Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Time Is An Illusion [Requesting Medic]

Apr 19, 2021
OOC Rank
Thursday, 11:33 am

Searing pain was the first thing his conscious mind would perceive after his apparent blackout that seemed but moments ago. "Oh god, my head...." How strange Shishiwakamaru would find himself at the hospital having only just been in class with Daiji-sensei. What in the world happened, why did his head hurt so much, who could possibly help him in this odd hour of need. Surely somebody would be into his room to check on his status, he had been in a coma for nearly a week now after all...
The boy may have been in a coma for an entire week. But the world around him never stood still. Inside the Byoin things were finally starting to settle a little with all the help from the villagers. Every day someone came in multiple times, observe the young boy, monitor his stats, and write down in a small book what the changes were. Inside the book there were many details written down. How much fluids had been used, what the breathing speed was, his oxygen levels and you could keep on going. It was surely that there was regularly someone around the place.

Today Nao was around again, at first he was busy in the hallway with a patient and having a chatter with a nurse. Before he would knock on the door and tell he was coming in. As soon as he stood inside he was met with a boy that seemed to be awake. All kinds of wires and machines were still hooked up, one of them making a sound. Nao would come further in and attend to the machine as he started to speak.

"Shishiwakamaru right? Glad to see you are awake. Don't sit up yet, take it easy. You have been asleep for a whole week." He mentioned as he would then take Shishi's temperature and grab the notebook writing things down. "how are you feeling right now?" He asked as he started to remove another wire from the boy but leaving 3 things on. THe heart monitor, the fluid bag and the oxygen.
The scans taken were all normal, for the most part, save his brain scan, assuming someone did one or the hospital had such technology or medical ninja of renown. It was a paculiar thing, his brain, as it gave the appearance that he was fully conscious and yet dreaming simultaneously. Shishiwakamaru had to do a double take as his eyes finally came into focus, the visage of Leaf's astute Medical Sennin. He couldn't have asked for a better staff member to check up on him this day. Rubbing the bridge of his nose in some attempt to relieve the pressure he was feeling inside his head he would respond. "Y-yes... That's my name." Pausing a moment a perplexed look spread across his face. "I'm sorry, did you just say a whole week?! Oh man, I'm going to be so behind on school. Can someone tell Daiji-sensei I'm sorry, oh and Haniki and Shusuke, someone needs to tell them I'm ok!" Only awake for a few minutes and his mind was already spinning back to life. Silly that he would first thing of that rather than his own physical health. Perhaps he just didn't understand the severity of the situation. Or at least not this specific situation, just what was to come. In a room just down the hall an explosion would resound. Nothing major, something closer to a small firework rather than a bomb. No damage, just loud and very obvious from the direction it came from. Thursday, 11:40 am. [<---Another thread]

Rest easy; I am pretty sure he won't mind it. " Nao answered and looked more at his vitals. There was a noise in the hallway and as if it were a chibi scene. He would bold his fist and a annoyed expression came to his face. "I swear if someone dropped that thing again..." He muttered and having the complete odd idea about it. However he wasn't leaving the kids room as he wasn't even being called.

"So lets get back to examination. How are you feeling, explain to me the who, what and where. Detailed as possible." He would say and keep writing along as he spoke.
Who, what and where, a classic trio that most often resulted in... well, results. "I..." He started, a pained and confused look on his face revealing itself as he attempted to recall the past. "I was in class, doing a puzzle thing. I think it was to promote teamwork. And then I felt really weird, like I was vibrating throughout my entire body. And then my vision blurred, my arms looked like I was an octopus almost ha ha" Raising a hand to his temple as he laughed, it was obvious that even something as menial as laughing would cause him some pain in this moment. "I don't remember anything else, everything went black after that and I woke up here with you. Am I going to be ok?" A fearful expression could be seen in the young boy's eyes, obviously scared about the entire ordeal.
The words that the young man said... made him frown. "That almost sounds like a hell of a trip you made." A thought went towards drugs or the likes. Children were odd these days, but he couldn't just say that out loud and made assumptions. He took a small flashlight and flashed it in his eyes, trying to get a reaction. "Not remembering huh..." He asked so he could hear it from him again. After it was certain Nao started to tilt his head. "Well.. You aren't in trouble as far as I can tell. You have a good color on you, chakra levels seem to be normal, same for your oxygen and sugar levels.. But if you say your vision started to blur... while your eyes are reacting alright to the lights." he started to think harder. "We may need to make a head CT to rule out anything regards of the head. Do you know if you had any drops as a small child?" It was a question better to ask to parents, in the hope they answered that truthfully.

"Or any roughhousing with siblings or other people which resulted in a head trauma?" He asked further to try to pinpoint if that could be a thing, if it resulted on nothing, he would tell Shishi that he really wanted to do a CT scan of his head.
Shishiwakamaru winced in pain in reaction to the flashlight being shined in his eyes, photosensitivity for sure. His eyes still reacted fine, but something was causing his head pain. "Yeah, nothing at all after seeing my arms multiply. Just blank, until I woke up here. It's very disorienting." Sennin Nao asked a few more questions that Shishi had to think about for a moment. "Not sure what you mean about drops, I never had to take any sort of medicine unless I was sick. And I'm an only child, Nao-sensei. What's a CT scan by the way, will it be painful?" Shi asked nervously.
"A CT is never painfull, please don't worry about htat." He said and would grab a seat, and started to sketch how the machine looked like. "You will be taken to a special wing of the Byoin... There you will enter a room, in that room stands a machine like this." He would then point to his little poor drawing and explain. " A head computed tomography, otherwise known as CT, scan uses many x-rays to create pictures of the head, including the skull, brain, eye sockets, and sinuses. A CT is done in the hospital or radiology center. You lie on a narrow table that slides into the center of the CT scanner. While inside the scanner, the machine's x-ray beam rotates around you." He would then turn the page around where all his vitals were on.

"You don't have to worry about it, three-dimensional models of the head area can be created by stacking the slices together. You must be still during the exam because movement causes blurred images. You may be told to hold your breath for short periods. The only discomfort you will feel'; is maybe laying on a hard table. Since we haven't found long lasting paddings for them." He would chuckle awkward. "I have been in them myself a few times to test them out. If that puts an ease on you."
Shishiwakamaru listened intently with great interest as Nao sketched a rough drawing of what the machine looked like. Wild and remarkable, a dazzle in Shi's eyes told Nao all he needed to know that this kid had an eye for the medical field. It was almost as if the pain had vanished completely with how distracted Shi had become. He even had begun to stare off into the void imagining what his brain would look like after they compiled all the sliced images. He imagined it would be black and misty like the shadows he was learning to control. Shaking his head to regain focus on Nao he smiled at the thought of such a thing, how silly. "Deal! When can we go, I'm not afraid anymore. This thing sounds amazing, I wanna see what my brain looks like!" Yep, the kid was pretty stoked for this otherwise unremarkable procedure.
He was glad that he was able to calm the nerves that the young one seemed to have. And thus he started to call up the room that they needed it through the headset around his neck and inside the earpiece he heard they were ready in 10 minutes. "We have 10 minutes... how about some ice cream after?" He would return after those 10 minutes to take shishiwaru with him to the room.

"This is the machine I was talking you about." He said and would show it, guiding Shishi near as soon as he was in the appropriate clothing. and without anything metal on him. "You get all of that back later." He said and would eventually run the test.

[fade to black till icecream?]]]
After a quick radio check Sennin Nao would make an offer no sane child would ever refuse, ice cream! Nao would then leave him with about ten minutes to think about what flavor he would want. This was almost as good as being taken out for ramen, Nao might have just made another follower out of Shishiwakamaru. That and Shi knew that Nao was the medical Sennin, if he could help it at all he would make himself Sennin Nao's newest apprentice and someday call him master...

Shi barely even noticed how quick time had passed as Nao returned to his room to escort him to another location within the Byoin. The room he was taken to was empty for the most part except for a very large machine that looked cold. "This is the machine I was talking you about." Nao said, handing him a gown to change into. Shi shuddered at the thought of losing more layers of clothing before getting on the cold machine. But he did as he was asked and changed, then hopped up onto the machine. He had little on him in the ways of metal, so the process went fairly quickly. Assuming they were able to see the pictures Nao would immediately notice an abnormality with Shi's scan. Sitting among the dorsolateral prefrontal right cortex a tumor said hello to Nao. Oh dear oh dear, ice cream would have to wait. Or maybe not, he wasn't the expert here. It seemed mildly harmless aside from the blackouts, but left alone with time, who knew what might become of it. Maybe even gaining some time dilation powers or something silly like that. But that would never happen, would it?

[OOC - MFT 284 wc]
Going over the results with a co-worker... He eventually took his face in his hands as he looked at the results of those scans. Something he didn't see coming.. "Please tell me we see that wrong..." Nao said to his co-worker who shook her head. "Sorry, Nao-San. but this looks like a Tumor... Very close if not ingrained into the brain tissue... It is laying quite deep." She said with worry-filled in her voice.

Nao would take Shi to ice cream as he promised, but his face was puzzled and held a hint is sadness. After they got the icecream Nao took him outside where he would sit so that the child would be at all times out of the cigarette smoke that he was going to put up.

"Shi... As Doctor... I do not have good news and as your parent... I feel like you need to know it." He started and would scratch his head and remove some hairs out of the way. In his brain, multiple ways to start this topic were being made... But he couldn't find one that would result in a soft saying.

"In your scan... we saw something. It is sitting among the dorsolateral prefrontal right cortex. It... is a tumor. From what we could see and figure... It is ingrained." He would sigh and wait to see if shi needed more of an explanation of the medical terms being used.

"dorsolateral prefrontal right cortex... is the top front part of your brain." And he would draw it in the ground as best as he could for Shi. "Recovery of brain surgery is normally; 3 - 10 days in hospital if not more needed. Home recovery after which is around 4 up to 6 weeks before starting up.. Side effects immediately. Weakness, dizzy spells, poor balance and or lack of coordination, personality or behavior changes, confusion, problems with speech or fits (seizures)... Long-term problems after the surgery... Difficulty walking, weakness in an arm or leg, difficulty concentrating and or remembering things, behavior changes, and speech problems."

He took a drag of his cigarette and just couldn't say this another way. "Removing an ingrained tumor... is something that is beyond me or the medical world inside Konoha as far as I am aware... Leave alone the fact that.. if operated, it could mean the end of your shinobi career.." He said it finally and would look worried to Shi. "I cannot, not as a doctor or parent figure, help you." The words that hurt him too. He would love to see him shine brighter and had hoped that none of the children he was raising would ever had to get through this.


Proof I ain't godmodding on type of tumor being mentioned:
Kaen, Lord of the Peppers 10/24/2022
The tumor will be ingrained into the brain tissue making it a very risky operation.

Nao and another staff member would have a conversation, but nothing was said afterwards. So Shi naturally thought that the scan had gone well, oh how wrong he was...
As promised Master Nao would take Shishiwakamaru out for ice cream. The young nara would pick double fudge chunk, a personally favorite of his. He was so excited he hadn't even noticed the sorrowful look on Sennin Nao's face, at least until they went outside and took a seat there. "Nao-San, what's wrong?" Having been living together for a short while now, Shi was getting used to some of the faces Nao would make, and he had never seen this one before. "Shi... As Doctor... I do not have good news and as your parent... I feel like you need to know it." A moment of contemplation overtook Nao as he seemed hesitant to say what would come after. "In your scan... we saw something. It is sitting among the dorsolateral prefrontal right cortex. It... is a tumor. From what we could see and figure... It is ingrained." Pausing mid-lick Shi was shocked to hear this news. Wishing to go into the medical field he had studied up a little about some medical terms.

They, tumors that is, are an abnormal mass of tissue that's created when cells in the body grow and divide more than they ought to or don't die off and become expelled from the body. Tumors can be benign, or malignant. Benign tumors may grow large but do not spread into, or invade, nearby tissues or other parts of the body. Which could only mean, since it was ingrained into the surrounding tissue, that it was malignant, cancerous if you will. He wasn't smart enough to know what that really mean considering it was in his brain. But the only thing he could think of was, well, death...

A fake smile that was obviously trying to hold back tears formed on Shi's young face; "That's ok, Master Nao, I know how amazing you are. You can just do some surgery and everything will be ok, r-right?" A hopeful look crept across Shishiwakamaru's face as he desperately hoped for some sort of good news, the type of news that wouldn't come. Taking an exaggerated pull from his cigerette, Sennin Nao would break the devastating news to the young Nara. "Removing an ingrained tumor... is something that is beyond me or the medical world inside Konoha as far as I am aware... Leave alone the fact that.. if operated, it could mean the end of your shinobi career." Tears now began to stream down Shi's face as the sudden realization of his own feeble mortality set in. "I cannot, not as a doctor or parent figure, help you." A sudden R-R-Rrrrr sound reverberated from Shi's original location. A plume of dust would be seen trailing away from Shi as he ran away, quite literally, from the problem. He couldn't hear this right now, the end of his shinobi career, hell the posibility of dying so young. It pained him in a way many just wouldn't understand. He was alone in this world, no true place to call home. The attack on the village gates saw to that. He didn't know what to do right now, except run...

[OOC - MFT - Leaving Topic]
He couldn't bring the good news to the young shi... And he knew how painful this must have meant. But he couldn't help but feel sad, defeated.. scared in a way since this was the first time bringing this news to a son of his.
Gritting hit teeth till it had no point.. He had kept standing there till the dust of the young shinobi was already gone. Till the people around him already had been moving again and leaving the scene. This was just asking for more wine tonight than any night before.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
