Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Unlocking the Potential -Oracle Evaluation-

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
With a screeching sound of vibrating chakra and swirling energies, Samejima slammed into Kuro's barrier shattering the energy field and sending Kuro staggering back as she continued her training run. Already on lap 10 and showing no sign of slowing down Kuro reactivated his sonic chakra and ran to another point along the track and set about preparing her another jutsu to slow her down. As she rounded the track Kuro channeled his telekinesis into a secondary sonic barrier that would be stronger than his first attempt,as he sought a way to slow her down long enough to bind her and draw her out of her seal's power.
Jutsu creator force blast forcefield + distorted aura
Force Blast
A technique where the user condenses chakra, releasing it into an invisible force of energy that violently throws their enemies back.

Prerequisites: - Kinesis Affinity, C-rank

Master: Emits a pulse of force that has a 36% chances of suppressing the target up to 3 times. If at least 2 succeed, the victim has an 24% chance of auto-failing their next action. This has a 24% chance to activate the 'Psionic' effect and deal 505 damage.

Special Action - Forcefield: By paying +20% Cp, this jutsu may be used as a barrier with 1855 Hp. This blocks Physical, elemental, and non elemental effects. Attacks using melee accuracy against this barrier have a 18%/24%/30% chance of suppressing the attacker. This cannot be maintained, and only blocks a single action.

Rank 1 Cost: 450 Cp
Master Cost: 560 Cp

- This jutsu may be used reflexively. Doing so causes the Auto-fail chance to effect the attacker's current jutsu.
- If the user has at least 40% Kinesis damage buffs, only 1 suppression check is required to succeed for auto-fail chance.
- The auto-fail chance given by this jutsu cannot be increased or negated.
- The 'Psionic' effect treats this jutsu as a sneak attack. If already a sneak attack, this prevents the attack from being auto-dodged or revealing the user to others.

Distorted Aura
A jutsu that encases the users body in a small field of sonic energy. The chakra from this technique vibrates at such an extreme frequency, that the user and area around them become blurred, and any techniques approaching them are often thrown off course.

Prerequisites: Sound Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Sound Jutsu

Rank 1: Creates an invisible barrier of sonic energy around the user, protecting from up to 1800 damage. Attacks directed at the user have a 7% chance of being negated.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp, 370 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to three rounds or until destroyed.
- Barrier Hp may be increased with Sound Buffs.
- Defends against physical, non-elemental, and elemental attacks.
- The user has a chance to dodge any damage which breaks/passes through the barrier.
- While active, the user cannot use any action using Melee Accuracy.
- 'Negated' actions do not deal damage to the barrier, and have a 40% chance of being reflected back at the attacker, dealing half their damage.

If barrier holds up to Samejima's actions Kuro will use Mind Lock

Mind Lock
Manipulating Kinetic chakra around a target, this technique restrains a target with a powerful force. The strength of this technique lifts the target slightly off the ground, strangling them and preventing their body from performing even the smallest movements.

Prerequisites: - Kinesis Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Kinesis Techniques

Master: Constricts a target with invisible chakra at -3 Accuracy. This has a 21% chance of activating the 'Psionic' effect.

Special Action - Force Throw: While active, the user may pay 1 Ap and the maintain cost to throw the bound target in the path of an attack; this may be done reflexively. This checks the attack's accuracy against the user's Nin Accuracy, and if the user succeeds the bound victim becomes the 'target' of the attack. Using this special action dispels the bind after use, and gives the victim a stackable +2 bonus to all checks against this jutsu for the remainder of battle.

Special Action: The user may perform special effects with the Psi-shock, Force Break, and Psionic Rend Jutsu upon a target they have bound with this Jutsu (Actual effects are listed in those Jutsu). The user must have the appropriate Jutsu mastered before it's special action may be used.

Master Cost: 920 Cp, 460 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to three rounds, and requires a Nin check each round active.
- This technique always requires the user to use one hand (Without a weapon) to initiate and maintain it, regardless of any ability or skill.
- When bound, the victim cannot perform handseals or move.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though).
- If the user takes more than 10% of their Max Hp in damage during a round, this bind is dispelled.
- By spending 2 Ap to attempt to escape, the victim has an 15% chance of escaping.
- The 'Psionic' effect treats this jutsu as a sneak attack. If already a sneak attack, this prevents the attack from being auto-dodged or revealing the user to others.


Aug 14, 2014
Whoa... Maybe I was a little too forceful... But he won't let me run! This is what I have to do to get my sight back right?

Naoki, from her current understanding, didn't know why the Sennin wanted to stop her from achieving her goal. She wasn't feeling any negative effects, none at all. In fact, this was probably the best she'd felt, physical state-wise, since she got here! So much power... so much so she could feel her potential just laid out in front of her. All she had to do... was keep running.

But Kuro was in front of her once more, still faster, still stronger. The next jutsu she felt came out of the blue. She couldn't sense it in the least, and it sent her momentum plummeting. For a moment, she was fully motionless, then immediately went at whatever barrier that was. If she got through, she would speed up once more, only to encounter another sonic barrier. Again? I can get through, I think... I can. I can get through this! Of course I can!

Jutsu Used:
16-Hit Combo
A high speed rush attack that allows the user to bombard the enemy with highly accurate and painful strikes.

Prerequisites: B-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 1: 16 Strikes at +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical dealing 80 Damage each.

Rank 1 Cost: 520 Cp
A basic technique that allows the user to properly plan their steps ahead of time, allowing them to maneuver around the field easier.

Prerequisites: E-Rank
Rank 1: The user gains +1 Dodge to a single Taijutsu Damage Type for a full round. The chosen damage type must be declared upon use.

Rank 1 Cost: 65Cp

- One may not stack the same damage type.
- Recasting this technique and declaring an existing damage type buff will reset the duration.
Sonic Destabilizer
The user creates an aura of sonic waves around their fist, the chakra vibrating intensely as they run at the opponent to give them a hard right...(Or left).

Prerequisites: Sound Affinity, C-rank

Master: Condenses vibrating chakra around the user's fist, striking the target to deal 1690 damage. For the next two rounds, the victim has a 18% chance of having their Bleed level increased and taking 560 damage.

Master Cost: 560 Cp, 280 Cp/Rnd

- This jutsu uses Melee Accuracy.
- Lasts up to three rounds, and requires a Ninjutsu check each round maintained.
- This does not stack.

[spoilername="OOC"]Uhh it says that Jutsu Creator can't be used with a barrier... So I had Naoki treat it as if it were two different jutsus, but if there's going to be a change I'll edit this post accordingly ^^

And sorry about that, overlooked it >_<"[/spoilername]


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 41781 - 2112 - 1479 = 38190 + 1260 = 39450
CP: 31,486 - 504 - 584 - 736 = 29662
AP: 11
AP Next Round: 11 - 2 - 2.5 - 2.5 = 4
Visible Items: 11

Distorted Aura
HP: 2070 - 3549 = -1479 *sent to HP*|
Round 2
Field Condition:
The Mod
1.82s Kuro uses Force Blast
----(Fail, Suppressed, Suppressed, Fail, Fail)
3.21s Samejima uses 16-hit Combo
----(8 Hit, 8 Crit)
4.21s Samejima Uses Fleeted
4.54s Kuro uses Distorted Aura
7.14s Samejima uses Sonic Destabilizer
9.41s Kuro uses Mind Lock


HP: 13650
CP: 6034 - 468 - 65 - 504 = 4997
AP: 7 - 2.75 - .75 - 2 = 1.5
AP Next Round: 7
Visible Items:
Status: Bound![/col3]

</i>"]Not for GRP Fights.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:

MOD: I am so sorry, I was actually expecting a PM of actions from Kuro, complete mistake on my part. I'll make sure to check back on the topic more frequently.

Kuro: Samejima is right, Barriers cannot be used with jutsu create so I will be treating them as 2 separate jutsu.

In case you're confused about your Force Blast, Kuro.
----(Fail, Suppressed, Suppressed, Fail, Fail)
Not Suppressed, Suppressed, Auto-fail chance fail, Psionic Effect Fail.

Round 2[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: No worries on the mod... I am simply using defensive jutsu to test their effectiveness.

Kuro carefully maintained his hold on Samejima after the bone jarring effectiveness of her attacks Kuro was all too well attuned to the strength of the seals since it was based on his actual chakra system which was why when Naoki lashed out the resonance from her seals chakra completely synched with and critically damaged Kuro's own. Still if he could hold her still for just fifteen seconds the seal would shut down on its own by causing her to blackout from overcharging her body with dark chakra. "Naoki-san, you must calm down and slowly release the dark chakra from your body or you will cause more damage to yourself. Right now the secondary chakra system from the seal has mapped links to your chakra gates. Once you are free of the seal's effects you will be incredibly tired, you will feel the need to pull out more power from the seal. Don't do it, simply relax control your breathing and follow the vibrations of the chakra within you to the first gate of chakra within your mind, once you remove your first limiter you will be able to see normally again. Do you hear me Naoki? Relax and focus on your internal flow and map the primary chakra network within yourself, allow the seal to close itself..." Kuro held up his hand to keep Naoki restrained by telekinesis in a manner that would not cause her any harm. Soon she would have the power to transform into an Oni as well but Kuro hoped she would relax and simply focus on herself instead of using the dark powers his blood would give her.
Maintain bind for 3 more rounds till Naoki's seal reaches its five round limit.
If Naoki breaks free attempt another mind lock
if mind lock fails attempt

hypersonic reverberation

A jutsu that infuses Sound chakra directly into the body of the target, producing sonic reverberations at an incredibly high rate. This Jutsu scrambles the information being sent to and from the brain, leaving the victim in a stupid daze as their mind is essentially wiped blank for a short duration.

Prerequisites: Sound Affinity, A-rank, 4 Mastered Sound Jutsu

Rank 1: Binds the target at -1 Accuracy. Once this Jutsu is dispelled, the target has a 36% chance of suffering one level of the 'Disorient' and 'Nausea' effects per round they were bound.

Rank 1 Cost: 1760 Cp, 880 Cp/Rnd

- This bind lasts up to two rounds, a nin check is made between the user and the victim each round maintained.
- When bound, the victim cannot perform handseals or move.
- For 2.5 Ap a victim may try to escape the bind with a 15% chance of success.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though).
- If the user takes more than 10% of their Max Hp in damage during a round, this bind is dispelled.
- The 'Disorient' effect gives the target a -1 Dodge and -1 Gen Save penalty. This lasts a full round, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer.
- The 'Nausea' effect lowers the victim's Accuracy cap by -1. This lasts a full round, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.


Aug 14, 2014
"Rrgh!" Naoki had been restrained somehow, with some kind of force field as far as she knew. She couldn't move a single muscle anywhere, though she could still feel them. Frustrating, but she wasn't going to just curl up and surrender.

What? How could this seal be causing more damage...? I'm feeling better than ever! She struggled against it, likely not making any progress with escaping. She couldn't reply of course, but there wasn't much she could say in reply anyway. The power was new to her, and she held onto it like a baby to a set of keys... with a Swiss knife keychain on it.

I... Maybe I should listen to Kuro-dono. He knows what happens with these things. He doesn't know me though. I'm different right? Someone called me a genius at some point! I'm special... I am! There's things I can do now, things other people can't... I'm just trying to get back something a lot of people have, so what's the problem?
[spoilername="Actions"]6 AP used to break free of Mind Lock![/spoilername]


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 39450
CP: 29662 - 704 = 28958
AP: 11
AP Next Round:
Visible Items:
Round 3
Field Condition:
The Mod
2.86s Samejima Attempts to break out of Mind Lock!
5.72s Samejima Attempts to break out of Mind Lock!
8.58s Samejima Attempts to break out of Mind Lock!


HP: 13650
CP: 4997
AP: 7 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 1
AP Next Round: 7
Visible Items:
Status: Bound![/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:
escape chances too low!

Round 3[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro was in luck she did not have mastery over her chakra enough to shatter his telekinesis. By his count she had ten more seconds before the seal would run its course and she would be forced to release it whether she meant to or not or else she would transform into a more demonic state. Kuro would not allow that while maintaining telekinetic grasp Kuro prepared a sonic jutsu that would put Samejima to sleep if she did not manage to shut down the seal on her own. "I understand that the power feels good and you feel all but unstoppable but that is because your body and soul are being used to maintain an alternate chakra system based upon a Tsuchimikado clan chakra system, right now you feel like you are one with the universe and in a sense you are but the power will transform you into a steel demon if you do not shut it down. If I force you to shut it down it could harm your natural chakra system. Do you understand me?"<i></i>

Maintain Mind lock

if mind lock fails

Sing temple of nirvana and then reattempt mind lock


Aug 14, 2014
There was no denying at at this point, Naoki wasn't going anywhere fast. Her mind was the only thing she could move now, and it warred within her.

Wh-what's happening? Alternate what? Just let me go to finish this, I'll finish training and turn it off then! No big deal right? I can turn it off if I want to, no sweat! Can I? I don't know if I can control this... No, what am I thinking? Of course I can! It's my seal, I can turn it off, I just don't... I don't want to! It's going to help me get my sight back, it will! B-but, I don't want to turn into a... a steel demon! It'll wear off though, it'll wear off as soon as I turn off the seal! Or I'll find a way to change back, or something... I'm going to be normal again... I'll do whatever it takes!

Somewhere deeper in her mind than she could reach right now, Naoki noticed that she has lost feeling in her fingertips and toes.

Raaaaaaargh, let me run!! And with that internal scream, the girl struggled harder against whatever was binding her.
[spoilername="Actions"]Aaaand another 6 AP goes to trying to escape Mind Lock because neither I nor Naoki can think of anything else in this situation...[/spoilername]


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 39450
CP: 28958 - 704 = 28258
AP: 11
AP Next Round:
Visible Items:
Round 4
Field Condition:
The Mod
2.86s Samejima Attempts to break out of Mind Lock!
5.72s Samejima Attempts to break out of Mind Lock!
8.58s Samejima Attempts to break out of Mind Lock!


HP: 13650
CP: 4997
AP: 7 - 2 - 2 - 2 = 1
AP Next Round: 7
Visible Items:
Status: Bound![/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:
No but seriously bind escape chance is ridiculous.

Round 4[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The struggle against Kuro's telekinesis set him back a bit on reserve chakra for further teaching Naoki for the day and still being able to train himself but by the fluctuations in she was going to transform into an armored demon warrior any moment now. Without any chance of reversing the process accept by either her will or her own exhaustion. This was a delicate time, if Naoki did not control the seal on her own and release it she could transform into an ancient Tenchi. If Kuro simply exhausted her in battle he could force her to physically to restrain the seal by making her strike her own pressure points. With his mental strength taxed and unwilling to simply hold her back Kuro resigned himself to the simplest teaching method possible... COMBAT. "Naoki, you have placed your body and soul in great danger but I will respect your decision to embrace the power you have attained. As such I will simply force you to yield the power that is endangering your life with these two hands."

Naoki would be able to see once she transformed and she would realize the location of the first gate within her mind as her body altered to the strain from the Steel Seal of Ying/Yang. Kuro took a deep centered stance as sonic and dark chakra embraced, enveloped, and reinforced his body.

Actions: Kuro will attack Naoki using Fuuruuken Style all called shots to the legs
**any crits rolled for Kuro will be intentional misses**
Kuro will attempt to grapple if Naoki tries to run.

Furuuken Stance - Fighting Style
Furuuken, meaning "Vibrating Fist", is a style of Blind fighting making use of the Hashigaki's affinity to sound. User's of this stance channel chakra to their palms, causing them to vibrate at a high speed. This vibration causes a resonance through the air by vibrating the air around their melee attacks to a point where physical contact is not needed to hit their targets, though of course their technique would be all the more effective in full contact.

Rank 3: If an unarmed attack partially hits, the damage it deals is increased by +30%. If it Fully hits, it gains +5% Damage, and inflict a -1.5 dodge.

Rank 3: 300 Chakra per round

Weapon passively equipped at all times

Augments: Primal, Special Composition Kinesis*, Chakra drain
Type: Unique (Unarmed)
Unique Mastery Weapon Type: Unarmed
Weight: light
Range: Melee
Damage: -10% dmg canceled by by special composition augment/ +5% dmg (b. strength)
Accuracy: +2



Aug 14, 2014
Having been released from her bind, Naoki landed back on the ground with a slight jolt to her legs after the feeling returned. B-back? Can I move? Awesome! Yield the... huh?

She sensed the Sennin's current stance. It was one she's used before, without really knowing its name, just experimenting with the effects chakra could have on one's stance. That... is he planning on fighting? With a genin? This is part of training... So it's okay to try stuff out right? W-wait, but the training was to run right? He did want me to stop running, so is this just the next part of training? That means I don't have to run anymore right?

Entering the same stance herself, though it was at a lower level of mastery, Naoki used her chakra to vibrate her fists. She considered stopping awhile to make sure Kuro was ready, but... What am I thinking, of course he's ready! She then proceeded to attack the Sennin with full force, not stopping long enough to think of any sort of fallback if she got hit too badly.
[spoilername="Actions"]Furuuken Stance entered, Rank 2
Rank 2: If an unarmed attack partially hits, the damage it deals is increased by +20%. If it Fully hits, it gains +5% Damage, and inflict a -1 dodge.

Rank 2: 200 Chakra per round

Shadow Dance
A sneaky technique that allows the user to approach their target in close proximity, potentially allowing the user to hit their blindside without trouble.

Prerequisites: C-Rank

Rank 2: The users next Taijutsu Attack is treated as a Sneak Attack gaining +1 Accuracy and +1 Critical.

Rank 2 Cost: 420 Cp

16-Hit Combo
A high speed rush attack that allows the user to bombard the enemy with highly accurate and painful strikes.

Prerequisites: B-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 1: 16 Strikes at +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical dealing 80 Damage each.

Rank 1 Cost: 520 Cp

Regardless of how the following actions played out, Naoki would feel something close to an awakening, and a dark aura would appear to surround her. Though her normal, adjusted self would have panicked at this change, the genin was reasonably happy with whatever had enveloped her. Hmhm! Did I just get even stronger?


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 39450 - 2160 = 37290 + 1260*3 = 41070
CP: 28258 - 300 - 300 = 27758
AP: 11 - 11 = 0
AP Next Round: 10
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Round 5
Field Condition:
The Mod
0.45s Kuro switches to Furuuken Stance
0.90s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Bind Breaks, Hits!)
1.35s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
1.61s Samejima switches to Furuuken Stance
1.80s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit! Sprained!)
2.25s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit! Fractured!)
2.70s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
3.15s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit! Broken)
3.60s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
4.05s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
4.11s Samejima uses Shadow Dance
4.50s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
4.95s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
5.40s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
5.85s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
6.30s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
6.75s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
7.20s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
7.32s Samejima does a hidden action
---- (8 Hit! 8 Crit)
7.65s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
8.10s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
8.55s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
9.00s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Auto-Miss!)
9.45s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
9.90s Kuro strikes Samejima's legs!
---- (Hit!)
10.0s Samejima's Cursed Seal Evolves?! Regains All HP/CP and Legs fixed!​


HP: 13650 - (202 * 20) = 9610 Revert = 13650
CP: 4997 - 404 - 200 - 520 - 420 = 3453 Revert = 6034
AP: 7 - .5 - 2.25 - 2.75 = 1.5
AP Next Round: 7
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Cursed Seal R2[/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:
Kuro : I forgot to add your healing factor the last two rounds, so I added them along with this round.

<B>I'm going to assume you don't really mind this Kuro, but Samejima I've realized that you do not own a weapon. You must own a weapon to use that weapon's taijutsu so you must own an unarmed weapon to use unarmed taijutsu.

Edit: As per requested for RP flavor -
1) Samejima will recieve a version of Kuro's weapon
2) Samejima's CS will be treated as R2, since 5 rounds have passed
3) HP/CP and Called shots have been treated.

Round 5[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro was too late the seal had awakened a steel form using the onmyouji blood seal that she had accepted during Kuro's desperate attempt to maintain the tunnel against the Cabal. His efforts to slow Naoki down had only made her try harder, his efforts to stop her transformation had only validated her mindset. Power always corrupts when not controlled... Naoki would be able to see now that her first gate had been forced open by the cursed seal of steel. Kuro could not risk her further injury but now that she had transformed the only way to master her seal now was to fully become a steel demon and back away of her own free will. It was up to Kuro to teach her directly and through necessary battle so he immediately unleashed Heaven's Seal Rank 2 to show her what it meant to wield true demon power. "I had hoped that you would find the way to the first gate by exhaustion but since you are indulgent and a genius the only way for you to master yourself is to free yourself from the power of the seal at its height, if you do not the power of the seal can kill you. You will come at me with everything you have till you exhaust your energy. Your life is on the line young lady, know that I cannot save you, you must now save yourself..."

Kuro transformed then resumed his fighting stance but he seemed far faster than before, fiery chakra surged around Kuro's dark demonic form.
Demon Transformation -
The Heaven seal is the strongest Cursed Seal known to exist, enhancing the user's strength and skill in all aspects rather than just a single one. This makes it highly valued as no matter what changes the shinobi might go through during their lifespan, this cursed seal will always aid them.

Rank 2: Covers the user in a dark aura, giving them +1.5 to all Secondaries. All jutsu cost -10% Cp, Inflict +10% more Damage and have a +4% to any secondary effects. In addition the user takes 2% Max HP damage per round.
Rank 3: Completely alters the user into a totally different figure, giving them +2 to all Secondaries. All jutsu cost -15% Cp, Inflict +15% more Damage and have a +8% to any secondary effects. These buffs/debuffs do not count toward the buff cap. In addition the user takes 2% Max HP damage per round.

Cost: 1 Ap to Activate/Deactivate, the user loses -5 training points for each round active.

Kuro knows almost every unarmed technique so unless she uses ninjutsu Kuro will simply use counterstrike with Spearhand which Kuro call's Steel Claw. If Naoki uses a ninjutsu Kuro will use reflection.

An advance skill that requires extreme speed and reflex in order to strike down their foes before they can land a hit.

Prerequisites: B-Rank

Master Rank: Targets a Taijutsu attack at +2 Accuracy. Can be used with Taijutsu Rank E-B.

Cost: 545 CP +30% the chosen Taijutsu's CP Cost.

- Used Reactionary, only when the user is targeted by an offensive Taijutsu Attack.
- When used, the user chooses this action and sends in a taijutsu. 90% of the chosen taijutsu's total damage reduces the oncoming attack's damage by an equal amount. The chosen action used with this jutsu does not cost AP, only this technique does.
- If the user's taijutsu is stronger, leftover damage is dealt to the opponent; however if this is used on a Ranged Taijutsu Attack this only blocks the incoming damage.
- If the user uses a technique that allows for a Follow Up or Combo, that particular effect is negated.
- This can only be used once per round.

Spear Hand
Utilizing chakra, one momentarily gives the flesh of their hand the consistency of tempered steel in an attempt to thrust it into the target at high speeds.

Prerequisites: B-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 2: 1 Strike at -3 Accuracy dealing 2,100 Damage.

Special Action: By paying +30% of the chakra cost, this technique may be modded as if costing 1 AP. This may only be used once per round.
Special Action: By paying an additional +0.25 AP and +10% Cp, the user may charge this technique gaining an additional +5% base damage. This may be done up to 4 times.

Rank 2 Cost: 765 Cp

- Cannot use both Special Actions at the same time.

A skill that allows one to take defensive maneuvers against oncoming techniques. Rather than avoid an attack, this jutsu allows one to deflect a technique by releasing an invisible burst of chakra to counter and knock aside the attack, preventing it reaching the user. Due to its reflexive nature, but the reflection cannot be precisely aimed or resist the strongest forces, however.

Prerequisites: - Kinesis Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Kinesis Techniques

Rank 1: Allows the user to Deflect up to Level B jutsu.
Master: Allows the user to Deflect up to Level B jutsu with +1 to their check.

Cost: 1 Ap, Cp of the reflected attack +30%.

- This jutsu is used reflexively, and does not require handseals.
- This requires a full round of cool down between uses, does not work on any Level A+ jutsu. This does not effect Genjutsu.
- Reflected attacks are not redirected to the attacker; they are only deflected.
- If used against an AoE, only the effects targeting the user are Deflected.
- When used, this causes the attack to make a check against the user's Ninjutsu Accuracy instead of evasion. The user cannot dodge if they fail this check.
- The user suffers a Dodge penalty for the remainder of the round depending on the strength of the Jutsu deflected. Non-Jutsu/Level E give the user no dodge penalty, D -1, C -2, and B -3.

Kuro will initiate and maintain Nature's Guard after the next 2 rounds

Natures Guard

A complex barrier jutsu created in a similar manner to the Rasengan, with a structure capable of allowing the user to imbue it with an elemental nature. Due to this, it has many different appearances and effects, making it highly versatile. Its unique structure makes it so that when the user imbues it with a nature, it readily absorbs chakra of that type, weakening attacks made upon it of those elements; though it also has the unfortunate habit of absorbing opposing natures, which weaken and destabilize it.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 NE Jutsu Mastered, An Affinity of the chosen element

Rank 1: The user brings forth a barrier with 4000 HP.

Special Action: The user may choose to add an affinity to the barrier. This does not increase the cost, but the user must have the affinity of the chosen element and must declare which is being used upon initial use. Advanced Elements cannot be applied to the jutsu.

Earth: -10% damage reduction to earth jutsu targeting the barrier and +10% lightning jutsu damage done to barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee attack, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of having their called shot level increased. (Either the hands or the arms)
- Fire: -10% damage reduction to fire jutsu targeting the barrier and +10% water jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee attack, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of being burned and taking backlash damage equal to 25% of the damage done to the barrier.
- Wind: -10% damage reduction to wind jutsu targeting the barrier and +10% fire jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee attack, the attacker has a 36/44% chance of having their bleed rank increased.
- Water: -10% damage reduction to water jutsu targeting the barrier and +10% earth jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee attack, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of being suppressed.
- Lightning: -10% damage reduction to lightning jutsu targeting the barrier and +10% wind jutsu damage done to the barrier. Upon being attacked with a melee attack, the attacker has a 36%/44% chance of being electrocuted, and take 2% Max Hp Damage for two rounds. Does not stack.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 CP, 980 CP/Rnd.
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 CP, 1220 CP/Rnd.

- May only be used once per round. Does not stack with other barriers, and effects cannot stack.
- May be maintained until destroyed, or up to 3 rounds.
- Defends against physical, non-elemental, and elemental attacks.
- Barrier strength may be increased with buffs of the chosen element.
- Any damage that destroys the barrier may target the user at -3 Accuracy.
- The user cannot perform actions involving melee accuracy while maintaining this barrier.




Aug 14, 2014
What... is he getting serious...?

Naoki wasn't thinking much more, not quite believing that a Sennin of Sunagakure, the Toraono Kuro, would truly attack a genin. What's he talking about, saving myself... And from the seal? It's not bad, it's helping me! I could've easily finished those laps by now really, but if this is the new menu... Then I'm going to have fun~ Still attacking haphazardly, throwing caution to the wind, she chained as many hits as she could get in, alternating between systematic punches and just general long streams of punches, with an occasional kick mixed in. The power... I... This is just so, ohh what's the word...

She gave up on finding the proper word this time, and settled for the basest of noises that she could make to express her exhilaration.



Her voice seemed to have changed as well, as if distorted into a pitchier, more nasal tone through some kind of substance between her larynx and the outside world. Her attacks were hitting, each one of them... But so were the Sennin's.

She didn't notice many of the hits until they started to make her notice them, bruises most likely forming wherever Kuro countered. As far as Naoki could tell anyway, it's not like she could see the bruises...

Then, for what was probably the fifth time this week alone... Naoki's headband slipped off her eyes to hang around her neck. By pure reflex, the girl's eyes opened wide...

YES! That single word reverberated through her mind, as it continued to search the body it inhabited for further effects. She'd be able to feel, somehow, that a sort of limiter had been removed from her chakra systems. That was what had allowed her to see, and what had her staring at her surroundings, quite happily stunned and grinning like a maniac, for all of two seconds anyway.

Her sight was back.
16-Hit Combo
A high speed rush attack that allows the user to bombard the enemy with highly accurate and painful strikes.

Prerequisites: B-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 1: 16 Strikes at +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical dealing 80 Damage each.

Rank 1 Cost: 520 Cp
Step-In Flash
A quick dash close to the opponent to strike them followed by quickly stepping back out of range of counter attack.

Prerequisites: C-Rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type

Rank 2: 2 Strikes at +2 Accuracy dealing 580 Damage each. If both hit, the user gains +2 Dodge to the target's next attack.

Special Action: If the user dodges the target's next attack, the user gains +1 Accuracy to their next Unarmed attack.

Rank 2 Cost: 385 Cp
4-Hit Combo
A quick striking technique that allows the user to hit an opponent several times with high accuracy.

Prerequisites: D-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 2: 4 Strikes at +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical dealing 150 Damage each.

Rank 2 Cost: 215 Cp

Rest for remainder of AP

Forgot about that, sorry... Eyes tend to just skip right past the prerequisites nowadays, I'm afraid I let the power get to my head OOCly too ._.[/spoilername]


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 41070 - 392 = 40678 + 1260 = 41938
CP: 27758 - 2200 - 1386 = 24172
AP: 10 - 3 - 2.25 = 4.75
AP Next Round: 11
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Heaven Seal R2

Nature Guard
HP: 4000 - (96*24) = 1696 - 696 - 1392 = -392|
Round 6
Field Condition:
The Mod
3.00s Kuro summons Nature's Guard
3.21s Samejima uses 16 hit Combo
----(8 Hit, 8 Crit)
5.71s Samejima uses Step-in Flash
----(Hit, Crit)
7.00s Samejima uses 4 Hit combo
----(Kuro Counter strikes with Spear Hand!)
7.00s Samejima rests!​


HP: 13650 - 1302 = 12348 + 546 = 12894
CP: 6034 - 520 - 385 - 215 = 4914 + 241
AP: 7 - 2.25 - 1.75 - 1.25 = 1.75 - 1.75 = 0
AP Next Round: 6
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Gaia Seal R2[/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:

Round 6[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro used his seal at stage 2 engulfing himself in fiery energies of darkness and wrath forcing his chakra to a higher state and causing his chakra to expand dramatically. Allowing him to perform ninjutsu and jutsu at a higher state as he empowered his jutsu to withstand some of Samejima's attacks. Her steel form enabled her to fight at a much higher state than normal but she had yet to master her sonic combat capabilities. Being armored in cursed steel she could actually increase her close combat capabilities dramatically. However if she mastered the eight gates she could even further beyond that and move at speeds faster than sound waves. "Naoki, you must gather control over your cursed steel form before you become a full demon. If you become a full steel demon I will have no choice but to drain all of your chakra away and force you to call upon your eight inner chakra gates to survive."<i></i>

Kuro's body wreathed itself in hungry chakra, chakra that devours the chakra of others. He wasn't going to allow Naoki to become an abomination, it would be wrong for her to lose herself to his sacred blood's power without a demonbeast spirit to help her manage it. Kuro prepared himself to receive any attack as he would counter attack any taijutsu with a submission hold to draw away Samejima's dark chakra or reflection on any ninjutsu used by Samejima.

Chakra Absorption
A useful technique that taijutsu users have developed over time giving them the ability to drain the chakra from their opponent with their touch. While not very strong, every bit counts in the end.

Prerequisites: C-Rank

Master Rank: Coats the user's weapon in Chakra allowing them to absorb 10% of the Damage done to the Target from the Target's Chakra.

- May not be used in conjunction with any Channeling type of effects.
- This technique only deals chakra damage based on the HP damage done. Techniques that deal only Chakra Damage may not be used in conjunction with this jutsu.
- This technique does not apply with Illusionary Damage.

Master Rank Cost: 225 CP, 115 CP a round.

An advance skill that requires extreme speed and reflex in order to strike down their foes before they can land a hit.

Prerequisites: B-Rank

Master Rank: Targets a Taijutsu attack at +2 Accuracy. Can be used with Taijutsu Rank E-B.

After grabbing a target, the user puts them into a body lock designed to put a significant amount of stress on the target's body to cause pain.

Prerequisites: B-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 2: Binds a single target at -3 Accuracy dealing 470 Damage per Round.

Special Action: By an additional +20% Cp, this technique has a 21%/28% chance to treat a single limb as Fractured for two Full Rounds, returning to normal after the time limit. Any additional called shots to the chosen limb use the Broken Status chance and revert to Sprained at the end of the two rounds.

Rank 2 Cost: 920 Cp to initiate, 460 Cp/Rnd

- This may last up to the three rounds.
- If the target is already bound with the Grapple jutsu, this technique has a 21%/28% chance to Auto-Hit the target.
- The target has a 15% chance to escape for every 2 Ap they use.
- While bound neither the victim or the user can perform handseals or move (Only handseal-less Ninjutsu/Genjutsu or actions not involving movement may be performed).
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. Passive damage done by this technique does not apply.They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though.
- If the user takes more than 10% of their Max Hp in damage during a round, this bind is dispelled.

Cost: 545 CP +30% the chosen Taijutsu's CP Cost.

- Used Reactionary, only when the user is targeted by an offensive Taijutsu Attack.
- When used, the user chooses this action and sends in a taijutsu. 90% of the chosen taijutsu's total damage reduces the oncoming attack's damage by an equal amount. The chosen action used with this jutsu does not cost AP, only this technique does.
- If the user's taijutsu is stronger, leftover damage is dealt to the opponent; however if this is used on a Ranged Taijutsu Attack this only blocks the incoming damage.
- If the user uses a technique that allows for a Follow Up or Combo, that particular effect is negated.
- This can only be used once per round.

A skill that allows one to take defensive maneuvers against oncoming techniques. Rather than avoid an attack, this jutsu allows one to deflect a technique by releasing an invisible burst of chakra to counter and knock aside the attack, preventing it reaching the user. Due to its reflexive nature, but the reflection cannot be precisely aimed or resist the strongest forces, however.

Prerequisites: - Kinesis Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Kinesis Techniques

Rank 1: Allows the user to Deflect up to Level B jutsu.
Master: Allows the user to Deflect up to Level B jutsu with +1 to their check.

Cost: 1 Ap, Cp of the reflected attack +30%.

- This jutsu is used reflexively, and does not require handseals.
- This requires a full round of cool down between uses, does not work on any Level A+ jutsu. This does not effect Genjutsu.
- Reflected attacks are not redirected to the attacker; they are only deflected.
- If used against an AoE, only the effects targeting the user are Deflected.
- When used, this causes the attack to make a check against the user's Ninjutsu Accuracy instead of evasion. The user cannot dodge if they fail this check.
- The user suffers a Dodge penalty for the remainder of the round depending on the strength of the Jutsu deflected. Non-Jutsu/Level E give the user no dodge penalty, D -1, C -2, and B -3.


Aug 14, 2014
It wasn't very likely that words would do much here, with the state she was in. What did work though were actions, and Naoki knew that she wasn't putting a scratch on the Sennin. Hrrgh... Taijutsu isn't working at all... Change of tactics then! She used the only other type of jutsu she had practice in, and that was ninjutsu.

The first type that came to mind was wind, because she felt like she could move like it just then. How's this! She used the newfound speed she felt coursing through her very self to punch the air, creating a condensed pocket she directed straight at Kuro with her ability to control Wind chakra.

Switching to the next element she knew, but having enough of her mind back to save the strongest for last, she used the control she had over Lightning chakra to generate several small bolts of it, somewhat shocked still at the power she'd managed to acquire in the time she'd spent here. Hmhmhm... So that's what lightning looks like up close. The lightning bolts gathered for a moment before being sent on their way to their target... Who was likely blocking each and every one of the attacks, not feeling the least bit perturbed.

The girl who seemed to be well on her way to becoming a full steel demon fired these attacks off, while in the back of her mind that nagging feeling stirred again. Stop, stop, stop! She was told to regain control, but how was she to do so? No... What am I doing? Even if it is training, Kuro-dono sounds awfully urgent about me stopping everything... And I want to but... I can't stop! It's... starting to hurt a little But it's not from the seal It might be from the seal, actually it probably is! Aaah, just focus on the battle already!

Outwardly, it would've looked like she was freezing somewhat between actions, not being as fluid in her movements as she should've been, and by the end of her attack, she was clutching at her head, and though facing the ground those eyes were still wide open...

"Rrg... Hraaagh!"
[spoilername="Actions"]Air Bullet
A jutsu that creates a condensed sphere of air, that when shot is capable of blowing the target off their feet, leaving them defenseless and open for a quick moment while they regain balance.

Prerequisites: D Rank

Rank 1: Blows a gust of wind doing 685 damage at +1 Accuracy. This has a 12% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' effect.

Rank 1 Cost: 215 Cp

- The 'Gaspless' effect inflicts suppression and causes the victim to pay +10% Ap to their next Action. This may only happen once per use.
A technique that gathers lightning energy into a small area, condensing them together before releasing it, causing multiple lightning bolts to strike out and attack all those nearby. The bolts themselves are not accurate or powerful, but they are numerous enough to make up for that shortcoming.

Prerequisites: D-rank

Master: Creates a field that releases 7 lightning bolts to strike an area. Each deals 215 Damage at +2 Accuracy.

Master Cost: 240 Cp

- A target may only be hit by three bolts; however this may be split among multiple targets.
Inner Turmoil
Rest - 3 AP


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 41938 + 1260 - (215 * 7) = 41693
CP: 24172 - 191 - 247 = 23734
AP: 11 - 1.75 - 2.5 = 7.75
AP Next Round: 11
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Heaven Seal R3|
Round 7
Field Condition:
The Mod
1.57s Kuro activates Chakra Absorption
2.50s Samejima uses Air Bullet
----(Kuro uses reflection! Success!)
5.00s Samejima uses Thunderclap
----(7 Hit)
5.00s Samejima rests!​


HP: 12894 + 1092 = 13650
CP: 5155 - 215 - 240 + 483 = 5183
AP: 6 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 3 = 0
AP Next Round: 6
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Gaia Seal R2[/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:

Round 7[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro allowed himself to feel his own power for a brief moment as he channeled his strength from his core to hands in preparation to slow down Naoki. Stretching out his chakra he began weaving a series of jutsu to weaken Naoki's growing steel powers. “A Five element seal should limit the breakdown of your body and soul into dark chakra, and a follow up leech seal should keep your chakra usage to a minimum forcing you to commit to disengaging your seal.”<i></i> Kuro mixed his seals with basic strikes to ensure that she wasn’t able to block or counter his seals. He then charged his body with even more fiery chakra to prepare a pulse of kinetic force to keep Naoki within range. All the while he made efforts to restrain Naoki's transformation without her sustaining true harm. She was just a little girl despite her training and her genius. Only through meticulous restraint and usage of exact techniques would the Akuma Sennin be able to bring Naoki back to a normal state where she could unleash her potential in a more controlled manner.

Jutsu’s used:
Activating Chakra drain from Shishi no ken weapon augment in conjunction with maintaining chakra absorption
2 normal strikes
Five element Seal - Master Rank
A master level seal that all but removes the ability to manipulate chakra in its victims. This seal takes much time and dedication to master and understand, yet its benefits, or rather impairments, are well worth the effort. When scribed upon an unfortunate target, this infuses them with disruptive energy that interferes with the entire chakra system, forcing the subject to put in immense effort to perform even the simplest of jutsu, effectively sealing away years of training.

Prerequisites: A-rank, 8 Mastered Non Elemental Jutsu, 2 Mastered Jutsu of every Element, One Element Seal Mastered.

Rank 2: Scribes a seal upon the target at -2 Accuracy. The seal gives all elemental Ninjutsu +20% Cp cost, and prevents any Affinity Moves from being used with them. Additionally, all Ninjutsu have a 36% chance of being treated one rank lower.

Rank 2 Cost: 3025 CP, 1345 CP/Rnd

- Lasts up to three rounds
- Uses Melee Accuracy to scribe the seal, and a Ninjutsu check each round after the first.
- If a maintain check is resisted, the jutsu is not dispelled; its effects are negated for the round. It will remain until the round limit is reached or it is removed.
- Does not stack with One Element Seal, and overwrites it.

2 normal strikes

Leech Seal – Rank 1
A seal that may be placed upon a target, which from that point on will gradually siphon the life and chakra from the victim and steadily restore the chakra and vitality of the user. This seal is only temporarily, and only remains active so long as the user remains nearby the victim.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 NE Jutsu

Rank 1: Places the Leech seal upon a target at -2 Accuracy. Each round the victim loses 2% of their Max Hp and Cp.

Special Action: By sacrificing the Hp effects of the seal, Kuro will increase the CP drain by +2%.

Cost: 1200 CP to place the seal

- Uses Melee Accuracy to scribe the seal, and a Ninjutsu check each round after the first. Lasts up to three rounds.
- Half of the HP and CP damage dealt by this technique is added to the user's HP and CP.
- Any Hp/Cp regained by the victim while this seal is active requires a Ninjutsu check against the Sealer. If the Sealer succeeds, then the amount healed is split between the victim and the sealer.
- Per-round Hp/Cp regeneration does not stack if placed upon multiple targets. However, if the targets recover Hp/Cp the user may receive the benefits.


Aug 14, 2014
"Haah... haah..."

What... what happened? I haven't been sure of what's happening for a while now... My head really hurt for a bit there. It seems like after the last scream, Naoki was somewhat more composed. Hearing the Sennin's words, she was somewhat panicked. More seals? But I thought... wasn't I supposed to turn this one off? And how do I even...

She noticed her predicament as Kuro started on the offensive, and tried to defend as well as she could. Now understanding most of what she was doing, gaining a little control over the seal, she also noticed that there was something different about her body. Not just its physical form, which she could see quite clearly and process now (Whoa, I'm pretty tall! All grown up and... metallic? Is this the seal doing stuff?) but also its inner workings. Somehow, it seemed to her like she was able to walk through the length of the Diamond Maelstrom or some other impossibly endurance-testing feat like running 100 laps around the Coliseum with twice her body weight in... weights. It also felt like there was a new, more stable source of chakra, coming from somewhere in her head instead of wherever the seal was.

I'm still in the middle of training, so I should keep attacking... Though I should think more about what I do. And how would I be able to deal with more seals? It shouldn't be too hard. All the while though, she was putting a bit more thought into what she should be doing to turn that seal off. What was that... Limit chakra usage?
A technique that basically used to expel chakra through physical force, creating a barrier around the user that allows them to attack without worrying of breaking their own barrier while still retaining the ability to absorb incoming blows.

Prerequisites: C-Rank

Rank 2: Allows the user to cast a Taijutsu Technique as a Barrier. This barrier has Hp equal to 80% of the Taijutsu's Base Damage.

Cost: AP cost of the Taijutsu +1; CP cost of the jutsu +20%

- This technique may be used Reactionary.
- This can only be used once per round and 3 times per battle.
- This technique lasts for 1 Full Round.
- While Expel is active, the user is able to use Taijutsu of the Damage Type used as normal. Attempting to use Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu of another Damage Type will automatically destroy the Barrier.
- This can not be used with Taijutsu above B-Rank.
Expel used with: 16-Hit Combo
A high speed rush attack that allows the user to bombard the enemy with highly accurate and painful strikes.

Prerequisites: B-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 1: 16 Strikes at +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical dealing 80 Damage each.

Rank 1 Cost: 520 Cp
Basic attack - Unarmed Weapon
4 times, efforts to conserve chakra

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
