Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

To Wander The Alleys [Free Roleplay]

Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Uchiha Akkuma was the bastard son of a local prostitute name Mai, she possessed no family name being adopted at birth and just passed through the system getting the usual treatment. The slender athletically built youth had spent the majority of his day having some sake and dancing with Kazu. Now however he was drunk enough to go and deal with the more well-off citizens within this district. How they thought they were better then everyone else, you could see it in the way they looked at him. It disgusted him how people could be happy living like this knowing that only a few districts away people were having to steal for their meals. Something needed to be done about it all and he would ensure that it was achieved he wanted to make Kumogakure such a great village that the other shinobi nations would have to bow before it. As these thoughts of grandeur flew through his head, he noticed a young child with rag like clothes on steal a loaf of bread from one of the stalls. The merchant who was in charge began pursuit of the malnourished and probably homeless child, once he caught him he began to beat him. Akkuma had been in that boys position stealing food just to survive, with the way the merchant was carrying on the boy would be dead if no one intervened.

"Enough..." his voice was cold and deadly, the merchant apparently hadn't heard him as he continued to beat the boy within an inch of his life.

Suddenly Akkuma sprinted forward moving so fast he was a blur to the non shinobi spectators, he positioned himself between the merchant and the boy. His hand flew up to meet the merchant stopping him from landing another blow, he let out a gasp of surprise. As the Uchiha's hand flew up knocking the merchants fist away, his other hand grabbed the man by the scruff of his shirt and threw him a decent couple meters away from the boy. Their was a rage in his eyes and his blood red sharingan burned brightly and intensely, the merchant began to lose the color in his face realizing he'd just had a shinobi interfere.

"That is beyond disgusting how dare you think such behavior is acceptable! Is that loaf of bread really worth so much to you that you would almost kill this boy for its theft?" he hissed at the man.

There was fear in the merchants eye's as he apologized for his behavior, however Akkuma cared not for the scum. His sharingan subsided with his rage as ge gave the boy a small roll of yen to get himself some medical attention, some warm food and clean clothing. The blue haired Uchiha bastard child gave the merchant one more foul look before continuing his walk through the district. Deciding to stop in at a well known Ramen Inn, he had himself some barbecue pork ramen with egg and chicken. Plus a wonton soup and five decently sized beef dumplings, followed by some sake. After enjoying his meal he decided he would have a look at some of the estates, after all Akkuma had been saving most of his life. So he could finally buy himself and his mother a family estate and build themselves a new home.

The blue haired Uchiha youth however was not able to stick with that plan as halfway down the street and another bottle of sake later, Akkuma was leaning against a wall slowly fading more into unconsciousness. Perhaps not the wisest thing to do, after all everyone knew being so close to the cronopolis district there was a high chance of mugging, theft, murder among other crimes. Then again they usually didn't stray too far into the seki district there were too many eyes here for those types of shady people. Then again anything was possible the unconscious drunk was yet to discover this and it would be a life changing event when he realized the unpredictability of life.

(OOC Akkuma looks like Madara / mixed with Orochimaru xD)
A mask in place he had finished with his dealings in the Cronopolis. Not that there was a huge amount to do, someone wanted power and so Kushin had given it to him, in exchange of course. Walking down a side alley he looked about himself, no-one nearby, he could only assume the ANBU weren't around. His hand lifted up to his face and took the mask off, igniting it as it remained in his hand and finally scattering the ashes to the wind, water forming next and he rubbed his hands clear of the soot marking the palm of his hands. A face now revealed however would show any who cared to look that he was the Medical Sennin, only recently appointed though a man who has accomplished much in the medical sector. Ripping off the top layer of clothes, eccentrically designed so that the man he'd delt with would barely even recognise his body type, if he did at all, he revealed a shirt and jeans, his fingers running through his hair and messing it up in the way he liked it. Tossing the clothes into the middle of the path he sealed them into a scroll, they'd come in handy another time when he had to visit the same man and inform him of a favour he could carry out.

As he walked down the alley his stomach growled and he stopped suddenly. Looking down at his stomach he shook his head. If he ever found a bloodline that was never hungry he would totally kill that person and take what he needed. Food was such a waste of time. Taking a few more steps forward he looked down each possible route he could take, his mind flashed through what he knew of the area and located a place where he could eat. There was a noodle house nearby, he'd go there.

His feet hit the stones silently, as a shinobi's feet should. Though as he rounded a corner, still a few minutes away from the noodle shop, he watched as a man slid slowly down a wall. His eyes flitting, attempting to stay awake, and yet giving up as well. This was the alleyway to go to the shop, yet to go down here meant walking past this person, and chances were he smelled. Sniffing the air he caught a slight hint of alcohol, though it wasn't too strong and it wasn't that horrible stuff homeless people tend to drink. He'd risk it, it would be worth the thirty seconds he'd lose going the other way, he was sure.

His hand raised to his mouth and pinched his nose, his eyes maintained their look on the other in the alley as he moved silently past him.
As Akkuma drifted into his unconscious state the world span around him in a blur, he couldn't see it but he felt it. That horrible motion that meant only one thing you weren't going to be conscious for much longer. 'I need to get moving...' he thought to himself pushing himself up from the ground only to see a man mere inches before him holding his nose and looking suspicious. The blue haired Uchiha focused on the man his blood red eyes lazily finding his face after a few brief detours. "You wouldn't happen to be the Medical Sennin would you?" he asked in a drunken slur yet surprisingly still understandable. 'I didn't know the Medical Sennin was this good looking..maybe I chose the wrong corp..' he thought with a small drunken chuckle. Akkuma's small Sharingan tattoo would be visible on his right collarbone, as he bowed his head slightly giving his drunken introduction. "Jinkotsu Akkuma, bastard child of a whore, a stain upon the Uchiha Clans name...and one day future Anbu Sennin." there was serious and almost sober tone to his voice when he said the last part. The young Anbu in training smiled at one of his superiors, he wondered whether the man was on duty or not. Perhaps there was yet another sociable soul amongst his Kumogakurian brethren, meeting people of such rank within his village was necessary for the goals he one day wanted to achieve.

Akkuma thought to himself 'Surely the smell of sake and tobacco is not that bad?' then again he knew how he'd felt about the smell when he didn't consume them. The seventeen year old stopped thinking for a moment he'd allowed himself to get side tracked and not even on the opportunities this meeting could provide in future if it went down well. Not too mention the medical sennin didn't seem like the type to enjoy drunken company but then again maybe he could even sober Akkuma up with one of those Medical jutsu. 'But do I really wanna be sober?' he thought now unsure on whether to ask to be sobered up, then again this was all on the basis of if this was actually the Medical Sennin. With a brief sigh he thought to himself 'So much thinking from just one small action so far...great.' pulling out a smoke to light it up, surely one of these would help right now. Taking a long inhale before realising what if the sennin didn't like smoke 'Oh no..' he said holding his breathe and exhaling from his nostrils after a few seconds had passed trying to ensure minimal smoke went in the sennins face.
(OOC: Sorry for delay, went to an internetless zone)

The drunken man moved and from the corner of his eyes he watched him. It could be a trap, he knew he'd pissed off and threatened enough people for someone to organize a large enough ambush to give him a run for his money. The others eyes opened and the red of their tint, and the tattoo on his collarbone alerted him to the bloodline he was looking at. Suddenly an interest piqued in him and as the boy spoke Kushin listened and slowed his passing. Though he continued to move, if this was a trap he wanted to at least be a couple of steps closer to freedom. A question had been asked, however drunkenly, and Kushin turned to face the man, leaning against the opposite wall, though a couple of feet further down the alley. The Uchiha went on to introduce himself though not in a way that Kushin were accustomed. Most claimed some grandeous power, most claimed to be the next Raikage, most claimed this or that thing which would never happen, and Kushin would have done his upmost to make sure it didn't. Just to make that person a liar, just to see what they would do next. And then it came, future ANBU Sennin. Well at least it was Sennin he was aiming for, leading a branch could be seen as an honourable target and not beyond ones means. It took persistence and often a bit of luck but in the end Kushin had no sway in the ANBU.

Yes, I am the Medical Sennin. Isaki Kushin, formally Chigokai Kushin of the Chigokai Clan. Though I sold out. he said introducing himself casually, figuring that that would make things a bit better if it were seen that he too wasn't the most favoured of sons of the Chigokai. He liked it when people thought themselves on par with him. It made them more talkative. So is your history the reason for your current state of drunkenness? he asked ignoring the smoking which had begun. Smoking was a disgusting past time, and one that he personally didn't partake in. However it was also something which gave away certain personality traits, or personal coping mechanisms. So it was that he assessed it, in this case a coping mechanism. They had been advertised as calming ones nerves, so people believed that that was what they did. Surely if you wanted your nerves calmed you'd simply smoke some other type of weed. Perhaps the other type of weed dulled the senses too much, they were shinobi after all, though that hadn't stopped the alcohol consumption.

His eyes kept flashing around the ledges, and up and down the alley when Akkuma was looking at other things, making sure nothing and no-one was creeping up on him. It was unfortunate that he was in the business he was in. If he were a more honest man he'd not likely worry about these things so much.
I'm gonna hop on in here :3

It was always a funny thing, watching people when they thought they were alone. Kosei's father had always told him that what a man did when he was alone was what defined him. You are what you are when nobody it looking. Some men were honest, humble people who helped without ever being recognized for their work. Others were liars who took credit for thing they didn't do. Others were murderers, pervert, scammers, among other heinous traits that no sane man would want pinned to them. Kosei, for one, wasn't really anything. When he was alone, he did what he was supposed to and enjoyed the little things. This did not go for others, like this man who looked like he'd just tried to kill a drunk shinobi.

Right about then, the two probably began to feel the pressure given off by Kosei, who was now standing parallel to the floor, on the wall of the alley, about twenty feet off the floor. His ANBU training was paying off; he'd finally begun to mask his presence by suppressing his enormous chakra levels, but, as expected, his hold over the excess began to leak out, revealing himself to anyone who knew what chakra was.

How'd he come to find them? Simple. He'd been out late running a parkour route, like he had many times before at this hour. For starters, it was excellent excersize, as it kept him in shape. It also helped him get to know the layout of the village much better, and lastly, it was fun. It looked cool. It WAS cool.

Jump, land, roll, hop over a chimney, jump, frontflip, land, roll, jump over the ledge, grab the apartment's handrail, swing into the wall, launch off of it, launch off other wallslide down the wall. Now go back up the wall, cross the building, jump across the gap between buildin-- wait! The gap was too far. and, when he looked down, there a man was, plugging another's nose.

They seemed to get over whatever had just happened right away, and they struck up a conversation, though it was obvious that one had been drunk. Whether or not the man who'd approached had intended to kill the man or wake him up was unknown to Kosei, but then again it didn't matter, really. What could he do about it? He stepped down onto the wall, his chakra concentrating in his feet subcontiously, so that he could walk on the wall, and stood there, watching. After a couple seconds, sweat falling from his forehead, the teen spoke up. "In my opinion, there is no excuse for drunkenness. A shinobi's gotta be alert at all times."
OOC: Yay sup Kosei ! (And its all good Kushin !)
Akkuma wasn't surprised to hear that the Sennin wasn't too favoured by his clan, after all most clans had members they didn't associate with or were on bad terms with, for whatever cause. 'Before long there will be a clan that will function differently I'll ensure that..' he thought to himself perhaps he would keep an eye on the sennin and see how he could assist in that. The green haired Sennin asked Akkuma if that was the reasoning for his current state of intoxication, however the red eyed shinobi wouldn't have time to answer as he saw a shadow his the floor before them cast from above. The Uchiha's pupils split into three toma's within each eye, there was a sudden deadly focus within his eyes. Chakra poured throughout his body as he prepared for what he anticipated was combat, when the source of the shadow began to speak. Saying there was no excuse for drunkenness and that a shinobi needed to be alert. Akkuma's lips formed into a sinister and ominous smile as he looked up at the new arrival "Perhaps you are not able to perform the necessary shinobi tasks whilst under the influences of alcohol. But I can as a matter of fact I make a living on it I'm considered a Master of the drunken style." he said in a velvety smooth and deadly tone.

The blue haired Uchiha anbu in training looked up at the newcomer his eyes landing on him with a deadly focus before saying "After all I still managed to see your shadow.." he said with a devilish chuckle, after all had his fellow shinobi not begun talking he would've been fighting for his life by now. Not saying that because he was talking he wouldn't be but it had perhaps bought more time. Akkuma didn't worry about the risk of battle well perhaps one thing did and that was if a battle ensued and he had to use some of his Ninjutsu then the District could be levelled. He had the Main Branch Sennin in his company and he would not allow one of his superiors to be harmed if it came to it. 'Ok so two things I gotta think about...not that much.' he thought to himself his eyes still locked onto the new arrival his sharingan wouldn't allow him out of his sight. "Why don't you come down here and join me and....Kushin-sama. If you choose not to that's fine I'll just have to get one thing from you, your name. By the way I'm Jinkotsu Akkuma." he said his voice still smooth and deadly, he'd had to puase with the sennins name trying to recall it from an announcement he'd previously heard. If anyone kept up to date with the on goings of the Seki District they would know that there was currently a new complex under construction for the Jinkotsu clan.

Akkuma had spent years selecting specific people, checking them thoroughly, ensuring they were trustworthy and then allowing them to become apart of his clan. The Uchiha's sharingan was locked onto the newcomer and chakra remained at a constant movement and pressure ready for the slightest sign of attack. He hadn't survived to make it to a jounin without taking a lot of lives, one more wouldn't hurt then again the shinobi could come down and socialize the ball was in his court after all. Then again if the Sennin had other idea's Akkuma would see how he felt about them he didn't like trying to think to far ahead he preferred not to have to rely on plans. His smoke lay on the ground at his feet due to dropping it when he'd seen the shadow appear above from the rooftop. 'What a drag and I was so looking forward to that nicotine hit...' he thought with a small sigh smelling the tobacco in the air, his annoyance with the newcomer rising just slightly.
The man on the wall didn't receive a surprised glance. Kushin had noticed him as he'd come closer. That he was moving the way he was told him he was still only an ANBU trainee, not truely master of their showed art form. It was still the drunk who kept his sight for the most part. It seemed that threats and boasts were about to be hurled in both directions. No excuse for drinking, pish posh. There was always an excuse to drink. That this man was a drunken style fighter remained to be proven, but if it was true then that would be interesting to watch at any rate. He certainly believed he was.

Kushin held his voice and continued to listen. An offer was now posed to the man standing on the side of a building, he finally looked in the mans direction, though he didn't move his head to do so. Just enough to be able to see what the others reaction would be to the offer. Akkuma was an interesting fellow to say the least. There was a subtle pride in his family name, almost a threat hidden behind the word, as though it should inform them of something.

All posturing aside, I'm hungry. If you two want to join me then by all means come with. If you'd like to kill each other in this alleyway I'll pretend I never saw you. There were no others nearby after all, he should be safe and neither of these two had followed him from where he'd been, else someone would have said something by now, blood would have flown.

Pushing himself off of the wall he slowly continued his walk down the alley towards the ramen shop. The idea of guts being spilt across the alleyway floor had made his stomach growl.
While it was a fact that Kosei was an ANBU in training, it had nothing to do with his steath. He wasn't on duty, nor was he actually trying to be stealthy, for the most part. He just hated it when people started getting headaches from being around him, or something like that, so he tried to minimize the pressure he gave off. While the drunk guy addressed him, he cracked his neck and knuckles, waiting for him to finish. "Ichita Kosei." he replied consicely. The other, more sober man spoke up, throwing around a joke about killing each other and being hungry. "Heh. I'm busy right now, no thanks." And then, after such a short meeting, after deciding that he didn't want to get involved in whatever was going on, he disappeared from the two of them, jumping back on to the adjacent roof. They would probably hear the tak tak taks of his feet making contact with the roof's smooth surface as he continued his route back to his house.

Akkuma watched the man intently as he stated his name promptly after the Uchiha had made his request 'Ichita Kosei I'll remember that name.' he thought to himself as the shinobi declined the request and departed. The blue haired drunken master de-activated his sharingan his posture slackening as he began walking with the Sennin. "So what kind of restaurant or club are we going to Kushin-sama?" he asked in his velvety smooth voice, the drunken slur coming back noticeable now. Was it an act, no he was just a true shinobi when he was drunk his mind and senses alert. Sure they wandered but nonetheless they were alert he'd spent enough time intoxicated to master the art it all came naturally to the Uchiha.

Reaching into up his left sleeve retrieved a travellers jug of sake and shook it, the alcoholic liquid inside swished abuot he guessed it was half full. A boyish grin formed on his face turning into a goofy grin before the realization of his needing to refill his supplies sunk in. He quickened his pace towards the Sennin "Will there be sake?" he asked with an almost worried tone to his voice, how he hoped that there would be. But then again what decent establishment didn't have sake, or at least that's what he would keep telling himself.

Akkuma hoped the club wasn't to far how he did want to have a meal, the food would do him some good accompanied with some sake of course. The Uchiha sharingan wielder took a swig of his sake giving a smile of satisfaction as the liquid warmed his throat. "A gift from Raiden himself.." he said with a small chuckle he meant it in his eyes alcohol was an amazing substance. If he could deal with the resulting hangover he'd be drunk as often as he could, not that he didn't already but he'd do so consistently everyday.
The newcomer gave his name and chose not to join Kushin for a meal, not that it bothered him, he'd have been happy for them to have attacked him for some made up slight. Instead he'd gained one drunk shinobi tag-a-long. Ah well, he'd be fine, this Uchiha seemed harmless, and besides, maybe something of interest would occur.

Just around the corner was a ramen store, they did okay food, but it was close by which was the important thing right now. Akkuma posed a question which had Kushin look around at him with a bemused look Doesn't everywhere?

He turned and entered the store. Brushing the curtain aside he ducked into the store and nodded at the woman behind the counter. He'd be followed in shortly by Akkuma he assumed. A table for two, bring a jug of hot Sake. he hesitated for a moment and looked at the guy following him again Make it two.

Moving through to a side table next to a window he took one of the two seats. The woman moved to place the sake jugs into a pot of heated water, they'd be ready shortly. So then Akkuma. Tell me of your dreams. What do you want to do with your life? The question was asked so casually, his eyes never looked up into the other mans, instead he seemed to be focusing his attention on the different types of Ramen that he could have.
Akkuma smiled when the sennin responded by asking didn't everywhere "Just double checking.." he said with a drunken smile. Following the sennin into the ramen store as the sennin made their order he chuckled devilishly saying "I like the way you think Kushin-sama!" his tone was velvety and smooth his words sounding as if they were on the verge of being slurred. The blue haired Uchiha sat down opposite the sennin and took another swig of his sake giving it a swirl afterwards to estimate how much as left. 'Only a few more sips left at least there will be some more warm sake..' he thought to himself, he couldn't think of many better ways of starting his night before his shift.

However that changed when the sennin asked him what his dreams were and what he wanted to do with his life 'Shouting foolish dreams of senninship and kageship are one thing but to divulge your true dreams and ones aspirations is a foolish action.' he thought to himself taking another swig of his sake before sighing. Who knew it paid of sometimes to be a fool perhaps this was one of those times? "Well at the moment the there are two things which require my entire focus at the moment one being the protection and building of my clan, not referring to the Uchiha. Once I do that it will change to pushing the boundaries of my kekkei genkei to the limits most know not of. The second thing that currently has my attention I'm not at liberty to discuss but I trust someone such as yourself to say that much." he said in that smooth velvety voice of his. Akkuma wondered what the sennin would take of this, the Uchiha had no doubt he knew of the Jinkotsu Clans complex being built. Nor any doubt that he would know of the final stage of the Sharingan and its true power, plus he believed him to be an intelligent enough man to realize Akkuma meant the Anbu. Although his first goal and the one it would change into could both be short term goals, did he truly intend to have no further aspiration than the corps? Of course he did but he wasn't too sure if he could trust the sennin enough yet after all he could be a very influential person in the village.

'If he knew of my goals he could hasten their pace or ensure they never happen...I'll need to judge him a bit better first see just how much he is willing to divulge.' he thought to himself his eyes looking at the sennin as he smiled "So reckon this sake will be ready soon enough?" he asked with a friendly and drunken grin before taking the final gulp of his sake. Akkuma knew already what he would have 'BBQ Pork with some satay chicken Ramen with added egg and mild..oh yeah plus saaaaakkkkeeee!' he thought to himself with a big grin at the thought.
Ah excellant. As I had anticipated, he wants to push the boundaries of power. Kushin thought as Akkuma spoke. He was wanting to strengthen a clan, create one from scratch. That would take time and money and would require members. By time Kushin knew that to become truely respected in Cloud at a clan level would take decades, and that in all likelihood Akkuma wouldn't see this come to fruition in his lifetime. However that wasn't to say that he wouldn't be able to put it on the path, hundreds of years ago the Jaeda clan moved to Cloud and created its own foundations. Now it too was a clan well recognised and with power, having had a couple of its heads accepted to the Council at different times. The most recent being the current head Yomoko.

It was the second thing that piqued Kushin's interest the most though. The eternal mangekyou was something he'd yet to see though in theory he knew how it could be acheived. The medical vault which was his input into the medical sector was filling with bloodline secrets. By secrets of course he meant organs. They were there to allow Cloud shinobi to undergo surgery and further themselves. Of course to apply for the parts needed was a process which was required, and only shinobi who had proven their loyalty to Cloud over years of service would be allowed. Yet it being in its infancy meant that there were holes which could be breached.

Kushin didn't smile at any stage however, simply stared intently, taking in Akkuma's goals and then sitting back in his chair easing to a slightly more relaxed state, though only slightly, when he mentioned the sake. Kushin's body language always seemed stiff, ridged, but the way he spoke almost counter to it, relaxed, half-amused constantly.

I do hope s... he began as the woman brought the two jugs and placed them down on the table with two cups, one each. Steam streamed through the nossel and the scent of the spiced rice wine filled the area. Kushin wasn't really much of a drinker, but he could appreciate the flavour. He just didn't like the idea of the loss of control it forced on its consumer, and so he'd be sure to cleanse his system regularly. He nodded to the waitress and ordered I will have a combination imperial ramen, large please, and hot. he then listened as Akkuma ordered his.

As the waitress left once more he figured it was time for him to 'open up', as he'd asked Akkuma to, it seemed the right thing to do Well, your goals sound quite interesing. I wonder if I'll be the one to give you the implants you need to acquire the ultimate stage of your sharingan. I recently married into a wealthy water country family, they wanted me for my connections to Cloud and Lightning Country, aided by the fact that I'm a prominent member of the Chigokai clan, and I wanted them for nothing less than their money. My wife and I don't love each other, we make no pretences of doing so, however we do have a child on the way as is required in these situations. My goals I suppose is to raise the child well, and to put strength into the medical branch. We have always been known for our research through the actions of Karubin, Kogan and Hinote, however we've lacked a certain edge. My goal is to give us that edge.

While he spoke he had poured himself a cup of sake, then held it while speaking. Once finished he sipped it and enjoyed the warmth it brought. The sound of their ramen being cooked and the smells that it brought overwhelmed all other scents in the small ramen shop, causing Kushin's stomach to growl.
Akkuma smiled widely as the waitress arrived with two jugs and two cups, whilst his companion filled his cup the Uchiha filled his travellers jug. Placing the empty jug back onto the table once his own had been restored he sniffed the steam coming out of the top of the jug gave it an approving nod and took a large gulp. It seemed Kushin was done ordering "I'll have a imperial ramen, bbq pork with added egg and bacon ramen, two beef dumplings. Oh and I don't suppose you do Takoyaki? If you do I'll have a serving of that with a side bowl of soy sauce for them." he said with a large grin, his voice smooth and velvety not wondering if there was more needed. He took another gulp of warm wonderful sake before looking back to his newly found friend, he listened as Kushin told him of his situation family, marital reasons and how he had only married into them for their wealth.

"If you ask me your giving them the far better option your trading money for such a wide variety of connections if you were to ask me and I know your not but it would seem you got shafted my friend." he said with a drunken devilish chuckle he spoke what he thought was the truth Akkuma knew only too well how helpful connections in Kumogakure and not to mention a reputed Clan could be. "Not to mention the obvious benefits of your position in the Medical branch...its quite valuable particularly to someone like me. However I'm sure your family in law is more focused on the sway you have within the village." he said in that drunken smooth and charming voice his words occasionally possessing the slightest hint of beginning to slur. The red eyed Uchihas face got slightly redder as he took another big gulp of the warm sake.

"My actions will change the course of history and never be forgotten." Akkuma said quietly in a low toned happy drunk voice, a brief pause between every few words once he finished talking he took another gulp of warm sake "So Kushin why would you sell yourself for money? Thats just wrong.." he said with devilishly mischievous chuckle typical drunken banter you couldn't expect much but random verbal vomit along with the occasional verbal and intelligent statement. This was more boisterous joking around between two drinking buddies and besides he didn't think Kushin would bear a grudge over that after all he could just simply tell him it was none of his business. Not that Akkuma wouldn't mind knowing the reasoning why Kushin aspired wealth perhaps he could even find out the mans purpose he reasoning for living. Along with his nindo that was something Akkuma loved knowing about someone you could tell a lot about someone and their nindo and whether they uphold it.

OOC: Soooo sorry about the post delay had hardcore writers block its been horrible all good now.
An interesting perspective on his situation. He got shafted? No, when one opens up connections they do go both ways. They married into Cloud, into Lightning Country, but by doing so they opened Mist and Water country to him as well, and payed him for it. Then again whatever insight the Uchiha might have had was probably gone with the liquor. To read further, to recognise both sides of what happened, when a door is opened it can be entered from either direction. Kushin was not a fool to only assume that because they payed for a key that they were the only ones who could access it. They had payed him for that key, that meant he had the original. That meant he had the power.

The Uchiha believed his actions would be remembered. So many had said words like that back at the academy, half of them were dead now, their chances not helped because he'd been their physician and they'd pissed him off as a child. Yet his belief went further than that, and this man hadn't pissed him off, at least not yet. Though his continuing lack of foresight did make him seem a little silly, perhaps more useable than Kushin had originally thought. I guess I didn't value my life or my villages access high enough. He said. Sometimes details, arguing facts and pointing out plans weren't a good thing. He was a bad guy, but he wasn't this mans arch nemesis or anything. He didn't have the other tied up above a pool of water filled with sharks which would slowly lower him in after which he'd simply walk away and make the assumption that the man wouldn't escape. He wasn't that type of bad guy.

So in the end nothing had been given away.

So tell me. How do you intend on changing the course of history if you don't know what course history is going to take? he asked as the food arrived, breaking the chopsticks and then began eating the food. It was okay, he was hungry so it probably tasted better than it would have otherwise. In the end it was the closest place to get food, and that was all that mattered.
Akkuma smiled "In my opinion you didn't but that matters little after all I'm just a drunken bastard.." he said with that devilish grin and an incredibly charming voice. Taking yet another large gulp of sake Akkuma sighed in momentary sadness he could already feel the lightness of his sake bottle what an incredible shame it was. When Kushin asked the blue haired Uchiha how he knew he would change the course of history when its course was unpredictable in the first place. "Because my actions will have cause events to happen that will have repercussions on generations. Simply to put it war, not a normal war. An unheard of war a war to make hell itself tremble, to destroy all enemies and threats to Kumogakure. Making a profit on the side wouldn't hurt..." he said almost nonchalantly as if he weren't saying these things to the Medical Sennin. Not that war against Kumo's enemies was a bad thing but to openly boast about ones aspirations in the matter. Well it was a shinobi's life after all maybe Kushin-sama would understand his points of view maybe he wouldn't.

The blue haired seventeen year old broke apart his chopsticks and began devouring the small feast he had ordered, stopping after finishing two plates of his feast before saying "But thats just one of many steps in the scheme of things and in the end I really despise plans because they leave so much room for unpredictable ratios. So its rather contradictory of me to have this plan for war so maybe I don't and purpose I don't trust you enough to tell you the truth, would you say thats a fair call?" his tone was devilish and cheeky yet all signs of intoxication seemed gone from his face, he wasn't lying of course he wasn't planning war at least he had no intentions to yet. 'But like I'm really going to say I want to build one of the greatest shinobi syndicates the world has known...pffft yeah right.' he thought to himself with a small chuckle. "Seriously though if I live long enough and if you do you might be one of the ones who see my rise or fall whichever will be determined." he said with that charming tone the signs of intoxications obviously back, with the blushed cheeks and half focused look. Perhaps the grog had finally gotten to him well it couldn't really be helped after all he was just a shinobi and he'd probably consumed enough alcohol to kill an elephant.

A confused look came to Akkuma's face and there were to things that came to his mind, the first being was he being interrogated by the Sennin. The second being why were there now three Kushins in front of him, the first was a worry but would be dealt with after the multiple Sennin issue. "Why are there three of you?" his speech had slowed and his letters slurred slightly. Red eyes tried to focus on the Sennin before him as he blindly stabbed at a dumpling successfully stabbing it, lifting it to his mouth as he began eating. A suspiciously watchful eye on the Medical sennin before him, then again maybe he was overreacting after all it wasn't as if the Sennin had been asking things specifically. It was just a simple curiosity possibly the sennin wondered what course of history Akkuma thought history was on, anyway no matter the case the Jounin didn't like doing this much thinking.​
The thought that the young shinobi before him had aspirations of waging war on Cloud's enemies made him almost chuckle. Cloud at this stage almost didn't truely have any enemies. There were the other shinobi villages of course, but they weren't concidered enemies, they were more thought of as competition. Even the newly formed Mist village was little more than a conglomeration of clans which used to work individually in their country. He was married into one of those clans.

Slowly eating his bowl of ramen it seemed as though Akkuma was going to put his hunger to shame. Kushin was barely through half a bowl when the other was finishing his second, and Kushin was already feeling full. After which he continued on his talk, now saying how he didn't have any real plans because, as a great man once said, the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. That and he didn't trust Kushin enough. To which Kushin shrugged in a way which both acknowledged that reason and doubted it all in the same motion. If he couldn't trust him with the detailed information, why could he trust him with any at all?

I guess I'll just have to pay attention to your progress then. he said, before placing another piece of pork in his mouth and began chewing it, enjoying the flavours.

Before he'd had time to swallow it Akkuma looked at him funny, his eyes glazing over, looking not at Kushin, but through him, sort of. His voice slowed and slurred, his usual charmed speach patterns lost, Kushin frowned and sipped his sake as he watched, curiously. Kage bunshin? he answered, hoping that despite his flat tone and lack of ability to tell a joke that the other in his drunkeness might manage to find humour in it anyway. Kushin had never had very good people skills, this was one of the longest times anyone had chosen to spend in his company, others had to be blackmailed or called in to meetings to do so.

You know that I could make those eyes permanent. he said, his eyes going to his bowl, his hand lifting it to his lips as he drank some of the broth. Placing it back down again, he looked to the young Uchiha You need great power to acheive your goals, you know this. Yet I could grant you what you need without you having to worry about filling in forms. With one hand I can give, and with the other I can take it away. Just as with my marriage, I could choose to give you access to these abilities, but I could also choose to deny that access.

He looked at the Uchiha and raised the sake, watching the others reaction.
OOC: So sorry been recovering from my twentieth O-O;
Akkuma smiled giving Kushin a smile accompanied with a wink as he said he would just have to watch his progress 'Ahh least I'll have someone keeping an eye on me then..' he thought with a slight chuckle. Within moments almost the entirety of the Uchiha's order was devoured in a speed that was abnormally fast for such a large consumption of food. Yet he had been skilled with his chopsticks not dropping anything and drinking from his bowl if he suspected the risk was there. Luckily he had swallowed his mouthful of fried rice when the medical sennin replied to his question about his multiples by saying kage bunshin in what Akkuma thought to be a confused way laughed drunkenly before saying "Judging by your expression I would say its my intoxicated state.." he said with a drunken smile his pronunciation of words slightly slured his gaze trying to focus on the Sennin before him.
There it was one of the things he desired most waved before him nonchalantly by Kushin, the blue haired Uchiha had a drink of his sake as the Medical Sennin continued to say that he could ensure Akkuma wouldn't need to fill in any forms. A thoughtful sigh came from Akkuma as he tilted his head as if thinking heavily on the words and about the man speaking them. "I wonder what was running through your mind as you spoke those words what thoughts made you come to the conclusion of saying such things..." he said with a small drunken smile his voice still possessing some of its charm. The blue haired Anbu in training whipped his head around to the direction of the waitress before whistling and saying "One bottle of moonshine.." he called out to her, his red eyes looked intensly at the sennin contemplating his thoughts. 'There has to be something he wants but what would he want from me?' he wondered to himself, once the waitress came over with a bottle of moonshine Akkuma gave her the necessary amount of money plus a decent tip.

Uncorking the bottle he took three large gulps, with each gulp the reddened tone on Akkumas face took a darker shade to its appearance. He placed the bottle down on the table rather heavily and there was no doubt heavy signs of intoxication he swayed where he sat. However on his face was an intense and serious expression made almost comical due to the bright red hue to his cheeks from the moonshine. "Hypothetically speaking what would you want in return for doing such a thing?" he said in a tone that was devilish and drunken. 'What an extraordinary night the events that have unfolded so far weren't what I expected, not to mention the Sennin has proven to be quite interesting.' he thought to himself. Why had Kushin gone and put him into this train of thought now he had to attempt to put himself into his negotiative mindset not to mention remember this conversation. However this wasn't a conversation he could just afford to move from until he'd gleamed what information he could.
Kushin had finished his meal, he'd enjoyed his food and sipped on his sake. It was enjoyable and gave a warmth which Kumogakure drained, it was probably why the bars did so well here. Akkuma however was eating and drinking a rediculous amount. It seemed to Kushin that eventually he was going to simply explode, likely vomiting up everything he'd just gormandised. He ordered another bottle of sake and finishing his cup Kushin pushed it away, signalling he was done.

Watching the man gulp back more sake directly from the bottle Kushin figured he'd make his exit before the bill became too much and his wife began asking questions. Yet before he could do so Akkuma asked a 'hypothetical' question to do with the eyes. Kushin nodded to Akkuma and then stood placing on his jacket as he made ready to leave.

Someone who was intending on changing things would likely need allies. I wouldn't ask much, but I'm sure you appreciate your friends and would make sure that those who helped you would receive help when they needed it as well. He nodded and then looked to the counter.

I had best return home. Perhaps we will meet again under hyperthetical circumstances. He headed to the counter and paid the full bill. Take care. He said as he parted.

[Topic Left, sorry for delay, enthusiasm taking a hit lately lol]
Akkuma sat there gorging himself as Kushin stood placing on his jacket and answered Akkumas question before nodding and preparing to head off giving one last farewell. But not before fixing up the bill which the red eyed Uchiha wasn't going to complain about "Hopefully next time won't be hypothetically and instead maybe as friends, stay safe!" he cried out drunkenly after the medical sennin with a huge goofy grin on his face. Once he'd finished his feast and the majority of the sake within the establishment he made his way off to begin his patrols of the gate. 'It will be interesting to see what kind of bond is formed between us..' he thought to himself as he stumbled out of the building.

All he knew was that no matter what he'd be making sure he remembered the events that had unfolded here tonight, not too mention doing some serious thinking in regards to what the sennin had said. Walking around a corner he summoned his garbs along with his mask, sealing his other garments into his scrolls. Afterwards he took of into the night in a blur heading straight towards the Dragon Tooth Pass 'I wonder if tonight could get any more interesting?' he thought to himself with a slight chuckle shorly tonight would prove to be the most fun he'd had in a good while. Well perhaps aside from a few events like the first night of the Jinkotsu Clan living in their newly completed complex.

OOC: No problem look forward to roleplaying again !
Edited for Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Time:
