Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Uka - > Natsuru (RB)

Not open for further replies.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Uka
Old Village/Missing: Stone
OCR Type: Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: The New Hope Hopsital
Old IC Rank: Med Nin( Sennin)

New Character Name: Arisawa Isshin
Preferred Username: Isshin
New Village: Mercenary ( Missing)
New BL/CA: Reckless
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
[b]HP:[/b] (65+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (35+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +10% Max HP
[i]High:[/i] Melee Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] All Others
[i]Low:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin:I’d like Main for shinobi 101 please
IC Rank: Mercenary

Character Age: 35
Gender: Male
Character's Physical Description: Isshin is a very tall individual standing at over 6’ 7 and can be described as very muscular. Out of the large multiple scars covering his body the one most-visible would be the one on his nose, which is a horizontal slash right midway between his eyes and mouth. He has spiky short black hair, which is slowly starting to turn grey in some places. His general attire consists of a black set of metal armor and a long black cloak, which covers it almost completely. Isshin also carries a rather oversized blade on his back, which is tightly secured with multiple leather straps on his back and the only visible part of it when he is wearing his cloak is its handle.
Character's Mental Description: Overall Isshin is a very stable person, who rarely has any sort of emotional outburst of any sort and if he does it is quite often anger or rage. He tends to like finding quiet places to relax in. If he were to get caught up in a scrap he tends to lose himself in the fight and more often than not lose all sort of differentiation between friend and foe. That is the reason he has earned himself the name of a true berserker – one who becomes lost in the frey.
Character History:
Life was easy in the small village to the southern border of the fire country. Nothing happened and everyone was able to live in peace and quiet. Trade and craftsmanship thrived greatly with nothing to really hinder them. There was no wars and no real conflict of any description. Bandits were a rarity and even if they appeared often the village was left alone because they were more than happy to provide discounts for any services the villagers would provide. It was a symbiotic existence of a sort, living on the line between lawful and illegal. For a long time it went by like this and nobody really had any trouble with their way of life.

In this small town there existed one person, who could be called famous – a blacksmith. Rumours said that his skill was so great that he could even make items that aided in their use. A blade would shift to block an opponent’s weapon or a piece of armour would change so as to save the wearer from a fatal blow. As with many such legends they were nothing but a tail, but the blacksmith was indeed skilled. Even if everything was just a story many people still visited, hoping to have something forged by the man. One could even say that the village enjoyed its prosperity thanks to him living there. After all most of the trade that happened was because of people looking for the blacksmith.

It was indeed a peaceful life. The man lived in a small shack in the forest outside the village with his wife and son. Although many people visited him every day he was truly devoted to his work as for hours upon hours every day the sound of his anvil would travel through the woods.

CLANG CLANG CLANG. The sound echoed through the boiling hot room. The only source of light was the fire in the centre. Small specs of light were sent into the air every time the hammer hit the iron and they lingered there for a few seconds before disappearing into the nether. Two figures stood in the room, a large muscular man and a child. Both of them were covered in sweat as they worked the anvil. Hit after hit beutiful sparks continued being sent flying in every direction as the two toiled away in silence. ”Say, dad, why did you become a blacksmith?” The young boy broke the peaceful atmosphere, which thus far had only been interrupted by the blacksmith's hammer. His father continued hammering the iron into shape, but it was clear that he was working slower than before, thinking.

”Family trade I guess.”

”And do you like it?”

”I don’t really know”

”You don’t know?”

”I have been gripping iron since before I could walk just like you. I didn’t choose this trade, but it is who I am...... I just strike the iron. I don’t think. I have spent my entire youth trying to forge a better blade and become a more skilled smith...... And before I knew it I was old. I don’t even know why I continue...... There is however one thing I like about it – the sparks. I think they are life itself, bursting before my eyes for just a moment. My life.” The man smiled warmly and went back to work in silence. How many years it had been since he’d started now and he hadn’t really thought about it once. It was strange really.


It was in this place that Isshin grew up and began training under his father as a blacksmith. Life was easy and peaceful even though the work was hard. Working iron every day was tiring, but also relaxing at the same time. There was comfort in knowing what will happen to the metal with every strike from your hammer. Somehow it was as if what drew his father to smithing was also what affecting the boy.

By the age of eight he had grown to be quite a lot larger and more muscular than his peers, but also way more skilled than them at wielding a blacksmith’s hammer. However no matter how much he improved every day his father was just so far away in terms of skill it was daunting. Every time Isshin believed he had managed to surpass him in at least one aspect of the craft his father ended up coming up with something amazing. It was in this environment of family rivalry that he lived and thrived up until his ninth birthday.

By that time that the rumour had changed. There was no longer a lone famous smith, but he had an assistant, who worked side by side with him and was equally as skilled. Many different people often visited their small shack with offers of money and fame, but Isshins’ father always refused. He didn’t want any of that. All he wanted was his peaceful life and his work. As time went on the offers turned to demands and in the end one family of Nobles took action. Everything happened so suddenly. In the morning it was just work as usual, but around midday there was some commotion from the direction of the village. A pillar of smoke was steadily rising from there and the sound of screams was getting closer and closer with every passing minute. By the time they figured out what was going on it was far too late. The noble arrived along with a small army. There was just nothing the boy or his father could have done. Isshin's mother was taken hostage and both him and his father were captured and forced to work for the noble. It was then that life changed drastically.

The Noble who destroyed the village lived on the opposite side of the fire country and was named Kabuto. He had sent many messengers to his father before. There had been a threat that if they didn't comply this would happen, but who would actually think it would end up like this. It was truly terrifying and the poor smith couldn't do anything about it. At first everybody was on edge and the boy worked with his father, but things quickly changed.

Lord Kabuto decided that a child like Isshin would make a perfect bodyguard for his daughter. She was a girl just a year younger than him and by the standards of many she held the potential to become a very beautiful woman. The boy was forced to help his father with his work during the day and to train under different masters of the sword, archery and even hand-to-hand combat during the afternoon and evening. Life became a lot harder for the young boy. He would barely have time to sleep and eat before going back to either work or training, but that wasn't the worst of it. No. The young mistress- Akemi had a twisted personality. She was a spoiled brat, who quickly grew to love abusing Isshin. At first he stood up to her, but that quickly changed as every time he would try and defend himself he would be punished. At first the punishments were small - not getting food or being locked in a room for a while, however they grew larger until he finally stopped resisting.

No matter what he felt there was nothing to be done about it. Crying was something he had long since left behind a year into this new lifestyle. As time went on his body was becoming stronger and stronger with all the rigorous training and so were his skills as a blacksmith and in combat. However there was one thing that annoyed Lord Kabuto – no matter how much teachers tried the boy just didn’t have any potential to wield chakra whatsoever. He was one of the people who didn’t even have an active chakra system which could be forced open. It was a lost cause. In the end they gave up on the idea of him using those magic-like powers that shinobi use and instead made his training much more rigorous. If he couldn’t be an agile fighter who could use ‘’magic’’ then he would become a swordsman like no other, who could stand up to anybody no matter who or what they were. Time went on and he officially become the mistresses’ bodyguard at the age of fifteen and he made his first kill not much after that.

Noble families had people who disliked them you see and assassination attempts were quite a common thing. The assassin sent after the miss Akemi had laughed when he saw Isshin with a claymore in hand. A boy with a weapon bigger than himself and no chakra signature whatsoever couldn’t do anything to him after all. That assumption had been his last mistake. His head left his body in a matter of seconds and thus it was over.

The entire ordeal had all been just so easy. All that training was no longer anything he thought off, but rather acted upon unconsciously. His muscles remembered how to move and his reflexes grew better with every passing day. Sadly that wasn't the only thing that was growing stronger. With every passing day the twisted affection mistress Akemi held for her bodyguard was becoming greater and so was her abuse. When they were children it had all been fun and games, but now it was in a completely different class. There would pass a day she wouldn't whip him for her own enjoyment and there would be times when he would be seriously injured from her playing around with a dagger. As much as he wanted to do something about it he just couldn't. If Isshin ever tried to rebel his parents were the ones who would get hurt, so he endured.

Another three years passed and at this point there remained no teacher he had yet to surpass. Improving his skills was no simple task anymore and slowly but surely he began itching for a challenge. Assassins still came after the nobles' daughter and they soon followed their comrades in death. With the amount of work he put into his training and his duty as a bodyguard one would think Isshin was also attached to lady Akemi, but that just wasn't the case. He hated her with every fiber of his being. By this time he was towering above her and a single punch was all it took to kill her, but he was afraid. It wasn't because of what would happen to him, no he had stopped caring what would happen to him a long time ago. He just couldn't bear the thought of something happening to his mother and father, so he endured.

Every time Isshin thought the mistresses' abuse had reached its peak she would amaze him with something new she thought up and as strange as it seemed he was beginning to understand and actually pity her. It was as if she wanted to assure herself he was hers and hers alone. A strange form of affection one would call it and as years passed it only grew stronger and stronger. She became more and more clingy and possessive of him to the point where she refused to go anywhere without him being there no matter what. Such was life for him.

On his twentieth birthday his father asked him to come to the small room next to the workshop, where he was forced to work and live. ”Listen. I know our lives have been a mess for a long time now, but I don’t want you to suffer because of myself and your mother. We’ll be fine even if you escape.” He had said, but Isshin only smiled and continued helping his father work the forge until he was called away to guard mistress Akemi.

This time he was sent on a journey for a few weeks and when Isshin finally returned all that waited for him was bad news. His father had passed away due to illness and his mother was also very sickly. Now that the Lord Kabuto has lost his prized smith he had to be replaced and there was only one person who could do it in his eyes – Isshin. No matter how much the spoiled mistress cried and shouted her father held firm and in the end the young man was no longer a bodyguard, but now took over his father’s work. At first appeared like a small blessing if he ignored the circumstances. Akemi wasn't clinging onto him constantly and she couldn't really continue with her torture as she had before. The lord wanted his prized smith to be in top condition, so she had been kept away, but that only lasted for so long. Spoilt children always found a way around their parents and such was the case again. This time however Isshin had grown tired of it. The torture was something he had long since stopped caring about, but the fact his mother was dying was more than he could bear. His fathers death was torturing him more than anything Akemi had ever done to him and no matter how much he tried to dive into his worth nothing helped.

So much time of his life had been wasted and still freedom was a dream so far away. A few days passed in this way until he decided it was enough. He wasn’t going to spend the rest of his life being a slave for anyone. No Isshin was leaving and there was nobody who could do anything to stop him. That day he forged himself a blade unlike any other – a sword three times thicker and heavier than a standard claymore. It was with this blade that he would save his mother and claim his freedom. At least this is what he thought.

The door of the small room opened and closed as Isshin quickly entered his mother’s room, his blade on his back. The guards had completely ignored him because they knew who he was and thought nothing of him walking around with a weapon. After all he had been a bodyguard for so long, so there was no reason to even think about it. A big mistake. Before either of them could react one of them was split in two down the middle and the other was decapitated.

Getting his mother to come with him was easy, but finding a way to leave the lord’s castle was a completely different issue. If he was by himself getting out would be easy, but his mother could barely walk anymore and there were just far too many guards. That didn’t matter to Isshin. He was more than confident enough that he could cut down anyone who stood before him and indeed nobody posed any threat up until they reached the castle gates. It seemed like someone had managed to alert the master of the castle and he had formed a wall of guards at the entrance. In front of them all stood Lord Kabuto and Akemi, both of them completely furious.

”So is this the thanks I get for training you and taking care of you? Have you no loyalty to your master, dog!” The Lord shouted at him, but those were nothing more than empty words. There was nothing he could do to stop Isshin from leaving with his mother. After all what could these guards do? The former smith had cut down tens of them on his way to the gates and another twenty wouldn't fare much differently.

”Just turn back now Isshin and you can just be my toy again! You don’t have to do that blacksmith work ever again. I’ll take care of you.” Akemi cut in as she quickly headed towards him, her hands open as if to hug him. A gleam of madness filled her eyes. In her twisted mind she thought everything would be alright and it would just go back to her old games when Isshin was still her bodyguard. She completely ignored all the blood which completely covered the man and his weapon from top to bottom.

”Don’t come any closer. I’m tired of this. I am leaving and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” He shook his head as he readied his weapon. Enough was enough. He was going to get his mothere the medical help she needed and they would have their freedom. Or so he thought.

”I see. Do it.” The lord gestured at the blacksmith with his hand and before Isshin could react an arrow shot past him, impaling itself in his mother’s throat. In only a matter of seconds it was all over. He couldn’t save her at all. He couldn’t react in time.The last thing he had in this world was now gone. All his talk of how he would save her was now just a farce. That was the last time Isshin saw his mother smile and that was the sole thing that stopped him from going insane. She didn't blame him for what happened and till the end she was trying to comfort him.

It was time to leave now. There was nothing holding him back anymore. There was nothing he could do about his family anymore.

His entire body relaxed as he slowly started walking towards the group of guards. Akemi let out a squeaky sound of glee as she ran toward him in an attempt to hug her beloved. "I knew you would take the right choic...." Her little moment was cut short as the bottom half of her body was separated from the top with just a single swing of the massive blade. The spoiled brat was dead before she even hit the ground, an expression of surprise forever drawn on her face.

"AKEMI! ...........KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" Lord Kabuto shouted as soon as he realized what had happened and the initial shock had passed, but only a second later he shared his daughters fate at the blade of his former smith. A large grin spread over his face as Isshin understood he was now free. Everything that happened past that is all a blur. The only thing he remembers from that time is waking up in the forest, leaning on his blade covered in blood from head to toe next to a freshly-dug pair of graves with blank headstones.

After over ten years in captivity he was finally free, but there was nothing he wanted to do with that freedom. He didn’t want to be a smith, because that brought back too many memories and the only other thing he could really do was fight. For a while he wandered around, but in the end he had to find food, so he began taking work as a mercenary, going from conflict to conflict. Isshin didn’t care for who he was working as long as he got paid for the work he was doing and his employers didn’t care about what happened to the people they hired. It was a simple relationship and that was perfectly fine for the lone man.

Years went by like this and no matter what he did and how much of a name he made for himself that didn’t matter. It just felt as if something was missing. There was always more than enough mercenary work to go around no matter how lowly it was, but it just seemed like a distraction.

Rumours of a swordsman clad in black, wielding a giant sword quickly spread through many circles within the mercenary world and many different stories and legends arose. Some people said the man had managed to obliterate a group of 100 men by himself, whilst others swore he had killed a group of highly-skilled shinobi by himself. How much of that was true even Isshin himself didn’t know. To him it was all a mess of alcohol and blood. Memories didn’t matter to him at all and all he cared about was getting from one battlefield to the next. At least luckily for him none of the stories actually mentioned anything about his appearance. Hell they even portrayed him as a monster with horns or a Minotaur. It was due to that he was still able to find work and even continue honing his strength.

Battle after battle nothing really seemed interesting to him, but he ended up developing a bit of an interest in relics of ages long past. Not urns and paintings, but rather weapons and armour. In a world where ‘’magic’’ existed there just had to be objects with power or at least so he believed. Maybe it was those old rumours about his father that fueled his desire or just the sheer danger that surrounded objects of power, but he began searching for them.

For months there were no results, but just when he was about to give up and go back to the battlefields he found something that looked promising. It was a tale about a blade and armour, which were said to hold immense power and it even hinted as to where they could be found. It all just seemed far too good to be true and so it would turn out, but that is not a story for now. All that matters is that Isshin managed to get his hands on them and they were indeed the genuine article.

The sword was something, which couldn’t even be called that. It was bigger that even the weapon he wielded and held powers many would call impossible. No matter how hard anyone tried they could never pry it from his hands unless he willed so and with every drop of blood he drew his own vitality returned. There could be no doubt it was an extraordinary weapon beyond the wildest dreams, but the armor was not something to be taken lightly as well. How much of this was true Isshin didn’t know, because he hadn’t let himself reach the point of near death yet as close as it had been so many times, but there were many tales of what power it might hold. Some said it would haunt its wearer and cause him to lose control of himself, others said it would reinforce the body of its wearer no matter how tattered it was until the last drop of blood left his body. There however was one ability that he knew for sure – the armour completely removed his feeling of pain. No matter how deep or dire the wound he would feel nothing until he removed the garment. It was a terrifying ability indeed and it had saved his life many times so far, but it always came with a price.

The reason humans feel pain is so that our own body doesn’t end up destroying itself. Our muscles have limits past which they just fall apart. Without the pain you can gain immense power, but in the end the more you use it the more you end up destroying your own body. Such strength a normal human was never meant to possess, but nevertheless it was necessary to survive in a world such as this.

In the end he couldn’t find any more of those relics no matter where he looked, but his journey still continues. Where his path would take him he just didn’t know. Only fate did…

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A - NPC
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:
Old FAQ: No idea honestly

Special Usergroups: None

Old Stats:
Advanced shop points:36
Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: N/A
New Stats:
Stamina: 600
Advanced shop points:36
New OOC Rank: S

Justu Mastery Swaps:
Current Jutsu: (please don’t make me add links to all of them and do the from to q.q)
(12A Rank;8 B Rank; 16 C Rank;3 D Rank; 2 E Rank)
Medical Ninjutsu:
Angelic Blessing (A Rank Mastered)
Regeneration (A Rank Mastered)
Resuscitate (A Rank Mastered)
Mystical Force (B Rank Mastered)
System Shock (C Rank Mastered)
Anesthetic Infusion (C Rank Mastered)
System Restoration (C Rank Mastered)
Coagulation (D Rank Mastered)

Non-Elemental Ninjutsu:
Transformation (E Rank Mastered)
Body Switch (E Rank Mastered)

Genjutsu (Debuffing):
Corruption of the Earthly Plain – Will (A Rank Mastered)
Chaos of the Mental Plain – Will (A Rank Mastered)
Body Double – Visual (A Rank Mastered)
Body Double - Visual (A Rank Non- Mastered)
The Reaper's Gaze - Visual (A Rank Mastered)
Torment of the physical plain - Will (A Rank Mastered)
Mental Kombat - Will (A Rank Mastered)
Mime Box – Visual (B Rank Mastered)
Phoenix Embrace – Kinetic (B Rank Mastered)
Prolong - Audial (B Rank Mastered)
Depth Barrier - Visual (B Rank Mastered)

Projectile Taijutsu:
Heavenly Rain Drive (A Rank Mastered)
Twin Rising Dragon (A Rank Mastered)
Pinpoint (B Rank Mastered)
Body Flicker Shuriken (B Rank Mastered)
Steel Dragon (B Rank Mastered)
Sinister Steel (C Rank Mastered)
Spread Counter (C Rank Mastered)
Full Impact (C Rank Mastered)
Projectile Sealing (D Rank Mastered)

Genjutsu (Buffing):
Ocular Railgun - Visual (A Rank Mastered)
Crossed Focus - Visual (C Rank Mastered)
Contrast Vision - Visual (C Rank Mastered)

Genjutsu (Debuffing):
Crippled - Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
Masochism - Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
After-Image - Visual (C Rank Mastered)
Black Flash - Visual (C Rank Mastered)
Crippled - Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
Masochism – Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
Facepalm – Kinetic (D Rank Mastered)

Gaze of Enslavement (C Rank Mastered
Life Drain (C Rank Mastered)
Infinite Abyss (B Rank Mastered)
New Jutsu: (4 not swapped from A rank category – can I keep those as jutsu swaps or maybe add them to my pl?)
Name of any Contract you currently own: Turtle
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:N/A
Name of Kinjutsu you own: Chimera – Yamanaka/Hawkeye/Spiritualist

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads? No, but I want to make Uka an inpc

Shiruko Makoto

Head Lorekeeper
Staff member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Just a quick note before anything.

To rebirth into Missing, you have to have been a Missing or Mercenary in this version. We can't find any reference to you being one. The rules on that are here:

If we're missing something, let us know.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

I talked to Isaki with reference to this and I was told I can due to literally all my characters being missing now due to mist/leaf closing down and in turn them becoming mercs.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

I believe I said you can rebirth into one of those characters with them being a mercenary.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

I asked multiple times if they would be considered missing and you answered yes(Nowhere did I say if I rebirthed into them and I did make sure I said a new character not them). If they are considered missing I therefore have missing characters and there should be a discussion in the first place


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Give us a bit of time, Uka. We are still talking about this, and I will have a resolution for you soon. There is a simple error in the communication of the rule. The rule in place is for people that have been declared missing before, but not those who's character's were turned into "mercenaries" when the villages got shutdown.

Give me a little bit. I'll have it worked out for you in no time.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Apologies on the wait Uka.
Admin has given it the go ahead so now I will do my best to ensure you get a swift ORC from this point. ^_^


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Since I officially have no stats yet and my rb is somewhere in limbo i'm posting my training here:
WC: 300++

Jutsu: Limbo
Training for the week: 60 (35 from training +25 from rewards)
Yen for the week - S rank pay + 15k yen from voting



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Week two in limbo

Training for the week: 70 ASP
Yen for the week: 2x S Rank pay


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

I don't know why no one has come here...

Name: approved
Rank: approved
History+CA: approved
Stats: approved
Jutsu: approved for the swaps; you can either swap them for jutsu now or sell them back and gain PL from each one. The conversion for pl is in the training rules (C-rank is 10pts I believe). post here what you want to do with them
Contract: I gotta double check the rules on what to do with this....

I will do your trainings later today (if someone doesn't do it first. as of this point yen has not been handled)


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

I'll take them as ASP please, so 4x C-rank is another 40 ASP(10 ea.).

As far as I am aware the contract just strays with my iNPC as I don't really want it to carry over to this character (no asp and doesn't fit my story)

After this I should have a total of 206(40 from jutsu; 70 from this weeks training; 60 from last week; 36 from the start).
Current yen prior to selling stuff should be: 143100 (15k from rewards; 15k from this week; 7.5k from last week and 105.6k which i have prior to that)

Thank you Captain


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Week three in limbo
Sitting here on my desk, wondering when somebody will take half an hour to look through this simple OCR I realise how little hobbies I indeed have. Nc just fits perfectly to fill my free time. That is the truth and so i must agree that when I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs I am indeed quite bored. What is a person supposed to do when they have nothing to do I sit and wonder, but the answer just seems to elude me. Maybe one day I will find something to do, but that day is not today.

University is slowly but surely coming back and quickly shifting into gear to kick me in the rear. Free time is becoming a rare commodity of which I just never honestly seem to have enough of no matter how much I strive to, yet here I am twiddling my thumbs yet again. Three weeks later and yet I am still here waiting, waiting for ghosts and phantoms, hoping to one day have something to write about. My muse is slowly disappearing and by the looks there is hope of it reappearing, however with every second i twiddle my thumbs that is moving further and further away.

Say have you wondered when your mind has finally given up at that point, when you've been listening to that same song for a few hours? I know I have because I can't get it off my conscience. I walk around humming the tune and hear it no matter what I do. I swear it's completely stuck in there and I have no hopes of forgetting it. Maybe one day it shall finally disappear, but that day is not today for here I am still sitting listening to it yet again.
WC:295 enjoy
Jutsu: Limbo
Training to ASP: 70 points more
Yen : One more investment of 2xS rank please


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

I'm calling in another council member to assist me. My greatest apologies isshin, I've just recently returned to council duties and I'm a little rusty on OCR's and all..

again you have my greatest apologies on this whole situation

[calling missing council]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

all training up to this point is approved. i'm doing your yen now isshin. I apologize again for the wait

yen being given so far for training: 15,000(vote rewards)+7500(srank pay)+15000 (double s-rank)+15000(double s-rank)= 52500 yen

yen being given as of .. now


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

After close to a month in OCR I am currently considering whether I actually have any desire to actually rp him at this point. I'm sorry but everyone other than Kane needs to get their stuff together. I understand waiting for a week, but come on not it's been close to a month. This shouldn't take this long no matter how busy you are. Hell I myself barely have any free time yet I've had enough to write this thing up.

I would like to put a pause on this whilst I consider what to do, considering how inactive missing council, again other than Kane is.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

History looks good on my end, but it needs approval for the use of Fire Country.
I'll get a stone council members in here.

Also, you chose the wrong theme song:

Approving for now, so if you decide to unpause later you'll be good ot go once the stone council approval rolls in.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Uka - > Arisawa Isshin (RB)

Old Character Name: Uka
Old Village/Missing: Stone
OCR Type: Standard Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: SkyFall
Old IC Rank: Co-Sennin

New Character Name: Natsuru (Senju)
Preferred Username: Natsuru
New Village: Missing
New BL/CA: Sunaku

Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
[b]HP:[/b] (50+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (50+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +2 Gen DC; +1 Accuracy
[i]High:[/i] Ninjutsu Accuracy
[i]Average:[/i] All others
[i]Low:[/i] Ranged Accuracy, Puppet Accuracy
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: I’ll think about it later, but she was formerly both anbu and medic (it was a strange deal)
IC Rank: Missing or Merc ( I will let you decide after you read the history)

Character Age: 20
Gender: Female
Character's Physical Description: Natsu stands at 5’8 and weighs just around 60 kilograms. Her build is fairly slim and not particularly muscular. She has emerald green eyes and long blonde hair. As for clothing she tends to wear a long-sleeved jacket reaching slightly below her chest, which covers her face up until the middle of her nose. Its sleeves finish end as a pair of black and white gloves, which somewhat resemble the paws of a cat when once looks at them carefully. Her stomach is completely exposed. She also quite often wears a pair of white hakama trousers with a black belt. The only worthwhile note about them is that they have a rather peculiar cut, leaving the top of her thighs exposed at the side. Natsuru also has a set of long, wide scars on both of her arms running from the wrists to the elbows. Another thing to note is that Natsu can be described as very, very well endowed.

Character's Mental Description: In all honesty the best way to describe her persona would be completely mental and unpredictable. Natsuru is without a doubt manic and quite honestly close to being completely insane. Pressure and mistreatment by her parents left humongous scars on her until she eventually just broke. The only light in her life was her brother, but even that is now completely gone due to unforeseen circumstances. She also suffers from extreme mood swings, going from happy and cheerful to depressed and suicidal at the snap of ones fingers, which can be quite a strange thing to observe. Prior to losing all her memory Natsu was also suffering from a complete brother complex, quite easily breaking the borders of sibling love and going into complete and utter adoration, but this has now evolved into what can only be described as a yandere personality. Beware anyone who shall peak her interest for you are in for the ride of a lifetime.

Multiple Personality Application: Not needed (the voices in her head aren’t really other personalities)

Character History:
How it all came to this even Natsuru herself has no idea, well not that it is a very hard thing considering she lost absolutely all of her memories. The only things left to remind her of her past other than her name as the multiple scars covering different parts of her body such as her forearms. In a sense one could say that she got a second chance in life, something that many people never really got at all. The very first thing she remembers is waking up in the middle of the desert with absolutely nothing anywhere near her other than sand. She had no belongings or clothes for that matter, but also she had absolutely no memories other than her name. Somehow it was the only thing she remembered and the only thing she had to go by is the wounds on her arms and the large amount of blood on the ground below her. From what she understood it had come from her, but how or from where she just didn’t know.

It took her a while to finally manage to pick herself up and head off somewhere as her legs completely refused to hold her at first, but the more she walked the more stranger things she noticed. At first she thought it was only her imagination but after long hours Natsu knew without a doubt it was real. The more she continued threading through the desert the more she noticed the sands shifting around her, making her path easier, protecting her from any danger. At first she didn’t understand what was going on, but as time went on it just clicked. It seemed as if the nearby sands were following her commands. At first her attempts to consciously make them do something were quite futile, but as time went on she became better and better at it.

For how long she wandered alone she didn’t know, but eventually she gained control of her newly found abilities, well at least that is what she was them as as she didn’t know any better, and made herself some clothing. As little as she understood walking around completely naked wasn’t exactly something that appealed to her. In order to fix that she used white sand to fashion herself a set of clothing – a mask that covered the lower half of her face and her chest and a pair of rather strange greaves for the lower half of her body and to this day they serve as armour to protect her at all times.

Time went on and Natsu finally managed to get out of the desert. How long she had been there was completely beyond her and any knowledge of who she had been once was still completely gone and appeared as if it would stay that way for the foreseeable future. So with nothing to do she continued onwards, wandering aimlessly until she somehow ended up in the village of stone. How she did so was completely beyond her and for that matter quite possibly everyone else.

Anyone who had attempted to harm her on her journey had fallen prey to the sands, which protected her like loyal guardians. It was as if they had a mind of their own, leaving her own mind free to attempt and recover anything, but as before the attempts had been futile

TL;DR: Rework of a former Leafie of mine. Same person in name only and in personality. She has lost and never will regain her memories unless it is forced ICly by happenings (hugely unlikely it will ever happen in any way).

Clan Request: N/A

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:
Old FAQ: not a clue

Special Usergroups: None

Old Stats:
Advanced shop points:236

Old OOC Rank: S

Stat Cut: 0

New Stats:
Stamina: 500
CC: 500
Agility: 426
Taijutsu: 427
Advanced shop points:236

New OOC Rank: S

Justu Mastery Swaps: I’ll do these later, so I’ll keep the current jutsu I own as passive swaps for later on when I get the time and desire to do them (a for a; b for b etc. if I can)
12A rank jutsu; 8 B Rank jutsu; 16 C Rank Jutsu; 3 D Rank Jutsu; 2 E Rank jutsu;
Medical Ninjutsu:
Angelic Blessing (A Rank Mastered)
Regeneration (A Rank Mastered)
Resuscitate (A Rank Mastered)
Mystical Force (B Rank Mastered)
System Shock (C Rank Mastered)
Anesthetic Infusion (C Rank Mastered)
System Restoration (C Rank Mastered)
Coagulation (D Rank Mastered)

Non-Elemental Ninjutsu:
Transformation (E Rank Mastered)
Body Switch (E Rank Mastered)

Genjutsu (Debuffing):
Corruption of the Earthly Plain – Will (A Rank Mastered)
Chaos of the Mental Plain – Will (A Rank Mastered)
Body Double – Visual (A Rank Mastered)
Body Double - Visual (A Rank Non- Mastered)
The Reaper's Gaze - Visual (A Rank Mastered)
Torment of the physical plain - Will (A Rank Mastered)
Mental Kombat - Will (A Rank Mastered)
Mime Box – Visual (B Rank Mastered)
Phoenix Embrace – Kinetic (B Rank Mastered)
Prolong - Audial (B Rank Mastered)
Depth Barrier - Visual (B Rank Mastered)

Projectile Taijutsu:
Heavenly Rain Drive (A Rank Mastered)
Twin Rising Dragon (A Rank Mastered)
Pinpoint (B Rank Mastered)
Body Flicker Shuriken (B Rank Mastered)
Steel Dragon (B Rank Mastered)
Sinister Steel (C Rank Mastered)
Spread Counter (C Rank Mastered)
Full Impact (C Rank Mastered)
Projectile Sealing (D Rank Mastered)

Genjutsu (Buffing):
Ocular Railgun - Visual (A Rank Mastered)
Crossed Focus - Visual (C Rank Mastered)
Contrast Vision - Visual (C Rank Mastered)

Genjutsu (Debuffing):
Crippled - Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
Masochism - Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
After-Image - Visual (C Rank Mastered)
Black Flash - Visual (C Rank Mastered)
Crippled - Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
Masochism – Kinetic (C Rank Mastered)
Facepalm – Kinetic (D Rank Mastered)

Gaze of Enslavement (C Rank Mastered
Life Drain (C Rank Mastered)
Infinite Abyss (B Rank Mastered)

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Name: approved
Rank: Mercenary- approved
BL/CA: approved
History: approved
Stats: approved
Class: approved
jutsu swaps: I believe you can do blank jutsu swaps... not sure though


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Just to note i goofed in the tl; dr

She is the same person who disappeared from leaf, but has absolutely no recollection and will have no recollection of what happened. The most she we will ever recall is her name (not even her full name). The best explanation as to how she can use chakra is muscle memory and nothing more than that.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
All approved on my end except the jutsu. I need to go look those up gimme a bit for that one.

For now, changing name.

Swaps must be done during OCR. You must, at the least, state them now. And then we can do the refund and get you back on your feet to buy the replacement jutsu.
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