Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search Training at the top of the world

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would find herself at the Spine of the World alone. She has kept more or less a strict training regimen for herself to keep her body in peak condition. And today she has decided to really test her body by training here. Being so high up means that the air is thinner here, effectively making it harder to breathe. When it is harder to breathe, it is harder to complete even the simplest of tasks. Izanami had made up her mind that this will be a full week long regimen. One to really test her body along with her willpower.

This is day one as she spent most of the day climbing up the mountain, even though she started an hour before the sun has even risen. She would make camp once she made it nearly to the top. A fire place, a tent, and of course warm clothes to help see her through this extreme week that she has set for herself. Even with all of this, she has an extra hurdle to go over with her having three metallic limbs, which makes her body colder due to this. Just the act alone of making camp had tired her out due to the thin air up here. But she reminded herself that the hardest part was done and over with. Her stomach growled. Well... almost.

The young Genin would have her mind slightly revert back to the days in which she was part of the Revolution. They had taught her that sometimes, out in the field, one would have to rely on what the earth provides as food and water. To hunt and gather and most importantly, to track. She picked up her gun glaive and went to work. She was easy to find some edible frost berries that can be found periodically on the mountains of the Spine of the World. But to really be able to sustain herself, she'll need some meat. Quietly moving around, she finally found her supper for the night. A white hare, beautiful as it looks. Izanami knows that tonight is the most crucial night for her for how healthy she is might affect her training in the coming days. She steadily aimed her gun glaive and waited until the hare was most at ease. And... The shot rang out throughout the entire mountain range.

Izanami would run and claim her prize before any curious omnivores or carnivores try to take her food. Getting back to her camp she had done what she was taught and prepped the food over the fire after some tireless work. Once the hare was properly prepped, Izanami would grab a couple handfuls of snow from the mountain itself and throw it into the pot to melt down and boil. One can never be too cautious about consuming snow, so Izanami made a great deal to boil out any bacteria that might have been housed inside the snow. A while later she ate her supper and drank her water as she seen the sun start to set. She opted to keep the fire going as she readied herself for bed in her tent. Snuggled up inside her tent and in a well-made sleeping bag, Izanami was able to get through the first night just fine.

Day two comes around as the young Genin would hear rustling outside her tent. Peeking out, she was surprised to be face to face with a deer. The animal itself sniffed at her and then trotted off away from her until it was out of sight. Izanami had thought about killing it for food, but then decided against it since that would be too much preparing for it and too messy. So instead, Izanami would gather some more frost berries and eat them before going into a daily stretch that she usually does every day at the beginning of the day. Even before she lost her limbs, the girl saw stretches as an important part of the day as it loosens up the muscles. Once she was all limbered up, she went and practiced with all of her weapons thirty minutes each. It was safe to say that by the time the first part of her training was complete, she was sweating and out of breath despite it being cold up here. She would drink the rest of her water that she had leftover before prepping more snow to be melting and then boiled for future consumption.

Part two of her day two training was to focus more on her chakra than her fighting skills. Honing her chakra to use ninjutsu rather than focus solely on taijutsu. It is crazy to think about. Before the incident, she was barely able to do anything outside of taijutsu based chakra techniques. Now, with these artificial limbs and with them artificial chakra that helps her hone chakra better, she has been able to pull of ninjutsus with more ease than ever before. She would keep this up until she was spent of her chakra. Such a thing can be dangerous if done carelessly, but Izanami is set on bettering herself. Later that night she would go out and hunt and gather as she did the previous night.

Day three comes around and Izanami decided to treat this as a rest day. Only doing things such as hunt and gather, only getting a slightly larger amount of food this time to get her ready for the next four days. Day four comes and she starts her usual daily ritual of stretching and gather frost berries to eat before getting back into training with all of her weapons and then focusing on her chakra training right afterwards. And maybe, it might just be her imagination, but she seems to be able to train for longer times without exerting too much energy as before. She is starting to think to herself that this must be exactly what she needed. A real test of her body. It seemed that nearly everything, excluding her rehabilitation period was nothing compared to this. So she kept at it, not even realizing that the day has already ended before it was too late. Izanami would curse at herself for taking her training too seriously and basically skipping her supper for the night. Going to bed hungry made her promise to herself to not do such an idiotic thing like that ever again.

Day five. Yeah, she feels miserable. Should have hunted instead of training all through the night. She admits that she was stupid for doing that. But the past is in the past. She grabbed her weapon and decided to do double on hunting and gathering today to make up for energy lost the day prior. This time, she had a big haul, a couple of squirrels along with the usual handful of frost berries. After her breakfast, she would train as usual, this time though, keeping an eye on the time as it passes by. Eventually, it hits nightfall and Izanami would eat what she didn't for breakfast as supper. It has been pretty boring up here, nobody to talk to, only training and hunting. But much needed. Whilst she was never a people person, she does have a feeling that some of the people at Cloud have rubbed off on her, getting through her cold exteriors. People, who, despite not knowing a single thing about her, try and get close to her. First, Shun Sora, then Hyuuga Tsunade, and lastly, Shinrya Kitsune, the Raikage herself. The girl shook her head. If her past self had seen her, she wondered how that interaction would go.

And despite her personal feelings towards Cloud ninja, she was being treated by the raikage herself and given a second chance at life because of her. Leaning back on a log that she had set up near her camp, she pondered on her life choices before she retired to the tent for the night. Day six. Keeping to her schedule strictly as she did the day before helped her focus on getting stronger than she has been before. Training with each of her weapons for an hour each this time and then moving on to chakra training. Finally she would hunt and gather, like what she has been doing and had supper and then went to sleep.

Day seven. The only day that will be different from the others. Well later it will be. But for now, she stretched her body, gathered some frost berries and then only did some light training. Once done, she would drink some water before cleaning up the area, erasing any evidence that there was a camp here with the exception of the fire. Overall, Izanami was rather pleased with herself that she was able to accomplish this. It was such a daunting task at the beginning of the week for the main reason that she merely didn't know if she would be able to handle the thin air up here. But after a whole week now, she feels as if she can breathe just fine. Almost like she is breathing back down in the Village. Not only that, but her weapons skills and chakra usage must have gone up through the roof with the amount of training that she had put in. Izanami was also glad that she learned how to hunt and gather. Such a thing was the turning point in terms of how this week long training would have gone. As she descended the mountain, she feels like she can breathe even easier than ever before and then she would feel both light and strong as she shouldered her camp supplies.

In no time, she makes it to the bottom of the mountain and then start her trek back to the Village. As she walked back, she wondered what kind of challenges await her that could top her week atop a mountain? There's probably a ton of things such as fighting a stronger, more trained person than herself. But aside from that, Izanami was happy with what she has been able to accomplish. Heck, she probably even will splurge when she gets back and get some steak and sleep in for the next few days. But before that were to happen, Izanami would see movement. Her senses went on high alert. This could be food, or something thinking her as food. Or worse, someone that wants to cause harm. She seen the movement make its way to a cave. Izanami would ready herself, pulling out her gun glaive and entered into the cave cautiously.

(Just doing a normal search)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
