Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Watching over them [Solo Mission]

Kurosawa Hiraku

New Ninja
Apr 2, 2013
Masaru glanced down at the names and address which he had scribbled on a piece of paper, 'So I'm looking for Yamada Jurou, and my main goal is to protect his son Ryo, doesn't sound too bad.'<i></i> He could hear the noises of celebration and laughter from behind the walls of the courtyard which he was now standing in front of, he noticed two dumb looking thugs standing either side of the entrance, they appeared to be the first and only line of defence for the wealthy guests inside, no wonder they decided to hire a shinobi.

"Excuse me, my name is Miyamoto Masaru, I'm the shinobi who has been tasked with watching over this event."<i></i> Masaru said confidently as he presented his documentation for the two thugs to inspect. After an exchange of inaudible grunts they waved Masaru inside and pointed through the rows of tables that were standing outside in the courtyard towards the general direction of his contact, Yamada Jurou, the current head of the family.

Masaru spent the next few minutes clumsily wandering around the crowds, asking guests to point him towards his contact who didn't seem to like standing in the same spot for very long. After a good few minutes of walking between the groups of people and getting bumped and bustled around by drunken party goers he finally found the man he was looking for, "Excuse me sir, my name is Miyamoto Masaru, I'm the shinobi who has been sent to watch over procedings here."<i></i> He bowed as he introduced himself before presenting his documentation to verify who he was.

The man grunted slightly, "I was expecting someone slightly...more experienced. But I don't have time to worry about this right now, I haven't seen my son for quite a while now, he needs to be out here talking to his guests. Go and find him for me will you."

Masaru managed to keep control of his frustration at the mans comments and simply gave a quick nod before starting off in the direction of the house. Upon reaching the building he noticed a servant girl coming out of the front door, "Excuse me, I'm looking for Yamada Ryo."<i></i>

"Uhmm, I think I saw him go inside a while ago." She said before smiling and carrying on with her work. Just as he started to take his first few steps into the house he heard a crash from a nearby room, he rushed over towards the source of the sound to find a chef and his assistant standing outside, looking noticeably worried.

"Do either of you know what that noise was?"<i></i>

"Ummm...what noise would that be sir..." The chef replied as he laughed nervously. Masaru stood still for a second before making a quick move towards the door. "No, you can't go in the..." Masaru slid the door open to find a kitchen with a young man laying flat on his back on one of the counters, "Yamada Ryo?..."<i></i> Masaru asked just before the young man rolled over to face the door, a huge grin spread across his face and an incoherent string of words dribbled out of his mouth as he slowly slipped off the counter and laid in a heap on the floor.

"...The young master appears to have overdone it, we've been trying to sober him up for a while now, his father wouldn't approve of him being like this." The chef explained as he walked into the room behind Masaru, "Please, his father cannot find out.".

'What have I gotten myself into here...'<i></i>
"How on earth did he get like this?"<i></i> Masaru asked the chef as he began to walk towards the heap of post adolescence on the floor. "I don't know, he just stumbled in like this a moment ago." The chef replied, panic starting to make his voice tremble as he held his hands up pleading innocence.

"Don't worry, I don't believe you're in the wrong here."<i></i> Masaru replied as he took a big step over the collapsed man, there was an unlabeled bottle laying on the counter where Ryo used to be. Masaru picked up the bottle and held it to his nose, an intense fiery aroma caused his head to kick back violently, "I'm surprised he's not in a worse state if he has been drinking this."<i></i> He said as he coughed and spluttered before walking back over to the chef and handing him the bottle.

The chef took a sniff of the bottle with the same reaction, "I recognise this scent..." He said as he checked it again, "This is the masters special reserve, he keeps it hidden away and just has a sip now and again. I've never seen anyone drink this much of it though." As the chef spoke, Ryo giggled quietly to himself from his new resting place. "Well this hiding place obviously isn't a secret anymore."<i></i>

A faint growl could be heard from behind the pair, they exchanged a very confused expression before each slowly turning around. There was nothing there, 'That almost sounded like...'<i></i>, a second growl, this time slightly louder. The young man on the floor had rolled over so that his back was facing the group, "Yamada-san?"<i></i> Masaru reached down and rolled the young man over, only to be greeted by a gaping mouth and another deep growl. Masaru sighed quietly to himself, before turning around to the chef, "Help me get him back onto the counter."<i></i> He said as he started to pick the man up. He then looked over to the chefs assistant who was still looking decidedly worried, "Can you keep a lookout for us?"<i></i> The boy nodded in reply and quickly slipped out of the room, glad to be further away from the commotion.

The pair managed to wrestle the unconscious man back onto his perch, "We need to wake him up." The chef said, Masaru nodded in reply before proceeding to fill a small cup with water. As he held the cup up to Ryo's lips he jolted awake and lashed out in a drunken fury, the water scattered itself liberally over the three of them as Masaru dropped to cup and darted in front of the chef to block the flailing arms. After a very brief bout of resistance Ryo started to calm down laid back down on the table with the same vacant grin on his face, a slurred string of words dribbled out of his mouth "Aww, whydou have to ruin mfun..."

The chef darted off "Hang on a second." He said before busily rushing around the kitchen grabbing ingredients, Masaru nodded before turning back to Ryo "We're just making sure you don't embara..."<i></i>

"I don wanna talk...night" Ryo interrupted with a mixture of words and hiccups before rolling over to face away from the young samurai. It was safe to say this wasn't really a situation Masaru had ever found himself in, nor planned for, luckily for him the chef seemed to have finished whatever he was doing and rushed back over, "Here young master, drink this." He said as he poured the concoction he'd been working on into the man's mouth. "There, you should start to feel a bit better soon."

The chef's definition of 'better' was a little bit misleading as within a matter of seconds the blood rushed out of the young man's face turning him a ghostly pale shade, in an instant he shot to his feet and over to a nearby sink where he proceeded to rid himself of the two brews which were doing battle in his stomach. "I feel like my insides are melting." He mumbled, sounding less out of it but still not exactly healthy, "They probably should be, judging by the smell of what you were drinking."<i></i>

Ryo staggered back across the room and supported himself on the counter, "I think you should get some sleep."<i></i> Masaru said as he put the mans arm over his shoulder and helped him towards the door. Suddenly the chefs assistant comes bursting into the room at a full sprint, the three of them are sent flying to the ground as they collide, "The master is coming!" The boy exclaimed as he grasped his elbow. Masaru quickly looked around the room, he noticed a few large sacks of vegetables in the corner and ushered Ryo behind them. Masaru jogged back across the room to check the boy was ok, however just as he arrived a tall figure appeared in the doorway.

"What on earth is going on in here!" Jorou bellowed as he scanned the faces of everyone in the room, he looked down to see the young assistant on the floor as the rage started to show itself on his face, "Please excuse me, it's my fault I didn't see him."<i></i> Masaru quickly said as he helped the boy to his feet. The man grunted "I thought I was paying you to prevent trouble, not cause it." Masaru's eyes flicked briefly to where Ryo was hiding as a turnip fell from one of the sacks and rolled slowly across the floor, "Just hurry up and find my son will you." With that the man stormed back out of the room.

"You're going to get caught if you're not careful."<i></i> Masaru said as he approached Ryo and helped him back to his feet, the young man pushed away to make another quick visit to the sink, "Where is his room?"<i></i> he asked as he turned to the chef. "Go out the other door, turn left up the stairs and then it's the second on your right."

"Thank you for your help, both of you."<i></i> Masaru said as he bowed to the chef and then his assistant before placing Ryo's arm over his shoulder again and following the directions to guide him to his room. "Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon Yamada-san."<i></i> Masaru said as he closed the door behind the young man and walked back out into the court yard to report to Jurou.

"Yamada-san, I've found your son. He said he's not feeling too well so he's having a rest in his room."<i></i> Masaru explained the situation while bowing, "Now if you'll excuse me I'll continue watching over the event."<i></i> Masaru heard the man grunt under his breath as he turned and walked away, he would probably find out that his son was just drunk rather than ill, but Masaru had done all he could, he continued to patrol around keeping an eye out for anything but the rest of the day passed smoothly and soon it was time to leave, his duty done.

Current Ninpocho Time:
