Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Studygroup #1 [Private]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
OOC said:
Kahako and Keiji's Studygroup #1
Other Medical staff is allowed to enter if desirable.
Time is set 1 day after Medical class Grand Rounds #1 and 3 days till Keiji's mission with Kushin-senpai (To elaborate he already had received a letter involving that he have to meet up with Kushin-senpai for some reason (Unknown))
[spoilername="Study Room Image"]

The sun was standing up tall, the Med-nin in training had a break that day. Keiji had as always, chosen to spend his day in the study room with his face in a book. But before he would begin his long day of studying he first needed lunch. The lunch lady at the cafeteria barked orders around the staff behind the counter as Keiji approached the desk. Her eyes eyebrows perked as she noticed him approaching. "Oho! Back again are we?"

Keiji looked to the side unsatisfied by the loud and rowdiness of her voice. "Yes.." He paused as he sighed out loud. "I supposed I am." He moved his hand forward with an open hand. "I'll have a quick lunch with a coffee and then I'll be off quickly. I'll take a seat right nearby" He pointed behind him above his shoulder with his thumb. "Alright kid. Be there in a jiffy!" Her voice was like a screech in the back of his mind, as he turned around and placed himself at a small dining table.

Few minutes passed and a young woman came up to his table with a small plate, on it was a small sandwich and a cup of coffee. "Thank you" He smiled at the woman as he put down the plate in front of him. She bowed quickly then turned and went her way back to the kitchen.

He grabbed the plate, took a big bite of the sandwich, then proceeded to stand up. With the plate with the sandwich and cup of coffee on he walked his way towards the study room. I'd best get started, I wanna finish that book soon! He reminisces about a certain book he kept getting disturbed when attempting to read it. The little red book waiting for him. 3rd upper shelf, 2B, far right He had in his mind organized the bookcases by chess references and names, it seemed to help him better remember the placement of certain important books. Since he wasn't allowed to take the books with him home, he needed to memorize the locations by himself.

He approached the door to the study room, having his hands used. He turned around and pushed open the door with his back. Going in, he went to the far corner next to the window, he set the plate on the table, then walked over to the bookshelf. Scanned across the shelves with his eyes, fingers sliding across the back covers of the books. There! Found it! He pulled out the small red book, he examined it, to find his bookmark still there, opened it up to make sure it were in the right place. He walked with it back to the study table and sat himself down. Took a bite of his sandwich, after having chewed it, he sipped his coffee. And continued his reading.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
For a change, Kitsune had no doctoral duties for an entire day, unless a medical emergency arose of course, in which case her pager would let her know right away. She decided to go brush up on some of her medical skills, to make sure they were as sharp as the scalpels she kept around in her white coat’s inner pockets. However, without food it just wouldn’t work. So she had decided to go grab herself some lunch at the cafeteria, nothing major, just something hot and some coffee; preferably an entire pot of it.
Knowing herself, she’d be spending all day and evening just reading up on surgical techniques and psychological procedures. Fortunately she knew the perfect room she could sit in and nom her food as well as read her books. One of the side effects of that mixture she had accidently made, which also halted her aging, gave her a super-charged metabolism. She could eat insane amounts of food, and yet never seem to gain any weight.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, she looked over the items on the menu for the day, and she decided upon having lasagna, a few maki rolls, and a bowl of ramen. ”Hey Gladys. I’ll have a serving of lasagna, preferably a plus size portion, 8-10 maki rolls, preferably the crab ones, and finally a bowl of ramen, chicken today, I think. Oh! And a pot of coffee, with cream and sugar; lots of both.” she said and grinned at the lunch lady behind the desk, after all, she did visit quite often to sate her hunger while working. Gladys, knowing Kitsune’s inhuman appetite merely turned around, and barked the order to the kitchen staff.
”I need a big plate of lasagna, 10 crab maki rolls and a bowl of ramen with chicken.” she said to the staff before turning back to face Kitsune ”It’ll be a few minutes, we’ll bring it to your usual table.” she said and smirked. ”Thanks!” Kitsune said with a smile, before waltzing over to her table and sitting down. Not that she’d be using it today. No sirée, today she’d be bringing her food to the mostly unused study room right around the corner. Though with all that food, she’d have to have extra hands to carry it with. Or just a clone or two.

Upon the completion of her order, Kitsune formed a few hand seals and conjured up two clones, whom she made to carry the food to the study room while she carried the pot of coffee. When she reached the door she opened it and just went in, and sat down at the table right inside the room while her clones put the plates and the bowl in front of her before dispersing into puffs of smoke, that disappeared almost as quickly as the clones themselves did. She got up and grabbed a book about scientific method and how it applied to diseases and wounds and so on. After dropping back into her chair, she propped the book up against the wall so she could read while she ate. She hadn’t even noticed the fact that Keiji was in the room despite her normally noticing other people.

WC: Somewhere over 500]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Keiji had enveloped himself in the book, the intricate details about the anatomical parts of the human body, after the class he had learned thoroughly that some of the wording he had learned was wrong, so he had dedicated this day re-acquiring the correct wording. He whispered words as he went through them word for word.
"If a wound is on the right foot, on the outer side.. It's referred to as a wound by lateral right foot"

As he flipped the page he grabbed his sandwich and took a bite, while chewing his mind was completely on the book in front of him, even to the point he didn't even realize the door to the study room opened.
"If a wound is proximal on the arm Where is it then located on the said arm?" He looked at the ceiling for a second then turned back facing down in the book. "It'd be closer to the shoulder, and then depending on the side of the arm it would be either medial, or Lateral."

"So if I were to do a quick thoracotomy it would only be done if a cut was deep enough to injure the heart or lungs, and the vitals were to drop" He paused and thought over his own thoughts for a second.
"On the other hand, a laparotomy would be done if there were wounds around the abdominal cavity" He confirmed it with a nod as he read further in the book.

A small clink distinctly sounding like a couple of plates and other necessities for food was placed on the table behind him then the distinct sound of Chakra being released in a puff of smoke could be heard behind him, his eyes twitched for a split second.
Someone's in here? That's.. He turned his face as he continued to think. ..Odd, I didn't.. quickly realizing it wasn't just anyone he saw her as she took out a book ..Hear the door opening.. Quickly as he saw her turning around he turned as well facing the wall in front of him. He turned his face downwards, hoping she didn't realize who he was.

Damnit, why here?! Why now?! He had deliberately avoiding her, he had deliberately trying to keep himself from her gaze. It wasn't out of disrespect or lack of trust, he just didn't know what to really tell her. He ran out of her house in the middle of the night, hurt and pained, even leaving Hikari by herself with her. He felt horrible for doing it, but he didn't know what else he could've done. He didn't feel like he had done anything wrong, so why did he feel so horrible, why had he been avoiding her for so long? He even went to the trouble of keeping away from certain areas at certain time of day simply because he knew she would be at work in that specific area that day. What he apparently didn't take into account was her actually going into the Med-nin in Training Study Room. He had only known of Kahako going in the room few times, but not as frequent as he himself had been.

He quickly grabbed and held his book in hand avoiding confrontation with her. She probably would notice him at some point, he hoped and wished for the impossible though. Even if it would require a miracle.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune had been oblivious to the fact that Keiji was sitting almost right behind her, and she just slurped the ramen up, then, for whatever reason, she got the idea of turning around and seeing if there was anyone else in the room, so she turned her head, saw some unmistakable dreadlocks and blinked a few times to make sure her eyes didn’t lie to her as she sucked in the ramen she had between her lips ”I’d recognize those dreads anywhere!” she exclaimed and got up and rushed over to Keiji, and hugged him so tightly he’d be short of breath for a little while.

”It’s been too long. How’ve you been?” she asked him after letting go ”It’s too bad you snuck out that night. Hikari and I had prepared a feast beyond your wildest dreams to speed up your recovery. But I guess you must’ve had your reasons for it, so I won’t pry nor will I yell. I’m just glad to see that you’re safe and sound.” she nodded a bit and smiled at him. ”So! You’re studying, huh? Anything interesting or is it just general medical knowledge you’re absorbing from the books?”

She kept smiling, even as she thought back to some thirty years ago, where she had been through the same experiences, studying to acquire knowledge. It had taken her an eternity and a half, but after a long time of studying and tutoring by her former mentor, she had grasped the fundamentals of nearly every medical subject there was. Of course, she had picked a few that she focused on more than the rest, and one of those was medical research. Whenever she saw wounds or organs she didn’t know, she researched everything she could about them, she especially enjoyed the harvesting process of removing kekkei genkai organs from shinobi that had fallen in combat.

Of course, she had been supervised in her research as other researchers had “accidents” at work. Usually involving trying to incorporate kekkei genkai organs into other shinobi that lacked either the will, or the strength to actually use the powers contained within. So at first, she didn’t even want to do research on them, but eventually her mentor convinced her that it was actually for the best that she knew as much about them as possible. After all, if she knew a ton about them, she couldn’t be hurt by them, right?


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Honestly he had hoped not to be seen, but he knew it was an impossibility not to have been seen, instead he avoided being the first to speak.
Trying to maintain his concentration on the book his mind kept wandering When is she gonna see me? What's she gonna say? What will I have to say?

As his mind wandered he hadn't even realized she had spoken loudly at him and had gotten up from her chair.
As soon as his mind had quieted down he suddenly found himself getting squished, his breath taken away by Kitsune-sensei holding him tight.
For a second Keiji felt angry, and frustrated by the happy approach she showed towards him, after having practically abandoned her care and having avoided her all this time.
He was ashamed for it.

Her cheery speech and her voice almost felt like searing acid being poured over his heart. As she kept talking, almost like a waterfall in his own eyes, he merely looked to the side in shame.
"It's.. It's Just some extra study work from my last class with Bii-Ryu-sensei.." His eyes faltered to the side as his eyes rested on the empty study table in the middle of the room.
"I.. I wanted to learn how to do emergency surgeries if it ever came to that.." His voice was almost trailing away.

It felt strange talking to Kitsune on such a social level so sudden, after such a long time.
As if everything was suddenly forgotten and forgiven, her cheery attitude did bring a certain glee to his soul.
Like an unrest that had been there for years suddenly settled itself in his mind. A decent mindset, no doubt.

He turned his body and grabbed the little red book, he placed his paper bookmark in it, and closed it slowly, turning back he showed the book to her letting her examine it if she pleased.
On the front said:
General Anatomy of the human body
The surgical appliance of the anatomical world
The back said:
Do you want to read through a simple, small and beautiful red book?
Do you wanna seem smart and cool towards your fellow MiT's?
Do you wanna learn almost everything you'll need in one handy little book?
Then this is the book for you!
Containing all the necessities any MiT might need for just about any medical subject!

Y'know, I'm glad she's here, I might just be able to ask her some questions and maybe, just maybe get some answers.
He turned his head and looked up at her with curious eyes.
"I was actually wondering, what is the proper procedure to do when an an arm is broken on distal part? The bone sticking out of the medial side, and you've only got the basic surgical supplies as a field hospital?"
He looked at her with eager eyes. He wanted to know more, and to learn more, none more eager student anyone could ask for.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune was still lost a bit in her flashback, thinking back to how she had gotten the scar on her hipbone. It was while she were tutoring her very first intern in the field of medical research. Unfortunately for Kitsune (and her hip), the intern was clumsy beyond all belief, and ended up not being permitted to carry fragile or sharp objects. In any case, back to the scar: Kitsune’s intern tripped over her own feet, while carrying a pair of scalpels. They flew across the room, and sliced Kitsune’s hip open. Needless to say, it was painful, bloody, and in general rather nasty. Fortunately, she had done research on human anatomy, so she knew exactly how to make sure there’d be little scarring. Unfortunately, she got interrupted in her healing of herself, so every now and again, the scar gives Kitsune a searing pain.
Years later she considered redoing the healing of the wound so the scar would disappear for good and ever, but that’d require re-opening the wound, and she wasn’t really all too fond of having to do that, so she didn’t while focusing on her research of various subjects, such as chemistry and psychology. After all, knowledge of psychology would help her make sure her genjutsus were even more effective when combined with her Sharingan eyes.

When Keiji spoke, she snapped out of the flashback and looked at him as he said ”It's.. It's Just some extra study work from my last class with Bii-Ryu-sensei..” She smiled and was about to say something when Keiji continued ”I.. I wanted to learn how to do emergency surgeries if it ever came to that..” Which was an admirable idea. Kitsune approved of his eagerness to learn. ”Well. It’s been quite a while since I last saw Bii-Ryu. And without a doubt, knowing how to do emergency surgery can save your ass in a life and death situation. So it’s a good choice.” she said and looked at the book that Keiji showed her. General Anatomy huh? Waitaminu--… Any medical subject? Seriously? That author needs to be thrown down the stairs of the Torre for that title. Argh. she raged in her mind because of the sheer stupidity of the title of the book, when it’s back stated that it contained knowledge beyond the title. She sighed and shook her head. ”The author of that book should be court martialed for that title… Or thrown down the stairs of the Torre. Either way, I want to watch.” she said before grinning and listening to Keiji’s sudden question ”I was actually wondering, what is the proper procedure to do when an an arm is broken on distal part? The bone sticking out of the medial side, and you've only got the basic surgical supplies as a field hospital?”

Kitsune closed her eyes and went through the mental file cabinet for what she had been told by her mentor way back when she was in training. ”Step one: Set the bone back to where it should be. Step two: Bandage it up so it stays in place. Step three: Apply a healing jutsu to the wound and make sure to get it healed up properly or it’ll reopen within a day.” she said after opening her eyes again. ”That’s the answer I was given by my mentor back when I was in your shoes. And it still works. Of course, if you’re in the situation that you’re without chakra, I’d say that instead of step three, you’d have to sow it back together. The body is incredibly resistant and will fix itself up quite nicely, if it gets the chance to do so.”


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
He listened closely to Kitsune-sensei's words, an interesting method. He took mental notes as he confirmed his own theories while establishing more on top of her answer. It ought to hurt to get a bone pushed BACK into your arm, administering painkillers in some form might be sufficient, and the proper amount of chakra might be important, due to making sure not overdoing it, It might also be wise to disinfect the wound before bandaging it up..

"Y'know.." Keiji grabbed and held the book, looking it over "..I always wondered who actually was the author.." He opened up the book from the back and look at the last page describing the author it even had a picture. Keiji's eyes widened as he read the name at the corner. "Umm.. Kitsune-sensei.. I think you should read this..." He lifted up the book high in front her face and let her read it herself
Author said:

Medical Nin Chief of Kumogakure
It seemed silly at first, but a silence had begun in the room as the realizations came through.

Keiji pulled the book back to himself and opened it up where he had left the bookmark.
It would be necessary to take note of the proper methods of disinfecting the equipment necessary towards the equipment. Oh look! Trauma algorithms!
Keiji's mind had succumbed to the information in the book.
[spoilername="The stuff he is reading"]Trauma Algorithms seemed like the perfect subject for Keiji to master, he read through it carefully.
Apparently the proper algorithm towards a penetrating injury, according to this is.
If it's a Superficial to deep fascia cut you simply clean and suture it.
If it however is Deep to deep fascia you perform a Laparoscopy, then we analyze further, if there isn't a Peritoneal penetration, we simply Clean and suture, if it however is penetrating through the Peritoneum we perform a Laparotomy..

If the patient got a blunt abdominal injury we first perform an ABCDE Abdominal examination. If the patient is stable, but the results are Equivocal or unreliable signs, or not available for repeated examination, we shall have to perform a CT scan. If however the examination went normally, the patient was cooporative, and available for repeated abdominal examination we simply observe him.
If the first ABCDE Abdominal examination resulted in revealing Peritontitis or CV instability and unequivocally positive abdominal signs we perform a Laparotomy.
If the CV is unstable Equivocal or unreliable abdominal signs, we perform a DPL or a FAST. If positive we perform Laparotomy, if negative we search for other source of cardiovascular instability.

Fracture pelvis algorithm was also described.
First a ABCDE Orthopaedic Consultation.
If the Cardiovascular proves to be unstable we perform CXR, Pelvis x-ray, stop external blood loss, Assess long bones, and Treat Haemo/Pneumothorax.
Then we perfom a FAST
If the fast is negative we stabilize the pelvis in resus. Afterwards we perform an Interventional Angiography. Then if Cardiovascular proves to still be unstable be repeat the FAST.
If it negative we repeat the Interventional Angiography. if positive we perform a Laparotomy.
If the first FAST is positive we perform Laparotomy and stabilise the pelvis in OT, if the Cardiovascular is unstable we do Interventional Angiography.
If the first ABCDE Orthopaedic Consultation proves the Cardiovascular is stable we simply perform a normal CT scan.[/spoilername]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Please don’t be whom I think it is. Please don’t be whom I think it-- Well. Fuck. Kitsune sighed deeply as she saw the picture that Keiji was showing her. ”You have to be friggin’ kidding… I take back what I said. The stairs are too good for him. Off the roof of the Torre instead.” she said and covered her face with her right hand as she balled her left hand into a fist. As the silence fell over the room, she sat back down and resumed eating all the food she had brought in with her. ”Aww. It went cold…” she said in a disappointed tone of voice. ”Hey wait… Of course!” she mumbled to herself and made a few seals, and then fired a low-powered laser at the plate of lasagna and bowl of ramen, leaving the maki rolls cold (Of course. Who wants warm sushi? Ew.), heating the food that way around. ”Hehee~ Warm food, so lovely~” she said and resumed her eating, first slurping the remainder of the ramen down, before turning her attention to the maki rolls.

While she was stuffing her face with the copious amounts of food, she also had her eyes fixated upon the book she had propped up against the wall. She had discovered it also contained information about kinjutsu surgeries, something she had also tried before. The last time she had done a kinjutsu surgery was a mere year ago, on some unlucky bastard that had lost an eye in combat. He figured that he could get a power boost by taking in a kekkei genkai eye. The idea was good enough; unfortunately, he had falsified his papers. He wasn’t strong enough to handle the organ. It ended up eroding his willpower and inhibition. So of course, he had to be put down, which Kitsune felt was her job as she did the surgery.
As it turned out, he had escaped the hospital, and had taken refuge in a basement in a shop near the Dawnbringer’s Plaza. She went after him, and after a short battle, she had subdued him and was about to remove the eye from his skull. Oddly enough, the minute she had removed the eye, he expired with a gasp, as if he was gasping for air. She notified the right people to have the corpse handled as she took the vial with the eye back to the Vault where it belonged.

Shinrya Kahako

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kahako had enjoyed most of her day off so far. The world of Kumogakure had been pretty quiet from the medical perspective for some time, and Kahako had been needed less and less in the emergency ward. Today, she wasn’t even needed (but really, when you’re a medical shinobi, you’re ALWAYS one phone call away), so she decided that she would make camp in a decently quiet study room for the day and read a bit up on… well… whatever happened to catch her eye.

Three large onigiri packed in a bento and bottle of cold oolong tea later, Kahako was making her way to the study room with her food and a small notebook. ‘Don’t underestimate the power of a small notebook~’ she thought as she opened the door.

First person she saw in the room was actually someone she hadn’t seen in a while and missed dearly. ’Kitsune-sensei!’ she thought. However, her teacher looked deep in thought, and she didn’t want to disturb her (or her enormous eating habits. Was that SIX Maki rolls and an empty bowl of ramen?!). Entering the room the rest of the way, she closed the door quietly and set her stuff down at the remaining table. Just as she was about to head for the bookshelf, she looked up at the other occupant in the room……

And saw Keiji….

She smiled silently in his direction and immediately turned to the bookshelf; whether he saw it or not, she wasn’t sure. It still stung a little whenever she thought back to class. She was a bit ashamed that she had felt needlessly jealous towards him after class (the way he said goodbye left her skin crawling and she fumed the rest of the day). But to be honest, the jolly green giant was still making noise inside Kahako’s mind. It felt like she was shown up in front of the whole medical branch in the class.

She felt like she should apologize… but for what? ‘I’m sorry. I spent the rest of my day after class imagining how many ways you would kowtow to me when I beat you in our medical career. Let’s forget the fact that you have NO idea that I think you’re my rival.’ Kahako thought as she sighed. ‘I have a serious problem with competition.’

She grabbed the nearest book in the psychology section. It was a thin study, and looked a bit old, but after glancing over the title, it left her a bit interested. She returned to her seat and opened her book, wondering lightly if either in the room would have noticed her enter.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune had wolfed down three of the maki rolls already, and was on her fourth as the door opened; Kitsune of course didn’t notice anything as she was busy eating and reading, this time about the wonders of chemistry. Funnily enough, she wasn’t any stranger to chemistry, as it had been responsible for her massive appetite and super-charged metabolism… As well as the fact that her body hadn’t aged a day since she had tried a mixture which she had made. Of course, it wasn’t until way later that she discovered the anti-aging effects, and she didn’t exactly know how she had made the mixture, despite of her photographic memory.
She turned the page, and saw a lot of stuff about covalent bonds, about how the electrons were shared between atoms and that it would make them stronger than if they had been without said bond.

Then, for some reason, Kitsune looked up from her book and looked behind her, and saw that Kahako had walked in. Ooh! It’s been a while since I saw my dear pupil. she thought to herself, as she got up from her chair, and nearly jumped at Kahako, hugging tightly her from behind, but due to the height differences, it meant that Kitsune’s breasts would rest on top of Kahakos head while her arms were wrapped around Kahakos chest. ”Kahako~ it’s been far too long. You should visit me in the office more often.” she said and grinned ”So! What’re you studying?” she asked the student under her breasts, looking over at Keiji to see what his reaction was to the whole situation, before she looked down at Kahako under her.

Due to Kitsune’s jumping at Kahako, her shirt had sprung open, not that it was anything new to Kitsune, it did that on a regular basis if she did big movements. That’s the reason she usually didn’t wear this top when going on missions. But perhaps she should? It’d provide a good distraction to opponents interested in women. It was probably a good thing that Kitsune was wearing a bra, or Keiji might’ve gotten a nosebleed… If he was a perv, he probably would anyways due to the size of Kitsune’s chest. Then again, he might not. Kitsune couldn’t tell right away.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The door opening took keiji by surprise, he had tuned his eyes to his surroundings after having noticed Kitsune was able to get in the study room without getting noticed by him. He looked for a second at the door opening, to realize it was Kahako-chan, unfortunately at the time he was in the middle of an important sentence in the book, so his attention quickly shifted back to book. Practically making it seem like he was ignoring her presence.

He wanted to say something, but the words of the book occupied his mind.
[spoilername="What he reads"]Another Trauma Algorithm regarding Head Trauma.
First to do is an ABCDE Resuscitation Neurological Examination.
If the case is a Mild Head Injury.
There is the case of either there are risk factors, or not.
If none, the patient is given a Discharge with a head-injury active sheet.
If the following risk factors are on file for the patient. The patient will be given a CT scan and will likely be admission into the hospital
The Risk factors mentioned are the following:
  • Penetrating head injury
  • Moderate to severe headache
  • Amnesia
  • Skull fracture
  • History of loss of consciousness
  • Deteriorating level of consciousness
  • CSF leak, rhinorrhoea or otorrhoea
  • Abnormal CT scan
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication
  • Significant associated injuries
  • No reliable companion at home
  • Unable to return promptly

The patient can also be directly admission into the hospital if it unsure if the injury is mild or severe.
If that is the case, the patient will get a CT scan, and then be under observation.
If the patient improves by 90% in the course of a 48 hour observation. The patient is discharged with the proper follow-up.
If however the patient deteriorates by 10% It will be treated as per severe head Injury.

If the case is a Severe Head Injury.
If the damage is a surgically correctable lesion on the CT scan. We operate.
If is not surgically correctable lesion on the CT scan however. We put the patient into intensive care.[/spoilername]

After having finished reading at last, his eyes shifted again as he closed his book to greet Kahako properly. What he was greeted with instead however, was not what he expected.
Giant breasts, covered by bra, but still giant. Staring directly at him, much to his surprise it wasn't from someone he expected the breasts from either, he looked up to see Kitsune looking down at the Kahako.
It was hard to keep his reactions to himself, the second he saw them he almost spitted out the whatever he had in his mouth. Saliva, coffee, and breadcrumbs, fortunately his reaction was quick enough for him to cover his mouth.

He turned quickly his face and faced the wall behind him.
"What the hell are you DOING Kitsune?!" He shouted almost instinctively at the sight.

His head turned slowly a few seconds after he had shouted as he looked behind, to check if the gargantuan beasts had been covered.

Shinrya Kahako

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kahako barely got into the abstract of the study before she felt and odd, squishy weight on her head and arms wrap around her. She smiled genuinely, but didn’t look up. She’d probably just get a face full of under-boob if she had, and she did enjoy breathing well enough. “Kitsune-sensei!” she said softly, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy with the emergency ward and stuff. I guess I lost track of time. I saw this in the psychology section and though it would be interesting enough to read,” Kahako admitted. She lifted the thin book so that Kitsune could see what page she was on. Displayed was the front page and the abstract:

Behavioral Study of Obedience said:
A Study of Destructive Obedience by Isaki Kushin

Abstract: This article describes a procedure for the study of destructive obedience in the laboratory. It consists of ordering naïve, newly appointed shinobi with affinities in lightening jutsu to administer increasingly more severe punishment to a victim in the context of a learning experiment. The punishment was administered in various low leveled jutsu and then slowly increased to higher rank within their limits. 26 shinobi obeyed the experimental commands fully, and administered the maximum punishment. 14 shinobi broke off the experiment at some point after the victim protested and refused to provide further answers. The experiment created nervous tension in some shinobi. Profuse sweating, trembling, and stuttering were typical expressions of this emotional disturbance. One unexpected sign was that of nervous laughter, which developed into uncontrollable seizures. The behavioral dynamics observed in the experiment, the reality of the situation for the genin rank shinobi, and the supplement follow-up of the subjects three years later point to the fruitfulness of further study.

Kahako held the book up to allow Kitsune a good view of what she was reading. Unfortunately, as she set it back down, she heard the tell-tale *pop* *pop* of buttons. Since she couldn’t look up, she also saw Keiji turn around at what could ONLY be considered the worst possible moment.

"What the hell are you DOING Kitsune?!" she heard as she quickly held the open book back up to provide some cover for her teacher’s….. gifts. Blushing madly, Kahako kept her eyes straight on the back of Keiji head. “Umm, Kitsune-sensei, I think you’re having a wardrobe malfunction.” However, as she stammered out her sentence, the thin booklet bent forward, no longer providing cover at all anymore. Her face only grew redder at the entire situation. She didn’t know what to do. But really, what could you do when you have exposed breasts sitting on top of your head? ‘A hole to crawl in and die sounds nice right about now… How does sensei even HAVE that problem?’

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune was genuinely happy to see her pupil and to hear that she had been busy “Kitsune-sensei! I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy with the emergency ward and stuff. I guess I lost track of time. I saw this in the psychology section and though it would be interesting enough to read.” she had said. ”Well, I’m glad to see that you’re keeping busy. It’s good to see that you’re doing good work. But still, visit my office more.” she replied to her pupil and grinned before she looked at the thin book that Kahako was holding up. ”A book by our very own Sennin, eh? Good choice my student. Very good choice~”
She read the front page closer, and saw that it was about psychology; more specifically about the psychological effects on young shinobi asked to do cruel things to other people. While it wasn’t unusual for shinobi to suffer mental instabilities due to their line of work, it was unusual for it to happen in younger shinobi.

As her buttons gave away and her breasts more or less spilled out onto Kahako’s head she laughed. ”Second shirt this week.” she said and formed a few handseals to summon forth a clone, but as she formed the handseals, her bra also gave way because of the front clasp. That’s where Kitsune started blushing as while she didn’t have a problem showing off her body, she preferred it to be intentional and not accidental. So she summoned the clone, and had herself run back to the office and grab a new bra and a new shirt. One of the new ones she had tailored specifically to accommodate her breast size.
”Erh. Yeah. It’ll only be a minute or so.” she said, her cheeks flushed with red. ”Now I’m not shy of showing off. Buuuut I’d prefer doing it on my own terms. Meaning not like this with a silly problem like buttons.”

Kitsune knew, of course, that showing off her body could also work as a way to get into immature opponents heads. After all, it’d provide several openings. Nosebleed… covering of eyes… Looking away… All perfect opportunities to hit ‘em where it hurts: Between the second and third rib of the left side, with something sharp. Of course, she could also just use a jutsu to bring her opponent down, but if they were already distracted, she might as well stab them… Or light them on fire. Black or red fire. Either one would work for her. After all, she was good at it, one might almost say that she specialized in it. Almost.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.. What is it WITH THIS SITUATION?! Frustrated and bothered. Keiji just felt like running out and leaving the room. This situation is way too awkward for him to be a part of.

He turned his face towards the wall quickly as the entirety of the beasts escaped the confound space that previously had kept them in their place. Invisible for the naked eye. The beasts, the beasts, the beasts, the dangerous, frightfully dangerous beasts, able to control lives of man, lead armies, and control countries, squishing them beneath their mighty powerful strength. Them alone, were the among the most powerful weapons, truly.

Sweat had begun appearing around on his forehead. This situation was highly inappropriate, especially for him. Considering his gender, and not to mention his age!
He liked the opposite gender, very much so. If people knew what he had been doing, they'd think of him as a playboy! But in this case, dealing with someone so much older than himself, was just taking the cake. Metaphorically speaking of course.

"I.. I-I need to do more studying! So-S-s-So please keep quiet back there! His words stuttered as sweat pellets dropped from his face.

He lifted his book and held it up in front of his face. Trying to control his thoughts, but alas, the confusing, ravaging and weird situation behind him made his hands shake and his thoughts go uncontrollable.
Does that study of yours Kahako, happen to have anything about sexual harassment or frustrations towards younger shinobi?! He sighed heavily as his thoughts were only occupied by the situation, and nothing else.

Shinrya Kahako

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kahako was in a full blush at Kitsune’s wardrobe malfunction. As her teacher finally let go of her, she turned around in her seat, and looked at everything BUT her teacher. “I’m sorry you have…um… busty issues...” She said awkwardly. Really, she had no idea WHAT to say in a situation like this. She looked at the ground and grabbed the back of the chair with both of her hands. “I’ve never had an issue like that before,” she murmured while looking down. It made her feel a little self-conscious that she wasn’t as… gifted as her sensei.

“I…I-I need to do more studying! O…s-So please keep quiet back there!”

Kahako jumped a little at Keiji’s outburst and twisted around. “Ah, umm… sorry Keiji-kun,” she said as she shifted back into her seat. “I guess I’ll talk to you later Kitsune-sensei. I should probably get back to studying too,” she said quietly. She went back to her article and began reading into the study.

[spoilername="Behavioral Study"]Obedience is as basic an element in the structure of social life as one can point to. Some system of authority is necessary to all types of communal living, and only a man dwelling in complete isolation outside Kumogakure is not forced to respond to submission or the commands of others. Obedience is e psychological mechanism that links individual action to political purpose. Observation in daily shinobi activities suggest that for many persons obedience may be a deeply ingrained behavior tendency, indeed, an impulse that overrides ethics, sympathy, and moral conduct.

Granted the particular form of obedience in this study has its antecedents, it should be noted that obedience serves numerous productive functions in society.
Procedure said:
A procedure was devised which seems useful as a tool for studying obedience. It consists of ordering a naïve, newly appointed genin with affinities to lightening to administer from weak to life-threatening levels of electric shock to victims while under the impression that the victims are not truly being harmed. Internal resistances become stronger as the test proceeds, and at a certain point the subject refuses to go on with the experiment. The time period before this rupture is considered ‘obedience.’ The point after the rupture is considered ‘disobedience.’ The quantitative value that was applied to this study was the strength of the jutsu performed.

As Kahako continued to read, she retained most of the information, but her mind began to wonder back to the incident that happened previously. Kahako was already fifteen, and she had yet to really develop. Granted Kitsune was a full grown woman and Kahako was still a teenager… but looking at family photos, Kahako could tell that, when her mother was Kahako’s age, she was further developed in… the gifts given to women… than Kahako currently was. ‘Will I be cursed to being flat-chested forever?’ She wondered silently with dismay. She sighed, “Why am I so inadequate?” She said frustratingly grabbing her chest.

It took her a second to realize that she said that out loud. It took another second to notice that she said it loud enough for Keiji to hear her. He also probably turned around to see what on earth she had been talking about. And he would have gotten an eyeful of her grabbing her chest while looking down. She blushed fully and looked up, shooting a small prayer up to Raiden-sama that Keiji didn’t turn around. However, knowing her odds, he probably had.

[Edited to MFT: about 578 words]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
A deep sigh escaped his mouth as a little silence had developed in the room. Kahako had apologized for the noises, which he was deeply thankful for.
But alas the peace and quiet did not last for long.

A little moment after a short loud voice, which definitely sounded like Kahakos was heard. Confused and slightly interest in what the subject was she was being so frustrated about.
He first be default thought she was talking about the study she was doing.

But the second he had turned around, he saw the one thing he dreaded the most, the one thing he did not want to see, not even the slightest.
Wha- His thoughts took the better of him as a burst of blood, short, but plentiful escaped his nostrils, making a small part of the floor underneath him covered in a blood splatter.

Then she looked up, she looked him deeply in the eyes, and his in hers. And for a split second she looked hopeful, it looked.. Nice..
He shouted with a large and roaring shout as he covered his nose with his free hand, the other holding his red book.

Pulling out a piece of cloth from his shoulder bag he began to clean his nose.
Damn these girls.. They'll be the death of me!

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune covered herself a bit better at least until her clone could arrive with a new set of clothes. While waiting, she hoped that her student picked up every little reaction that Keiji gave off, his flustered behavior, his every move. After all if Kahako was trying to study psychology, she’d need to know what affects people. And with Keiji being a typical male, naked or topless women were sure to affect him as they had just clearly seen. ”I won’t make any promises Keiji.” Kitsune said after his outburst. ”You never know what happens with me around~” she said laughing a bit while waiting for her clone to hurry back.
She thought back to when she studied psychology and then perused the bookshelves to find out if the book she used to read was actually there. And lo, there it was, so she grabbed it and opened it on the first page.
[spoilername="First Page"]What is Psychology?

Psychology is both an applied and academic field that studies the human mind and behavior. Research in psychology seeks to understand and explain how we think, act and feel. Applications for psychology include mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics and many other areas affecting health and daily life.

In more recent times, psychologists prefer to use more objective scientific methods to understand, explain and predict human behavior. Psychological studies are highly structured, beginning with a hypothesis that is then empirically tested. The discipline has two major areas of focus: academic psychology and applied psychology. Academic psychology focuses on the study of different sub-topics within psychology including personality, social behavior and human development. These psychologists conduct basic research that seeks to expand our theoretical knowledge, while other researchers conduct applied research that seeks to solve everyday problems.
Applied psychology focuses on the use of different psychological principles to solve real world problems. Examples of applied areas of psychology include forensic psychology, ergonomics and industrial-organizational psychology. Many other psychologists work as therapists, helping people overcome mental, behavioral and emotional disorders.

As psychology moved away from its philosophical roots, psychologists began to employ more and more scientific methods to study human behavior. Contemporary researchers employ a variety of scientific techniques including experiments, correlational studies longitudinal research and others to test, explain and predict behavior.

Psychology is a broad and diverse field. A number of different subfields and specialty areas have emerged. The following are some of the major areas of research and application within psychology:
Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behavior and psychopathology. This specialty area is focused on research and treatment of a variety of mental disorders and is linked to psychotherapy and clinical psychology.

Types of Psychology:
  • Biological Psychology, also known as biopsychology, studies how biological processes influence the mind and behavior. This area is closely linked to neuroscience and utilizes tools such as MRI and PET scans to look at brain injury or brain abnormalities.
  • Clinical Psychology is focused on the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. It is also considered the largest employment area within psychology.
  • Cognitive Psychology is the study of human thought processes and cognitions. Cognitive psychologists study topics such as attention, memory, perception, decision-making,problem-solving and language acquisition.
  • Comparative Psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of animal behavior. This type of research can lead to a deeper and broader understanding of human psychology.
  • Developmental Psychology is an area that looks at human growth and development over the lifespan. Theories often focus on the development of cognitive abilities, morality, social functioning, identity and other life areas.
  • Forensic Psychology is an applied field focused on using psychological research and principles in the legal and criminal justice system.
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychology is a field that uses psychological research to enhance work performance, select employee, improve product design and enhance usability.
  • Personality Psychology looks at the various elements that make up individual personalities.
  • School Psychology is the branch of psychology that works within the educational system to help children with emotional, social and academic issues.
  • Social Psychology is a discipline that uses scientific methods to study social influence, social perception and social interaction. Social psychology studies diverse subjects including group behavior, social perception, leadership, nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression and prejudice.

She closed it, and made a mental note to hand it to Kahako later, so she could study it. Before that, she put it down on her table and then she heard Kahako make the exclamation that she was inadequate so she turned around and saw her pupil touching herself. She giggled and burst into laughter when Keiji got a classic nosebleed.
”Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh.” she said and forced herself to stop laughing. Then, with a few light steps more or less vanished from her table and stood behind Keiji, leaning onto his shoulder while reading what he was reading. In other words, she was teasing Keiji by resting her right breast on his shoulder, wondering what his reaction would be to having her that close to him, and in the current state of undress.

After getting his reaction she would return to her table, just as her clone entered with some new clothes. Immediately she put on the bra, but it was a back-closed one, and she never could reach around to close it herself. ”Hey Kahako, could you give me a hand with this?” she asked and turned around, so she would be facing the two younger students, fortunately she was actually covered up this time.

[MFT: 915 words]

Shinrya Kahako

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
‘Dear Raiden, WHY?!’ The nosebleed Keiji was sporting proved to her, that he did in fact catch everything Kahako said. His eyes met her and they stared at each other as her hopeful face turned both mortified and embarrassed.


She jumped at Keiji’s outburst and grew two more shades of red. “I-I-…” was all she got out before Kitsune laughed. It seemed to knock Keiji out of his revere as he turned around and grabbed for a tissue from his bag.

”Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh.”

Kahako watched Kitsune move towards Keiji and bend forward, obviously she was teasing Keiji. Kahako took note that this entire situation was getting to him. (She was practically DYING of embarrassment, but that was because of her own part in... whatever the hell this study room had become.) She made an incoherent noise, put her hands in firmly her lap, and did the only thing she could do in this situation. She promptly went back to her study.
[spoilername="Study of Obedience"]Result of experiment 1: Subjects accept situation. Out of the 40 genin subjects only 14 ruptured into ‘disobedience.’ Many held signs of extreme tension. Many subjects showed signs of extreme tension, especially upon administering extremely painful shock. Subjects were observed to sweat, tremble, stutter, and even dig their nails into their flesh upon administering shock to the victim. Fourteen of the 40 subjects were known to show nervous laughter and chuckling. One gennin in particular collapsed into a fit of violent seizures as the test proceeded. Unfortunately, the experiment had to be terminated.
Distribution of scores is as follows: Left column: Level of shock, right column:


As the chart shows, a total of 14 subjects out of the total 40 resisted. 5 refused to continue the experiment after an intense shock, eight after an extremely intense shock, and one more after Danger: severe shock. 26 gennin obeyed orders and continued the experiment all the way until the highest level of shock, labeled as XXX.[/spoilername]

”Hey Kahako, could you give me a hand with this?”

Kahako looked up from her reading to see Kitsune having issues with her bra. Still completely embarrassed by the entire ordeal, Kahako stared at her teacher once more and glance back at Keiji. “Sure, Kitsune-sensei,” she said, standing up from her chair.

Walking over to her teacher, Kahako, in full blush, reached up and started to slip the back hooks of the bra in place. At first, her finger slipped one of the clasps, the bra popping back and making a small *smack* against Kitsune’s skin. “I’m sorry! Did that hurt?” She said looking around Kitsune’s arm. She glanced at Keiji once more. Both embarrassed, and (she would admit it to NO ONE) curious as to how he would react to the noise.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Wait- what the he-" As he was cleaning his nose and facing the wall, he had his book in front of him on the table. Suddenly he felt the distinct of a water filled balloon on his right shoulder, and as he looked to the side to re-affirm his suspicions he felt the breathing of someone on top of him, like the person was standing right above him.

You have got be.. Kidding me.. With a substantially tired, annoyed and frankly frustrated his whole attitude towards this situation had changed. Everything applied now would merely become fuel for the rage machine which Keiji was slowly turning into.

"No. No Kitsune-sensei.. I will not take further part of this silly game you are playing." He said a straight face, his words were true, but they weren't just directed at her, it was directed at himself again, his face also had slight resemblenses of getting flustered. But he held it back.

As his reply was heard miraculously she turned and walked back to her own table. The door opened and Thank Raiden.. her clone must've come with new clothes and hopefully a new bra.

But alas, the silence didn't last for long, as apparently Kitsune had difficulty in managing her new clothes, and asking Kahako for assistance. Keiji got a bad feeling as Kahako quickly went to rescue..

Shortly after a quick smack sound was heard. Keiji admittedly was hoping something that literally had hurt one or both them, allowing himself to laugh hysterically at the immense hilarity that karma would've eventually bitten back at them. He turned, looking to check to see if his luck was just right. "Ffffsssss!" Keiji quickly covered his mouth again as the left immense beast of Kitsune's were staring him in his face. He quickly turned. This.. This is getting out of hand! Damnit! I've had enough, ENOUGH!

He grabbed his book, and tugged it into his bag. He would go to the open area right behind the hospital to do his reading. He threw the bloodied tissue onto the study table and pulled his shoulder bag across his shoulder and made his way out of the Study room, behind him the door would slam, he intended it so, the size of the room would make the slam even louder, maybe it would kill some eardrums if he was lucky But since that up until this point his lack of luck was apparent, he didn't put his hopes too high up.

On the table he had left, only the bloodied tissue stood, receiving the light from the midday sun, the dust falling silently onto the tissue as if a testament to what had happened this day in the MiT study room.

OOC said:
If either of you would try to stop him, he would merely look at the person doing it, and stare at them in silence with intense and immensely annoyed eyes until they would release him, and when released he would continue on. He will also ignore whichever statement you might say to him. But they will be remembered. If however! Anything else is done, like he's being held or grabbed, or annoyed any further.. Well.. We'll just have to see what you will do, if you'll do anything!
You may RP this if desired. IF your character would attempt to stop him.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune stretched as she waited for Kahako to give her a hand with the stupid clasp on her bra. Then, when Kahako apparently rolled a 1 in the “Put Bra On” skill, she fumbled and the bra snapped back, leaving two marks on Kitsune’s pale skin. ”Ow.” she exclaimed as it happened. Mostly out of reflex and the shock of a sudden sting. She’d then guide Kahako to make sure it didn’t happen again, and once the bra was on, she’d put on her new shirt, and button it up. ”Much much better.” she said and sighed while twisting around to make her spine go crack along every vertebrae.
When Keiji got up and packed up his stuff and walked towards the door, Kitsune stepped in front of him and wrapped her arms around him tightly and whispered into his ear ”I’m sorry Keiji. But know that you helped a great deal in my psychology lesson. Thank you. If you ever need help, don’t hesitate to come see me. I’ll do my very best to help you. Perhaps even give you a special 72-hour crash course in triage. If you want to of course.” she said and then let go of him, so he could leave.

As Keiji had left, Kitsune cleaned up his bloodied tissue and the stain on the floor by using her clone which hadn’t disappeared yet. And as her clone did that, she turned to Kahako ”Well. Apologies about how that turned out. But! How did you like your crash course in how to affect the opposite sex by using your body. As we could see, the sight of my body both made him flustered and angry. Angry because it was interrupting his studying. Flustered because it’s likely a first for him to see a topless woman. In either case, your body is a weapon. Physically and mentally. Don’t ever forget it.” she said to the young student and smiled. ”As for your question before, about inadequacy, well… I may or may not have something that can remedy that. If you want it that is.” she said and winked while holding up a vial of a clear blue liquid. ”Over the course of a week. This vial will make your body accelerate its’ natural breast growth. So you won’t outgrow your natural potential, but it’ll just help it along to about C or D cup size.” she finished and waited for her students’ response to the question.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
