Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private The plot thickens (Tama Interrogation)

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It took mere minutes to get to an interrogation chamber all the way from the Gates, that would be used for Ryu Tama. Security is tighter than usual, knowing the events that had taken place only what seemed like moments before. Outside of the prison right now, the only highly guarded place is the gates, that Yuna made sure any other anbu agent that isn't actively tasked with doing something was teamed up with the usual main branch guards that go in rotations. Her mind raced as she thought through everything that had happened, she ignored many requests to be looked at by a medical ninja, as she focused on her job. So focused, in fact, that she still hasn't realized that her eyes are in full Sharingan mode.

While Tama, a giant of a man, sat alone in an interrogation room, fit with a chakra collar and numerous shackles, chaining his hands to the ground to impede his movements. Splints were fixed onto his legs to at least show some effort to immobilize his legs from moving as much in case of more breakage of his bones. Nobody has woken him up, maybe in sheer fear of his size, or the rumors of how he had fought the Anbu Sennin, but outside of that, he remains untouched. The interrogation room itself had a steel table, that was melded into the ground, to prevent from being tossed up into the air, two chairs, Tama's chair, that is similar to the table, and the interrogator's chair, which is across the table opposite of Tama. Finally, there is a one way window, where people in one room can look in and see people in the interrogation room, but not the other way around. Anything that could be said in the interrogation room is recorded passively once someone starts speaking. Sound from the corresponding room will not go into the interrogation room at all, so it leaves with if anyone wants the interrogator to ask a certain question, they will have to connect to them on a headset.

Yuna was still in her now ruined anbu garb, still somewhat smokey from her fight with Tama, but still showed no visible identifiers of who she is. Her plain white mask, charred a little bit. But even with all that said, she was focused on writing a file with Tama's name on it.

From Wind Country
Potentially a fabled Hybrid (someone descendent of an Ancient in Sand history)
potential mad scientist
wanted for:
  1. Attacking Cloud with the intent of forcing his way in
  2. openly admitting to wanting to steal Cloud's technology
Has shown abilities akin to Santaru and temporal Strider
very talkative

It is only a brief description on what Yuna found at first when dealing with the guy, but it is bound to be filled out in more detail as the interrogation goes on. But for now, she'll have to wait for the requested people to make their appearances.

(continuation of This thread)
(topic created/ entered with Tama)
Hon was setting up his desk of all things… and by that, I mean he was getting USED to have a desk. He shouldn’t second-guess his new role, since he asked for it and all, but it felt as if times just changed way too quickly for him again. And as ANBU’s lead of intelligence, he’d need to keep his intel save first and foremost. Every new piece of intel, saved and stored to be exploited in various ways… and he fulfilled that with full dedication.

But to be fair, he had help. He always had.

It was still a mild surprise to be summoned by the ANBU Sennin, but the context made it too clear and top priority – a captive from Wind Country, Ryuu Tama. Ryuu… Ryuu…

A-… damn it.

He moved with haste, making sure to inform the other ANBUs to continue the work at their renovated cells until he returned. There was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of papers, scrolls, and files to read through and note down.

Was this Ryuu guy connected to the ANBU Sennin’s previous mission? She’d expressed exhaustion after such an ordeal, so this could be just as big of a challenge for the rest of the Sennins. He hadn’t met with Rei in a while, either, but… Rei wasn’t a Sennin anymore. Still, with the Ryuu surname, was there a connection?

Oh piss bloody hell, of course there was.

“I’m starting to get tired of my gut feelings…” he sighed under his breath, masked and under the codename Byakko as before, arriving in short time by Yuna’s side. “I’m here.”

[Topic Entered as Byakko >:3]
Kitsune'd been elbow deep in machinery for the better part of the day, working on a new project: A power core for her cars, that'd integrate with the engine it already had, but provide a stable source of energy both for propulsion, and for powering all the auxillary systems.


She'd been working on it for a while, and she was just about to finish it, when she heard her phone ring. That's odd, people usually sent emails or texted. The only ones that rang were close friends, and her secretary. Turned out it was her secretary this time around, and apparently she was needed at the Tarterian Specus. Apparently Yuna had taken a prisoner with 'interesting history' and 'a connection to Rei'. At the last bit, Kitsune dropped everything, formed a few handseals to perform a body cleanse, leaving her as clean as she would've been after a shower, then she got into her black suit, and left the workshop, locking it behind her.

A short time later, she arrived at the Tarterian Specus, having flown there at near supersonic speeds, but not enough to cause shockwaves or break the soundbarrier. She headed right in, and towards the cell where Yuna was holding the prisoner. She noticed another familiar face there, and nodded to Honnou, before looking at the prisoner. "So, what's the story with this one? I was told there was a connection to Rei?" she asked, looking at the prisoner, and then at Yuna. If anything could lead to the recovery of her best friend, Kitsune was all ears.

[MFT; WC: 262]
They had been nice enough to at least splint his leg.

Tama’s eyes slowly opened to a blurry reality, a big painful light, and loads of damage to his left side that, while unconscious, he thought had to have been a dream. Two different colored eyes scanned the room though his left blue was swollen to a point of almost shut. It didn’t take long to realize that, instead of killing him, the Kumogakure government had opted to capture him instead; the restraints reaffirmed it. Oh boy.

The first thing he tried doing was activate the chakra within his body that would turn him into a gust of wind. Normally such bindings were childsplay, but, he found that no matter how hard he tried his chakra just simply…built up. That was it. Turning his right wrist a little with a clawed hand, he then tried futzing with time and that, too, did nothing but make him look like an idiot to every except maybe Yuna. A loud sigh followed by a small cough with blood splattering his lips came from the giant. He had lost it. The power of Ancient Might that granted him Hybrid status. The power to control time itself that made him so feared. Now he was just a man again. One with a surplus of knowledge that was bound to start a war if Suna ever found out he had been captured. Maybe. Considering the direction the country was taking before he left, he had a feeling it would be a good hot minute before Suna tried looking for its missing children in the wake of Wei’s schemes.

Well, first thing’s first I guess, the ex-Hybrid thought to himself. The collar around his neck was suppressing his natural chakra flow something fierce, but not enough that he could flow a steady stream in to give himself some rudimentary first aid: at least beyond what Team Cloud cared to do. His left arm cracked back into place, the ribs shifted beneath his flesh and realigned, and then finally his leg…ah, rats. Nope. Out of chakra. Guess the collar was a bigger deal than he was. Well, at least the pain in his left side wasn’t as deafening now. Maybe he’d be able to hear what these guys had planned for him and think with a slightly clearer head.

Which was another thing. That…point of pride. The hubris that lead him around by the nose constantly whispering sweet nothings into his ear…it was gone. For the first time since he was…12? His mind was his own once more. It was…refreshing. Like stepping out of a cold lake and into the warm summer night, a breeze chilling his flesh but not in a way that was unpleasant. Of course the irony was palpable. The number of things Tama had tried over the ridiculous length of time he lived to change that hubristic line of thought numbered in the hundreds. More than 2/3rds of it had been self experimentation, but he had also tried: being in a relationship, (that went poorly.) Therapy (he got better results talking to a mirror.) Medication, (that he ended up altering because, he could.) Now for the first time in well over a hundred years the scientist stared up into the ceiling. Defeated, but finally free.

Now he just had to get out of…whatever his previous hubris had landed him in…alive.
The first sign of trouble appeared in a flicker of motion so fast it hardly registered on the prison surveillance. One moment, the corridors of the ANBU complex were still, lit by the sterile glow of overhead lamps; the next, arcs of electricity danced along the walls, followed by the swift whoosh of air displacement. Guards stationed at critical intersections snapped to attention. They brandished weapons and readied ninjutsu, but the intruder seemed to slip out of view faster than they could blink. Only faint afterimages appeared. Shadows out of place, echoes of footsteps striking the tiled floor an instant before fading away. For a heartbeat, someone glimpsed a white-haired figure with eyes the color of lightning, but by the time they drew breath to raise the alarm, he was gone again, leaving a crackle of static in his wake.

Shirokouu felt his pulse thunder in his ears as he darted past the lines of ANBU. He did not want to fight. He had no time for that. Though the prison’s layout was a fortress of labyrinthine halls, he navigated it as though he had lived here all his life. His body was a blur, electricity sparking at his fingertips, the world around him slowing to a crawl. Figures in various masks appeared startled, hardly able to turn their heads before he was already behind them, weaving through every obstacle as if dancing. In that moment, Shiro understood he had surpassed his previous limits of speed. Even the famed Santaru Inazuma no Ken, known for their blistering attacks, would have paused in awe at the raw velocity he now commanded. But he knew this was more than reflexes or training. He was moving through time, or around it, at least in the smallest sense. Every motion felt guided by fleeting glimpses, a knowledge of exactly where each guard would be, of where every barrier and locked gate lay waiting. This was the power he had glimpsed in the splintered timeline. He remembered it now, and he used it to its fullest.

He recalled the fleeting images that had led him here, recollections of another life in which this day played out almost identically. He knew that once he passed the second checkpoint, there would be a moment, a slim window of opportunity, where no one would bar his path. It had been that way in the memory, and he prayed it would hold true now. Shiro was certain that if the timeline diverged too sharply, the chain of events leading him to the Ryuu's salvation, as well as his own, could collapse. He rounded a corner, nearly colliding with two ANBU in pale masks, but his senses blared a warning an instant before it happened. He twisted his body, lightning-charged and time-twisted chakra crackling across his shoulders, and vanished from their line of sight. The guards tensed, scanning the corridor in stunned confusion. Shiro landed lightly behind them, not even stirring the dust on the floor, and continued on. He didn’t want to harm them. He just needed to reach Tama and the others before anyone tried to relocate him or cut him off.

It felt like an age had passed since he first arrived in the Land of Lightning chasing rumors of a missing Ryuu. He'd spent years and decades, far more if you include all that was lost. He was older, at least inside himself. Yet, it had only been mere minutes in reality since the elders gave him audience, mere minutes since he’d awakened to the knowledge of a life he had never truly lived. In that life, he had seen Tama mainly from afar, a looming figure with golden hair and uncertain loyalties. He had recognized how the clan gave the giant a wide berth, speaking of him in tones that suggested both wariness and grudging respect. They had reasoned it was best to keep distance, for the man was said to have known how to cure their affliction all along, and for reasons still unknown to Shiro, he had never shared it. There was bitterness in that memory, one that made Shirokouu’s jaw clench and teeth grit. Now, as he raced down a corridor lined with reinforced doors, he found that memory mingling with other impressions, other memories: Tama had also once tried to bridge a gap between worlds, to bring those at odds closer together. He remembered how it felt admirable. Shiro felt himself torn by the knowledge that the man was a paradox. Dangerous, but essential. After all, if the giant held the key to curing the Ryuu clan’s Madness, he was vital to saving Rei.

He reached a sealed door, the largest in this section of the facility, emblazoned with the symbols of high-security containment. Once, he would have paused to figure out a method to bypass it. Now, he simply placed a palm upon it, focusing his storm-born chakra, remembering. The door’s locking mechanism clicked. A swirl of sparks danced along the metal, short-circuiting the latch. Shiro eased the door open, slipping inside, ignoring the startled shout of two ANBU behind him. They sprinted forward, but too late: he was through. From there, it took only seconds to arrive at the vantage point overlooking the chamber where Tama was being held. The large one-way window separated him from the giant and the small group in the room: Raikage Kitsune, ANBU Sennin Yuna, and another masked figure Shiro didn’t recognize.

He steadied his breathing, adrenaline surging, and forced himself to be calm. Yes, he remembered Yuna, the stoic shinobi he’d encountered in the mountains just days prior. She’d been so guarded, hesitant to converse or give him answers until he mentioned that he was looking for Rei. They had parted on unspoken terms, each weighed by their own reasons for chasing those similar past ghosts. And there was Kitsune, standing tall in a black suit, her hair as crimson as he remembered, but with newly pointed ears and that second luminous eye. Shiro recalled the day he had blinked into her office nearly three years ago, only to find both the Raikage and Rei staring in astonishment. Now, she looked almost the same, apart from those small but significant changes. He had never shared a deep bond with her, nothing like what he now felt toward the one he'd experienced a lifetime with, but he respected her authority and the careful empathy she had shown him when time had swallowed him up and spat him out again. He had always addressed her with the same formality, though less out of intimidation and more out of genuine respect.

With barely a whisper, he leapt down into the interrogation room’s entrance. He moved so quickly that none of the guard had time to intercept him or sound an alarm. Lightning flickered around his ankles as he landed, instantly drawing the attention of everyone in the chamber. Shiro’s heart pounded, but he pressed a hand lightly to his chest, taking a steadying breath. “Raikage,” he greeted, his voice taut, but a familiarity in his cadence that wasn't present the last time she'd seen the stormcaller. “It’s been some time.” He inclined his head, recalling how, in a lifetime he’d half-imagined, he had worked for the woman, for the village. “It’s an honor to see you again. My apologies for yet another intrusion. It's becoming habit.”

His eyes then passed over to the head of the ANBU Branch. The last time they had spoken, they'd been in a fractured ruin of a mountainous region, a tense but not unkind exchange, both of them there for echoes of the past. Now, the tension felt minimal, the distance closer, at least to Shiro. “I found what I was searching for,” he said, a straightforward nod to their prior rendezvous. “I went to the Ryuu clan, as I said I would. What I learned was... more than I bargained for, but... I have answers.” His gaze flicked to the battered form of Tama. A swirl of conflicting emotions churned in his chest. He remembered hearing the clan’s stories, how the man had withheld the cure for their Madness, how it might have been done out of arrogance or a twisted sense of pride. Yet he was also the only one who carried that solution in his blood.

Shiro’s tone darkened. “We don’t have a lot of time.” He sensed how ironic that statement sounded, especially coming from him of all people. Still, it was true. Everything depended on precise circumstances. “I know my presence was requested here. I couldn't wait for an envoy,” he said, addressing both Yuna and Kitsune. “Sorry for my abrupt entrance, but I couldn’t risk the chance of being delayed. I know where Rei is. I can reach her… but if I-" He paused, choking out the doubt and correcting himself. "When I bring her back, I need Tama alive. Otherwise none of it will matter.” He pointed at the chained giant. “He’s the only one who can cure her, cure the entire clan,” he added, his voice pitched low. “If he’s removed from the picture, any hope of pulling Rei back from the brink goes with him.” He paused, letting that sink in, then continued. “When I return, I will have her with me. By then, hopefully everything will be ready. But it won’t matter if Tama is dead or detained in a way that crushes him beyond recovery.”

A charged silence settled over the room. He wondered how they'd respond, likely all of them uncertain whether to accept the Time Walker's words without proof. Yet Shiro pressed on. “There’s something else. Raikage,” he said, turning to face her fully. “Rei. She’s... different now. That, I can do something about. But when I do, the Lycan in her will return too.” His eyes flicked toward Yuna, recalling how she had questioned him about Rei’s whereabouts. He took a slow breath. “I can get her here, but I need you to find a solution for her condition. She won’t survive intact otherwise.” He knew it was a lot to ask for in so little time, but he trusted Kitsune’s renown as a medical savant and genius innovator. If anyone could figure out a cure or a treatment plan, it was her. “You’re one of the best medics in the world. If it's possible, I'm certain you're the one who can make it happen.”

He could feel the tension coiling, the swirl of questions that threatened to surge forward. “I’m sorry I can’t elaborate,” he murmured, voice strained. “But we’re on the clock. Keep Tama alive, hold him, talk to him, do what you need… just make sure he’s still here when I get back with Rei.” That, he knew, was paramount. “And please… prepare whatever you can for her.” His final request was a short one, but important to Shiro. He hoped the brevity would be forgiven. He believed they all wanted the same outcome: Rei saved, the threat to Kumogakure handled, and the clan’s longstanding curse ended. Shiro’s eyes glowed faintly, electricity sparking along his arm. He had nothing else to say. He couldn't afford to wait around. So he took a tentative step backward. Then, as quickly as he came, the Time Walker vanished in an almost imperceptible blur, leaving only a crackle of static in the air. He blurred through the chamber entrance, speeding away with the same impossibly swift movement that had carried him here.

In the tiniest splinter of a second, he was gone, the faint smell of ozone and the expressions of those left behind being the only sign he had been in the room at all. He felt a pang of regret for how abrupt he had been, especially amongst friends that old, but there would be time for explanations later. If the memory of that other life proved true, the path to Rei demanded absolute precision. One misstep and everything he had gleaned from that impossible lifetime could unravel. As he tore through the corridors again, weaving between ANBU agents who barely caught a glimpse of white hair and flaring chakra, Shirokouu steeled himself. He knew exactly where he had to go. He knew exactly how this had to happen. And most of all, he knew, with the clarity of a promise forged in another existence, that he would not fail. He couldn't.

[Topic Entered and Left Unless Stopped]
[MFT .:. 2066 Words]
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She would nod to Hon as he would arrive, the first of the many people that she requested. "Thank you, Byakko, as anbu captain along with being the head of intelligence, it is paramount that you are here for this interrogation, however, we will have to wait for others to arrive."

Soon after, Yuna would hear Kitsune's blood flow as she would arrive and ask questions about Tama's connection with Rei. Yuna would wait for a moment, in case Shiro would walk in, or if her agents had found Rei. But nonetheless, she went to speak, looking through the one-way mirror at Tama who now has awoken and was fidgeting, she hesitated to speak as he tried to do some time bendy stuff, but the chakra collar would prove its power, from both Kitsune and Hon, they would see one of her hands tense up before relaxing, a tell tale sign of her about to use her Chigokai powers. Once she was satisfied that Tama can't do anything, her attention went back to Kitsune, "The giant of a man calls himself Ryuu Tama. He had talked about coming from the desert, which I can only assume Wind Country. However, he did not note if he has any affiliation with Sand, and how he talks seems to note that he chose to attack alone. Another thing to note is that given how he had talked about Solar Courts, Though his powers mimic that of a Santaru along with having time powers." She paused, giving the slight importance of her stating the fact that she said mimicked rather than is, "This is only an assumption based on my own knowledge of Sand history but he just might be what the people in Sand call, an Ancient, an all powerful being that came before humans, or a Hybrid, some kind of mix between an Ancient and a human. Outside of that, he had spoken of how his father was potentially here looking-"

Yuna's concentration was cut short as her headset came to life with dozens of reports coming in. She scowled to herself as she expected an attack. Could this be Sand ninja doing their own rescue mission to get Tama? With the reports coming in, she deduced that the intruder was coming to their location. She merely walked to the door and held up her hand, focusing her Chigokai powers to lock the blood flow of the intruder should they be so foolishly to barge into the room. Thanks to her quick reaction, though, she didn't need to as Shiro finally came barreling in. Anbu agents caught up, brandishing weapons and about to start throwing ninjutsus at the white haired man until Yuna held up a hand. The anbu agents, although masked, seemed reluctant to leave the intruder but left. "Next time you barge into any of my areas at least give a call on the headset to let me know you're on the way." She looked over at Tama sitting in the other room, "You're lucky that I have quick reaction. I've already dealt with one temporal strider barging into places unannounced." She hinted to the white haired man that she had just fought someone who has similar powers to him, if the charred mask and slightly smokey clothes didn't give it away.

She would then listen to what he had to say in full. What he had to say further reinforced her thoughts on Tama being connected to Rei. It seems that she made the right call to keep Tama alive after all. At least for now. If this man is behind cursing an entire clan, then he might have more of a criminal record than Yuna thought. And just as quick as Shiro came, he left. This time, Yuna had told her operatives on the comms that they will be receiving training with her on how to deal with temporal striders in the future. "With that said, Byakko. You will be in charge of interrogating Ryuu Tama. The first thing that I want to know is if he has direct ties with Sand, and if so, did they order him to come to Cloud. Again, I assume that he is working alone on the matter but it won't hurt to have confirmation. Secondly, after that, you can ask any questions you feel might be relevant to this attack. Here's the file that I have on him so far." She would hand Hon the file before she turned to Kitsune, "If you would like to have a word with Tama, I please ask that you wait until he answers Byakkos questions first. The reason for that is because before I fought him, he had mentioned his father was looking for the Ryuu Clans people in Cloud at some point. Given what we now know of Tama, him being the one to curse the clan, he might not be as cooperative if we ask about his connections with Rei and her clan right out the gate. I understand that you and Rei were close, Raikage-sama, but we have to tread carefully now that we really have a chance at saving Rei." Her voice was genuine. Despite her only encounter with Rei leaving a sour taste in her mouth for how the former Main Branch Sennin had treated her, they both shared the same goal to keep Cloud safe, something that Yuna has worked diligently for ever since she rose to the rank of Sennin.

"I will stay here and record everything via on his own file."
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And Honnou nodded back to Kitsune, recognizing the importance. From a first glance through the glass, he noticed a surprisingly tall stature. The captive must’ve been at least 7 feet or taller… about 8 feet. What was he doing with his hand? Was he trying to break free in vain? Hon kept scanning the man, trying to seek notice of anything unusual beyond his strange movements. He wasn’t breaking out of that chair any time soon, though… but he was acting strange, even for a captive. Fair. The collar would do its job.

Whatever it was, the need to move his hand like that strained him and caused him to cough up a bit of blood, perhaps because of straining his restricted chakra usage. Yuna explained that this guy, Ryuu Tama, claimed to be from the desert, showed no clear affiliation with the Sand, and appeared to have attacked alone. He mentioned Solar Courts, and his powers were identical, or precisely ‘mimicking’, to those of a Santaru – while remembering the estate of Sayomi, Hon heard… time powers. This complicated things, partly because of how rare any sort of technical effect on time was.

While hearing about the Ancients and Hybrids, something Yuna theorized the captured Tama to be, something else caught Hon’s attention – distant… vibrations?


Wh- what was that?!

He’d never heard that sound before. He’d never felt that pressure before – it wasn’t chakra, but it felt… familiar? Where had he felt it before? He was on edge, his blood rushing and stanced for battle even before the blur passed by the group, but they stopped along with the arrival of a white-haired one… was it him who caused it? Hon hadn’t met him before, but his presence was uncomfortable. The blurs, the flickering bolts, and the… phenomena… wasn’t just chakra. It wasn’t chakra! His eyes said so, and Hon knew exactly what chakra looked like.

His Byakugan was activated, and the guy was firstly assumed to be an intruder whose head was going to roll off of his shoulders in a few seconds, but Yuna knew him. He wasn’t an intruder… and it was when he heard the term again. Temporal Strider. There was a damn name to it now…

He listened closely. He knew where Rei was, that Rei could be saved, and the optimism was very much welcome, but it depended on keeping Tama here alive. The white-haired shinobi barely said much else before-


What… what was that? Urgh… strange things just kept happening around the Hyūga. He kept adapting, however, for it was a good survival strategy, and he’d experienced weird things his entire life. No need to overreact. As of right now, the situation was still under their control…

This was why Yuna called him – his first truly direct task as the head of intelligence, interrogating Ryuu Tama. He made a mental note of the answers she sought – any direct ties with Sand, and if so, whether they authorized his attack on Cloud or not. Afterwards, any questions relevant to this attack. Good, he could work with that and nodded in agreement as he grabbed the file. “In that case, I’ll begin now,” he stated, finding his way towards the entrance to the interrogation cell where Tama was sitting.

Hon didn’t excuse himself before entering or anything, not a word was spoken yet. All he knew was that this guy attacked the gates to Cloud, was needed alive and stable for Rei’s rescue, and was likely way older than he thought… and boy, was he tall as hell. Still, answers were needed, and Hon’s body language was calm and lacking any waste in movement.

… He didn’t feel any of the interrupting pressure from this guy the same way he did when the white-haired shinobi entered and left so quickly. Good. “… You look like you’re in mild pain,” Hon spoke first, noticing the slight state of Tama’s form. There were options such as using the Mental Infiltration to try and force Tama to relive a past event, but he’d need to establish some requirements prior to using any of that.

“Attacking Cloud alone is nothing short of suicidal. I reckon it wasn’t just a spur of the moment… you claim to be from the desert. Did this desert send you here?” The guy stated so to Tama before. He seemed talkative.
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Kitsune nodded to Shiro as he appeared, once more randomly wandering out of time and into the present where Kitsune happened to also be. "You know what they say. Once is a coincidence, twice is a pattern." she said with a light chuckle. Then, Shiro went on to explain all the information he'd found about Rei, about how he could save her, but that Tama was absolutely tantamount to saving her. "I'll ensure he remains alive, then." Kitsune said, nodding. "I am the only one present who's a trained medical professional, after all." she added. Then, when Shiro mentioned the Lycan virus, Kitsune patted her suit jackets inner pocket. Having spent many an hour in a lab, searching for a cure to the virus, she'd finally found a way to treat it, and now kept a few doses of the cure hidden away in a summoning scroll in her suit. Hopefully nothing had caused Rei's particular strain of the virus to mutate or she'd have to improvise.

She nodded to Yuna when she politely asked that Kitsune wait until Hon - Byakko - had finished his interrogation. "Of course." she said, nodding. "But I will be in the room while said interrogation goes on. If only to administer healing via jutsu. Including fixing up his leg before the interrogation begins. We're not barbarians, after all." she added pointedly. So when Hon made his way towards the interrogation cell, Kitsune followed, and once he'd finished his interrogation, however long it might be, she'd have her turn to ask questions. But first, she'd heal Tama's legs, applying a healthy dose of medical chakra to the damaged limbs, knitting the bones back together and healing the muscles and tendons. "There. That should do the trick." she said, before taking a spot behind the interrogator's chair, ready to ask her own questions when Hon had finished. All in all, she'd mostly just be a passive observer, but she'd be ready to step in if needed.

After the first question, Kitsune listened calmly to the reply given by Tama. She'd yet to reveal her own identity, and she'd probably keep it that way until it became her time to ask questions. It wasn't exactly a secret, but given that she knew little of the man before her, she figured it was probably better to keep the fact that she ran the country to herself. Kitsune's artificial golden eye gleamed lightly in the dim light of the interrogation room as she fished a small rectangular piece of tech out of her pocket, a phone of her own design, and she began to take notes with a stylus, jotting down what pertinent information was said in her digital notepad. It'd be good to keep notes for reference later, after all, even if Yuna was recording everything.

[MFT; WC: 469]
While the giant did wait, more patiently than he perhaps had ever before, there was a familiar spark in the air. Something about the way the electricity flickered ever so slightly made his heart race. Most would assume it was part of the interrogation as such flickering lights would eventually make the former Hybrid absolutely crack; it was already annoying him in fact. The tingle in the air, however, alerted the Ryuu to something far more…well, more, was heading their way. Like a piece of FATE itself was barreling down to where he had been tied down. With the restraints, She couldn’t have chose a better time. Death itself was about to be on the otherside of that one-way mirror and as he picked his head up to look at it, trying to peer through it with what little chakra he could muster, the scientist was met with the sight of his poor self.

The labcoat he treasured so was tattered, finally, beyond repair. The number of patches he would have to add on to cover holes would turn it into a padded jacket now. His face was beaten, bruised, and swollen. It entirely took away from his meticiously manicured beauty in a way that made his heart sink. This was him, at the end of his rope and beaten. All for a sense of pride that refused to believe he could be beat and that a major shinobi village would simply bow to the whims of a self-proclaimed god. Tama wasn’t even after any particular piece of technology either. Did he expect them to just allow him into their most sacred vaults of knowledge after beating the spit out of everyone that dared cross his path? As the scientist stared at his poor reflection his mind continued to mirror his choices back at him and a wave of regret for the entirity of his life came rushing in. Two-hundred years of nothing but mistakes, and only a hundred of them had been seen by mortal eyes. His head dropped back down against the chair’s hard padding to stare back up at the flickering lights.

He welcomed FATE now.

However the thing causing time displacements wasn’t a godly creature finally coming to extract vengence. It was a person, another shinobi who had the power to control temporal concepts; and it was massive. Tama never had an actual control over time the way most practice their magic; as he literally had an upper hand. While most could control minute pieces, the scientist had a second timeline that ran in complete void. Things got sent there to die, he stepped out of time itself without actual chakra control, and even if he died in the timeline everyone else was anchored to, his would simply place him into the Broken Timeline until he could find a way to worm back in. Whoever had appeared and then vanished just as quickly had actual, control over time itself. Where Tama manipulated by being an annomly, this person straight up made clocks their bitch. With his severing off of that Broken Timline, not only had he lost such special abilities he had also become terrifyingly mortal…but he had to wonder; if FATE wasn’t here to end up, then who was that?

The door swished open. A man with a mask and temporal shivers stepped in. How did the mad man ever believe he could simply take on an entire village with, not one, but two people that could literally counter his bullshit? Powerful ones too. Following the man who was clearly a member of the Masked Assassin Brigade was a woman with long red hair that carried responsiblilty like a mantle; ah, the Raikage. He had heard about her. Lots, in fact, and very little of it was good for him save that she was person behind his favorite brand of whiskey. Being of the fairer sex also made Tama’s heart sink a little as fears began to resurface despite how hard he had worked to carve them out of his psyche. As she drew near to his still broken leg the blond tensed up in a way that clearly showed his discomfort to Kitsune’s touch - his breath even hitching a little - until the piss-warm flow of chakra entered his leg and began to mend the shattered femur.

Not barbarians? Even Suna would have just left him broken and shattered until they got what they wanted to hear out of him…but then again, back home, he had a reputation.

Heh, suicide? Yeah, I guess that’s proper. If only you know how self-destructive I could be…” his eyes closed as he thought carefully about Honnou’s question.
I sent myself. The Desert, as you put it, has no idea that I’ve even left the sandbox. I have a…ah, bad habit, of taking to certain flights of fancy. Fallacy of having certain genetics, what between the Ryuu and…Ancient things, I get up to alllllll kinds of trouble. You think this is stupid? Tell me, you know what a sandworm is? I’ve brought one back from the dead and unleashed on The Desert! Still there, as far as I know…just terrorizing things…” he sighed and looked up at the ANBU member with his dual-colored eyes, “Bit of an ass, I am- but hey! What’s that?” he gestured his eyes to the phone Kitsune had pulled from her pocket, “She ain’t gonna…ya know, just zap me with that right? I’m not exactly very zappable.
Yuna would rather not waste any resources on the man that attacked the Gates, however, she knows just what kind of gambit Kitsune is playing. Making the man feel a little bit less on guard by healing him, making a form of trust, in all, would be easier to get information out of someone that is less wary of their interrogators. Yuna's eyes blinked and would record everything with her snapshot to record the event in whole, along with writing on a piece of paper, both of which, she intends to revisit once the interrogation is done, in case she feels like there may be new information that might pop up after the interrogation unfolds.

As she watched both Hon and Kitsune enter the other room with Tama, whom seems to be trying to stare through the one way mirror, but to most likely, no avail. The Anbu Sennin would listen to Tama's blood flow for any increase in speed of his blood, a tell tale sign of if the man might be lying or has a sudden rush of adrenaline running through him. She made sure that she was on the same headset channel as Hon, in case she feels the need to get him to ask another question that comes to her mind.

Yuna listened as Hon would ask his first question, what Yuna wanted first, to know Tama's affiliation with Sand and if they had sent him. His answer... was what Yuna expected. Looking at the short term of things, this looks good. Despite the rocky relationship that Cloud and Sand has now, considering that Sand now has Akkuma as their Sennin, they at least know that Sand isn't out to really poke the bear and start more drama. However... There is always a downside. If Tama is someone vital to Sand, then it could stand to reason that they would eventually look for him once they realize that he is gone. And if they realize that Cloud has him, they might escalate things if they don't do things carefully.

Even now, Yuna's brain thinks of what they need to do, how to deal with Tama, once they get Rei out and the curse is lifted. She only hopes that at least Kitsune is thinking of something similar to what she is thinking. Looking back at the interrogation taking place, Tama had also hinted that he is part Ancient. How did she end up fighting a boogeyman from Sand, she doesn't know, but she is glad for her quick thinking during the fight.

(Using my second snapshot slot)
Despite looking so beaten and half-butchered in the fashion sense, it was a bit saddening to hear that this whole attack wasn’t that shocking to him. Throwing his life away that easily, it almost felt like he was looking for death itself, as if just another Thursday… and usually, Hon would forget that and stick to the objective.

Guess he played in on the notion of The Desert, giving Hon the idea that he was sharper than credit may had given him, even though his articulation was that of a proudly maddening prankster. Ryuu and Ancient… so he’s a Hybrid of those two? The Ryuu, I get, and he’s basically confirming Yuna’s second theory, but…

“No. That’s…”
Hon didn’t recognize that model, but it was Kitsune – she designed and designed and spearheaded so far ahead that he’d given up in trying to follow the thought process behind that genius’ skull. One thing was certain, that wasn’t a taser… r-right?

But given the file on Tama, he had previously openly stated a desire to get his hands on such technology. “It’s one of her devices. It won’t hurt you.” Now, he did want to learn more about the guy’s thirst for Cloud technology, but Hon remembered him mentioning a sandworm and unleashing it on The Desert. This could reveal more about his connections with The De- fuck, it’s just Sand, okay?!

“Attacking the Sand with a giant worm, just like that? Not much of a patriot. Why attack your own land?” Hon had a strong inkling that Tama wasn’t exactly very supportive of Sand in particular, but he wanted to goad Tama into elaborating more himself. That was why he ‘foolishly’ corrected his mistake on taking Tama for a patriot – some people just couldn’t resist correcting others, after all.
Kitsune blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what Tama had just said, referring to her phone. "Oh come now. It's a communications device, not a taser." she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You know the typical headsets some shinobi wear at all times? It's like that, but with a multitude of additional functions. Note taking, wireless connectivity to internal networking, access to knowledge databases... You know, basic things." she added, giving only the most basic of answers to what her phone could do, having clocked that Tama had an interest in the device. And given that the phone was one of the more basic electronics that existed in Kumo, she figured that it was a good place to start, to uh... Entice Tama to learn more about what Kumogakure had to offer, so to speak.

She left the floor to Hon once more, and let him continue his questioning, resuming the note taking, scribbling away with the stylus. All the notes she was writing down here, were immediately synced to three separate servers in the village, so even if one was destroyed there'd be copies remaining. She was nothing if not thorough when it came to data security. She didn't want a repeat of what'd happened to Hisako, with a bunch of her mind deciding to lock down. It appeared that letting Hisako go through training allowed reclaiming access to those memories, but what if that didn't work a second time? Better safe than sorry now.

[MFT; WC: 256]
Against my- no! I did it for attention! Well, also to revive an old industry that had pretty much died. It just wouldn’t…produce the thing I wanted it to!” Tama looked nearly offended at Hon’s question of his patriotism. Say what you will about the mad scientist, he clearly loved his country and Hidden Village. The things the man had sacrificed, pride being a larger one of those, in order to earn the admiration of Sunagakure was innumerable. Yes, he had been an ever-lovin’ thorn in the government that ran his home, but it was still his home. It had been the village to take him and his mother in when they were fleeing from the very same man who Kumo’s Ryuu Clan fled from, and that would never be forgotten.
So, hey…if that’s not a…taser? You called it? How does that work? It’s so…small. No way you could fit enough chakra crystals into a case that small and expect the mechanics within to go as well…not to mention the gears. Or the circuit board. Those things are huge!

Sunan technology was just as futuristic as it was primitive. Where Kumogakure had managed to harness electricity to it’s finest point, (with small wonder being capital to the Lightining, country,) the desert village used specialized in crystals instead. Harvested from the waste of sandworms, they could reflect any element poured into them and refined to make amazing inventions such as clean water without digging wells, heat without coal or natural gas, and electricity without fossil fuels. Simply slot in the crystal into the right device and boom, it could reflect that element entirely. That said, the devices Suna preferred to run off of were…large, to say the least. As were the crystals that powered them. To Tama, seeing Kitsune wield a device that would need to run off one of those crystals be so…small, was mystifying. He had seen phones outside of Kumogakure, but not ones so portable with the ability to take notes. That, was a game changer.

Yet at the realization of how wonderful the advancement of science had come in the LIghtning Country once more, he felt a pang in his chest. A powerful moment of self-reflection to his deeds and self that made the scientist realize he had done more than enough to warrant severe punishment. Steal their technology? To what end? He wouldn’t even know how to use it! Better to be taught than to heuristically bang at it with a hammer until he figured it out. The giant closed his eyes and laid his head back against the cushion of the chair’s head, a long sigh escaping his lips.

He had long known how far he had fallen but, the genes within his body had refused self-reflection. "To love one’s self, and be above all," was the Solar creed. Burned into his very genetics until F.A.T.E. took it away, his lust for power and attention had all but drove Tama to seek death itself via simple hubris. Had he the power of a nuclear weapon within his very body? When he launched himself at the gates, he sure did. Could he control it? Absolutely not. Having fun, was more of an incentive than bringing the full charge of his strength that was now lost to, literally, time. As he laid there half-sitting up with the lights burning against his eyelids he could feel the very powers he had cultivated over years fleeing from his body. Perhaps this was for the best. Perhaps…he could find a new start here…

If they wanted him to even live, that was. Tama was more fully aware of his actions and the potential war they could start, and that was a headache he had no desire to drop onto his home; at least, not anymore. Not even an hour ago, he couldn’t have cared less so long as he had been entertained. Ah, but what a fool he was…

I know I don’t deserve the chance,” he spoke, suddenly possibly even interrupting the ANBU’s next question, “…but, I would like to offer my services in trade for my life. Where I lack in your technological wizardry, I make up for in bio-engineering. I can make a bio-mechanical chakra coil that can be implanted into someone, preform surgery that can transplant a donor’s coil into a recipient and…I have the cure for both chakra cancer, and the Ryuu Madness - among multiple lifetime’s worth of knowledge. I do not wish for freedom, but to pay for my crimes in servitude; and I ask for only one thing,” his head turned towards the red-head who he had already recognized as the leader of this country purely on their image alone.

Please, seek not harm to my home. They have no part in my selfish desires.
Yuna would write down on her own notes of Tama, noting that he is somewhat of an attention seeker and is proud of his Sand heritage, along with Sand's advance on technology being different from Cloud's, using something that Tama inquires as chakra crystals, only being able to be used for bigger types of electrical inventions rather than the smaller, more sophisticated things like the advanced cellphones that Kumogakure has.

The Anbu Sennin watched the giant as if he seemed to be going through a self reflection. The man was quiet for some time before he finally spoke up once more. Yuna raised her eyebrows at what he said. He is choosing to pay for his crimes by working with Cloud, in return, they leave Sand alone to not try and go to war with them over his own mistakes. A sigh escaped her lips as she thought about all the possible outcomes. While it does seem like a good idea on paper and a little bit too easy, there most likely will be holes in this plan. First off, how will they be able to trust him based on his word alone and not think that he will force his way out at first chance? Secondly, if Sand realizes that he's gone and track his whereabouts here, there could be major political problems if things aren't taken with necessary precautions.

But first things first, Yuna sighed once more, they need to keep him talking and eventually get him to cooperate with curing Rei. Yuna would tap her headset, cuing in both Hon and Kitsune of what she's about to say, "Once both of you are done with questioning him and Rei is back and cured of both the Lycanthropy and the Ryuu Madness, I would like to speak to him with your presence Kitsune-sama." Ultimately, it is Kitsune's decision whether or not they let Tama reside in Cloud. But it is Yuna's job as the Anbu Sennin to be the security for Cloud along with ensure the safety of her Village along with working with the Raikage on diplomacy, especially since she has had time in Sand to work with their Kazekage's.

Current Ninpocho Time:
