Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels...

Oct 22, 2012
Hours passed as the two Sennin made their way from the library to the residential district on foot. While many shinobi preferred the quickness of travelling rooftop to rooftop, Kahako made it a point to use Kumogakure’s massive trolley system in order to keep the man who followed her conspicuous. Even though he was newly appointed as the Sennin of ANBU, not everyone would fully know until morning.

And with the foul attitude Kahako held, she was in no mood to fully explain to anyone why Santaru Kouin was no longer a KOS. Silence filled most their journey through the Susukino district, and onward to the residential area of Kumogakure. It wasn’t until their last trolley ride did Kahako even care to look at the man who was currently sitting beside her.

Emerald eyes would bore into his head until finally she decided she would tell him where on earth she was taking him. “If you think you’re staying at my home, you are completely and 100 percent incorrect. You would not be welcome there.” She blurted out. “Saito-sama gave his judgement, and it is now my sworn duty to ensure you survive as a member of this village.” She shifted on the bench, looking outside to see if ANBU were following the compartment up the hill. "It would be a death sentence to have you go to the ANBU barracks tonight, and it won’t be official knowledge until morning that you are a member of the village. Thus having you stay at an inn would be a direct path to trouble,” Kahako sighed as she felt the compartment lurch. “This is our stop.”

When they started down a decently quiet street, she began once again. “The next best place would be to keep you in a house ANBU would hesitate to infiltrate, not out of fear, but out of respect of the person within. My mother and Ayumu would be very unhappy with me if I take you to the Shinrya Mansion…” At this, Kahako stopped in front of an apartment building. “So I feel the next most appropriate location would be with the current head of your clan.”

At this Kahako began her way up the stairs. “The Shinrya isn’t directly related to the Santaru line, but my sister and the head are half siblings who shared the same father. Her mother, the previous Santaru head, was once in your position and held a great deal of esteem amongst those under her.” Halfway up the second flight of stairs, Kahako stopped to turn to Kouin. “You know, when I realized our distant relation, I couldn’t help but think of all the Santaru who came before you. All the ones who spilt blood and lead this country in a desperate attempt to establish peace. And it sickened me.” Kahako paused, trying to reign in the bubbling anger. Trying once again to remove the tasted of hatred from her mouth. “Here you are, clearly blessed by your ancestors. Every battle you encountered since you forced your way into this village, proved you were. And it sickens me how much you squandered your gift, and how you figuratively spat on your predecessor’s grave and attempted to destroy what she, and many others in your clan died to create.”

Kahako’s grip on the stair rail was tight. If she supplied even the tiniest amount of chakra, it would have crumpled like a straw. She quickly let go, and turned around. She would not continue her tirade, even though she desperately wanted to. Her footfall echoed into the night air as she continued upwards. “Treat Saeko with respect, or Raiden help me, I will kill you.”


Now there were many perks to being Medical Sennin. One such perk was having immediate access to everyone’s home address for… mostly medical purposes. Fortunately for everyone, Kahako rarely used it to stalk someone. Saeko, actually happened to be the second person Kahako ever had to pull a file on, and the Sennin intended to keep that number in the single digits during the entirety of her career. The intention behind was purely innocent on her side. After the grand Gala at the Torre, Saeko suggested a girl’s only sleepover. However, after what Kahako witnessed, she couldn’t muster any more courage to face her friend after just facing Tomo. You don’t just walk into a scene that nearly ended up a romp in the front lawn of a government building, and pretend it didn’t happen.

But that was far from Kahako’s mind when she banged on the apartment door. When it opened, Saeko would see an uncharacteristic glower in Kahako’s expression. “Saeko-chan, I really really hate to drop this in your lap, but I regret to introduce you to your long lost cousin, Santaru Kaze Kouin.” The Medical Sennin stepped out of the way so the two could get a full look at each other. “Kouin, this is Takaki Saeko, daughter to Santaru Rin, current head of the Santaru clan, and a dear friend of mine.” Kahako turned back to the woman, her frown still glowing. “Kouin needs a place to crash tonight. Long story short, he forced entry into our village, killed two ANBU, hospitalized two more, and—through a very controversial conversation I do not want to go over again right now—has been promoted to be the new ANBU Sennin. Obviously, he shouldn't be left alone, and I’m not leaving you alone with him, so can I use your phone to call home and check on Susumu?”

Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

They both made way from the library to the residential area of the district, and by foot no less. The fast approach would clearly dictate rooftop travel, but he surmised, and assumed Kahako did as well, but travel by foot would be much safer by foot, and less suspicious overall. Also his acceptance to the village would be shrouded till Akira had made an official announcement the next day. He kept his head down and his voice scarce, he couldn't risk being found out, and she couldn't risk being spotted with him. Luckily being silent and covert fell into his line of expertise.

They climbed abroad the trolley; it was dim inside, and rather simple inside for the most part. His watchful eyes kept to the outside window mostly, watching for any potential ambush. He expected a long, quiet ride, and then his untimely death; he was already wrong on one account. Kahako was the first to break the silence, and it was that point he was dealing with yet another Shinrya, and he rubbed his eyes; how many of these would he encounter in such a short span of time? She spoke of the legitimate reasons for him to be avoiding the barracks and a public inn, I can see how both of those options would be quite untimely.... Her next words came to a surprise to Kouin... The current head of the Santaru... He had dreams of this day, but he never thought he would; the knowledge and wisdom that could be bestowed would be phenomenal. Though Kouin could already feel the disappointment reign down on him, he had sullied their names, just like Kahako had said. He had shown a great gift, and a great terror by entering in.

He showed that the strength of the Santaru does run strong through his blood, and even so that great power comes with responsibility, but Kouin had neglected that responsibility, and his victims, no... His allies knew that to. He bit his tongue as he listened to Kahako speak, he had no room to speak at all. Nothing he could say would alleviate the situation, but he couldn't sit in silence.. You're right; this gift you so call it; I don't know why I even have it... I'm not even a pure blood. I shouldn't even call myself one, but I will redeem a name that I have sullied, so I can one day... One day maybe, call myself a true Santaru. His clan had many roots tied to Kumogakure; they had built the very foundation of the village. His father had told him of the mighty Santaru Rin, could someone as Kouin really be related to someone of greatness? He shook his head, Of course not....

They departed the trolley, and began down another quiet street, they both decided to keep to themselves this time. They began walking up a set stairs, and Kahako again, broke the silence, I have no intention of causing violence inside the walls, unless an assailant deems it required. Would all he be known for was chaos and mayhem? No. He wouldn't die with such a sullied name. He would pull it from the abyss, and make it something respectable again, and name that can be revered.

As the door opened he held his head high, but he remained silent. He held no right to speak to the head of his clan, he bowed his head in respect, and allowed Kahako to handle all the introductions. Hello, Takaki-sama. He gave no opening for interjection. What was he to say to someone born into greatness? Someone who hadn't tarnished a great name a day of her life? He was a peasant, and she was the Queen.

Kahako left nothing out; except for the discussion bit, that would be a bit lengthy to get into. But she made nothing hidden of his exploits; his force entry into the village, the multiple assaults, and two homicides, he already knew this night was going to be a long one for him, but could he truly survive a night in here, rather than the secrecy of the forest? No, he had escaped in the forest. They would have added security there just so he couldn't hide; it appeared she was his only option in any case. I apologies.... Takaki-sama...
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

Kahako knocks on my door right as I’m in the middle of pretending I’m the lead singer of the Genki Rockets and belting out their top hits into a piece of pepperoni-salad umaibo-turned imaginary microphone.

Heavenly staaaaaaaaaaars aboooooove
Just believe what’s in your heeeeeaaaarrt
No border betweeeeen us
I can always feel you insiiiiiiiide
Whereveer weeeeee aaaaaaaaaare

…the lyrics are dreck, aren’t they? But you can slap my ass and screw my boyfriend silly if you don’t think the song’s catchy as hell and the singer’s super cute. And just for that special dose of added crapulence, I’m doing this all while wearing one of Tomo’s embarrassing anime tees (the one with “Kawaii in the Streets, Senpai in the Sheets” in big block letters), two-sizes-too-small boxers, and those heavy rubber kitchen gloves that look like they might belong in a proctologist’s office. Basically, I’m in a hog-heaven of procrastination and self-indulgence. Loving it all, of course.

When I hear the knocking, for some reason I think it’s Tomo and bound over to the door with unmerited glee. I haven’t seen him for a while, not since he went over on another escort mission for some random art bitch. I think her name was Ureteiru or something? It’s not important. What’s important is that I need him to actually clean the place while I continue to goof off and down weirdly-flavored snacks. I open the door and lean out with my best duck-lips, and almost smooch Kahako full on the face.

Oh. Fuck. Someone definitely shat in her coat and pissed in her milk, from the way she glowers. I let out a yelp and skitter back.

“Kahako! I mean, Shinrya-sama! I didn’t do it! I swear to Jesus Saito I didn’t steal your last umaibo even though you told me it was the only thing you could look forward to after being on call for the last three days. I was definitely framed for this horrible crime! It was…it was…”

Now I spy the man standing sullen and dejected next to her. A flash of recognition shoots through my addled brain. I point a finger at him.

“It was him! It was all that guy! He’s a missing, after all! They’ll steal anything that isn’t bolted down, and I bet you he’s fingered your husbando’s behind when he wasn’t looking!”

Sorry, bro, but as a missing you’re used to the scorn, right?

Kahako either isn’t in the mood to listen, or just instantly sees through all my lies, because she gets straight down to business. Like my late father, Kahako’s kind of a talker. Before I can catch my breath, she’s crammed my head with information so controversial that a leak could jeopardize the village’s stability and lead to outright civil war.

Only thing I can croak out is a feeble “wat?”

But on the plus side, it seems like she’s actually interested in that sleepover we were about to have after the ball, and which we never actually had because Tomo made me need to take a cold shower. Actually, I just wore out the batteries on my Rabbit that night, but taking a cold shower has a kind of hard-edged mystique to it, you know?

“Y-yeah! C-come on in! Phone’s in the hallway. H-how’s babby? Hell, is he even a baby anymore? You know how weird our time scaling is in shinobi-land.” My eyes dart to the missing—apparently a Sennin now—and I quickly whisper in her ear. “Are you for real? Homeboy sworded our village up, and Saito made him a godrotting Sennin? What happened to Nobs? Not that I liked Nobs. Actually, he was a Grade-A Asshole, but…”

Aw shit, the dude’s staring at me.

“Uh…hi. I’m Saeko. I’m a chuunin n’stuff. If you need to piss, go down the hall. If you want a beer or something, I have Millet Lite in the fridge. Don’t take the Perrieru, please. That’s my boyfriend’s. Sorry, my place is kinda small. Yumers doesn’t pay us much, so don’t expect like, some sort of sex bathroom.”
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

He was taken a back slightly; he was greeted with playful scorn, rather than unrelenting fury; such an odd character this Saeko was. He raised his brow in curiosity, Umaibo? I surely didn't take any Umaibo... At least I don't recall. Though the character's last remark was what shocked him the most, Hey hey hey.... I surely didn't finger any "husbando's behind", maybe you did, huuuuuuuuh? He pointed at Saeko, and demonstrated the motion by forming a circle with on hand, and sticking his index finger repeatedly through the hole, Was it like that when you did it Saeko-sama? He couldn't help but chuckle as he did it, wiping a single tear from his eye.

He watched carefully as Saeko leaned into Kahako, and began mumbling, Something about homeboy? What the f... He shook his head in mild dismay, he started to think back to when he first entered; the fight with his predecessor, Nobuyuki. He sighed to himself, She was there during that fight.... Though if she was there, why didn't she do anything help the sennin? What was more important than defending a fellow shinobi? But the past was the past, and their was no sense dwelling on that single instant.

He watched vacantly as Kahako walked down the hall to make the supposed phone call.

The current head of the Santaru Clan was only a chuunin? The thought was interesting, maybe she was content with her position, and didn't feel like advancing, tis some people's fancy. He shook his hand in modest denial of the beer, I'm Santaru Kaze Kouin, a pleasure. And I will sadly decline on the beer, though if you have something strong, that suits my fancy much more.
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

Kahako’s got a lot of her mind, so I understand when she doesn’t deign to humor my babbling. Unlike me, she’s got actual grown-up-woman-type responsibilities: a not-so-dependable man, egotistical coworkers, overdue school projects, and kittens with skin infections. I, on the other hand, am perfectly content to roll around in cloying filth when I’m not plunging steel into tentacle-festooned abominations trying to relive their salad days at Sigma Chi. So while my lovely Kahako goes to make sure her kid isn’t sitting at home chugging from a giant glowing bottle labeled “POISON” on it, that leaves me with none other than the new arrival.

First of all, I can see why he’s ended up as a missing nin: he’s kind of a dick. Who turns down a bro-like offer of beer and immediately demands the hard stuff? Does he think he’s some sort of dashing Man-Going-His-Own-Way motherfucker who can magic-trick his way into ten tons of pussy and ass?

“But of course, Monsieur,” I snark. “We have only the finest selection of single-malt whisky here in Chez Shitty Apartment. Can I start you off with the Macallan 36-year or are you more of a Pappy Van Winkle kind of man?” I put my hands on my hips. “There’s some Cuervo next to the fridge. Not sure how old it is. Don’t touch the Alize or the Hypnotiq. That’s my man’s girly-ass stash. Can you believe he doesn’t like the taste of booze? Once I totally did that thing where you keep your thighs really tight together and pour a shot right over your no-no square, and instead of shoving his face in like he’s just walked ten klicks in the desert he gets me a towel. I was like ‘son I am disappoint.’”

I fix an eye on him. “So you’re the new Anboo chief, huh? Talk about Lobster Dinner. Hell, I guess if I want a promotion I should go and actually fingerbang old Yumers. Death by Unga-Bunga! But I’m fine with where I am, since it means I get to see everyone’s taxes. Speaking of which, when you’ve actually got your own place we need to meet at my work and set up your taxes. As a Sennin you’re looking at about half your income going to The Man. You’re also expected to pay for the open bar at the ANBU Christmas party. I went once, you know, with my father when he was Vice Commander. I never saw so many grown men and women openly sobbing while double-fisting highballs of Everclear. You, uh, hungry?”
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

Kouin could hear the snarky, sarcastic tone in Saeko's voice. Had he offended her with his denial of beer, did he reek of some bad body odor? He took a quick whiff of himself, but he couldn't smell anything repulsive; maybe it was him constantly called her sama. Who could tell what the issue was, maybe it was just about the beer, but Kouin had a thing against hops, the taste didn't sit well in his mouth. He listen as Saeko listed the various assortment of top shelf liquor, and let out a light chuckle, A millet lite will be fine.

Kouin took a step back, What kind of crazy things does this chick do.... Though Kouin would be disappoint too, why wouldn't you take the opportunity at the "no-no square" but instead grab a towel of all things? He shook his head in minor dismay, I am disappoint too. Kids these days don't know when something delicious is sitting right in front of them.

The two locked eyes, a mystique of silence filled the void for a mere moment until Saeko began to speak again. He raised a modest brow at the expense of his taxes, Fifty percent??!?! That seems a little outrageous. You sure you aren't drunk already and meant five percent? He shook Saeko by the shoulders, and feigned tears for added effect. Though he didn't know anbu got a Christmas Party, who knew? He was quite intrigued to see what a group of rowdy Anbu all drunk off everclear would look like.... Probably very dangerous.

He walked towards the fridge and peered inside; he saw the aforementioned "Millet Lite", he grabbed two, potentially expecting Saeko wanting one as well. He tossed the can towards Saeko, and cracked his open while taking a big gulp, and letting out a loud belch like a true bro-tato. He wiped the fizz from his upper lip, Hungry? I mean... I guess, I haven't eaten in a day or two actually.... You know, running around the village, hiding from authorities and such... He was curious what type of cuisine Saeko could whip up, but he had to be cautious of it.... It could be Shocking
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

"I meant exactly what I said, you Doof! Fifty percent! Five followed by zero! Zero like your chances of gettin' laid, you dense neutron star harem main character! Now get me a beer and stop whining about paying your taxes." I point an accusatory finger at him and channel the spirit of my dead, hateful mother. "Do you know what happens when people don't pay to support government spending on social programs? You get carjacked! The roads fall apart and you can't get to work or school on time! Then when you call the ANBU to report that you got held up they'll connect you to Officer I Don't Give a Shit and you'll be out like fifty tax-free yen or whatever shitty wage you make because your employer don't gotta answer to no gub'mint!"

Despite all of my hipster-vogue hatred of the current regime, I am the chief tax-bitch of the village. If called upon to make a defense of Akira Saito's sticky fingers in your wallet, then I will do so without hesitation, reserve, or eloquence. Besides, it's kinda fun to look at people's receipts and know that they just dropped an entire month's wages on nothing but soda pop, cup ramen, and anime women's clothing altered to fit men. Whatever floats your boat, eh?

I grudgingly accept a beer from The Doof--this is the new name I've given the ANBU Sennin, and far better than edgelord bullshit like 'Lord of Murder' or 'The Crimson Shroud' or whatever other titles they've gotten over the years--and take a sip. Just to be extra annoying, I let out the high-pitched squeal-scream of approval that those two-dimensional women in cartoons do whenever they taste alcohol. "Yaaaaaaaaaah!"

I wave my hand in front of my nostrils. "Ew. Keep your odors to yourself, Doof. And no, before you ask, I ain't cooking for you. It's way late and I've already had dinner. There's leftover takeout in the fridge. I'll deign to let you have it. If you happen to be allergic to peanuts and gluten, then tough." I crane my head down the hallway. "Kahako-sama!" I yell. What's taking so long? Hope her kid's okay. In the meantime, I plop on the couch.

"So, Doof. I gotta ask: why'd you come here, anyway? Were you trying to seduce the legendary Bride of Shinbatsu? If so, were you disappointed to learn that the Bride is a three-hundred-kilo two-meter-tall dude covered with scars and bulging muscles? Or were you, like, hoping to upset the system and spread dangerous new ideas to the masses? If so you're way late. That plot arc ended a while ago and had a much cooler antagonist than you. Man, I kinda feel bad for you. Going through all this trouble just to end up homeless and saddled with debt."
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

Kouin fell to the ground in exasperated shock; fifty whole percent? Yikes, yet such a steep tax must mean a fair successful and thriving infrastructure with plenty of citizen benefits which he can now reap the rewards of being. Or downside in some cases, he had a nagging feeling that the christmas party will be the most expensive one yet just so everyone can be a pain in his side, but he'd have the last laugh, he would just get a bunch of the cheap stuff for people like Shashu.... Screw that girl. Saeko went on some tangent about carjacking or some shit, but Kouin didn't comprehend, What are these bloody cars you're talking about Saeko? Are you one hundred percent sure you aren't drunk? Cause that sounds like some drunken madness if I ever did hear any. Whatever these car objects were, if they even existed confused Kouin to no end. Was it a vital necessity? He felt he would never know.

He shook his head in mild despair; he supposed losing fifty percent of his payment was more than enough for the repentance he was given. After all he was also given the sennin position, which was the second best paying job; right next to the Raikage, who gets all these shit load of taxes from his shinobi, what a boss gig it was. Though it didn't come without its downside. Their were sleepless nights, endless paperwork, continuous ordering around of your subordinates, it was truly a stressful job.

Kouin raised a furrow brow at Saeko, who just let out a scream that sounded like she was some naked teenager in some cliche horror film, and see the main villain and let out an ear piercing scream, and make a terrible attempt at running away. Ok, maybe not that bad.... But it was pretty freaking load. Kouin takes a step backwards, and throws his hands up in defense, It wasn't me! I'll bet you like two things it was Kahako! Kouin pointed an accusatory finger down the hall Kahako went down. He chuckled to himself a bit, he really didn't care what it was he ate; how could he expect a safe cooked meal anyway? That is perfectly fine; I wouldn't expect anything substantial at this hour anyways.

He let out a disgruntled sigh of stress; his reasons behind everything were selfish and arrogant. He wasn't even quite sure how he wanted to answer. I'm originally from Kirigakure, but my father is a Kumo-nin. I came here with a sense of false resentment, and acted like a child. He swallowed another sip of the beer in hand, and scratched the side of his head in contemplation. I suppose I'm here now for maybe two solid reasons. The first is obviously the chance of redemption for my misdeeds, and after that a reason to keep fighting. He took in a deep breath, and looked up, as if to see the sky right above him. After losing my entire home to some ridiculously lame plot line; I had lost everything to even fight for. So the village however much they wish to kill me, it gives me strength to go on.
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

It's actually an ordeal to contain my laughter at Kouin's confession of why he's really here. I mean, he's already proven how unstable and dangerous he can be when provoked--killing two ANBU Captain-level NPCs is a great way to showcase that--and the last thing I need to do is provoke another battle, especially with Kahako blissfully chatting on the phone with her infant son. She's actually been away for quite a while. I bet she's making goo-goo noises into the phone for the kid. God, I wish I could be that lovely of a person. I can't decide if I'd want Kahako as my mother or my lover. No, I can't have both because that's kinda eeew even for me. I'll never be a saint like she is, which is evidenced by the fact that I start cracking the hell up at Kouin.

"Pfft! Redemption? A reason to keep fighting? What are you, some kind of shounenshit series main character? I bet the next thing you're tell me is that you're gonna win acceptance with the power of friendship!" I clap him on the arm to show that I'm not being malicious. Well, not totally malicious. "Oh dude, you're cool in my book. I actually feared that you'd just be this spergy psycho killer, but now I can see you're totally harmless. And, I mean, that routine would totally work on some of the chicks I know. They go noodle-legged for the earnest sorts like you. You know the type."

I pose dramatically and point at Kouin with all the conviction I can muster. "Just because you're correct, doesn't mean you're right!"

I can't maintain the shounen hero pose any longer and wobble around. "But, anyway, since I'm apparently wasted enough to mention cars, I'll propose something else. Sleeping under a bridge is gonna get you shanked, and sleeping in the Sileo Tempestas is gonna get you raped. So you should crash here at my place until you get back on your feet and can afford your own shitty hovel. We can be roommates for a little while, just don't tell the landlady. And I want you out of here as soon as possible, so I won't even force you to pay rent. Just clean up your messes, don't cover the toilet seat with piss, and I'd better not hear you beating off, especially if my boyfriend and I are doin' it."

I extend my hand. "So, you in?"

[Probably a good place to end?]
Re: You Promised Me a Sleepover...I Promised Him Some Feels.

Kouin could see the clear difficulty of containing something within her. He wasn't sure if he was being mocked, or she just thought of a really funny joke and had just decided not to share it with him, Dick move bruh.... Kouin rubbed the bridge of his nose to gather his thought. The power of friendship wouldnt win over the people of the village, the only thing they would realize was actual effort, and dedication to the cause; whatever that might be. What was the point of even trying to defend himself when even the head of his clan was on the verge of laughter in his face? He let out a distressing sigh of slight anguish.

He eyed Saeko funnily, "If I wanted to win them over using the power of friendship I should just be hung now, cause that seems highly unlikely." He pointed down the hall Kahako went down, "The only reason she hasn't slit my throat was cause Akira said not to. Ayumu only didn't chop my head off cause my dodge stat is higher than his accuracy stat; I'm still here all due to sheer, dumb luck. Nothing more, nothing less." He felt the clap on his arm, and raised a slight brow. Kouin couldn't get an exact bead on this women, she was practically all over the place; one moment she seemed serious, next she was josh'in him. Kouin laughed a bit when Saeko said he was totally harmless, "I wouldn't use such phrasing lightly; I am just as much a Santaru as you. You should know the storms we can bring forth." He glared menacing into Saeko's eyes, and then gave her a hearty clap on the back, "Jk~"

He clapped in astonishment as Saeko mustered tremendous amounts of conviction to pull off an impressive pose, "Not bad man."

He listened carefully as Saeko made an humble proposal, one that seemed to be in his best interest, and for his general safety. The reasons she stated were the exact same reasons why Kahako brought him here in the first place, and he nodded in agreement to them all. "Yea.... The anbu kinda want me dead right now.... Hopefully this blows over, but till then.... I would greatly appreciate that." He decided to ignore the last little quips, as those seemed like sheer jests, but he had no intention of doing any of that anyway.

His hand connected with Saeko's, and shook, "Sounds electrifying."

[Topic Left. May our room mate shenanigans continue another thread]

Current Ninpocho Time:
