Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open We're Out of Poison <Open|Invite>

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Climbing up the mountainside had never been easier as the teen’s rebreather puffed out white fogs from either side of his mask. Instead of the slow climb that he had done so many times before, Shin was now focusing a steady stream of chakra towards his feet and leaping from snow covered tree-to-tree with an ease he had once only dreamed of. He finally finished his quick ascension upwards and leaped towards and open field covered in a deep blanket of snow. Shinjo kicked off his sandals before landing feet first into the crisp ice while also tossing aside the cloak and scarf that kept him warm on his way up. He wouldn’t be needing either soon. The teen held out his hand and then suddenly grasped at the air, causing a katana to appear in the hand. With a quick spin around he made a perfect circle in the snow before stomping his foot down in the same imprint of snow where he first landed. The stomp was full of chakra that had been instantly molded to ‘pop’. It caused the circle of snow Shin had cut around him to lift up suddenly in a two-foot thick donut that was cut into six times before exploding away from the swordsman. With a patch of ground now cleared away from the snow, Shin stepped off the two little banks of snow shaped like his feet and knelt down to touch the frozen grass beneath. His fingers gently patted the foilage for a moment before activating his dojutsu to take his chakra and levy out the perfect amount of it to the plants he touched to start a natural regeneration process. Within a minute the ground’s color changed to something more spring-like and then began to show shades of health and growth only possible during certain months of the summer. With the grass now swaying in the frozen winds, Shin once again began to pet the grass while running his fingers through it, until the thin coat of chakra protecting his hand caught a little ‘prick’. With his second hand he drove his katana into the ground and pushed aside the grass until he found a deep red vine covered in thin needle-like spikes hiding beneath the thick mountain grass. Reaching behind him the Student removed a field knife and a small leather pouch.

The roughly translated ‘Crimson Spider Root’, was a deadly genus of nightshade that only grew in high mountain altitudes. It had a neurotoxin capable of shutting down a full-grown man’s nervous system in seconds, and the poison was injected from the root itself via the tiny barbs that surrounded it. They usually tended to hibernate and lay dormant for years at a time until a good hot summer melts the snow around long enough for them to release a harmless pollen to repopulate; and for causal hikers to die to sudden paralysis by accidentally touching them. Harvesting it usually could only be done during these times as well, since trying to find it in the snow was even deadlier than picking it fresh. The poison inside the root was a strange liquid that actually becomes a solid when exposed to heat and reverse when cold. So, cutting a root from the snow would cause it to spray deadly neurotoxin everywhere which not only ruined the entire reason some one would harvest it in the first place, but also potentially blind whoever was around. The ‘cherry on top’, so to speak, was that harvesting the Spider Root was also highly illegal as the liquid inside just happened to naturally be tasteless/odorless as well; unless you worked for the Kumogakure military. However, as Shinjo found, their supply in this rare root was pretty much gone. Used up supposedly during the last war and never saw a day with weather good enough to go harvest some more; it was a problem he personally saw to rectifying.

After about a good ten minutes of careful self-taught harvesting techniques he taught himself using his clan’s books on…well, harvesting poisons, the Student tied his leather pouch tight and placed it safely back into the larger pouch at his hip. He stood up and stretched while looking around for his cloak and sandals, expecting to see the indents where they would be. It seemed, though that he could not and that either he had kicked them off too hard or a fresh blanket of snow had covered them. With a hop Shin landed back on the top layer of snow and summoned another sword; might as well get some practice in.
He held the sword parallel with his face, facing the edge away from him as he channeled chakra into a perfect copy of one of his actual blades before suddenly twisting his wrist to turn the edge facing his left. The blade scattered in an explosion of what appeared to be pink leaves of a sakura tree that surrounded Shinjo before spreading throughout the field around him until they became invisible. The snow bank around him cracked apart in perfectly cut squares that broke off the mountain and slid down in a small avalanche that would be mostly broken by the pine trees below him. Within the moving snow he saw the missing items of clothing and hopped between the falling blocks of ice to retrieve his footwear and cloak before landing in a pine tree to wait out the rest of the sliding snow below him. Shin casually tossed the hilt of his weapon away as if it were trash, and it exploded into further deadly petals that drifted off elsewhere before fading entirely.


Shinrya Kosuke

New Member
Mar 11, 2017
OOC Rank
The only thing that accompanied the sound of Shinrya Kosuke's boots in the snow was his low, steady stream of annoyed grumbles. Simply put, he did not wish to be here. The trek up the mountain annoyed him half to hell, and the snow annoyed him the other half. By Raiden's bolts of lightning, did he hate the snow. It was not even because it was cold - the temperature seemed to have little to absolutely no effect on the boy, despite what he wore. The lad was garbed in his usual loose-fit red pants and even looser white poncho, both materials thin and inflammable (though, that might not be too obvious to the untrained eye). It was not particularly an outfit that screamed "wear me while it is freezing", but that was exactly what he did.

Like some strange anti-freeze cheat code had been activated on him, the snow seemed to simply evaporate with nearly a sizzle as it touched his skin. His feet melted the snow around it, so much so that one could see the bare, dead ground in his path of footsteps. It was a strange phenomenon, but one that he seemed comfortable enough with that it was completely ignored.

He had been sent up to the top of the mountain to find where it was the coldest it could be and train until he was exhausted, and then train some more. The thought process that his tutor had given him followed along the lines of, "The colder it is, the harder it will be to make fire, especially when you're tired." While it was semi-good idea (though it ignored the fact that Kosuke ran hotter than essentially every person he or his Clan had ever encountered), it still meant that he had to hike all the way up, do a bunch of random fire jutsu until he was tired, do some more fire jutsu, and then hike all the way down with nary a soul for company.

"I haTE SNOW," was the only thing that Kosuke shouted as a random, sudden avalanche tumbled down at him. He blasted it apart with a pair of well-aimed fireballs, so that by the time it came to his level, it was merely a a small wash of snow around the lower part of his calves. It did not stay long, however - strangely enough, fire suddenly burst from Kosuke's skin. It was a peculiar trait of his that he sometimes could not control, and the (quite hot) fire caused the snow around him to melt into a strange crater-like trail as he continued his trek, unaware of any other presences in his vicinity.

[ Immolate Armor due to Ashenheart Fire Blessing ]
[ MFT, WC 443 ]

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shinjo swayed in his tree for a moment staring down at the other teenager below. The swordsman barely noticed the other by the time he had hit the top of his tree, and started to call out in a shout when fire came rolling out to remove a large swath of snow, (and some tree), from Kosuke’s path. Yet the marvel of the kid didn’t stop there when the snow around him blew away in a few waves of heat that caused Shin’s tree to sway a little. Admittedly, the heat was actually nice this high up.

Hey! You okay?” Shin shouted from his little perch before winding his way down the tree to meet the new person that had decide to climb the mountains as well. A small part of his brain was telling him to stay cautious, and Shin did so by channeling a little chakra into the seals on his hands. However, the rest of his brain was just amused to meet someone this high up in the mountains. It was a rare for anyone, even Kumogakure shinobi, to be this far into the mountains. Between wild weather, the occasional bandit clan, and literal monsters, the mountains tended to be avoided; that’s not even including how hard it was to climb in general. So, to Shinjo, the guy before him was more likely someone like himself. A powerful youth blessed with a high amount of chakra that allowed them to commit to feats that would be otherwise impossible - like melting an avalanche.

Sorry about the snow wave, I did that. Was up here looking for…” he paused for a moment remembering that his personal task was actually quite illegal, even for himself, “…flowers. Rare flowers. Special, flowers,” he winked a few times completely unaware that the teenager before him was in ANBU, “If you know what I mean? It’s really weird to see someone actually up here though. Most of the time people tend to avoid this high up for…that…” the swordsman sighed with a bit of fear clearly etched into his eyes as he pointed to the rolling black clouds heading right their way. Was it from the sudden burst of heat this high in the atmosphere? Or perhaps the avalanche itself shifted enough of the air to trigger the storm, either way, Shin wasn’t going to stick around,
So, I don’t know if you know, but the storms up here are bad. Extreme. I suggest you start heading back the way you came unless you really intend to train in this kind of weather. Myself? There’s a nice cave about ten feet down from here I plan to shelter in until the storm passes. No way I could make it back to the Village without…literally flying, I think.” Giving a little salute, Shin started to move past Kosuke and hop towards the edge where he would grapple down into the cave carved into the side of the mountain.

If Kosuke didn’t stop him, that was.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
