Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

What a surprising time. Mayhaps. [Contract Search]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Rika moved through the area as she had recently to the general vicinity. Her pink hair had a pair of twintails held together with red ribbons. She continued to move through the general vicinity of the area until a breeze had flowed through the area in which she noticed one of the ribbons had become undone. As the ribbon almost left her reach as it flowed with the wind, but she had caught it between her index and middle finger. She slowly tied the ribbon around the bit of hair it had been tied around before, and observed the area as she had done so.

As she finished tying the ribbon, she noticed the wind had changed in its direction. Her attire, consisting of a skirt and a blouse with a pair of plain shoes and a pouch attached to the waist of the skirt, had flowed through the breeze as it continue to flow. She continued to smile as she stopped to watch a few animals pass nearby, though the didn't pay her much mind, and she didn't plan to disturb them.

"I didn't realize this area was such a nice looking place. The animals don't seem frightened, but I don't plan to push my luck or anything." She said, still smiling. The breeze had died down, in which caused her clothes to stop fluttering.

Though after a while, she started to hear some sort of noise that seemed distant from her. She looked around, trying to figure out where it was from, in which she would soon go where she found the sound getting louder. After a few moments, she would soon find out what was making the sound, in which she noticed seemed to be a young flying squirrel. The young animal had a blue tint with it, but she would notice that it seemingly had been trying to climb up a thin and seemingly tricky tree, and kept failing at trying to get some berries or something of the sort. Rika smiled a bit and had grabbed the berries and a leaf to set them on after setting the leaf down onto the ground for the young animal.

After Rika had set down all the berries for the young squirrel, the squirrel smiled grabbed one of the berries and had took a bit of one. The squirrel finished the bite and set the berry down on the leaf, and quickly climbed up her clothes and stopped when it was on her shoulder and gave her a hug in response to helping it. Rika smiled and gently hugged it back.

The squirrel quickly made its way back down to the ground and started to eat the berries once more. "You're very welcome, young squirrel." She said, smiling a little as she took a few steps away from the squirrel, before the squirrel used the leaf as a makeshift berry holder and quickly moved to Rika and climbed up to her shoulder while holding the folded up leaf, which held its berries.

As Rika had noticed the squirrel climb up her clothes to her shoulder and smiled as the squirrel quickly took out a berry from its makeshift bag and started nibbling on it as Rika watched the sky.
Sep 24, 2017
It was another day, another dawn. The wind was gentle with its upbringing and the animals were busy with their songs of happiness.

Except for one...

Not too far from the happy little scene that was happening with Rika and the cute little squirrel she encountered, seemed to be another little creature that was nearby Rika. With it’s squishy sounds, it made its way over to the pink haired female and started to trickle its slimy stuff all up her leg as it used whatever it could to slide up the girl's leg. Making sure they could stop at a suitable point. After all, they didn’t want to be a perv, but they did want to be noticed. They wanted someone suitable to help them, they guessed that lovely looking pink haired person will be able to. With this proposition in mind, they gave out a light, bubbly sounding cough and began to speak.

“Excuse me?” They tried their best to get the girls attention, their voice sounded just as bubbly as the squishy sounds they made while they travelled moments ago. “I was hoping that you could help me for a moment!” The slug then proposed. “You seem like the right kind of person to do so and I hope you accept!” They seemed rather forward with their request, but they hoped that they would accept the task of assisting them.

It seemed to be already an unusual day for the slug, what would the pink haired girl say?? Would she accept?? If she accepted, then the slug would go on with their little ‘request’ that they have for the young girl. If they denied, then the slug was just going to do whatever they could to make them accept.​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Rika had smiled as she continued to watch the squirrel eat its berries and hadn't noticed the slug for a bit until the slime the squirrel was using to climb up her had reached skin, in which she'd feel goosebumps all over and would look over to where she was feeling it at and would notice that the entity that was climbing up her was a slug and as she had looked at it it had seeminly spoken to get her attention, but a talking slug? Surely she had to be dreaming, right? Its voice sounded bubbly and even spoke up again in an attempt to get her attention and even ask her if she could help it for a moment. She had to just blink for a moment before nodding her head. The slug was cute in its own way, even though the feeling of its slime on her skin almost made her skin crawl.

"Y-yeah, I'll help you out. What is it that you need done?" She asked, with a slight smile and with a serious attempt to make her voice as calm as possible. After the squirrel stuffed its mouth of its last berry, it would climb up Rika on the opposite side of her that the slug was on and would slowly move over to it once it reached its level and would wrap its arms around the slug and gently give it a hug as it finished chewing on the berry it was eating. The squirrel made a couple sounds as if it found the slug adorable.

The day turned out to be interesting already, with it involving a talking slug that had randomly approached her and this flying squirrel that she had befriended out of the blue.
Sep 24, 2017
Good! The slug caught the attention of the girl, they hoped that they weren’t freaking the girl out, they knew that they can be slimy and gooey, but they sure knew that they were the friendly sort, even the squirrel that was accompanied with the girl somehow went over to the slimy creature and gave it a hug, it even let out a few noises to indicate it’s happiness of some sort! Now, the slug loved the appreciation it was being given, so opening the cute little mouth that they had, they shown their tongue off and licked the other cutie before looking over to the pink haired girl once more.

“That’s fantastic!” The slug expressed their happiness before looking around and licking their own slimy lips. “If you can place me on your shoulder, we can begin!” The slug announced with its typical, bubbly voice. “That way, I don’t look like a perv!”

Well… at least the slug was honest… This was after all, probably something that could be seen wrong in many ways for any passer-bys that could walk by them right this moment. It most certainly wouldn’t be good news for the cute little bubbly slug, that just wanted some help with something they couldn’t do.

Luckily, they accepted the slugs request, now all the slug needed to do was let them know about the request, and hope that the pink haired girl will achieve that little request with them. It was time for an adventure!​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The girl continued to have a smile on her face as the slug spoke again after receiving a hug from the squirrel and licking the squirrel in return. The squirrel had frozen for a moment, not expecting the slug to lick it before releasing the slug from its hug and jumping off of Rika to try and clean the slime from its fur so it didn't get weighed down from it for much longer. Rika, on the other hand would do as the slug asked and gently picked of the slug and set it down on her shoulder. "Alrighty, what is it that I'll be doing for you? Oh, and do you have a name?" She'd ask, glancing at the slug on her shoulder. She wanted to instinctively wipe off the slugs slime from her hand and where it climbed up but she didn't want to offend it by doing so. "My name is Rika, by the way." She'd say, with a smile still on her face.
Sep 24, 2017
Awwwh! This girl was simply adorable. The slug wanted to lick her all over too, but they prevented themselves from doing such a thing, they probably wouldn’t appreciate such a thing, since their tongue was rather slimy. Fortunately, it wasn’t dangerous or harmful, so the slug can lick anyone if they wanted, and they hoped that nobody could say anything else about it, because they were very careful with it!

“Thankyou!” The slug chimed with happiness. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Rika! My name is Jun!” They replied. “I am called Jun because it means moisture! Which is quite funny because I do feel a little moist, if I say so myself!” It was clear that this slug was a very honest one, but a very weird one at that. They didn’t even consider how pervy they sounded just then.

With a slight grin on their face, they then nuzzled their face into the girl's cheek before they parted their head. “Okay! So my task, as you can see! I have no hands to pick stuff up so I cannot do it myself, but I spotted some baby birds on the grass not far from here! They need saving, they were crying but I was useless with it! C-can we help them?? Oh! Can we feed them too?? They looked hungry! I don’t know what they eat but they looked hungry too!”

What the slug asked seemed rather simple, but it was much more difficult than it looked… Jun… couldn’t exactly pinpoint where they were. Rika will have to do all of this herself. Jun could help here and there, but apart from that… she was on her own.​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

The young woman had listened to the slug as it had chimed in with thanking her with its tone being quite happy. It had also responded to her introduction with one of its own, in which she would smile and tilt her head slightly as she nodded as to what its name meant and that it did feel moist. "It's very wonderful to meet you, Jun!" She'd say as the slug would nuzzle their face into her cheek and speaking once more. She would listen to the slug state that they had spotted some baby birds not too far away from where she stood, and on the grass, and that they needed saving, and they were crying. Jun also inquired about feeding them though had no clue as to what birds ate. "I'll be glad to help them out. And as for what birds eat, I think baby birds are usually given worms that their mothers chew up, but we'll get to that when we get there." She said, hoping that she wouldn't have to be the one to chew up worms. "No need to worry about the baby birds, I'll be there to help them out and all!" She said, puffing out her chest a little bit and giving Jun a thumbs up.
Sep 24, 2017
The girl seemed so complacent and happy. It made Jun so warm and fuzzy inside! He just loved that. Things were most certainly going to be much easier with her around, all they had to do was find the cute birdies, feed them these “worms” that the girl mentioned. Jun didn’t know what worms looked like, nor do they know where they could find these worms, maybe the young woman would know! Yep, they were such a clueless cutie!

Looking around, Jun gave out a small grin and then squealed in a bubbly voice. Rika was so cute when they spoke, and even cuter when she put a thumb up to reassure the slug. Jun felt quite safe in her hands, she seemed quite capable and she was rather friendly. They were glad to have found her!

“This is great, I feel safe when I am with you!” Jun exclaimed in their cute and bubbly voice. “We start searching at the direction of the tree in front of us! Then we go further along from there! I have no hands so I can’t direct you that way, but there are other means to get to the babies, like telling you where to go by memorable objects, for example!”

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Rika would smile as Jun and spoke about feeling safe when they were with her, and started to walk past the tree that was in front of them. She'd nod was there were other ways to direct one without the use of hands. She would continue on her way in the direction that the slug had mention. She had to get used to the feeling of the slugs slime, but it would take a little bit of time.
Sep 24, 2017
The slug was rather excited about their little predicament, if they were going to be honest with themselves, but only because they were glad that they found someone to help the birds! The birds needed lots of help in order to get back on their feet, and so that they can be protected! There was only one person that can do it at this moment, and that was Rika!

Suddenly, Jun felt a sensation inside. It felt… weird, and it kind of hurt, Jun didn’t know what was going on inside them, but it soon became rather clear… Jun soon released what was an explosion of air, and it completely filled the area with a yucky smell. It even caused Jun to react with a gross look on their face while they smelt the horrendous fumes they just blasted out. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be any strange colour that occupied the smell, but it’s unpleasantness was enough, it was even causing animals nearby to do a runner. It was clear that Jun pulled off a nasty one.

“Oops!” Jun giggled as they then grinned towards Rika. “I am so bad! That never happened to me before! I felt like I was going to explode from the inside! I also felt like I was gonna blow up into pieces!” Jun admitted as they gave off another bubbly giggle. “Has that ever happened to you, Rika?? Do you feel ready to explode inside at times?! It felt weird and strange…”

It was clear that Jun never experienced letting one rip before, but it was also obvious that Jun needed to be careful with what they were saying. “Is… everything okay?! I know it stinks but I can’t help that!”

OOC: Sorry it took ages x)
Also, Akujin… told me to tell you to put in more effort into your posts. I apologise ><​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
