Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

That Escalated Quickly

Oct 22, 2012

The rays of the early morning sun filtered through the wooden blinds of Kahako’s bedroom window. Kitsune specifically built the guest rooms in such a way that the light that gave life to the earth would be like a gentle caress upon the occupant’s skin, but no so bright as to seep through the windows like a glaring fog light. Its golden glow kissed her scarred skin, gracing each slash and odd bite with no hesitation.


A little sigh escaped her lips as she wrapped her arm around her pillow, bunching it up in juuust the right way. Ahh… there. Her head propped perfectly so that there was no tension between her shoulder blades and her neck. The blankets covered up to her waist, so she wasn’t too hot nor too cold. Kahako wiggled her toes a little. There was something absolutely spectacular about sleeping in late after a soirée filled with drink, dance, and laughter.


An arm… a strong arm wrapped its way around her waist, pulling her closer to the warm object it was attached to that kept her bare skin from getting too chilled. And she was as bare. Bare as the day she was born. Sleep swiftly rushed away from her mind as Kahako immediately wondered if she was, in fact, in her bedroom. When the desk opposite her confirmed the fact that, yes, she was in her room, she then began to panic as she tried to figure out exactly who was behind her. The problem was… she had no recollection as to what he was doing in her bed and how in Raiden’s great graces he got there.

The Morning After The Medical Party/Guest House of Shinyra Mansion…

Higa Kahako slowly, almost hesitantly, turned her body around to face the stranger she was lying with. First she saw soft black hair. It poked out in odd directions, tussled from moving around the pillows. The next feature for her mind to register was the all too familiar chin and face of her current love. As if an error occurred in processing, Kahako stared at his face for a good ten seconds before registering that he too was as naked as she was.

Her mouth parted a little, utterly stunned at the situation before quickly covering her mouth and turning many shades of red. Like a deer startled by a sudden sound, Ayumu would find Kahako in some form of shock and embarrassment as she realized what happened.

When he opened his eyes, he too would realize that they slept together.

…hopefully he would remember it, because right now she couldn’t.

A ghostly wail echoed in the dark room Ayumu was in, startling him awake. There was only a dim light coming from underneath the only door in the room and Ayumu's eyes needed a moment to adjust. What had he just heard? The sound was disturbing, and shook him to his very soul. More importantly, where was he? He slowly stood up from the cold concrete floor and took in his surroundings. The room was concrete entirely, all walls, ceiling, and floor. Nothing was inside save for a single door. With no other option, Ayumu stepped forward and opened the door. On the other side was a fairly normal looking home interior. A hallway which led to a corner around which he couldn't yet see. As he slowly crept down the hall he noticed a clock on his right side.

'A minute to midnight...' he noted the time. Worryingly, he for some reason could not remember what day it was or what had happened to lead him to his sleeping state in that room. Was he in Kumogakure, even? Taking in the scenery along the hall, the noticed several pictures lining the walls that were oddly blurry and hard to make out. There were a few clearer pictures of people that seemed familiar, but he did not recognize them. The hallway was lit, the floor carpeted, and the walls painted, so it was certainly an upgrade over the odd concrete room he came from. At the corner of the hallway there was a window. Ayumu could see only darkness outside past metal bars. He rounded the corner to find another hallway, but the end of this one was devoid of much light. He could hear a man's voice coming through a radio. It sounded like a news report, but Ayumu wasn't too interested in his current predicament. To his right was a closed door which he attempted to open to no avail. It was locked. His only option now was to proceed into the darkness.

Ayumu walked slowly and quietly towards the darkened end of the hall. His heart was racing for some reason, this place instilled immense dread in him. The radio had ceased to make noise, replaced by the faint sound of a baby crying. 'What the hell is going on in here?' Ayumu thought, feeling sweat begin to drip down his face. He reached the end of the hall, finding himself in a foyer. There was a table upon which a house plant and the radio he heard before sat. The radio was off, calling into question how it had been relaying a broadcast moments ago. The door to his left seemed to lead outside. As Ayumu looked up in the tall room he found a balcony above that didn't appear to be reachable. He did a double take as he swore he saw a red haired woman standing in the darkness of the balcony, but the second time he looked nobody was there. 'What the HELL is going on here?' Ayumu thought, getting a chill. He had experienced enough of this place.

He went for the front door, attempting to open it only to find it locked just as the one before had been, apparently from the outside. No problem. Ayumu was strong, no mere door was going to prevent him from leaving this creepy house. He took a few steps back and then rammed the door with his shoulder... only to bounce off without making a dent. His shoulder hurt from the impact, and the door looked no worse for the wear. 'Is it reinforced?' he wondered. It didn't look that thick. He tried to ram it again but still had no luck. Now he was getting nervous. He wanted out of this place now. There was another door past the table with the radio. Ayumu made for it, testing the doorknob. It turned. He opened it and stepped through letting it close behind him. There was a stairwell to another door which he passed through as well. This door closed itself behind him as Ayumu took in a sight he struggled to register. It was the very same hallway he had initially emerged from. 'How is this possible? Is this some kind of trick house?' he thought. He turned to try to go back, but the door he had come through was now locked. He didn't even recall closing it. He slammed his fist into the door several times, but it was fruitless. The door wasn't going to budge.

"HEY, THIS ISN'T FUNNY! WHO'S DOING THIS?" he yelled, his voice echoing in vain as silence followed. He had no choice but to keep going. Walking down the hallway, everything was exactly the same. Even the positions of the pictures sitting on the tables he passed were precisely in the same place. This time, when he turned the corner, something was different. At the end of this stretch, standing in the foyer, was the figure with long crimson red hair from before. Only a dim light hanging over her head illuminated her, and not very well. Her head hung low making seeing her face impossible, but something seemed eerily familiar about her. She was motionless and silent, almost seeming unreal.

"Hey... who are you?" Ayumu said to her, eliciting no response. Ayumu gulped and began to walk towards the figure cautiously in case she meant to harm him. As he neared, the light above the woman suddenly clicked off leaving Ayumu in darkness a few feet from where she had been standing. Despite the darkness, he could see well enough to discover that she had completely vanished in place. It was as if she had just... warped. 'Shit!' Ayumu thought, quickly spinning around trying to locate the woman again. She was nowhere to be found. He was alone, as far as he could tell. He began to walk in the direction of the hallway he had come from when the radio on the table in the foyer suddenly sprung to life. Ayumu stopped, turning back to the radio. 'How...?' he thought, walking towards it. This was an old radio- it didn't look like there would be a remote for it. He stared at it for a moment as it replayed the broadcast from before and then fizzed out into static. Then, an ominous voice from the radio spoke to him, saying, "Look behind you."

Ayumu narrowed his eyes, looking skeptically at the radio. Was somebody talking to him through it? The radio spoke again, saying, "I said look behind you." Ayumu froze. 'Wait... IS it talking to me?' he thought. Slowly, he began to turn. The moment he caught sight of her, it was too late. The figure from before was upon him. Her cold hands wrapped around his neck and lifted him from the ground. He studied her face now that he could see it. It was older and more wrinkled than he thought at first, and the eyes were... red. Horrifying. Ayumu somehow managed to slip away. He scrambled across the floor down the hall where he spotted a friendly face. Kahako stood before him, her arms outstretched to him as she called out for him to come. He stood up and began running towards her, wrapped his arms around her waist as they came into contact.

Meanwhile, in Kahako's bed:

The sleeping and dreaming Ayumu squeezed the body in his arms gently, as if seeking support. After a few moments of panic, Kahako proceeded to panic even more as she realized that the person in bed with her was Ayumu. Still, better him than a stranger, right? The panic probably had something to do with the fact that the two were naked. Her movement in the bed jostled Ayumu slowly awake. The sunlight lit the room well, a welcome change from the nightmare he had just been having. It quickly registered to him that it was, in fact, a nightmare and nothing more. 'Jesus... what was that?' Ayumu thought groggily. He blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the light and found himself in yet another unfamiliar room. This one was about a thousand times more pleasant than the last, thankfully. 'Another dream?' he thought. Usually, though, one wasn't aware they were in a dream while it was occurring. That truth didn't quite yet register to Ayumu's sleepy mind.

He felt movement next to him which garnered his attention. There was a weight on his arm preventing him from moving it easily. He followed his shoulder to his arm to find another body laying on it. A rather... unclothed body. Attached to that naked body was the face of Ayumu's paramour, Higa Kahako. Ayumu looked down briefly, verifying that they were both, in fact, as naked as the day they were born. "I like where this dream is going..." he mumbled, grinning slightly. It was at about this point when his brain woke up enough to start connecting the dots. That weight on his arm felt, very real. Now he was beginning to remember part of the previous night. He had been to a party in celebration of the new Medical Sennin, accompanying Kahako as her date. The very same Kahako that was now next to him. "Wait a minute..." he whispered. The dots were connected. 'THIS IS NO DREAM!' Ayumu thought, panic beginning to set it.

"WHY ARE WE NAKED?" he asked as his eyelids transitioned from half open to wide open. His arm was trapped underneath Kahako so he couldn't easily pull away, not that he really wanted to if he was honest. He wasn't sure what kind of response he was going to get as Kahako seemed to be just as shocked, if not more so, than Ayumu, judging by her face. Ayumu tried to free his trapped arm, but all it really did was bring Kahako closer. His mind was racing trying to figure out how they had gone from the party to Kahako's bed. And wait. If they were here... and their clothes were not, what exactly happened? Their faces were probably matching shades of red by now.

‘We left the party and….’ Kahako blinked a little as Ayumu started to stir. ‘We left the party AND… AND WHAT?’ Being this close to him was… nice, but dear Raiden she wasn’t ready to… BE with him let alone see him naked. "I like where this dream is going..." Ayumu’s soft mummer didn’t help Kahako’s shell shock. Her vision started to spin as her heart nearly beat its way out of her chest. She was pretty certain her cheeks now matched her red scarf… which was missing with the rest of her clothes.

But what tipped the scales was Ayumu’s full realization that this wasn’t a dream at all. "WHY ARE WE NAKED?" he nearly shouted, startling Kahako into action. “I DON’T KNOW!” she responded curling into the fetal position and covering her chest with her arms. This didn’t exactly pan out as she had planned for two reasons. For one, she was so close to him her bare chest was touching his, making sudden movements difficult. The other issue was, right when she moved, Ayumu tried to move away from her, effectively drawing her closer.

The result was fatal for both of them. When Kahako’s forehead slammed into his chin, she violently rebounded from her curl up. One arm swung up to grab her now injured brow only smack Ayumu upside the head. Struggling to get some distance, the chaos ended with her falling off her small bed and roughly onto the floor. “owwwww….” Kahako said sitting on her rump and covering her pounding temple. She opened her eyes, only to wish that she hadn’t. Lying on the floor, left discarded just right of the bed was a small square wrapper. Its contents gone. Evidence that condemned their unknown actions.

“D-d-don’t look until I find clothes!” Kahako stammered, not knowing if Ayumu was even looking at all. Frantically, she searched for her clothes from the night before. She had been wearing a yukata, but under it was a simple strapped tank top and shorts. Nothing that they had worn was in the room. Which meant she stripped before they even reached it. ‘Oh Raiden-sama...’ she thought. “I can’t find anything!” she said frantically, finally deciding to reach under the bed. Her hand touched cloth, and with great relief, Kahako pulled out white fabric. Ayumu’s tux shit. It would have to do. Hastily putting it on, Kahako buttoned up the shirt, leaving a button or two open and folded up the very long sleeves to her forearms. “Ahem…” she coughed awkwardly. “Um… you can look now.”

Kahako was looking everywhere but at the naked Ayumu in her bed. Her face was a bright red as she stood in just his shirt. It was too big for her in everywhere but the chest. Her toes curled over each other as she stood in the middle of the room. Her fingers played with the hem of his shirt as she fidgeted. Noticeable scars littered her arms and neck, some looking very old while a few oddly shaped ones were newer.

“I’ll… I’ll see if I can find your pants…” she said, clearly out of her comfort zone. “Wait!” she started, throwing up her arms if he tried to sit up. “Wait here... I’ll be right back.” Face red, she avoided his gaze as she turned to leave the room. When she opened the door to her sitting area, she couldn’t even begin to understand what happened here. “What the hell?” she gasped from her bedroom door. Their clothes were… everywhere. Feathers littered the ground, seemingly trailing into the kitchen. A large carton of melted ice cream sat next to a jar of pickled plums in the middle of the tatami. For some reason, multiple kunai were wedged into a wall post on the other side of the room. Kahako eventually found Ayumu’s pants and underwear tossed in the corner, wrinkled, but no worse for wear. She also noted that his weapons were delicately propped, the only thing in the room that was spared from the chaos last night.

She returned to the room even more confused than when she first woke up. “Um… I’ll go make us some tea… are you feeling up to breakfast yet?” she asked softly, not yet ready to even contemplate what he asked her earlier let alone answer. The thought of food turned her stomach a little. She definitely was sporting a hangover. She bent over to pick up the torn wrapper, tossing it in the trash bin in her room before leaving.
Kahako was quick to respond, informing Ayumu that she too had no idea how they had come into such a predicament. He pulled at his arm that was trapped under Kahako merely pulling her closer as she attempted to scramble away. Suddenly, her head collided with his chin with a thunk. In a followup attack, she thwacked him across the head with her arm. "Owwwww!" they groaned in unison. Ayumu would have found that funny, if it didn't hurt. It was strange that shinobi, who went through such pains in their combat, still felt paint from such mundane injuries as accidentally knocking heads or stubbing their toes. Kahako ordered Ayumu to not look, though he had honestly already seen plenty. His eyes were still closed from wincing in pain, so he decided he might as well keep them closed. This didn't help his imagination running wild, however. He might as well have been looking with the images that were currently playing in his head whether he liked them or not. He covered his eyes and face with his hands. Partially to ensure her that he wasn't looking, partially to hide the redness while listening to Kahako searching frantically for clothes. Apparently, she couldn't find anything.

"Seriously?! Where exactly did we lose our clothes?" Ayumu questioned, knowing that she didn't know any better than him. He felt the bed vibrate slightly as she dropped to the floor beside it to look underneath. It sounded as though she had found something as Ayumu could hear a light rustling of cloth. This prompted him to take just the tiniest of peaks through slightly parted fingers. She still had about half the buttons to go at this point, prompting Ayumu to quickly close the gap between his fingers. Fortunately, she didn't see and finished buttoning up. She informed him that he could open his eyes, and he did so to find her in his shirt and nothing more. It was long enough to cover everything, but short enough that the image was nonetheless... provocative. He had already sat up by the time she offered to look for his pants, avoiding staring directly at Kahako. He decided to give her a hand and began to move his legs over the edge of the bed to stand but stopped upon Kahako's protest. She instructed him to wait while she looked. Ah, right. He was naked still.

"Yeah... s-sure..." he whispered as she left, gaze trailing down to the mysterious wrapper on the floor. 'Is that- he began to wonder, but his thoughts were interrupted by an exclamation from the doorway. Wrapping the sheets somewhat securely around his waist, Ayumu stood despite Kahako's earlier protest, coming to see what was the matter. She had already moved into the rest of the house while he watched in awe from the bedroom door. The whole place was a wreck. Ayumu spotted multiple articles of his and her clothes strewn across the home as well as scattered feathers, strange food combinations, the scene of a battle, and Ayumu's weapons neatly propped in a corner. 'Always take care of the weapons,' Ayumu thought, nodding to himself. He glanced back to Kahako to see that she had found his clothes and ducked back into the room before she noticed he had disobeyed orders to stay put. She reentered the bedroom to find Ayumu standing, lower half covered by sheets, and handed over his clothes, sans the shirt, then quickly retreated. She asked if he was ready for breakfast before eixiting.

"I do feel pretty hungry," he responded as he slipped into his lower garments in record speed and made himself decent once more. He glanced around the room to search for his glasses, but that seemed like a fruitless endeavor. Giving up, he walked out of the bedroom to follow Kahako. It was difficult to look at her currently given what she was wearing, or more importantly not wearing. Even the shirt that was his saving grace was not of much help. It was a tight shirt on him, but not so much on her, yet the buttons around her chest strained to hold the fabric together. Knowing staring at her much longer would be dangerous, Ayumu began to make himself busy with trying to clean up a little. He began with the clothes which he began to gather in his arms, walking around to pick up each article piece by piece.

"We certainly made a mess doing... whatever we did last night. Do you really not remember anything?" Ayumu asked as the collection of clothes in his arms grew. He made his way over to a table in Kahako's kitchen and laid the clothes out, sorting them by whom they belonged to. Kahako's top, check. Ayumu's socks, check. Kahako's yukata, check. Ayumu's shoes, check. Kahako's bra, check. Pause. Ayumu held the garment by a strap, staring at it with a blank expression as redness returned to his face. If Kahako noticed and protested he would quickly drop it and apologize, otherwise he would stare in shocked silence for a moment or two more before dropping it anyway.
Kahako flipped the switch to her hot water boiler before reaching for a pan. “Not really,” she responded as she moved to the fridge. “I just remember… leaving the party. And then it gets fuzzy. Do remember being in water though… I think...” Bending over, she reached into her fridge to grab her small carton of eggs. “How would you like your…” Kahako paused when she turned back to Ayumu. Hanging by the tip of his finger, her bra swung back and forth lazily. It was by no means fancy, in fact, it was an older bra, clearly well worn and not as... white… as it used to be. Proving that Kahako seriously had no plans of the night devolving the way it had. Immediately, she turned several shades of red before making a mad dash for the article of clothing, leaving her eggs on the counter.

Snatching it from Ayumu’s hand, who seemed to recoil as if bitten by the thing, Kahako darted for her bedroom, throwing the thing through her doorway before returning with a red face once again to silently resume the creation of Ayumu’s breakfast. His eggs were going to be scrambled whether he wanted them to be or not. Her hands were shaking too much for anything else.

“Do you remember anything?” she said softly after a few minutes of awkward silence. Opening a cabinet to her right, Kahako reached up to grab a plate and a glass. On a higher shelf were tea cups that Kahako didn’t use often. No need with no visitors coming often. She stretched a little bit (the sleeves on her shirt restricted her movements)…. then a little more(dang… why was it so tight around my chest?)… then went onto her tiptoes (Oh… I hope a button doesn’t pop…)… finally able to reach them. Unbeknownst to her, not without giving an almost very nice view in the process.

In a matter of a surprising few minutes (her time with her mother in the inn making her a surprisingly efficient chef) a steaming plate of eggs and ham were slid over to Ayumu. She returned only moments later with two cups of tea, sitting across the island and covering her mug with both her hands. She took a long sip before sighing and looking at the opened food in the middle of the room. “I can only imagine we got the ice cream on our way back here. I don’t like sweets, so I don’t keep anything of the sort in my house.” Kahako said while pushing a long sleeve up her arm to lightly scratch a still red mark.
As Ayumu looked at the dangling bra held by the strap between his fingers, he slowly glanced over in Kahako's direction to see if she had noticed. To his horror, she had. Before he could even drop it, she charged at him with frightening speed and snatched the article of clothing away. With a graceful flowing movement she never stopped as she dashed to the bedroom and tossed it inside without a word. Ayumu looked to the ground, avoiding looking at her as she returned to the kitchen in silence. He apologized and was then treated to a few minutes of awkward silence as Kahako quietly began preparing breakfast. Mercifully, she finally broke the silence to ask Ayumu what, if anything, he remembered. Taking a seat at her table, Ayumu propped his head up on his arm, resting his forehead into his palm. He tried to think, but everything from the previous night after leaving the party was hazy. Frustrated, he moved his hand up to his hair and ruffled it leaving it a disheveled mess.

"Dammit, I can't remember a thing," he grumbled before turning to look at Kahako. He turned just in time to catch a glimpse of a very nice gift Kahako was giving without even knowing. As she stretched to reach for a cup on a high shelf, the bottom of the shirt she wore rose higher and higher. Ayumu shamelessly watched, or perhaps it was not lack of shame but simply the fact that he was mesmerized. At last, to Ayumu's disappointment, Kahako reached her goal atop the shelf and brought it down. As she looked momentarily in his direction, he averted his gaze out a window to pretend as though he hadn't been doing anything. Ayumu stood once more, and began to pace as he racked his brains trying to remember anything. He looked up as he heard a plate being set down and slid in his direction. He made his way over and picked up a fork.

"This looks and smell delicious... I just realized how hungry I am," Ayumu said, wasting no time before digging in. It was as good as it looked. Kahako's experience definitely shined through. A moment later, cups of tea were set down to accompany the meal. "Thank you," Ayumu said, raising his cup and taking a careful sip of the hot liquid. Kahako sighed, looking at the ice cream that had been left melting. She indicated that it must have been bought on the way to her home as she didn't keep any inside. Ayumu looked back in time to see her scratching a mark on her arm. It intrigued him, but he decided to hold off on asking while they tried to figure out what had happened.

"Why would we have bought it, though? If you don't like sweets. Unless it was somehow involved in our... bedroom activities..." Ayumu commented, his mind wandering slightly. He shook his head and tried to dispel the thoughts, then stared at his plate for a moment before looking up at Kahako. "Don't you want any? Here," he said, taking a cut of ham and raising it towards her on his fork. "Say ahhh~" he said, holding his hand under the fork in case the food dropped.

Current Ninpocho Time:
