Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Storm the Castle! [PotK]

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New Member
Mar 27, 2013
"I didn't need help woman..." Rao winced as his fingers rubbed the red sore lines on his neck. "I was just about to flex and bust out of there."

“But that bastard Tanaka Daishi also killed our Dear Leader, so he has to pay for his crime. My name is Kaede, by the way. Shall we make sure he dies slowly and painfully?”

"My name is Rao, and I think we shall." Rao said as he set his focus back on the Light Sage. Another ally would be helpful in a difficult battle, but the women could end up being a hindrance. Cloth from his dirt and blood crusted gi flapped against his sweat slickened skin. His new ally appeared capable, that was good because Rao had no intentions of keeping her safe. He tore the extraneous cloth from his body as he thought about how they were supposed to fight Daishi.

He rubbed at his neck again, there was no doubt it would leave a mark. Truthfully he was near dead in that moment. Concepts like honor, honesty, bravery, integrity, humility, and pride all faded when he fell to his knees, all that remained was a harsh cold feeling -- everything was ending. Yet, as that sense faded and the numbness remained, a slow pulse came to life. With each beat his anger grew, the pulsating red emotion almost faded as Kaede saved him, yet Rao could feel it in the back of his head, continuously pounding.

The heat of his emotions matched the explosive temperature created by the flux of heated oil and plasma. His fist clenched as he started towards the Light Sage. His face contorted fury as he moved, "Come on you fake blond bastard, time to show you more of my hospitality." In his palm a dark sphere of energy swirled to life, his feet dug into the rippled ground, quickly he dashed forward ready to engage his blond haired opponent.

[Actions coming soon to a theater near you!]

wc: 326


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
A puff of smoke engulfed Senna as her summoning jutsu took effect; when the smoke cleared where there was once a tiny, unarmored girl there was now a shining, eight-foot-tall suit of armor wielding a lance in one hand and a sword in the other. This was Senna's trump-card, the Knight Puppet Armor; a puppet designed to protect it's user in melee combat.

It was also very, very untested; Senna had hoped she could avoid using it until she could perform a few more controlled tests, but right now she needed the armor; she didn't have the luxury to be picky about her tactics. Fortunately, the armor had activated successfully, Senna's chakra ran through the machine's frame allowing her to control it from the inside. Everything seemed to be working fine... now it was time to go on the offensive!

Senna looked over to Keiji, who had been pinned down by the enemy's swordfighter... it didn't look very good for him, if she was able to force the blade just a bit more- aw hell no! That ain't gonna happen today! Senna charged Keiji's attacker, the Knight Armor's sword was brought to bear against the offending blade aimed to knock it away from Keiji's face at least, blow it straight out of it's wielder's hands at best. The disarming blade was quickly followed up by a flurry of stabs from the lance, which was now spinning like a drill; ready to pierce anything that got in it's way. [See Action Group 1]

Once the immediate threat to Keiji's life was taken care of, Senna's attention returned to the issue of the sniper: she had vanished, either she was fleeing the site or she was going to try to set up another shot.... either way Senna would rather see her captured if possible. Either way, this fight needed to end as soon as possible.

"We got this." Senna said as she dropped her sword and took the drill lance in both hands, she took her guard behind Keiji, ready to support him against his opponent, or to break off and attack the sniper if needed. The armor would hopefully bring enough protection to stop one or two shots if the sniper did try to attack again, or stop the fighter's swords for a short time. [See Action Group 2]

WC: 376
Action Group 1 said:
- Use Sword to attempt to disarm Yukiko
- Use Drill Lance to attack Yukiko

Action Group 2 said:
- Unequip (drop) sword.
- Attempt to locate Marie.

If Marie is found:
- Summon Bolter and lay down covering fire against Marie.
- Close distance and attempt to disarm/destroy weapon with Drill Lance.
- Attack with Drill Lance, aim to disable/kill.

If Marie is unseen/has escaped:
- If Yukiko is not already disarmed/disabled, attempt to disarm her again.
- Attack with Drill Lance, aim to cripple arms and legs (in that order).


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit His mind was occupied with nothing but idle words of discomfort, annoyance and frustration, hatred and pure idiocy, I mean, who was stupid enough to let their mind wander at a time like this? With swords right near his face about to cut his entire face and body open like a shish kebab, whatever those were, they sounded delicious. Fuck! Goddamnit! Shit, shit, shit!

The weird controlled grunge like sound of something coming called Goliath and it being 'online' made his eyes twitch as he held the woman's arms in place. The actions that came afterwards was where it all came down, it all hit the nail, or fell like the sakura leaves from it's branches to never be picked up and enjoyed again, the sweet blossoms of beauty he had grown so fond of, the sweet scent of beautiful newly baked Nikuman in the morning air. The end of all things great?

If Senna was able to assist him in the battle with the blondie he would most assuredly begin to press on with her, machinery he was surely able to give a beating, one well worth the money. The sheer enormity of the machinery she would be wielding around her tight and petite body seemed almost surreal, and estranged to Keiji, his thoughts and idea of what is possible in this world just turned upside down, the cute girls of the world can truly become even more awesome than they already were. And this one just got a splinter in his eye as a small tear almost escaped his left eye. He found beauty. On the battlefield.

With hopes up and the spirit high he would begin on the offensive again, His stance changes and his footwork change, punching quickly in the air he begins on the assault.
With a quick kick from down under her as Senna would begin a flurry of attacks he would go for her feet in an attempt to make her fall. Which if successful, ignoring the pain in his hand he would quickly tighten his fists and make the necessary hand seals which is then followed with the flash of lightning emitting from his hands and arm, and then with his elbow he would punch the woman in the gut, hopefully his attempts would at least result in some form of success.
If not, well, at least it would be worth a shot to at least gain some respect in the field of taijutsu. If she was able to dodge the kick he instead would extend his arm in an attempt to punch her near the bladder area in a pure attempt at making her lose her composure.

"We totally got this!" he replied with a slightly sarcastic tone as Senna would say her words.
"Y'know, we need to do this more often. Wouldn't you agree?" He said to Senna with a smirk as he wiped the sweat from the side of his face.
OOC said:
Alright, first and foremost, I must apologize for the massive delay!
Keiji wishes to first off change stance (If he wasn't already) to the Hyuuga Jyuuken Stance.
As soon as he would be cleared of the grapple, he would begin to use the E-ranked Low Sweep Taijutsu.
Quickly followed with D-ranked Lightning Jutsu Electrocution.
Hope that is sufficient.

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012

The smoke was letting up now, and Rao and his unexpected new ally were ready to meet the Light Sage’s threat with renewed vigor. A blur of motion issued from the right flank, near the General. Kaede narrowly dodged a spike of killing energy that would have taken an arm off, and promptly drove her sword into Daishi’s open mouth, the Sage one handseal away from completing a follow-up jutsu. As expected, the results were messy and the enemy’s body instantly went limp. She allowed herself to sneer in satisfaction at being the one to avenge Dear Leader, when she realized that something was wrong. The body started to melt in front of her, its flesh sloughing off and taking hair and skin with it until all she had was a steaming skeleton still held up in the air by her blade. With a snort of disgust, she flicked her wrist, sending the bones clattering to the ground, some of them splattering into the pile of stinking crimson left by the dissolving soft tissues.

“Watch out, Rao! This nam-chang splint himself into living clones!” shouted Kaede as she blocked an attack from above by the Light Sage. She slammed the new enemy into the ground and stomped on its throat, producing a wet cracking sound. A moment later, she was forced to flip away, narrowly missing a handful of blazing fire seals what would have stuck like napalm and been impossible to remove. Through the lifting haze, both fighters could now see that the courtyard around them was literally peppered with Light Sages, all advancing with gleeful bloodlust in their eyes. “It’s that kage-bunshin technique! They’re all actual living bodies, not just illusions,” she snarled, holding her sword at the ready. “One of the Cabal of Seven used it during the War,” she offered as an explanation. It would make sense – she had been one of the soldiers fighting alongside the seven missing shinobi who had taken control of her country during that time.

To a healthy shinobi like Rao, however, more flesh to rend meant more glory, and each body destroyed would mean less resources overall for Daishi, who would have to split his powers and intellect between the clones. Such a move would be his undoing, however! He charged a ball of dark energy in his hand and sent it out in a psychotically angry blast. The massive wave of the shoryuken hit a nearby clone, ripping it in half as it charged forward and tearing whole parts of torso off of three others behind it. Dropping his magnetic flux, the deflective energy now coursed around his body and extended to Kaede’s, just in time for them to roll out of the way of a barrage of lightning arcs intermixed with the usual and obligatory rain of shuriken and kunai. Narrowly, Rao swatted away a spike of jagged crystal which shattered a chakra shield he raised a moment before, and the lethal stones crashed into a brace of clones, tearing their heads off. A shard of crystal had embedded itself in his shoulder, and he imperiously tore it out before launching forward and sinking his fists into another pair’s abdomens. The impact tore through their bodies and sent loops of already-decaying intestine splattering across the sandy ground of the courtyard.

Kaede meanwhile held her own, expertly rolling away from earth-rending attacks and deflecting narrow beams of lethal chakra away with her sword. The weapon was clearly not conventional, as it allowed her to not only freeze and shatter clone bodies she struck with it, but also send sprays of frosty death at attackers far off, turning them into hard slabs of ice. Clearly, the PRMC had invested a considerable sum in training her in anti-shinobi combat, and she was most likely not the only one. The help was welcome, but brought with it a sense of trepidation over what was to come if her homeland decided to strike.


The ground shook as Senna’s new mecha charged forward, raising its slab-sided sword in the air. Her newest invention was truly a spectacle to behold. The Killa-Can she had used earlier in the castle battle was a chunky, home-made-looking contraption that would have been more at home in an Ork’s garage than a Tenouzan’s workshop. In contrast, the Knight puppet was a streamlined, elegant-looking mechanized suit of armor built from the ground up to fight three-meter tall Baelg-class demons used by the Hitokage.

Out of the corner of her eye, Yukiko glimpsed the sword bearing down on her exposed back and quickly abandoned her effort to split Keiji’s head open. With a deafening clang of steel on steel, she blocked the overhead blow from the Knight, her feet sinking into the ground slightly. Comparing sizes, the Knight had the advantage, but Senna would realize that there was some truth to the saying that the samehada blades were “half chainsaw, half shark, all awesome”. With a whirring sound, the serrated teeth of the Kingslayer’s blade began to move, and with a blinding shower of sparks the blades ripped into the Knight’s sword, making their way toward the chest cockpit where Senna was!

But lest anyone ever forget about Keiji, he now swooped in low with a kick, slamming into Yukiko’s knee and forcing her to buckle under the impact. The imbalance made her and Senna drop their hopelessly fused blades and drove them apart. The Knight now began a series of lunging attacks with its rotating drill spear, pushing Yukiko back even further as she parried the strikes with her remaining sword.

A sudden crack from above was immediately followed by the sound of shattering metal as a .408-caliber bolt slammed into the chest section of the Knight and blew a hole in its upper torso. Circulatory fluid splattered on the ground and servo motors whined as Senna lurched backward, instinctively clutching at the “wound” on her mecha body, even if her physical body was relatively safe.

“Yukiko! We’ve gotta pull out! There’s a shitton of tanks coming up to the gates!” shouted Marie from above as she aimed another shot. The Knight lurched backwards again as the tungsten penetrator bolt tore through its forearm and slammed into the main chestplate. The armor piece fell to the floor, now exposing Senna in her cockpit. The situation was now critical, and if another bolt hit her body, well, she was finished. Switching the lance to the damaged arm, the Knight reached to an integrated holster on its back and pulled out another new toy the girl had been experimenting with – the Gauss-Bolter. Utilizing an array of chakra solenoids, this weapon could send projectiles downrange at a speed of a kilometer a second. The air fizzled with energy as she aimed at Marie and shot.

The castle superstructure exploded into a mushroom cloud of dust and flame so intense that even Keiji’s Byakugan could not penetrate for a few seconds. There was no sign of Marie, but now Senna had another concern. Yukiko took the moment to launch an attack with her blade, and Senna was now the one being pushed back by a flurry of blows, barely parrying with her drill-lance.

Back to Rao​

“There’s still too many of them!” shouted Kaede as she flicked gobs of slushy, semi-frozen blood off of her sword and held it in front of her. She had not escaped being wounded as well, and several cuts and entry wounds on her arms and legs oozed blood, along with some burn marks on her torso. She was tiring and becoming weaker from blood loss, and although she and Rao had killed of dozens of the Daishi clones, they never seemed to cease appearing. Rao also had not escaped more injury, and was barely keeping on his feet. Slowly but surely, Daishi was chipping them down with the sheer force of numbers. Meanwhile, the Chancellor and Yui had not gone unnoticed.

Yui swung her kanabo in a deadly arc which smashed open a clone’s pelvis, and it skidded to the ground to join a ring of dissolving corpses that were accumulating around her and Ami. But she too was wounded and tiring, and one of the clones took the opportunity to slam her from behind with a blast of gravitic energy, knocking her weapon from her hands and trapping her prone on the ground.

“Yui-chan!” shrieked Ami as she ran to her bodyguard’s side, trying in vain to drag her to her feet.

“No! My Lady! You have to run! I’m finished here! Go to the shinobi…” gasped the General, feeling more of her ribs cracking under the unrelenting strain of the jutsu.

“Yui, I…” said Ami, but at the moment, a thin loop of ninja wire snaked around her neck from behind and tightened like a noose, dragging her to her feet. She clutched in vain at the nearly translucent wire, gasping and sputtering.

“So it comes to this, dattebayo,” said a Daishi clone as he paced around Ami, who still struggled against her noose but was rapidly becoming weaker. “You know, I devoted an entire year of planning to kill the Raikage of Kumo, but Enishi-chan undid that in five seconds just by being there. Fortunately, I see that the rest of the shinobi are simply not up to snuff. A malnourished little waif with no tits, a boy-whore with dreadlocks, and a stupid cowboy stuck in the closet. Madam Chancellor, please understand that it’s nothing personal. Now, strangling is actually a pretty painful way to go, so I will do you a favor and simply stab you in the heart, dattebayo,” he said, pulling out a wickedly sharp knife and positioning the tip against her chest…

“Yippee Kay-Yay, motherfucker,” said Rao, as she suddenly warped right behind Daishi and clasped a fist in the air. Instantly, the metal coils of wire wrapped around the Light Sage’s body, and all the rest of the Light Sage bodies in the area tugged at him and whisked the clones off of their feet. Rao now backflipped in the air, and again drew out a coin of his – a heavy fifty-thousand yen piece. The air surged with power as his invisible solenoids fired and drove the projectile at two kilometers per second into the mass of stuck-together clones, causing a massive implosion where they stood. The blast turned the mass of bodies into an explosion of body parts which flew outwards, splattering all present with blood and debris.

The ninja-wire jutsu was disrupted and Ami fell to the ground, unconscious. Yui instantly raced over to her side, ignoring the pain of her own battered frame.

Back to Senna…​

The Knight lay mostly in pieces across the courtyard, and Yukiko stood on top of the smoking torso section, samehada raised in the air and ready to strike the deathblow at Senna, who lay in the cockpit pointing her Kalash at the Kingslayer. Keiji lay on his side nearby, clutching at a wound on his abdomen. The veins encircling his orbits pulsated weakly as he dragged himself toward his companion, propelled by nothing less than feral rage.

“Why do you protect a woman like the Chancellor?” asked Yukiko, taken aback at the last bits of resistance offered by the young Tenouzan. “Do you not wish for a more equal world where people do not have to live in fear of a noble’s random whims?”

A hand-bolter blast echoed across the courtyard from nearby and a flower of crimson bloomed in the middle of Yukiko’s throat. As blood streamed from the hole, her grip wavered on her chainsword and it dropped to the side with a clattering sound. The woman sank to her knees and fell forward, her head landing in Senna’s lap. As the Tenouzan girl looked on in disbelief, the dying Kingslayer whispered something Senna could barely make out.

“Haikuno, don’t cry…”

“Hmmph,” snorted a familiar figure as he walked up to Senna’s cockpit and roughly kicked Yukiko’s body aside. “Oh god, you again,” he sniffed, rolling his eyes at Senna. It was someone she would recognize well. The Daimyo Amakusa Ryuu zi Kaminari in the flesh. He wore an expensive suit and greatcoat trimmed with manticore fur, and in one of his hands, a “Contender”-model hand-arbalest in .30-06 caliber. As Keiji, Rao, Yui, and Kaede could now see, the exterior courtyard was now ringed with armored war wagons that had pushed through the barricade of ninja wire and were now unloading heavy troopers who immediately started to secure the courtyard and render aid to the survivors.

“The Chancellor is in need of immediate medical assistance!” shouted Yui, rushing over and carrying a still-unconscious Ami in her arms.

“Men! Get her in an armored ambulance and get her to the hospital!” snapped Ryuu to a group of nearby soldiers, who came hurrying over bearing a stretcher. As they carried Ami away, Yui collapsed to her knees, panting and spitting up blood.

“You’re hurt. Here, take this,” said Kaede, kneeling next to Yui and offering her a medicated handkerchief, which the woman gladly accepted. The Marsh General, although wounded, was clearly doing better than most non-shinobi would have given the fight. Meanwhile, Senna had finally unstrapped herself from the carcass of her Knight, and she and Rao now supported Keiji with their shoulders. Ryuu now turned his attention to the ragtag group in front of him.

“Well, well, well. Three shinobi on scene and the Chancellor is in critical condition with an important foreign dignitary severely wounded. That sounds to me like gross incompetence at the very best, and malicious neglect at worst,” sneered Ryuu, a calculating grin on his face. “In fact, I can’t really be sure that you three didn’t actively conspire with these so-called Kingslayers. I think we’re going to have to keep you all locked up until your trial,” he said, obviously gloating. “Guards, take them to the castle dungeon.”

“Daimyo Ryuu! These shinobi fought hard to save all of us! No one would be alive if they hadn’t been here!” objected Yui, coughing up a gob of bloody mucus.

“I can also vouch for them as well,” said Kaede, supporting Yui.

“General Gasai, you are severely wounded and are not in your right mind due to your injuries. And General Sumihara, I’d sooner trust the word of a Kingslayer than a Nork,” said Ryuu, turning away. A group of heavy troopers now surrounded the group, weapons held at low-ready. As much as any of them would have liked to fight back, they realized that it was impossible at the moment. There was nothing to do now but wait…


Dungeons of Castle Nagamasa
Central Takadama Province, Kaminari no Kuni
…0030 hours

The three shinobi sat, huddled, aching, and resentful, on miserable pallets of hay that did nothing to insulate them from the hard, cold, and damp stone floor of the castle dungeon. They had been stripped of their equipment and armor, and their wrists and ankles were bound by iron manacles that prevented the use of seals. Their only view of the outside was through a small, barred window on the door of their cells that occasionally let in the sound of distant screams and curses. It had been this way for hours, and they were starting to fear that no word of their plight had actually gotten to Kumogakure.

Keiji lay sullenly against a wall, his only comfort being a cool draft that issued from a small hole in the wall, likely an adjoining cell.

“Psst!” issued a whisper from the hole. Keiji’s eyebrows perked up. “Hey! You’re the three shinobi, right?” asked a soft voice, definitely from the cell next door. “Look, we have no right to ask this, but we’re begging you for help. Countess Kotone is being held in the lower floors. She sacrificed herself so we could be spared. Please, make sure she’s alright! We’ll pay you later!”

Before Keiji could ask any questions, the cell door suddenly opened, letting in four guards who carried truncheons and bolters.

“Oy, shinobis! You’re getting released soon. Your Sannin is here to come fetch you. He wants to talk with Greeny here up in the interview room,” said one of the guards, going up to Rao and undoing his shackles. “Come quickly now, this ain’t a luxury ‘otel!” he said, herding Rao out of the cell. As soon as the Jounin had disappeared around the corner, two of the remaining ones started to cast rather disturbing looks at Senna.

“’ey, this one’s a looker. I wanna have some fun with ‘er before we see ‘er off. You can ‘ave the seconds,” chortled a burlier soldier as he started to reach for her hair…

With a sickening crunch, the would-be molester’s skull caved in from the impact of an SA-14’s brass buttplate and he fell to the ground in a heap. The other guard, wheeling around in surprise, caught a face full of truncheon that shattered his teeth, before being brutally kicked in the throat. He fell over, convulsing. To Senna’s surprise, the remaining soldier’s face was somewhat familiar…

“Uggh, trash like this makes the Imperial Army look bad. The penalty for rape is death by hanging. These two clowns should feel lucky,” said the soldier, nudging the two bodies with his boot-tip. He looked at Senna now, undoing her manacles and gently helping her up. “I’m Corporal, well, now actually Lieutenant Balzer. We met before the assault – you fixed my bolter. I would’ve died without it, but instead I went on to capture an enemy position by myself and earned a really unprecedented field promotion,” he said. “Sorry I couldn’t repay you in nicer circumstances,” he said, now helping Keiji out of his bindings. “You two are free to go. Your Sennin arranged for a special carriage to pick you up and take you back to your village. I’d get out of here before whoever decided on your freedom changes their mind.”

. . .​

“Jesus Saito, Hokoro, did three of those godrotting Kingslayers really come to the castle?” asked Masao, who paced around the room where Rao sat, in front of a small meal and a tankard of beer. “You’ll have to give me the full report back at Kumo. This is serious, though – now that they’ve targeted the Chancellor as well as the Norks and Bear, there will be many crackdowns across the country. The bakufuu’s retaliation against potential sympathizers will be swift and brutal. I have the bad feeling that this is what the group wants, however.

“Anyway, never mind about Daimyo Ryuu. He’s a petulant little shit, and as soon as he heard I was coming down to retrieve you he backed off. The Chancellor’s doing fine, the Nork General is back home, and so is the Crown Princess. You’re being hailed as heroes who foiled an attack on Lightning Country itself, and Nemoto Senna is being credited with the elimination of Nakamura Yukiko, one of the top ten wanted fugitive shinobi from Kirigakure. The Mizukage wants her to come to Mist and receive a shiny medal or something, too. Anyway, let’s get out of here. Keiji and Senna should be waiting in the carriage.”


“Yukiko, I’m so sorry… Dammit!” sobbed Marie as she sat on a hill outside of the castle, some distance away. Her face was streaked with soot, dust, and tears, and her once stylish clothing was now torn and scorched. But she cared not for any of these things. Yukiko was dead. She had heard the shot, and saw her friend crumple to the ground, a lethal wound on her neck. And from the cockpit of that giant puppet thing, a little brown-haired girl holding a Karashnikov. Why didn’t you just fucking kill her when you had the chance, Yuki?! You’re too nice… she thought with anger and despair. The worst part was that retrieving the body would be impossible. She had already been forced to retreat by the advancing formation of armored war wagons that was now ringing the courtyard. Daishi was nowhere to be seen, and now she was alone. “Those god-damned shinobi… Haikuno, you baka, I hope you’ve learned your lesson,” she muttered through her tears.

“Marie…” said a voice from behind, and she felt a hand on her shoulder. She went for the pistol at her belt, when another hand gently stopped her. Turning her head, she could see the face of Daishi. He looked pale and was obviously wounded, but still managed an off-kilter smile.

“Daishi…” she said, breaking down into further tears.

“Don’t worry, Marie. We can’t bring Yukiko back, but don’t worry. We’ll kill them all. Each and every last one of them.”

This ends the mission for Rao and Senna. Please make your exit posts and request payment in the appropriate forum. Keiji, since you had wanted to do a small epilogue, you may continue in this thread. Find some way to slip away and go deeper into the dungeon…


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"I'm sorry Senna, I've gotta go, and check up on something." His words came with a slight discomfort as his bindings was released.
"I'll meet you back at village, alright?" He said as he stood up and dusted his clothes off.
He leaned down quickly and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and then he went off to the opposite side as the way the carriage was.
He walked through the stone brick hallways, the dank smell of watery graves, years old sweat and moss covered wood and steel. To the side he saw set of stairs leading further down, he avoided eye contact with soldiers if there were any, and he avoided their sight if at all possible. When he was in the clear, no one around, he activated his byakugan to see his surroundings clearly, to see the movements of the soldiers, in order to best avoid them, and most important than all, to see where the Countess would be awaiting rescue.
Letsa get this show on the road then Masao!

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The castle walls seemed to fade away to nothingness, while the energy signatures of nearly all living beings in the castle now sprang into his perception with utmost clarity through the lens of the Byakugan. According to Hyuuga lore, what Keiji saw was chakra itself. And chakra was the energy created in order to sustain all life essence, in defiance of the second law of thermodynamics. If not for chakra, entropy would take over quickly, unraveling the organization created by structures in cells working in concert to sustain everything from an individual bacterium to an entire living human being.

Most humans in the castle did not manifest enough chakra to sustain anything other than their continued existences, unlike shinobi, which could generate excess amounts to be molded into jutsu. Their signatures were thus quite faint – almost imperceptible against the background static created by the millions of less-evolved forms of life that grew in the walls or spawned in the waters or floated in the air. Up above, he could see two very bright forms moving together – likely the Sennin and the Jounin Rao. Strangely enough, Senna’s chakra signature actually glowed brighter, despite the fact that she was so physically frail. But that was a mystery for another time.

He focused his concentration down below, to try to find Kotone, the woman who he had charmed into surrendering, and inadvertently helped send to torture. In the deeper chambers, there seemed to be a likely lead, although in reality, he had to admit that he was merely going off an educated guess. Stealthily, he avoided some wandering patrols, hiding in the shadows and taking advantage of the natural superstition of any Imperial Army soldier.

After having climbed down a ladder from a moldy wooden hatch, he finally heard something that piqued his interest…

“No! I will NOT sign!” protested a female voice tinged with pain. “Do what you have to but my honor is stronger!”

“Missy, the more of our time you waste, the worse the punishment gets,” growled a male voice in exasperation. “All you have to do is sign the damned confession and it’s all over!”

“I refuse!” retorted the female voice.

“Then I read the poem again!” barked the man.
Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee...

A piteous female shriek of agony lanced across Keiji’s ears, causing a wave of nausea to roll over the young mednin and forcing him to plug his ears. He had heard enough – it was definitely Kotone being tortured in a most inhumane fashion. He had to rescue her before it was too late!

He took stock of his surroundings – the voices were coming from the other side of a wall, but up above, there seemed to be an unobstructed, arch-shaped window that he could perhaps fit into. Wasting no time, the young shinobi quickly scaled the wall and perched in the windowsill, getting the lay of the land.

The torture chamber boasted all of the requisite horrific instruments of pain, from the iron maiden (closed and leaking a suspiciously black substance from its bottom), to the rack, to the Judas cradle, to a rope and pulley system for strappado. In a corner, a furnace glowed brightly as the only source of light in the room, in which lay several tongs and prods heated to red-hot and ready to lay upon bare flesh. Kotone herself was manacled to a T-shaped frame and hung limply by her arms, softly weeping. She had been stripped of her equipment and was now only clad in the shreds of a yukata that barely covered her nether regions. Her chest was naked and bared for all to see, and her back was striped with welts and small cuts.

Pacing around her was a Bakufuu executioner in a dark, hooded robe. A scribe leaned against a nearby wooden podium, looking bored as he jotted down notes on a spread of parchment. Keiji’s blood boiled – how would he neutralize these two and free Kotone from a horrific fate?!


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Before entering the window, he pulled out from his bag a pair of leather gloves, and pulled them on, to assure that he wouldn't get cut, or wounded from handling the window opening.

He held himself high above, with his hands holding his entire body on the large pillars holding the ceiling up. His eyes scanning across the torture chamber.
Looking down at the situation he felt a slight nausea, the ambiguity of the situation, slowly understanding their movements, his white veined eyes stared intensely at their actions, reading their muscle movements, evaluating their strengths, checking his own muscles, his tightens them, relaxes, tightens them again, then relaxes, feeling his own strength, assessing it as he watched the situation underneath.

The Executioner, looked brutal and dumb, he would be easy pickings, however if he went for the Executioner first, the smart one, the apparent scribe would probably begin running to inform others.
Keiji didn't have a lot of time to think, although a plan is easy to decide upon.
Keiji concentrated chakra on his gates, releasing the first with ease, then continuing on he released his second, then third, a deeper manifestation of chakra was emanating from within himself, the pure flow of the of chakra inside of his body was strengthening his every being, although the control he was capable of maintaining was reaching its peak, he started moving to the side, towards the scribe who was still taking notes with his quill.

The creek from the large wooden pillars was heard as Keiji's body weight was increasing through the G-force he applied himself to by his swinging.
But just as the scribe heard it through the screams, hopefully the executioner was too close to the screaming and loud noises from the beautiful Kotone to hear the creeking, Keiji was jumping from the pillar, releasing his grip.
In mid air, quick hand motions was being done in order to begin a lightning jutsu, he intended to throw lightning directly into the body of the scribe, hopefully to take him out as quickly as possible, and hopefully Paralysing him in the process.

If successful, or if at least managing to put him out in any way, hopefully the executioner would either not have noticed him, or seen him, and confused to not being able to react all too quickly, if at all possible he would then make a running start towards him, and initiate a kick to the face! Quickly continued with a set of two punches in his face to destroy his concentration, and hopefully take him out.
First action: Equip his Leather Gloves: "Lightning Throwers"
Then later while I jump from the pillar, I will attempt to do the D-ranked Lightning Jutsu: Electrocution
Quickly continued, Keiji will jump kick the executioner in the face: D-ranked Unarmed Taijutsu: Dynamic Entry
Further continued with D-ranked Unarmed Taijutsu: Dynamic Finish

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
“I can continue all day with this,” barked the executioner to Kotone as she bit her lower lip to halt her tears. They could torture her all they wished, but she would deny them as much satisfaction as possible… “You on the other hand, are weakening in body and spirit, and will lose your sanity soon. Sign the confession stating that you engaged in an incestuous relationship with your father and are ineligible to inherit the land, and this will all stop! It’s simple!” he continued.

“Go fuck yourself!” snarled Kotone, straining against her manacles with feral rage.

The scribe who watched this sighed in boredom – this sort of exchange had gone on for hours, and now even the titillating sight of Kotone’s bare flesh was not enough to make up for the desire to just be out of this smelly dungeon. As he idly traced a doodle across his parchment, a trickle of dust fell into the gap between his collar and his skullcap, making the man look upwards…into Keiji’s large, white, devoid-of-pupils and creepily veiny eyes. With a smile, the mednin sent a quick bolt of electricity into the scribe’s chest before the man could react, and dropped him where he stood.

To Keiji’s perspective, the scribe’s faint life energy signature was still flowing, indicating that he had been successful in his non-lethal takedown. The executioner in the meantime had walked over to the glowing firepit, from which he withdrew a red-hot poker, which he waved menacingly in the air at Kotone. She closed her eyes, preparing the agony that was to come.

But before the brutish man could do anything to her, Keiji leapt from his perch, connecting the blade of his foot right into the executioner’s nose! With a crack of shattering bone and the squelching sound of blood, the man was forced backward. Cursing as he saw his new attacker, he clapped a hand over his bleeding nose and attempted to swing the poker at the Hyuuga boy. Keiji easily ducked the swinging arc of red and connected a furious right hook followed by a left uppercut that lifted the executioner off of the ground and sent him flying into a wall, where he collapsed and moved no more.

His chakra sense informing him that the room was now clear, Keiji turned to Kotone, who immediately turned a shade of pink upon realizing that the Hyuuga could pretty much see everything in lurid detail.

“H-hentai shinobi…” she scoffed as she turned her head. She had intended to sound imperious, but in her current state, it came out as more of a cute pout. “If y-y-you’re going to peep at me, at least get me out of these bonds,” she said, still blushing.

This is the worst! He sees me naked for the first time and I look absolutely disgusting! Arrgh! Damn you, Chancellor Tachibana!! she fumed inside.

Right after Keiji had released the manacles with his method of choice, Kotone sank to the ground on her knees. Weakly, she slid her arms through the sleeves of her tattered yukata, giving herself at least a modicum of coverage.

“Shinobi-kun…you’re going to have to help me walk,” she said, extending an arm. “…please…” she added, swallowing her previous pride. “I know the way out of here through a secret passage that leads to a pier by the river, but there are guards all throughout here. You’ll need to find a way to neutralize them,” she said, looking over at the doorway. All of a sudden, though, a loud knocking sound issued from that direction!

“Oy! Executioner! Are you done yet?! We’re here to pick up the corpse if you are!” sounded a voice from the other side. Kotone looked at Keiji with concern. What could they do?!


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The continued relevance to her presence as well as his kept Keiji on his toes, the very essence of her beauty merely made Keiji smile brightly.
the scent of her sweaty and beaten body gave a strange and euphoric sensation over him.
"Oooh Boy, oooh boy, keep nerves intact, don't show emotion, it's all cool, it's all cool, just be yourself."

“H-hentai shinobi…” she said. He grinned slightly at the way she said it, making it seem like he didn't take in any way serious.
“If y-y-you’re going to peep at me, at least get me out of these bonds,” Peeping?! Peeping?! Here I am saving your ass, regardless of how nice it might look, I'm still saving it!
"I did not intend to peep by any means countess.." He said before coughing slightly in a sarcastic manner.

He managed to break the manacles with his bare hands, hitting them with quick sessions of hitting with the side of his hands.
As she fell to the ground Keiji dropped down and held his arms underneath to ensure she didn't hit the cold stone floor fully, even if she did manage to hold herself up.
She asked him to help her walk, which he willingly assisted her in.

He stood up and extended his arm with hers grabbing a hold of it and with the other behind her shoulder in further assist. He pulled her up so she could stand, pulling her arm around his own shoulders he held her weight onto his assisting her entirely. Now with one hand free he took a step in the direction of the door as the loud knocking began to hear from the door.

"Don't worry, I got this.." He said quietly whispering to her.
Hmm, there's at least two of them, he did say "we're" I'll need to take them, and quickly.. Wait!
"I have an idea!" He quickly let her go placing her on the floor, letting her sit for a second while he prepared. Quickly he ran to the unconscious body of the executioner and pulled his body to the corner of the room, hopefully it was dark enough, he ran again to the scribe and pulled his unconscious body as well to the same location.

Remembering how the Executioner looked and talked, with a quick set of handseals he transformed himself entirely to look like him.
Leaning down to Kotone he whispered to her "Scream something for me, will'ya?"
He walked casually to the door opening it just slightly as he started speaking to them.
"She isn't done yet, she's still got some spirit left in her, just go back to your own business.. The paper hasn't been signed yet."

Hopefully in the moment that he spoke to the guards Kotone would scream, making the ruse seem all the more real to them.
And if their own words were correct, then as long as the executioner isn't ready to deliver the 'corpse' then they wouldn't come in and take her.

Takaki Saeko

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
As Kotone leaned her weight against Keiji’s compact but rock-hard frame, a cat-like smile passed over her face for an instant as she let out a barely-audible purr of female contentment. Ha Ha! You can destroy my castle, kill my father, and send me to the dungeons, but I still get the cute guy in the end! Go eat a bowl of smelly dicks, Tachibana! she thought, fist-pumping (which she concealed as attempting to find a better grasp on…well, something).

“…Don’t get the wrong idea, shinobi-kun. I wasn’t saying that you shouldn’t peep, just that you should have released me sooner,” she said imperiously. “I-I-I know that you’re a healthy guy and all...” she started to mumble, when all of a sudden sounded a loud knocking at the door followed by a demand for a corpse! Her corpse! A nauseating wave of panic started to wash over her, but...

“Don’t worry, I got this,” whispered Keiji in her ear, stemming the tide before it could wreak further havoc on her mind.

Of course, she thought, he’s a shinobi, he’ll easily deal with any threat. Ah, I’m so glad my new boyfriend is so skilled! …Wait a second, Kotone-chan, you haven’t even confessed to him yet, so how’s he your boyfriend? Oh damn it, there’s no way a hot guy like him doesn’t have a cute girlfriend already! Arrgh! She’s probably some dark-eyed, blonde beauty with perfect princess curls who can shoot lasers out of her vagina! How do I compete with that?! I know…I’ll challenge her to a duel! Ha! Bitch gonna lose her tittays!

“Scream something for me, will ya?” Keiji asked, interrupting her increasingly bloodthirsty train of romantic thought. Kotone’s eyes widened in shock.

“Eeeeh?!” she gasped. “R-r-right h-h-here?! B-b-but I’m not even showered yet! I mean, how horny are y-y-you?!” she started to say, before realizing what Keiji actually meant. “Er, right!” she said, sheepishly, before inhaling and letting out a shriek toward the door. “The answer is still NO! Damn you and the Chancellor to Hell!”

Keiji, who had assumed the executioner’s form and voice, quickly followed by dismissing the guards at the door.

“Oy then, continue as you were, good ser. Them nobles, they’ve got some strong stuff in them…” said one, shrugging. As the men disappeared down the hall, their voices faded out.

“Thank Raiden,” sighed Kotone, dabbing away some sweat on her face. “Now, shinobi-kun, just down that hall is a secret passage that leads to the docks on the river that flows outside the castle. My father had a boat there that’ll take us well out of reach of this place and to Kelmura,” she said, pointing down the hall.

As the last surviving Nagamasa had pointed out, it was only a few tension-filled steps down the dimly-lit stone halls of the dungeon until they reached the secret passage, which swung open easily and led to another darkened burrow tunneling into the earth. As they two of them felt their way along the mossy earthen passage, it seemed to last forever, until Keiji’s ears finally picked up the sound of running water and the light of the late afternoon.

Emerging from behind a curtain of moss onto a wooden pier over a flowing river, the Hyuuga’s eyes picked out a long wooden sailboat, expertly maintained and kept in full readiness, and lashed securely to the pier. Unfortunately, standing right next to it, was an armed bakufuu soldier! The man looked up, and his hands went for his radio…

Only to stop as he recognized the Hyuuga’s distinct eyes.

“Hey! Fancy seeing you again!” said the man, waving to Keiji. “Er, you probably don’t remember me, but I’m Nyubey with the Marquess Lee’s Death Hussars. You’re the one who appraised that charm I wore around my neck. Well, thanks to you, I lost the bet and a week’s yen, but I wore the armor. My group got lodged in the main archway, and you know how that goes. Soldiers up front get stuck with the fighting, the back doesn’t know to stop moving forward, and everyone in the middle gets crushed. Boiling oil coming down on your shoulders, and spears and halberds crashing on your head. I’m constantly vomiting and the ringing in my ears won’t go away, but I’m alive, and it’s thanks to you. So I’ll look the other way while you and the lady over there do what you have to do,” he said, bowing and walking away.

Kotone breathed another sigh of relief as she and the Hyuuga started to undo the boat’s moorings and prepare it for launch, and within a few minutes, it was ready for launch. As she was about to step off of the pier, she turned again to Keiji.

“Well, shinobi-kun, this is where we must part ways,” she said, trying not to sound disappointed. “I must make my way to Raiden’s Eye and make the Chancellor come through on her promise, and you must return to your village lest you be declared a rogue.” She paused and looked down silently as if at a loss for how to proceed, before looking back at Keiji with moistened eyes. “In truth I…I hate goodbyes! And I hate saying thanks for things! So j-j-just t-t-take this!” she said, suddenly embracing him and planting her lips on his. Her body pressed tightly against his, allowing him to feel the full softness of her ample chest. After what seemed like way too short of a time, she eventually broke the kiss, drawing away with a coquettish lick of her lips. She stepped onto the boat, blushing deep red. “I’ll find you again soon, I promise! And n-n-now that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, I’m warning you, shinobi-kun, if you cheat on me… I won’t forgive you!” she hissed at him, before slashing the last ropes holding the boat to the pier.

Keiji watched as his new (well, in her mind at least) girlfriend drifted southward into the setting sun. As he started to make his way back to the village, he realized that she had never once asked for his name. However, that wasn’t a big problem. He was after all, the only guy in the village with bad-ass dreads.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The road back, the returning none-hero, unspecial, and none unique individual, his ride had already left, and he was left walking his way home.
With his inept abilities and trained skills in survival and his Byakugan, he easily managed to survive for the duration of the trip.
Catching rabbits, birds and other animals to cook and eat on the way home.

First night on the way home his mind couldn't rest, Kotone? A Noble's girl, his girlfriend? How? Why? Was he really that attractive? His dreadlocks were just normal for him, he never really did any effort in maintaining or making them in the first place, they just.. Sort of appeared through the years, supposedly that's normal for someone with the amount of curly hair he possessed.
A self affirmed and prided face was smeared on his lips and face from then on, every night, and every day.

He felt refreshed and energized from his little side tracked minor mission, and hopefully he won't get into too much trouble for it.
Heck, he hoped that he wouldn't get into any trouble for it. But alas, the world of the Shinobi is filled with perils and dangerous people, maybe his actions will open up for a great many more troubling missions for himself or others. Or it might spin out of control and result in a dangerous international incident, or it might just result in nothing, and his mind is merely overthinking. Naturally he hoped for the latter, and that he now had a noble girl to snog all by himself. Which wouldn't be too bad for him in his case.

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