Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:



Oct 27, 2012
Hikari nodded as Kitsune told her about her estate. "That is seriously cool." She grinned, "Like machines that throw shuriken? Or built in people..." She joked. "What is the material that your house will be plated with? Whats it called?" Hikari giggled at what Kitsune said as she admitted to just being silly. "That's good to know." She smiled. "But if I get hurt, I'll try to get you to fix me up anyway!" She nodded. "The abilities to sound interesting. I wonder if there are any in the academy... Maybe I'll meet one."

At that point the girl she'd spotted earlier seemed to come to a decision and started toward them. Hikari had noticed and then as the girl spoke, Hikari remembered the girl's name. She approached them at a lull in the conversation, and asked nervously if she could join. Hikari smiled, "Kaoru, right?" She asked as the girl stood hugging her books. "I don't mind, Kitsune san, this is Kaoru... I'm sorry I've forgotten your surname... She is a student, like me. Kaoru, this is Shinrya Kitsune. She taught the first class I ever took here." She said by way of introduction, "It was a fun class too. We got to play- I mean practice with Kunai and Shuriken." She grinned.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
”Machines, yes.” Kitsune answered and giggled ”And it doesn’t have a common name yet, and the chemical designation contains over 23 syllables… So, I’ve got no clue on what I’d call it. And if you get hurt, just request me specifically; I’ll take care of your wounds.”
”I doubt that there’d be any dark sages or rikudou sennins at the academy. It does require a certain level of maturity in a ninja before you can obtain such advanced techniques and abilities.” Kitsune said and grinned ”But hey, you never know.”

Kitsune turned her head a bit and looked at Kaoru right as a beeping sound came from her pocket. After a quick glance at the little device that gave off the noise, she sighed and shook her head. ”You can take my seat Kaoru-chan. I’ve got to go anyways. The hospital have sent out a request for my surgical skills. I’m sure we’ll meet again. Hikari, you know where to find me” she finished and winked at Hikari before getting off the chair, offering it to Kaoru, then grabbing her books, and vanishing in a swirl of emptiness. Essentially disappearing before their very eyes.

[Topic Left]


Nov 4, 2012
Thank you Kaoru was so happy to have someone to study with. She was so nervous that she would b rejected. She took the where the woma had been sitting amazed by the ninja's tecnique. Laoru set down her books on the table and reopened them with her note pad not to far away. "Its so nice to see you Hikari san" She smiled sweetly.


Oct 27, 2012
Hikari waved at Kitsune as she left, and Kaoru replaced her. "It's nice to see you too, Kaoru. You don't have to be so formal with me. We're around the same age, right? You can just call me Hikari." She smiled. "What are you studying?" She asked, noticing that the other girl was actually taking notes. "I've got poisons here." She gestured at her book, "I mean, I'm studying poisons, I don't have any." She chuckled. "I wanted to know more about them because I saw a boy in my class accidentally cut himself on a poisoned blade. Lucky Kitsune-sensei was there, as she knew how to counteract the poison. Next time, though, a mednin might not be nearby. Who knows?" She shrugged. "So, I want to know what I will potentially be dealing with."

She looked back at the book she'd just barely cracked, "Though I seem to be doing more chatting than studying." She smirked, "Not that I mind. Connections are important in the ninja world." She nodded. "Hopefully they'll come in handy down the line."


Nov 4, 2012
" Ok H - Hikari" Kaoru blushed slightly at the calling someone by just their first name" Oh I'm studying different judstus" she said in response to Hikari's question the subject by which she was studying was quite interesting to Kaoru. " Are you planning to become a mednin?" she asked she smiled sweetly at Hikari as she went on about how connections were important too " I agree Hikari!"


Oct 27, 2012
Kaoru seemed nervous about something, but Hikari couldn't tell what. Then she said she was studying different jutsus. "Oh really? What are you looking at specifically?" She acknowledged Kaoru's sweet smile with a nod. "Don't worry, I'm nice." She said quietly, trying to reassure the girl. She nodded at Kaoru's books, "Are they interesting? I saw you studying over there before joining me."

She noticed a librarian come close, and lean down to shush them. Well, of course, it was supposed to be quiet, "Sorry, sorry, sir." She said with a bow of her head. After the man walked away, she looked about at the empty room and sighed. It wasn't like there was anyone else there...

"No, I'm not planning on being mednin. I'm thinking Main branch for myself, how about you?"


Nov 4, 2012
Kaoru was happy about Hikari's answer "Yes they are quite interestin, and I'm sorry if I seem uncomfortable its just .. " Kaoru took a deep breath "Its just that I'm not really used to hanging out with people my own age." Kaoru looked down at her lap when she saw a librarian come by. She let out a slight giggle "You're going to main branch? Thats sounds wonderful Hikari san. Ummm I haven't quite decided my self, I've been kinda leaning toward mednin though" Kaoru moved a piece of light brown hair from her face as she turned her head to Hikari san "I can't wait to graduate though, how about you?"


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Children. The most innocent side of humanity as most people would say. Well at least this generation seemed to be aspired to be. Several generations ago students were ambitions and determined to make a mark in the world so quite eager to overcome their superiors. It was nice to see children at least being children for once. Ironically, Shin was never the the simple type growing up. It was several hours past noon right after the last lesson for the day as Shin had remembered it. It was during the time when the students and proclaimed academics were not so crowded at the library; the time when the sound of only flipping of papers.

"Yes, I here to pick up a book from reserved." Shin asked as he spoke to the receptionist. "Yes, Raikage-sama." The librarian scanned the open ledger for a brief moment before guiding Shin though the library.

"Hello students. How has your day been?" Shin said stopping by as he received the small book from the librarian.



Oct 27, 2012
"Oh, yes, I-" Hikari was about to reply to Kahako, when someone else walked into the library. As most people do when they hear a door open, in a space like a classroom or a library, she turned about. She knew who he was. She nervously, though not entirely gracelessly-thankfully- stood up and bowed, uncertain how low would be appropriate, as he turned to address them.

"Hello, Raikage-sama." She said, "My day has gone well. I hope yours has too?" She smiled uncertainly, then remembered with a cringe that she was staring and she had thus far failed to introduce herself. "Oh, apologies, I am Tanaka Hikari. This is Kaoru." How much information was appropriate to volunteer without him asking? How little would be respectful? Hikari was now wishing that she'd asked more questions in Tomotoya-sensei's class. In the back of her mind were all the things about her current appearance that her mother would cringe to see, with Hikari meeting an important figure in the village. Hair- always a big curly mess. Clothes- well, she'd been training in them. They were dirty. She'd spilled something on them at lunch... Her face was probably not at it's cleanest... her mouth would not stop moving.

"How was your day, Raikage-sama?" She asked, hoping she didn't come off like the little chatterbox she knew she was. "I hope it's been very good."


Nov 4, 2012
Kaoru was sitting with Hikari san, when she suddenly stood up. Kaoru turned around and the Raikage, she immediately stood just as Hikari san had done. She bowed to a ninety degree angle just as she had been taught. "Umm good afternoon, Raikage sama, I hope your day is going well" Kaoru's face was a beet red, she couldn't belive that the Raikage was standing before her, she felt like she was unworthy to be in the presence of such an important person.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
He could sense their trepidation as their small bodies contorted at his presence. Hikari's face turned bright red feeling as shame that she could not approach Shin cordially. Likewise, her companion, Kaoru looked nervous as she bowed before Shin. The librarian and the Raikage took a glance at each other as she walked by smiling.

Shin quietly patted them on their shoulders like a father would to his beloved daughter. "Please, you do not have to present yourself so formal toward me. It is my deepest pleasure to meet you all. Would you mind if I joined your company." Shin asked calmly as he attempted to sit beside the two.

"I was just retrieving a reserved book that had settled to get this afternoon." Shin said with his notorious grin flipping through the dark forest green book. The book was still in good condition as requested but he hoped that he would be able to get new copies for most of the archaic books. "I do hope that once this war efforts escape us I can deliver a shipment of new copies to Bibliotheca Conscientiae. " Shin said with a grin.

"About my day, yes. There is never a dull moment, papers flailing at me left and right and a village colliding against the country. To make matters worse, it would appear my long forgotten uncle is the root cause of it." Shin said. His eyes appeared distant even though he sat looking at the young girls. It was a long time since he ever felt the sense of innocent. Even as a child he was always plague with the pains of his family. His spent his days trying to reclaim the honor that was taken from the Hayata clan. No one really understood him and it was more than disappointing that the same cycle continued to this day.He was not sure how he was going to react when he finally meets his Ojisan.

"It is nice for a time to get away with some of these things. Don't you agree?" Shin said effacing the cold look on his face.


Nov 4, 2012
Kaoru felt that the raikage was truly a kind man"O-Of course you can join us." Kaoru said with her cherry smile 'We would love it!" kaoru pulled a chair from the table and pat it "What kind of book are you reading?" she said, her curiosity overwhelmed her, as she sat back down in her seat.
I'm sorry that this post is so bad, the holiday has made things a little crazy over here.


Oct 27, 2012
When Shin patted her shoulder she let out a silly laugh, "Well, then, Raikage-sama, you shouldn't present yourself so formally toward us either-" she hesitated, "Well, I can't really speak for Kaoru-san... Don't worry about me!" She grinned. Hikari always had been very friendly. "Sure, have a seat, sir." He grinned as he opened a book, flipping through. She noticed that the pages were lightly yellowed- from age only- but the binding and the overall condition of the book was good. "Um..." She said after he spoke about the war efforts, "My father is a book seller... Maybe he has what you need. He does have some really old books. Some that are quite expensive." She shrugged.

Hikari frowned at the problems that were having such an impact on him, "That's awful. Your uncle? Can't you talk to him and tell him to stop being... well... a jerk?" She scratched her head, "Or... send your special forces to bring him back?" She shifted from foot to foot, "It seems so... mean to cause your relatives such trouble. Doesn't he know that family should look out for each other? Oh... I probably am over simplifying things... I mean, I don't know a lot about the war. My parents rarely talk about it."

The Raikage seemed to have slipped into thought, and seemed somber for a moment, before he shrugged off whatever it was that was troubling him, aside from his uncle, and the war, "Yeah, I sure do agree! Kaoru and I were just chatting about what we're going to do after the Genin exam, right Kaoru?" She grinned at Shin, "Oh, and studying... in theory.' She chuckled, as she gestured back to her book about poison, "But we did more talking than studying, really."


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
Shin placed the book upside side up showing the large sliver embedded title : "Freedom and Chakra". "It is a philosophical books with topics that talk about the freedom's of shinobi and how it effects the flow of chakra." Shin answered the young girl. It was a topic that Shin expound upon since the day he was born; it was the reason why Shin had started the project to create Deta and the reason why he was in this position.

"Is he?" Shin responded excited to hear another academic seller in Kumogakure. "Perhaps I should enter his shop some time." The girl frown as she heard Shin sad monologue of the war front. He could sense the girl's frustration as she tried to figure out how to solve Shin's problems. It was nice to see an innocent trying to solve a problem that corrupted leaders could not solve. "I wish it were that simple, Hikari-chan. I do still care for my uncle and understand his pain but I can not allow him to terrorize the country. My family is rather complicated." Shin sighed. "My father and mother are both gone from me and the only living relative that I am aware that lives in Lighting Country is the one trying to destroy it. The rest are more than likely in fire country. My family members were quite influential to this village but also hated for their philosophies and abilities. The village has done some terrible things to my family in the past which has caused some lingering pain over the years. I would say at your age I was not the most pleasant person to be with. Be happy with the family that you have today."

"That is exciting. What do you plan on specializing." Shin asked.


Nov 4, 2012
Kaoru cast down her eyes as she heard the Raikage's story, it reminded her of the days with her guardians. She almost had tears in her eyes, but she shook away those feelings. I cannot cry. I cannot cry She thought to herself. Kaoru sat straight up and responded to the Raikage's question"I plan on becoming a mednin but I'm not entirely sure". She blushed slightly for she was not convinced by her own answer. "I already know some knowledge of medicine" she continued " and I'm okay at fighting so I was thinking that being a mednin might be a good choice." Kaoru looked at the Raikage for his reaction, she hoped deep inside that she had not made a fool of herself. Kaoru then looked at Hikari san for reassurance but she still seemed preoccupied by the words of the Raikage.


Oct 27, 2012
Hikari leaned over curiously to see his book. "That looks interesting." she said, "I only learned a little about chakra, as the class on it conflicted with my schedule. I learned from another shinobi, here in the library though. I was the first one in my Kunai class to think about using it to focus my shot." She smiled, "I'm reading about poisons, 'cause Shinrya sensei mentioned them, and someone accidentally got nicked by a poisoned shuriken. Sensei had it covered of course, because she's a Mednin, but I thought I should try and learn something about them, just in case." She said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm sure he'd be most honored by a visit from our Raikage." Hikari told Shin earnestly, "Although he was not very supportive of me joining the military, he has always been a staunch supporter of our Kumogakure, and her leadership. Besides that, he likes to talk about books."

When Shin told her about his uncle, and that his parents were gone, she grimaced, "That's very sad, Rakage sama. I'm sorry for you. It is a very hard thing you're having to do. With your uncle, and all... Courage." She raised a fist so that it faced the ceiling and she nodded, "My father always says, 'things aren't always good, but the only way to get to the dawn, is through the dark.'"

Then the Raikage asked them which branch they would dedicate themselves to, and Kaoru offered that she was thinking of becoming a mednin, as she already had some knowledge of medicine. She looked at the both of them, Hikari and the Raikage uncertainly. Wonder why she's so shy... Hikari thought to herself, "I bet you'd do great as a mednin, Kaoru-chan." She grinned, "You're smart and eager to learn, and very nice. I believe in you!" She said with a nod. "As for me, I'll be dedicating myself to the main branch. Perhaps foreign relations... or whatever that branch of Main is called... I haven't quite decided about that, yet."


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
"Mednin or not your best asset is your humility. I am sure if you remain in that path you will even surpass the best of us." Shin commented. The girl mentioned medicine which sounded innocent compared to what most shinobi went into the medical branch. Shin could only hoped that this generation would not be so tempted to grab so much power. He could not stop to think that Kushin was walking that route or in better terms be tempted considering all the prevailing need on kinjutsu.

Hikari responded by stating her desire to remain in the main branch division. He could not stop but grin at that remark. It was the choice that Shin made himself although for more logical reasons. He did not feel the need to limit his abilities by restricting himself to one branch.

"I am not sure what deters your father's thoughts on the military but I can assure you that your service to the village will a positive one." He said.

When Shin told her about his uncle, and that his parents were gone, she grimaced, "That's very sad, Rakage sama. I'm sorry for you. It is a very hard thing you're having to do. With your uncle, and all... Courage." She raised a fist so that it faced the ceiling and she nodded, "My father always says, 'things aren't always good, but the only way to get to the dawn, is through the dark.'"

"Yes it is indeed a hard thing to swallow but it is something a shinobi must acknowledge. It is easy to allow emotions to cloud one's judgement even for a highly ranked shinobi like myself. A shinobi is strong when admits his weakness and overcome them." Shin said nodded.

"Foreign Affairs? Yes, it is a subdivision that I started when I was main branch sennin. As Cloud shinobi we should expand our knowledge of the other possible hidden villages. It seems we are not in the age of isolation." Shin said rubbing his chin. "That reminds me. What are you thoughts with the current sennin of the village. I am not sure if you met them yet or not."


Oct 27, 2012
Hikari nodded to Shin's thoughts on overcoming weakness, "That's true. Seeing through emotion is sometimes very hard. I find that it helps to look at things from outside yourself. Making decisions based on your emotion when you're so invested means you're far too biased. Don't worry, though Raikage, you're human, even though you're a Shinobi. And, Emotion isn't always a bad thing. If you're guided only by reason, it's easy to reason yourself away from what's good. Easy to look at yourself beside everyone else and say, 'They mean nothing. I am most important.' Or 'I am the only one who is important.' That leads to... a lot of bad, very sad stuff." She shook her head.

"My father isn't so much against the military, as he is against me joining the military. I think it's just that he doesn't want me to get hurt. Also, I am related to a few Shinobi who... haven't been very active within our family. It is seen as a great divide. The Nin in our family have little contact with the civilians." She explained, "Santaru Rin, for example, is one of the Kunoichi in my family. She is my father's aunt. It has been a long while since they saw her. I don't know her well myself, and I haven't seen her since joining the Academy, but she is ANBU so... That's probably to be expected." She smiled.

"My thoughts on the Sennin of the village?" She asked, flattered that he would consider her opinion, "Well... I told you about my great aunt. I don't know her, but I'm sure she is very honorable. I recently met the Medical branch Sennin, Isaki san." She said with a frown, "He made me very uncomfortable. I can't tell you why, because I don't really know, but he reminded me of... one of those bad people who offers a child a piece of candy then kidnaps them and you never see the child again. He talked to my fellow student, Keiji, and gave him something, in return for a favor. I think the favor will be a bad thing. I haven't got proof, or anything..." She sighed in frustration, "Impartially, I don't know him or how well he does his job. He might be a very good sennin, but he creeps me out." She tried to remember if she'd met the main branch sennin, but couldn't think of whether or not she had. "I don't know the other sennin. The one for main branch." She said, "So I can't offer an opinion on him."


Nov 4, 2012
Kaoru was surprised at the Raikage's compliment "Thank you very much! I will try not to dissapoint you Raikage." she said as confidence welled up in her chest. She found Hikari's situation quite sad, but yet envied her for her family. When the Raikage brought up their opinions on the sennin of the village, Kaoru had no idea on how to answer. After going over it in her head, Kaoru decided to just be honest and said "Raikage I have not met any sennin in the village yet, but I think they do a marvelous job at protecting us in the village" she threw on a cheerful smile "I hope we can be just as strong in the future."


Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
"Interesting." Shin thought. He was aware that the veteran sennin had procured her own offspring but to think they were old enough to join the shinobi corp was a surprising sight. In retrospect, Shin remembered those long years at the academy dealing with Rin's acerbic assertion about his philosophy. Even up to this day, Shin could not escape another lecture from the woman. Despite it all, he knew she meant well --most of the time. There was nothing that Shin could not trust or delegate to her. Hikari continued to answer Shin's question as she attempted to describe the medical sennin. It was not doubtful to hear speak such ill will about Ishin Kushin. He was a remarkable young fellow and a man with exceptional intellect but his behavior was to be desired. His actions were dubious at best as if he was continuously hiding something. Perhaps it would be more appropriate if Shin were to take a personal approach rather than a scientific approach towards his young medical sennin. Hirkai concluded by delivering a neutral response about Souseki which was rather odd considering his public status as headmaster.

"Perhaps, Hikari-chan. However, it is equally arguable on both sides. It is said that the human heart is quick to lead one astray. Unfortunately, we have never been able to find a balance between the two. Maybe one day the shinobi clan can teach mankind the true path of balance, at least that is my aspiration." Shin replied.

It was Karou's turn and her remarks were terse and brief for as it may she was less vocal than her companions. At least Shin was relieved at her reaction to Shin's earlier compliment. The trepidation that filled her face had quickly been eradicated in replace with an auspicious demeanor. After going over it in her head, Kaoru decided to just be honest and said "Raikage I have not met any sennin in the village yet, but I think they do a marvelous job at protecting us in the village" she threw on a cheerful smile "I hope we can be just as strong in the future."

"I am certain you will be Karou-chan, but I am a bit disappointed at your main branch sennin. Afterall, he is your headmaster. When I was leader of the academy I was much closer to the academy students compared to most of my predecessors." Shin paused. "I can not assumed but are your sensei teaching you well in the ways of the shinobi. When I mean by `well` I am not deliberating on how well you are treated but the lessons are taught without bias."


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
