Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Thunder girl, meet the Ice queen, now who want's pizza?


Active Ninja
Oct 27, 2012
[Private: PM for entry. Requesting Haruka and Yukiko.]
Invitation said:
Shima san,

I request that you and I meet to discuss the future of a bright young kunoichi, from my family. She wishes to join the intelligence division. I'd like to introduce the two of you, and perhaps have lunch. I will expect you shortly after two o'clock. I will provide lunch, and a venue for her to show off her skills a bit. I appreciate you taking the time.

Tanaka Hikari

Tanaka Hikari was planning, once again, a small to-do, in her home. She had hired a caterer. Of course, before inviting Shima Haruka, Hikari had called Yukiko and told her to get ready to meet the Spymaster. It was important to Hikari that things look nice. Her house was rarely prettier than it was on that afternoon, and Hikari was proud of it. Of course, it would never be anything like the Shima palace, but Hikari had warm lighting, and fragrant flowers. She also had a wide selection of expensive teas and a wonderful foreign dish that had been passed down in her caterer's family for decades.

With all things done that needed doing, Hikari sat at her table reading expense reports until her guests arrived.

[2:30 PM or some time after the arrival of either Haruka or Yukiko, but before the arrival of the other. Feel free to interact with them.]


dNPCs: Tanaka Kuma and Erinoa​

"Eri my dear, we are not going to barge in on our daughter. She's not even invited us!"

Erinoa scoffed, "She'll never invite us, Kuma, If we want to be involved, we'll need to get involved."

"An' what if she's not home? What if she's out?"

"Then we'll wait." She said firmly.

"How long?"

The brown haired woman whirled on her husband and said, "As long as is necessary."

Kuma frowned and marched onward. "Don't even know if you have the proper address."

"I do so."

"Didn't get it from Hikari, did ya? No, you got it from one of your 'friends'."

"I got it from a reliable source, Kuma."

"If she's entertaining, then what? She-"

"If she's entertaining, it will be rude for her to turn us away, and she won't risk appearing rude in front of guests. I know that much about my daughter."

"That and nothin else, apparently." Kuma muttered following Erinoa to the door. He felt that he was the voice of reason in the family. The level headed one, though those in his family were notorious for being loud and wild people. Erinoa was not wild, but she was a force of nature, and as such, the thunder blooded former Santaru had grounded himself for the stability of the family. He placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, "Let me, it'll probably be better if she sees me first." He knocked.
The Shima folded her arms, observing the hilarious sight of a giant bear man and nagging woman bickering outside of Hikari's home. She wore the worn ANBU armor of her old Roenesia Selous Corps. The bone white chest plate scuffed and riddled with deep gashes fit perfectly over her torso and gave her puffed out chest more power in her straight backed stance. She waited for them to finish, picking at the straps of her armor meticulously as she gathered who they were.

So this was the mother bear of the Tanaka clan? The Haku cleared her throat, dragging their attention over towards her as she approached. She bowed stiffly at the two. Her burning almond eyes fit squarely ahead at Erinoa as she spoke. “Excuse me, might you be Tanaka-Sama's parents? I am Shima Haruka, her humble Spymaster. I've heard much about you, ma'am. You are exactly as I pictured you to be.” She left her words carefully vague. Perhaps it would set Erinoa off? What was it suppose to mean anyway? All the better to get Hikari into trouble. She dearly loved to tease her Sennin.

The young crow did her best to hide the rising smirk. This would certainly prove to be an interesting day at work. It seemed the Shima would come to understand the dynamics of the Tanaka clan a little bit more. It would do well to gather knowledge on the surviving clans that began to thrive in Kumogakure. Especially if she was to become Sennin shortly at the behest of Hikari.
“Excuse me," The cool voice called out by the door.

dNPCs: Tanaka Kuma and Erinoa​

Erinoa turned, and flashed her most imperious look. "Yes?"

"Might you be Tanaka-Sama's parents? I am Shima Haruka, her humble Spymaster. I've heard much about you, ma'am. You are exactly as I pictured you to be.”

Hikari's parents exchanged a serrupticious glance before Erinoa responded. "We are indeed. She... speaks about us?" This was news to her. As far as Erinoa knew, she was but a footnote to her daughter. A branch in their family tree. "Shima san," The woman bowed, "Do you know... my daughter?" She asked, looking the elegant woman up and down with the air of an unimpressed manners mistress. She eyed the pocked armor warily and became very aware that the woman before her was not only a Shinobi, but likely one of her daughter's subordinates.

Kuma smiled, where his wife frowned, and said, "Hello, Shima san, I am Tanaka Kuma, son of Santaru Kuma, and this is my wife, Tanaka Erinoa. My daughter speaks highly of you."

"I've never heard her!" Erinoa said sharply.

"That, dearest, is because you don't write her."

Erinoa frowned and looked away. She had indeed written her daughter, though she'd not received word back from her. The thought that her husband had stung more than she cared to admit.

"Now, why don't we go inside. I'm sure, Kari has a nice pot of tea all ready. She is expecting you of course?" Kuma asked, somewhat protectively.


The red haired woman looked up at the sound of voices behind her door. Kariku warily emerged from his room, and looked at her. "I dunno." She responded, putting away her paperwork. "I'll see."

The bear sat back for a moment, then followed the Sennin to the door, and watched as she opened it. "Mum?" She asked, eyes wide for a moment. "Da? Er. Why are you-" She looked further and saw Haruka, which only made solidified her embarrassment. "Shima san. I apologize, I had no idea my parents were going to come. Please," She held the door open, "Come in." The Santaru woman touched her hair, held back from her face by a black and gold band which made it seem, through minimal effort, somewhat styled. She wore the same black suit she'd worn to the first meeting she had held as Sennin. "Mum, Da, I wasn't expecting you, but you're... welcome... to come in as well, though I'm afraid you won't enjoy yourselves."

At this Kuma bowed his head, "Of course, sweet. It's just, your mum was worried, of course I knew you were fine... I didn't realize how fine..." He said, looking around at the house. "Do they give you this with the position or did you have to buy it out of pocket? Never mind. None of my business. Why is there a bear in your hallway?" He asked, stiffening.

"What?" Erinoa asked.

"It's Kariku, I'm sure I told you about him. Just don't make any sudden moves." She said cheerily, as she guided the party into the living room. "Please feel free to take a seat, just not the red one, Kariku gets territorial." She smiled, unwilling to reveal whether or not she was teasing. I'll get the tea." She walked away, and her bear trailed after her.

When they got to the kitchen, Kariku asked, "Why did you say that? I don't care if they sit."

"They're my parents. I'm not particularly happy to have them here. I don't want them to get too comfortable."

Kariku huffed and went back into the room where the pair of them were deciding where to sit. "I don't care if you take the red seat." He assured them, going to sit by Hikari's usual place. "But I do get territorial." He said, baring his teeth, before laying down to nap.

When she returned, Hikari placed a pot with several glasses on the knee height table, along with a tray of small containers which held tea blends. "Shima san, please pick one." Hikari requested, "They're all very good... Oh, and appetizers will be served soon enough. Cooks are behind."

Erinoa side eyed her daughter, and elbowed her husband.
Yukiko was nervous, no matter how much she tried, she always reverted back to this. the actually thought that she had already gotten it all under control, no more shaking, no more uncontrollable speech.. but Again and Again it came back. Hikari had told her to come by, part to show off her skills. and secondly, but probably more important, to meet the spymaster, Shima Haruka, all to figure out if Yukiko had what was needed to learn from her, and maybe one day become a spymaster herself. it all was dependent on this day.
Her shaking returned thinking about it.
"okay one thing at a time" she said to her self in front of the mirror in her room on the Dancing Wolf. a room that did not really look that "girly" apart from the 2 full size mirrors. her clothes were sparse, as usual, she used it till it broke, and then she repaired it till it could not Work anymore, her usual jacket were a clear sign of that, her oldest of clothes, but also the one she cared for the most, only the torso part was actually the original, and even that was not completely true, as it had been patched up, mainly by making slits to "hidden" pockets around the torso, only the larger ones were clearly fixed as it could not be hidden.
even so, she still loved it, and still wore it constantly.
at the moment she was picking her clothes, "hmm.. pink would probably not do this time.. hmm " she still spoke out to her self..
She ended up with a pair of dusty Brown trousers, and a pink tank top anyway, although she could hide it under her jacket with no problems, it all was finished with a pair of shiny steal toe combat boots, polished up to a mirrorlike shine in the Black leather. all in all it made an odd compilation of nice new clothes and the extreamly worn jacket, and a pair of rubbery like black leather gloves
on her way out, she crushed a few petals from her signature flower, (the gift from the spirit of chance) the sweet, fresh, spring-like fragrance calmed her in ways nothing else did.

and off she went.. across the rooftops.. as usual.. why do something without training?
when she came, the door had just closed, she only got a glimpse of Hikari closing it.
Haruka must have come by already
she used a minute or two to calm herself, the fragrance of the petals effectively setting her thoughts straight.
She walked up to the door, knocked and waited.

[mft: 250+]
Hikari paused at the knock, having just taken her hand off the door knob. Shrugging, she re-opened the door, "Hey, Imouto. Come in, Shima san just got here. Also, my parents decided to drop by. Dad was a Santaru. Come in, come in." She ushered the girl inside.

"Haruka, Mother, Da, This is Yukiko. She has shown that she has Santaru blood, which makes her a cousin to me." She patted the girl's shoulder. "Yukiko chan, this is Shima Haruka, our lovely Spymaster. Tanaka Erinoa, the leader of the Tanaka clan, and my mother. Tanaka Kuma, a former Santaru, and my father. Yukiko, Haruka and I had planned a meeting, to discuss Yukiko's future in the Main Branch." Hikari explained. "My parents came here without notice." She said with an edge on her words. "But, since we're all here, and introduced, would anyone like some refreshments? I have lunch as well as tea. Please don't be shy."
Strange and highly entertaining. Haruka's smile like glass stared politely at Hikari's parents as they rambled on. Even though Erinoa asked her question, she had no need to answer as her husband did so for Haruka. They certainly were quick to show their family problems to just anyone. It was better than nothing, Haruka supposed. Much better than the complacent smiles of her parents. Or the fact that they ignored every defiant word spewed from her mouth. Yes, it was better to have a family like this. The Shima certainly envied it.

Haruka greeted Hikari with an unhurried and customary bow as the door flung open. It wasn't a fun meeting with the red haired spite fire unless she got to see Hikari flustered at least once. She was certainly agitated at her parents sudden visit. Nevetheless, she ushered all three of them into the parlor to enjoy some tea and snacks. Although her mother was horrified at the sudden appearance of a bear, Haruka coolly smirked at Hikari. “Ah, so this is the bear.” She took a spot next to Hikari's chair, where Kariku was wedge between them.

Oh my, you certainly have outdone yourself? Cooks. I didn't expect such complimentary treatment for such a small meeting. Hmmm...” She began to glance at the array of teas set out. “I suppose a green tea will do.” She said picking out one suitable to her tastes. Before Hikari was able to settle down a knock at the door alerted them to their last arrival.

As the girl was ushered in, Haruka rose to her feet to greet the young genin. “A pleasure, Yukiko-San. Tanaka-Sama has spoken well of you. I am looking forward to this meeting.” She bowed lightly towards her. “I would certainly like to try what your kitchen staff has made, please.” She said to Hikari as she began to head towards the kitchen. “Please, sit. Tanaka-Sama tells me you have a knack for the skill set my division requires.
"Your mom?.. and dad?.. " Yukiko Did definitely not expect that, oh well.. might as well meet more of the Family, and get a face to the names she had found when she initially had seeked Hikari out..
She entered and drew in the impression the 3 people on in the room gave off.. a pair, obviously Erinoa and Kuma and a beside Kariku was Haruka. As Yukiko was introduced to the parents she bowed her head as a greeting, but as Hikari introduces Haruka she got up to greet her, she wore a bone White armor scuffed from use, but never the less telling that she knew how to handle herself. Yukiko thought to herself, 'This might prove to be the right choice'

"A pleasure, Yukiko-San. Tanaka-Sama has spoken well of you. I am looking forward to this meeting.” Haruka said and bowed for a greeting. “I would certainly like to try what your kitchen staff has made, please.” Haruka said to Hikari as she began to head towards the kitchen. “Please, sit. Tanaka-Sama tells me you have a knack for the skill set my division requires.”

"thank you, but for now the pleasure is definitely mine, as I'm the one who is meeting a great personality today" Yukiko said while returning Haruka's bow
she then proceeded to do as she was told.. found a seat.. Knowing nothing about the "danger" that had been told to the others, Yukiko chose the chair beside Kariku (not the one Haruka had been sitting in)
"Hi Kariku, nice to see you Again.. I'm looking forward to see what you have build since last time" she ruffled the hair on his head while she did so.
while she sat and waited, she made sure that her leather gloves sat nicely. and her jacket was folded across the armrest on the chair, within reach and secure.
first now the surprise nervousness hit her.. Yukiko then focused letting a small charge through her hair, immediately straightening any Loose hairs from her braid.
and at the same time releasing a small amount of fragrance from the petals woven in the hair, instantly calming her mind.

"so Erinoa and Kuma, yes?.. I've long wanted to meet you guys, both to know more about the distant Family of the Tanakas and the Santarus but also to know more about Oneesan and how her Family is... and was.. " might as well learn as much as I can Yukiko thought to herself.. while Haruka went for the kitchen.

[mft 250+]
With Kariku at her side, she welcomed Haruka. “Ah, so this is the bear.”

"Yes," Hikari said, "This is Kariku. I adopted him." She said brightly, half to see the look of horror on her mother's face, and half because she had. "He's a good boy. A builder. Very intelligent." She said.


dNPCs: Tanaka Kuma and Erinoa​

Erinoa's look of shock was genuine. The creature was not something she'd expected to find in her daughter's home. Kuma, however, was absolutely delighted, and as it would happen, only mildly surprised. He knelt before the bear, and would have said hello, but his wife pulled him to his feet, and away from the beastie. "Why would you- it's not a house pet-"

"He lost his mum. I am a compassionate human being. I took him in and cared for him. It isn't complicated, mother."

“Oh my, you certainly have outdone yourself? Cooks. I didn't expect such complimentary treatment for such a small meeting. Hmmm...” She began to glance at the array of teas set out. “I suppose a green tea will do.” That was when the girl arrived. A red haired waif with bright eyes, and large clothing. She reminded Erinoa strongly of her daughter.

"Very large house. Are you living alone?" Erinoa asked.

Hikari threw her a snappy glance, and the older woman huffed. "Yes, well.."

"Hey, Imouto. Come in, Shima san just got here. Also, my parents decided to drop by. Dad was a Santaru. Come in, come in." She ushered the girl inside.

"Haruka, Mother, Da, This is Yukiko.

"Your mom?.. and dad?.. " Yukiko asked quietly upon entering.

"That's what she said." Erinoa said stiffly, evaluating the child in the same manner she'd done with Haruka. The girl was probably thirteen. That made her around the age Hikari was when she decided to go through a period of silence with her parents. A time in which they were ignored.

"A pleasure, Yukiko-San. Tanaka-Sama has spoken well of you. I am looking forward to this meeting.” She bowed lightly towards her. “I would certainly like to try what your kitchen staff has made, please.”

Kuma smiled at Yukiko, and held out his large hand for a shake. "Hello Yukiko. It's good to meet you cousin." He said amiably. "Don't mind my wife. She forgets herself in these situations." He smiled brightly.

"Please, sit. Tanaka-Sama tells me you have a knack for the skill set my division requires.”

"thank you, but for now the pleasure is definitely mine, as I'm the one who is meeting a great personality today" Yukiko said while returning Haruka's bow.

Hikari was smiling at the girl proudly, her eyes crinkled at the edges. Erinoa realized that she had but rarely seen her child with that expression, and it pained her. "Well..."

Then the girl did something that alarmed Erinoa. She sat in the red chair. The bear's chair. "Hi Kariku, nice to see you Again.. I'm looking forward to see what you have build since last time" she ruffled the hair on his head while she did so. The older woman covered her mouth in anticipation, but Kariku simply adjusted his position and shared the chair with Yukiko "Oh! I made a fort, and I've been digging, Yukiko chan. Maybe later we can go out and I can show you!" He said enthusiastically. "It's really deep and cool!" She, of course, then realized that it was very strange she had not noticed that the bear spoke.

"so Erinoa and Kuma, yes?.. I've long wanted to meet you guys, both to know more about the distant Family of the Tanakas and the Santarus but also to know more about Oneesan and how her Family is... and was.. "

Erinoa stiffened. "Ah. Well... apparently I am not the one to tell you about that little one." She said softly.

Kuma sat down, pulling his wife down beside him. "Yes, well. what would you like to know? We're an open book, Yukiko. Ask and ye shall know." He said grinning.


Hikari was indeed proud of her Imouto, but she watched her parents with apprehension, readying apologies for their behavior should the need for them arise.

Eventually, the caterers finished preparations, and served the appetizers, which were steamed meat buns, and tea cakes. "I hope everything is to your satisfaction." She said to the room.

[mft 250+]
My.” Haruka chuckled amicably at such a compliment. With mock sterness, she turned to her red haired friend, “you've certainly trained her well. I can certainly see your ways of conversation in her, my lady.” The Shima silently watched as Yukiko interacted with her distant relatives. Yet again, a meeting in Hikari ended up in pleasantries. It was something she'd just have to get used to when it came to the Sennin.

She was always so quick to get down to business, spare the details and unnecessary necessities of polite conversation. Haruka suppose it taught her the meaning of patience. She let the divided family speak as the caterers brought in the food. The elegant woman took a cup of tea in her hand and sipped slowly. She wondered what she should even judge this girl on. Hikari had told her everything there was to Yukiko beforehand, it was all just a matter of signing the contract.

Haruka sought after students in her own time, so having one come to her was a different process. She wasn't so used to eager learning besides from Masaru. The others she might as well have forced them to learn from her. Oh wait, she did. Another sip from her tea for such an embarrassing thought.

She cleared her throat to prevent derailment from her original purpose of meeting with them today. “Forgive my haste, but perhaps these pleasantries could be discussed later. I have important business to attend to later in the day. I only have a few questions for Yukiko-San and of course things you may wish to consider before taking up a job under me.” Her sharp eyes laid upon the child, gauging her interest.

You're well aware that the Intelligence agency is a very important part to our village. My network of spies is a well oiled machine and its imperative that every new member understands their part and does their best not to cause any kinks. Keep in mind that you are required to have a higher level of competency in the social arts as well as espionage. Many a times you will be playing the part of someone you are not. And more often than not, I will send you away from the village to do recon in remote parts of the country. In short, your life will surely be just this job and you will have little time to be yourself as you play the parts I assign you. If you have no objections to this than I suppose I am willing to accept you under my command, given that your resume is not exaggerated by Tanaka-Sama.
"Oh! I made a fort, and I've been digging, Yukiko chan. Maybe later we can go out and I can show you!" Kariku said enthusiastically. "It's really deep and cool!"

"I would love that.." Yukiko replied before turning her attention to Erinoa and Kuma and asked her question.

"Ah. Well... apparently I am not the one to tell you about that little one." Erinoa said and Kuma followed up:
"Yes, well. what would you like to know? We're an open book, Yukiko. Ask and ye shall know."
The two were very different from each other, maybe that was why they fit so well together Yukiko thought. while also wondering what she would like to know.
before she could ask, the caters came in with the food and Hikari let them know to dig in.
while they did so she asked : " well first off I would like to know where your live and if you ever went through your Family tree?"

a bit later Haruka cleared her throat to get attention.
Forgive my haste, but perhaps these pleasantries could be discussed later. I have important business to attend to later in the day. I only have a few questions for Yukiko-San and of course things you may wish to consider before taking up a job under me.”
as she spoke, her eyes tuned in on Yukiko. without a doubt she was being evaluated,. at least that was the impression Yukiko got, but she could do nothing about that, she was WHO she was, and if that was not what Haruka wanted, then she at least knew what to teach her to become.

Haruka continued:
“You're well aware that the Intelligence agency is a very important part to our village. My network of spies is a well oiled machine and its imperative that every new member understands their part and does their best not to cause any kinks. Keep in mind that you are required to have a higher level of competency in the social arts as well as espionage. Many a times you will be playing the part of someone you are not. And more often than not, I will send you away from the village to do recon in remote parts of the country. In short, your life will surely be just this job and you will have little time to be yourself as you play the parts I assign you. If you have no objections to this than I suppose I am willing to accept you under my command, given that your resume is not exaggerated by Tanaka-Sama.”

Yukiko stood up in respect to Haruka as she responded:
"I am aware that this training and job would require more of me than most, at the same time i belive that it nothing more than the way to live as a shinobi of cloud.
To be the outmost you can be for Cloud as a Whole. give your all. this I belive would fit best to my skill set, and I have been training since I got her, without a days rest, both in my combat skills, my social skills and in my covert skills. I still lack a bit in social, but as Hikari might now, I have come a long way from the silent, and nervous child i was."
she took a few seconds to collect her thoughts before she continued.
" I am still a child, better than most my age, I see this as grounds for a better shinobi than would otherwise be accomplished.
therefore I have no objections as to become what Cloud needs the most!"

A light bow was her signal for having said what she wanted.

[MFT +250]

Current Ninpocho Time:
