Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Private]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 22, 2012

Mori Residence - Basement
Seki District
0940 Hours


Tachibana Shirou

Etsuko Hitomi

An unknown man stood in the center of the dank, stale basement. His eyes rested upon the pocket watched resting in his hand. A yawn slowly crept up on him and took him by surprise. His mouth grew wide and elicited strange guttural sounds for a moment before the silence swallowed it back up. "My word, couldn't we have a meeting at a regular time? No wonder everyone is late." he said. Granted, it was still fifteen minutes before the agreed upon time. But for the ever punctual Tachibana Shirou, if you weren't there 15 minutes before, you were late.

"Perhaps if the meeting was at a time when normal keep were awake and active, then we would be more inclined to be on time, Tachibana-san." replied Hitomi. She entered the basement waving about her hand, trying to keep whatever cobwebs there were out of her hair. She was noticeably unkempt which wasn't normal for her. It was likely that she had only gotten up recently and deemed this meeting unnecessary to dress up for. After all, her skills had nothing to do with her looks. The single flickering light in the center of the room reflected off her red eyes. Shirou diverted his vision. "Rude. Afraid I'm gonna mess with your head?" she commented with a devious smile.

Shirou returned his gaze to her visage with a glare. "It isn't rude to respect the power of your eyes. They practically made you." he countered. Hitomi shrugged her shoulders and looked about the dusty basement while waiting. She was looking for anything of potential worth to take back with her after they were done.​


Inuzuka Gekido

Mori Hana

The stairs creaked once again, this time much noisier than when the previous two had. Into basement stepped Inuzuka Gekido, former ANBU captain and rogue shinobi. He was accompanied by a fierce looking wolf: Judo. He was the one who had called them all together like this. "Hitomi, good to see you again. Shirou, we finally meet." he said in a low direct tone. He too was unkempt like Hitomi, though that was more likely the norm for a person like Gekido.

"Isn't it dangerous getting everyone together like this? We are in the middle of a shinobi state." asked Shirou.

Gekido laughed, reaching his clawed hands down onto Judo's head and scratching the wolfs fur. "At this point, the village is in disarray and is divided in it's attention. Even if they sent anyone here, it's likely we would be able to dispatch them with ease. The strongest of us will be attending this meeting after all." he said with a grunt. "Anyways, I've stationed some lookouts around the house. Should anyone suspicious appear, we'll know about it."

The lookout he mentioned were his paths. He wasn't partial to maintaining a connection to them most of the time, but they did come in handy in situations such as this. A few moments later, soft light steps could be heard as Hana descended to join them. She looked prim and proper, and perhaps the most composed out of all of them. She bowed politely as she had been taught years ago, by the very man in the room with her.

"Shirou-sensei." she softly spoke.

"Hana-chan! How very good it is to see you!" he replied, shifting over to her to give her a big hug. "I'm sorry about your parents, for it to happen here in your home too..."

"Pay it no mind Sensei. It's made me stronger. We all die eventually right? It's apart of life."

His expression went from somewhat happy to see her to a bit of concern. She was no longer the little girl he used to tutor. He nodded his head and rubbed the top of her own before looking to Gekido. "We are waiting on the others?"

The wolf man nodded his head and looked to Hana. "Not yet, Gekido-sama. I will let you know upon arrival."

Gekido huffed outwards and looked for a place to sit down and wait. A sheet covered what he assumed to be a couch, so he yanked it off and threw it to the side. The father of many took a seat on the stained cushion with a sigh, Judo sitting next to him on the ground. Meanwhile, Shirou was busy looked at his watch again and Hana had taken out a scroll and began to head. Hitomi looked about them, realizing she didn't have anything productive to do either. She sat next to Gekido; about as far away from possible. Her time in the ANBU had revealed many stories about the man, and she wasn't about to do anything that might anger him.​
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva


Tanuki Kechi

Kechi galloped down the old stairs, giving everyone in the room a toothy grin as he jumped off the third to last step. The Tanuki was far from stealthy. Landing with a loud thud, he gave a wave as he entered further into the room. "Hiddie-ho fellow Kumo" His ears twitched, which would have looked much cuter if he had been in his tanuki form. However, today was an important meeting, and he preferred to appear human for these sorts of events.

Spotting the young Hana, Kechi closed in on her. He placed a hand on her head and leaned down to be eye level with her. "Hey cutie-patootie! Have we met? I don't think we've met. Tanuki Kechi. Pleasure. You look like a girl that could use a student loan. I happen to-"


Hashigaki Kusari

A sharp voice came from the flight of steps, which might have startled those not actively watching the staircase. A woman in a blue robe stood there, her hood hanging over her face. Her steps had been silent, and only someone with a keen sense of smell, like Gekido and his companion, would have even been aware of her approach. The orange-haired man flinched violently before popping to attention. The woman moved to the wall and remained standing, her head lowered. "Your loan shark ways are unwelcome in this meeting. If you have nothing productive to say, then remain silent, fool." Kechi gave a salute. "Ma'am, yes ma'am!" He bent down again and held a hand to his mouth. He winked at the girl as he whispered, "You think on that loan, sweat pea." The woman interjected. "I am blind, fool. Not deaf." Kechi held up his hands in defeat. "Sheesh. Someone isn't a morning person. Or didn't wake up on the right side of the bed, or-"

Kechi was cut off yet again, this time by a black ink tendril. It wrapped around his neck and lifted him up from the floor. He lightly kicked in the air as he tugged at the solidified ink. "Yup. Silence. Got it. Gonna shut up now. You can let go. Aaaany time now. Gack!" The tendril gave one final squeeze before releasing Kechi. The man landed on his rump, coughing up a storm as he caught his breath. Finally recovering, he lifted himself from the floorboards and dusted off his pants. He held up a finger, and opened his mouth to speak, but thought better as he saw Kusari's body shift slightly. He closed his mouth and looked to Gekido, awaiting the purpose of their meeting.
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva


Nagekana Keitaro

Keitaro descended the stairs into the room. Looking at the cast assembled he stood near the stairs leaning against the wall. "What a motley crew we have here," he mumbled quietly. "Tanuki-san. I thought I we agreed you were not to call me unless it's for work." The man eyed the overly happy loan-shark, who was recovering from the grip of an inky tentacle. There were times when Keitaro had considered ending the gold-driven loan shark's existence himself. But he was certain the sneaky businessman had things set up that if he died Titan's agreement with Keitaro would be voided. Loan-sharks and lawyers, Keitaro thought to himself, two types of people who you definitely can't cross.

"Let's keep this brief, I'd rather not be in the company of you all longer than necessary," he said to the group. The longer they all stayed here the more likely someone was to stumble across evidence of their meeting. And Keitaro of all of the individuals here had the most to lose because of it. His position was the most tenuous, for if he was caught and rendered useless to the group, he doubted that the deal he had made for his niece's safety would be upheld. She was safe as long as he was useful, and he wouldn't be considerably useful dead or incarcerated. "So, why are we here today? Work? Information? Let's get to it then."

Keitaro hadn't met the man with the watch, nor the bright-eyed woman before. But judging from their expressions it seemed they were relatively important to the company. The younger girl was also a new face, and looked a bit out of place compared to the other that had been assembled. Keitaro was briefly reminded of his niece, but pushed that thought out of his mind. The last thing he needed was to become emotionally invested with this group. It could potentially cloud his judgement should he be forced to choose between sides. Turning to the hooded woman, he regarded her presence impassively, Kechi has little power over her I see, and I thought he was one of the members allowed a bit more freedom to do as he pleased. And finally, Keitaro saw ex-Kumogakure shinobi Inuzuka Gekido accompanied by his canine companion. He was well-known enough that even Keitaro had heard a few things about him. Though what was rumor and what was fact eluded him for the most part. He just knew that the man was dangerous and in Titan's employ, and that gave Keitaro more than enough reason to be wary of him. All in all, the group assembled had various motives and backgrounds, but all had been deemed useful to Titan's interests. Something big must be going down eventually, especially for a gathering of this size and notoriety.
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva

Mori Residence - Basement
Seki District
01001 Hours


Hana's eyes met Kechi's with curiosity. She didn't get out much lately, so much so that this trip was the first time in years that she had come back to the village. He mentioned a student loan. Her lips formed a sideways smile as if the guy was crazy.

Gekido and Judo looked to another who was entering before she ever spoke, warning Kechi to quit with the antics. She was very blunt about it too. Hitomi confined a chuckle to herself and Gekido shook his head with a smile. The small Hana seemed relieved by the saviors words. But Kechi wasn't finished yet. Consequently, his words got him into more trouble and he found himself up off of the floor by a tendril of ink. Hana quickly moved forward to examine the chakra based creation, a small finger slid against the ink. Her attention to such a technique was quite obvious to the others; it seemed obsessive. Still, she did laugh when Kechi learned his lesson-- one of those super cute anime laughs.

The final member of their little congress arrived. It was indeed a motley crew, he wasn't wrong. This was the type of person that Gekido liked himself. He was to the point, and didn't want to dally. Neither did Gekido, and for good reasons. One of those reasons being the ANBU sneaking around outside of the home...

He had been following Hana for some time now, ever since she deviated from her supposed grandparents at the gates. He wouldn't have guessed the girl to be the one to being into nefarious things per say, but the world they lived in was always ripe with surprises. But the most interesting development he had discovered was her association with known ex-rogue Inuzuka Gekido. They were seen entering the premise together, though he hadn't seen the first two enter. But he did see the final three go inside. These people he did not know, but it was a strange occurrence for these random people to be entering what appeared to be a boarded up house.

At that point the ANBU used his Snapshot jutsu to remember what he had seen and summoned a single clone to keep watch on them. He turned and ran off to report to whatever superior officer he could find.

"Let's get to it." repeated Gekido. While he certainly had a distaste for leading this kind of meeting, it seemed the boss had the intention of making him the head of Kumogakurean operations for the company.

"Like Keitaro here," he began, informal as usual. "I don't want to have to stay here any longer then need be, so I'm gonna lay it out there."

"Rather than acting individually as we have been for the most part, Masahiro wants us to put our heads together and at least attempt to move towards a goal collectively. This goal is something that even I haven't heard of before in my time in the ANBU. He wants to develop a power to rival that of the shinobi here in Kumogakure, and challenge the power of ninja across the world. To summarize what he said, trust me it was much more long winded, he wants to even the battle field. Give those without the ability to use chakra something on par with shinobi. Humanity needs to advance, and as long as there are the shinobi who oppress other humans with their god-like might, we will never progress out of this age. Blah blah blah." he finished with a pause. There was more, but he would give Kechi the opportunity to see past his words.

"Some of us are probably wondering why you are even being involved in this. Well because you are being paid to do so. Hana," he said, motioning to the small one. "Is our resident research specialist when it comes to things regarding shinobi. She's the brain behind our new headquarters in southern lightning. Anything we find will be going to her."

"Hitomi will be doing what she does best. Stealing information from the minds of shinobi who come into the Black Lotus. I will continue to work my contacts around the village. I currently have a contact within the medical branch who seems intent on paying back whatever he feels he owes me, so that should bear fruit."

"Kechi, if you find anything of worth to our cause you will be compensated well in exchange for it. Research materials, rumors, anything at all pertaining to the empowerment of people over shinobi. There is always some mad scientist that we can use."

"Keitaro, use your ears. You are the man amongst the people, hiding in plain sight and gaining their trust. Academy still has those loner kids rights? Go find a Uchiha or something and promise him the power to kill his traitor brother or something."

"Kusari, any vulnerable targets will be sent your way as usual. Your tasks don't change."

"I guess that about covers the real purpose of the meeting. Not much change, but Masahiro wants us focused."

"Um what about me?" whined Shirou.

"Oh. I wasn't given anything in regards to you. I guess you just keep trying to corrupt the youth of the village? Show them the error in their devotion to the system?"

The teacher looked visibly perturbed and folded his arms against his chest.

"This place is gonna be used as a drop. Find anything of import and leave it here. I'll have someone check it every morning. Questions?"
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva

Kechi's eyes were blank, and the smile on his face remained ever goofy. However, within his mind, doubt began to surface. When he had first heard of Titan's desire to push humanity forward, he had assumed they included shinobi in it. However, this mission that their motley crew was being issued sounded more like they weren't going to benefit from this much in the future. Would Titan remember that their little raccoon dog had helped further their 'humanity'? Or would all that glorious money Kechi made be a waste once they killed him for being a shinobi... Of course, for the moment Kechi would continue to assist them. He was still promised money, and there was no guarantee as of yet that Titan would betray him. Not to mention he was already in this pretty deep.

Kusari, on the other hand, had no doubts. She merely nodded as she was instructed to continue what she was doing. Her mouth did crack into a smile as she wondered if even the mighty Gekido knew her true actions, her ultimate goal. However, it wouldn't concern him unless he made it concern him. She had no questions of course. It was a rather straightforward mission.

Kechi spoke up. "No questions here bossman! I would be rather surprised if there were. Get stuff, bring it here. Nooooo problem." Kechi flinched as he felt a hand on his wrist. He turned to see Kusari there. "Damn lady. You are fast and silent. You sure you're not ANBU?" The Hashigaki said nothing as she held a hand over Kechi's. The name Sasaki Kotsuko appeared, written in ink. Kechi, for once, frowned. "You sure? That kid's coo coo for cocoa puffs, if you know what I mean. Did you hear the rumors? What kinda kid almost compresses a grown man into diamonds as simple training?" Kusari stepped back. "He is obsessed with research. He may be susceptible to accepting your ludicrous loaning if you state it may further his goal." Kechi's grin returned. "Ooo. Sounds good to me. Let's see if he accepts my one-way ticket to Debt City." The two grew silent again as they waited for anyone else to chime in.
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva

It was at this time that a new guest arrived, albeit not seen by everyone. Hana quickly took notice and waved as he phased through the basement wall.

"Gekido-kun. He's here." she said quickly, in between the others words.

"Ah good. Why don't you introduce him."

"Everyone, we are now in the presence of a spirit who goes by the name of Kazuo. He's wants to help us out too." she paused, looking up at seemingly nothing.

"Tell them how they can contact me, Hana-chan." spoke the ghost, a voice only she could hear.

"Oh right, since he can't be seen, he makes a pretty good fly on the wall. If you get any info regarding anything you wanted spied on, just message me with the information and we'll figure it out. I only respond to one frequency, and that's XX-81." she finished, looking to Keitaru who still had not spoke.

Of course, they could have all thought she was crazy. But when he provided information they needed, then they would believe.
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva

Keitaro nodded at Gekido’s words. He knew what he was doing. Not that many Academy students frequented the bar, but some of the Academy staff liked to talk about their students. A lot. Keitaro was sure that with the right beverage, some of the teachers would be more than willing to complain about their problem children. And when they did Keitaro would be sure to send that information to Kechi or Tachibana. They were better at dealing with kids then he was, and that way he wouldn’t tie himself too closely to anyone that Titan was going to take advantage of. Being attached to his niece was bad enough and had allowed the company to get a hold on him in the first place. The less leashes that Titan had on him, the better.

Kechi and Kusari began conversing about a possible target. A one Sasaki Kotsuko. An obsession with research and willing to do anything for it? Sounds like he'll fit right in. Keitaro was about speak up and ask if that was all he was needed for, when the kid spoke up. A spirit? Keitaro didn’t see anything, or feel anything, he possessed no connection to the otherworldly. But his guard was up, just because he could not comprehend it didn’t mean it wasn’t there. “A ghostly spy? Sounds useful enough,” provided there’s no one else who can perceive him. Still there was no reason he shouldn’t use the resources provided, and if he knew what their invisible ‘friend’ was doing, he would know he wasn’t being watched himself. I might have a use for that insufferable Mochizuki now actually. She can play ghostbuster for me if it comes to it.
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva

Kechi's ears twitched at the mention of a spirit. The young man hated what he couldn't see or extort money from. But he continued to smile regardless. "XX-81, a fine frequency. I'll be sure to give you a ring when I find some-thing." His eyes flicked to Etsuko. "Do you have a special frequency too Etsu-chan?" He gave her a goofy grin, and surprisingly held her eyes. Whenever Kechi was in need of a good memory wipe, he'd always turn to the lovely Uchiha to rip those pesky thoughts from his mind. He couldn't deny that he was starting to enjoy it a bit, and he wondered if she'd done something with his brain while he was unconscious. Whatever the case, he gave her a wink before turning his attention to Gekido. They were probably done now, and he was ready to get out and make some money for the day. Kusari remained silent, waiting for the meeting to be adjourned.
Re: The League of Extraordinarily Nefarious Gentlemen [Priva

Gekido watched their exchanges with a roll of the eyes. While the eccentric did make good allies, it always came with baggage. Had Maki Fuun (Hex) been invited to this little soiree, they would have it would have been a very loud evening. Thankfully that wasn't the case. And he was ready to leave.

Hitomi looked to Kechi. She and him both shared a weakness for greed, but hers was far more subtle. "You know I always give my personal channel out to the best customers, are you finally gonna pull the trigger on the deluxe package? It's sure to leave you a mindless mess." she said with a devious smile. The deluxe package was her actually inserting a memory in someone else, so they could always think back on something that never actually happened. And that memory usually had to do with her being naked.

It was apparently that they had all taken the information to heart in their own certain way and Gekido wanted to wrap things up. "Raiden's beard, Keep this personal shit personal. Y'all know what you gotta do. Let me know if you need anything via letter to the Inuzuka camp. Deliver it personally. I think ANBU still opens my mail." he grunted before heading up the stairs. He was trailed by a few of the others, but Hitomi lingered to see what Kechi would say.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
