Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Taking the Key of God [Retirement for Kyo]

Apr 25, 2017
Chimera Project
Day One

A camera turns on to show a woman with wild, lavishing red-hair with a white lab-coat looking into the camera. She plays around with the camera positioning before moving away from it to show a glass tube, filled with some kind of green liquid, with Kyo inside of it. A respirator was attached to his face and his wrists and ankles chained down to the bottom of the tank. He can be seen struggling to escape his bindings. The woman cleared her throat and started to speak into the camera. "Ahem. Day one of the Chimera Project -- We have our specimen, Ryong Kyo, finally chained up into our 'hydro-chamber'. The specimen, which we will now call 'Specimen-1' had killed 3 of our armed guards and even attempted to kill our matriarch for this project: Madam Park Soon-Mi. Specimen-1 was accompanied by a large Direwolf, which we discovered was the last of it's kind. After Specimen-1 was secured, Specimen-2 was captured, which brings us to where we are now," The woman wearing the white labcoat turned and looked towards Kyo for a moment before turning back to the camera.

"I am the lead engineer of the Chimera Project; Hiruko Nanashi. We have several objectives in the Chimera Project. Our first objective, according to Madam Park would be to perform a stress-test for Specimen-1. We will subject him to physical torture, mental duress, and finally emotional trauma in that specific order. Madam Park wishes to see if any of the above stimuli would bring forth, and expose, the 'Key of God'. Once the 'Key of God', if it exists within Specimen-1, is extracted, we will begin extracting the demon that lays dormant within the specimen. According to reports, Specimen-1 had obtained his power through an external force; that being another, very powerful demon. Madam Park believes that, if Specimen-1 was able to gain a demonic power from an external force, then it is believed that that power could be transferred using the 'Key of God'," the woman said before turning to look towards Kyo. He seemed to have broken the chains that bound him, slamming his fist and forehead into the glass walls of the tube. Blood started to circulate around the tube.

The woman named Hiruko Nanashi moved away and shouted out to people off-screen of the camera to increase the atmospheres within the tube. After the workers complied, Kyo quickly went unconscious yet again. A new order was given to make new restraints for Kyo, draining the tube and quickly getting to work. A loud barking could be heard in the background, further causing confusing within the lab. Nanashi turned and shouted out, "Someone PLEASE shut Specimen-2 up? It's getting too damn loud in here! I'm recording!" she said before a little whimper was heard and the barking went silent. An audible grumble could be heard before she returned to the camera. "Our final objective is to merge Specimen-1 and Specimen-2 together into a more perfect being. One with the strength of a monster with the brains of a human," she said as the look of excitement was clearly evident in the ecstatic smile upon her face.

"But for Day One, we just need to figure out how to keep this bastard restrained, mrrrrrr," she said out of disappointment before turning the camera off.

Chimera Project
Day Three: Physical Stress Test

"Day Three of the Chimera Project. Day two was spent modeling a workable solution to Specimen-1's containment. Today, we begin the stress test. We will be utilizing multiple instances of electrocution in various strengths into the specimen. Along with that, we have also decreased the specimen's oxygen flow into his mask by 50%. The electric current will be sent through a 6 centimeter diameter anode at the bottom of the tube which will surge up to a 6 centimeter diameter cathode at the top of the tub. Watch and see what happens!" she said as she bounced towards the controller off-screen and stated in a level voice. "Start at 150 volts," The electricity ran through the tube, causing Kyo to not elicit much of a response. "1000 volts" Kyo started to twitch a little but showed how resilient he was to the electric current. "10,000 volts," she said as the sound of a gentle whir could be heard before causing Kyo to twitch violently. Even with all of the twitching, Kyo didn't show signs of pain. Once the electricity was released, Kyo's body went limp for a moment, shaking his head.

"Keep it at 10,000 volts. Raise amperage up to 1.1 amps," she said before there was a brief delay before the electricity turned on. An audible scream, muffled by the water, could be heard and obvious pain could be seen throughout Kyo. After 10 seconds of agonizing electrocution, it ended. "1.5" she said before performing it again. Kyo reacted in a more violent manner, showing obvious pain from what was being performed to him. "Shinobi are fascinating creatures. This is more than enough to kill a normal human. But this!" she said as her voice grew more and more sultry. She walked up to the tube and placed her hands upon it. Upon her hands were rubber gloves. She groped the tube near where Kyo's chest would be and stared up at it with great anticipation. "Do it again!" she said as Kyo's body distorts in pain. She got closer and closer as she watched him squirm.

"MORE! 2 AMPS! 25,000 volts! MORE! DO IT MORE!" she said, sadistically taking pleasure in watching Kyo twist and wrangle in absolute pain. He continued to do this until he eventually went limp. The look of distress could be seen upon the scientist's face before she waved her arms, telling everyone to shut it off! She squatted down before the tube and looked him over, keeping an eye on his chest for movement. After a brief moment, Kyo twitched and woke up. A sigh of relief was given by Nanashi. She stood up and walked over towards the camera that was placed in front of the tube, observing everything that happened.

"Specimen-1 was capable of withstanding up to 50,000 volts of electricity at 2.3 Amps. Amazing creature he is. However, the physical stress test yielded no results. Oxygen will be returned to the specimen at a regular rate and the Mental Stress test will begin in 3 days. The specimen will be given time to physically rest and recover any injuries that may have been incurred from the Physical Stress Test."

Chimera Project
Day Six: Mental Stress Test

"Over the course of the next 3 days, we will be testing Specimen-1's mental fortitude. During the next 3 days, the specimen will only be given just enough food to survive while still feeling malnourished. The specimen will also be monitored around the clock by someone at the 'shock-panel'. They are to watch over the specimen and every time he decides to fall asleep, he will be given a very painful jolt of electricity. He will be given a momentary shock at 50,000 volts at 2.3 amps. This will be enough to wake him up. During this mental stress test, he will also be view an array of colors and sounds to keep his mind active. Essentially, for the next three days, we are going to keep him awake and keep him stimulated. I'm going to leave the camera rolling, only replacing it to replace the film. Toodles~" she said as she blew a kiss to the camera and walked away.

Mental Stress Test - Day 1: 2035 hours
Kyo looked around and started to shake his head and let out a loud scream as the bright lights and the stinging noise that surrounded the glass tube intensified. He continued to struggle as if to try to break the container. He screamed and screamed which urged Dakota, who was hidden away, to let out a loud howl before quickly being silenced. Kyo continued to scream during his containment.

Mental Stress Test - Day 2: 0032 hours
Kyo quieted down after having exhausted himself and let himself hang limp as he started to fall asleep. The person at the console pressed a button and Kyo's body jolted upwards, stiffening from the electrical shock which instantly woke up him. Kyo let out even more screams, almost as if all of this had caused Kyo to regress into a more primordial creature. This occurred several times during the night.

Mental Stress Test - Day 2: 0850 hours
Nanashi walked out with her labcoat tightly over her body before walking over to the tube and opened up her labcoat, showing Kyo her naked form. Under normal circumstances, Kyo would enjoy this view, but he was tired and he was FURIOUS! Kyo let out another scream with several curse words spilling out of his lips before Nanashi quickly tightened up her coat around her body and looked back towards her coworkers. They all had an inquisitive look on their faces. Sneering, Nanashi rolled her eyes. "What? He's cute! And seeing something like that can get guys going mentally, you know?" she said before the two men manning the shock-panel looked at her longingly. She flippantly tossed her hair around before wagging a finger at them. "Don't get me wrong, but it was for science. So you aren't privileged to see," she said before clearing her throat, tossing her hair around, turned her back to the two manning the console, and walked away. As Nanashi walked passed Kyo again, he started screaming through the thick, jelly-like substance until she disappeared.

Kyo grumbled and went limp once more before slowly closing his eyes. Before he could get his eyes closed, he received another awful shocking which jolted him awake. His mouth moved, but his plea for sleep went on deaf-ears.

Mental Stress Test - Day 2: 1629 hours
"Well, hello there! It seems the stress test isn't yielding the results that we wanted. Madam Park isn't pleased with the results so she decided to accelerate the Emotional Stress test to tomorrow morning," she said as she slapped her hands together and rubbed them in delight. "He's going to break tomorrow! We are sure to get this 'Key of God' tomorrow. Not even a big ninja like him will be able to take this kind of stress. I can't wait!!!" she said in a strange, yet awful glee. Nanashi turned to look towards the men at the console.

"Increase the light and sound intensity. It should keep him awake long enough so you don't need to shock him," she said before the two men at the shock-panel gave audible acceptance of the order. With that, the light going into the tube and the sound being emitted were intensified. Kyo didn't seem to look like he has enough energy to scream and shout at the change happening to him.

Mental Stress Test - Day 3: 0915 hours
Emotional Stress Test

Kyo was only shocked a few times last night as opposed to the several the night before. Kyo looked dreadful with exhaustion weighing heavily upon him. It was now that Nanashi walked to the camera and stared into it for a moment. "Day three of the Mental Stress Test of Specimen-1 has began and we will be integrating the Emotional Stress Test momentarily; as soon as Madam Park arrives. Oh! Speaking of which," she said before turning to look off-camera for a moment. The sound of wheels turning could be heard as Kyo's eyes instantly opened when he saw Dakota strapped to a wooden cart being rolled out in front of him. Next to the strapped down and muzzled creature was a familiar woman. This was the woman who claimed to have been Ryong Ki-Moon, his 'sister'. It was due to her words and influence that he started to doubt the structure of Kumogakure and believed that she was her sibling the whole time.

Madam Park walked in front of the camera and directed Nanashi to take a hold of the camera. The camera moved around as Nanashi took full control of the camera. Madam Park waved her hand once and the light and sound going into the tube was stopped instantly. She nodded and waved the cart over, having it placed in front of the tube and camera to document this occasion. "Turn on his microphone, I want him to hear every word and every sound," Madam Park said before the microphone inside of the tube of viscous liquid turned on, sending sound clearly into Kyo's ears. Madam Park gave a big grin to Kyo before knocking on the glass tube that he was in.

"Well, hello 'little brother'. It's been a while and you didn't take what I said seriously, did you? Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Park Soon-Mi. I know, I know, I told you I was Ryong Ki-Moon, but that was obviously a lie. But, you ARE my little brother -- that part is actually true. Father did have a way with words and a way with women, you know. He decided it was a good idea to have a one-night stand with my mother and there I am. Funny, how after you were dumped off into the mountains by your mother, that my mother thought that what happened was a heinous act. She tried to go to the shinobi about how your father wouldn't pay to help support me and all your father did was take her to court for 'slander' until we had absolutely no money. Do you know how it feels to live with a bunch of people and have no money to survive? No money to eat? Of course not. Little wolf-boy got picked up by some big wolves and you got to eat. Do you know how it felt like to go hungry, Kyo-Moon? It is an awful feeling," the woman said as she placed her hands behind her back and started to pace around the tube.

"While you had a new family in the mountains, my mother had to do unspeakable things just to put food on the table for me. She sold her body to the highest bidder and that eventually lead to her death. I know it sounds petty and probably not correct, but I blame you and Ki-Moon. You all lead a nice and comfortable life because of your father's fortune. A fortune built upon greed. But, I'm not here to tell you my life story. There's something inside of you that I want to get to. So to do that," she said as she raised her hand up. Several men wielding rapiers began to surround Dakota. Kyo shook his head and started to scream out loud; his voice still being muffled by the viscous fluid. Then men started to stab the restrained Direwolf several times, matting it's once pure-white fur into a crimson red. Howls of agony could be heard from the massive creature as Kyo tugged at his restraints, pulling them loose. The more and more they stabbed the Direwolf, the more the restraints cried under pressure until Kyo snapped the chains that held him and started to smack his fists into the glass. He formed a few handseals before attempting to form Chidori, however, the viscous liquid shocked Kyo, stopping the jutsu instantly.

He returned to slamming his fist into the glass, leaving a loud 'bong' sound with every strike. A look of anger and fear could be seen in his eyes before the clear liquid within the tube started to turn green and black, making Kyo's appearance cloudy. "More! Do it more! DO IT MORE!" Nanashi shouted as the swordsmen continued to small stabs into the wolf, enough to illicit an audible response from the creature. Kyo mouthed out the words 'I'll fucking kill you all! Leave Dakota alone!' but his words went unheard. Madam Park raised her hand, causing the stabbing from the swordsmen to stop. Afterward, she changed her hand to show 2 fingers showing. The swordsmen sheathed their blades and took a step back as the massive direwolf started to breathe heavily as it's warm blood started to pour out onto the ground.

It was then that one of the men pulled out a massive axe and swiftly cleaved Dakota's head off. There was silence from within the tube before a glowing object could be seen popping out of what would've been Kyo's chest. It phased through the liquid and even out of the glass tube. Everyone looked at this artifact in awe. "Don't just stand there! Grab it! That's the Key of God!," she said as all of the swordsmen dropped their blades and rushed over to the artifact. Upon touching the artifact, most of the men started to go insane while others died on the spot. With a gasp of excitement, Nanashi dropped the camera onto the ground and rushed over to the artifact and held it in her hands. Nothing. There was no averse reaction to the object.

A loud roar could be heard from the tube. The noise was extremely audible. The loud 'bong' noises turned into loud cracking sounds. A single hand popped out of the glass tube, having punched open a hole, letting the liquid rush out of it. Nanashi returned to picking up the camera and viewing what was happening with the 'Key of God' glowing next to her. "Commence extraction! He's in his demonic form!" Nanashi shouted before the entire glass tube shattered, blowing the top of the tube out. The sound of ripped cables could be heard as the cables that were hooked up to his head were completely torn out. A foot stepped out of the glass container and let out a massive roar. The black creature jumped from the tube over towards the two men manning the 'shock panel' were torn to pieces before the camera feed was cut.

The camera turned back on to show Nanashi, with the 'Key of God' shining directly in front of her chest. A beam went from the 'Key of God' directly at the demonic Kyo and held him in place. The beam of light turned into an egg around Kyo for a brief moment, holding him in place within the white egg.

Chimera Project
Day 33

"It's been 23 days since we performed the Emotional Stress Test on Specimen-1 by exterminating Specimen-2 right before his very eyes. While the experiment DID bring-forth the Key of God it also left Specimen-1 in a magical white egg. Our guess is it is magical due to conventional weaponry not being able to penetrate it nor could ninjutsu penetrate the egg. After running life-sign tests within the egg, the answers are... inconclusive on whether or not Specimen-1 is still within it. This has become a case of Schrodinger's Cat. However, we aren't actually able to access the egg to tell if the specimen is living or dead," Nanashi said with a long, drawn-out sigh.

"We will have to 'crack this nut' before we are able to complete the Chimera Project. Expect more entries in the future. This is Hiruko Nanashi of the Chimera Project; signing out," she said before turning the camera off.

WC: 3191
Chimera Project
Day 53

A camera turns back on with a disheveled looking woman going by Hiruko Nanashi looking into it. She looked like absolute hell, as if she hadn't slept in weeks. She speaks evenly into the camera with a hoarse voice. "Day 53 of the Chimera Project. Ugh! Specimen-1 is still trapped within the white egg. We have come to call this white egg, 'The Stigmata'. Specimen-1 is still trapped inside of that thing and showed no signs of budging. We've tried dynamite, more powerful jutsu..." she said with a bit of a pause. She sighed audibly before continuing, "We even threw a fucking meteor at the thing and it didn't even leave a scratch. We've come to the conclusion that the 'Key of God' that was extracted from Specimen-1 was protecting him for reasons unknown. We've even brought and desecrated the remains of Specimen-2 directly in front of The Stigmata to try to get an emotional response from within the egg, but we came up short. Nothing seemed to bother it. It's like he's a butterfly resting to---" the woman said as the sound of sirens blaring could be heard.

A loud roar could be heard as a black and green energy started to swirl around the egg. "Oh shit! You, come and film this!" Nanashi said before a faceless scientist in the lab walked in front of the camera, adjusting it to view what was going on. He looked up to see the egg was starting to crack. Nanashi walked over to the egg, placing her hand upon it. A look of excitement quickly seen upon her face before another one of the scientists barged in and pushed Nanashi to the side. From out of the egg, a black and green arm pushed out and grabbed the scientist and dragged them into the egg. The sounds of carnage and violence could be heard as an explosion of red splattered out of that single hole in the egg.

The camera panned down to Nanashi, upon her back before seeing her crawling away. "Cut the footage! We need to get out of here!" she said as the camera cut out right after hearing the words "BRING HER BACK!!! BRING BACK DAKOTA!!!" with a loud howl that cracked the camera lens. With that, the camera was shut off.

WC: 385
MFT -- Using for uh.. Training during OCR​
Chimera Project
Day 59

A different camera flickered on with the colors more vibrant and in higher definition than the camera used previously. Again, the person in front of the camera is the red-headed scientist by the name of Hiruko Nanashi. She looks a bit cleaner than the last time the camera was turned on her with her hair back to the way it normally was and the fact that it looked like she actually got some sleep. The look of annoyance could easily be seen on her face with the white egg cracked open and half of Kyo's demonic body poking out of it. The figure took the appearance of holding something in it's powerful hands.

"After Specimen-One burst out of the egg six days ago and killed 3 of our scientists, his body went dormant. In an effort to cancel the Chimera Project, we also threw swords, axes, and jutsu at Specimen-One but it appeared to have the same hardness as the white egg it is bursting out of. We've come to believe this has something to do with the Key of God but attempts to have Specimen-One and the Key of God interact bore no results. Nobody knows exactly what is going on. 2 days ago, Specimen-One started to bleed tears of blood out of it's eyes. It was truly a chilling sight to behold a statuesque demon crying tears of blood. Everyone is on edge when that happens and alarms go off; expecting Specimen-One to awaken again. "

Nanashi turned to look at Kyo, leaving the camera behind and slapping Kyo's demonic form directly in the face. Tears of blood started to stream down the demon's face before releasing a loud roar. It reached out towards Nanashi, grabbed the Key of God and then sat down, letting the white egg form back over him. Afterward, Kyo went silent and the egg hovered above the ground in it's usual, eerie manner. "No! No no no! You!" Nanashi said as she pointed to a man off-screen of the camera. "Go tell Madam Park what just happened! We just lost the Key of God" she said looking extremely flustered at what just happened.

WC: 378
MFT for OCR again

She ran her hands through her silky orange hair and walked over to the camera and quickly shut it off.​

Current Ninpocho Time:
