Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Difference in Class / The Promise of Family [Yoshi]

Santaru Sayomi

Storm Princess of Kumogakure
Jul 11, 2017
The Seki District. Of all the places in Kumo that the young Santaru found terrifying, perhaps this area was the most intimidating for she was all too aware of what this area was. It was out of her class. She was a Santaru, naturally, but it had been since time in memorial that her branch had produced an heir that could harness the power of the Storm, many never even passed the Academy. She was raised on the outskirts of the village and now she had been summoned to this district, to the manor of the Santaru by none other than Yoshi, the clan's leader. To say the young genin trembled with each step was an understatement. It was unclear to say if people truly looked upon her with such disdainful looks, her clothing clearly out of place among the elite whom resided here, but the small teenager felt unwelcome all the same as the journey continued to the building.

All of them looked important, imposing a feeling that the already small stature she bore was not only insignificant, but inconsequential to the life of Kumo, but she knew not of the politics of the village. What an ordinary ninja, perhaps even villager might declare common place knowledge might be a revelation to the youth, let alone darker secrets that a ninja born and raised within the village whom had talent as a ninja was becoming a rarity in these days, making one with a core blood trait incredibly valuable. Such knowledge, however, was kept a secret from Sayomi.

The brunette had cleaned up perhaps even more than she had in her entire life, almost never feeling good enough and both parents kept pressuring her to look her best, going out and purchasing new set of clothes for the occasion. If the invitation did not declare a set time, it could be possible the kunoichi would still be preparing, still feeling woefully unprepared to meet someone of such high importance. To her parents, to Sayomi herself, meeting the clan leader bore more significance than meeting the Raikage. The Feudal Lord himself.

The girl's hazel eyes just stood still, nearly as unwavering as a stone out of terror, almost afraid to even blink as she stood in front of the grandeur of the building where the head of the Santaru house resided. Perhaps Kouin, the man from before who had introduced himself as Santaru, lived here as well? It certainly wouldn't be nearly so as intimidating if someone was already there. The teen summoned up all courage she possessed and began to approach, opening a gate trying not to make a sound and closing it with just as much care before continuing onward, crossing the massive entryway as silently as possible to reach what was hoped to be the correct entrance.

Was she supposed to knock on the door? Did important people of affluence tolerate such behavior? Contemplating the situation for moments, the kunoichi saw no other option and knocked, waiting a few minutes more before announcing herself in a rather broken tone that quaked with fear.

"H-Hello? My...My name is Sayomi...Sa-Santaru Sayomi. I was r-requested to come here S-Santaru Yoshi-sama?"

-topic entered
A burly, tall statured man wearing a black habit, with a twirly mustache and a trained eye opened the door in the middle of her announcement, looking down upon with skeptical eyes. He stood in silence, letting her finish her announcement and just stand there for a few awkward seconds as he scanned her closely with his gaze, not discriminating anything out of the ordinary with the young girl standing in front of him.
After a small time he stood aside and simply gestured her to get in, while in the meantime his other hand released the door, and knocked on the wall towards the side, 2 times, then 3 times, then 2 again. Promptly one could hear shuffling ocurring in the rooms nearby and a door slammed open further inside of the building. Some muffled screams and a the sound of fabric being punched and thrown across entire rooms.
A slight cough from the servant, "please enter, Sayomi-san, we've been expecting you" Once she had entered the corridor in front of her, and while taking off her shoes by the uprised floor, the door would be closed off behind her, and he would then await her to stand on the tatami mats instead of the lower floor where her shoes would be placed. Assuming she knew about all that, his eyes would stare upon her every move, even while he was moving around, if she didn't seem to understand what she was supposed to do, he would abruptly cough and explain in the same manner as he had welcomed her.

In front of Sayomi was a large wooden hallways with light green tamami mats covering the floor, on each side of the hall were several sliding doors of different sizes and with different wooden carvings, symbolisisng in some fashion what was on the other side of the sliding door. All of them were different, some seemed too close to each other, as they would require to open one, to close another. Somehow the servants of the manor knew exactly how the whole place was organised, and one would need to know the symbols to proceed to find what they needed.

Once Sayomi would stand on the mats, the servant would say "Please follow along. He awaits you" And the began to walk steadily, stop at one symboled door, slide it open with precision and speed, to reveal a large and empty room on the opposite end you'd see shadows of servants throwing and packing things away swiftly and silently, then quickly move away further into other rooms. In the side Sayomi would see open doors out towards a beautiful garden with trimmed trees, small lakes, bridges and handcrafted sculptures of wood, stone and marble in different forms, at the bottom of each sculpture and shape you'd see the small insignia of the Santaru symbol, indicating the original owners of the piece of art.

There he stood, at the other side of the vast open doorway to the garden, slightly ruffled hair, but standing tall and proud with his vibrant kimono and almost shining blond hair. His glistening blue eyes looking out at the gardens in an almost soulful bliss. In his hand a cup of warm tea, he takes a sip, then sighes heavily, and without turning his glance. "Cup of tea?" He simply asked, as his words escaped his mouth the servants from the other room seemed to have returned and sat in the other room by the door, their shadows completely still, almost as if they were awaiting her response.

[ entered ]
The sheer size of the estate was massive to behold and Sayomi felt fear quake in her heart even now, her courage of having been able to approach it at all was wavering and she really wanted nothing more than to flee, though after having announced her presence, it would reflect extremely poorly on the girl. Extremely poorly, indeed. Though the greeting that she received from what she hazard to guess was the butler was as intimidating as she dared to dream in her nightmares. So large and tall, most likely an elite fighter in his own right. How terrifying. Mortifying.

The young kunoichi followed behind the butler, as close as she dared to be, not wanting to get lost but not wanting to intrude on a stranger's personal space, particularly since it was likely that he was considered higher in the Santaru household than she was, whether or not he was a blood member. When he invited her in, the girl had been speechless and could only muster a nervous, albeit weak, nod to the man as she entered and removed her shoes, as was proper. Now the winding halls of the manor were all that she could see for what felt like an eternity. Cold and lifeless, silent as the grave. If fear did not paralyze her senses so, the girl would have likely been impressed beyond belief at the ornate nature of everything that surrounded her, as well as the beauty that only true wealth and status could provide.

And now she was alone. Follow along, he said? Would it truly be that easy, the teen could only hope it would be as she slowly, methodically, padded forth her route praying that everything would go alright. From the corners of her eye, she caught glimpses that dared to distract her, but the brunette dared not to accept this challenge, for she surely would find herself lost immediately. Yet, still moving forward, the young stormtress eventually found the mark of the Clan Santaru and knew this was what the large gentleman from earlier meant. The door was open already, she had been expected, after all.

Blonde hair and blue eyes, the girl found the man intimidating yet features that were pleasant, but it did not distract the girl from knowing her place in the hierarchy. She may have bore the name Santaru, but that only afforded her a small, minute, amount of respect among the village. This man led the Clan that was instrumental in the creation of it. The offer of tea came before she could even introduce herself, succeeding in catching her off guard for just a moment. "O-Oh...Yes, please..." she said in a hushed, reverent voice before her eyes shot wide and she dropped into a bow slightly lower than a 90 degree angle. "I-I'm Santaru Sayomi...I r-received your summons, Y-Y-Yoshi-sama!"

Current Ninpocho Time:
