Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Nightmare beckons [Finished]

Re: The Nightmare beckons [Private - PM if want to join]

Images of terrifying truths enveloped minds and only served to further confuse and destroy his sane mind all the more. After he was left for himself in the study room Keiji looked around curiously. He was indeed alone he re-affirmed with himself as he sat up, he scanned the room, and he realized he was in fact still wearing all his clothes, his only belongings at this very moment. A few money in his pocket, and a curiously strange black book. He pulled it out of his inner pocket and examined it, opening it upon the first page red the words
"Go for it!"

Instantly Keiji remembered the words Jin used to always say throughout most of their childhood together. Jin was always in the sidelines, always cheering him on. It was almost like Keiji remembered everything there was to remember about his brother. Tears escaped from his eyes and he felt heavy around his chest. He quickly packed the book back in his pocket and looked behind him to find a window. He walked softly to the window, looked out, his mind escaping the confinement of the room, his body was badly burned, his thoughts were rapid and escaping. He opened the window, sticked his head out, almost expecting someone to run in from the hallway he looked back examining the door. Small words escaped from his mouth as he took a step onto the window frame. "I'm.. Sorry.." He took another step and out he jumped, landing on a bush outside of the house, hoping he wasn't seen or heard he began running. He ran past the smoldering ruins of his previous home, the place had people still looking through the area examining the ruins closely for clues of any sort. Keiji dismissed the thoughts of looking through it himself and instead made his way to the one place he knew people from before all this. He ran to the tavern where behind he had his training area. It was closed for the night, but he knew the back entrance, and made his way there, there a familiar face stood. Otis the bartender, standing tall with his frizzy mustache, he stood bent over some of the training equipment Keiji had set up himself, a tear escaping his eye, he looked like Keiji didn't even exist to him anymore, he must've assumed the worst. He thought to himself. He walked up behind him and poked his shoulder ever so slightly as he coughed seeking attention. Otis turned his head and looked upon Keiji his eyes almost fading in disbelief, he suddenly cried out "Oh Keiji! I'm so sorry!" He hugged Keiji tightly, Keiji reacted with a tired and yet comfortable hug back. "I heard what happened I thought you were never to return!" Otis said loudly. Keiji merely nodded. "I'm okay.." He paused as Otis let go, and looked at him curiously. "I kind of need a place to stay.. Mind if I stay here for the moment?" Otis merely smiled in response and grabbed Keiji by the shoulder and scuffed him along with him into the Tavern "Of course not Keiji, you're welcome to stay for as long as you want!" Keiji's eyes closed in comfort and smiled. "Thanks Otis" As they got in, Otis quickly leaned on the counter and grabbed a pair of keys hanging from the back wall. "You'll get the suite, all for yourself, you can stay there for as long as you want.. Alright?" He accepted the key, almost fearing for what accepting the offer might mean for his future self. But accepted it he did, and began to walk up the stairs to the first floor where his new 'home' awaited him. "What will you do know huh Keiji?" He said to himself loudly as he stepped onto the first floor looking for his room number. He pushed in the key to room 12 by the end of the hallway. The lock clicked and he opened the door, walked in, closed the door and locked it, then sat himself on the bed pulling out the little black book left by his brother. This was Jin's book, he wrote in this always. He opened it up on the first page again looking at the words that made him go the distance to this very place. The only place he knew best.
"Go for it!"

The next few pages were soot filled and the text was hard to read. A few words stood out. "If I can't **come like ** bro, I'll bec*** a doctor, and I'll ****** be th*re f** him." Upon the next page words never written more clearly than ever before was written "No. I won't just be there for my bro. I'll be there for everyone! All of this village, I will help everyone!" Keiji examined the pages after having read those few passages. Together with the words were drawings, sketches of Keiji, he drew him always with this calm, and powerful gaze, as if Keiji always spent his time staring across into the void future of all. It was beautiful. He closed the book and placed it the nightstand by the bed. He took off his sootfilled, bloodied, dark and gritty clothes and threw it on the floor, he scuffed and cuddled into the bed under the comforter. A smile was noticeable upon his lips. Before he fell completely to sleep he said to himself out loud "Tomorrow.. I'll help out at the hospital.."

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
