Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Vote for us!

This month we got 4th, which is still pretty good! Don't forget you can vote every 12 hours on the new site, rather than once a day!


+1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
+70 ASP and +35,000 yen, to be claimed once at any point during July in your training thread.

Training Bonuses for the Month:
7/1 - 7/7: 3x Training
7/8 - 7/14: 3x Training
7/15 - 7/21: 2x Training
7/22 - 7/28: 2x Training

Should we place for this coming month, the rewards in August won't start til the first full week of the month as usual. Happy voting!
Congratulations to our community for reaching 1st place!

So, for monthly rewards, you once again recieve:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • +100 ASP and +50,000 yen, to be claimed once at any point during August in your training thread.

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 8/5 to 8/11- 4x Training
  • 8/12 to 8/18 - 4x Training
  • 8/19 to 8/25 - 3x Training
  • 8/26 to 9/1 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
Apologies for the late post, but happy to announce that this month we have reached Rank 3!

For the month of September, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • Solo/Self modded missions give 2x Yen.
  • Classes and tutors give double stat and yen rewards.
  • 40k yen and 80 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of September!

Likewise, we are at 3x training for the next four weeks! That is from 9/2 - 9/8, 9/9 - 9/15, 9/16 - 9/22, and 9/23 - 9/29 are all at 3x training rewards. Enjoy!
We have placed 7th for October! Here are some rewards!
  • +1 RP Slot for the duration of the month.
  • 20k Yen and 40 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of October.
  • Double training rewards from 10/7 - 10/13.
Well done on getting to 2nd place everyone!

For the month of November, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 45k yen and 90 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of November!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 4/11 to 10/11- 3x Training
  • 11/11 to 17/11 - 3x Training
  • 18/11 to 24/11 - 3x Training
  • 25/11 to 1/12 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
Super well done on getting to 1st place everyone! I'm proud of you. :D

For the month of November, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 50k yen and 100 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of December!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 2/12 to 8/12 - 4x Training
  • 9/12 to 15/12 - 4x Training
  • 16/12 to 22/12 - 3x Training
  • 23/12 to 29/12 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
Well done on getting to 2nd place everyone!

For the month of January, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 45k yen and 90 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of January!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 6/1 to 12/1- 3x Training
  • 13/11 to 19/1 - 3x Training
  • 20/11 to 26/1 - 3x Training
  • 27/11 to 2/2 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
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Well done on getting to 2nd place again, everyone!

For the month of January, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 45k yen and 90 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of February!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 3/2 to 9/2 - 3x Training
  • 10/2 to 16/2 - 3x Training
  • 17/2 to 23/2 - 3x Training
  • 24/2 to 1/3 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
Well done on getting to 1st place in February, everyone! :D

For the month of March, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 50k yen and 100 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of March!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 2/03 to 8/03 - 4x Training
  • 9/03 to 15/03 - 4x Training
  • 16/03 to 22/03 - 3x Training
  • 23/03 to 29/03 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.

The above is no longer valid, as we were in fact 2nd, not 1st. We apologize for the confusion.
- Keiji
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It appears that we were a bit too quick on the trigger for this month's rewards.
We were in fact 2nd place and not 1st place.

Therefor the actual rewards is in fact the following:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 45k yen and 90 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of February!

And the training rewards:
  • 3/2 to 9/2 - 3x Training
  • 10/2 to 16/2 - 3x Training
  • 17/2 to 23/2 - 3x Training
  • 24/2 to 1/3 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.

We apologize the confusion, and will remedy this for future announcements, we'll be sure not to be too hasty next time.
(if necessary) The people who have already trained and gotten their training approved for this week, will be remedied and fixed upon their next training.

The above is no longer valid, see below for why.
- Hisao
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After further investigation, we discovered that even though we had a substantial lead of over 200 votes, we still somehow came out as 2nd place. Due to the suspicious nature of our site being overtaken, the decision was made by the Administrative team to ignore our 2nd place outcome and keep the first place rewards in place for all of our players. You guys did a fantastic job getting us to first and keeping us there, so regardless of what has transpired we want to make sure you receive the rewards you deserve. So in a rare Admin triple post, see below:

For the month of March, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 50k yen and 100 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of March!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 2/03 to 8/03 - 4x Training
  • 9/03 to 15/03 - 4x Training
  • 16/03 to 22/03 - 3x Training
  • 23/03 to 29/03 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
We hit rank 3 people!

For the month of April, everyone receives:
+1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
Solo/Self modded missions give 2x Yen.
Classes and tutors give double stat and yen rewards.
40k yen and 80 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of April!

Likewise, we are at 3x training for the next four weeks, starting today!
Congratulations! We got Rank 2!

For the month of June, the rewards are:
+1 RP slot
Solo/self-modded missions give x2 yen
Classes and Tutors give double rewards.
45000 Yen and 90ASP.
x3 Training for the next 4 weeks from today and until month's end.
Well done on turning it around! We got Rank 2!

For the month of August, the rewards are:
+1 RP slot
Solo/self-modded missions give x2 yen
Classes and Tutors give double rewards.
45000 Yen and 90ASP.
x3 Training for the next 4 weeks from today (Well, yesterday, so if you've already claimed this weeks training, you can go claim the rest you're entitled to) and until month's end.
Who's #1? We're number one!

For the month of September, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 50k yen and 100 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month of September!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 7/09 to 13/09 - 4x Training
  • 14/09 to 20/09 - 4x Training
  • 21/09 to 27/09 - 4x Training
  • 28/09 to 4/10 - 4x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
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Who's #1? Not us. But we did make it to #2!

For the month of October, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 45k yen and 90 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during this month!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 5/10 to 11/10 - 4x Training (Anyone that's already trained in this week can go make a separate post to claim the remainder of their bonus rewards)
  • 12/10 to 28/10 - 4x Training
  • 19/10 to 25/10 - 3x Training
  • 26/10 to 1/11 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
Who's #1? Not us, again. But we did make it to #2! Again! Go us!

For the month of November, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 45k yen and 90 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during this month!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 2/11 to 8/11 - 4x Training (Anyone that's already posted their training can go make a separate post to claim the bonus rewards)
  • 9/11 to 15/11 - 4x Training
  • 16/11 to 22/11 - 3x Training
  • 23/11 to 29/11 - 3x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.
Who's #1? We are! Go team!

For the month of December, everyone receives:
  • +1 RP slot for the duration of the month.
  • 50k yen and 100 ASP, to be claimed in your training thread at any point during the month!

And the training rewards look like so:
  • 7/12 to 13/12 - 4x Training
  • 14/12 to 20/12 - 4x Training
  • 21/12 to 27/12 - 4x Training
  • 28/12 to 3/01 - 4x Training
  • Classes/tutors reward x2 Stat/Yen reward during these weeks.
  • Solo/Self modded missions grant x2 Yen during these weeks.

Current Ninpocho Time:
