And with the foul attitude Kahako held, she was in no mood to fully explain to anyone why Santaru Kouin was no longer a KOS. Silence filled most their journey through the Susukino district, and onward to the residential area of Kumogakure. It wasn’t until their last trolley ride did Kahako even care to look at the man who was currently sitting beside her.
Emerald eyes would bore into his head until finally she decided she would tell him where on earth she was taking him. “If you think you’re staying at my home, you are completely and 100 percent incorrect. You would not be welcome there.” She blurted out. “Saito-sama gave his judgement, and it is now my sworn duty to ensure you survive as a member of this village.” She shifted on the bench, looking outside to see if ANBU were following the compartment up the hill. "It would be a death sentence to have you go to the ANBU barracks tonight, and it won’t be official knowledge until morning that you are a member of the village. Thus having you stay at an inn would be a direct path to trouble,” Kahako sighed as she felt the compartment lurch. “This is our stop.”
When they started down a decently quiet street, she began once again. “The next best place would be to keep you in a house ANBU would hesitate to infiltrate, not out of fear, but out of respect of the person within. My mother and Ayumu would be very unhappy with me if I take you to the Shinrya Mansion…” At this, Kahako stopped in front of an apartment building. “So I feel the next most appropriate location would be with the current head of your clan.”
At this Kahako began her way up the stairs. “The Shinrya isn’t directly related to the Santaru line, but my sister and the head are half siblings who shared the same father. Her mother, the previous Santaru head, was once in your position and held a great deal of esteem amongst those under her.” Halfway up the second flight of stairs, Kahako stopped to turn to Kouin. “You know, when I realized our distant relation, I couldn’t help but think of all the Santaru who came before you. All the ones who spilt blood and lead this country in a desperate attempt to establish peace. And it sickened me.” Kahako paused, trying to reign in the bubbling anger. Trying once again to remove the tasted of hatred from her mouth. “Here you are, clearly blessed by your ancestors. Every battle you encountered since you forced your way into this village, proved you were. And it sickens me how much you squandered your gift, and how you figuratively spat on your predecessor’s grave and attempted to destroy what she, and many others in your clan died to create.”
Kahako’s grip on the stair rail was tight. If she supplied even the tiniest amount of chakra, it would have crumpled like a straw. She quickly let go, and turned around. She would not continue her tirade, even though she desperately wanted to. Her footfall echoed into the night air as she continued upwards. “Treat Saeko with respect, or Raiden help me, I will kill you.”
Now there were many perks to being Medical Sennin. One such perk was having immediate access to everyone’s home address for… mostly medical purposes. Fortunately for everyone, Kahako rarely used it to stalk someone. Saeko, actually happened to be the second person Kahako ever had to pull a file on, and the Sennin intended to keep that number in the single digits during the entirety of her career. The intention behind was purely innocent on her side. After the grand Gala at the Torre, Saeko suggested a girl’s only sleepover. However, after what Kahako witnessed, she couldn’t muster any more courage to face her friend after just facing Tomo. You don’t just walk into a scene that nearly ended up a romp in the front lawn of a government building, and pretend it didn’t happen.
But that was far from Kahako’s mind when she banged on the apartment door. When it opened, Saeko would see an uncharacteristic glower in Kahako’s expression. “Saeko-chan, I really really hate to drop this in your lap, but I regret to introduce you to your long lost cousin, Santaru Kaze Kouin.” The Medical Sennin stepped out of the way so the two could get a full look at each other. “Kouin, this is Takaki Saeko, daughter to Santaru Rin, current head of the Santaru clan, and a dear friend of mine.” Kahako turned back to the woman, her frown still glowing. “Kouin needs a place to crash tonight. Long story short, he forced entry into our village, killed two ANBU, hospitalized two more, and—through a very controversial conversation I do not want to go over again right now—has been promoted to be the new ANBU Sennin. Obviously, he shouldn't be left alone, and I’m not leaving you alone with him, so can I use your phone to call home and check on Susumu?”