Tomo massaged his temples as he stared at the paperwork on his desk. Between the Takama brawl incident and the public disturbance of Kubitsuki, the manager-in-training had his work cut out for him. Luckily Kubitsuki's relation to the Mochizuki Troupe was through hire and legally the damages could not be pinned directly on them, especially since he obviously wasn't performing at the time. However, Takama was a different story, which meant there's be some out of pocket expenses for that incident. The Genin was just thankful that the ANBU hadn't been called in.
The flap to his tent was pulled back, and a member peeked in. "Um, Mochi-san? There are...guests here to see you." Without looking up, Tomo held up his palm and pulled his fingers towards himself. "Let them in." The sound of odd footsteps brought the dual-haired man's attention to the visitors in front of him.
"It's sad that I'm not even surprised anymore. May you three?" The young man looked at each toad, that returned his gaze intently. There was a princely-looking one, a chef, and a...well...Tomo didn't really know how to describe the last one. Soon all three knelt before Tomo. "Teach us your ways!" Now this, this came as a shock to the Mochizuki. He cocked an eyebrow before leaning his chin on his hand. "Excuse me?" The princely toad spoke first. "We heard tale six years ago of a blonde human who helped hold off the birds and the bugs. It was an epic battle of epic proportions, and we have finally found the human that the tales speak of! You really had us searching far and wide, what with the new hairdo and the six years away from the village." Tomo blinked a few times. He remembered the event that the toad spoke of. Something involved a scroll and all the summon creatures racing to find it. In the end it was destroyed by the medical and main branch Sennin, and that was all she wrote. He could understand why he may be mentioned to the young toads, as he had directly helped the toads at that time, and was rewarded with a contract. However, Tomo's version of the tale was far less grand...also, come to think of it... "What of Kogami Ayumu? He did more than I ever did." The toads looked to each other before gazing back at their idol. "Oh, there was some brunette guy too. Most of the toads claim he's the hero of the toads, be we know better!" Tomo wondered what Ayumu would think of that.
Rising from his desk, Tomo walked past the three. " I'm not quite sure how contract toads age...but either way, I'm not a role model. I'm a manager-in-training, returning idol who plays shinobi on his days off. Kogami Ayumu was the hero you were looking for, so go talk to him." Opening the flap to his tent, Tomo motioned for the toads to exit. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to figure out how to keep this troupe out of debt." The toads turned to face Tomo, but refused to leave. The prince spoke first. "Such honor!" The chef spoke next. "Such virtue!" The artsy one spoke last. "Much idolize!" The orange toad's siblings stared at him, as did Tomo, and they spoke in unison. "What?" The winged toad frowned. "Listen to my toooone, not my words." Sighing, Tomo departed, trying to leave the toads behind. However, they persistently followed, hoping along behind him. "We've been watching you for a while now Tomo-sama. It is why we appeared before you like this." Each toad motioned to their attire. "We want to learn from you, and become famous, of course." Tomo paused, turning an to eye his stalkers. "You want to be legends, like you think I am?" They nodded. The young man sighed again. "Listen, I don't need Toadley Do-Right, Toad Ramsie, and Artsy-Fartsy Toad following me around like...well...toadies...excuse the analogy." The toads shrugged in response, and Tomo continued. "I'm about as special as an emo kid's revenge plot. If you want to learn to be a hero, learn about the Sennin, the Raikage. Or better yet, Raiden. Maybe then you'll understand that I'm just a guy trying to make money and not die while doing it."
Hearing the three stop, Tomo turned an eye in hopes to see that they were gone. However, it seemed they were thinking, as they each had a hand to their toady chins. "Hmm..." At the same time, they came to some kind of realization. "Aha!" The princely toad stood up and brandished his small rapier. "We must prove ourselves to you! Is that it? Yeah, it's totally it. Alright, well Yo!" The chef held up his frying pan. "Jin!" The last brother held up a paint brush. "Bo!" They hit their 'weapons' together before speaking in unison. "We brothers three shall prove ourselves to thee!" The brothers muttered to each other about the impressive rhyme before turning back to Tomo. "What shall you have us do?" Tomo put a hand to his forehead. These toads were becoming a bit too much for him.
Before Tomo could respond, a feminine-sounding shout came from somewhere nearby. Yo perked at the sound and turned abruptly. "I'll save you!" Brandishing his rapier, the noble toad rushed to whoever shouted. Tomo went to stop him when he noticed the other two brothers were gone. Looking around, he saw Jin offering something to someone. "You look hungry, want a donut?" Meanwhile Bo had found another random person on the street and began pointing his brush. "Express yourself maaaan." These kids were going to be the death of him.
The flap to his tent was pulled back, and a member peeked in. "Um, Mochi-san? There are...guests here to see you." Without looking up, Tomo held up his palm and pulled his fingers towards himself. "Let them in." The sound of odd footsteps brought the dual-haired man's attention to the visitors in front of him.

"It's sad that I'm not even surprised anymore. May you three?" The young man looked at each toad, that returned his gaze intently. There was a princely-looking one, a chef, and a...well...Tomo didn't really know how to describe the last one. Soon all three knelt before Tomo. "Teach us your ways!" Now this, this came as a shock to the Mochizuki. He cocked an eyebrow before leaning his chin on his hand. "Excuse me?" The princely toad spoke first. "We heard tale six years ago of a blonde human who helped hold off the birds and the bugs. It was an epic battle of epic proportions, and we have finally found the human that the tales speak of! You really had us searching far and wide, what with the new hairdo and the six years away from the village." Tomo blinked a few times. He remembered the event that the toad spoke of. Something involved a scroll and all the summon creatures racing to find it. In the end it was destroyed by the medical and main branch Sennin, and that was all she wrote. He could understand why he may be mentioned to the young toads, as he had directly helped the toads at that time, and was rewarded with a contract. However, Tomo's version of the tale was far less grand...also, come to think of it... "What of Kogami Ayumu? He did more than I ever did." The toads looked to each other before gazing back at their idol. "Oh, there was some brunette guy too. Most of the toads claim he's the hero of the toads, be we know better!" Tomo wondered what Ayumu would think of that.
Rising from his desk, Tomo walked past the three. " I'm not quite sure how contract toads age...but either way, I'm not a role model. I'm a manager-in-training, returning idol who plays shinobi on his days off. Kogami Ayumu was the hero you were looking for, so go talk to him." Opening the flap to his tent, Tomo motioned for the toads to exit. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to figure out how to keep this troupe out of debt." The toads turned to face Tomo, but refused to leave. The prince spoke first. "Such honor!" The chef spoke next. "Such virtue!" The artsy one spoke last. "Much idolize!" The orange toad's siblings stared at him, as did Tomo, and they spoke in unison. "What?" The winged toad frowned. "Listen to my toooone, not my words." Sighing, Tomo departed, trying to leave the toads behind. However, they persistently followed, hoping along behind him. "We've been watching you for a while now Tomo-sama. It is why we appeared before you like this." Each toad motioned to their attire. "We want to learn from you, and become famous, of course." Tomo paused, turning an to eye his stalkers. "You want to be legends, like you think I am?" They nodded. The young man sighed again. "Listen, I don't need Toadley Do-Right, Toad Ramsie, and Artsy-Fartsy Toad following me around like...well...toadies...excuse the analogy." The toads shrugged in response, and Tomo continued. "I'm about as special as an emo kid's revenge plot. If you want to learn to be a hero, learn about the Sennin, the Raikage. Or better yet, Raiden. Maybe then you'll understand that I'm just a guy trying to make money and not die while doing it."
Hearing the three stop, Tomo turned an eye in hopes to see that they were gone. However, it seemed they were thinking, as they each had a hand to their toady chins. "Hmm..." At the same time, they came to some kind of realization. "Aha!" The princely toad stood up and brandished his small rapier. "We must prove ourselves to you! Is that it? Yeah, it's totally it. Alright, well Yo!" The chef held up his frying pan. "Jin!" The last brother held up a paint brush. "Bo!" They hit their 'weapons' together before speaking in unison. "We brothers three shall prove ourselves to thee!" The brothers muttered to each other about the impressive rhyme before turning back to Tomo. "What shall you have us do?" Tomo put a hand to his forehead. These toads were becoming a bit too much for him.
Before Tomo could respond, a feminine-sounding shout came from somewhere nearby. Yo perked at the sound and turned abruptly. "I'll save you!" Brandishing his rapier, the noble toad rushed to whoever shouted. Tomo went to stop him when he noticed the other two brothers were gone. Looking around, he saw Jin offering something to someone. "You look hungry, want a donut?" Meanwhile Bo had found another random person on the street and began pointing his brush. "Express yourself maaaan." These kids were going to be the death of him.
OOC: For anyone who wishes to join, feel free to be a random bystander or be one of the random people being bugged by a toad. Also, I didn't give the toads different color text. If it isn't clear which one is speaking, just ask.