Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Things To Say. [Private]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune was sitting in her study, behind her big work desk. The sun was shining outside, and for once it was warm. On the desk was a bottle of wine from her province Raimei no Seika, and an almost empty glass. She was grumbling about whether or not to tell Kahako what had happened in the tower. It wasn’t an easy thing to talk about, and she felt terrible about not standing in. However the past is the past, and now she had to work to restore herself in the eyes of those that knew. First of all, she had to let Kahako know the truth.

She pushed a button on the intercom in her desk, and got one of the maids to call Kahako to the study. Meanwhile Kitsune poured another glass of wine and sipped from it while mulling over how to tell Kahako. Point of order was to tell Kahako, and then take whatever hate there might be from her. It wouldn’t be a pretty sight, but Kahako deserved to know. But she should know the truth about what happened. Not some tall tale where important details went missing, or where things weren’t explained in full. Kitsune sighed and emptied her glass before refilling it and slumping back into her chair.
To say her day had been long… was an understatement of the universe. Kahako still did not know how to take the events of today, still processing them like they were some nightmare that she just woke up from. But the truth was out, and it would be handled accordingly.

Kahako wanted to cry. But it seemed fate would not give her that reprieve, because as she walked through the great doors of the Shinrya Mansion, she was immediately greeted by the head of staff. “Shinrya-sama would like a word with you.” Kahako simply nodded. She had no mental strength for additional conversation.

But she would not leave her sensei waiting. Out of everything, her adopted mother was always a small island of solace in her life. She knocked softly on the door, and waited for Kitsune to call her in. Turning the knob, she opened the door with a small smile.

Only to be greeted with a very unhappy lady of the house. Expression or no, Kitsune had already half finished the bottle of wine that was sitting open on her desk. Kahako blinked a few times in surprise before her shoulders visibly sagged. “Do you have another glass and a second bottle to share?” Kahako asked softly as she let the door close. “I have a feeling that whatever you’re going to tell me, is only going to add to this day.”

If Kitsune was willing to share, Kahako would top off Kitsune’s glass and then grab her own, pouring the last of the first bottle into her up. Usually she would sit in the chair opposite the Sennin’s desk, but not for today. Today, Kahako had no interest in formalities, and instead opted for the lounge seating in the corner and got comfortable. “The staff said you wanted to speak with me?” Kahako asked, oddly blunt for the usually calm girl. Like before, it had been a long day, and Kahako only had the strength for what was absolutely necessary. There would be no frivolous chatter today.
Kitsune gestured to the cabinet on the right ”You’ll find both in there.” she said, almost dejectedly. ”It most definitely will add to this day.” she mumbled and turned her chair to face Kahako in the corner. ”Yeah… It’s time you were told the hard truth.” Kitsune said, sighing lightly. ”It may, rather it likely will, adversely affect your opinion of me. So I’ve been hesitant to tell you, but you deserve to know.” she continued before pausing and emptying her glass in one long go, then getting up and walking to the cabinet to grab a bottle of something stronger than wine: a bottle of Raimei, the whiskey that Kitsune’s clan produced in the province.

After pouring a glass of the strong drink, she flopped back into her chair and sighed deeply this time. ”It’s about what happened in the Raikage tower. As you know, I got out of it alive. What you don’t know is why. It’s fairly simple. Because I didn’t defend Hayata-sama, or Daisuke-san. I didn’t step in to defend our Raikage. I helped Haruka-chan cover up the evidence, albeit sloppily so it’d be caught in the autopsy. The Council proceeded to cover up the entire thing and had all the ANBU at the scene ‘taken care of’ in one way or another to prevent leaks there. But because the Council had spies everywhere, I couldn’t go to Saito-san and reveal what had actually happened, because if I had, I’d be as dead as Hayata-sama. I know it’s no excuse for cowardice, but yeah. That’s also why I’ve been training harder than an AiT trying to impress their commanding officer. Since that time in the tower I’ve mastered how to fully manipulate two senses via Genjutsu, and I have fully mastered not just the element of Fire, but also the element of Plasma. Even those strangely non-elemental ninjutsu.”

She paused for a bit to let it all sink in. ”Keiji also helped cover up the evidence, and he had his harvesters take out any of the ANBU that were there that day, that they got paired up with. That’s why I recently abolished the old harvesters unit and created an entirely new one under my own supervision. Sure they’re not talented, and a lot of knowledge has gone lost, but it’s better than the alternative. A rogue division acting outside their Sennin’s orders.” she continued and shook her head slightly ”I’m sorry to dump all of this information on you, Kahako-chan. But you deserved to know what I hadn’t done, and why I’m working so hard to get stronger.” Kitsune paused again, watching Kahako closely for any reactions she might take. ”Please don’t hate me.” she said in a vulnerable voice, which was entirely unlike the always confident and assertive Medical Sennin.
It seemed Kahako could and would take a few more hits today. Whatever she expected, it certainly wasn’t this. An admission to the truth of the Raikage’s death, and Kitsune’s inaction to prevent it. She was silent through all of it. At some point, she picked her glass up and walked to the window, her silence the only admission that she was listening.

On one level, Kahako understood. Death was terrifying, probably more so to someone who already died once. Even now, whenever she was in the field, or, heck, just having breakfast with Satou she definitely did not enjoy facing it. Against those in the room that day, Kitsune’s choice had been either do nothing or die trying, Kahako could not fault her clan’s leader to choose the route of self-preservation. It was human nature. But this level of forgiveness, of being the better person and understanding that Kitsune was human? It was a tall order her teacher asked of her.

The cracked voice of her teacher, begging her not to hate her, caused Kahako to set her wine glass down and lay her palms flat against the windowsill. Now was not the time for alcohol. It would only make this moment all the more bitter. “Shin-sama and Daisuke-sama did not deserve that,” she whispered. “but knowing their kind souls, they forgave you the moment you made your actions clear.” She turned to Kitsune, looking her dead in the eye with a serious and darkened face.

But something nagged at her, making her pause in calling the past, past. This time, her voice was stronger. “Tell me sensei,” Kahako began with an unusual calmness, “Was there any part of you, any small part, that saw that day as an opportunity to become the Sennin or the Raikage?” Whatever was Kitsune’s answer to this question would define Kahako’s opinion of her adopted mother for the rest of their lives.

OCC:slight edit
”Some of Daisuke-san’s last words were that he would never fault me for not taking action that day.” she said just before Kahako turned to face her. ”As you probably know, my ultimate goal is to become Raikage, to help the village grow and prosper. However, I would never do it at the tip of a sword. The only reason I’m even Sennin is because Daisuke-san made me his second in command, and with a few of his last words he told me that I was in charge of the medical branch after him, and that Keiji was promoted to medical chief as of that moment. He even thought of you as he said it, because he went on to say that you, and Junko as well, were to be promoted.” Kitsune said and looked directly back into Kahakos eyes.

”I wouldn’t even be a doctor still, if it wasn’t because Daisuke-san entrusted his work, and the branch to me. I know it can’t ever bring him back, but I feel as if… If I do a good job leading the branch, he won’t be disappointed in me.” she said solemnly. ”You know I’ve already been dead. What I saw there wasn’t an afterlife. It was darkness. Just darkness. But there was something in it. Something… Hungry…” she said trailing off as her eyes darkened a bit. Clearly this wasn’t something she was making it, and it had a direct physical effect on her: she was shivering.

Kitsune slumped into her chair and tried to get her thoughts away from the darkness. She took a heavy sip from the glass of whiskey on her desk and shook her head. ”I’m sorry Kahako. But you deserved to hear the truth from me, and not a biased story from someone else.” she said and looked down, feeling defeated.
Kitsune’s answer was given. Her die had been cast. Whether it was the truth or a lie, the decision was now with Kahako to believe. Kahako’s eyes darkened as they closed and she returned her gaze to the window. It was as if a dull knife sawed against soft skin. No single word could describe the hurt she felt to this news. To know that her one role model, one of the few she believed she could rely the greatest on, the one person she forsook her family name for, helped in treason against the country… by doing nothing because she was afraid. It would have been easier to digest if there was an ulterior motive behind the inaction.

Silence filled the room for a time. Kahako drank every second of it, processing the bombshell feeling that trampled inside her. She couldn’t look Kitsune in the eye, instead focusing on the faint image of her red hair that reflected against the glass. “I believe you, Sensei,” Kahako admitted at last. She could see the relief sink into her mother’s shoulders, but she still couldn’t look into the woman’s face.

“I believe you,” She started again, “and I do not hate you… but I am angry…” At this, fingernails dug into her palms, a small pain to help her express herself efficiently. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” She started, the frustration filtering through her voice. “Why did you wait until the moment it was inevitable that I would find out to finally tell me?” Finally Kahako turned. Anger flittered through her eyes. Anger and heartbreak. “And don’t tell me that what happened was something you had to deal with alone. That it was your mistake, and no one else’s to worry about,” she sneered. “If this becomes public knowledge, all of the trust in our clan will be gone. I am your daughter, isn’t that alone enough to have told me? To warn me? To let me help you through?”

It was at this time Sukino’s spirit reacted to Kahako’s growing anger. It wanted to calm her, which only muddled her mind more, making her frustrated. Soft sparks of blue flashed around her irises as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. Her headache was growing. She seriously had enough for this day, all the way down to the spirit that still wanted to live vicariously through her. “Every action, even the lack of one, effects more that just you,” she said with finality before shaking the wordless thoughts that clouded her head.

Now she wanted no reason to be in the room any longer. “If you need me, I’ll be in my room,” Kahako ended cutting off any further conversation on the matter. Kahako wouldn’t abandon Kitsune now, but the closeness that was there was gone. In time it would return, but it would never be the same as it had been before.

Kitsune looked down towards the floor, before speaking a single sentence to Kahako ”I couldn’t bring you in danger by letting you know.” she said, her voice quivering. Sure Kitsune should’ve told Kahako, but that knowledge would’ve made her a target for Council spies, and Kitsune would not, no, could not, put Kahako in that position. It wouldn’t be fair to her, and she’d actually be potentially at risk of losing her life. Not any more of course, as the Council has been taken care of by Akira Saito. What would happen in the future though… Who could tell?

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
