Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Unlocking the Potential -Oracle Evaluation-


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 41693 + 1260 - 115 - 230 - 115 - 230 = 42000
CP: 23734 - 2571 - 1020 + 120 = 20263
AP: 11 - .5 - .5 - 2.5 - 2.5 = 5
AP Next Round: 11
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Heaven Seal R3|
Round 8
Field Condition:
The Mod
0.45s Kuro strikes Samejima
0.90s Kuro strikes Samejima
3.64s Kuro uses 5 Elemental Seal
5.41s Samejima uses Expel w/ 16 Hit combo
5.91s Kuro uses Leech Seed
6.25s Samejima attacks Kuro
7.08s Samejima attacks Kuro
7.92s Samejima attacks Kuro
8.75s Samejima attacks Kuro


HP: 13650 - 172 - 172 = 13306
CP: 5183 - 624 - 241 = 4318
AP: 6
AP Next Round: 6
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Gaia Seal R2

Expel Barrier
HP: 1024[/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:

Samejima: Believe it will become R3 next round

Round 8[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Naoki... focus your will, control the onmyouji steel seal and will it to a lesser state so you can begin your true training. You have forced your mind to open your eyes. Now you need to calm your spirit and master unlocking the gates inside you instead of using the steel curse for strength. The steel curse is only for emergencies when you have no strength of your own left. You have plenty of strength within you if you only allow yourself to focus on it. Release the seal or I will be forced to take you down so that you do no further harm to your body." Kuro had to admit that he was severely impressed, at nine years old she was not only able to endure a cursed seal, but master it while still keeping the majority of her faculties intact. She was beyond genius level, Kuro doubted that he could have handled the Heavenly seal he carried at such a young age without losing himself completely. The power was simply too tempting to the young and inexperienced. Kuro decided to no longer play around, a reasonable amount of force should be able to topple her power trip in 30 seconds or less. Content with his assessment as she neared the pinnacle of her current abilities Kuro charged up an attack and deliberately aimed it for her armor. She was too strong for lesser techniques so Kuro knew he had to use techniques completely beyond her understanding and experience.

WC: 252
MFT (Ability Training)
Perfected Rasengan:
A perfected version of the Jutsu known as Rasengan. This variant takes Nature transformation to the next level, perfectly infusing it into the spiraling sphere of chakra to create a completely new, powerful technique. This technique requires both a high level of chakra control and a great affinity to the elements in order to combine the two.

Prerequisites: A rank, Rasengan Mastered, 8 Mastered NE Ninjutsu, at least one Major Affinity

Rank 1: Base effects are 4400 damage. Secondary effects have a 36% chance of activating. This must be used with both special Actions.

Special Action - Shapeshift:
- May use Ranged, Ninjutsu, or Melee Accuracy. (Must choose one)- Melee
- +1 Accuracy and -10% Cp cost, but deal -5% base damage. x 2 so +2 acc -20% cost, -10% dmg

Special Action - Nature Infusion: When using this Jutsu, the user must choose a single element to infuse. Each element requires a Major Affinity in order to be chosen;

Rasen-Shuriken (Wind): Morphs Rasengan into a storm of microscopic windblades that pierce through the body. Damage is split into 6 checks. Each check has a chance of inflicting the 'Chakra Sever' effect. A target may only be effected three times per use.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 CP

- This Jutsu may only be used once per round, and must be used with both of the special actions.
- All versions do not require handseals, and Kuro will use Melee accuracy.
- This jutsu is treated as its chosen element.
- This Jutsu may only be used three times per battle.

- 'Chakra Sever' damages the chakra system of the target, causing them to take -1% Max Cp damage per round for the remainder of battle. Stacks 5 times.

Activating Minor Affinity move-
Debilitate - Increases the Secondary effect chances of a Ninjutsu attack by 1/2; this move may only be used once per round.

maintain leech seal & five element seal

counter any ninjutsu with reflection
counter any taijutsu with counter strike - Spearhand


Aug 14, 2014
Naoki heard the order loud and clear, but wasn't sure how she was supposed to just control something that, up until then, she'd been depending on to keep moving after the first few laps or so. Even if I know what to do... How do I do it?

She tried to focus her will, inwards, scanning for a source of chakra unlike the one she knew and the new one she'd found. I just need to know where the chakra's coming from, and I'll be able to find the source to shut it down right...?

The Sennin wasn't about to just sit still and wait for her to do so however, wanting to help her in controlling it by forcing her to use up any chakra she had. We're still training? Oh! To force me to use up chakra to defend myself? She tried using the defensive jutsu again, though one which would take less time - that next attack looked like it was going to hurt.

[Edited to contain RP]
[spoilername="Actions"]Reactionary! Block
A basic technique that utilizes an offensive taijutsu into a defensive one, allowing one to absorb the damage needed.

Prerequisites: E-Rank

Rank 2: Reduces the damage of the next offensive damaging attack equal to 3 times the user's Basic Attack damage.

Rank 2 Cost: 80 Cp

- May only be used twice per round.
- Can be used Reactionary.
A technique that basically used to expel chakra through physical force, creating a barrier around the user that allows them to attack without worrying of breaking their own barrier while still retaining the ability to absorb incoming blows.

Prerequisites: C-Rank

Rank 2: Allows the user to cast a Taijutsu Technique as a Barrier. This barrier has Hp equal to 80% of the Taijutsu's Base Damage.

Cost: AP cost of the Taijutsu +1; CP cost of the jutsu +20%

- This technique may be used Reactionary.
- This can only be used once per round and 3 times per battle.
- This technique lasts for 1 Full Round.
- While Expel is active, the user is able to use Taijutsu of the Damage Type used as normal. Attempting to use Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, or Taijutsu of another Damage Type will automatically destroy the Barrier.
- This can not be used with Taijutsu above B-Rank.
Expel used with: Roaring Combination
A long stream of attacks aimed at any number of opponents. Most often used when surrounded.

Prerequisites: C-rank, A weapon with the Unarmed Damage Type.

Rank 2: 8 Strikes at +1 Accuracy dealing 150 Damage each.

Rank 2 Cost: 400 Cp

If Gaia Seal ranks up after actions, turn off Gaia Seal[/spoilername]


Oct 23, 2012

Toraono Kuro (Hashigaki)

HP: 42000
CP: 20263 - 1143 - 1650 + 120 = 17590
AP: 11 - 3 = 8
AP Next Round: 11
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves
Status: Heaven Seal R3|
Round 9
Field Condition:
The Mod
2.73s Kuro uses Rasen-Shuriken
----(Samejima uses block + Last Round's Expel)
----(Hit! Hit! Hit! Crit! Hit! Hit!)
7.28s Samejima uses Expel with Roaring Combination
7.28s Samejima's Cursed Seal Ranks Up!
7.28s Samejima deactivates her cursed seal​


HP: 13306 - 622 - 1320 - 660 - 660 = 10044
CP: 4318 - 80 - 480 - 241 = 3517
AP: 6 - .75 - 2.75 = 2.5
AP Next Round: 7
Visible Items: Fighting Gloves

16 Hit Expel Barrier
HP: 1024 - 660 - 660 = -292 (sent to Block)

HP: 330 - 292 - 660 = -622 (Sent to HP)

Roaring Combo Expel Barrier
HP: 1200[/col3]

</i>"]Not sure if wanted.[/legend]
[legend="[b][fontsize="25"]B-Mod Notes[/fontsize]<i>[/b]</i>"]Notes and changes go here:

Samejima: Your Cursed Seal was active for 9 rounds, therefore you will have to pay 45 Training points.

Round 9[/legend]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
ooc: high 5's Ueda Nue in thanks... I really appreciate your time in this. Kuro spends 25 training points for seal usage. Samejima spends 45 training points

Kuro released his seal the moment Naoki released her own and took a few steps back to let Samejima realize herself and her actual potential. Chouryoku Kuro released his fighting stance and breathed easy as she calmed down and the Steel chakra dwindled to a basic heartbeat finally in synch with Naoki's own. She could feel exactly where her first gate was now after having it forced open by her cursed steel seal. Now that she was blind again Kuro would let her settle herself so that they could commence meditation and he would use genjutsu from Sharingan Kuro to literally walker her to her first gate. Afterwards she would be able tog look inside herself and master her chakra gates on her own. Worn but content Kuro nodded to his Sanryoukyougan avatar to begin healing Samejima so that the strain from her steel seal didn't cause too much backlash.

"You have done well Naoki, we will truly rest and meditate now so that we can start to teach you how to master your inner chakra gates and permanently restore your ability to see."

WC: 180
MFT (Ability Training)


Aug 14, 2014
"Hyaaagh!" Naoki was knocked back by what seemed to be a ball of chakra at first, before it turned into a palmtop storm and sliced through the armor provided by the seal. OW! Ow ow ow... Expected it to hurt, but not this much... Gotta hurry...

The power she was getting from the seal itself was clouding her judgment, making her feel like the chakra was coming from all over, but at the very least she knew it was doing so now. I just need to find the source... Not the center, and not my head either, so where exactly...

At this point, she'd finished preparing the defensive jutsu, and having used some of her chakra, combined with how she was focusing more on her chakra systems than on the battle, she was able to detect the slight loss of intensity in the rest of her chakra, just enough to notice that her right hand seemed to have maintained the intensity that the rest of her body lost as she expelled some of her chakra. There!

The seal deactivated in an instant, and as her armor dissolved, so did any support she had for her already exhausted limbs. Now collapsed on the ground, Naoki was breathing heavily as her body tried to steady her oxygen flow, and sat up as soon as she was able. Eyes still open, but seeing nothing, she was momentarily disconcerted before she remembered her circumstances. Oh, right... Still can't see.

She felt herself being healed, and nodded at the Sennin as he said they'd be meditating now. Ugh... I don't know if I'll want to be moving for a while...

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Sanryoukyougan Kuro stepped to the forefront as it was now necessary for his medical expertise as Sharingan and Mouko Kuro monitored Naoki's chakra points and levels after the seal had been deactivated. Her secondary chakra system was now fully formed and a distinct form of power all its own. Once she trained properly and mastered her own chakra centers along with all the earth jutsu Kuro knew when properly taught to her she would be able to create her own steel talismans that although not as powerful as a full blood Onmyouji, her secondary chakra system would allow her to amount to anywhere from fifty to seventy percent of the power of a true Onmyouji. Once she mastered her true chakra centers her sight would be fully restored and her body would be more efficient than almost any other shinobi's physical capacity. "Naoki, you have already mastered the mind centering technique, through calm mind you will be able to regenerate and focus your mind upon your chakra centers. When you find the first gate within your mind, you will knock upon the entrance and slowly open the gate to regain your eyesight. I will be here to make sure nothing goes wrong."<i></i>

WC: 202

(ability training)


Aug 14, 2014
Naoki was in a daze as she heard Kuro's instructions, telling her she's done well and that the next thing she'd be doing is finding some kind of gate within her mind... But the first thing she reflected on was how she'd been acting over the past minute or so, attacking Kuro and generally being pig-headedly self-assured. She stood at attention, giving the Sennin a deep bow and an apology for her inability to control herself, seal or no. "Sorry about earlier sir! I wasn't thinking right because of all the... all the chakra, and being able to see again was just so cool, and I... I didn't wanna- w-want to! I didn't want to lose that... But, but from now on I'll make sure to follow every one of your instructions sir!" She would straighten up whenever she was told to, happy that she hadn't been dismissed at least, for disrespecting one of the most important figures in Sunagakure, instead getting to continue with training as she'd requested.

Earlier, she did feel like something in that general area of her head seemed to be giving her chakra, different to the type being supplied by the seal, but now that it had closed again she couldn't pinpoint it. It's as if it sank back into the background of the various processes doing their jobs in there.

"Well... I did feel a gate somewhere, earlier - when I was using the seal, but... It's not there anymore? I can't really... Can't really remember where it is." The quickest solution at this point was to turn the seal back on of course, as far as Naoki could tell, but not only was she unwilling to put herself through that again, she was sure the Sennin wouldn't approve of it. "Is there anything I should be looking for when I'm trying to find the gate?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Yes you will feel a type of knot in your mind, consciously touch the right lobe of your brain with chakra and allow the thrum of chakra you naturally possess to touch the internal core points within your head. It should feel like the end of a headache, then it will feel like you have held your breath for too long and that you need a deep inhale. As you take in the air you will feel light headed and as the knob begins to respond to your chakra and releases it's seal you will feel a burst of pure energy far simpler than your steel seal and you will be able to see again immediately as the limiter will be gone. After that we will work on making sure you master leaving your first gate partially open so that you can see without fully opening the gate until you need to. The limiters are in place for a reason, they keep us from destroying ourselves with our usage of chakra." Akuma Kuro strode forth and placed his left hand upon Naoki's head and gently pulsed psionic energy into Naoki's mind making the task of finding her first two gates much simpler and as long as she touched only the right lobe of her mind she would be fine. Opening the gates for the first time out of sequence could cause severe internal damage so Kuro made sure to only add psionic energy she could trace on her own internally to the right lobe of her brain. "The Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon), located in the brain, removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so 100% of the your physical capacity can be used whereas normally, a you can only use 20% of your muscles' strength to keep them from disintegrating. The reason you are blind is because your powers revolve around vibrations, shockwaves, sound manipulation. This means in order to increase your control over the natural vibrations, and sonic energy produced, absorbed, relayed, and transmitted by your physical body, your physiological limiter shut down your eyesight to promote better response and more energy for your ears. We will slowly increase your physical limitations to 30% instead of 20% and as such you will be able to see again."


Aug 14, 2014
Nodding, she pulled down her headband to rest around her neck as it did before and took a deep breath to feel her chakra, eyes still shut. A knot... Knot... She knew this as the thing you used to tie something together, and not something that you'd be able to feel in your head at all, and so had a bit of difficulty feeling that out... But it surfaced eventually, somehow. Knot, knot, knot... As she attempted it, she directed some of the chakra swirling in the pool at her center upwards to do as she was instructed.

As the Sennin enlightened her on what the limiters did for her body however, she froze in her attempts to locate it. Destroying... ourselves?

She wasn't the most cowardly person in the bunch of people she knew. Wouldn't exactly be the bravest one in many other bunches, but she wasn't exactly the heroic I-can-definitely-do-this type when she wasn't drunk with seal-related power. So of course she'd go and consider all those alternative situations in which not having the limiters properly set might destroy her, from the inside out. What if I have to use it during a fight before I fully master it...? If that limiter in my head's gone, will that mean there'll be too much chakra in my head? Or will it just drain all the chakra from there, making me dumb for the rest of the battle... Well, I wouldn't really be all cool and everything in battles in the first place, but I'd be even less cool if I wasn't thinking about what to do next and just rushing in like a maniac (as she did, just a minute prior) or would it just mean I... I won't be able to move at all, since the brain's what controls me? Shouldn't the limiter stay in place, for my own good?

Naoki was at a crossroads now, between advancing her current training as one who opened gates and backing out now, before she did something stupid with the removal of limiters as she understood it. Her current nature, one of almost a supreme paranoid when it comes to dangers, went completely against taking a chance on removing something innate that was protecting her in order to gain power, even under the instruction of a renowned and well-respected member of not just the clan she owed far too much to, but also of Sunagakure's shinobi forces. Really, she wanted to go back home, sleep it off and wake up the next day a somewhat special blind girl with a knack for hearing things, contributing the small amount she could to the safety of the village.

But there was something else inside her right now, something she would need to call on much more often. Her willingness to get better. Samejima Naoki was someone who does want to get better, no matter the cost. It was just overshadowed much by the way she thought of the world, starting from when she saw that first battle a few years ago, what felt like an eternity to a child, the battle that was burned into the back of her mind. The blood, her parents too far away to snatch her up and leave, her own heart, beating too fast as she clung onto the ledge of the chasm that battle tore through a part of the land. The victor eventually rescued her and fixed the scar on the surface of that land, but what she saw, what she heard, what she felt... that there were fighters this powerful... She never forgot it, and never stopped thinking of ways things might go wrong when conflict arises.

Listening to the Sennin's explanations about what the limiter does didn't exactly make her feel better about calling on that part. Dis-integrate... Like dissolve?! Talk of her eyesight returning, possibly permanently, was enticing... though not quite enough to force her out of that comfort zone of keeping her body the way it was, without changing it too much, not like just now. I can't... I can't go through with it... She'd had half a mind to say she didn't want to continue, that more weights and running was preferable at that point, and her expression at that point with the headband already off... It was as close to a poker face as she'd ever get, frozen and absolutely straight.

Naoki found however, that her mouth wouldn't move. It made an apology earlier, one that claimed its owner was to follow every one of the Sennin's instructions from then on. It wouldn't allow her to break that claim. No... I have to suck it up now, no turning back! I'm already taking up Kuro-dono's time, I can't just tell him I can't go through with it because I'm... I'm... The mask of neutrality broke, eyebrows furrowed not in confusion, but in determination. Just because I'm scared!

The moment she thought the accursed word, she forced herself to direct chakra to that area where she sensed that knot which was being shown to her, and the gate she felt earlier, that 'other' source of chakra, flew open and sent her sense of self up high in terms of the power she was now able to use. At the same time, the amount of chakra that burst through, like water from a dam, momentarily gave her a higher awareness in relation to the rest of her body's chakra systems, which gave her an instantaneous recognition of all the gates she had in her body. All eight of them.

Wh... Whoa! This power... Like just now? And there were some kinda... different spots. Were those maybe... those eight chakra gates Kuro-dono was talking about?

Testing her theory, she prodded the area around the left side of her brain with chakra, one which she felt the most clearly as it was the nearest one to the original source of the influx. Here maybe... Or here? She stood up straighter, shoulders curving back just slightly, a show of the subconscious single-mindedness of her approach to this test. Hmm... Hmmmmmm... Rgh! In a fit of impatience, she used her newfound source in order to split what chakra she was using to prod her left brain's part of the chakra system one point at a time into many more, effectively covering much more area per second with the prodding until eventually, she felt her body getting stronger, in the physical sense instead of just in the chakra-related sense.

Ooh! Is this it...!

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

Naoki's eyes opened as Kuro predicted but what he did not predict was that Naoki would press the limits of her mind by cracking the seals on both her first and second gate. "BY MOTHER SUNA'S BREATH!!!!"<i></i> Kuro exclaimed as he was forced back a good twelve feet. The explosive force of her unfettered chakra and heat energy forced Kuro back as Samejima Naoki shot up to her feet with the release of energies that had lain dormant inside her. The strongest nine year old girl in existence had awakened as she temporarily surpassed even Kuro's physical capacity at the onset of her deliberate grasp for her internal power began. With a quick assessment Kuro realized she had not opened her third gate because her skin color had not changed, Kuro relaxed a bit. "That is excellent work Naoki, get a feel for it and then slowly close the gates within your mind but leave just a little of the first gate open so that you can see normally..." With this Naoki would have a much easier time learning jutsu and living her own life. All she needed now was time, patience, and consistent training.


Aug 14, 2014
"ORAAAAA!" Uwooooh, this is... this is... The second chakra gate was opened, and Naoki herself jolted up, half-jumping to a standing position as she likely gained the power to run laps for much longer than she needed to for any practical purpose. As the awakening sent the Sennin back several feet, Naoki began to rush over there to see if he was alright (I can still see! I can see!), stopping short and concentrating once more to follow through with the next set of instructions.

Closing them... I should close the second one first right? The aforementioned second gate was felt out, and an attempt to close them was made. It closed fairly easily, leaving the first one as the only open gate. She felt much of her body relaxing after this, as if the muscles were letting themselves revert to a restive state. Okay, so next is the first gate right? Once again, she attempted to close it, but this time, it seemed to just fully close, without any sort of warning before it became fully shut. Her eyes were nonfunctional once more, and she blinked a few times in the still-comforting darkness. It's weird... I don't know why but I still don't feel scared when this happens.

Despite that, she tried again, opening the first gate, and once again it opened fully. Alright, bit slower this time... She tried to close it slowly, holding her breath for as long as she could with her eyes narrowing in concentration. The gate in her mind, she felt it inching closer and closer to a closed state, but she was still feeling the chakra surging, more than she was supposed to have and more than she could handle open at all times. I'm only supposed to leave it a little bit open... Just a little, little bit... She repeated these few words to herself as the gate kept going closer and closer to stability...

And stopped. At least as she felt it, it was now cracked, just slightly enough to allow her to see but not enough to use up her life force more than an unnoticeable amount. Letting out the breath she'd been holding, she began panting and asked, "Sir, is, this... Is it... Is it closed enough?"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro took a deep breath and then light out a long sigh of relief. Everything had worked out even if it didn't go according to plan. Naoki could see normally just as he had promised and now she could even move at the speed of sound for a limited time or take up the power of steel. She had gone beyond the limits he had set for her but Lord Onimaru had warned Kuro that she was a true prodigy and if nothing else she would always exceed expectations. "I sense your chakra capability has increased by 10% with a natural flow throughout your entire body. So long as you learn to maintain it, that strength will become natural to you. Great job Samejima Naoki, you make your teachers proud." Kuro sat down and truly rested no longer worried for Naoki, she was very young which meant she could only get alot stronger.


Aug 14, 2014
"Main...tain, huh..."

Hearing the words of praise, knowing that she did well, Naoki lost her concentration and was unable to keep her eyes functional. It seems that to keep the gate slightly open like that would require too much of her attention to keep up, at least until she managed to train herself enough in its upkeep. So I can see, but it'll take a lot of work... She was tired at this point, and let her head hang a little. Okay, then I'll just have to do my best! She couldn't see it right now, but she held a small fist up in front of her, a sign of her determination to one day return to full form in regards to her five senses.

Naoki then straightened up before a few more words were said. "Thank you for the instruction up until now sir! I'll need to practice on my own to get this one working right, right?" she paused here, once more reinforcing her resolve. "Just have to practice every day then, along with the rest of training... And the rest of the gates too, I think I want to know how many of them I can open... Ah, anyway," one final bow would be offered, this one in gratitude, "I don't know how I'm going to repay you for everything sir, but I'll think of something soon!"

And with that, she'd leave the coliseum somewhat pensively, and quite tired in both mind and body after that ordeal. What can I even do to help around here... Hmm...

[Topic left?]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
