Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Unlocking the Potential -Oracle Evaluation-

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Kuro ((Akuma Kuro)) and two of his avatars Mouko Kuro and Sharingan Kuro sat in a chamber meditating. Due to Kuro's dynamic demon touched spirit and multifaceted mindframe (a special form of attention hypersensitivity disorder) he not only finds his multiple views from other bodies as a form of mental relief but he can actually push himself further when using two bodies than he can he just one, as a result he can combine his multiple view points into one overlapping sensory impression providing him with more information than the average ninja. He sat before his other selves in a triangular formation manipulating the individual chakras of each body, continually learning the physical limitations of each of his newfound bodies and a residual effect of mastering skills his original physical body was incapable of. After receiving the reports of Hyou-sama about Samejima and her awakening to power causing the loss of her sight he requested Lord Toraono devise a method to restore her sight without sealing away her actual newfound abilities. Each Kuro held a scroll that led to various methods of power that through the use of that training would reclaim her sight via different means. Akuma Kuro held a scroll that would offer various surgical means to restore her sight via various ocular transplants. Mouko Kuro held a scroll that offered various martial arts training that through the physical mastery of a weapon or the physical body would restore her sight. Sharingan Kuro held a scroll of the darkest manner of restoration where with the literal insertion of another spirit/soul, the usage of a dark curse, or methods well beyond normal humanitarian consideration. It was Kuro's hope she would not choose one of the dark methods, not because it would not work, but because the cost upon her soul would be too much for Kuro to find logically bearable just to regain her sight. Still he had to offer her every method he knew and he would do just that.

WC: 333


Aug 14, 2014
Am I late? I knew I should've just skipped breakfast... Naoki walked into the chamber, tentatively, after having knocked on the door and opened it. There were three people in there meditating, and she had no idea what time it was. She knew how clocks worked, and she had one, but she couldn't just casually glance at it to tell the time anymore. I think this was further training... But what was it about again?

She moved to snap her fingers, trying to identify the seated three, then stopped as she realised it would disrupt the meditation. Further even, since she'd rapped three times on the door seconds earlier. Closing the door didn't give much help either, since she tried to close it as quietly as possible.

There weren't any designated seats or anything, but she figured if this was the start of training then she should start meditating too. Then again, she could've just gotten the wrong room. Since she knew she went into the room she was supposed to go in though, having checked the number of doors down several times, Naoki felt the best course of action was to trust her counting and sit. Okay, so just stay calm, breathe...

Minutes passed, and Naoki was finally in a state of mind where she was taking in everything about the room. The three figures seemed to give off the same sort of aura, but with distinct differences between them. Her ears had adjusted enough to the silence of the chamber to be able to hear breathing from all those present, and she could feel she was indeed in the right room. She identified the three as Sennin Toraono Kuro and one of the two Toraonos she witnessed battling the Cabal, as well as one who was likely another Toraono by his build.

They were holding scrolls. That's probably what I was supposed to have come in time for to learn... I'm going to have to try and figure out how to tell the time after this. Of course, the thought of just asking someone else what time it was didn't occur to her in her haste to arrive. Otherwise, she would've come in and just said that she was there for the lesson, or whatever it was that she was summoned for, since she really wasn't late. She continued to try to meditate without dozing off until she was either awoken told to begin some kind of exercise or contacted through telepathic means.

WC: 415

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
As Samejima adjusted to the silent meditation she found herself in a space where she could see once more as Sharingan Kuro used their light telepathic bond granted by his final use of an Onmyouji blood seal to sweep her chakra presence into a genjutsu manifested space much like Tsukiyomi but he was directly accessing her chakra instead of forcing his presence upon her via mangekyou sharingan. All three Kuro's were present and they all looked exactly the same to Samejima until she noted their eyes. Akuma Kuro's eyes were violet and cat like, Mouko Kuro's eyes were cat like except they were icy blue/white, Sharingan Kuro's eyes were violet with crimson tomoe which swirled with power every few moments in a manner Samejima could almost tell time. The scent of the sea was all around her and if she allowed herself she could hear the sounds of whales, dolphins and other sea mammals playing lovingly. Although from the presence of the Kuro triplets she was certain they did not hear them at all, in fact the impression she got from each of them was that of a feline beast. "Welcome back to the forefront of the mind Samejima Naoki, Hyou-sama explained that you wanted a way to reclaim your sight from the onset of your kekkei genkai. As such I have come to offer you any manner of training, surgery, or mystic pact you choose to reclaim your sight. As you might imagine, each method has its ups and downs, but I hope to help you make an informed decision."



Aug 14, 2014
Naoki was aware of a certain change in her meditative state, finding that she was no longer sleepy and that she could see, faintly. As if testing a preposterous theory, she removed the headband tied around her eyes slowly, retying it around her forehead as she did last time. I must be in a, what was it? A dreamscape... It's nice to be able to see again, even if I can't really. She picked up on a sound she couldn't quite place, a cluster of calls from her father's workplace. What's this sound? It's familiar... but a bit off? No, it's just... loud. A lot closer than usual. Dad would flip if he heard this! Because it would signal a large grouping of mackerels or herrings somewhere. Naoki's father had no equipment fit for whaling or dolphin hunting, and even if he did it wasn't very easy to sell dead sea mammals.

A voice rang through her awareness, and she couldn't believe her ears, or whatever she used to hear inside her mind. Alright! That's what the next training was for? I'm all for this, yep! "S-so, I really can get my sight back..." She smiled a little in relief, and continued, "First would be the training options then right? What kinds of training can I do?"

I'd be most comfortable with this one I think. All the others sound like they might be pretty scary. Sure training might take a while, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it before going back for the second - well, I guess first - tuna. She didn't consider the fact that the training might require many, many years before it finally took effect. The surgical method would definitely be faster, and would give her better sight than the average human to boot. It's not even remotely likely that Naoki would pick that one without first consulting with her family however, given the permanence. And mystic pacts generally didn't work out well when the characters in the stories she reads chose them, so it wasn't likely that she'd choose one of those either. I should just get a training menu I think I can do, get started on it as quick as I can, then I'll be able to see mom and dad again!

WC: 380

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akuma Kuro smiled and after rolling through handseals various versions of Naoki appeared before her for inspection, this one wore a martial arts gi with her family name in large kanji on the back and a small Toraono clan Sigil on her right sleeve. She was lean and well muscled, her arms and feet wrapped in what appeared to be heavy chain but instead of looking like a prisoner the chains actually added to her look. They were odd in color and seemed to pulse with elemental energies. As she looked over this version of her she felt stronger, faster, and more importantly she felt she could actually be stronger than even Kuro after this training and she knew without a doubt in physical combat no ninja would compare."This path is the way of the fist, I am certain Lord Hyou wanted you to think about this one, all it requires is that you unlock the gates of chakra within you and once you opened the first gate you would unlock the chakra limiter on your eyesight and empower the rest of your body at the same time. You can choose to maintain your eyesight at all times through chakra manipulation via your seal or you can turn your eyesight on and off with your gates. The method is actual very easy, especially since the Hyou family have already given you the initial training." Another version of Naoki appeared before her for inspection,`she now wore a suit of light battle armor with her family name in large kanji down her swordarm and a small Toraono clan Sigil on the right side of her chest. She was again well muscled, but here her body seemed more streamlined towards weapons usage. A dyanmic weapon that changed its appearance to her will hovered before her, but it seemed when the weapon combined with her will and physical person that she actually became a completely different being. She resembled a siren of old and her eyes shimmered, she also noticed she had gills in her final form. It was breathtakingly beautiful, and she could almost feel the power of this form and the weapon seemed to reach for her on it's own. She could feel the union of weapon and wielder and imagine the possibilities. "This is the path of the shinigami, where you are chosen by one of the sacred treasures and through its power you not only regain your sight but you gain the power of the treasure, and through your full union you become a Djinn a being of great power."



Aug 14, 2014
Taking in the first version of her fully-trained self after being somewhat awed watching the fluid motions the Sennin went through, she stared at the chains and wondered if they weren't too heavy to walk around in. But those muscles, there's like, no way the chains could be heavy... And it looks so cool, so cool! She'd read a story about the god of death with a black leather longcoat and chains around his torso, wielding two crossbows, and the resulting image in her mind was, to her, the coolest way to dress she could think of.

I have to unlock a chakra limiter... so I can't see because of this chakra limiter, and not because some of the sand from outside got in there or something... I'm going to have to try that chakra manipulation thing, but I'm still not all that confident about chakra. Elemental chakra manipulation was another thing, the manipulation of raw chakra wasn't something she could pull off very well. It might be because the concept itself wasn't all that clear to her, but it wasn't likely that she'd overcome this hurdle. If I can't though, I should try the gates. Maybe it'll have a switch or something I can flip to open it! She shook her head a little, smiling wryly at the weird joke she just thought of.

The next form was thought of as cool too, but not as cool as the first. Hmm... I've never really been a fan of people wearing armor. It's like, I hit you, so why aren't you hurt?! There was another story, about a little brat who fought using an impenetrable fortress of a defensive form. The hero of the story was able to get away from that one, but it still grated on her that he was unable to win. On the other hand, I don't want to get hurt myself, and that armor looks light...

The mention of 'sacred treasure' made her eyes glitter. What child wouldn't want a new plaything right? Power of the treasure... That might be better. I think I'd want to try my hand at finding sacred treasures too, going on adventures and- wait, no... no, I have to stay here! Staying in Sunagakure is how I can help people, not going out treasure hunting... And what's a Djinn? I really have to learn about beings of great power...

She did think about what having a sacred treasure would entail, and the amount of care she'd have to put into choosing her battles, since she wouldn't want to show just anyone that she had something of value.

After that thought process ended, Naoki took a moment to decide, and no longer. "Sir! Please teach me the way of the fist!"

WC: 460

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
With an ease of mind after thinking it over Samejima chose the way of physical enlightenment, which was by far the easiest choice next to surgery. As Kuro released the genjutsu upon himself and Naoki he proceeded to bring forth her first set of weighted clothing consisting of a twenty pound sash twenty pound wrist wraps and twenty pound leg wraps. With her training items set before her to weigh her down an additional one hundred pounds to bring her to a state of exhaustion where she would be forced to move her body with chakra and will alone. "First off Naoki, you will wear these weighted garments. Your first session of training will be to run and jog the coliseum arena for 100 laps. All you need to do his keep your left hand in contact with the wall and run as hard as you can. At the end of each lap I will be waiting for you with a bottle of enhanced water that will remove the ache from your muscles. You will still get tired but the pain will be minimal. After the first fifty laps you will turn around and keep your right hand in contact with the wall run your final fifty laps. Should your body feel like it can't go on, use a strength enhancing jutsu to keep going. Once you exhaust your chakra we will move on to the next stage of your training."<i></i> Telekinetically levitating the gear to her Kuro allowed Naoki to reach out and place the equipment on her self in the order and manner that felt natural to her. The training for Hachimon begins for Samejima Naoki.



Aug 14, 2014
The genjutsu maintaining her sight was dispelled, and Naoki jerked back into the darkness with a bit of a jump. Like before, it seemed to welcome her, no matter how dismayed she was. She pulled the headband back down and tightened it in preparation for the training to come. Weighted garments... Um... I'm supposed to wear them, so they're heavy clothes? She snapped her fingers to try and figure out where they were. They appeared to be floating, and her eyebrows twitched upwards. They didn't shoot up like they would have when she first arrived, but she was still marginally surprised by their apparent weightlessness. I should hurry up and get used to these things people can do with chakra.

She reached out to the closest item, the sash, and her left arm along with the left side of her top half was dragged down by the surprisingly high density. Whoa! They're not all this heavy are they? At least this one's wound around the waist... I think. This is a sash right? The sash was wound and tied around the girl's waist, and the next item was, to her dismay, just as heavy as the last. Ooogh... What's this one? It's not another sash is it? It's a different length, and thinner... Umm...

"Sorry sir, where does this go?" Upon being given directions on how to put everything on, and fiddling a bit with the wrist wraps, she was feeling thoroughly sluggish. Ugh... This feels like that time when it was way too hot to sleep and I kept feeling so dizzy... She was recalling the time when she had a fever and her mother confined her to the bed to sweat it out. She had a strong immune system though, and didn't catch many colds at all. I'm supposed to run... in this?

"Understood sir... Are we going to the Coliseum Arena now?" She didn't know which way to go, as she hadn't fully explored Sunagakure. Just the sound of the word 'coliseum' gave her the chills though.

WC: 340

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sharingan Kuro was summoned away to replace Chouryoko Kuro whom arrived later with and began emitting a soft sonic pulse to allow Naoki to almost see everything in a normal manner just without color as it were or at least that was how this body functioned with abilities much like Naoki's own. They headed north through the dojo to the grand coliseum where visitors would witness matches and training events. The arena floor was 100 meters by 60 meters and was filled with a special sterile Sunaku controlled blood sand. Not quite a perfect circle the coliseum was more like an egg in shape as the main entrance was a bit smaller at the floor than the far end. There was a large pool of water that was well set in the far right side. There was a large brazier of fiery coals on the far left side closer to the entrance. A massive wind crystal flowed clean cool air at the center. An elemental delight for the senses as it were as the temperature and moisture circulation along with the special air dispersal inside and outside the coliseum allowed for an optimal training and viewing environment. The temperature truly remained just right at any portion of the arena except where the actual elemental repositories were displayed. As they entered the coliseum Chouryoku explained the training and used his sonic resonance to provide Naoki with a sonar picture of the entire area so she would never have to worry about stumbling, tripping, or running into anyone or anything that was training in the area as well. Three small classes with four to three students each were going on as well. Tables with special training rations, water, and fruit juice were set strategically about the coliseum as well. In the stands villagers and refugees displaced by fighting slept or relaxed, finally receiving a moment's peace from the events of the past week. "Ready to begin when you are Naoki, I will run the first three laps with you at your pace."<i></i>

As he spoke the blood red sands of the arena along the perimeter of the arena actually began to conform to that of an actual elliptical track for running races and hurdle events.



Aug 14, 2014
Big... big space. Ohh, why did I know this was going to be impossible...

There seemed to be a sound coming from the one who arrived just now, a sort of low rumble-y steady pulse. It allowed Naoki to sense the entirety of the coliseum, and she was not happy about what she sensed. My lungs could explode! I don't think I've ever run that much in... was there a time limit? And I should probably ask if I'm allowed to stop in the middle of a lap. He did say I was allowed a drink after each lap but... The weights were already causing her to feel an ache around her ankles, and it really didn't seem like this would be even remotely within her range of capability.

"Um... Sir..." She did mean to ask the questions, but the words didn't come out. She felt like she should get to running and just keep going. She could try to use her chakra to bolster herself, at least for a while, but that chakra wouldn't last forever. Saving it for later would be prudent. This was supposed to be physical training after all right? She shook her head, slapped both hands to her cheeks a few times, and faced forward as she placed her left hand on the coliseum wall.

Naoki started jogging, at an impressive pace considering the weights she had on. Since the weights weren't exactly visible though, anyone watching would think she was slacking. Is this fast enough? Should I go a bit faster? ...Can I go a bit slower? She'd take any instruction the Sennin shot her way, but if it was to speed up she would be faster for a few seconds before reverting to her original pace.

The wall started to hurt her hand after a short while, so she rubbed her hands together before putting it back on the wall. It might have been because she bounces while running from time to time, since she didn't know the proper way to run in order to train endurance yet. All she ever thought of running was that it was a way to get places in a short amount of time, leaning more towards sprinting than marathon running. Hmm... Should I start wearing gloves? Yeah... might need to get myself some gloves, in case I have to fight without a weapon. With maybe some knuckles... and a design on the backs. Might wanna learn how to sew, but I'll have to have a record playing-oh! I can buy a record player once I get enough money! I've never listened to much music... I do want to learn how to play the kokyuu though.

And so the inane mental chatter continued, which was how she entertained herself with her thoughts. It kept going, to keep her mind off the heightened pain in her ankles for the first half of the first lap in her 100-lap training. If she stayed at this pace, she might even figure out the reason why her father told her to stay away from boys at the village, and to go straight home if any men (or women) tried to get her to go somewhere with them without a life-threatening reason, by the end of it.

WC: 545

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Chouryoku Kuro ran alongside her making sure she did not injure herself badly as she ran, her hand began to get raw from literally holding onto and occasionally leaning on the wall. With a bit of urgency and slight absentmindedness by the humming she subconsciously did she was halfway through her first fifty meters at double her natural body-weight in less than 70 seconds. She was doing really well for a new girl but then again Hyou Onimaru-sama had called her a prodigy and his analysis was never wrong. Her limbs began to bruise as expected from the increased weight but she still maintained a normal running/jogging gait. Sanryoukyougan Kuro sat near the wind crystal prepared to flash heal the young lady if she pushed herself too hard. Mouko Kuro watched over the young lady carefully monitoring her visually for any signs of stress fractures or torn muscles. So far so good, she was doing well and would need to resort to burning chakra very soon from the look of things.



Aug 14, 2014
"Nnh..." Not liking this not liking Naoki's ability to construct full sentences in her mind was slowly being drained as she lost much of the blood in her brain to the oxygenation of her legs, moving forwards steadily still. She could feel her knees giving out, and her ankles weren't even there anymore as far as she was concerned, but she didn't have the concentration required to notice this fact. She was still moving, and that was the only thing she thought of as she tried to keep her breathing from burning her throat.

Chakra She contemplated using chakra this early on, since use of chakra was allowed after all, but she wondered if she should really be relying on it so much. Given this situation, she probably should, and she should also have just let go of the stubbornness that's preventing her from using it, but she took the alternative. She slowed down further.

Catch up later Falling behind wasn't an acceptable thing to Naoki, but she couldn't help it. Or rather, she could, but was reluctant to. She knew she'd have to use the reserves of power she had in order to keep going, but it wasn't like her to give up this soon. She was her father's daughter! There's no backing down from a challenge, not even an impossible one. She was taking a break for now, she told herself, and she'd make up for the lost time later.

A few dozen seconds later after she'd decided she was done giving up, she sprinted forwards, as long as she could, and was losing the feeling in her knees. Done Feeling like she'd made up for lost time, she tried to revert to her original pace, not noticing that it was slower than the one she'd started out with.

But then she couldn't feel her knees at all, and she gave in to temptation. For the eyes for sight for the eyes for sight was the only thing clunking around in the genin's mind as she tried a jutsu she learned earlier.

Jutsu Used: Here used to make legs less wibbly-wobbly.
Muscle Control said:
Muscle Control
A technique that briefly increases the user's physical strength, potentially allowing them to inflict crushing blows against their target.

Prerequisites: D-Rank

Rank 1: The user gains a +5% Suppression Chance for 1 Full Round or until 2 successful Suppression Chances.
Rank 2: The user gains a +7% Suppression Chance for 1 Full Round or until 2 successful Suppression Chances.

Rank 1 Cost: 180 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 225 Cp

- Does not stack.
- Can only be used with Taijutsus capable of inflicting Suppression.
- When used in conjunction to a Multi-Hit Attack, Muscle Control will only apply on the first strike of that attack.
- This does not go over the suppression limit.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Strengthening her muscles as she came around the first lap brought a smile to Kuro's face as he healed her of any immediate bruising and reinforced her skeletal system as he passed her a cup of enhanced water. The water had chakra crystal residue which would allow Mouko Kuro to map her chakra system to mark her exact pressure points for her chakra limiter points. As she released her muscle enhancement jutsu Akuma Kuro stepped forth maintaining a serious face and tone even though inside he knew he was simply pushing her to see how strong she could really be. "There is no point in continuing this training if you don't give everything you have in each lap, release your power seal during the next run and force yourself through every obstacle, I shall demonstrate what I mean as I run through a sand decoy but maintain my speed using my demonic chakra. Once you do this correctly your chakra capabilities will vastly exceed my own." Kuro demonstrated by transforming into his demon form as he ran at a subsonic pace that Naoki could literally see through her sense of hearing. Crashing through a massively dense Sand decoy of himself summoned by the Toraono Clan medic Sunaku Sashi. After he burst through the decoy he completed the lap at a reasonable pace, one he hoped Naoki would mimic using her own power seal which would force open her first gate and inadvertently give her a taste of the power she was seeking in order to recover her sight. In fact using her cursed seal would empower her sight as well. "Don't hold back Naoki-san unleash everything in a burst for each lap.Even if you don't complete one hundred laps just give it your all each time, each lap."<i></i>



Aug 14, 2014
First done... 99 to go... Ahh, still so tired... A lot of tension left Naoki's face as she received the water, being able to feel her previously numb appendages, but she was still feeling hopeless. It took all she had to complete a single lap. Not much short of a miracle would help her complete 99 more laps today.

The sonic pulse emission was still happening, and with it she could sense Kuro's expression. Paired with the tone he took, she knew she really had to step it up or she wouldn't get anything done, but either he knew something she didn't or she was suppressing herself somehow because she knew she'd given everything she physically could.

Power seal? Barely had she time to try and figure out what the Sennin meant before he went and demonstrated his speed. The rate at which he blast right through the decoy, not slowed down in the least, left her almost standing still before she smacked her mental self and tried to keep up with her previous pace.

That was unreal! How did... what? What just happened? She was still panting, still struggling to keep her breathing from burning her throat. Kuro completed the lap and was next to her again, and though her head was still facing forwards, it was trying its hardest to comprehend the speed she'd just witnessed. He told her to just give her all in each lap, and she figured that meant using her chakra as well as her physical ability, as she was still unaware of the seal she'd been given about a week earlier.

Naoki's eyebrows scrunched together again, thinking about what other abilities she might have that would help her with the running. She knew quite a few more elemental jutsus than she did before, but they weren't going to be helpful for running or anything of the sort. Her chakra was already being pushed to the limit with the maintained strengthening jutsu. What more could she do...?

It was then that the back of her right hand began to pulsate. She felt a prickling sensation under her skin there, something she shouldn't have been okay with, but it was feeding her chakra pool. What's this... I feel like I can strengthen myself a bit more. She was slowing down again, barely done with a quarter of a lap. She prodded at the new energy source, seeing how far she could push it before it drained.

The chakra now going into her legs felt like it would last longer. She was speeding up a little, just enough to catch up to her initial speed. Is this that power seal Kuro-dono was talking about? How much power does it have? It's okay for me to use it, so...

No longer just prodding, she was now actively provoking the seal to give her any power it could, and she sped up considerably, now not much further behind an average human adult's speed while wearing nearly twice her weight in... weights. She could feel somehow that that wasn't all it could get her, but there was a distinct feeling on the very edge of her consciousness that told her she shouldn't push it too hard.

It wasn't distinct enough to get her to stop. Whew, this is some serious power! I feel a lot lighter now. Hm... I wonder if I can see yet?

Cautiously, she tugged upwards on her headband, and snapped her eyelids open like she was starving and they were covering a container of food.

Unsurprisingly, she couldn't see just yet. It wasn't going to be that easy. She didn't know it at the time, but she was able to see blurred outlines of large, nearby shapes now, such as the wall which was still rubbing her hand raw and the Sennin jogging beside her. The sonic pulse was still being emitted so it felt like she was sensing it, like always. A little disappointed but still happy about the power she'd unlocked, the headband went back down over her eyes, and was tightened so it wouldn't fall off as she tried this next thing she wanted to do.

Without asking if it might change the training menu, Naoki broke into a sprint. Heh, I can sprint! In these weights! Haha! Ecstatic with the power her seal has given her, she completed the second lap at a much faster time, sprinting nearly the rest of the half-lap she had left. Not laughing at the end since she still did get tired, the grin on her little face just wouldn't leave.

WC: 765

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro had originally been keeping pace while Mouko watched her progress he noted her pulling at her seal of power. Then like the cork coming from a bottle she forced her first gate open via the cursed seal and it fountained through her body in a mimic of Kuro's natural chakra capabilities ingrained in her from the sealing process. In her case she activated it with her hand but her first gate was actually only partially open. It was forced open halfway and as such the Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon), located in her brain, removed the restraints of her mind on her muscles so 60% of her strength could be used whereas normally, an untrained person can only use 20% of their muscles' strength before they start falling apart. A trained athlete or fighter could use 35 to 40%, so after Naoki took off at a dead sprint Kuro could only smile as she completed the lap with her body near complete muscle and chakra failure from using the seal. With her first two gates mapped by Mouko Kuro tracking her tenketsu they could now simply unlock the first two. After stressing her body to this point without causing her serious bodily harm she could now go on to unlock her own limits as she would be able to read her scrolls to train herself in properly mastering the eight gates now they simply needed to forcefully suppress her mystic seal. As Naoki ran full sprint all four Kuro's present for her training session used high speed movement to appear before her. Sanryoukyougan Kuro drew his blade to ready himself to heal her, Mouko Kuro fully activated his Byakkogan to be able to flawlessly strike her tenketsu with a precision chakra pulse. Chouryoku Kuro readied a sonic barrier to catch her as she poured energy into her body from the seal. Sharingan Kuro prepared genjutsu as he opened their telepathic link during her third lap as Naoki didn't seem to realize how fast she was truly running. "I need you to slow down Naoki it is time to truly open your actual gate, your seal allows you to draw upon an alternate chakra network imprinted into your body by the sealing process but your own gates of chakra, and your own power are much more efficient with far less drawbacks upon your actual body. If you keep this up your body and soul will begin to wither away without a chance for natural recovery." If Naoki would not listen Kuro would be forced to use his powers to calm her down and forcibly shut down the seal.

requesting bmod for training battle


Aug 14, 2014
As the four Kuros surrounded her, Naoki heard a voice in her head, the voice of the one who was currently in charge of her training. I have to stop? Aww, but I'm doing so well! "Please let me finish this sir! I think I can run a lot more now!"

Her entire body was tingling with power. It was practically rolling off her as far as she was concerned, having never experienced such an influx. Actually, haven't I finished training by now? He did say I was a prodigy, maybe this is just me finishing training a lot faster than he thought I would! I bet I could finish 100 more laps, no sweat. Can't even feel the weights anymore, or the ground or anything! Running, just running... She laughed the kind of joyous laugh one would hear from a city slicker finally starting to enjoy life in the country, fresh air and all. The running was just so exhilarating! If this was all she had to do to get her sight back, she'd do it, and she'd do it every day if it meant getting to see every day. It felt like she could go on forever.

The one time she had to stop though, was against the barrier that Chouryoku Kuro had at the ready. Oh, it's just a sonic barrier. I can go through that. She wasn't thinking about the consequences anymore. The only thing she wanted to do now was keep running, and the barrier was in the way! That's all it was!

Jutsu used: On the barrier
Sonic Destabilizer said:
Sonic Destablizer
The user creates an aura of sonic waves around their fist, the chakra vibrating intensely as they run at the opponent to give them a hard right...(Or left).

Prerequisites: Sound Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Condenses vibrating chakra around the user's fist, striking the target to deal 1350 damage. For the next two rounds, the victim has a 12% chance of having their Bleed level increased and taking 450 damage.
Master: Condenses vibrating chakra around the user's fist, striking the target to deal 1690 damage. For the next two rounds, the victim has a 18% chance of having their Bleed level increased and taking 560 damage.

Special Action: By paying +20% Cp, the user may have the initial strike use Ninjutsu Accuracy.

Rank 1 Cost: 450 Cp, 230 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 560 Cp, 280 Cp/Rnd

- This jutsu uses Melee Accuracy.
- Lasts up to three rounds, and requires a Ninjutsu check each round maintained.
- This does not stack.

Effectively smashing through the barrier, Naoki kept going, adamant about finishing her training today, all 100 laps, and possibly more if it meant she got to keep her eyesight for longer. It was either the runner's high or the seal talking, but Naoki wasn't stopping for anything or anyone that day.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Your amazing neighborhood Armor-man has arrived!
Send stats/bl/ca/kin/abilities/jutsu/ranks/class/bank account numbers/birthdate/social security number to me.


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 42,000 - 1479 = 40521 + 1260 = 41781
CP: 39,000 - 584 = 31,486
AP: 10 - 2.5 = 7.5
AP Next Round: 11
Visible Items:

Distorted Aura
HP: 2070 - 3549 = -1479 *sent to HP*|
Round 1
Field Condition:
The Mod
1.67 Samejima activates Gaia Cursed Seal
2.50s Kuro uses Distorted Aura
5.00s Samejima uses Sonic Destabilizer
5.00s Samejima tries to run from the fight!?​


HP: 13650
CP: 6650 - 616 = 6034
AP: 6 - 1 - 2 = 3
AP Next Round: 7
Visible Items:

</i>"]Not for GRP Fights.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:

Not sure if Osore/Enzeru informed you both but he passed this mod over to me.

Samejima: You should update your HP/CP info, what you send me was wrong because you character level is higher.

As per requested Samejima's attacks will be auto-crit.
Round 1[/legend]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
