Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Terms of Surrender [Event | Anarchy!]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
"Destruction is easy Kaito. That much is obvious from your actions. I could do the very same but I have not needed or desired to."<i></i> Sousuke stated plainly enough. "Creation is far more difficult. I haven't been Steward as long as my father was, but I have dealt with problems from the inside."<i></i> His eyes narrowed. "We were dealt a mortal blow with the loss of the Sunahoshi. We suffered a stunning defeat at the end of that war and have had difficulty in recovering from it. The natural law dictates whatever is up must come down, but there is the perchance to rise again. My father worked with the Sunaku clan to figure out a way to make surface living possible. He searched and exhausted resources to try and find Sunahoshi Daisuke, who is Hiro's younger brother. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he succeeded in those undertakings. Power is never destroyed, merely transferred, and it has transferred away from us for the time being."<i></i> Sarcasm. Sousuke was not a sarcastic individual. It seemed that Kaito had struck a chord. During combat Sousuke had seemed more dead than living. His eyes during that time were void of life and soul. Such was not the case here.

At the mention of cowardice, Kaito would find a plasma spear embedded in the ground above his head. There was heating radiating from the weapon. Sousuke's hands had shown burn marks from wielding the weapon directly. His eyes were glaring at Kaito. He was seething with anger. It took him a moment to realize what he had just done. He reached forward and ripped the spear up from the ground and contracted it back into a state of nothingness. "This is not becoming of me. I am sorry. Anger is not something I ... have expressed openly and physically before."<i></i> He apologized. "My father worked with the conditions that he was given. I have done the same. I realize there are dangers. The cave could collapse. I have tended to that time and time again. Debris could fall down and crush living facilities. In my mind there is no complacency, maybe amongst the richer nobles there is. It has been a long road to recovery to get out of this state, we have been attacked by elemental forces. I have dealt with entities like your degenerate demonic appearance. We have been attacked by organized undead forces. I have dealt with xenomorphic entities that I have failed to comprehend even when I have their cooling corpse in front of me to research. I have already said my speciality is cataclysmic endgames. Such is what we were preparing for while we remained here. We have dealt with the Kirishii, we have dealt with the Ancient Wolf clans. We have aided those closest to us who share the same ... surrounding as we have had. They understand our defeated state."<i></i> Sousuke's expression returned to what it normally was which was neutral. "I didn't reveal my blindness in my youth so you could call it cowardice, I revealed it so you could realize that I too have had my own personal hell to deal with my own shortcomings and disabilities. My father did as any father did. I fully realize I am far from perfect. I do not stir the hearts of men when I speak. I cannot part heavens and seas. I work with my hands and my forge to build solutions if not write them down on paper where in the past I was mute. I have worked very hard to get past it all."<i></i> Sousuke's voice warped with a metallic ringing to it. "I refer to Kuro as an older brother, but he is not of the Steward line. I will admit I am not as strong as my father when he was in his prime. If I was truly a coward we wouldn't be having this conversation. Kuro would have removed your soul."<i></i>

"You misunderstood what I meant Kaito. You can reject offers as they can readily take them. Katuso offered you what you offered me before we engaged in combat. There is an irony in that. I reject your offer, you reject Katuso's offer. It is not subservience it is co-operation that is being asked of."<i></i> There was an even further irony. Sousuke had come very close to breaking his one rule. No human puppets. He was very strongly tempted to allow Hikudori to convert Shouki's body into a human puppet shell if it had come to blows. Kaito could still be of service even in death, should it be desired. Sousuke turned his face away and looked to Magentica. Even Kaito was suggesting to move her away. His choice of words were ... troubling. 'Kill us all'. Katuso claimed that Kaito was not a liar. "Magentica is of near cataclsymic potential that has receded upon her defeat. Katuso tells us you're not a liar. Would you kindly elaborate as you failed to do so when you spoke of Shouki."<i></i>


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]She drained the last of her water with a small sigh. Here she was, just hoping to help and it looked like she had gotten tangled into something so much more bigger and much more complex. Why her? She was just a simple, small townsfolk... (Of course, she doesn't know her life had already gotten much bigger and much more complex due to an event she could not even remember.)

Still, a moment too long was enough of a break for a doctor. She shouldn't have taken it in the first place. There should have been no rest. Not when her patients weren't even anywhere near safe still. Even if they were terrorists.

Dropping back down next to Magnetica, she had to hit herself on the forehead. With how often she claimed to only be a civilian and a doctor, she had forgotten that she was... as capable as full fledged shinobi were.

Sort of.

To certain extents.

Certain, unorthodox extents.

Searching out her wounds, she placed her hand on the woman and concentrated. There was a technique her instructor had taught her. Useful when one was unarmed in a fight. But difficult as hell all and needed a good deal of knowledge on the human body. It was a good thing she was a doctor, of course. "I do hope you're not iron deficient," she chuckled with a small wince.

Iron Breakout. With significant difficulty, in comparison if she were to do this to her own body, she brought out the (hopefully excess) iron in Magnetica's body. She only needed a little though, as the iron multiplied, eating up the doctor's chakra greedily. But she let them grow, until they could seal the wounds, melding iron with steel, like with like.

Hopefully, that would stop the bleeding. But she used a System Restore on the woman, just in case.

She didn't have it in her to use another Angelic Blessing. Besides, if the one called Kaito could be trusted, they had to be extra cautious with this one.

Before she could do anything else though, (not that she would; they'd have to see how Magnetica progressed from that treatment), one of the other medics approached her.

Nanami stared and blinked. But quickly caught herself, extending a hand of her own in return. If the shinobi medic could be diplomatic, so could she. Besides, they were right in saying she was the outsider and that only meant she should work harder to own her keep. And her keep here meant their trust and, hopefully, their patronage and money.

"Doctor Mizushima Nanami and I would be glad to offer my assistance, Sagasu-hakase," she said, with a business smile of her own. The woman was content to leave all the political talks to the probable politicians and terrorists. She still kept an ear out to the other conversation, of course. Working with other doctors was a familiar comfort to her. "I must admit, it would sound lovely to work in a hospital with modern medical equipment. I certainly would not say no to that."

However, as soon as she let go of the other doctor's hand, Nanami was on to business, arms crossed. "But, will they make it in time to the hospital? Factor in the distance as well as possible obstacles, in the form of any remaining terrorists. Moving them might aggravate their conditions further." Her mouth spewed out words. A mile a minute. And sometimes, not even in full sentences like her mouth could not keep up with her brain. "Magnetica-san's external and internal wounds are sealed to the best of my ability. Metal techniques. But, if she is more dangerous than she seems, I would advise against bringing her to the hospital. Hospice? As far away from the general civilian populace as possible. Kaito-san does not seem to be in any immediate danger, despite his erratic heartbeat. Cardiac arrhythmia. Most likely diagnosis. Appointments with cardiologists. If possible, anyway. Jane Doe. Still unconcious. Worst case scenario? Coma. Best case scenario? She is a very heavy sleeper. Possibly psychomatic. Catatonic? We'll need further analysis for a proper diagnosis. Electroconvulsive Therapy or a low grade electric technique might wake her up. Only if she is required to be conscious."

Finally, for a split second, she took in a breath. For a moment there, it didn't seem that she would ever stop. It was obvious she was used to being in charge. She was head doctor.

Moving on to Urufu however, she hesitated. "John Doe. A draining of his lungs might not be enough. You should tell them to be prepared for a Pleurectomy. Just in case. But..." she started. She couldn't recall if they ever spoke of Naganisa's or Urufu's name. "If you think we can't make it to the hospital, somehow... I can... I work at a small town clinic. We don't have the best medical equipment. If we have any, in the first place. But. Chakra. Shinobi. Yes? Vapour techniques. Perhaps, if necessary. I can turn the fluid in his lungs into air. Harmless air. Maybe healthy, even."
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Joining the "no post order" train, choo choo. I wanted to reply to Yume last night anyway but couldn't. Also, is the bomb in Magnetica a biological weapon? I have to know! I do love me some events. I'm enjoying this one. Thanks for letting me participate!

    Used Iron Breakout (sort of) to seal up any remaining wounds on Magnetica's metal skin
    Used System Restoration on Magnetica

    Use Storm Bolt (in lieu of ECT) on Naganisa IF it is said that she needs to be conscious
    Use White Mist (sort of) to turn the water in Urufu's lungs to air
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
Everything changed the moment an explosive device was introduced to the equation; she was torn. Part of her rejoiced thinking that this would be the easy way out; a way for them to rationalize letting her die or euthanize her. Her doctor side refused to concede to the primal side that wanted to eat the metallic woman’s heart. However they couldn’t safely remove her to the hospital without knowing more details. She had helplessly watched the hospital crumble once, twice if you counted the Genjutsu in her mednin exam. she would not be the cause of further destruction. Glancing to her uncle, she takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Nanami was correct in her assessment; they wouldn’t make it to the hospital without some field work.

How many physicians does it take to pretend to be a combat medic…

Her humor was dry but she also wasn’t laughing. The status of the village along with the whereabouts of any remaining Cabal agents made it extremely difficult to transition to the hospital without stabilizing their patients first. Her emotions were all over the place and it was affecting her ability to analyze. A manicured hand would rest on her shoulder, pulling her attention to the medic behind her.

You know I can’t let you work on either of these patients in any surgical capacity. Your judgment is compromised when it comes to your Uncle and it’s no secret that you’re out for Magnetica’s head. Yes, you’ve sworn the Oath of Benevolence but that doesn’t stop you from being human. Nanami-hakase and I will take care of things. You can supervise but you are NOT helping until you’ve been assessed yourself.

The Inuzuka’s cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment as she was reminded of her month-long episode. She felt properly reprimanded and entirely useless. Wringing her hands, she sets her jaw and nods.

It would be better to complete the majority of the repairs at Omni Prime, however Magnetica’s threat level will need to be assessed before she can be moved. I don’t believe that Naganisa, your Jane Doe, needs to be cognizant just yet; she's proven to be quite a handful. We have an asylum ward where she can be cared for, if all that is required is mental stimulation. Urufuu… We should patch his lungs, yes. The fluid in his thoraxic cavity will need to be drained and his lungs will need to be mended. There is some bad-blood amongst the ranks, however. I don’t think it would be wise to have them all conscious within proximity of each other.

Nanami-hakase, you’ve been working with Magnetica. Have you found any scars that would be indicative of a device being implanted? I’m curious how it would be possible to contain an explosive device within someone and not have it short out, though my knowledge of ordnance is rather limited.

A glace to Kaito, expressed that the question wasn't solely for the new doctor. Any information as to the condition of the patients was crucial in helping them determine the best way to treat them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[Apologies for the wait everyone, time simply got away from me.]

Sousuke would have pulled back his spear made from manifested energy if not for the fact that as he went to do so, Katsuo's hand reached out and grasped the haft of the weapon firmly filling the air with a hissing noise as the energy of the spear burned against his own internal electromagnetic currents. He said nothing at first as his grip slowly tightened around it, gathering the very same electromagnetic chakra that coursed through his limbs and protected him from the brunt of any physical harm being caused by contact with the spear to his fist in a dazzling display of golden sparks that danced down his forearm only to burst against the plasma like tiny electrical lemmings running to their doom. In a few harrowing seconds, the air was filled with a hair-raising amount of electrical charge. Not enough to harm anyone but enough to raise eye-brows, at least. Pulling the spear from the ground with a firm tug, Katsuo rounded upon Sousuke -- his expression a mask of disappointment and frustration.

"This is what I am talking about. What does this accomplish? You've succeeded in threatening a man who is already beaten and tied upon the floor. Even while I extend my hand for peace, you are slapping him in a face. No more, Sousuke." Katsuo stated, his voice blunt as he finally clenched the grip that he'd had around the haft of the spear into a fist and released the contained energy into the spear to disperse it harmlessly. "Don't think that I've forgotten what the Cabal did or the crimes they committed but even though this man has been your enemy up until now such behavior is beneath us. We are better than that. If we let our anger rule us then we're no better than beasts in our right. A man chooses, Sousuke."

"And you ..."

He said, rounding upon Kaito while shaking his head. The plasma spear was gone now but the electromagnetic chakra that he'd gathered still lingered in his limbs meaning it would be impossible to touch anyone for some time before the energy subsided or else he might risk electrocuting them in the same way that he had Kaito earlier especially with so much water falling from the soft rain shower occurring outside the building they were in.

"I'm not going to argue with you about the mistakes of my father and my father's father. They did what they thought was best for the people of Wind when they killed Barnyx and I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same in their place." The anger in Katsuo's voice from when he'd scolded Sousuke was gone, replaced with an even honesty. "This country is rotten. That's not a secret to anyone who has lived on the surface for any period of time. Years back when I was still wandering the winds as the Iron Wolf, I fought my fair share of fights. Monsters, beasts. Hell even the government a few times, for what that was worth. But never once did I lose sight of the mission. When I still thought my dad was a merchant who'd been killed by pirates I swore on his grave that some day I'd make that right and make sure it didn't happen to anybody else. Finding out that he was the Kazekage didn't change that promise. It made it more important than ever. But Kaito, man you've lost it. You might have started out on the right path but you let your hatred take you to a dark place and leave you there and at some point you decided to quit the fight. It's hard, I know. I've been there. But I never quit and I never will."

With a deep sigh, Katsuo shook his head and crossed his arms while still looking down at the Cabal leader. He hadn't overheard what the two medics were talking about but only because he was focused on dealing with Sousuke and Kaito whom seemed so deeply wrapped up in their conviction to condemn each other for the wrongs that either they or their kin had committed that both failed to see the fact that the more energy they expended hating each other the less there would be to actually leverage while trying to fix the world.

"You and yours have committed some serious crimes. Got a lot of people killed, you already know that and I can't let you just walk away from it. Unfortunately you've only got that one life to trade for all the ones you took but that's good enough for me for now. You work for me, I'll consider your debts paid for so long as you stay honest and above the table with me. I'm not asking you to join Sunagakure and become a shinobi but regardless of what you think of them and their military, the regular folk living down there didn't deserve the Hell you unleashed on them and it's only right that you put what time you've got left to making the world a better place in trade for that." Katsuo crouched down once more and reached forward with his arm that wasn't still buzzing with electrical power to right Kaito up against the wall rather than in the somewhat undignified place he'd been laying. "The last option on the table is to quit for good. You say the word and we're done, I'll throw you to the wolves knowing that I gave you every opportunity to get back on your feet and get back in the fight. But I hope you won't do that because right now Wind Country doesn't need corpses, it needs men willing to do the right thing even if those men lost their way for a while. Now, I'm gonna check in with my medics and make sure none of your crew are in danger of dying and then we'll revisit this topic. Think about it before you give me an answer."

And unless Kaito had anything important to say regarding Katsuo's presentation of choices, Katsuo would turn to Nanami and Yume and attempt to find out what was going on with the other patients. Magnetica still looked quite bad all things considered but the other two did not seem like they were in danger of dying. They looked like they'd lost a fight, certainly but losing a fight once and a while was important to learn things about oneself. If someone never stumbled and fell they'd never learn how to pick themselves up off the floor again.

"I think we're about done here. Can I get a sit-rep from either of you?" He asked, looking from Nanami to Yume then to Tsukiko and then back to Nanami. He was fortune to have one medic on hand, much less three of them and was thankful they'd arrived when they did.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

  • Bleeding has stopped.
  • Hypovolemic Sock continues.
  • The effects of the poisons has ended.
  • She remains hypotensive, her organs will soon fail if she does not gain some volume (or blood) soon!
  • She has a bomb in her chest!

  • Electrocution that has resulted in internal burns, but they are healing rapidly thanks to his generalized healing
  • Electrocution that has resulted in a cardiac arrhythmia.
  • He is breathing!
  • He has a heartbeat, but not for long in this state!
  • Suffering from severe dehydration.


  • Bleeding has ceased
  • Appears that most of her injuries are healed
  • She is probably conscious but she is not moving or responding

  • Badly beaten, mostly internal injuries that cannot be readily visualized. He is breathing better now that his lungs have been cleared of blood but if blood is in the lungs that means that there is a hole in his lungs. It will fill back up soon if he is not healed and then cleared out!
  • Residual effects from poison, but the poison has been removed
  • Blood loss has diminished
  • Extremely rapid heart beat


"Destruction is easy Kaito. That much is obvious from your actions. I could do the very same but I have not needed or desired to."</B><i></i>

Kaito was a cornered animal, bound on his back staring up at his enemies. He knew that they wanted him dead, and he did not expect to fade peacefully into the night. Hate begets hate in an infinitely cruel cycle of justice. It is easy to play the benevolent warden in front of witnesses and perhaps he would not dirty his hands. He expected to die, painfully but he was also going to have some god-dammed dignity. He did not welcome death or pain, but money was not what funded the ideals of such a zealot.

"Creation is far more difficult. I haven't been Steward as long as my father was, but I have dealt with problems from the inside."<i></i>

He did not understand how the sins of his fathers affected his allies and enemies to this day. For the last generation, the surface was ravaged with storms, maelstrom a common person had no hope of subjugating. The strong should have protected the weak, but rather than saving them the entireity of Wind Country became an afterthought. So, they did not some to his family's aid because 'they were busy,' 'had other things to do,' 'were dealing with their own problems.' He had nearly a lifetime to chase his personal and imagined demons, he followed them so closely he became one.

"We were dealt a mortal blow with the loss of the Sunahoshi. We suffered a stunning defeat at the end of that war and have had difficulty in recovering from it. The natural law dictates whatever is up must come down, but there is the perchance to rise again. My father worked with the Sunaku clan to figure out a way to make surface living possible. He searched and exhausted resources to try and find Sunahoshi Daisuke, who is Hiro's younger brother. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that he succeeded in those undertakings. Power is never destroyed, merely transferred, and it has transferred away from us for the time being."<i></i>

Kaito could not move his body, but his face remained complaint. He gave Sousuke an incredulous look, "you have a Sunahoshi right here."<i></i> Kaito debated, his eyes fixed on Katsuo. Since the 'death' of the Sunahoshi, the raging storm overtook Wind Country because there was no one capable of suppressing the storm. At least that was the tale that had spread from word of mouth, in death there could be no blame or abandon but in a falsely reported demise? He was angry, seething in fact. No only was he suffering the disgrace of defeat, but also the self-righteous monologues of his enemies and the anticipation of his fate. He knew he would never see his family in the next word, he destroyed his own soul a long time ago. Taunt him they might with 'partnerships' and slivers of hope that he might survive this day and delay his fiery fate, all that sustained him now was his hate, his fear only venom to further fuel his revulsion for Sunagakure. His words had struck a cord in the Steward Kazekage, a plasma-beam manifested in his hand and Kaito prepared for the inevitable.

Katsuo grabbed hold of the rod, arching sparks of electricity snapped and cracked at the air and embraced the rod. A power Kaito only knew too well as he suffered from the mysterious electrical force housed within the young man's body. Kaito furrowed his brow as he witnessed the scene, did the Sunahoshi want to take the killing blow for himself? Just get this fucking over with! His mind screamed. He was beaten, and he knew the will of selfish men, how they relished their victories and savored the agony of others. He had no desire for a protracted death, if nothing else a finishing blow made in rage, demonstrating the Steward's terrible nature would be to his benefit as his death would be clean and swift. But no, the 'King' had to defer his fate once more.

"This is what I am talking about. What does this accomplish? You've succeeded in threatening a man who is already beaten and tied upon the floor. Even while I extend my hand for peace, you are slapping him in a face. No more, Sousuke."<i></i>

Katsuo scolded the Steward?

"This is not becoming of me. I am sorry. Anger is not something I ... have expressed openly and physically before."

Kaito was growing restless in his bindings, he had resigned to his fate as well as his allies. He knew he was going to die, the only thing he had control over was how much quicker and possibly the haste at which it occurred when he incurred the wrath of one of his enemies. Even this shread of control he had was taken away.

"Don't think that I've forgotten what the Cabal did or the crimes they committed but even though this man has been your enemy up until now such behavior is beneath us. We are better than that. If we let our anger rule us then we're no better than beasts in our right. A man chooses, Sousuke."

This seemed more like a lesson in ethics than an execution. Sousuke went on to lecture Kaito with the hardships and limitations of his/their life once more. All of the monsters and fiends that seem to be attracted to this village by an unseen and unfeeling magnetic force.

"My father worked with the conditions that he was given. I have done the same. I realize there are dangers. The cave could collapse. I have tended to that time and time again. Debris could fall down and crush living facilities. In my mind there is no complacency, maybe amongst the richer nobles there is. It has been a long road to recovery to get out of this state, we have been attacked by elemental forces. I have dealt with entities like your degenerate demonic appearance. We have been attacked by organized undead forces. I have dealt with xenomorphic entities that I have failed to comprehend even when I have their cooling corpse in front of me to research. I have already said my speciality is cataclysmic endgames. Such is what we were preparing for while we remained here. We have dealt with the Kirishii, we have dealt with the Ancient Wolf clans. We have aided those closest to us who share the same ... surrounding as we have had. They understand our defeated state. I didn't reveal my blindness in my youth so you could call it cowardice, I revealed it so you could realize that I too have had my own personal hell to deal with my own shortcomings and disabilities. My father did as any father did. I fully realize I am far from perfect. I do not stir the hearts of men when I speak. I cannot part heavens and seas. I work with my hands and my forge to build solutions if not write them down on paper where in the past I was mute. I have worked very hard to get past it all. I refer to Kuro as an older brother, but he is not of the Steward line. I will admit I am not as strong as my father when he was in his prime. If I was truly a coward we wouldn't be having this conversation. Kuro would have removed your soul." <i></i>

He was trying to explain himself, to pardon himself of wrong-doing. Did he expect him to embrace him as a friend because he too fell onto hard and dangerous times? He was calmer, not quite in the same maddened state. He was, however, dumbfounded that excuses came so easily to this 'leader.' Again, his words concluded with a passive threat about his soul being torn asunder. "My soul was a pittance to pay for my gains, but it was removed long ago."<i></i> Kaito replied with a smirk, at least there was something he could deny them in his final hours. He was about to wind back into another argument with Takahashi when he was interrupted.

"And you ..."

Kaito stopped himself and fixed his gaze on his executioner.

"I'm not going to argue with you about the mistakes of my father and my father's father. They did what they thought was best for the people of Wind when they killed Barnyx and I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same in their place."

His hatred truly stemmed from more recent events, but the genesis of his torment happened generations ago. Mismanagement of the Kazekage bloodline and leadership, the corrupted heart of Barynx plaguing the residents, followed my the black hearts of men preserving remnants of the virulent disease that ultimately ended his life decades earlier and finally their inability to control the storms they had been fated to suppress.

"This country is rotten. That's not a secret to anyone who has lived on the surface for any period of time. Years back when I was still wandering the winds as the Iron Wolf, I fought my fair share of fights. Monsters, beasts. Hell even the government a few times, for what that was worth. But never once did I lose sight of the mission. When I still thought my dad was a merchant who'd been killed by pirates I swore on his grave that some day I'd make that right and make sure it didn't happen to anybody else. Finding out that he was the Kazekage didn't change that promise. It made it more important than ever. But Kaito, man you've lost it. You might have started out on the right path but you let your hatred take you to a dark place and leave you there and at some point you decided to quit the fight. It's hard, I know. I've been there. But I never quit and I never will."

He chose a better-known name at least to him, it would have placed the boy about a decade older than he would have placed him. A folk-hero in a way, at least that was how the stories made him sound. A boy at the age of twelve who wandered into the wilds 'helping' people wherever he went. At least that was the childish stories he used to hear the women chatter about late at night in caravans or bar patrons over a glass of dark ale. He was already a veteran of war by then, his skill-set still growing but his path already perverted by his interminable rage. He never stopped fighting, not one day. His career was reaching a terminal point and he knew that, he had already outlived his peers by a number of years - the lifestyle he had chosen is oft short and brutal. Kaito let out a sigh. "Have I?" It was not a question at this point, he knew what he was doing was wrong and he did not enjoy his work but he felt it was necessary.

""You and yours have committed some serious crimes. Got a lot of people killed, you already know that and I can't let you just walk away from it. Unfortunately you've only got that one life to trade for all the ones you took but that's good enough for me for now. You work for me, I'll consider your debts paid for so long as you stay honest and above the table with me. I'm not asking you to join Sunagakure and become a shinobi but regardless of what you think of them and their military, the regular folk living down there didn't deserve the Hell you unleashed on them and it's only right that you put what time you've got left to making the world a better place in trade for that." Katuso offered once again.

"You misunderstood what I meant Kaito. You can reject offers as they can readily take them. Katuso offered you what you offered me before we engaged in combat. There is an irony in that. I reject your offer, you reject Katuso's offer. It is not subservience it is co-operation that is being asked of."<i></i> Sousuke injected.

"So, you are telling me that your offer extends to me and mine if we ally ourselves with you?" Kaito attempted to clarify whilst he looked up at the ceiling, his voiced had tones of dejection. He did not want to regain a sense of hope, not now. Hope was fragile and easily crushed, especially from his vantage point.

"The last option on the table is to quit for good. You say the word and we're done, I'll throw you to the wolves knowing that I gave you every opportunity to get back on your feet and get back in the fight. But I hope you won't do that because right now Wind Country doesn't need corpses, it needs men willing to do the right thing even if those men lost their way for a while. Now, I'm gonna check in with my medics and make sure none of your crew are in danger of dying and then we'll revisit this topic. Think about it before you give me an answer."

There was no need to delay. What was the worst that could happen from his perspective. Sousuke had little regard for his life, that much was apparent and for that reason he could not be trusted. A second chance would be nice, perhaps it would be a new beginning for him or an opportunity to find freedom the first time the door is left unlocked. Perhaps he could make a difference, he had changed something in him. At least he rekindled something. A... sense of hope? Something he would try to snuff out once again so that he could return to his crestfallen state but in trying such he only failed. "I accept your kind and generous offer."<i></i> Kaito replied, his body relaxed there on the ground.

"Magentica is of near cataclsymic potential that has receded upon her defeat. Katuso tells us you're not a liar. Would you kindly elaborate as you failed to do so when you spoke of Shouki."

"Magnetica has a bomb inside of her... I do not know what it will do if and when it goes off nor do I know how to disarm it, but I do know that it will probably kill everyone including me from this vantage point."<i></i> Kaito stated weakly, with the adrenaline gone his exhaustion was starting to shine through. He took a breath and tried to swallow, running what little saliva he had in his mouth down his parched throat. "As for the storm, Shouki countered the wind. The sand-storm has nothing to do with sand..."<i></i> He let out a weak dry cough. "It is like blaming a knife for murdering someone rather than the wielder. The wind carried the weapon that is the sand. Stop the wind and you stop the storm."<i></i> Kaito explained as simply as he could. "Shouki can stop the wind, but the wind is only part of the problem so the storm only stops where he is and only for as long as he can maintain his counter."<i></i> Kaito added, explaining Shouki's limitation. "The storm has a genesis, someone in the desert but none of us know exactly where but there is an eye. When we tried to reach the focal point of the storm, the winds and what I can only describe as an intense magnetic current repelled us. We lacked the strength as a team to enter the eye."<i></i> He tried to stop the storm years ago, it was when he was closer to his prime, but it has been a few years since he had peaked and then maintained a plateau. Now he was on a slow, progressive decline it would appear. He wondered as he gave his final statements if Katsuo's nature would change as well.


"I do hope you're not iron deficient"

The bespectacled stranger stated as she started to pull metal from Magnetica's body. Pulling metal from her body was like pulling blood from a normal human's body. Magnetica started to die as her substance was stolen from her, but it was only borrowed as the dull shining metal sealed her wounds. Her bleeding stunted, barely insatiable losses could be distinguished. As the verdant glow of Namani's civilian chakra healing magic came over Magnetica, her ailments were subdued. She was still unconscious, but she was no longer dying.

Her dinged metallic body laid motionless in a pool of stagnant blood already turned dark. Her breaths shallow,labored and her heart still racing. The bomb in her chest ticked away silently, it was not on a timer at the very least. They could be thankful for small favors.

<B>What Happened?
  • Nanami used Iron Breakout (sort of) to seal up any remaining wounds on Magnetica's metal skin. This was effective and it stopped her bleeding.
    Nanami used System Restoration on Magnetica. It was effective, Magnetica is no longer dying.
  • The bomb in Magnetica's chest is organic, the mechanism that sets it off is unknown as well as what happens if/when it finally goes off.


She simply stared into the abyss, barely blinking. Even when the term bomb was uttered, her face did not flinch. Did she want it do? Was she even aware that she was entirely catatonic? Yes and No. Her mind was raging on, for her disillusion was too painful. She almost had the life she so coveted. She was at the threshold, but it was all a lie.



"Stop talking and get out of here!" Urufuu screamed internally at the foolish Inuzuka. She was going to get herself killed dallying and talking shop. Some dead is better than all dead.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Two Kuro’s arrived in the medical wards Sanryoukyougan Kuro reborn, they felt the presence of one not scented in eight hundred years in the blood of an acid and poison wielding woman. She had been broken by battle attacking all in what seemed like madness, but Kuro had understood she considered everyone as a threat except the swordsman whom had been at her side and ultimately betrayed her as well. Akuma Kuro was there to wield his full abilities as a Devil Sage and bring forth an ally of such venom and tenacity that he need not hunt those that brought the Cabal down upon his people. This woman were she revived and awakened to her true blood would be able to accomplish all that and more.

His mother and father had taught him well as the lessons flowed through his mind
***Just like memory can be affected physically, the body can be affected by emotions, mental anguish and desire. As you personally figure out your mental triggers be they events, memories, scents, sights, sounds, wants and or needs you will begin to notice exactly how your body responds to all these things. If you feel badly enough you can literally make yourself sick and likewise if you feel really good you can make yourself feel and heal better although not to the extent that negative thoughts and emotions can make you sick, weak, and disabled. A human body is an inefficient chemical reaction and as such the imbalances lead us to great strengths and weaknesses***

Kuro’s left hand swelled with dark psionic energies a vast divide in the gift of his demonbeast legacy with it he would manifest two basic meditation techniques through concentration and careful ritual observation. Akuma Kuro knew well the relationship between mindfulness and health is discussed in the context of findings linking repression to physical disorders. Parallels between meditation and psionic actions as well as alternate methods for recovering the unconscious, using both past and future constructs. It is through meditation, psychic re-association. Kuro knew well how to facilitate the emergence of unconscious material and allow for its reconstruction at a higher (more cognitive) level of awareness for healing, he need never alter her memories he only needed to add another form of understanding to it.

They walked by Kaito completely ignoring him for Kuro would tear into his soul without hesitation were it not for the Kazekage’s decree. Yet Kuro was still both man and beast he knew many ways to hunt a prey and one of his favorite was to train a tiger to hunt a specific prey and use its tracking and ferocity to take a hunting party right to its lair. In this case Kuro planned to do far worse, he would unleash a serpent.

One of the basic discoveries of psychic resonance was that unconsciousness and all the pain residing within the mind, body, and soul is controlled/sealed in a part of the mind and that this pain and unconsciousness accumulated until it caused the organism to begin to die. It became possible to cancel out the accumulated psychic energies of pain of the years and restore the health and vitality of an organism. Accumulated physical pain and loss brings about a reduction of consciousness, a reduction of physical health and a reduction of the will to live to a point where the organism actively, if often slyly, seeks death.

Erase or nullify the physical pain, the losses of a lifetime, and vitality returns. The vitality of living, of seeking higher levels of survival, is life itself. A human body was is extremely capable of repairing itself when the stored memories of pain are erased or coped with. Further it is known within the Toraono Clan that so long as the stored pain remained, the doctoring of what were called psychosomatic poisons, may transcend origins and take root elsewhere in the body.

Psychic resonance, locates the pain storage and its effects molding the strengths of one’s soul and body so that a sage could rid a patient of an illness one by one. Through innate psionic mastery Kuro knew many ways to make men and beast alike vital and spirited with and without using his blood as a catalyst.

With psychic resonance it became possible to reset the flow of pain and illness, to nullify or empower the pain from long harbored ill will or memories from within the body without applying seals or further pain as by actual surgery.

As they found her Kuro noted her body was all but healed, that simplified things. Akuma Kuro spoke while Sanryoukyougan Kuro brandished a sheathed but giant blade to look upon Naginasa and then nodded to himself. "I will take this young lady to a separate chamber as the confines of this chamber are too small for the actions I need to perform for this one. I sense her frailty is of the mind and soul and as such it is my effort that is needed to heal her. Please excuse me and know that she will not be harmed..."

wc: 840

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The scolding came from Katuso was ... justified. The Steward was somewhat reeling from his own show of anger. "A man chooses."<i></i> He repeated. "I chose to not suffer further insult to my family, as would any man, but it has been said no more death. I will comply."<i></i> Sousuke turned his attention back to Kaito. Kaito spoke of how Katuso was a Sunahoshi. "Katuso was only learned about a month ago. At that time he did not have the power set he does now. While I was locked out on the surface, it is highly probable your men and women stirred something in him. For a moment while he beat you with the storm active, I thought that the storms above would cease. When I learned of his heritage I readily bent the knee and offered him his crown. He did not accept it because at that time he knew he did not have access to that power set. Upon your defeat I bent the knee to him and was once again readily in a position to crown him. He told me to get up and he would have none of it. You will come to see that Katuso is the brawn, I am the brain more or less. With the exception being that moment of anger."<i></i> Sousuke explained. At Kaito's explanation of his soul being removed a long time ago, Sousuke paused for a moment. He looked skyward. "Some philosophers theorize that none of us are truly born with a soul, and that we have to earn it. What follows next is elementary, I think you know where this can go."<i></i> The irony of course that while battling Kaito was Sousuke's already broken and fragmented soul was shattered. He himself had no knowledge of this, but Shade did. He understood what was going on, and in the end he restored it.

Kaito next went back and elaborated about the bomb and Shouki. Sousuke kneeled down and closed his eyes his placed his finger tips on his temples and began to think. "This is problematic."<i></i> At the sound of hearing Kaito swallowing Sousuke opened up his eyes again. It would seem that Kaito was truly parched. The Steward held out his hand and formed another cup out of metal. He held the cup out as it gathered rain. "I would advise you to drink. This isn't scotch, but better or at least I think it is. Scotch would not be good at this point as it would hydrate you for a time, but it would work against you."<i></i> The tone was not malicious. Once the cup was filled with water he tilted it offering it for Kaito to drink from. Sousuke would take a very moderate approach. Kaito could only take so much at a time. He listened to Kaito recount what he could of the storm. It was making sense now. "So Shouki's skillset is somewhat like that of a Santaru. The former Raikage Ryuuto for a time was assisting me. Advising me on war planning. I didn't get to that obviously. I returned alone due to ... "<i></i> He hesitated. He didn't finish the sentence. He wasn't going to give Kaito the pleasure or the knowledge that his family had been destroyed even further, and such was why he reacted the way he did earlier. "The area you speak of is beyond the borders of Deadlines. Magentica might be able to cause a force-event in which she could cancel it out. You only learned of Magentica only a few weeks ago..."<i></i> If Kaito had drank earlier, Sousuke would pull back the mug again to collect more rain. Again he would offer it for him to drink again. Following that Sousuke would again begin channeling mystic hand on Kaito. "Thank-you Kaito this has been insightful--"<i></i> Sousuke's mind rewinded. The bomb. Yes. That could be a problem. His hand shook. Again he closed his eyes and he rewinded in his mind what Kaito had said. "Can you tell me of the skillset of the individual who put the bomb in there? Presumably the bomb he or she put in there doesn't adhere to a proper space-fill. It will maybe cause a warp of the material to cause the explosion, say ... it would warp it maybe a ton of TNT or a chemcial reaction to cause a massive fireforce explosion."<i></i> He paused. "I think out loud sometimes."<i></i> Remarkably he was keeping cool and calm. "Nagasani given my observations has a snake-set, and presumably has access to a skill set of acids and venom. We could try and melt parts of the bomb to try and disarm or neutralize it that way. She has been healed but she has woke up yet. Even then her senses might be dulled, and so therefore we have a problem with that plan."<i></i> Sousuke rubbed his temples again. Usually this was easier and faster. "I could have my insect allies take Magentica out of her. I could have the Queen Jou air-lift her out and relocate the bomb to an area of none-residence."<i></i> He ruled, but then he counter ruled it. "It could be proximity based, if it moves outside of a horizontal range it could go off."<i></i> He thought again. If not horizontal proximity, then maybe ... vertical? "Equally I could have Ken take the bomb, and given his size he could head skyward and throw her skyward. Given that we do not know what the bomb consists of that could be a problem too. Fallout would damage everything below. We wouldn't be in the initial blast radius of it."<i></i> Think Sousuke. Think.

Kuro had entered the room. He spoke of removing the snake. "Hold Kuro. I need options here."<i></i> Again he rubbed his temples. Thinking. Thinking. "The bomb would go off if her vitals went out."<i></i> He ruled. Magentica wasn't dead. This was the third bout with Magentica. She may very well win this, but it would be full of trials and tribulations. "There is no simple way there is an off switch. Vitals. Organs."<i></i> He pictured Magentica's body in his head. "It would make sense to attach it to her heart, so when and if she perished it would go off. Cutting her open at this rate is risky."<i></i> Sousuke rubbed his temples. "I will need to get Magentica out of here. The Cabal aren't in a condition to be moved. I will take her out of the area and attempt to disarm the bomb myself. If the bomb is proximity based, Ken is still the fastest given his size and putting distance between this location and the point of detonation."<i></i> He finally ruled.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Nanami's eye twitched at how quickly the other medics became so informal. Mizushima-hakase, she wanted to correct them. But now was not the time. Perhaps it was just how Sand denizens are. She could correct them later. She wasn't exactly very fond of her birth name as opposed to her family's name. Much more formal. Made it easier to be disconnected with people, even her patients and colleagues.

There were also... other reasons.

Time and place for everything though. Including dwelling on reasoning for her idiosyncrasies.

With a shake of her head, she hummed. "No surgical scarring. No indications of how and where the bomb was placed. Assume it was placed through shinobi means. Techniques that affect spatial parameters. Of course, going by anatomy and assuming the trigger is her vitals... rather, failing of such... brain, heart, lungs, liver," she rattled on, one arm across her chest, chin resting on the knuckles of her free hand.

A thinking posture, if you would. No doubt a posture she adopted quite often.

Turning to Katsuo, she regaled him with the same information she had shared with the other medics. "Kaito will need cardiologist appointments. And hydration. But I think that goes for everyone in here. Jane Doe- Naganisa-san. Possible coma? Catatonic? Psychosomatic sleep disorder? Negligible for now. Stable. Safe. Psychological-wise, from what I gather, she might need a trained counsellor. Urufu-san will need draining. Pleurectomy. I suggest using Vapour and Water techniques to, at least, delay any of the more horrible side effects that fluids in the lungs can bring. I've done it before. Too many civilians on the island... attempted drowning or accidental drowning. Long story."

But then she stopped, looking contemplative as she looked at the last of the terrorists. There was much to be fussed about with her but most of the attention the locals were giving were given to the others.

Personal reasons, most likely.


She didn't like getting personal for such reasons.

"Magnetica-san is stable. Possible side effects from copious bleeding possible, of course. Hypovolemic Shock. Hypotension. Organs failing... might trigger the bomb. Other possibility is that bomb might go off if a certain parameter, toxin, trigger, chemical is introduced into her. Possible, given her metallic anatomy. She could possibly be a DIME. Dense Inert Metal Explosive. Modified to have a bigger blast radius, probably. If she has a high density of tungsten in her system, that's the most likely type. Could be wrong. Could be right. Not a bomb specialist. Just a small town doctor who reads too much."

"Shame if she were to blow up. Her physiological, dermatological makeup... structure is interesting." Thoughts of synthetic weaving into your average person came to mind. But nothing malicious. The doctor was not the malicious sort even if she had an unhealthy fixation on medical and technological advancement that she might sometime skim and dance along the lines of ethics. Nothing too horrible. Just endless questions and pestering mostly towards people she found interesting. One time, a man with demon blood had visited the island and she had taken to following him around, exchanging the free use of her blood for his needs so that she had the right to poke and prod at him as long as her curiosity told her to.

"But he," she gestured lamely to Sousuke. She realized, even if any of them had mentioned any of their names, those slipped by her. Nanami was much better at remembering other people's names if they were her patients. "He's right. Bomb... explosive, chemical, biological, neurological, whatever its nature has to be taken away from here as far as possible... I- If you would allow, I can accompany him to disarm the bomb away from village limits. Might be safer that way. Just in case... something bad happens."
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • So. Yeah. I don't know what happened there. That was not my plan.

    But Mizushima basically went "If she's a bomb, let me take her as far away from the village as possible so she can be set off in the desert somewhere."

    I. What.

    Also, since The Cabal mod did not mention about any surgical scarring to indicate how the bomb was placed, Nanami's assuming 'shinobi magic' was used for it.

    And Dense Inert Metal Explosive.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
No scars. Her curiosity was getting the better of her and she wanted to argue but logic told her that it wasn’t prudent. She mulled over the assessment and tried to think of a way that everyone could be happy. It wouldn’t make sense for it to have been there during their fight prior to the occupation as she didn’t seem the type to perform a suicide mission. She liked to bask in the glory of victory. This would have been a control method used to keep her in line. Yume looked at Kaito as she spoke, no judgment in her voice, rather a tone of clinical analysis.

As a point of speculation, I would guess that the explosive was used to persuade her to take your side? She doesn’t strike me as the type to sacrifice herself for a cause. Her cause was her own gain. In that case, it would have been implanted by a very, VERY good doctor to leave no scars after a month or by a shinobi bending her organic materials to form the bomb.

Yume, stop. Stop it. You said it while travelling from Deadlines and no one bothered to correct you. It hasn’t been a month. It’s been three days.


It's true Yume. I was going to tell you when the dust cleared but there hasn't been time.

The correction resonated inside her head, going from a quiet reprimand to a deafening ring that only a dog could hear. Three days… not even three weeks. Her lack of sleep and exhaustion from overtime worked during the initial attack by Magnetica had made it easy for her to slip into a psychosis that lead her to believe that time had passed more quickly than it had. That was why it seemed like Urufu had taken care of her the whole time; he had actually been there for most of it. Shinji wasn’t too panicked when they met at the hospital and simply stated that he was worried due to how they parted ways. He made no mention to the duration of time. It wasn’t unusual for her to spend days at a time in Keystone or Omni Prime but weeks would have been alarming. It really had only been a matter of days. She fought through her thoughts, mind grasping for the surface as her will threatened to drown in the sea of doubt. What if she could never trust herself again? Finally she broke through the surface and simply nodded in agreement before dropping the subject all together.

Ojisan has been stabilized but is suffering from internal bleeding. One lung has a hole in it but that can be mended before transport. His skin tone leads me to believe that the effects of the poison aren’t helping but he’s been breathing clean air so it shouldn’t get worse. If it’s a venom, as Sousuke suggested, we can use it to create an antidote though it could also be shocked out of his system. My main concern is with waking him up. Last time I did that, he punched Sou-san. I stand by my suggestion to mitigate their consciousness.

I would like to add that if Magnetica can be of use investigating the eye of the storm, it would be in our interest… much to my chagrin… to keep her alive. All possibilities to remove the device will have to be entertained before we concede defeat.

Crouching by Urufu, she rests her hands on his chest and lets her chakra seep into his flesh, probing for any more wounds that could complicate the issue. She had become single-minded in his healing and didn’t hear the demon-king approach. Unfortunately, Kuro would be greeted by Tsukiko as she moved between him and Naganisa, crossing her arms and standing with her legs set firm. For a 5’6” string bean, she could be intimidating in that way that only doctors could.

As one of the physicians attending this scene, I’m going to have to deny you your request. They need medical attention at a proper and secure facility. Don’t tell me that your lands are secure. The Cabal had built and used your lands as a means to exit and enter our village. She will be staying here or going to the Asylum. You can see her during visiting hours but you will not be treating her. Sennin or not, know your place.

It has been something that had always been a point of contention for the brunette. She was born to a mid-class family and had been discouraged from ever trying to exceed the lot she had been given. She was expected to be a housewife, not a shinobi and to keep a home for a husband. She had shirked that life when she entered the academy and continued to buck the notion of rank ever since. She answered to her Medical superiors and no one else.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
[I'll get something up when I get home from work tonight, got a little bit of writer's block today. Sorry for the delay!]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Katsuo let himself have a satisfied grin with Kaito's acceptance of his terms. That put an end to hostilities for now... he hoped. He would need to have a word with Sousuke later about his aggression towards the former Cabal members and hopefully get him to lead by example. A fair amount of the plan hinged on whether or not Sousuke were willing to go along with it -- if he chose to abide the idea of peace, many others would follow in his footsteps out of respect for his position. There would be those that would be resistant to the idea certainly. Katsuo already feared that the Sennin Toraono Kuro couldn't be trusted in that regard. Kuro was a loyal man who had the best interests of Sand at heart but Katsuo wasn't worried about Sand. He was worried about Wind. The disease of hatred had been slowly dissolving their nation out from underneath them for years and few had ever stopped to notice. Even for someone like Katsuo who had believed he could fight to protect the weak with his own hands on his own it had taken the horror of the last few days to show him that it simply wasn't true. If Wind were going to be repaired, he would need help and at some people the people needed to be willing to let go of their thirst for things such as revenge.

"Thank you. I know trust is a hard thing to come by these days." Katsuo said to Kaito while he rapidly undid the restraints around his wrists and legs by using magnetic chakra to pull apart the metal that bound him.

Following that, he got up and went to where the medics were discussing the status of the other Cabal members and listened to Nanami's report about their various statuses. He didn't understand half the words that she used to describe their health but the way she recited them gave him reason to believe that they were not in any urgent danger of death. Naganisa was... sort of conscious but seemed to be suffering from some sort of psychological trauma -- potentially from the results of the battle? He didn't know her well enough to say. He'd have to ask Kaito. Urufu's condition sounded more serious but at the mention of a bomb in Magnetica's chest, the wolf-man's condition got shoved down the priority list a little bit.

Katsuo said nothing as the others went over a few options and the medics described their observations of her body. No visible scarring from the implantation and no obvious signs of a bomb being anywhere in her body. He'd be inclined to think that Kaito was bluffing if he hadn't just agreed to sign on with Katsuo's group and had only been bargaining for his release. It reminded him of the Kazekage Tower, in a way. He remembered observing the remains of the tower -- it had been clear from the get-go that chakra had been involved with the detonation in some way even though the exact method of explosion had defied explanation at the time. In much the same way as Magnetica apparently had an explosive within her despite no obvious signs, the rubble of the tower had been decimated in a way that was wholly unique. Chakra was seeped into the remaining stone of the tower, likely as a result of the explosion that had been used to shatter the tower but the way it resonated from the stone made it peculiar.

"This weapon was made by our bomber that blew up the tower. The demolition site had a similar set of strange impossibilities surrounding it." Katsuo reasoned quietly, fitting the two angles together from the memory of the tower and the absurdity of Magnetica's condition. It seemed somewhat unlikely that there were two criminally mad individuals in Sunagakure that were skilled enough with chakra explosives to do both this and the demolition of the tower. Looking to Yume and Tsukiko, Katsuo's mind reached at what to do. He wasn't the smartest man in the world but his instincts had rarely let him down in the past. "Yume and Tsukiko, stay here and get Urufu and Naganisa ready for transport back to the village. Kaito's agreed to my terms but for now we can't assume that either of them are going to also so they need to be considered potentially dangerous until that time. Kuro, I'm glad you're here--"

Sort of, thought Katsuo. He still wasn't sure how much he could trust Kuro to tow the line but he knew that Sousuke trusted the demon sennin and that would have to be enough for now.

"-- I need you to assist the medics in their task. Make sure nobody takes any shots at our captives unless they get violent first and even then no killing. Sousuke, Nanami, Kaito and I are going to take Magnetica and sort this bomb situation out."

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Well Madam Tsukiko, I am afraid I will have to overrule you. I do not doubt your expertise, or your capability but since as you put it my lands are insecure allow me to remind everyone that I have always and will always continue to do what I believe is best for Sunagakure and our people. Infiltrated... Yes. Duped... Completely and without any outward signs. Forced to cede normal course of action and response due to terroristic threat over the entire village... Most assuredly. What you fail to acknowledge or remind yourself Madam Tsukiko is unless you are the acknowledged medic sennin, the Kazekage, the Steward Kazekage, or Mother Suna herself you have no right, no power, no obligation, and above all else, no knowledge superior to my own to overrule any decision I make. Even worse off to your credibility, with the few capabilities she has shown and many more including myself and those before you even now have had to endure it is possible in her semiconscious state that defensively she could begin to exude poisons, toxins, venoms, or acids, or even worse come into her full power which I personally know from experience when dealing with the Cabal Agent Saiga, none of you save Sousuke's cousin Shiori would have the power to stop where I CAN. So as much as it pains me to say it; I am taking her with me whether you find me responsible or not and it is not just because I am a sennin. It is because I am protecting everyone else from her and her from all of you."<i></i>

Without even a hint of malice or wayward anger more of a sense of melancholy that anyone would dare to say that the Cabal infiltration was in anyway the Toraono clan's fault made him feel absolutely justified to use any and all power at his disposal to stop any naysayers right in their tracks. As for Sousuke's issues he summoned Mouko and Sharingan Kuro to go with them making it four versions of Kuro present to assist Sousuke in disarming the bomb inside Magnetica.
"Katsuo-sama, when you are ready we can transport Magnetica and all the others in a disruption free gravity enhanced, telekinetic bubble so not only will she not be jostled or injured, she will not awaken. We can then use my senjutsu and Sousuke's Takahashi engineering techniques to determine exactly where the bomb is in her anatomy and its composition. We can leave for a relatively safe area for possible detonation whenever you are ready. Two of my bunshin are set to assist you and absorb any explosion that may result because if it is a chakra bomb I can nullify it. Especially if it was placed there by the former Sunan ranger whom created the bombs that were set to destroy all of Sunagakure. I suspect that you may need a certain individual of specific talents if not the bomb maker himself to diffuse it. I do reiterate that if it is powered by chakra I can nullify it without harming her. For some odd reason everyone seems to believe that the demon blood of the Toraono Clan is some kind of bane or curse when it has saved this village more times than I can count and contrary to the Cabal propaganda I have never killed anyone unless forced to by combat or as punishment for crimes against our people."<i></i> (eyeing Tsukiko briefly as he spoke it seemed the Cabal had won more than their share of battles at his family's expense as even Sunans were daring to blame the Toraono Clan for the Cabal, well they had been scapegoats before and left to die while the main population of Suna fled from the Ancients to regroup under the first men and even then the Toraono Clan had never failed in their duty to the people, how quickly some forget.)

WC: 420


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]The doctor's mouth thinned into a grim line.

While the shinobi were debating amongst themselves, she was very well aware of every second that ticked by. Each second that could very well be their last. At least, if they didn't come to an accord soon. She would have given her opinion. But, as an outsider, she felt it was not her place. She had offered her aid in the matter and that was that. Whether they took it or not was their own business.

Besides, she too was warring with herself. The medic in her thought to preserve all the lives she could, including that of Magnetica... if only so that she could be stand trial and be punished for her crimes accordingly. Maybe even seek criminal rehabilitation.

But the practical side of her saw the right in bringing her away, far away, from Sunagakure. Her live for the lives of the many. It would not do if she were to detonate where civilian casualties could be had. Innocents lost because of the war of shinobi.

She couldn't think of a middle ground, a compromise right now. Unless they were able to disarm the bomb without killing its carrier. Whatever the case-

"I'm ready to assist anytime, shinobi-san," she nodded to Kuro, Katsuo and Sousuke. It was now apparent to her, now that she had time to look that those three were in some position of power here. It would be best to defer to them... for reasons both philanthropic and otherwise.
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Marked for Training on Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:15 am with 252 words

    Can't understand the post order anymore, but I'm assuming as long as we do once per round, it's fine? So, I'll go ahead and post.

    I'm ready for this biz. Lame post is lame though.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

  • Bleeding has stopped.
  • Hypovolemic Shock continues.
  • The effects of the poisons has ended.
  • She remains hypotensive, her organs will soon fail if she does not gain some volume (or blood) soon!
  • She has a bomb in her chest!

  • Electrocution that has resulted in internal burns, but they are healing rapidly thanks to his generalized healing
  • Electrocution that has resulted in a cardiac arrhythmia.
  • He is breathing!
  • He has a heartbeat, but not for long in this state!
  • Suffering from severe dehydration.


  • Bleeding has ceased
  • Appears that most of her injuries are healed
  • She is probably conscious but she is not moving or responding

  • Badly beaten, mostly internal injuries that cannot be readily visualized. He is breathing better now that his lungs have been cleared of blood but if blood is in the lungs that means that there is a hole in his lungs. It will fill back up soon if he is not healed and then cleared out!
  • Residual effects from poison, but the poison has been removed
  • Blood loss has diminished
  • Extremely rapid heart beat

"A man chooses."

Sousuke announced.

"I chose to not suffer further insult to my family, as would any man, but it has been said no more death. I will comply."</B><i></i>

So, he was a man that would kill over a sleight as superficial as an insult. It was a fact that would do him well to remember, he misjudged the Steward on their first encounter. How quickly indifference and orders turn into spite and malcontent. A suitable rival and a soldier's death would have been a good end for a fellow warrior fated to be on the wrong-side of the battlefield. In this short time with the Steward, he had grown to feel the same contempt for him as he did for those who had trespassed against him before. He saw him as a petty man, brave because he had the numbers and advantage. He would say nothing more, the edge of hip lip would however curl on one side. A cocky smile or the start of an unconscious snarl?

"Katuso was only learned about a month ago. At that time he did not have the power set he does now. While I was locked out on the surface, it is highly probable your men and women stirred something in him. For a moment while he beat you with the storm active, I thought that the storms above would cease. When I learned of his heritage I readily bent the knee and offered him his crown. He did not accept it because at that time he knew he did not have access to that power set. Upon your defeat I bent the knee to him and was once again readily in a position to crown him. He told me to get up and he would have none of it. You will come to see that Katuso is the brawn, I am the brain more or less. With the exception being that moment of anger."

Those statements explained something that was troubling him for the last few moments. Why the Steward was taking orders from what was considered to be a civilian. This 'Katsuo' was a famous individual and had made claims, but the fact that they were recognized was a different matter entirely. "Then why are we here, he should just turn off the storm."<i></i> Kaito coughed. Kaito already knew the answer, the storms this Sunahoshi was manifesting were not the storms on the surface although they had some distinct similarities. He relaxed his head on the ground, he was done struggling for now, his entire body hurt. "Those electromagnetic pulses remind me a bit of you, except less lightning and more... sand,"<i></i> Kaito added with a weak pained laugh to Katsuo.

"Some philosophers theorize that none of us are truly born with a soul, and that we have to earn it. What follows next is elementary, I think you know where this can go."</COLOR><i></i>

Sousuke injected. Kaito disagreed with that sentiment, the soul was the one thing that they had from the start. The one thing that people with so little value (like himself) could wager to become something more... It would be nice to think he had a soul budding somewhere within his being, but it was a lovely fallacy and nothing more. He felt the corruption that made him into this amalgamation -- this dark essence he would harbor for the remainder of his days. But in the darkness, what little light that could be found just seemed to gleam brighter. His lips were cracked and his tongue was dry. It was hard to keep talking.

"I would advise you to drink. This isn't scotch, but better or at least I think it is. Scotch would not be good at this point as it would hydrate you for a time, but it would work against you."

They had left the space with the raging storm overhead [that was the last topic], but somehow Sousuke was able to recover some rainwater. He brought the 'cup' to Kaito's lips. Instinctively Kaito should have refused this act of 'kindess' but he maintained a sense of self-preservation that overrode his pride. He would not die begging for life and forgiveness but he would not let his ego compound his injuries either. There was the consideration that the waters might be poisoned, perhaps they were. It would have been a senseless assault on his life it it were, but if his injuries were furthered against the wishes of the 'one king' who already rebuked him for his aggressive posturing then his outcome would be interesting indeed.

"So Shouki's skillset is somewhat like that of a Santaru. The former Raikage Ryuuto for a time was assisting me. Advising me on war planning. I didn't get to that obviously. I returned alone due to ... "<i></i>

Kaito coughed as he took in a larger mouthful than intended. "No... he has no skill over storms, simply wind. Having mastery over the wind subdued his limited area. We... I... was hoping to find an artifact, something from the annals of time here in Sunagakure that would have allowed us... me... to enter the eye of the storm and see what is in the epicenter.<i></i>

As a point of speculation, I would guess that the explosive was used to persuade her to take your side? She doesn’t strike me as the type to sacrifice herself for a cause. Her cause was her own gain. In that case, it would have been implanted by a very, VERY good doctor to leave no scars after a month or by a shinobi bending her organic materials to form the bomb.

Yume, stop. Stop it. You said it while travelling from Deadlines and no one bothered to correct you. It hasn’t been a month. It’s been three days.


It's true Yume. I was going to tell you when the dust cleared but there hasn't been time.

The occasionally posturing assumed Sunan medic observed, although her difficulty perceiving the passage of time suggested a level of dementia on her part. "There is an electromagnetic force that prevented us entry, it was for that reason Magnetica was taken."<i></i> Kaito continued to explain in response to the Steward's inquiries. "Yes," Kaito confirmed in regards to Yume's additional statement. "She would have supported us during our attack on Sunagakure, but beyond that we knew that we could not control her. She was never a true ally, that was why the bomb was placed."<i></i> Kaito explained. Akio had instilled the bomb with his bomb-making skills, a facet of the mysterious man that even Kaito did not fully understand.

"The area you speak of is beyond the borders of Deadlines. Magentica might be able to cause a force-event in which she could cancel it out. You only learned of Magentica only a few weeks ago..."<i></i>

Kaito would have nodded if he could. He tried in fact, but he was still bound rather tight. "I knew nothing of your resources or your citizens... Akio, on the other hand, had intimate knowledge of your village. He knew names, faces, even the streets."<i></i> He let out a dry wrenching cough. "I am sure you knew him personally, but I cannot say who he was,"<i></i> Kaito admitted. He knew him as Akio, not as a shinobi or civilian in Sunagakure. It was likely a troublesome revelation for those gathered here to know that there was a traitor in their midst but it was the truth and it would be a lie to claim he did not savor this fact just a little.

"Thank-you Kaito this has been insightful--"

Sousuke concluded before his hand became green and Kaito prepared for whatever may happen. He was bound and not going anywhere, it was a futile effort to struggle between the wrappings and the fetters. It was a healing technique, it blunted the pain ever so slightly. Meanwhile the female foreigner was reviewing Magnetica's chest.

"Thank you. I know trust is a hard thing to come by these days."

Katsuo concluded, as the metallic rings that bound Kaito beneath the chakra shell manifested by the foreigner were relinquished. The effects of tranquilize had already diminished, something that was hard to even take note of until the circulation returned to the most distal points. He rubbed his wrists and ankles with his hands whilst he sat on the ground. There was a dullness to his body, it was new. It was strange.

"No surgical scarring. No indications of how and where the bomb was placed. Assume it was placed through shinobi means. Techniques that affect spatial parameters. Of course, going by anatomy and assuming the trigger is her vitals... rather, failing of such... brain, heart, lungs, liver."

Kaito was going to agree with her keen assessment, Magnetica's metallic anatomy was rather unusual. Even he out of the corner of his eye was shocked that she was truly metallic everywhere. He was glad he was unrestrained in time to watch the medics work.

"Can you tell me of the skillset of the individual who put the bomb in there? Presumably the bomb he or she put in there doesn't adhere to a proper space-fill. It will maybe cause a warp of the material to cause the explosion, say ... it would warp it maybe a ton of TNT or a chemcial reaction to cause a massive fireforce explosion."<i></i>

Sousuke inquired. Kaito did not have a clear answer for Sousuke. "The bomb is made from Akio's chakra... I usually see his bombs explode in fiery art as some would call it, I do not know if he is capable of making the bombs harbor other things..."<i></i> Kaito's voice trailed off. It would be an ironic twist of fate if Aiko had recovered a source of the preserves. "If it was an explosive bomb and nothing more, you could take it someplace remote and be done with it... but if it is a reservoir for something truly terrible, something I do not put past Akio..."<i></i> Kaito stopped once again to collect his thoughts. "It would be something he would do."

"I think out loud sometimes."

<COLOR color="darkgreen">"This weapon was made by our bomber that blew up the tower. The demolition site had a similar set of strange impossibilities surrounding it.

"Yes, Akio is the bomb-maker and I would not go anywhere near it,"<i></i> Kaito cautioned. He truly doubted that the bomb was linked to Magnetica's life-force, it it as linked to anyone's life-force it would have been Akio's. The bombs in the village were set to go off in a chain-reaction order, the maw being the first site followed by several other points in the village. "I have always taken Akio to be a man that liked to be in control. He would not have an arbitrary setting such as her life force, because he could be within proximity of the bomb's effect,"<i></i> Kaito explained. Akio likely holds the trigger or has ensured that whatever might happen, that he was not within the blast radius."<i></i>

Meanwhile the foreigner-medic woman created treatment plans for the defeated Cabal members and Yume tended to her Uncle.

"Kaito will need cardiologist appointments. And hydration. But I think that goes for everyone in here. Jane Doe- Naganisa-san. Possible coma? Catatonic? Psychosomatic sleep disorder? Negligible for now. Stable. Safe. Psychological-wise, from what I gather, she might need a trained counsellor. Urufu-san will need draining. Pleurectomy. I suggest using Vapour and Water techniques to, at least, delay any of the more horrible side effects that fluids in the lungs can bring. I've done it before. Too many civilians on the island... attempted drowning or accidental drowning. Long story."

"My heart is fine,"<i></i> Kaito coughed again. So what if it felt like a basket of crows was let loose in his chest. "I just need a smoke." It was doubtful she cared what the unrestrained terrorist had to say as she prattled on.

Ojisan has been stabilized but is suffering from internal bleeding. One lung has a hole in it but that can be mended before transport. His skin tone leads me to believe that the effects of the poison aren’t helping but he’s been breathing clean air so it shouldn’t get worse. If it’s a venom, as Sousuke suggested, we can use it to create an antidote though it could also be shocked out of his system. My main concern is with waking him up. Last time I did that, he punched Sou-san. I stand by my suggestion to mitigate their consciousness.<i></i>

Yume explained. Sadly, Urufuu was a stubborn man, unwilling to succumb to the dark abyss. "You stupid girl, get away from that sociopath!"</I><i></i> His mind screamed at her. He was of course referencing Sousuke, not his allies. His allies were also sociopaths, but they did not have a hidden village under their purview. "Mating with him... You can do so much better!"<i></i> In a way Sousuke was the most eligible bachelor in Sunagakure if one considered political power a perk. Urufuu was a simple man in a lot of ways, a man's caste was one of the most trivial aspects to see in a man. <I>"He is dangerous..." He wanted to warn her, to remind her. She would not listen, he knew that. He took after so many of the women in their pack. He wanted to pull her away and he would when he regained his strength IF they survived. First she needed to get away from the fucking BOMB. He knew his niece was a bit cracked under that shiny surface, BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF WHATEVER DEITY YOU PRAY TO GET AWAY FROM THE THING THAT MIGHT KILL YOU!

"Magnetica-san is stable. Possible side effects from copious bleeding possible, of course. Hypovolemic Shock. Hypotension. Organs failing... might trigger the bomb. Other possibility is that bomb might go off if a certain parameter, toxin, trigger, chemical is introduced into her. Possible, given her metallic anatomy. She could possibly be a DIME. Dense Inert Metal Explosive. Modified to have a bigger blast radius, probably. If she has a high density of tungsten in her system, that's the most likely type. Could be wrong. Could be right. Not a bomb specialist. Just a small town doctor who reads too much."

Kaito had never heard of a DIME before, it was an interesting concept. He did not know if Akio's bombs were capable of such sophistication, but they were capable of toppling most of the village. "...maybe?" He added questioningly.

"I would like to add that if Magnetica can be of use investigating the eye of the storm, it would be in our interest… much to my chagrin… to keep her alive. All possibilities to remove the device will have to be entertained before we concede defeat."

Kaito tried to hold back his facial expression. Using Magnetica, with a known bomb to traverse a storm. They have no control over her, only Akio did. She was a powerful ally and she would make a formidable opponent alone, never-mind against the devastating odds against success they face in the wilds. He hoped that she would die, it would make things easier for them.

"Nagasani given my observations has a snake-set, and presumably has access to a skill set of acids and venom. We could try and melt parts of the bomb to try and disarm or neutralize it that way. She has been healed but she has woke up yet. Even then her senses might be dulled, and so therefore we have a problem with that plan."

Sousuke suggested. Kaito did not agree with the plan, it was no better if not worse than cutting the bomb out of Magnetica's chest. You can cut with precision, you cannot melt with acids and poisons in the same way. Of course Naganisa might debate that fact, she was in no state to do such a thing and probably never would be. That boy-toy she had really did a number on her.

"Shame if she were to blow up. Her physiological, dermatological makeup... structure is interesting."

She seemed to muse. It was a troublesome tone in his opinion. But he took no interest in how or why things worked, only that they did and how/if they could be a benefit to him.

"I could have my insect allies take Magentica out of her. I could have the Queen Jou air-lift her out and relocate the bomb to an area of none-residence."

Sousuke started talking to himself or perhaps an unknown spectator.

"It could be proximity based, if it moves outside of a horizontal range it could go off."

"Doubt it is proximity ranged for the same reason it is not likely attached to her life-force." Kaito reminded Sousuke.

"Equally I could have Ken take the bomb, and given his size he could head skyward and throw her skyward. Given that we do not know what the bomb consists of that could be a problem too. Fallout would damage everything below. We wouldn't be in the initial blast radius of it."

Sousuke pondered out-loud. Kaito was not familiar with the intricacies of the contract beasts, they merely harnessed (stole) their power through their rings. No relationship was ever created, no names were ever learned. Even if he had a beast capable of throwing someone outside of the stratosphere, would it truly escape earth's orbit? Not that it would be his problem, it would not land anywhere near them if it were ever to be returned. If her contents were biological, it would be another nation's problem most certainly. He was not going to voice a dissenting opinion to that statement. It would kill Magnetica, but her life had remedial value to her. Her death would take-back the Sunahoshi's word of course.

"I will take this young lady to a separate chamber as the confines of this chamber are too small for the actions I need to perform for this one. I sense her frailty is of the mind and soul and as such it is my effort that is needed to heal her. Please excuse me and know that she will not be harmed..."

Sennin Kuro announced. His reasoning was sound, it was the woman's mind that was addled not her body. The skillful medics were more than capable of restoring her physically but mentally she was shattered by Homura's betrayal. She loved him, it might seem trite to say that emotions have such power over a woman's soul but in truth the heart is the greatest power of all. If the Sennin had the ability to give the woman solace was another matter entirely. His keen intuition or other-worldly sense that made him cognizant of her situation was yet another mystery that perhaps past endeavors had allowed him the pain of recognition and empathy for her terrible state.

As one of the physicians attending this scene, I’m going to have to deny you your request. They need medical attention at a proper and secure facility. Don’t tell me that your lands are secure. The Cabal had built and used your lands as a means to exit and enter our village. She will be staying here or going to the Asylum. You can see her during visiting hours but you will not be treating her. Sennin or not, know your place.

One of the medics seemingly stopped Kuro from attending. It was an interesting discussion, especially the fact that they had a demon for a Sennin. This was not a time to question ethics of course. But the internal strife did bring an infinitesimal spark of pleasure. Asylum, an interesting choice. Moreover, the fact that Kuro was taking the brunt of the blame for their incursion. It was almost funny.

"Hold Kuro. I need options here."

"The bomb would go off if her vitals went out."

Sousuke seemed to have come full circle in his considerations on the matter.

"There is no simple way there is an off switch. Vitals. Organs."<i></i>

Kaito wondered if it would even be possible for a bomb to be set to an organ such as the heart, considering it was chakra-based. IF it was to go off anything, it would be her residual chakra. That was probably not faring well either, despite her 'stabilized' state.

"It would make sense to attach it to her heart, so when and if she perished it would go off. Cutting her open at this rate is risky."<i></i>

In the field, that was true. If they were to open her up o remove the bomb here, she would die. IF they brought her into the village they put every citizen at risk. This was going to be a difficult choice.

<B>"I will need to get Magentica out of here. The Cabal aren't in a condition to be moved. I will take her out of the area and attempt to disarm the bomb myself. If the bomb is proximity based, Ken is still the fastest given his size and putting distance between this location and the point of detonation."

Sousuke offered.

"But he. ...He's right. Bomb... explosive, chemical, biological, neurological, whatever its nature has to be taken away from here as far as possible... I- If you would allow, I can accompany him to disarm the bomb away from village limits. Might be safer that way. Just in case... something bad happens."

"Yume and Tsukiko, stay here and get Urufu and Naganisa ready for transport back to the village. Kaito's agreed to my terms but for now we can't assume that either of them are going to also so they need to be considered potentially dangerous until that time. Kuro, I'm glad you're here--"

"-- I need you to assist the medics in their task. Make sure nobody takes any shots at our captives unless they get violent first and even then no killing. Sousuke, Nanami, Kaito and I are going to take Magnetica and sort this bomb situation out."

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: forgive me for throwing off the posting order but I have a plan unless someone has a better one...

"I have two questions Masashi-sama, If you cannot move her I can center some of the wards of my dojo to shelter us in a containment field while I nullify the bomb inside her now, as I analyze her with the force of four I have with me now I can see she won't last long enough to transport her to a true safe zone. The obvious thing would be for me to simply correct her problems now, as a former prisoner of the Obsidian palace her physical anatomy and potential abilities are well known to me and from battle I know exactly how to counteract it also I am the only being here that can survive an explosion of the magnitude her body alone could create. My first question is will you allow me to save her now? My second question is can anyone else help me place a tetra elemental barrier around us as I work? I can maintain it but if I have to place the initial seals it may take too long. I can see her life essence fading as we debate."

Not taking time to wait for a response Akuma Kuro stood at her feet Sanryoukyougan Kuro stood behind her head. Mouko Kuro stood to her right and Sharingan Kuro stood to her left each body began building up advanced and primal elemental chakra in order to place a combination black blockade/pristine aura from North to South while Mouko and Sharingan Kuro prepared to summon the imprisoned Hyakujuuonouu to aid in drawing the explosive chakra from Magnetica while Akuma and Sanryoukyougan managed her healing and blood transfusion via Kuro's Devil link seal. He only needed their approval and for personnel unable to help to get a safe distance away. It would take around five to six minutes to complete his full manner of senjutsu medical, psychic, and shielding operation. Luckily Kuro was excessively experienced in just such acts. If (he)they were waived off they would maintain positions in case the options others in charge decided upon began to fail.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed for a moment that things would come to blows between Tsukiko and Kuro. Sousuke's eyes shifted back and forth between the two of them. It wasn't the time to have people arguing over such things. Kuro proceeded to bring up how the Cabal had damaged his reputation. Sousuke eyes Kaito for a moment before returning to the situation between Kuro and the med nin. "That's enough you two."<i></i> He called out. He took into account what Kaito had said, "It's not just the dojo that has been infiltrated, we've been thoroughly researched and what weaknesses we had were exposed. We're all at fault here."<i></i> The word art struck home for Sousuke as Kaito had described who had fed him information. Few people were described as artisans. Himself. Harupia. Uri. It wasn't a term commonly used. The small man was having difficulty digesting the concept someone had betrayed them. Why? Why would they do that? Sousuke may have had disagreements with people, but it wasn't anything that was ... long term or deserved this as a response to it. This was something that had history to it. Something deep and disturbing. "Kuro don't dismiss the words of a physician. Tsukiko you don't need to kick Kuro down after having the confrontation we had in his very own household."<i></i> He shook his head. "You both have very valid points... and more importantly we ARE going to work this out together. Although it is probably for the best that the unconscious Cabal are moved. Carefully of course."<i></i> Sousuke agreed with Katuso in this regard. Sousuke rubbed his forehead. Bomb. Bomb. Bomb. Yes. This was going to be a problem.

Kaito piped up about his heart being fine and how he needed a smoke. "No. Smoking. You're only going to make yourself worse off in the future."<i></i> Here it was. An older man being told no by a younger man who was probably half his age. If Kaito so much as lit up, the Steward would snap grab the cigarette from him. "You were electrocuted your heart rate is probably still operating on higher levels."<i></i> Sousuke was not a doctor, but when things got electrocuted they tend to go into a period of overdrive. His tone wasn't hostile. His tone was neutral. He stopped for a moment, "That being said. Your resourcefulness is very helpful... and appreciated."<i></i> He halted for a moment. "This Akio might like being in control, but to be honest you had a death wish, I don't know now, Urufuu was interested in the preservation of particular party member, same as Naganisa. Both parties would probably sacrafice themselves accordingly, as would I. Essentially you were operating as a ... suicide squad perhaps? A theory really and nothing more."<i></i>

Katuso had asked if there were any questions. "Are we moving Magentica, or are we proceeding with a seal as per Kuro? I preferably want to have her moved, in the event I fail ... I do not want the village to come to any further harm, or anyone else truly"<i></i> Everyone had a plan. He had a plan. Kuro had a plan. Kaito probably had a plan. They had to come down to a single plan. Sousuke would simply adapt to the plan.


Sagasu Yume

Oct 23, 2012
They were rebuked accordingly, but Tsukiko paused for a moment. The notion that due to having no leader, that they were submissive to all higher authorities in Suna didn’t sit well with her. They were a faction of the village that was often seen as non-shinobi due to their lack of combat but were ordered around as soldiers when they saw fit. Letting out a last grumble of discontent, she turns to Naganisa at Katsuo’s request. It didn’t feel like an order so much as a suggestion that she could agree to. Katsuo was a nobody as far as she knew but the Steward was counselling with him; if there was any issue, his authority would trump all.

Has anyone looked over him yet? He should receive a proper once over when you’re all done your negotiations. I wouldn’t mind to see to him… but I’m sure there are other more competent healers who would take the chance.

With an off-handed gesture, she indicated Kaito as her point of concern. It’s all well and good that he’s co-operating, but that doesn’t mean that he’s healed. She wasn’t certain how he had survived the attack; electrocution was a traumatic experience from natural causes and even more dangerous when chakra-based. It almost always resulted in heart-failure which for all technical purposes meant that he had died. Her skin crawled for a moment at the thought of bringing someone back from death. It wasn’t that she was opposed to it, she had started stopped hearts before (most recently Roku’s), but it was the memory of having been there herself. It wasn’t really a memory but a logical outcome that she had no explanation for. She had been in the hospital when it had been ripped to pieces, had the roof cave in and a support beam crash onto her skull… and yet here she was, with no need of physical therapy or memory of her removal from the building. She had died. She knew it and because of that, she felt hollow. Those who died should remain dead. Shaking off the chill that gripped her bones, she looked down to Naganisa and shrugged. Shinji should be returning with medical personnel soon and they could asses her at Omni Prime.


Beneath Yume’s fingertips, the sensation of Urufuu's stampeding heart worried her. They had poured healing into him but his heartbeat was still too rapid. Reaching into her belt, she leans over his prone neck and inserts a few acupuncture needles to moderate the Vagus nerve to control his heartbeat. They were without medication and unless the heart was stopped, it was dangerous to use electricity. It took a few seconds to get the needles deep enough, but once that was done, she continued to probe his lungs in search of the tear. If she finds it, she would mend it enough to get them to the hospital. Her focus would be disturbed when Shinji would return with six transport mednin and four gurneys. He had counted four patients and had brought the required aid.

We only need two. Magnetica has a bomb in her chest. She will be staying until they can determine whether to detonate or neutralize. Kaito will be undergoing discussions with Sousuke and Katsuo. Our focus is Ojisan and Naganisa.

Two patients. One male. Unresponsive. Ruptured lung slightly mended. Internal bleeding seems to be stopped but will require surgery immediately. Has been treated for poisoning but should be monitored for jaundice. Keep him restrained. He doesn’t take well to waking up to surprises. The other is female. Catatonic. Minor lacerations on her extremities. No further physical damage has been identified. Once she has been assessed by triage, have her moved to the Asylum. Her damage is probably more mental than physical. You four, stay here and assist with Magnetica and Kaito. You are under direct report to the Steward and any he extends his authority to.

Yume knew of Katsuo’s authority but thought that now would not be the time to spring the news. As far as anyone who didn’t know was concerned, Sousuke was still the head of the village. Doing what they do best, the remaining two assistants and the two Suna mednin carefully transfer the patients onto the gurneys, welcoming any assistance Nanami may offer. Securing her uncle, she gives his hand a squeeze.

Ojisan… I ran but we were called back. I hope you’ll understand when you wake up and see me here. I will take care of you.

[Tsukiko and Yume leaving with Naganisa and Urufuu to respective medical topics, unless stopped. Shinji/Ika/CuRua exiting with them.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Will you allow me to save her now?

What a loaded question. It seemed as if everyone else present understood the place that Katsuo had given them to fill -- except for Kuro who wished to debate the semantics of the plan because he felt he knew better. He claimed that he'd studied her anatomy but that wasn't relevant information to the present. Katsuo wasn't a doctor but simply knowing about her squishy bits would not give any better of an indication where this Akio had placed the bomb within her. For all they knew, it could be in her brain somehow. The idea that Akio had somehow manufactured a special explosive-type weapon from his own chakra and then placed it within Magnetica without operating on her in any way was fantastical enough to begin with. And further, how much did Kuro really know about Akio's abilities?

"I'm sorry Kuro but the recommendations of the medics here supercede yours. Please follow my instructions. Yume will need your help to keep the others safe." He said at last after a few tense moments of thought. He just could not bring himself to put the situation into the hands of a man who only hours earlier had been raging about how he would crush souls and tear minds apart. "The rest of us will proceed some distance away from the village and do what we can there."

It was possible that he was making a mistake but so far the mysterious medic that had offered her help with no strings attached had earned more than the benefit of the doubt and that was to say nothing of the trust that Katsuo had for Sousuke thus far even with his disappointment in how Sousuke had handled the situation. Katsuo hardly trusted Kaito fully yet but that was the reason he was bringing him along in the first place -- he didn't want to let the Cabal leader out of his sight. In his still injured state, Kaito would not be able to escape into the open desert against both Katsuo and Sousuke and he could cause no harm if that were his intent while under supervision. Medics arrived on scene, presumably sent for by one of the others present, and began to gather the injured up and prepare them for transport back to the village.

"We don't have a lot of time. Let's get under way."

[Are we changing topics or just "staying" in this one?]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

  • Bleeding has stopped.
  • Hypovolemic Shock continues.
  • The effects of the poisons has ended.
  • She remains hypotensive, her organs will soon fail if she does not gain some volume (or blood) soon!
  • She has a bomb in her chest!

  • Electrocution that has resulted in internal burns, but they are healing rapidly thanks to his generalized healing
  • Electrocution that has resulted in a cardiac arrhythmia.
  • He is breathing!
  • He has a heartbeat, but not for long in this state!
  • Suffering from severe dehydration.


  • Bleeding has ceased
  • Appears that most of her injuries are healed
  • She is probably conscious but she is not moving or responding

  • Badly beaten, mostly internal injuries that cannot be readily visualized. He is breathing better now that his lungs have been cleared of blood but if blood is in the lungs that means that there is a hole in his lungs. It will fill back up soon if he is not healed and then cleared out!
  • Residual effects from poison, but the poison has been removed
  • Blood loss has diminished
  • Has a slow heart-beat.
  • Needles are sticking out of his neck.

Kaito grabbed a fag from his pocket and lit up. The sweet taste of smoke and tar filled his mouth and his lungs.

"No. Smoking. You're only going to make yourself worse off in the future."

The Steward announced as he took the cigarette from him.

"You were electrocuted your heart rate is probably still operating on higher levels."

Speaking about threats to one's health... taking cigarettes from an anarchist is probably not a good choice either. He pulled a fresh one and lit up. "Life's short," Kaito announced as his teeth clamped down on his cancer stick.

"That being said. Your resourcefulness is very helpful... and appreciated... This Akio might like being in control, but to be honest you had a death wish, I don't know now, Urufuu was interested in the preservation of particular party member, same as Naganisa. Both parties would probably sacrafice themselves accordingly, as would I. Essentially you were operating as a ... suicide squad perhaps? A theory really and nothing more."</B><i></i>

"Neither," Kaito admitted. Each of them had their own agenda, most of the low-lifes in the Cabal were actually on vacation. There was more than enough of a reason for any of them to harbor a grudge against this hidden village. They felt, as did he, that this hidden village had a contract with the rest of this nation to serve as a defensive resource, a station they have failed to fulfill for over a generation. There were willful men such as himself that also blamed them for the loss of their family, loved ones or destiny. Many of them felt that they would have lived a different life if it had not been for Sunagakure. "Everyone has a strong sense of self-preservation. We came as a team, but most of us had a personal objective. Some of us just wanted to hurt you, Saiga wanted a worthy opponent, some of us were looking for answers or a way to overcome the storm.<i></i> Kaito admitted as he took in a lungful of smoke. He always looked coolest with a cigarette, at least that was what his wife used to say.

"I have two questions Masashi-sama, If you cannot move her I can center some of the wards of my dojo to shelter us in a containment field while I nullify the bomb inside her now, as I analyze her with the force of four I have with me now I can see she won't last long enough to transport her to a true safe zone. The obvious thing would be for me to simply correct her problems now, as a former prisoner of the Obsidian palace her physical anatomy and potential abilities are well known to me and from battle I know exactly how to counteract it also I am the only being here that can survive an explosion of the magnitude her body alone could create. My first question is will you allow me to save her now? My second question is can anyone else help me place a tetra elemental barrier around us as I work? I can maintain it but if I have to place the initial seals it may take too long. I can see her life essence fading as we debate."

The Sennin plead perhaps on Magnetica's behalf. It was nice that he thought he knew what was housed within Magnetica and it was swell that he thought he could survive it if it went off, but never once has it been such a simple task as attack head-on. Every time someone tried against the Cabal it cost more than it was worth. Breaking through the gates, cost Sunagakure a large portion of the village. Attempting to attack these agents directly with such fanfare nearly cost several S Rank shinobi their lives. There were many kinds of bombs. apparently tensions were brewing between Sunans. It was likely that such were bubbling under the surface long before the Cabal incursion.

"Are we moving Magentica, or are we proceeding with a seal as per Kuro? I preferably want to have her moved, in the event I fail ... I do not want the village to come to any further harm, or anyone else truly"

The Steward finally asked. It was true, if something went wrong Sunagakure would probably not survive another 'incident.' A series of needles were jammed into Urufuu's neck. A searing pain followed the path of his nerve from the base of his skull to the depths of his inguen. It felt like a kick to the... well, it was an uncalled for shot. He could not let out a yell or a final word of annoyance, but he might have vomited a little. His heart was slowed, rather suddenly. Perhaps stopping... or rather slowing his heart so abruptly was not a good plan but he was not the worst victim. If it had been Kaito, he probably would have went into multi-system organ failure and died. Urufuu had suffered terrible blood losses, despite being patched up by his clanswoman he was still in a precarious situation. Fluids would have been a better initial treatment, but it was not like anyone caries a few liters of saline ready for use. His heart was slower... will just have to wait and see if that was the right move.
[legend="[u]Boring anatomy lesson:[/u]"]Blood Pressure is maintained by 3 things volume, tone and pumping action of the heart. When there is less fluid in the pipes, a faster pump can make up for this as can constricted blood vessels. The need for homeostasis is great, when pressures are inadequate blood cannot get to where it needs to in the body. A change in consciousness is the first thing a lay-person would notice, followed by a desturation, followed by systematic systemic body organ damages. The easiest treatment is to get the blood-pressure back to where it belongs.[/legend]

"Two patients. One male. Unresponsive. Ruptured lung slightly mended. Internal bleeding seems to be stopped but will require surgery immediately. Has been treated for poisoning but should be monitored for jaundice. Keep him restrained. He doesn’t take well to waking up to surprises. The other is female. Catatonic. Minor lacerations on her extremities. No further physical damage has been identified. Once she has been assessed by triage, have her moved to the Asylum. Her damage is probably more mental than physical. You four, stay here and assist with Magnetica and Kaito. You are under direct report to the Steward and any he extends his authority to."

The medic announced as she took with her two of the four Cabal members: Urufuu and Naganisa. Urufuu was internally sighing a great sigh of relief. The dangers of the bomb would be mitigated at the very least if they went someplace else... someplace far away... they would not be within the 'explosion radius.' He was still screaming at her to let him wake up, to let him warn her. She did not care about them, only her. It was a good thing in a way that they were separating from this group and her commiserable lover, he hoped they reached the bomb. Let them screw with it and try to be heros. Kill the woman and bury her body where it might never be found, it would be an easy solution. But nooo, risk your people and your friends, family and those you care for because of some moral obligation they think they have for their enemy.

"I'm sorry Kuro but the recommendations of the medics here supercede yours. Please follow my instructions. Yume will need your help to keep the others safe."<i></i>

It appeared that there was a level of deliberation. The Cabal members all laid on the ground in motionless, some near breathless heaps. Where to take them, what to do. When morality and convenience fail to see eye to eye.

<B>"The rest of us will proceed some distance away from the village and do what we can there."

What did that mean? Were they traveling into the maelstrom. To a place that they could barely survive with charged whose lives were hanging on by a mere thread? Could they effectively determine what was inside Magnetica before it was too late? What was Akio's ultimate plan? All this and more in the next episode of NC.
We go where we are taken.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
