with, with only a spotlight lighting up Monica's microphone in order for Kureji to give his speech. When you start to play, the various lights behind the stained-glass will light up.

- Kureji would note that the cannons have moved again... clearly someone doesn't want them pointed towards the VIP section.
- There are purple-robed ANBU on the stage, in the corners visible, but you get the feeling that some might be watching elsewhere.
- Mikki (my NPC) is playing in the band, using chakra strings on numerous drum sticks to rock out... feel free to 'use' him (if you haven't guessed he is rather psychotic and perverted, but will not actively attack anyone unless you are physically threatened).
- The VIP stand has about 15 seats and is off to the left-hand side of the stage. The guards are very visible, as is the three royal-purple robed individuals who are sitting in the front. Migoya is sitting behind them on the far right.

Please DM me here or on Discord if you have any questions!]
[WC: 521]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Mikki, the puppet had wrapped an arm around him and was talking about wearing out the lady puppets if he knows what it means. The dirty meaning flew right over his head as he was thinking from a battle type of thinking, "Sounds like they weren't really made to survive long in combat." He said. With that done, he made his way to the mic.

Well nobody had tried to stop him from going right up to the center of stage and took a quick glance over at his confetti canons to see that they are repositioned from how he had it. The puppet clone swore up and down that he had moved them to where they aimed up at the sky. Shrugging, he used some chakra strings and aimed the cannons far above the crowds and into the night sky. Picking up the mic, he spoke, "Yo! Wassup my peeps! Kota here! You all are lucky to be part of our very first live concert! But I don't think the audience is big enough. WE ARE HERE TO MAKE SOME NOISE!!!" He would raise his voice raising his hands up, all the while pressing a button. But... Nothing happened. Smiling and laughing, he shook the remote. "There's gonna be some big ass fireworks, so don't be surprised peeps!" But this was all part of his plan. Sometimes making a fool of himself is the best thing to do to make people lower their guards to think he's just a fool. This time, he had actually pressed the button and multiple cannons shot out into the night sky. Vibrant green, orange, blue and red colors filled the sky, making words that say, "FUCK YEAH!", along with that, multiple other fireworks were now going off from the cannons, making spirals, others imitating certain techniques such as the Rasengan and the Chidori, but only dissipating with the light chemical fog that follows which also soon disappears.

"Now let's rock out so hard this country becomes the Country of Rock!" He would drop the mic, turning off the mic before it fell so that it wouldn't cause that bad sound that normal people get spine chills from such a thing won't happen. The clone would expertly flip his guitar from his back to his front, thanks to the strap that was on the guitar and he got into position.

The real Kureji still was in the middle of the masses as he would wait and mimic how the others react. Underneath his mask, he was beaming, the fireworks hit off greatly. He can't wait to see the Shrine try and harm his bandmates. Because if that happens, gloves off, he will show them what will happen if people mess with his band.

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Once everyone seemed to be on the same page, Migoya was at the very least kind enough to give them a drummer. A good move since they had the lead vocalist, guitarist, and bass player. The drummer was the only one that they were missing and to be frank she was half prepared to be using ghost dancers to fill that role (or bribe Migoya himself to slam on some drums.) Though with the new member to the band, she had to teach the doll a few things about music theory. Thankfully most of her songs used roughly the same kind of groove, all their new band member needed to do was know when to add a little flair here and there for the ambience. "15 minutes eh? Seems like enough time to get a few drum patterns in. Call yourself lucky because I was just about to ask if you would be our drummer Mi-go." Monika joked, about to teach Mikki a little thing or two about music theory when the fascist came back. Monika couldn't help but mumble a few cuss words under her breath as the guy approached. Watching them sugar coat the fact that they were actively handcuffing and holding their boy Migoya hostage. 'Aw heeeeeell nah.' Now stuff was getting personal. As they took Migoya away, Monika made sure to yell out to the man. "Oh don't worry, this performance will be to die for!"

A thick anger boiling within Monika, she turned to her bandmates then said. "Alright so our boy is being held hostage, make sure if anything goes wrong we get our guy out of harm's way. Now let's get this show on the road." With that Monika took this 15 minute prep time to teach Mikki a few drum patterns that her song uses. They were your stereotypical punk/metal drum patterns. Mostly using that surf rock groove only faster and more aggressive. She also taught her a little trick using the toms too to give the kicks more oomph before the snare. Also that snare has to be big too so slamming into it with both sticks will give it that raw vibe. Surprisingly 10 minutes was more than enough to teach the doll a few dum patterns, the other 5 minutes Monika used to make a fast trip to the bathroom because she had a LOT of beers before coming here. She also may have been just a little nervous, doing jumping jacks in the bathroom and giving herself a loud pep talk while slapping herself to snap out of it. That was when she heard Kureji voice, loud and booming over the microphone. Monika smirked, holding onto the edge of the sink as she looked into the mirror to see the entity in the mirror… a large hulking pig-like creature who seemed to emanate goregrind sounds from its aura. 'Don't miss your shot! Knock em dead.'

Her possessing spirit said within her mind and she laughed like a madwoman. "Ah-hahahhahahahahah HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA AH- LETS DO THIS SHIT!"

It took a little bit for Monika to get on stage, but when Monika came on stage she walked over to the mic. Picking it up from the ground, Monika had a few choice words to say as she looked at the crowd smirking. Her lipstick smeared and her eyeliner looking messy and gross. Hitting the crowd with the first song of the night, die for the Shinobi Way.


Before the crowd's eyes, Monika air guitared two loud chugs. A transparent guitar appeared before their eyes as Monika repeated the chorus only louder.



Monika screamed, that was when the band would kick off the sound by exploding into the main riff! Blasting the church themed stained-glass causing glass to rain down on them as Monika amplified the music with her jutsu. Certain people in the crowd could feel the music fireing them up, like not in a normal way but in a more of they felt slightly stronger just from the music itself. The ones who weren't here for the party or didn't agree with the band's message felt just a little bit uncomfortable… almost as the music was making them a bit weaker.. not super weak but enough to make them be more on guard than they already are. One of the little perks of their Battle Anthem which roused their allies and demoralized their foes with their music. Monika while the band played did the walts on stage, pumping the crowd up until slamming into the next verse.

There's our children war vets!
Dying a slow, cold death
And the village says, "We just wanna keep the peace"
But don't believe what they say,
because the village leaders are all lying
They've done it before

and don't you know they'll do it again

Monika's words were angry, passionate. Slamming into the crowd making sure they felt each and every word she was saying. Monika would use her song right now to make sure the shrine assholes would hurt a bit and make their ears bleed but unfortunately her music would also target the crowd too so it was best just to make everyone feel this little buff throughout the song. Let's hope everyone else can pull their weight.

[Ooc: Using Battle Anthem to get the crowd fired up and intimidate the Shrine nerds]

WC: 915

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Migoya’s words rang inside of Shinjo’s head like a glass bell. Through the haze of his alcoholic buzz, the missing shinobi’s words and eyes pierced through his veil of self-loathing disguised as an addiction. No one had ever tried to relate to him and, as far as he knew, no one could. How many kids actually manage to kill their abusers while they’re still kids? Far as he knew, Shinjo was an outlier. To have someone else look him in the eye and tell him it was okay to be angry, eyes that said ‘I’ve been there’, set about a strange calm within him. It didn’t calm him down, even a little. The jitters of going in front of his first big stage…a stage period, actually, were causing his normally pale flesh to be a little ghosty than normal; but for the first time in his life, Shinjo’s heart was steady.

Before the guy could get too much of an attachment to Migoya’s wise advice, one of the shrine assholes came up and demanded their manager be cuffed for the show. Shin’s stomach hardened. In his mind’s eye he could already imagine stopping time and just slitting the man’s throat with a single action. Chakra on the edge of the hand. One quick chop. Shinjo of thirty seconds ago probably would have too, because the guy reeked of brown-nosing ANBU authority and the assassin could already feel his anger boiling.
Good, he thought to himself while Monika swore loudly at the messed up situation, ‘keep it up…
His hand tightened into a fist. The feeling of something wet trickling down his chin was what finally broke him out of something that was becoming a trance as he attempted to withhold his fury. He was biting on his lip, hard enough to break skin. The ex-shinobi suddenly burst into laughter not long after their manager was taken away, blood and spittle marking the wall across from him.
Man…controlling that is gonna be hard,” he said to himself, remarking to the Missing’s wise advice, “Dude must have a lot of practice at it…” He shrugged. Shinjo gave Kureji-Puppet a fist bump, waited for Monika to teach Migi a few things, and then decided to go head out while she ran to the bathroom.

The lights were low already and it made it real easy for Shin to walk up to the stage mostly unnoticed by the crowd as he took his place to the right of where Monika would be centered. He whipped around the bass trying really hard to ignore the thousands of eyes staring at the stage. It wasn’t just the crowd either. The guys up on stage with them were hawking the band as they set up. He could feel the ire of the Shrine in the box seats.
You guys back-up dancers?” he called out to one of the ANBU up there, knowing his voice would be drowned out by the crowd’s rumbling. The assassin gyrated his hips at one of the ANBU with his tongue stuck out, hands behind his head before stopping with a nervous laugh to turn back to the crowd. The musician’s fingers were shaky as he gripped the guitar neck and moved them across the gut-string until he knew instinctively the note he needed to start on. His gut felt like someone dropped a boulder in it though, and it was starting to push all the beer back up his gullet. ‘Maybe I should have gone to the bathroom first too,’ was his first thought before Monika appeared next to him. Then she screamed, and all of his nervousness was blasted away. The fellow Missing-Band Mate slapped a powerful but simple bass tone as the drums and guitar kicked in. Right on time with the window panes shattering out. Right then Shinjo felt that feeling crawl back up his spine.

That feeling that no one could stop them now.​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The crowd gasped, then screamed, various young men showing off by punching the air as the bright and colourful fireworks spelt out its meaningful message of hope and joy. Kureji would feel the energy of the audience as he started to get ready, just as Monica and Shinjo took to the stage. The screams continued, with various shouts of ‘take it off’ and ‘sooo hot’ being thrown about by the clearly excited audience.

Then Monica began. For a moment it was is the audience went silent and into slow motion, staring at her chugging and then…

The stained glass shattered as the momentum of the piece drew to its height, sending colourful shards falling like rain to the ground below in an exciting visual display. Strange purple fires now filled the spaces left behind, casting the stage in an almost hypnotic hue. The band, even engrossed in their performance, could see the ANBU grab their weapons a little closer, and saw movement as other ANBU members swiftly jumped down from the rooftop, clearly annoyed at being not only sprayed with glass, but being taunted at by Shinjo.

It was a palpable wave of energy that seemed to stream from Monica and through the audience. Repressed feelings were inflamed at the performance and it was as if, one by one, each of the members of the crowd ignited in a mixture of angst and excitement, screaming their approval like a pack of hungry hounds. Both Kureji and Shinjo would also feel this boost to their spirits, a yearning for blood.

Migoya kept his face passive, but inwardly was giggling like a small child. He could see the trio of priests just to his right clenching their chairs, and mumbling words to the robed individuals near to them as the strange wave of chakra-enchanced sound passed over them.

“I thought that lyrics were supposed to rhyme?” one of the priests enquired to an ANBU aid next to him.

“Perhaps it's the form of music they are playing father”, the ANBU responded, leaning down so as to speak over the loudness of the bands performance.

“Hmm. Well - it's rather… destructive isn't it. And all this talk of villages. Sounds like they were academy class rejects. I should pray for them”.

The guard seemed to laugh at this, most likely in order to suck up to the priest. Migoya stayed quiet, grateful that the band couldnt hear these statements. It was then that the audience started a rather… irreligious chant.

“Gunna die for the shinobi way!”. Whilst they were not looking towards the ANBU or the priests, their focus being on the band, the words and the way they were saying it put the guards on edge.

“In any event, it seems that they are using chakra on the audience. I am not liking this at all. Hyotisu - a barrier if you will”.

One of the priests nodded and rose, placing a bejewelled hand on the platform. A strange pentagram shaped sigil appeared on the plinth, coalescing into an opaque silvery barrier that now covered the priests and two ANBU. Almost immediately any effect that Monica’s song had on demoralising them seemed to dissipate.

“Yeah! Fuck the villages! More more more!”, the crowd chanted.

It was then that Kurojei would notice something amiss - a person he did not recognise was running from side stage carrying what appeared to be an explosive note directly towards him.

A figure would seemingly come from the rooftops, her aim to land on Shinjo - the glint of a kunai in her hand.

Monica would start to feel a little light headed, be it from the beer or something else, as she looked down at a strange man whose eyes glinted like a snake staring at her…

Migoya smirked. Showtime.

  • The area is covered in fragments of glass
  • Monica’s Battle Anthem has motivated the crowds, and demoralised the shrine agents.
  • Kuroji sees an individual (looks like a man wearing a leather jacket - someone who would fit in with this crowd) run onstage at him with an activated explosive note (will detonate at the end of the round if not stopped).
  • Shinjo - somehow someone has managed to get past the ANBU and is falling towards your area, a raised kunai over their head. Likewise - she looks like everybody else in the concert.
  • Monica - the man with the strange eyes got your attention as he doesnt seem to be blinking, and something in the back of your mind keeps making you look in his direction. He is also dressed as a concert-goer.
  • Your reactions to this interruption, as well as continuing the performance, will determine the next happenings :)
[WC: 754]
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
The clone doesn't really know what had gotten into Monika and Shinjo, but now they seemed even more fired up than ever before! Hell, he was fired up when the whole crowd decided to join in and let out excitement at the sight of fireworks. His fingers would fly over his guitar as Monika would sing, and he would stick his tongue out, smile, and generally have a good time all while glass rained down. The clone would also be aware of the fact that anbu have decided to jump down from their little hiding place, along with someone coming at him with a paper bomb? Giving a crazed smile as he kept playing his guitar. It was easy, to weave genjutsu through his instrument, no hand seals needed. The clone had no doubt that the real Kureji was planning on taking out this threat in a flahy way. The clone would cast a mastered version of slowed perception through the guitar at the person bum rushing him with a paper bomb.

The real Kureji monitored everything going on. So far so go- WAIT A MINUTE! The puppet smiled underneath his mask as he seen someone carelessly rushing at the clone. No explosions unless Kureji permits it! With no knowledge of if the clone had seen what was happening, the real puppet flicked his fingers subtly and activated the ten puppets that were also hidden among the crowd. None of which were his favorites, so they all looked like bland people. They would spring to action and jump up on stage, each one performing an upwards type of kick to send the would-be bomber higher into the sky until the last of the ten puppets would attempt to grab hold of both the paper bomb and bomber.

The clone on stage would see this happen, and keep playing his music, if the ten puppet attack was successful, he would time the paper bomb explosion with the second set of fireworks he had ready. Pressing the button once more while playing, the firework canons shot out and the words "Fuck The Villages!"" appeared in the night sky.

Clone: casts slowed perception (mastered)
Real Kureji: White secret technique, collection of ten puppets (mastered)
both on paper bomb man
Also +3 gen dc from hallucinatory cantana
+1 gen dc from extra class point

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika smirked at the sound of the crowd being brave enough to get into the music. Everyone pulled their own weight, including their dummer who appeared to be holding their own in the band. She couldn't see that a few of the shrine assholes were already feeling the effect of her song, feeling a bit uncomfortable as she ripped into the whole shinobi system with her words. All in the while Miki slammed into the drums hard and aggressively. Slamming into the drums as Monika went into the bridge of the song.

I'm sick and tired!
Of kids being slaughtered!
Soldiers from birth!

Never treated what their worth!

Monika slammed back into the main chorus, chugging her transparent guitar while screaming with more passion and more anger than she had before.




She was in the zone, feeling almost invincible on stage like nothing could touch them. However, little did the punks know – their show was about to have a few interruptions. While Monika was screaming and chugging away at her guitar there was someone in the crowd that stood out to her and she didn't even know why she felt drawn to this one face in the crowd. A man with strange eyes who doesn't seem to be blinking. She didn't know exactly what but something in the back of her mind made her keep looking in his direction. Monika smirked thinking to herself, as the chaos happened in the background. 'So that's how they are gonna play it.' she thought to herself. Two can play that game, he wants to mess around with her mind then she'll make it more than uncomfortable for him. Still playing her guitar, she began to scream at the man who she couldn't stop looking at– coating him a vibrating energy as she screamed at him while chugging away at her guitar.

War vets are slaughtered,
our children living through horror

You give them your life,
they give you a stab in the back

War, corruption, yet we fight for peace.
A rat race with no release!

Pawns for The Big Wigs of the Village!

The sonic vibrations build upon each other as they clash within the man, their effects becoming more intense and more disruptive to the opponent. Monika, getting into her battle stance, would again slam the man with a Sonic Pulse, further weakening the man by disorienting him with her music. If he was disoriented then he sure as hell would be simply nauseous from the music. Non-violent approach was one way to go about it, but if things did get hairy she would have to break Migoya's little promise of being passive.

I never have, I never will
Pledge allegiance to that village
You're getting used

You'll End Up Dead!

Monika again would slam into the next chorus of the song. Screaming at the man a bit more to make him more nauseous so he would back off, meanwhile while Monika was having an epic stare down with this guy. Kureji would have hopefully dispatched of the suicide bomber but honestly Shinjo had it a bit worse because someone with a knife came out of nowhere. Nonetheless Monika would continue chugging on hoping everyone would handle their own interruptions while keeping the show going.

[[Ooc: Monika notices that she is affected by whatever the man is doing but decides to push through it and cast a few annoying justu his way.

Monika used Harmonic Vibrations to try to make the man Nauseous.

Monika used Sonic Pulse against the man to try to Disorient him + special action to target him only.

Monika used Harmonic Vibrations again to try to make the man more Nauseous.]

WC: 616

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Sweat flung from Shinjo’s face as he headbanged, his thumb slapping the bass and holding notes, keeping up more with the drums than the guitar, and providing a vibe they could all jam to. Combined with Monika’s enchanting screams, it felt like pure bliss to the punk rocker. Stuck for years in a military prison of his master’s creation, taken away from these kind of feelings, he felt exhilarated. He flipped his head back to scream with Monkia, sweat flinging from his hair back towards the ANBU when he opened his eyes and saw her.

The girl looked like anyone else in the concert, but the knife held over her head would almost prove otherwise. Thankfully the ex-assassin, even in the midst of enjoying body highs like the one he was going through, had an incredibly analytical mind. Also, he could stop time. Which he did, his dojutsu exploding from his iris as the world around him froze to a standstill right as the kunai tip was near his nose. He stepped back, grabbed the woman, and flipped her around so that the momentum would reverse and she’d land on her feet instead. A quick chop to the back of her neck in the attempt to knock her out, and time restarted. It was very small, but to the perspective of everyone else Shinjo did move, it was just hard to determine what he did in the insanely fast blur his body moved through as not a single note was missed. Soon as the girl’s feet touched the stage he’d bump her hip with his own to knock her back into the crowd for some good ol’ fashioned crowd surfing; playing it off as just that.

However, now Shinjo’s guard and paranoia was up. He quickly scanned the crowd to find Kureji with multiples on him…wait no, were those puppets? It was hard to say, they looked fairly realistic and were dressed just like the person who attacked him, but a smirk raised to his face when they kicked some other dude rushing the stage. Monika was staring someone down and screaming even harder. So far it looked like things were under control but, just to keep an order, Shin’s eyes looked over and met with Migoya’s with a quirked eyebrow.

The ANBU and Shrine idiots were one thing, but who the hell were the people rushing him and Kureji? Did the Shrine plant people inside the crowd too? …because that was going to be real hard to keep civilian casualties down if the Shrine decided to go left.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
[OOC: Thank you for your patience! Please DM me if you have any questions!)

The steadying beat of the drums echoed throughout the field as the band continued to play, despite the strange occurrences. Whatever was happening, Mikki was having the time of his life.

Kureji had quickly ascertained the danger, calling on his master puppeteering skills to summon puppets that had been cleverly hidden. The wooden puppets, each looking like members of the crowd, leapt and surrounded the enigmatic figure, his wretched cries muffled as they carried him aloft. Purple flames shone onto the constructs, highlighting them to the starry-eyed audience who looked on the ‘show’ with wrapped attention.

A bead of sweat drifted down the face of the snake-eyed man as he realised all too well that he was up against someone far stronger than he had been told. Shrine lackeys he had been told… a disruptive band that the Shrine were using to preach hatred against the village system in order to strengthen their own stranglehold. They were getting paid handsomely to disrupt the concert and make the Shrine look bad… but this… He screamed in agony as the sounds shook his head, and he turned away and ran into the throng of the crowd. Almost immediately Monica would feel the strange pressure in her mind lifted, as if a fog had drifted in a heavy wind. She would note that Shinjo had almost effortlessly taken care of his own assailant, throwing her into the eager and hyped up crowd. She flailed in annoyance as the crowd carried her off to the side. “SHRINE FLUNKYS”, she screamed.

Migoya saw Shinjo’s raised eyebrow… even though he was so far away.

Oh… this one is good. Has he figured out the game?

It was at this point that the poor puppet-clad man decided, well he didnt decide but it happened anyway, to explode in a vibrant red fireball. Shards of Kurjoi’s puppets joined the shards of glass covering the stage, causing some poor stage hand to grab his head and sigh.

Cannons erupted, spilling their contents out into the darkening sky.


So quaint.

The crowd started to move forward, pushing and shoving and jumping up and down at the intensity of the music and the vivid special effects. A mass wave of pent up frustration finding a small outlet, and one that could soon turn towards the objects of their dissatisfaction. “BLOW THE FUCKERS UP!”

This had an expected effect on the Shrine leadership.

“Ive had enough of this. I am leaving.” The central purple-robed figure made a move to stand up from his seat, his ANBU and moon-shinobi guards moving to protect him as he rose. The one to his right, who had created the strange-looking barrier, scanned the audience and quickly dispelled it. “We should move quickly. Hikokai - get the crowds to dispurse”, he said to the ANBU at his side.

One of the ANBU clasped his hands together, handseals were formed, as well as a hint of what only could be a natural gift with storms, as a thunderous boom erupted amongst the audience. For a second the sound stopped.

Thick black clouds were gathering.

The silence was pierced as screams of frustration came from the left of the ANBU as other ‘crowd members’ lunged towards the other ANBUs and Moon shinobi, surprising them by sheer volume of numbers and dragging them to the floor. In that split second what appeared to be a kunai on a thick, black robe flew out from the audience behind them, directed straight at the Shrine’s highest representative.

Shinjo, who had been looking towards the VIP area, would note that a black figure, Migoya, darting between the kunai and the Shrine representative, taking the kunai to what appeared to be his shoulder, taking the hit for the Shrine leader. Almost immediately other members of the audience would start to move to jump on the would-be-attackers, the blend of people looking exactly the same making it very difficult to determine who was who. The ANBU, who he knew was Ryo, started waving his hands around, clearly giving out orders.

It was clear that there was some sort of conversation between Migoya and the shrine representative, but the shouting and Mikkis’ earnest playing of a drum solo of doom stopped the sharpest of ears from hearing it. Almost immediately the ANBU and moon-nin started fighting back, several of them forcing audience members out of the way so that the Shrine could escape.

Shinjo would notice however, that suddenly Ryo seemed to disappear in a strange warp, replaced by a black-clad figure who seemed to stare at him for a second, before warping away himself.

Monkia, from her vantage point at the front of the stage, could see several audience members being flung out of the way by what appeared to be purple-clad ANBU. Whilst not directly attacking them, the sheer pressure of the group of people being crushed together was clearly having a negative effect on them!

Kureji, his eyes fixed on manipulating his puppets, would notice a strange black portal starting to form at the side of the stage… before suddenly seeing strange words start to form, seemingly out of bioluminescent dust particles.

Get. In. The. Portal. Get. Friends. Too. Now.

Rain now started to fall, the sounds of thunder, the flashes of lighting, the purple-hewed flames, the intensity of the music, the screams of pain as well as of unbridled masses all mixed together to create a true cacophony of chaos.

It is glorious, Migoya thought as he used the embedded kunai in his shoulder to cut his restraints.

Now to see how they react.


  • Kureji’s puppets have exploded, along with the guy who came at him. Cannons have been fired again.
  • Kureji notices a strange black portal (OOC: Looks very much like an Void Uchiha portal), and really weird words ‘floating’ in front of his face.
  • Monica’s assailant has broken his genjutsu due to receiving a fair chunk of damage!
  • Monica notices that the Shrine are using various jutsu (mostly barrier justu), to push crowd members out of the way of the fleeing Shrine priests.
  • Shinjo notices that people have attacked the VIP section, and that Migoya has oh-so-selflessly taken a kunai meant for the Shrine Leader.
  • Shinjo notices that Ryo, who had been issuing orders, warped away and was briefly replaced by a black-clad individual for a split second, before that person also warped away (OOC: Recognizable as Void Uchiha techniques)
  • Overall, the crowd for the moment is still wrapped up with what they think is the performance. Only a few are away of the attack on the VIP section (for now), and the ‘herding’ of them to carve a way out for the Shrine representatives by the ANBU.
  • Mikki is still playing...
  • The ANBU on the stage have, strangely enough, vanished.

[WC: 1094]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
To be honest, Kureji wasn't surprised that the puppets he had used were blown up with the mix of paper bomb and fireworks. As long as it wasn't one of his main ones that he likes to use. He would note something near the stage, words along with a portal. He would subtly point at it to his clone so that it can relay the message to Monika and Shinjo.

Up on stage, the clone was shredding the guitar, having the time of his life, not caring for the fact that he was stepping over shards of glass and puppet parts. He was vaguely aware of what was happening, that is, until the real him pointed to something. What was he pointing at? Was there another person who needs a butt whooping? Were there Shrine lackeys that were lacking? That's when he saw the message and portal. While playing guitar, he would scoot over to Shinjo and whisper to him, "Yo, someone wants us to get in that portal thingy. I suggest make a clone to keep the party going if you wanna see what's on the other side of that portal."

After that, he would do the same with Monika, whisper so that no one but her would really know what he had said, offering the same wordings of what the plan, or at least what the real him planned to do. After relaying the information to them, the clone would wink at the real Kureji, no doubt some nearby girls would faint thinking they were the lucky ones to attract the attention of a rock star.

The real Kureji would nodded, the hooded puppet would weave through the crowd, just enough to move through, but not enough to disturb anyone having a good time. Eventually, he made it to the portal. He hesitated. Then he thought, why not? You only live once. He almost gasped in excitement as he may have discovered an easier way to say such a phrase. Yolo! Underneath the mask, he couldn't help but laugh as he walked through the portal.

(Clone notified Shinjo and Monika of the portal and his intentions along with the plan to keep the party going)
(This mission is before the kin/bl swap and fc change)

Mizuki Monika

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Monika smirked, the crowd roaring in excitement and flipping off the establishment. The guy who she was targeting with her sound ninjutsu seemingly got the message, letting her go from the genjutsu he'd placed on her and in return she dropped her ninjutsu effects on him. Apparently there were indeed a few moles in the crowd, but the band was able to handle themselves quite well for the most part. So the band continued to play on, the crowd getting antsy– the song waking them up and getting them angry. Monika loved this feeling, the feeling of having won the crowd and that they were willing to start a little something in the name of freedom. The rocker slammed into the chorus now that the interruptions were out of the way.

Monika screamed, seeing in the crowd some of the shrine people starting to leave the concert which made her smirk. Guess the kitchen was getting a little too hot for them, after all there were a lot of pissed off villagers here and the band showed that they were more than willing to crack a few skulls of anyone who got in their way. Seeing them running with their tails between their legs, Monika pointed directly at the Shrine leadership. Wanting the crowd to look at the cowards running away because this is what their village leaders are. Just cowards who make up rules not to keep the peace but to keep the little guy under their thumb.



Monika paused in the middle of the song to flip off the Shrine Leadership, pumping her hand with each word before continuing the song.

And I don't need you
to tell me what to think!
What to think
What to think,
what to think,

what to think, think, think, think!

Wiping sweat from her brow, she did the waltz as Mikki slammed on the drums. Screaming the chorus again to hype up the crowd after just cussing at the leadership as they began to move through the crowd. The punk rocker smirked looking at the leadership fleeing, it took a lot to control the little bloodthirsty rebel with her and since she did want to attack the leadership. However, before she had a chance to commit to it Kureji (or one of Kureji's clones) told them that there was some portal that he wanted them to hop into and if they wanted to see what was on the other side that they should make clones and hop through it. Monika as she chugged her guitar, the punk looked at Kureji with a sly smirk on her face. "Yeah you guys go on ahead. Gotta stick around to see if Migo makes it out plus look at what they are doing to our fans." Monika said while gesturing towards the look of distress on the fans face as the Anbu and the Shrine Leadership began to push through the crowd. "I'll catch up with y'all once everyone was is inside because right now…."

"YOU'RE GONNA DIE, GONNA DIE GONNA DIE FOR THE SHINOBI WAY! DIE FOR THE VILLAGE YOU'RE SHIT!" Monika chugged her guitar, then slammed on the strings hard enough to cause a tear in the fabric of reality was ripped open by the countless dark arms covered in red markings that came from within the rift. The lengthy arms made from distorted sound and pure dark energy shot forward. Reaching out to target at least three of the shrine people that were fleeing behind a barrier. She didn't care who she hit within the barrier, as long as she got a few of those Shrine assholes. The arms were able to phase through the barrier that they casted, making Monika smirk as she watched the arms begin to rain blows on at least three people behind the barrier.

[Ooc: Monika decides to stick around and let the others head in the portal before going in]

[Ooc: Monika attacks one of the Shrine Leadership and a couple of the Anbu with Gate Of Enma for being rude to the crowd and pushing through!]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
….and then, all hell broke loose.

Shinjo was expecting it to happen, but something was up. Call it innate sense, call it having worked for a country’s spec ops; he knew when things looked weird. Those within Moon decided to be the first to make their move after failing to stop the band’s audacious music, and almost immediately the crowd replied back in the same. A kunai flew from the crowd and Migoya took it for one of the cronies. The ANBU pig known as Ryo vanished, was replaced, and their replacement vanished again with a dojutsu technique he knew too well. The assassin’s eyes ached upon seeing the overly familiar technique and his hands clutched the zombie guitar a little tighter.

So he played harder.

Pouring those pent up emotions of anger and vengeance into his talent, the artist slammed the bass with Monkia as the chaos unfurled. The words came to his lips and screamed out with her,

And I don't need you
to tell me what to think!
What to think
What to think,
what to think,

what to think, think, think, think!

Almost if on cue a smoky portal popped up on the side of the stage and their puppet friend hopped right on in without even questioning it; such the free spirit he was. Shinjo, however, was the kind of man who would look a gift-horse in the mouth. The words said move now, but the ex-ANBU felt his body freeze at the thought. He had no idea what was on the other side, who had opened it, only that someone was asking them to come along; so Shin gave it a moment’s thought.

Logistically speaking they were screwed. The band was playing on an island which offered little to no escapes. With the storm brewed up over head the shores would be treacherous - and that was given they could find/steal a boat. Then on top of that, he didn’t know how to manipulate water, so if someone from Moon decided to pursue and knew water ninjutsu, they’d be double-screwed. Both holes. Some people enjoyed that kind of thing, but it wasn’t his scene.

The assassin stepped back a few and then did a running start before powersliding his final note towards the portal. He didn’t like the idea of being told what to do in any compacity, but he also couldn’t see an immediate way out of this maelstrom without doing the one thing he was told not to do - kill the civvies. Without that freedom he couldn’t create enough chaos to infiltrate one of the two groups and get out when the opportunity arises.

So he took the free exit.

[Taking the Portal Out with Kureji, though he finds it highly sus.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
