Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private What’s New [Requesting Akkuma]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

There I was, seated at the table, a grin plastered on my face so wide it could rival the Cheshire Cat's. I inched my chair closer to the table, eyes fixated on the masterpiece before me: a perfectly packaged pie. The aroma wafting from it was downright divine, and the presentation? Oh, it screamed "I am the pinnacle of pie perfection." Clearly, this had to be the pièce de résistance of pies in Sunagakure. I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into it.

With utmost care, I peeled away the packaging, feeling like I was embarking on a journey to pie paradise. But just as I was about to indulge in my dessert delight, my moment of serenity was rudely interrupted by the muffled sounds of commotion from the security detail and secretary, who by the way, were currently plastered against the Kazakage's office walls, bound by sand.

"Quiet, can't you see I'm trying to savor the best darn pie in all of Wind Country?" I exclaimed, not bothering to hide my annoyance. "And no, I'm not sharing. I'd tell you to go get your own, but it seems you're a bit tied up at the moment. Ha! Get it?"

With pie utensils in hand, I couldn't help but chuckle at my own cleverness as I savored the first heavenly bite. Ah, the sweet taste of victory—er, I mean, pie. But amidst my culinary conquest, my mind drifted to the letter I had the secretary send to Akkuma. Oh yes, he would be receiving it soon enough.

I couldn't help but smirk as I imagined Akkuma's reaction upon reading it. His favorite Homunculus had returned. But for now, I had more pressing matters to attend to, like figuring out how to smuggle an entire pie shop out of Sunagakure without anyone noticing. After all, a Homunculi gotta have her priorities, and pie—well, pie was right up there at the top of the list.

[Letter Sent to Akkuma wrote]
AtKtwfy. Sttsmcybi? Wa! Iagtktbfiagtet. Wa?Hmbp.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The message arrived to the Sennin swiftly, noting it was being sent from the Kazekage's staff. Opening it he could only ponder as to what the contents of the message were. Maybe someone was having a stroke? He thought to himself with a chuckle depending on the rank of the patient it would be no surprise that the Chief & Sennin would be requested. In an instant he was broken down into sand & flowed out of a nearby window. Each grain carried upon the winds towards his destination, the still ruined Kazekage Tower.

A powerful stream of sand streamed into the Office, cascading across the Office before reforming into the demonic Sage. Those pale ice-blue hands clasping the hilt of his blade. Those crimson eyes of his resting upon the staff trapped against the wall by the sands of...his creation. This unnecessary demonstration of her capabilities would serve well for the task ahead. Yet again the security had proven itself, incapable of guarding this place & those within it.

But more importantly on his mind was the reason for the message, to meet here & most important of all what had the message meant. Was it a language he had to learn? He'd seen mention of a Homunculi language in Shin's research & had yet to take the time to learn the dialect. "Well no one seems to be having a stroke as I initially thought from the message...what was that by the way? Homunculi?" his mind curious, as his gaze rested upon the last vestiges of pie that remained. "If you'd be so kind as to release the staff...I've already got enough paperwork today." he said with a chuckle, not that his concern was they may die only that he might have to waste his time with the report explaining the situation.

Akkuma's hand moved from the hilt blade to rest at his side as he moved to the table, taking a seat opposite Akira he would flash a shark-like grin. "It seems you've been enjoying yourself since our last encounter..." his words held a note of amusement at situation he had been called to, even with recent events & heightened security she had overcome the obstacles of the village.

[Topic entered]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

And there it was, the last slice of pie. Everyone knows that the last slice is the best slice. For In the fading glow of a setting sun, amidst crumbs and laughter, the feast is succumbs to its inevitable conclusion. Yet in this sweet reverie, one slice stands alone, oh, how it gleams,
In its crusty cocoon, a symphony of dreams and how each bite a journey, SON OF A BI@$H!

From an open window, a powerful stream of sand poured into the Office, cascading across the Office before reforming into the demonic Sage Akkuma. “The door was open!” My eyes would ping pong from him to the last slice of pie, now desecrated by sand, then back to Akkuma.

"Well no one seems to be having a stroke as I initially thought from the message...what was that by the way? Homunculi?"

“Humunculi? Now that’s just racist. It’s abbreviations! AtKtwfy, At the Kazakage’s tower waiting for you. Sttsmcybi, Shinobi tried to stop me can you believe it ‘question mark’ Wa, What assholes ‘exclamation mark’ Iagtktbfiagtet, I am going to kill them but first I am going to eat this pie emoji. Wa, Want any ‘question mark’ Hmbp, Hit me back…. playa. This is how the Big Hat singer sends her messages. It’s all very clear.”

I would begrudgingly release the dirt bags from the wall as instructed by Akkuma. Words were exchanged as they made their exit from the office, “That man says that he has intercourse with my mother… but never mind. I want to hear about all that I’ve missed! I see you have been making moves and implementing schemes! I want to hear all about it. And then I want to tell you about all the things I’ve learned, living amongst the humans!”

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Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kyōki would walk to the Kazekage tower, he presumed that's where his father was, since he has the Sennin position and all. It has been merely an hour since his grand entrance and still nothing and nobody of note to stop him. He wore a bored look on his face as he seems to be basically unchallenged and let to go wherever he wanted.

Finally, he would make it to a spot in the Tower, where he saw a bunch of people who were running away, some obviously had some sand in their pants. Kyōki couldn't help but chuckle as he would make his way to where the people were running from. Both Akkuma and Akira would feel something before they would hear a maniacal laughter. They would feel a presence of someone who had list their mind, but it isn't either of them. And then they would see him. Kureji had changed much since Akkuma last saw him. He now had blue hair, most likely the cause of the crystals. Speaking of which, the left half of his body was covered in crystals. And where his eyes were, is now an eerie azure light that comes out.

He wore a hideous smile that would make any sane person want to be at least a whole country away from him. Kyōki would sit down far from both Akkuma and Akira as he picked up a single grain of sand and examined it. "Father." He would simply say through gritted teeth. His attention would shift to the woman. "And I don't believe we met before. We are one person, but two minds. Kureji is asleep right now. I am Kyōki."

(topic entered)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Like any demon of his calibre, Akkuma's arrival was often accompanied with great calamity to those present or so the local superstitious believe. For Ryujin Akira this had come at the cost of the last slice of her ambrosia inducing pie. Her displeasure was most apparent, a chuckle would escape his form as that devilish grin settled onto his face. She was right, but given the message & recent state of Sunagakure he had no idea what he was walking into. Watching, unable to contain his amusement as her eyes darted back & fourth from him to the now desecrated slice of pie.

Akira's response to his inquiry about the cypher made him laugh. "Perhaps the Sunan's are rubbing off on me more than I noticed." he would joke in reference to the insular preferences of many of Sunagakure's citizens. "To think the Academy method had made a return..." he was surprised but then again even he hadn't anticipated it. It had been year's since he'd thought about messages in such a manner. What felt like a lifetime ago back when Touka was still here with him.

He felt a pang of pain & guilt at the memory of her. With a sigh he moved on from the memory back to the task at hand. "I shall keep that in mind for future is quite effective & concise." he would say with a nod, noting her new method & that it was also used by the 'Big Hat Singer'. He searched his mind for a reference & found the reports of the Gate admissions for the Kumogakurian shinobi that had been here during Silent's time. Making note to go back over the reports to see if there were any more details he may of missed.

That shark-like grin spread across my face as Akira released her would be assailants, conveying the displeasure one felt the need to express. Looking the individual up & down as they departed he would turn back to Akira as she continued on. She wanted to learn what had happened, clearly he had been busy the signs were there. While he was curious to learn what she had been up to why not get the big things out of the way? "He must have meant it rather as an insult, if not they shouldn't be bragging because I can't remember them." he would say with a shrug, he was candid as ever when it came to matters most would get flustered over.

Eyes flashing with delight as he began to speak. "Sunagakure seems to have a problem of losing it's Kazekage's." He words held an ominous tone that made no effort to hold his delight. For all the superiority they had believed themselves to have over those like him, they had proven to be powerless. "You look at Sunagakure's Sennin of International Affairs." he let the title hang in the air. Sunagakure had always been unique in the way it's Sennin were selected & the influence they wielded within the village. In the past there had been some questionable choices.

But to name him, Sennin of International Affairs & for him to keep it through the disappearance of another Kazekage! Oh he could just imagine the conspiracies being whispered in the social circles of sunan society. However before he could continue to elaborate a maniacal laughter would begin to echo down the hallway. Almost as if conjured by the Fates to snuff out the internal glee he felt. His hand moved to the hilt of his blade upon the arrival of a familiar & yet new individual. When he saw the familiar hue of creeping crystal he knew it was his ward & son Kureji who would be stepping through the threshold of the door into the room.

Those crimson eyes stayed locked on the newcomer. Had his son come so soon to throw himself against the monster that was his Father? It wouldn't be the first time he had lost a bond with a child by protecting them. If he were the monster they believed him to be Akkuma would have killed him & had his corpse sent to the clan estate to be preserved. In truth he was more of a monster, because he truly did care for his children. But that would not stop him from removing them if they became an obstacle to his greater objective, not after last time. With a nod he acknowledged the greeting from his son, still wondering how this would play out.

"Kyōki...well this is an interesting development. Tell me are you the only other occupant in my son? Or are there more fractures of his psyche like the many pieces of creeping crystal that cling to him now." he would ask out of a mixture of curiosity & concern. This wasn't his first time dealing with such an incident after all, although the situation varied. When Kyōki addressed Akira the Sage smiled devilishly, he would let her introduce herself. This would allow him the time to better gauge the individuals reactions. Afterwards he would ask one more question. "So why is it my son has returned to Sunagakure & why are you Kyōki here today?" The words were business-like in tone & yet there was an unmistakable hesitance as he asked.

Did he dread the answer Kyōki might give him or did he dread what he might have to do when he got his answer?


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
“Two minds but one body? Ha, Akkuma! I heard about this condition during my travels. It’s called crazy! Your son is crazy! Now we must lock him up in an institution where he gets heavily medicated and they serve jello on Tuesdays. It’s also where humans put their elderly and never visit.”

I nudged the dirt-covered pie toward Akuma’s confused son, my face impassive as ever. “I don’t want it anymore so you can have it. It’s covered in bits of your dad but it’s probably still better than jello.” I did not know that Akuma had a son. I did not know that Akuma was the Sennin of international affairs. So much has changed since I started my journey and now it was like stepping into another new world. I had so much to learn and to catch up on. “I suppose we can catch up another time. It seems that you and your son have some catching up to do before you put him away for the rest of his life for being clinically insane. Then he will be confined to a padded cell and forced to wear a restrictive jacket that forces him to learn to eat ramen using his toes to grip the chopsticks. It is not an easy skill to master… trust me.” I would stand from the table and brush off the remaining bits of sand Akuma so kindly covered the room with. With a wink to Akuma I’d walk towards the window and begin to float off. “Oh yeah, I learned to fly! Tell you all about it next time, bye bye, see ya!”

[Topic Left unless stopped]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Kyōki would let out a fit of laughter as the girl would call him crazy. Does she truly even know how close she even is to the truth? Kureji's own name means crazy and was given to him when he was first found after the Void took his family. As for Kyōki himself. His name means madness. He would shrug off the girl's comment about him needing to go to a mental institution "Been there, done that. Kureji had found it boring and a waste of time." He would blow off the sand that had covered the pie that was offered him. Yes, he was going to finish eating a pie that some stranger gave him.

As he ate, he would listen to what Akkuma was asking him. "There's more crystals on this body than there are minds being shared." Kyōki said as a stab at Akkuma, reminding the Demon that Kureji is this way, in both body and mind because of him. "I'm the only one." He would ponder on the next question. Searching through his other's memories, two conversations that had stuck out to the madman as he finished the pie.

"Music." He would say, "It really helps someone express themselves. Especially rock and roll. Some riots can really start with the right type of music. You once told Kureji that this world will no longer rot under the thumb of humanity and its unnatural systems. Yet here you are now, sitting in a high position of the very system that you talked down upon. You also had said that you wanted to better the lives of all shinobi, but again, as I said. You decided to follow the system." He would have another fit of laughter before he calmed himself down and continued on, "Kureji was always a little bit sweet and innocent, aside from the things he usually would do. Naive. But I see through his memories. I've heard of all the injustices that my people have had done to them. Done to them by people who follow the system just like you. People who use the system as an excuse to use others as tools for their own ends. I'll let you know this. I'll do what you failed to do. Liberate the people from this cursed system and be free like music. For now, I'll let you have your fame with Sand. But just know, once we are done with our revolution. We are coming for you. And maybe, just maybe.... Will it satiate us for what you did to Kureji." Yes, it was all for revenge. But there was also other things to note. He wanted to start a whole revolution against basically the whole world to liberate people from the system that enslaves them.

"Well. I've got work to do now. Next time we see each other, there will be no pleasantries." He would get up and turn away. The real question would be what would happen next?

(topic left unless stopped)
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
