Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

You Think It Does What Now? [Mission]


Well-Known Ninja
Apr 1, 2015
Osu wondered if he had the right address because he had some difficulty believing that the pet rock's owner lived in the mansion before him, and then he noticed the marble statue of Roxanne in the center of a fountain and knew he was exactly where he really did not want to be. He then wondered if he had angered someone in the mission assignment department to keep having to deal with this rock thing. He closed his eyes and nodded twice before walking forward. This was a mission that had been entrusted to him. As Osu approached the door, he heard the sound of fluttering wings behind him. He turned to discover the same bird that had caused him trouble the previous time he had to deal with Roxanne was sitting on the marble statue staring at him. Before he really had time to react the door swung open and he was pulled inside. The woman who had a vice grip on his arm appeared to be in her older twenties with white hair and crazy eyes. "Welcome, welcome," she said pulling him further into the mansion at a brisk pace. "You must be the young man who rescued little Roxanne when she ran off, hurry up now dear." Osu struggled to keep his small polite smile as his concern over the woman's sanity grew.

"Yes mam I found your... Roxanne for you." She pulled him into a massive room that only held two chairs, a podium and a fireplace.

"Don't be so modest deary, Roxanne told me all about how you fought off Professor Doommeister when he tried to kidnap her. That feathered fiend has always been after her powers on behalf of his dark master."

The longer this conversation went on the more questions Osu had that he did not want answered. How did she know about the thing with the bird, why did she think it had something to do we some crazy dark lord, why was she checking his teeth as if he were a horse. "Cahn I halp ew?" Osu struggled to ask as she pulled his mouth open at the corners to take a peek inside.

"Oh I am just checking the signs to see if you are the one." Surprisingly, this did not alleviate any of Osu's concerns. What did the odd woman mean by signs? He was relieved when she finally was done playing with his face. She walked over to the podium where he noticed Roxanne wearing... evening wear? Who had evening wear for a pet rock? "You see young Koji Osuteno it is your destiny to prevent the forces of darkness from gaining control of Roxanne's powers. You will fight many creatures of the darkness in your quest, trial after trial will pull the two of you closer as the years pass. This happens each time the two of you are reincarnated." The woman began going off about the wedding he would apparently have with the rock and Osu decided it was time for him to leave before he got too mixed up with this woman.

He quietly left as she was going off on some insane monologue involving something about the child of blood and the path of chaos he would follow but tuned her out as much as he could as he ran upon making it out to the hallway. When he exited the main doors he noticed the entire courtyard was covered with a variety of birds as the one he recognized was still on the statue in the middle of the fountain. Still a bit weirded out by the pet rock's owner Osu was a bit flighty and he continued running as the bird kept on staring at him.

[Mission Failed: Left early. WC: 624]

Current Ninpocho Time:
