Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Where the Spirits draw you [Contract Search]

The pain grew intense, and after Migoya’s last throw of the kunai he fell to the ground. The world became a blur as the poison hit is hearts, doing their foul work and burning them. His crimson eyes, now surrounded with pain, gazed on the shadow that approached, realising that this moment could possibly be his last. His last action, perhaps, was too arrogant – but it was honest. He would not give up though and with clenched teeth he raised his gaze up once again to see the figure reach out and ‘touch’ his chest. The spirit spoke, but the pain of the poison clouded his mind and he could not understand the words. Death was coming…

The strange touch of the spirit seemed to draw out the poison, Migoya feeling his senses and strength coming back to him. He was still covered in mud and blood, but at least now he could concentrate and focus. Memories that had flown through his mind now settled back to where they belonged, though now rather than hidden, they were scars that strengthened him.

Clearing his throat, mostly to get rid of whatever it was in there, he absent-mindedly healed the remainder of his wounds, a simple thing for him, and the world seemed to glow blue for a second. The pain seemed to recede, and he gave the spirit a warm smile in response. Something… else seemed to have happened to him, like something inside had burned away. He felt… good.

“Thank… thank you.”
Migoya said as he reached his pale hand towards the spirits, not knowing if it was going to be solid. His gaze turned to the owl, the ‘creature’ that had helped guide him and support him throughout this ordeal. He gave the creature a bow as it flew away– “And thank you as well my friend.” His head was still a bit foggy, but he hoped he had the opportunity to thank the avian guide in a more effective way later.

The spirit continued to speak, Migoya listening as best as he could in the situation. The words it spoke were… foreign to him, especially when referencing him. Good… pure… honourable. Kind-hearted. Accepted. The deer seemed to represent the best parts of him… and he had healed them.

Was he those things, really? His life had been one of misery, sadness, and survival. The things he had done… they were never for his own benefit, other than to survive a vicious world that most never knew about. Blood had fallen through his fingers so much that the word pure was difficult to imagine. Almost single-handedly he had reduced the crime that had plagued the hidden leaf after the samurai occupation – and he would never be thanked for it, apart from those within his clan. His clan… the reason he survived, and the reason he did what he had to do.

Good and evil were such abstract viewpoints – to some evil was good, and vice versa. Migoya had killed to protect innocent people, but was that an evil act in and of itself? He hated the Hokage and his lackeys – was that ‘evil’? To some it marked him as a traitor, but to him the Hokage was a hypocrite… a true evil, even though few thought that. Migoya was loyal to the village and what it stood for, and that was what was important.

For the first time in his life, Migoya heard the words good, pure, honourable, kind-hearted and accepted… and believed them. This immortal creature knew… knew that his intentions were always ‘good’, even if he had to put the cowl of darkness over them, to hide their true intents from the real evils of this world. Even members of his own clan conducted evil activities, but it was Migoya’s interference that prevented them from actually eventuating, from spilling out and infecting the world. In his quiet moments, Migoya simply wanted to heal the wounded, fix the injured, play with his puppets, and grow various types of plants. The mask of being a master manipulator, expert spy master, and ‘red-eyed devil’ was simply a necessary ‘evil’, to ensure the safety of those under his care. No one was scared of the strange albino doctor, but the black robed master assassin… that brought fear and protection to his family.

Migoya gave a sad smile as he joined the strange child spirit.

“I… I am honoured. And I would continue to be if you would share your story. I must admit, I know little to nothing about spirits, that is other than Tsukumogami – and Mikki here tends to be tight-lipped about them even.”

Pfft. I don’t think your little brain could hold all that information Migo-kun. I mean look how well you do with understanding women, let alone the wide world of spirits, and gods, and…

Migoya gave a slight chuckle as he turned back to the boy, interrupting what would obviously be one of Mikki’s strange rants.

“Please – I would consider myself most fortunate to hear your story, and am happy to share some of my own.”

He was happy, about to go and help someone, well, something great, and hopefully get information that could help his village. Yes… this was what happy felt like.

WC: 877
Gesturing in front of him, the trio proceeded on the pathway as the spirit settled in for the story."My tale begins not too different from yours. I was not always the ever-watchful guardian spirit everyone dubs me to be.."He paused for a moment reflecting as if trying to recall details before nodding to himself."My rise to this position was not easy. When I came to this land,it was ravaged. Chaoes everywhere, the animals were running amok. A result of the wars that the Hidden Villlages partcipate in." He halted for a moment pointing to the distant shape that one could make out to be the World Tree in the background. Even from this distance, it commanded a certain degree of respect to it's stature."That great landmark was not as it used to be. When I happened upon this land, it was infested with evil forces of all kinds. I was merely a young bud at the time. There was nothing I could do. I was like you in the beginning, Migoya, hiding away the truth, the pain, the sorrow.It would cost me dearly. I witnessed the death of many men that could have been stopped...if I acted."

The Kami raised a hand to his face to wipe away a tear that had slid down."I decided to act for once. The tree was being ravaged by othr Kami. Spirits who wished to see the darkness of the world.
I was tested, trial after trial, battle after battle. It cost me my life. In turn, I made an agreement with the Great World Tree. To continue living in this world as it's protecter, to watch over these holy lands and ensure that day in history never repeats itself again. I stand guard without fatigue, for darkness is akways present. The world would not be balanced without these two forces of light and dark. It is a reality we must face. I recall nothing from my mortal life, my memories lost during that fateful battle."
The spirit gazed out over the horizon, his eyes taking in the scenery of the land. It was quite a beautiful view from up here.

He turned to Migoya beckoning him forward."I have you told you mine. Now, do enlighten me on your history. Especially Mikk here. It is quite rare to see one of your kind forming such a strong bond with a human, little one."He said smiling at Mikki. In truth, the Kami was curious. From what he could tell, the Chuunin had also had a rough upbringing. This Yong person he regarded as a brother. He had never had that luxury. The Kami had been a lone wolf, suffering through it alone, ousting the pests that dared to spread their lies here."Do take all the time you need. The path is quite long."He said smiling. The peak of this certain mountain was not easy to reach. He had picked it for that purpose. Some never made it to the top. The occasional skull here and there were proof of that. Hopefully, they wouldnt add to the collection.
Migoya listened intently as the Guardian opened up his history to him. Indeed, there were similarities between the pair, and a general lack of action had impacted both of them in drastic ways. Life had scarred them, and now both were immortal in a sense, each trying hard to push back a tide of evil in their own ways.

Migoya nodded sadly at the mention of village warfare, as he ran a pale hand through his shock of white hair.

“Shinobi, Samurai… the war never seems to end. Pride, bitterness, greed - all fuel conflict, and at the end of the day it is those who did not start the war that have suffered the most.”

The Guardian had then asked him about his own life story, and Mikki's involvement with it. Normally, Migoya would have made up some simple story to hide the pain he had been subjected to, but the spirit had seen into his soul and there was no point in lying. After all, none of it was his fault.

“My own tale? I must admit, it is not an exciting tale, but I would be happy to share it. Mind you, I am not a capable story-teller.”

“Well, I was born many years ago in a small hamlet not too far from Konoha. My parents and I had a difficult relationship - my ‘father’ wasn’t my father, and I was the result of a… violent altercation, so my mother wasn’t too fond of me either.”

It was extremely strange for Migoya to speak about this, and even Mikki was quiet as he heard the tale from Migoya’s own mouth for possibly the first time.

“Suffice it to say, and as you have learned, I accidentally caused the death of one of my older brothers which caused me to run. I hid on the streets of Konoha for a time and joined forces with another run-away, Yong. Together we survived, and eventually drew the attention of one of the underworlds families - the Jinkotsu. They took us in, trained us, fed us, and taught us their trade.”

“Eventually I realised that life was not one I particularly enjoyed, so I turned to medicine. Yong… well, Yong saw how corrupt the Konoha Government was and left - ran.”

Migoya still bore the scars of his brothers retreat, compounded by the fact that he had thought him dead for so many years, only to find him still living.

“I soon became a med-nin chief… I was pretty good at it too, I must say - but then the Samurai conflict began, and the Fire Daimyo attacked. It was a difficult experience, watching friends die, and I myself was captured for a time. After I… escaped I returned to see Konoha under Samurai occupation, and noted that the underworld was thriving, not as before with strict rules and procedures, but with greed and avarice as their main tools. I was able to… manage my way back into the family and took that opportunity to re-establish those rules, so that the common people would be protected once more”.

“That’s where my focus has been until recently, when I decided to come out of the shadows and participate in healing my village once again.”

It was a brief account of his rather complicated life, but it would suffice.

“As for Mikki.. Well, he’s been with me since the beginning.”

Yeah. Saw him through those awkward teenage years and all.

“Tell the guardian about yourself…”

Pfft, my story is boring. I’m a living puppet, lived a long time, seen some stuff, done some stuff, will keep doing stuff. That sums it up. Oh - and I hang around this loser because someone has to make sure that he doesn’t do stupid things.

“That’s a coincidence - it’s why I hang around you.”

Do you want me to go back and get that doggie and point him your way?

“He’d probably mistake you for a tree and urinate on you.”

Well, I’d smell a lot better than you.

Migoya chuckled, realising that they two were about to enter a long insult tennis match, but that the spirit with them probably would think they hated each other, rather than this being a ‘bonding’ moment. He turned to the spirit with the grin still on his face.

“Yeah - we are rather close. I certainly would not be alive without him, and I think the world would be a rather… unsafe place if he was left to his own devices sometimes…”

Pfft. I’d become the Daimyo of somewhere and rule with an iron thumb!


The trio would continue to walk along the pathway, casually chatting. Migoya did have some pertinent questions for the Guardian that he hoped were not too prying.

“Guardian, if you don’t mind me calling you that, a question. What exactly are Kami? You mentioned that some of them are dark - how did they become that way, or is it more of a balance thing - the cosmos requiring both light and dark? “

His crimson eyes looked around the area.

“And what exactly did the Fire Daimyo do here?”

MFT: 778
The guardian shook his head sadly as he listened."War..tragedy. It is a everyday challenge for us in the life. It is alaways present in some shape or form and we are the ones who endure it's impact."Reflecting for a moment on the land around him, the terrian which had seen much, endured much, the Kami snapped back to reality by their bickering. For once during this entire encounter, he let out a chuckle observing the two."I know now I made the correct assumptions. You two have a strong bond, that much can be seen. Even though Mikki here perhaps would not admit to it, both of you harbor love for each other. You care for the other's wellbeing. I can see that. It is present in both of you.
My only regret is that. I had no one to forge bonds with. I was a loner. That is a dangerous path tonwalk."
Walking ahead, the path seemed to end, at the peak, a most interesting image could be depicted before them. At the top was a collection of large rocks arranged in a circle with strange markings on them and in the center sat a wooden chest. On the chest itself lay a strange-triangle shaped key made out of pure glass. It was odd to anyone who would happen upon this. Perhaps because no mortal had made it this far before.

Before the guardian could explain what lay before them, questions were shot his way. The Kami, the Daimyo's reign of terror. He let loose a sigh looking up the stars as he began to craft his words.[coor=#FF0000]"Well, in order to reply to your first inquiry, I could drone on and on about Kami and their history. Kami... are in essential..spirits. Ghosts if you want. This light and dark thing has always been present ssince the dawn of time. Some have good intentions while others have more...sinister plans.The origin of the Kami is a long drawn out summary. But to put it simply, you have your good apples and your bad apples. It is just like the mortal world. Light can not coexist without darkness and vice versa."[/color]He was secretky pleased that Migoya was inquiring. Most humans didnt really bother to ask. They just thought of them as demons, evil spirits who brought bad luck. Ill omens. His next question, the guardian gestured out over the landscape that presented itslf."I want you to take a good long look at this land.I have told you my story. How I have protected this terrian. It was not easy. The Fire Daimyo was not directly involved in its corruption but the side effects of the conflict spilled over into here. Roaming survivors, monsters from that era, rogue ninja sought here as a refuge. Battles were fought. This land was flooded with all sorts of bad stuff. It was not the paradise it is today. That day may come again and when it does, the World Tree will stand, its roots strong.

Turning his attention to the strange stone placement before them, he gestured at the items in front of them. The rocks surronding a wooden chest with a glass key on top of it."Tell me what you think. First thoughts when you see this. No thinking. Just what pops in your mind when you see this. You are about to take the final leg of your adventure and it is essential you do it properly."Seating himself on one of the rocks, he clasped his hands together and began a chant. As if on cue, the marks on the stones began to glow a eerie green color and the ground shook a little bit. Something was happening and by the sounds of it, it was big.
A gentle breeze played with Migoya’s hair, a strange sensation indeed in this place - a place where things were not as they seemed, yet more real than reality at times. Although healed of his injuries, the burden Migoya carried was still heavy, yet now he had a firmer foundation on the path he must choose - wisdom and knowledge had indeed come to him though through unexpected means.

A small wooden hand started to tug at a stray wisp of hair, Mikki’s way of keeping himself entertained, especially if he felt a bit uncomfortable. The Guardian spoke about the love the two shared for one another - and that certainly wasn’t something the puppet would feel comfortable discussing. The Guardian then spoke of what Kami were - spirits or ghosts. Similar it would seem to Mikki’s brand of, well, spirit, yet with a different purpose. One seemed to be bound to an object, the other to - if based on the Guardian spirit here - a purpose. This world had just become far more complicated, yet glorious in its complexity and interconnectedness.

“I would very much like to hear the tale of the Kami sometime, Guardian. I believe the one thing we do share is… time,” Migoya said with a sad grin. “Perhaps if people were more aware of others, things like this travesty would not have occured. Such… waste. When will the world learn and understand the need for balance in all things. We fight and scar the earth like it will not strike us back. That out of the greatest acts of evil often comes the most noblest sacrifices and demonstrations of good..”

Realising he was pontificating, Migoya simply raised a hand to scratch Mikki affectionately on the middle of his back, eliciting a small shudder of enjoyment from the puppet. The Kami continued, leading the pair towards a wooden chest, surrounded by stones which glowed green at his command. A crystal key lay atop the chest.

He was then asked to speak about his first impressions of the place. His mind whirled into action.

“Hmm. Normally a chest indicates something of great worth, hidden and locked away for its, or our, protection. The crystal key… crystal is a symbol of purity and clarity. Perhaps, and this is just a summation, the chest symbolizes knowledge, the key focus and understanding - one opens the other.”

Or its just a chest…

Ahem… no-one asks what I think. Mikki interrupted. In my expert opinion, it is a wooden box with a key on it with some spooky stones around it. I say we spank the stones for being spooky, get the key and open the chest. Who knows… it may be full of gold, or a +4 vorpal sword, or love letters between Kenshin and Takeshi!

Migoya chuckled, hoping that the humour would reach the Guardian, and that Mikkis flippant attitude would not make light of the sacred situation they were in.

The standing stones… well, all knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands, and as such needs protection. Those stones probably are a last line of defense - not that anyone has gotten past you, Guardian.” Migoya’s eyes would careful watch the stones. It was not in his nature to let his guard down, especially when told it was fine to do so.

And so, the test continues…

WC: 560
The Kami smiled chuckling a bit at the humour exchanged. It was probably the few moments of laughter they would have for a while. Looking around at the stones as if looking at someone, he beckoned the duo forward signaling to them to be quiet. Nodding as in satsifaction, he spoke in a low tone."You are right and also wrong. These stones are the last barrier against any unwanted intruders yet at the same time they are the unwanted intruders. Each of these rocks contain the soul of an foe who dared to cross these lands with ill intention and I have secured their spirits within these stones.They answer to me now as punishment for their crimes yet harbor a great hatred. They would not hesistate to turn on me at the first sign of weakness."Peaceful as the structure seemed, there seemed to be a feeling of the danger in the air. The presence of otherwordly beings was all too obvious. He extended a pale finger at the chest."We will get to that later. For now, here is your task.Speak to each of these spirits. Approach one and simply place your hand on the stone. They may lash out or not. Get a good understanding of their tales. Once this is done, we will unlock this box. This is the most important part of this exam. You will understand why as you hear these unforunate souls stories."

The stones began to shudder in place as if they had been listening in. It was like they were alive yet at the same time, just a simple rock. If this was what a Kami such as this guardian was capable of, no wonder there had been no intrusions into this land ever since then."I'll help you out. There are 6 of them. A missing-nin, a swindling merchant, a prideful warrior, the dishonest villager, an attractive kunoichi and finally, a former town leader mad with power. All of them underook the same trials and this is a result of their failures. They were not true to themselves."Migoya would have to ensure he did nkt add to the collection of rocks. This was a hall of fame for the losers. The guardian did not want him to fail but the World Tree had high demands and such, he must fulfill the role of guardian by ensuring people met those demands. "Failure is not an option here. I do not want to make it 7 stones. That is the least of my desires. You are probably tired of these tests but that is why I am here. They are meant to be taxing,
to test your mental prowess. It is not supposed to be luxurious which is the mindset of some of these indivuals."

As soon as Migoya would approach a stone, it would shake before crumbling into dust and in it's place, a ghostly form would appear reflecting the figure of the person who had been sealed within. He was so close, so close. If he passed this, all would be done. The World Tree would acknowledge him as one of his own, as one of the guardians he could entrust with the knowledge it held. The Kami proctor remained by the chest in a protective stance observing the shinobi's actions. He wondered secretly what Mikki's reactions would be. The little guy had some funny outbursts and wondered what he would make of all this. Laughing inwardly, he rested his eyes on the stones. So, which rock would the Leaf warrior put his trust in,or his death?
[OOC: You can talk to only 1 spirit at a time]
He ran his fingers through his hair, noting the drying blood within it. Although physically healed, he knew that he must look a complete mess. His favourite brown robe had numerous holes and was covered in blood, not to mention the mess and tangle of his tendrils under that robe. And now, more tests. Migoya inwardly hoped that the adage 'all good things come to those that wait' was more than something to inspire people to do things they didn’t want to. Like religion.

Listening carefully to the Guardians words, Migoya nodded slowly. So he was to choose who to confront out of the seven in front of him. Part of him wished to choose the 'easiest' one to overcome in his own mind - it was a strategically sound option. Another part of his brilliant mind suggested that he tackle the one that was most like himself… again an opportunity to learn and grow from this strange experience. The prideful one suggested he tackle the most difficult one whilst he was fully capable. Each had its benefits and its difficulties, and the words of the Guardian that some would ‘lash out’ and some would not resonated in his mind.

His mind drifted… each of these people seemed to resonate to him. Each was a part of himself, despite being separate people. Perhaps it was normal to have all of those aspects within oneself. Perhaps he was overthinking things.

The missing-nin… his brother. Wrath. The swindling merchant… his clan. Greed. The dishonest villager… his family. Sloth. The prideful warrior… his nephew. Pride. The attractive Kunoichi… his former lover. Lust. The power-mad leader… himself. Envy.

He tried to link them, his mind working at a fever pitch as always. Perhaps they weren't symbols of anything and were exactly as the spirit had said - failures. But he was here for knowledge… and would be willing to pay the price.

Gritting his teeth and closing his crimson eyes in an effort to focus himself to the now, and to remove all doubt about his decision, he reached forward.

A pale hand, one that had both healed and taken numerous lives, touched the stone that most reflected himself - or at least what he most feared he would become. The former town leader mad with power. If he was going to learn something here, it would come from the spirit with the most in common with him. Perhaps it could teach him how to avoid his outcome… or it would try to kill him.

The stone was warm to the touch, and Migoya waited.
The stone shook and shook for what seemed like forever. Finally, it grew red-hot to the touch before crumbling where it stood. In it's stead, a figure formed in front of Migoya warping into a man, a leering grin on his face with a slash across his nose and missing a arm. He cackled staring at the duo and shouted out to the sky."You have some nerve, guardian! Setting my soul loose in such a dangerous manner! Finally, I am of this chains that have held me down for so long. I am the great one! The all-mighty, the powerful, the wise. I AM EVERYTHING!'He shouted to the clouds seemingly ignoring the Chuunin. Finally after preaching all about his achievments, he stared down the shinobi as if looking on something unwanted."Who are you, peasant? Why have you released my soul?Wait, no, let me guess, you want to seek my aid or perhaps you wish for me to provide you with some sort of item. Why should I? You are nothing to me. You rely on this silly principle of peace. Peace makes the human mind soft. Conflict empowers us, trains us, makes us better! Without chaos and death, this world would be nothing! I forced this principle among my villagers and they seemed not to understand it! I AM A GOD!"The man and his ramblings seemed to disturb the other captured souls who's stones began to shake in place as if reacting to the man. Although he was not of the real world, one could feel he had a very high regard for himself which was what had led to his downfall."Why should I care who you are? Do you come to provide me with something of benefit? If not, leave. I do not intend to waste my time with commoners from the dirt such as you unless you can prove otherwise which I highly doubt."The crazed leader said crossing his arms smirking clearly confident he had the upper hand here.

"He has gone insane from power. Quite literally, he had grown so fond of power and authority he had that it corrupted his way of thinking and ruling with a level and fair hand."The Kami said sadly staring at the corrupted soul. The man stepped forward cackling, his eyes alight with a sort of craze as he began to talk to himself, a huge grin on his face."You all are under my boot. I raised this village, this town with my own to hands. You all simply live in it with my permisson. I dictate your life. I choose if you die, if you live, if you get to eat, when you get to marry. YOUR LIFE IS IN MY HANDS. THE HANDS OF A GOD.!"He shouted again laughing to the sky.'As you can see, he clearly thinks of himself as some sort of self-proclaimed deity. Your task here will be to convince him to tell you his tale, just simply getting him to talk to you as a civil person will be a great feat in itself, something no one has peformed before and I do not have the patience in me to deal with his ramblings so I sealed him for the World Tree was most disturbed by this man's character."He watched warily as the man paced the peak of the mountain laughing to himself shouting out commands to people who were seemingly not there and mimicking beheading someone."You all answer to me!I am the creator, the respected, the commander, the forgiver and the rewarder! Do not forget your place, rats!"
The spirit of the man seemed to be exactly, no... even more annoyingly prideful and painful than the Guardian had suggested. Migoya noted the words the man spoke, the tone he took, taking in all the subtle intricacies within as if storing them for some deeper purpose. Truth be told, Migoya was concerned that this was how others viewed him. Kenshin surely did. But if that pain was here now and saw this he would probably punch it, and not receive the lesson it had.

Is this truly how others see me? Am I so comical that I would turn into something like this... No. I will not become this.

Oh... this is going to be fun... Mikki started before a pale hand gently poked him, as if to shut him up.

"My apologies for disturbing you. I figured that if I was to learn from someone here I might as well go to the spirit I stand the most to learn from. Obviously there is little I can provide someone such as you as payment, but perhaps there is one thing I can do." Migoya's tone was respectful, calm and genuine.

"Tell your story."

Men of pride and ambition endeavor to ensure that what they have created lives forever, if only so that others remember them with fear, adoration, love or some measure of emotion. Even the lowliest bard was welcome in the court of Kings in order to sing songs of the monarchs grandeur. Few would live forever and as such what was desired was something that would last forever - be it a song, a story, a statue... something.

"Please. Tell me your story that I might share it with all, and see that your legacy continues to live on."

Despite the fact that you are a moron who clearly lots his mind and his body. Mikki reflected into Migoya's head.

Yes, Migoya was a manipulative person and knew how to exploit the weaknesses in others, but this time it seemed he was dealing with his own inner demons and using the tools that would work against him.
The crazy spirit glanced at him before laughing, a sound that echoed around the mountain.'That's it, you want to hear my story? You don't want power? Money? Immortality? Luxury?"He stopped his crazy ramblings grinning at the Chuunin."So be it then, I will tell my tale, it is a great one at that."He let loose a small chuckle at the thought cackling to himself about it as he drifted closer to where Migoya was."Let's see here...where to begin. My godly reign began and end in a small village near the Hidden Leaf. The previous head of the town was worthless and incompetent, he believed in the idea of a democracy, equality for all. Ha, as if!"The man said snorting at the fact. "So,
I took it upon myself to set a plot in motion that consisted of having him kidnapped and thrown in the lake nearby where he drowned. I made up a fake story to fool the townspeople telling them he had committed suicide and they believed it, the idiots! I AM A GOD!"
He screamed to the skies cackling to himself."Well I ruled with my concept, you either did what you were told for the sake of the village or suffer the consequences."He continued."So, I did. The peasants were useless and lazy, did nothing for my benefit, the town which I worked so hard to improve. In the end, they could not fathom the fact that me, a god was indeed their superior and ended giving them the same fate as my predecssor, ironic, isnt it?"He asked cackling a bit at the fact.

He yawned looking around him."There, I told you. Now leave me alone, you dirtbag. I dont even know why I told you, you aren't even worth my time, damn it."He said looking down his nose at the duo."I AM A-"He was cut off by the guardian who gestured towards him and instantly, his figure began to morph and warp until all that remained of him was the stone."Enough from him. Your next encounter awaits."He adds gesturing to the next rock which was practically shaking at this point. The Kami hovered over to it looking down at it with concern."This one....perhaps not as insane but she is...dangerous. The kunoichi....she lured many potential victims with her features and then would rob them of their careful with this one."He warned eyeing the stone which through cracks were beginning to appear.

The Kami retreated watching it with interest. The seal in place eventually broke and it splintered into pieces. The figure of a woman appeared, her face a pale white skin tone, black hair falling down to her shoulders and eyes that held a green pupil. Her voice was soft, almost alluring yet she held a more deadly intention. She purred at Migoya."Hello there, love. What can I offer you?"She said giving him a smile, one of a devil one that was meant to entrap the victim. The guardian spirit said nothing, simply watching to see what would occur.'Would you kindly help my little self from this predicament, someone as honorable as yourself?"She cooed at him getting closer to him, a hand reaching up to touch his chest. What would Migoya do?
Well that guy was annoying… and clearly quite insane. Any hope of getting pertinent information was almost dashed against the rocks of nuttiness the ghost was showing, yet Migoya would take what he needed. He remained respectful, but wasn’t too disappointed when the figure was dispersed by the Guardian.

Next, the ‘seductive’ woman appeared. She looked familiar, and was indeed attractive, but his clan was an expert in information gathering and used prostitutes to gather that information. In other words, her ‘methods’ were effective, but ultimately pointless against someone who intimately knew what she was doing.

That self-serving seductive smile was directly reflected back at the ghost.

“Did that really work, I mean, when you were not trapped? Well, those men deserved to be robbed. If they couldnt keep it in their pants, well, then they shouldnt complain when someone takes it out…”

Money, that is.

Wow… she’s giving me wood. Get it? Wood… Because Im made of wood. Mikki snicked, looking at the guardian to see if there was a hint of a smile.

Migoya gave a chuckle, not in derision but one to ‘disarm’ the spirit - one professional to another.

“You can drop the act M’Lady - its rather undignified for both of us. Lets just say that other things entice me, and you are playing a song I'm rather… knowledgeable in. I presume your predicament is getting caught here? Hmm. A shame for one so… skilled.”

Crimson red eyes set into a porcelain face looked intently into the ghosts. Few knew the untold pain that had come from Migoya’s time on the streets of Crater City, and what he and his brother had to do in order to survive. Such things tended to become less and less painful as you kept doing it, as those actions became less and less intimate. Part of Migoya actually wanted to help this spirit as he knew the hidden pain, the hidden shame, behind the bravado and seductive face one learned.

“Tell me how you got caught - perhaps I can find a way to release you.”
The woman bristled in annoyance at the reaction and for a moment looked offended tilting her head glaring at Migoya. She clearly was not used to one speaking so bluntly to her and in the form of rejecting her. She wagged a finger at the Chuunin as if admonishing him."You have quite a tounge on you, handsome."She said smirking at him. Despite her seductive advances, it was becoming quite clear this shinobi would not be as easy to entrap in the spider's web. The girl was not exactly pleased at this but knew far better than to lash out when the Kami was present. After all, he was the one who had sealed her in these accursed rocks."My tale? Why, of course, anything for you, Migoya-san."She said alluringly motioning for him to take a seat. She closed her eyes for a moment thinking nodding to herself as if reliving the moments."Let's see, my fantasy began in Crater City, I was 19 at the time..."She said running her fingers through her hair."I was doing very well...providing to the people there. Quite a profit, I tell you."She added smirking tossing her hair about in a attractive manner. She tended to do that a lot."But, of course, I wanted to expand my client web. So, I decided to undergo a journey to see what new sights and sounds I could discover and what the demand there was but as luck would have it, I found myself lost in this vile land of monsters and holy spirits."She said nastily glaring at the guardian who stared right back offering no reaction."I was not aware of his status, otherwise, I would have left as soon as I got there. I tried entrapping this demon with my charm to only find out the truth."

"Not that you were any good at it."The Kami commented shrugging. She gave him a glare before continuing."He made up this tale about how I had corrupted humankind with my venomous tone and that this great big honking tree was telling him I was this major bad guy or something. All false, of course. So, i took his damn tests and what was it for?! The ghost encased me in stone anyways!She spat eyeing the guardian meaningfully."You..however...She started, a enchanting smile appearing on her lips."Annnd that is enough out of you."Putting his hands together, he watched the spirit of the kunoichi scream as the stone shot up encasing her once again."She also failed to mention during her living, all who heard her voice would fall under a genjutsu and used for her manipulative needs."He said, a look of distaste clearly expressed on his features."Right,, number three...this special."He said eyeing the third sealed stone which had cracked already."He has broken his seal twice in the last decade or so, if you manage to get a answer out of him, I will throughly be impressed."He added.

The rock bore a symbol of a headband with a line crossed through it. It stood still offering no reaction even when the guardian placed his hand on it."Perhaps you should try."The Kami said retreating a few steps. This was the one he worried about. The persona of this certain indivdiual was dangerous and quite destructive. A uneasy tension filled the air as the rock lay there dormant offering nothing looming out at the group."He is a missing-nin yet from which village he hails is unclear."The guardian said narrowing his eyes on the seal."It was quite an effort to seal this one, he passed the trials flawlessly but failed at the last step turning on me, the proctor. I nearly lost my life that day."He said tensely speaking in a low tone as if fearing the sealed rock might be disturbed. What or who lay within? It was up to Migoya to see what sort of threat lay within the stone.
Many, both men and women, fell prey to their natural urges, forgetting that those who knew how to use them would do so to get ahead. The world was full of people leeching off one another, feigning love and affection merely to obtain material wealth. Most of the world in fact. Once you understood that it was something that most people did, it enabled you to resist it more - when you wanted to. However, to be able to put genjutsu through one's’ voice was a powerful tool, one that few could muster. Sure, the Uchiha could use their eyes, and other bloodlines their songs, but to speak and have it happen - extraordinary. Almost instinctively Migoya summoned his willpower to ensure no lingering effects would cloud his mind. A bad yet necessary habit.

The lesson about withholding from desire was learnt, and the Guardian spirit whisked her back into her stone once more. Part of Migoya wanted to break those rocks and set the spirits free. They had paid with their lives, but to suffer through eternity…

The next rock beckoned. Guided by the Guardian spirit Migoya listened carefully to the boy-spirits words, fishing for any information to aid in this test. His body was tired, and his soul even more so, but he was not afraid. Migoya noted the fact that of all the entrapped spirits here, this one caused a measure of fear with the spirit. Few could be able to hurt or scare an immortal being. He recounted many of the strange enemies he had faced over the years, one hailing from a bloodline that specialized in ‘exorcism’ or some such thing, and others who were capable of speaking with the dead. The fact that he was a ‘missing-nin’ also spoke volumes as to his possible skill level.

Oooh a scary missing-nin! Coooool. Mikki intoned. I’ve always wondered why they are called missing. I mean, they don’t disappear - most of the time you know where they are. And its kinda silly how if someone wants to leave a village, they get branded for being bad when in fact they probably just want to quit their job, grow some olives and have a pizza or something.

Migoya nodded, listening to Mikki's words but thinking about something else - the upcoming trial.“I believe it is because they have turned their back on protecting their village, which means they must be ‘missing’ part of who they are. At least that is what I was taught in the academy.”

Well that’s dumb. What if a person doesn’t want to be a ninja anymore. Maybe they want to herd goats. Maybe they want to sail the 12 seas. Maybe they want something, anything, else.

Migoya went silent for a second, as if thinking deeply about what Mikki had said. Certainly the puppet blurted things out without thinking, but this… this was…

“I think its an active way of saying ‘stuff you’ to the village. Most shinobi who go missing tend to brand themselves by ‘scratching’ out the village’s symbol on their forehead protector. See here, this is the symbol of Iwagakure - the line through it suggests that the spirit is a ‘missing-nin’ from there and has turned on their ideals.”

But what if you don’t agree with the villages ideals?

Migoya exhaled, clearly in conflict with himself about something. He maneuvered himself to stand between the guardian and whatever would come out of the stone - a symbolic protection if nothing more. He wanted to know, to ask, why this spirit turned on the Guardian at the last minute... but not knowing would make the test more authentic.

Gathering up his reserves he placed his hand on the missing-nin stone.
As soon as his hand would physically touch the stone, there would be a great shuddering as all the sealed rocks began to tremble. The guardian rose, a look of shock on his face. Clearly, this sort of paranormal activity was new to him. There was an explosion of sorts and the rocks shattered into pieces, all 6 of them as the sealed spirits appeared before Migoya each speaking one word."Greed.""Power.""Lust.""Freedom.""Wealth""Peace."With that, all 6 spirits clasped their arms together and there would be a glowing light that emitted from their hands that faded to reveal an dull wooden key in Migoya's hand. Their task done, the sealed souls swooshed upwards each fading away into the evening siy. The Kami looked after them comprehending and from afar, a spectacle could be witnessed. The figure of the World Tree which had hung so low, the branches began to sprout and the tree began to perk up, more radiant and vibrant than ever.

The Kami turned to the Chuunin, a look of wonder on his face."Migoya of the Hidden Leaf,
do you know the gravity of what you have done?"
He asked placing a hand on his shoulder."The World Tree has given you an early reprieve. This is an endeavor only few can perform.
The World Tree has deemed you need not endure any longer. I am surprsied you even made it past the first two. The goal here was not to see if you could obtain something from all 6. It was to test your mettle,
see how long it would take to break your will but you perservered. As such, this land grants you an award and that is the guidance you seek. It will come in the form of an pact. I have seen you and Mikki grow,
aid me in nurturing this land and I will aid you in your journeys. Are you willing to accpect eternal guidance,

If the shinobi would agree, the dull wooden chest would pop open revealing an scroll tightly bound by black leather rope which seemed to be emitting some sort of horrible hissing noises from the parchment."You must pour your blood into this document as proof of your worth. It contains our suffering, our kindness and how this land came tobe. It is the text-by-text of the Kami's rise and fall."He said gesturing to the box. All the strange stone creations were gone now along with the glass key and chest that had been present before. All that remained was the dull, wood chest and three indivduals on a mountainsjde overlooking the World Tree. Today, the sun would set assured in the fact a new guardia was joining the ranks.
The hesitation that Migoya had upon touching the warm stone soon changed to one of confusion, then awe. He flinched as the stone he had placed his hand on glowed for a second before the whole scene changed, the stones shattering and their owners imparting words to him - words that were now etched on his very soul.

"Greed." "Power." "Lust." "Freedom." "Wealth" "Peace."

The spirits had then departed, hopefully to a restful end, and Migoya stood in awe as the great spirit tree started to come to life. A small smile of awe slipped onto his visage and even Mikki stood in silent rapture.

A hand was felt - a solid hand - on his shoulder as the Guardian Kami spoke. It spoke of the trials that he had gone through, the pain he had endured, and now had finally come to the end of. The stones had shattered and this obviously was something uncommon.

The Guardian then offered Migoya something of true value, especially to a lonely immortal.

Eternal guidance? From the immortal spirits of the Kami?

Migoya would be one of the first to tell you of his arrogance - a shield he had placed around himself as a young man in an effort to stave away any signs of weakness. That shield had protected him, but had also caused heartache and suffering amongst those who attempted to get close to him. But now that shield fell, and Migoya stood both humbled and shocked.His shoulders slumped down, as if a heavy burden had been placed onto them and he looked to the ground.

His gaze caught sight of the glass box, now transformed into a simple wooden chest where a black scroll lay. The Guardian had removed it, and now it loomed before him. Its contents were apparently a history of the Kami’s suffering and kindness, and a history of how they came to be. Such information was invaluable.

The reassuring hand of the Guardian rested on one shoulder, and Mikki clambered to sit on the other.

“You… you wish to enter into such a pact with me? I…”

What he’s trying to say is yes he would. Migoya - you do know good things can happen sometimes… Mikki said in an unfamiliar kind 'voice'.

“Not usually to me… and this, this is more than I was asking…”

Migoya did not feel special, nor did he ever really believe himself better than others - it was an act, again to protect himself. It did not go down well on the street if someone was less than self-confident, or aggrandizing. But to now have someone… something… an eternal being state that he was something else… something better. An unwanted tear started to form in his eye. He coughed roughly, pulling his shoulders back.

Clearly shaken, Migoya looked at the guardian, before looking around and speaking, as if to the tree itself. “To be honest, I do not believe I deserve such an honour; however, you do - and I tend to take the words of the wise over my own experience in times such as these. I came seeking guidance, and you have kept your promise.”

Deftly drawing a kunai, Migoya cut the palm on his left hand, one of the few areas where blood still resided on his body. A small pool of it formed, and Migoya, squeezing his hand, poured it onto the proffered parchment, watching it sizzle. Such agreements were not to be taken lightly, like any contract, but any reservations about entering into such a pact was tempered by who he was making a pact with.

“And I shall keep mine to you Guardian, to the Spirit Tree, to the Kami. I will endeavour to follow your guidance. To protect those without a voice. To listen to those whose stories need to be told. To aid those in need. To follow my own conscience. This I pact.”

A small wooden hand would reach behind Migoya’s head, stroking his hair in a way that was done when he was a small boy. It would seem Mikki approved of the choice.

Tear-stained crimson eyes would now look towards the Kami, a genuine look of gratitude clearly visible on Migoya’s face. He had learned so much, mostly about himself, but now more knowledge and guidance awaited.
The drops of blood hit the parchment and strange text would appear on it glowing before fading swiftly leaving a blank sheet as if nothing had been there. The Kami rolled up the scroll and passing a hand over it, it faded away as if into thin air and the spirit looked at Migoya, an look of happiness mixed with approval on his face."My friend, until you require my services again, your journey here is over.The World Tree has granted you that what you seek and you are free to travel the walks of life with me at your side. In all of this, remember one thing, arrogance and power is what plants the seeds of chaos. Refrain from greed and do not dabble in wealth for these are things thatcan be a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. The Kami's soul is strong within you, young one, the World Tree will watch and so will"With that, there was a swoosh sound and the Kami was nowhere to be seen, gone to the winds to take his role guarding the lands as he had done so for centuries yet a symbol of what he had left him with remained. An branch from the World Tree lay before them giving off a strong chakra signature and the wood was of the highest quality.

Upon picking it up or making any interaction with it, the shinobi would see black for a mere second before finding himself where he had began at the foot of the great tree which now stood proudly at its fullest height. The mountain was gone far off in the distance. There was a bird call echoing overhead and among the skies masked by the clouds, a strange bird figure oddly shaped like an owl flew by circling the tree once before heading off. Migoya had now been handed the reigns to free will, what he chose to do with his newly-gained knowledge was up to him. He could utilize his morals for the greater good and in time, people would come to acknowledge what the Kami had failed to preach during his human life or he could be like the commoner, using it to his own personal benefit until fate ended up claiming him. An wind breeze began to pick up and leaves that hung off the brances of the sacred tree began to flutter down kf varying colors, red, pink, gold. Soon, there was a mass of leaves around the base of the massive trunk all of varying colors and very radiant. It was a sign, a message that the era of peace was about to descend upon this world.
[On behalf of the Contract Team, I would like to award you with the Kami Contract! It has been an fun and enjoyable RP experience and I hope the same goes for you! I have enjoyed being your moderator and if you have any qualms or questions, please reach out to me or a member of the C-Team. This will be my last post in this thread, just put your exit post and you are good to go! Congratulations once again and I look forward to your custom summon. Thank you!^^]
Migoya watched keenly as the scroll faded, the deal set, and an eternity of bonds forged. He returned the Guardians smile and gave him a deep bow. There was a kind of kinship there, a mutual respect.

“Advice I will always endeavour to live by Guardian. And likewise, should you or the tree require my services, I will always be available.” His words were true, as was his pledge. A tormented soul was often the one who best understood how to help others to heal, and now the Kami had a powerful instrument, one willing to play along with their own orchestra. The pain they held was… familiar and enabled them to bond on a deeper level than friendship.

Looking down at the branch of the Worlds Tree he could feel the power within it. It was a simple brown staff, but as he reached for it he felt it throb beneath his touch. A moment of darkness enveloped him before he ended right where he had started, only this time the tree bloomed before him.

Well, that was… pretty. Bloody. Cool.
Mikki said as he clambered onto Migoya’s shoulder. I mean… we just met a Guardian Kami, beat up a crazy dog-thing, spoke to some wierdo’s, healed the World’s tree, and you didn’t die! Oh, and it looks like you’ve bound yourselves with these guys as well. Yeah. Its been a better than average day. Can we blow up some ducks?

Migoya affectionately putted the puppet’s head, his other hand grasping hold onto the strange wooden staff. He could feel a… pulse in the item, as if it was alive. Perhaps it was. The screech of the owl caused Migoya to look up, again a smile on his face.

“My thanks again my friend. May the wind be ever kind to you.”

He took a step forward, a burden lifted from his shoulders replaced by a newfound purpose. He would speak the words of the Kami regardless of the peril it would place him in.

“And you Mikki… no ducks. Well, unless they are eeeevil ducks,” he said with a rare chuckle.

They are all evil. Anything born cute and fluffy always turns evil. It is known.

Migoya laughed at the puppet, knowing that his friend would always be weird, just like he was. Now however there would be more joining the proverbial party.

He took one foot forward, leaning against the warmth of the staff, and started on a new journey, away from the majesty of the World's tree. One back to Konoha. One back to truth.

One step at a time.

[OOC: Kami Contract Accepted, Topic Left]

[OOC: Thank YOU Soku for a great RP experience! Its just a shame I have no more contract slots to fill or I would nag you again! Thank you again for your patience, its much appreciated!]

Current Ninpocho Time:
