Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Strife in the family [a prequel]


Active Ninja
Oct 27, 2012

Tanaka Erinoa and Kuma​

"Everything must be perfect..." The older woman said, fussing about the rented hall. The decor was upscale- her daughter had very good taste and it would not do to entertain her or her friends in a hall of less than adequate caliber. "Kuma won't you come and help me?"

"Eh? Why it looks fine, dear."

"Fine isn't good enough." Erinoa snapped, looking up. Her husband sat, legs spread wide, in a chair making a mess of the floor, by carving on that block he'd been shaping. "Kuma!" She called exasperated. "You said you'd help me!"

"And I did, love, I brought the chairs, I handled the servers, I even cooked the bird! I dunno what more ya want from me."

"I want you to get cleaned up and sweep up your mess!"

Kuma looked down. He was wearing a comfortable shirt with something like a cape around his shoulders, and pants that were- it was true- covered in wood chips. "What? I look Fine! Hikari has never cared about my clothes. I'm her da'."

"You have that luxury to fall back on, but Hikari didn't speak to me for years."

"She's a busy girl. I'm sure it's not-"

"I've spent Months planning this party, Kuma. Months! It has to be perfect."

"She's not the kind to fuss with tablecloths, Eri. We both know that." He said, shaking his head. "And she's not still mad for the fuss you made when she was a babe. If you would just-"


"-Talk to her. She's the kind that understands talk. She'd listen-"

"You don't understand, you're not a mother."

"And you haven't talked to her more than pleasantries in the past Three Years, Eri. Now, listen. Hikari is a reasonable lass. She knows you were just tryin to look out for her. I'm sure."

Erinoa stood quietly, face pink as her husband tried his best to calm her. Unfortunately, the woman was even more stubborn than her daughter was known to be, so Kuma's quiet reassurances fell on deaf ears. or rather, Erinoa had heard the words from Kuma a thousand times, and yet the distance remained. The er was distance between them all. Even with Kuma, Hikari was not familiar. She licked her lips and sighed. "Then why do we only see her once a year? Why is she closer with non-kin than us? Why did she mourn her uncle but not her relationship with you?" The dark haired woman shook her head. "It isn't as simple as you say,"

"She's not as complicated as you think!" Kuma said, raising his voice to make a point. Erinoa's face set, and her shoulders squared. If Kuma had been a wiser man, he would have already known better. Seen the signs. But Kuma was not a wise man, and Erinoa's signs went unread. "You're being foolish, woman-"

Erinoa took a breath, and with a look, silenced him. "You will remember to guide your words with care, Kuma, and remember than I am no trophy wife, or quiet woman. I am the heir to my clan, and yours has vanished." She said, dealing another blow. "You come from a family that dealt in blood, and I come from one who deals in coin. Your family has had male heirs, and female, but mine has only female. I am the wiser of us, and the richer. If I want perfection in the party for my only daughter, I will get it, whether my husband helps me, or I have to buy the hands of others to do so." She barked, breathing evenly, as each word came, clear and strong, but not loud. This was an old battle between them, with a new prize, one Erinoa was not willing to give up.

Kuma placed both hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead. "Very well." He said, "Buy hands. Mine'll finish my gift. Then I'll sweep up." It was a very old battle. One Kuma had fought and lost before. "You've a lot in common with her." Erinoa looked away. "Even though she deals in blood rather than coin." He said, going back to his work. "In both your cases your tongue is what's earned you your status. Funnily enough."

Erinoa walked away, to hire her hands, and fix what needed fixing, teaching the hired help to do as she wished.

[Hours later]

Hikari received a message at home, a request from her father- written in her mother's hand- to join him in the banquet hall tomorrow at midday. The woman sighed, and put down the invitation. "Another attempt at a surprise party." She said to herself. It wasn't just her. Her entire family was about as unsubtle as a large group of bears.

[one shot[
[MFT 250+]

Current Ninpocho Time:
