Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Twisted Colors [RP]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 22, 2012
It wasn't often that days as nice as this one made their presence in Kumogakure. The sun was bright and shining, and the cold mountain wind had even decided to give us a break. But I mean, who really knows how long it was going to be until some Santaru got angry and a thunderstorm would appear out of thin air. So like any sane individual, I was going to enjoy this day! I grabbed an empty pack and slung it around my shoulder before reaching into a small chest for a stash of money I was keeping for impulse spending. There was no better day to go to the market and buy whatever the hell I wanted! So this is what I would be doing! As I stepped out of the Ishikawa estate, I literally held a hand over my eyes so that I could get used to the brightness of the sun. You see, because we are so high up in the mountains, and the plain fact that we hardly ever see the sun anyways, I wasn't accustomed to such brilliance shining down at me. But! I quickly got over the strange warmth bestowed upon my epidermis and set out towards the Seki markets.

The transition into the markets is a rather jolting one if you aren't used to it. While the ambiance of people trading and bartering meets your ears from a few blocks away, the actually markets aren't seen until the very last second. When you turn the corner it's like a surprising pop up in a children's book. Subtle smells of food being cooked mixed in with the loud congregation of voices here and there. "Live chickens! Live chickens here! Buy two get the third half off!" One man calls to my right. I could help but smile when I imagined the look on Kioku's face if I were to bring home a troupe of chickens. "Oranges, Lemons, and Limes! All your citrus needs!" a woman called to my left. Ew, citrus. Why on earth would someone subject themselves to that sourness, I wouldn't know. I wasn't sure what I would be buying, but when I found it, I would know.

Thirty minutes in, I still hadn't found anything, and was honestly considering buying a chicken but to make sure this trip wasn't a waste of time. The market had everything someone would need, but for some reason, I just didn't need anything at the moment. I would see things and try to convince myself of it, but ultimately just refuse, my logic getting the better of me. I looked for a bench and quickly sat when I found one, letting out an intense sigh. Looking all around me, I secretly was straining to find something interesting to go and check out. A couple stalls into my search, I noticed something. There was once stall which had no one at it. Not a single person; which was strange to me. So I watched it for another five minutes. Some people to glances toward the wares but just seemed to move it. I shrugged and stood up, then proceeded to make my way over there with a purpose.

When I arrived, there was a rather dirty looking man selling what seemed to be cheap looking trinkets. Costume jewelry, bits and bobs. Just a manner of stuff that I assumed the made himself. No wonder nobody had stopped to look. But I seemed to be taking more of an interest, so he perked up. "You boy, I have just the thing for you." he said in a scrawny old voice. Digging out something from his pocket, he pulls out an item wrapped in some kind of burlap. Of course, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to find out what it was. As he slowly unwrapped it, the first thing I noticed was the emerald like gem in the center, then the metallic casing it was held in. There seemed to be some kind of writing on it. And, on the face of the gem, I could have sworn is was some kind of seal. Not so much a chakra seal, but one of some kind of pagan worship. "This here is good luck charm, and in my old age I don't need it anymore. I'll sell it to ya for ten thousand yen."

I actually choked a little at the price. "It can't be worth that!" I jousted. He shook his head quickly and assured me it was. "This here is a true emerald, not some fake one like the rest. I just need you to buy it so I can close up shop and live out the rest of my old measly life." he concluded. Well, now I felt bad for him. His appeal to pity worked wonders on me. And despite the steep price, I was still curious about the markings over the pendant sized piece. If they turned out to be nothing, I could just add it to the Ishikawa treasury. "All right all right..." I groaned and pulled out nearly all the money I had and forked it over to him. The joy on his face was nearly worth it too...

With the charm in hand I returned to my bench to admire it for a while, trying to figure out what it all meant. Maybe it really was lucky!
The light filtered through her almond eyes. They burned from the work her pupils put out in order to constrict. As the black dots in the center of her shining dark orbs grew smaller, the sea of warm brown expanded. A tiny muscle in her eye tightened to shut the bright sunlight out as she remembered the very name of the muscle. Reflexively, she recounted the process of the microscopic world within her eyes. The thought process was a secondary thought as she let her mind wander on other things that were even more less important than accommodation reflexes of the eye. Haruka thought of the patients she had seen in the morning. The odd habits of her clients were endless. Just when she thought she had seen it all, some loon injured himself to prove her wrong. And although she had always smiled and treated them with nothing but politeness, Haruka silently groaned and internally screamed at the annoyances of most of the people who passed thorough the hospital. It wasn't to say she had a cold heart. No, in fact, she had warm heart to help those who needed it. Especially the men and women who sacrificed and hurt themselves to see this village survive. But, the people she saw in her wing were mostly the ungrateful and weak. The ones who thought they were dying from a severe headache when the man in the southern wing was quietly wasting away from his inoperable brain tumor. She supposed that was why she was so hard to the general population, because she had seen the worst and the weak of the lot.

It was nice to get away from that sometimes. She hoped a trip to the market would help her forget, but Haruka's mind always lingered on work. How could it not? Her family centered on the hospital. Her life dedicated to the medical field. She couldn't go anywhere without a former patient recognizing her or have a single conversation with mentioning a term deemed medical. Haruka didn't mind it though. She loved it. The life she lead was the only one that could ever make her happy. The annoyance of dealing with people was just one thing in her day that was easily overlooked. Unfortunately, someone today had pointed out to Haruka that maybe she needed to get out and enjoy something other than the sanitary halls of the hospital. It was a kind nurse who worked under her in the wing. She was old and becoming more frail these days. Of course, the Jounin doctor obliged the woman. She imagined that the nurse looked at Haruka, full of youth and beauty, and wanted more than anything for her not to waste it. So, on the wishes of a respected elder, Haruka left work early to enjoy the sun and buy herself a few things.

The market bumbled with it's usual hustle. All the calls of deals and haggling was wasted on Haruka. She shut out the rising noise the closer she came. With all the people, she got quick glances as she passed by. Not many looked up from their work, but when they did they were dazzled for only an instant. She was so graceful with her head held high and her feet implanting themselves on the ground softly as she strolled with the carefulness of a hunter who had found it's prey. They were probably more interested in her garb. People calculated the total alone on her hair ornaments would cost more than they could ever make in a year's pay. The pins holding up her ravenous hair were craft with deep sapphires and precious metals. The jems glinting down her dress burned with brilliance as it caught in the sun's rays. She had an eye for jewelry, as any woman would. At work she'd dress in the dull uniform of the Cloud medic ninja. The only thing she added to the outfit to give it her personality was the elaborate arrangement of hair ornaments and style. Public was were she strutted herself.

She carried on, past the stalls, thinking of a soft tune in her head. Her almond eyes carried over to a set up on hair ornaments. Silently she stopped and checked over the wares, ignoring the greedy merchant who tried to tempt his wealthy customer into buying his cheap goods. She smiled politely at him and bowed, thanking him for his time. As she walked away, she rolled her eyes with disgust. It was a crime to force people to pay that much for something so unworthy. She was unsure of how much time she had spent looking through shops when finally she began to cross by a boy with a treasure who rested on a bench. The gleam of the emerald caught her attention quickly. From the shine she knew it was real. The engraving was extraordinary and a puzzle to the woman. The doctor approached, wanting to take a closer look. "Excuse me." Her soft voice called gently. "Where did you buy that from? I've never seen anything like it." She tilted her head with a smile, the ornaments in her hair jingled cheerfully. "Every other stall I've come across is...lacking, to put politely."
Maybe it really was lucky...

From behind me, a woman's words were a pleasant tune in the marketplace. Instead of the harsh words, and borderline shouts of those around me, I now was graced with symphonic sounds of nobility. Don't be mistaken, however. These were not pompous tones that one often heard when speaking to someone with wealth; they were not arrogant. No, these were kind and curious, almost cute even. But when I turned around, I almost couldn't believe they came from someone so... mature. I had half expected them to be of a much younger girl; or, perhaps she appeared to be older than she was. Nevertheless, I would heed my mothers words and not ask her age. A gentlemen surely would never do such a thing.

It seemed she was admiring my new acquisition and wished to know what I had obtained it. It was the tilt of her head that drew my eyes to the intricacies of her hair. "Man...I wonder how much time she put into that..." I questioned before looking back at her eyes, taking note of the other pieces she had on display. At first I couldn't help but assumed a very simple notion. She liked shiny things, and that was why she was interested in my new luck charm. I gave a kind smile and held it out for her to look; perhaps even take and examine if she wished it. "I got it from that guy over--" I said, but stopped as I looked for him. He had packed up and left in such a short time! "Well, one of the vendors here sold it to me for quite a bit. Said it was a good luck charm." I revealed with a smirk. The guy was gone just as quickly as I noticed him, it was strange.

"Well, yes, I couldn't agree more. If it weren't for that little charm, I would've bought a chicken just to make this trip worth while. I couldn't find anything either."
Sometimes things happened for a reason. Haruka was no stranger to fate, and she certainly believed in the whimsical purpose of it. People were affected deeply by the movements of the universe. Although, she believed the choice in the end was decided by that soul alone. The universe moved to guide every soul to their choices. The option was left to be taken by what was given and what would be fought for. Her father hadn't believed in such a thing, no it was her mother's family that carried this spiritual belief. The icy dynasty of the Haku that stood in Cloud for many years. She felt the cold sting of their blood in her as just as strongly as the Shima clan. Her father's clan had picked her mother as a bride for him because of her strong sense of duty, otherworldly grace, and immovable spirituality in the world not seen. So, Haruka did her best to reflect these qualities too.

Perhaps this boy had landed on fate, finding the precious jewel with a mysterious past. He had picked to take this artifact for himself and carry whatever gift or curse it would bring him. Her dusty eyes followed his eyes to see just where he pointed. There was no one there. Vanished as quickly as Zaku's rash decision to buy the trinket. Ever so mysterious. She was beginning to think there was something more to the man that had sold it to the young boy. He had spent a bit of money on this good luck charm, she hoped maybe it would carry out it's duty for him. She stood silent, examining it more. The strange engravings were what interested her the most. Maybe if she could memorize the writing, she'd be able to research what it meant.

He said something else, an agreement in how useless the market had been for the both of them. She noted that he obviously liked to spend his money away on futile things. First the good luck charm and now he revealed he had contemplated buy a chicken. He certainly didn't seem like he belonged to a farming family. It was then that she had realized a grave point she had made in their introductions. "Where are my manners? I am Shima Haruka." She bowed to him, ornaments in her hair glittering and chiming with a soft melody. "And, I think you might have found yourself a genuine good luck charm. Sometimes we happen upon items such as these for a reason."
She took her own sweet time admiring the gem. And in turn, I took that time to admire her beauty as well... She had pale skin and seemed to be in good enough spirits as he eyes marveled at the expensive charm. The way she held herself made her appear as a noble beauty. But as I looked deeper into her dark eyes, I could see a spark of something else; an energy of some sorts stirring. But my eyes were soon drawn to her ornamented, raven-colored hair, arranged in an elaborate hairstyle. The way she had it done created a dark frame around her pale visage.

Soon though, while I observed her neckline, she spoke up. Something about manners? Oh! I didn't even realized the lack of introduction either. "Shima Haruka. I repeated in my brain area. She gave me the proper bow and my mind took me back to that fateful day learning etiquette. With all the students in that class, I couldn't help but wonder where they were now... Did they have position of import like I did? Ah nevermind. My eyes caught her glimmering ornaments and I let her speak before I would introduce myself.

"You think so?" I questioned curiously, lifting the rock into the sky to have the sun shine through it. There was almost like a dark cloud swirling within it and I had to blink to make sure that wasn't true. Thankfully, it wasn't.... Or was it?

"I am Ishikawa Zaku! Konichiwa." I smiled and bowed in return before standing up. It was only natural to invite her to some brunch. At least I thought that's what we were supposed to do. That etiquette class was a long time ago. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but would you like to join me in grabbing a bite to eat? The food here is the best part anyway." I inquired. Whether or not she would be joining me mattered not, I was gonna eat till I was content regardless.
Ishikawa Zaku, he informed her with a bow. She liked his mannerisms. He seemed very well trained by whoever had taught him. He even went as far as to invite her out to brunch. Haruka decided to agree, because this day was suppose to be one out of the ordinary. She had left the hospital to see a side of life she rarely saw. Interacting with other people on such a level of this constituted as different. It made her a bit uncomfortable to speak with new people, but the poise and grace of her family line made Shima Haruka the elegant and conversating woman that she was. She knew she wouldn't find much else here anyway. It seemed fate had picked her up and decided to take her to his path.

"I'd be delighted. If I kept looking here, I think I'd only find disappointment." She went along and walked with him to where ever he would lead. They walked among the many people who hurried along in their own busy lives. She finally spoke up, "Ishikawa-San, tell me what is your clan like?" She always seemed to be interested in the breeding of others. It often shaped a ninja in almost every aspect of their lives. Even if a person resisted, their clan twisted them to be the way they were. You were either like them or you tried so hard to be different from them that they had turned a shinobi into the person they were. She never understood how some people could disrespect the roots of their raising in such a way. Maybe there were some families out their with no good intentions and messy ideals. She hadn't seen such a world. Haruka could gratefully say she was blessed to be apart of the Shima clan. Even her mother who was a Haku, was glad to be a bride of a Shima man.

Haruka spent many years studying their family history. It wasn't to say she worshipped the ground her ancestor's walked on, she just had great reverence for them. They really had made quite a kingdom for their kin. They were the pioneers to the many doctors that passed the halls of Cloud's hospital. She hoped one day to be written in their scrolls. She wanted a piece of that greatness to pass down in her legacy.
I awaited her response a bit impatiently. My stomach churned, reminding me that it required sustenance or else it would embarrass me with loud protesting. But thankful, her words came forth in her regal fashion and a smiled widely. "Oh good! Follow me." I responded cheerfully said with an added head-nod in the direction we would be going.

As we moved along in the bright sun that rarely reared it's face in our most illustrious village, my new acquaintance voiced a question I had rarely heard. An audible "Hmmm..." Could be heard coming from my throat as I thought. "The Ishikawa. Scattered I suppose, or we were. It was only with the efforts of my cousin that we have lasted this long." I began, trying to remember what my parents had told me about it before the political warfare of a time long past. "Before the separation of our family, we were large-- very large. Welcoming those who gained our trust into the clan whether they were related by blood or not. We are closer than most families. Making it an effort to spend as much time as we could together; in an effort to keep those bonds strong. I guess those values remain today, but the family is no where what it used to be." I concluded with a somber sigh.

As we continued walking, I just kept talking. I hadn't thought on these matters in a long time. "My grandfather took to illness while we were at our height, and since then the clan's power dwindled until the majority were pushed out through rivals clans might. My cousin Kioku is struggling to unite what remaining family we have, but they are hard to find..." I said and then looked over to the pretty girl. "What about you? What is your lineage like?"

Current Ninpocho Time:
