Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Watergate [Sennin Meeting]


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
(OoC: Guess we're skipping a large amount of people.)
Kamaru shrugged to the man who was fine standing before addressing Hissori, ”This… meeting as you put it was a place to decide. And while I can respect your difference of opinion in what we should do and how perceptions will be push you do realize you’re jumping the fence out of convenience for your argument, don’t do things following local tradition since you seem to not like the idea, do do things based off tradition that seem the norm and still put us in the same situation. I get we’re not in a vacuum and you’ve been around the world but if you’re here now, in the position you’re in. I’d like to hear your thoughts in truth, even if it boils down to let’s do what other villages do since we’re in those other villages. Also why should we be concerned what other countries think of us? There’s plenty of animosity right here in house…” Kamaru stated before listening to Haruka.

”I have a contract to do a job, Endo signed off on it and I’m doing it, regardless of if I dance around you and praise you I’m sticking to my opinion you’re really bad at conning people. If my provications get you to switch up your tactics mid con what would you do in an actual political arena? Sock people in the nose when you panic on what to do? It is good to know you’re going to drop the avenger of the people and abandon the statements of doing this for the people. If you want actual provocations though..,” Kamaru started before clearing his throat and bursting into laughter. It was a rough laugh that eventually subsided though.

After wiping tears from his eyes he shook his head, ”I’ve lost nothing and I really enjoy the fact you’ve gone from the holier than though doing it from the people to the omnipresent force in the room. If that was true why are you even here. You were never polite in the first place only hiding hungry teeth behind the mask. You say you can trust Hissori but you’re probably punt him out of sight just as easily when he’s not nodding along to your song and singing your praises. Tables haven’t turned, things play out the way they always do…” began with an almost disappointed look on his face, ”You have no authority and even things that could work don’t seem to be within your view due to blinders I guess. You feel the village is ready? Don’t you mean if in the unlikely event you were in charge you wouldn’t do anything except starting to hoard power, no one should disagree with you since you’re always right? Is it negative because it’s not what you want to hear or it makes you look bad? I personally don’t care what kind of woman you are as long as you do your job, which it seems you would like to redefine as untouchable, infalliable, and loved by the masses… if you like we can see about getting a mission together to play make believe if you like but it might take some time. I will agree with you I’ve always been pretty lucky. You will mend relations with nations? The system will be in place as you see fit? With members of your own design? You’ll replace me? That’s all laughable, if you’re going to put one of your associates in a position of power at least get them citizenship first, if you can’t convince me your level of competency besides Hissori needing to look at your head for a mental anomaly on getting apart something, anything that makes politically any sense how are you going to convince another country? Surrounding yourself with people that only appease your ego? Even Endo had a hard time doing that, and in that sense while you say he directed his focus on other countries at least he didn’t try and focus on people in his country. If you’re Stone born as you say and you do this for the people you should well known the point of honoring traditions which you really don’t want to. I’m well aware where my bloodline is foreign as does anyone else in the government, the only reason for the whining now is because I’m not falling in line and kotowing before you. I see no real reason why I should you haven’t brought anything up logically that makes sense to me and you’re doing what boils down to temper tandrums when you don’t get your way.

I think it’s pointless to keep talking to you since you don’t seem to get it, you’ve dropped doing the act for being for the people and being this great heroic figure to some rich noble persona with all the cards, this war you speak of where are the doom bringers knocking at our door? And is there any solid intel. I don’t trust you to do much besides stick your thumb up your arse pulling it out tell me your butt hurts and your finger smells funny and act confused. If you have anything else to discuss though besides your gimme all the Power tandrum I’d like to hear it myself.”
Kamaru finished.

His face relaxed and he slide a hands into pocket, ”That’s provocation, if you’d like old school mud slinging we can find a back alleyway and I can demonstrate that as well… Just so you know it’s usually not ‘mud’ that’s flung.”

Kamau looked from the elder Ryuujin to the younger and sighed walking over to look at the boy and knelt having a slightly private conversation, ”You seem to be working through some things right now on a different level than most students I’ve dealt with. As said before you have made claims and I will look into them, three attempted murders and two by Sennin is this room are claims that will be added to the investigation. I don’t really do that much in truth for Stone besides my job young man, but that in of itself encompasses a lot of oversight and busywork not a lot of people probably care about. I was hired to do a job so until I find someone that can do it better I’m that guy doing it. What you do and what you want to do are up to you, you need to gauge your abilities, potential, and possibilities. Grownups don’t always have the answers kid and sometimes we get just as selfish as kids. Kids your age shouldn’t worry about adult worries until you have to. If you need someone to talk to about stuff you have siblings and parents, or request a counselor at school. Cut me some slack man, I’m trying to do my job someone jumps in and says ‘Baah I killed the Kage, you fools need to respect my mad stabby skills, gimme his job! What it doesn’t work that way? You guys are lame, want to see a circus of people? I want a pony! By pony I mean the position of Kage! No one disagree with me. Gaaaah, no one is allowed to be mean to me either.” Kamaru explained going into antics and mimicking angry faces and making funny faces towards the end.

”My apologies young man, you’ll have to wait a little more. Some one needs to stomp their feet about a pony they want that they aren’t going to get.” Kamaru mentioned to Gasu with a wink and nodded towards the older Ryuujin for him to get closer to.

Kamaru stood upright and sucked his teeth, ”And that’s me doing indirect provocation I don’t think he found it funny in the least and possibly in poor taste…” before winking at Gasu.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
A lot was said before there was a lull in colorful language, a sign that Akechi was supposed to be filling that time with words of his own. However, the Uchihan was quite confused by the way this whole “event” was unfolding. There were plenty of people showing up from all over the place, some of which had no place or reason to be here. This was a topic of political importance, and their interruption was a clear sign of disrespect to the entire village of Iwagakure. In fact, he wondered why these buffoons had showed up in the first place. Maybe it was because they feared no repercussions, considering the timing of their entrance, or maybe it was because they found some form of sick enjoyment from watching the leaders of this village squirm under the heels of Haruka’s powerful boots. Hell, even Akechi could agree with that… but not with their blatant levels of disrespect. Despite the rather stoic expression he maintained, Akechi wasn’t taking the disrespect lightly. In fact, he’d remember it for the rest of their lives…

Especially the buffoon hiding in the next room trying to look through a peephole. We see you…

Then there was something said by a warmongering Ryujin, which was nothing new to be quite honest. The rather outspoken child continued to speak and run around out of turn, and Hissori’s annoyance with Kamaru continued to fester as Kamaru spewed more indecipherable nonsense. Akechi was a smart guy, but even he couldn’t comprehend this guy’s stupidity. Some people just degenerated under pressure, and Haruka’s words weren’t helping the guy maintain his composure. Everything that Endo had given the man was beginning to fade, and he clung on to it like a rat in a mouse trap… clinging on to that cheese he knew was his last meal. It was pathetic, and hilarious. Maybe that was the reason Akechi burst into laughter…

Pure, boisterous, and genuine laughter echoed through the room before he interjected with a few choice words of his own. ”Kamaru, was it?” Akechi commented, calling his name in a mocking manner as he glared over at the man through his reddened eyes. ”You’ve lost your composure. What was the desperate plea to keep what Endo gifted you as an outsider has degenerated into asinine remarks about nothing. Kind of like a child that had his toy taken away from him.” Akechi laughed, still mocking him but with a more serious tone. I mean, he was like a child. ”And just like a child, you’ll abide by your mother’s teachings while you live under her roof… or be put outside.”

There was nothing to say after that. Akechi grinned, and exited the room but not before taking one last look at his beloved. She looked so sexy standing there and taking charge after all. These idiots wouldn’t know what hit them before long. ”Kudaranai. Kane.” He would say, motioned to his two compadres. It was time for them to go. It was time for this topic to end. But he wouldn’t leave… No. He’d stand right beside the door of the “ninja” that drilled holes into the wall so that he could peep through, waiting for something stupid to happen.

Let’s see if something stupid happened…

[Exiting room but staying in topic. I can’t post in a room like this. PM me if I am needed to post. Otherwise, skip me until this topic’s “conclusion.”]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
And so... the childish Sennin Kamaru decided to speak a few words... yet again. Everyone listening to this blabbering idiot was getting stupider by the second... no wonder Endo was able to almost put this whole country in a war all by himself. He had people like Kamaru making everyone that much stupider. Kane sighed and shook his head, annoyed with the man's unprofessionalism when he started mimicking Haruka. What was this guy? Two? Three maybe? He acted like he was that age anyway.

Akechi then spoke up and called for Kuda and Kane to follow. Kane nodded and followed him out but not before speaking.

"You Had a contract with Endo.... With his death so did the contract. You're no different than me now."

He would then turn to Hissori and speak quickly in the ancient tongue of their village Hissori, Делайте то, что вы можете, чтобы убедиться, что этот идиот не мешать."

In truth they were very different. But he meant that Kamaru's contract ended and he would be seen as a mercenary in Kane's eyes, not a Sennin of Stone. He didn't care what Kamaru would have to say, as it would be ignored as he walked outside the door. He looked to Akechi when they were outside the room as they stood there listening to the conversation. "This whole meeting is ridiculous.... Haruka did them a favor and they treat her like this... bah never mind... you don't have to comment back on that."

Kane would then stand there in silence. This was just getting annoying.

[exited room, right outside the door listenintg, still in topic. Skip me as well. PM me if I'm needed to post]
translation: Do what you can to make sure this idiot doesn't get in the way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Ah, ah, ah. Now there were somethings that a person really, really did not need to do. Brushing off her front, she would look down at the watch upon her wrist as she waited for Kamaru to finish his funny little speech. After he was done, there was an immediate backlash. Akechi and Kane both made their sense. Now then, it seemed as though there needed to be a lot more than just insubordination that needed to be addressed here. "Kane is correct." She would state very bluntly before looking around the room. It seemed the numbers here had dwindled. "I am not sure what forces your hand to speak so rudely out of turn, but so be it." Now, her full lips would twist into a small smile. Amusement would dance over her features. He thought he had a voice. How adorable it was. "Kamaru-san, see to it that you gather all of your things and leave this village. You have twenty-four hours to do so. After that, it will be open season and whomever delivers me your head will be rewarded quite handsomely. This is your official notice of your exile." Dropping her arms down by her side, she would peer from face to face here within the room.

"Remember, Kamaru-san, there is no cure for being a cunt. Remember this when you seek out your next village to settle down in. Hissori-san, come with me. We have many things to discuss." Pacing her way over to the door, she would make a motion with her hand for Hissori to follow now. Soon after, though, she would stop and place her hands against the frame of the door.

"If I find you myself, here in this village, I will slaughter you with absolutely no mercy. If you wish to follow the example of a dead man, I cannot stop you. But I can stop you from driving this village into the ground. As the Tsuchikage and Twenty-Third Daimyo, this is my word. And you will follow my word as law." With that, she would walk outside of the room.

[ Topic Left. ]
Jul 18, 2014
Gasu looked forward, snarling. His madness saw this daemonic event as sanity, and he hated it. He made a small seal, placing it onto his skin, and decided to pay Haruka visit tonight for that passport. It would after the meeting like she promised, plus it would be a short small visit. He waved a hand to the ground, and said, "You already heard all of my damn words... let me go this time?" As he did what he tried to do earlier, leap over the stone fist, and hover away. Now he had to try to bake something, he was kinda hungry.

[Leaving the topic of interest]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
What do we see through this hole in the wall big guy? A bunch of shouting here,... laughing there, debate debate all around. Humans, trying so hard to make sense out of things, putting such efforts into there words to sway the next. They were much like demons in their selfishness really, only terribly more fragile, and as a result quite fearful. But you Chuuton Chi, where is your fear? It isn't in death, no no no for if it were not for your actions, we wouldn't be pals would we?

Such a bore though until... don't look now Goganji boy but you have a visitor... Your actually not looking her way. Do you even see her at all, even whilst she has a spear tip at your neck,... just under your chin. "Don't move,... not one millimeter even." she says to us. Her tone soft but direct. Mmm yes, we likes a woman that can take charge. Oblige her and keep looking through your peep hole in the wall. "Who are you? Where are you from?" she speaks with her indoor voice. She intends for this to be private meeting, perhaps to not disturb the meeting in the other room. Give her an answer and let her have her moment but,... let IT seep out. "Moi? I my dear, can be your greatest fantasy if only you'd let me. But I am from eeeee an island not too too far." Ahhh, she seems to not too happy with your answer big guy. Arise up carefully while she moves her spear against your chin to signal at movement. "Raise your hands slowly creep, place them behind your head." Yes, lets do a little role-playing. HmhmhmHMMMhmhmmmm. "For you my dear, anything."

[Marked for Training]


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
Kamaru shook his head. For people in leadership it was odd to have people who didn’t understand how contracts work. With little chance of interruptions again Kamaru turned back to the other Sennin. ”Well words getting sent about the messenger that died. We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot Hissori, if I need medical advice on the Ryuujin boy should I make an appointment with you to provide medical consultation or would you prefer I go through someone else in your branch?” Kamaru asked.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Hissori rubbed his temples. Everything around him was giving him a headache. It felt like his brain was being split into two by a kunai. This was awful. No wonder Uka quit. Hissori thought sighing some as he tried his best to listen to everything. The newest member to the meeting was questioning Gasu, about village pride, and Haruka’s crew seemed to be leaving. This left Hissori with the other sennin, the ryujin guardian, and finally this new mysterious man that seemed to side with Kamaru. But still this was too much for him at this point.

“I am going to go leave right now. All of this has given me a splitting headache. I don’t know how serious she was about exiling you, but I’d keep my head down if you are wanting to stay within the village. Also, if you want to have another conversation like this I would suggest actually being professional. Regardless of what she acted like or you think about her, if you were actually listening to her maybe we could have had a real conversation and gotten work done today.” Hissori said standing patting his side to summon Buru.

“Currently, I am a bit busy to setup an actual appointment, my office hours for my hospital is from 2-3 in the afternoon on Monday and Thursday. If I am not too, feel free to see me then. However, in regards to Gasu. The boy is probably suffering from PTSD or if you don’t know what that means post-traumatic stress disorder, stemming from the fact he was mulitated by an ANBU in this village. While I am in no condition to talk about it. I will have to raise the question about removing this ANBU leader from power. Too often are there serious injuries of students coming into my hospital when they fail the exam. We shouldn’t be killing our students in exams regardless of what happens. In fact, if you told me that this sennin has killed a student herself, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Good day though.

Oh by the way, there is a person in the next room spying on us. He has been spying on us for the past twenty minutes. When you arrest him use a water jutsu on him. He smells awful.”
Hissori grumbled walking out of the meeting rubbing his head.

MTF 350+
Topic Left.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
”Every allegation has a counter move if she goes through legal means for my exile but I don’t she’ll go that route. If I keep my head down work doesn’t get done. I’ll deal with things as they come up I guess. Work done is an interesting way of putting it but I’ll leave it rest for now.” Kamaru replied back looking to the rest, ”I guess I’ll have to do some digging into files on things involving the boy Gasu and his exam. If you’d like to remove the ANBU Sennin from her seat I’d advise you prep something and have all the facts on the table in doing so otherwise it’ll wash just like this meeting did. But like I said I’ll look into what happened. I’ll contact you if needed I can tell your busy. If he’s arrested for spying shouldn’t I give the same treatment to the rest that walked in?” Kamaru added looking towards the wall mentioned before cocking his head towards Lightning, ”It’s not the meeting you wanted but it’s the meeting we got I guess. Let me know if you need me.” Kamaru said with a shrug before leaving himself nodding to the stranger and then the Ryuujin still in the room and the young girl.

”Ladies.” he'd state with a curt nod.

Once outside he’d sniff the air, Kamaru figured Hissori must have a sensitive nose.

[Topic Left]

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
Everything that had transpired in the meeting had seemingly resolved moot. The only truth that had made itself visibly known was the division created in Iwagakure. Each held their own unique perspective. More and more, everyone appeared to be taking an 'every man for himself' approach to the situation. The Village, of course, was falling into a complete state of disarray. With no active leadership, and cowardice in the place of such necessary evils, it was likely that Iwagakure would fall into hard times. Harder yet, however, with Haruka vying for the helm.

Staring Koyoko's blade down, Hira smiled in silence. The ANBU clearly knew nothing of 'slice and dice'. He elected to disregard her arrogance, turning to follow Haruka as she left the room. There was very little he could say to anyone here, knowing that the outcome was already decided. After all, he was only there to protect his lady.

Stopping for one moment before exiting the chamber, he stared at Ii Hissori. Curious as it was to have encountered a fellow from home here, he knew that there were more answers to be uncovered in the soot of its destruction. This man, who had come to Iwagakure and earned a position of great stature, was no exception. He was not a stone that would be left unturned.


He spoke, half turned to him.

You may contact me by carrier pigeon at your leisure. There are matters of importance for us to discuss elsewhere, outside of the earshot of war hungry mongrels. Secrets that require immediate attention. Write me and bid my arrival to any secure location and we can gladly answer your questions. I am sure I have some for you as well.

He looked at him through the corner of his eye, seeing his dog in the periphery.

Little do they know.

I bid you all a good day, and to you Koyoko-- Be careful where you swing that blade. You might cut yourself.

He laughed, stepping out of the room.

[Topic Left]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank


"What is this...? A circus?"

Clowns most definitely filled this room... I held my peace not because I was, asked, commanded or otherwise requested to; no, it was because I was amazed at the sheer chaos in this room. What has happened to my village? I placed my palm on my forehead... I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing. A sennin meeting was interrupted by one self proclaiming to be the new king because she murdered the old, her goons attempting to bully the sennin with intimidation and insults, and now meeting adjourned with no arrest and the king slayer now issuing a death threat to my Sennin... What?? Is this some sort of Genjutsu or am I not in Iwagakure? Is this a bad dream? No way did this just happen and no way did I just witness these events. If so... this was not my village. No way was a warrior such as myself ever be under the rule of such cowardice, such insolence... Haruka kills our Kage, interrupts a sennin meeting, threatens to slay my Sennin, and is now walking a way with out penalty. What's worse, the Sennin were not upholding the might of Stone and in turn was aiding Haruka in disrespecting the village. I think I snapped from my silence once I was told to be careful not to cut myself... I'm a butcher, I know where to cut.

"No... Everyone stop right there!"

Reaching onto my pouch I slipped out a folded and yet wrinkled document. I then whipped it a few times to straighten it so everyone could see Inu's official stamp and the documents contents.

"I can not believe what I am seeing here. As per this document, written and stamped by Inu Endo-sama...the Kage Guard is to act as the Kage's sword, his hands, and his eyes to cut down the wicked just as soon as defend the weak, to keep our enemies at bay just as soon as they might need to be done away with from a distance in the shadows... These vows I made still stand even pass Inu's untimely death. For treason and conspiracy, I am placing Haruka under arrest. Any who interfere will be labeled an accomplice and also charged with treason and conspiracy. Also, until the sennin has appointed a new Kage, the Kage guard will act as commander of military operations. As one of us is hospitalized and relieved of duties for the time being, both Kage guard Mikana and I will act as the Tsuchikage until a new one can be granted powers. Now... I doubt you will come quietly... either way I'm taking you in."

[Stopping Everyone from leaving that can be stopped]
[ooc: sry for the delay]


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
[[ I've been done with this topic for a while now. I left nine days ago. You could've posted freely then. Thanks!

By the by, your very last post in this topic was Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:28 pm. Everyone here's time is precious, so don't waste it on things like this. :( ]]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
(I've been out of this topic for a 5 days now, and you had not posted in this topic in a month. You shouldn't be going into threads and necroing your activity just to cause problems, and more drama once it is all safe for you. Maybe you should worry about surviving your fight first. Peace out.)

Zethui Kobayashi

Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Zenichi liked the kids moxie. While his ideals may be misguided, the Sennin here didn't really see the potential within him. When Zenichi left Stone, he would try to take Gasu with him, maybe even against his will. But that was a plan for later. He gave the kid a wink as he left, the earthen hand liquidated back into the ground and he turned back to Kamaru who seemed to have a bit of moxie himself.

[topic left unless stopped]

[Edit: Changed tag to TLUS since it seems someone wants to rp still in this thread.]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kane continued to walk out of the building and away from it. This was all too ridiculous for him to care about now and honestly it wasn't his issue. The whole point was to get someone to a position that could help the group. All that came out of this was annoyance and shown acts of idiocy. Kamaru didn't know what he was doing. He was no more a leader than Kane was. And Kane knew for certain he was no leader. The annoyance that this all brought to him was just too high to tolerate. He walked past everyone and out of the building. Onto the next one. Where would he go now? Only time would tell.

[topic left unless stopped]

Nakamura Hira

New Member
Aug 15, 2013
[I want a review from admin on the following point of interest before any IC response is formed.

1.) Who is still in this topic / Who was Koyoko able to stop through her stop-leave?


Edit: is Koyoko's stop valid?

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
[ooc: idk to be honest. we can void that post and I'll start a new topic when I feels like it about what I talked about last post.]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

I really have no idea how I could have made it any clearer, but no the stop is invalid.
Admin decided that a month, honestly, it just too long to sit in a thread without posting, so Koyoko is considered not here.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
